<img src="img/banner.png">
//A Mirror's Curse// is a transgender transformation game created in Twine using the Sugarcube format. In this story-driven adventure, you step into the shoes of Ethan Yoon, an ordinary high school senior enjoying a seemingly typical life. Everything changes when visiting the Autumn Festival with friends takes a strange turn. There, $name encounters Madame Serena, a mysterious seer who curses him after he secretly records their conversation. Her cryptic warning, that the mirror will shift every time he acts on something he cannot see, reveals its true meaning as Ethan begins to transform. He physically becomes more feminine with every traditionally feminine action he takes.
In //A Mirror's Curse// you'll navigate the complexities of magic, impress your teachers, and experience personal growth as you journey through your senior year. Your choices shape your story, allowing you to focus on academics, friendships, romance, and more. Explore six unique romance options, for clubs, five potential routes for the future, and three paths for Ethan's identity. Will you resist the changes and cling to your identity, or will you embrace your transformation and uncover a new version of yourself reflected in the mirror?
Click ''begin'' to start your journey if you're over the age of 18, or ''exit'' if you're a minor.
<<button "Begin" "Intro 1">><</button>>
<<button "Exit" "Minor">><</button>>!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. //emphasised text//. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. ''strong text''. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. __underlined text__ Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text. Normal text.
!!!Unordered List:
* List item 1
* List item 2
[[More Styles]]
[[More Styles]]
<<button "Button" "More Styles">><</button>><head>
<link href="./assets/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="main">
<<link "Load Game">><<run UI.saves();>><</link>>
<div class="story-banner">
<div class="content">
<!-- ICON -->
<img src="img/logo.png" width="100%">
<h3 class="story-author">By <a href="#"></a>amaty</h3>
<<link "New Game" "AMC">><</link>>
<<link "Settings">><<run UI.settings();>><</link>>
<div class="credit">✦ Version 0.18 ✦</div>!!! Checkbox:
<<checkbox "$checkboxVar1" false true autocheck>> Checkbox option 1
<<checkbox "$checkboxVar2" false true autocheck>> Checkbox option 2
<<checkbox "$checkboxVar3" false true autocheck>> Checkbox option 3
!!! Cycle:
<<cycle "$cycleVar" autoselect>>
<<option "Option 1">>
<<option "Option 2">>
<<option "Option 3">>
<<option "Option 4">>
<<option "Option 5">>
!!! Listbox:
<<listbox "$listboxVar" autoselect>>
<<option "Option 1">>
<<option "Option 2">>
<<option "Option 3">>
<<option "Option 4">>
<<option "Option 5">>
!!! Radiobutton:
<<radiobutton "$radiobuttonVar" "option 1" autocheck>> Option 1
<<radiobutton "$radiobuttonVar" "option 2" autocheck>> Option 2
<<radiobutton "$radiobuttonVar" "option 3" autocheck>> Option 3
!!! Textarea:
<<textarea "$textareaVar" "Type text here..">>
!!! Textbox:
<<textbox "$textboxVar" "Type answer here">>// FOR SETTING STATS THAT NEED TO BE IN PLAY AT THE START OF THE STORY
<<set $ver = 0.18>>
<<set $name = "Ethan">>
<<set $lastname = "Yoon">>
<<set $money = 50>>
<<set $femininity = 0>>
<<set $masculinity = 100>>
<<set $maleattraction = 0>>
<<set $femaleattraction = 100>>
<<set $shy = 50>>
<<set $confident = 50>>
<<set $sarcastic = 50>>
<<set $genuine = 50>>
<<set $transgender = 0>>
<<set $cisgender = 100>>
<<set $acceptance = 0>>
<<set $resistance = 100>>
<<set $study = 75>>
<<set $athleticism = 50>>
<<set $social = 50>>
<<set $popularity = 30>>
<<set $magic = 0>>
<<set $cheerleading = 0>>
<<set $theater = 0>>
<<set $art = 0>>
<<set $lukeRelo = 75>>
<<set $samanthaRelo = 75>>
<<set $jessicaRelo = 20>>
<<set $vincentRelo = 20>>
<<set $auroraRelo = 20>>
<<set $jordanRelo = 0>>
<<set $serenaRelo = 0>>
<<set $lilyRelo = 30>>
<<set $momRelo = 80>>
<<set $dadRelo = 20>>
<<set $lukeRomance = 0>>
<<set $samanthaRomance = 0>>
<<set $jessicaRomance = 0>>
<<set $vincentRomance = 0>>
<<set $auroraRomance = 0>>
<<set $jordanRomance = 0>>
<<set $femineChanges = 0>>
<<set $feminineLooks = 0>>
<<set $eyesProg = 0>>
<<set $noseProg = false>>
<<set $lipsProg = 0>>
<<set $foreheadProg = false>>
<<set $jawlineProg = 0>>
<<set $bodyhairProg = true>>
<<set $hairProg = 0>>
<<set $skinProg = 0>>
<<set $heightProg = 0>>
<<set $breastsProg = 0>>
<<set $waistProg = 0>>
<<set $handsProg = 0>>
<<set $armsProg = 0>>
<<set $genitalsProg = 0>>
<<set $hipsProg = 0>>
<<set $legsProg = 0>>
<<set $buttProg = 0>>
<<set $feetProg = 0>>
<<set $thighsProg = 0>>
<<set $voiceProg = 0>>
<<set $hairaccessory = 0>>
<<set $glasses = false>>
<<set $top = 0>>
<<set $pants = 0>>
<<set $leggings = 0>>
<<set $socks = 0>>
<<set $shoes = 0>>
<<set $hairStyle = 0>>
<<set $hairtie = 0>>
<<set $bind to false>>
<<set $piercedears = false>>
<<set $earrings = 0>><header>
<div class="decoration-i">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-ii">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-iii">✦</div>
<div class="decoration-v">✦</div>
<div id="header-top">
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</div> <!-- header body end tag -->
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<span id="backwards-button"><i class="fas fa-chevron-left"></i></span>
<span id="forwards-button"><i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i></span>
</footer><h1>Writing Credits</h1>
As the main game developer, I do all of the writing for this game.
Main Writer - [[@amaty|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]]
<h1>Art Credits</h1>
These are all the artists who have worked hard to make this game look visually appealing. All these artists are extremely talented and have put in a lot of work and effort to make this game look amazing. Some of these artists are not included in the game yet, but I've included them here in advance! All these artists were fairly compensated for commercial use.
Ethan's Paperdoll - [[@MarkBanana26|https://linktr.ee/MarkBanana26]]
Main SFW CG Artist - [[@Cele|https://ikusabamukuro.tumblr.com/]]
Main NSFW CG Artist - [[@Hyuji|https://x.com/Hyuji_0w0]]
<h2>Background Art</h2>
Primary Background Artist - [[@TakenShin.art.|https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=56747]]
Secondary Background Artist - [[@QS2345|https://x.com/QS2435]]
<h2>Logo, Banners, and Graphics</h2>
Logo Artist - [[@Emikohana|https://x.com/hanaemiko99]]
Game Banner - [[@Rika Anillu|https://bsky.app/profile/rika-anillu.bsky.social]]
Patreon Chibi - [[@깐초|https://artmug.kr/index.php?channel=view&uid=5450]]
Patreon Profile Picture - [[@nuuullul|https://artmug.kr/index.php?channel=view&uid=43084]]
Wallpaper - [[@noboyuki26|https://x.com/noboyuki26]]
Donation for Hips - @Nightwhisper
Thread Creek Enthusiast - @BeKindReWind
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;"><<back>></span><h1>Gallery</h1>\
This is a collection of all the cutscene graphics in this game.
<div class = "gallery">\
<h2>Samantha Meeting</h2>
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/samanthaMeeting/samanthaMeetingbase.png">
<h2>Jessica Meeting</h2>
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingbase.png">
<<if $jessicaCGhair is 2>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingmhair.png">
<<elseif $jessicaCGhair is 3>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetinglhair.png">
<<if $jessicaCGeyes is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingmeyes.png">
<<elseif $jessicaCGeyes is 2 or $ajessicaCGeyes is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingleyes.png">
<h2>Aurora Meeting</h2>
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingbase.png">
<<if $auroraCGhair is 2>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingmhair.png">
<<elseif $auroraCGhair is 3>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetinglhair.png">
<<if $auroraCGeyes is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingmeyes.png">
<<elseif $auroraCGeyes is 2 or $auroraCGeyes is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingleyes.png">
<h2>Dream Meeting</h2>
<img src = "img/CGs/forestDream/forestDream.png">
<<if $adultPref > 1>>\
<h2>First Masturbation Session</h2>
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;"><<back>></span><head>
<link href="./assets/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet">
<a href="https://discord.gg/amaty" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-discord"></i></a>
<a href="https://patreon.com/amaty" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-patreon"></i></a>
<a href="https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></a>
<a href="https://patreon.com/amaty" target="_blank"><i class="fas fa-hand-holding-heart"></i></a><<if $day > 10>>
<<set $cheerleading to ($csquadbond + $cpresence + $cprecision + $cstamina)/4>>
<<set $art to ($alinework + $ashading + $acomposition + $acolortheory)/4>>
<<set $magic to ($mmana + $mspellcraft + $mritual + $mstamina)/4>>
<<set $theater to ($tpresence + $tdelivery + $tmovement + $timmersion)/4>>
<div class="box header">
<h1>$name $lastname</h1>
<span class="star">✦</span>
<ul class="facts">
<li>Attracted to ♀</li>
<li>$money USD</li>
<<if ($day % 7) is 0>>
<<elseif ($day % 7) is 6>>
<<elseif ($day % 7) is 5>>
<<elseif ($day % 7) is 4>>
<<elseif ($day % 7) is 3>>
<<elseif ($day % 7) is 2>>
Day $day
<div class="box">
<<if $feminineLooks > 79>>
You look like a feminine girl and
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 59>>
You look like a tomboyish girl and
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>
You look like an androgynous person and
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>
You look like a feminine guy and
You look like a normal guy and
think of yourself as a guy.
<div class="box">
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Femininity $femininity%</span>
<span>Masculinity $masculinity%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "femvmasc-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Likes ♂ $maleattraction%</span>
<span>Likes ♀ $femaleattraction%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "malevfemale-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Sarcastic $sarcastic%</span>
<span>Genuine $genuine%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "sarcasticvgenuine-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Shy $shy%</span>
<span>Confident $confident%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "shyvconfident-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Transgender $transgender%</span>
<span>Cisgender $cisgender%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "transvcis-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Acceptance $acceptance%</span>
<span>Resistance $resistance%</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "acceptvsresist-stat" style = "width: 100%"></div>
<div class="box">
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "study-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "athleticism-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "social-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "popularity-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "magic-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "cheerleading-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "theater-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "art-stat"></div>
<<if $day > 10>>
<div class="wrap-collabsible">
<input id="collapsible" class="toggle" type="checkbox">
<label for="collapsible" class="lbl-toggle">Expand Magic</label>
<div class="collapsible-content">
<div class="content-inner">
<div class="box">
<h3>Magic Route Stats</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Mana Control</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "mmana-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "mspellcraft-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Ritual Knowledge</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "mritual-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Mystical Stamina</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "mstamina-stat"></div>
<div class="wrap-collabsible">
<input id="collapsible1" class="toggle" type="checkbox">
<label for="collapsible1" class="lbl-toggle">Expand Cheerleading</label>
<div class="collapsible-content">
<div class="content-inner">
<div class="box">
<h3>Cheerleading Route Stats</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Squad Bond</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "csquadbond-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "cpresence-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "cprecision-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "cstamina-stat"></div>
<div class="wrap-collabsible">
<input id="collapsible2" class="toggle" type="checkbox">
<label for="collapsible2" class="lbl-toggle">Expand Theater</label>
<div class="collapsible-content">
<div class="content-inner">
<div class="box">
<h3>Theater Route Stats</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Stage Presence</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "tpresence-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Line Delivery</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "tdelivery-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "tmovement-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "timmersion-stat"></div>
<div class="wrap-collabsible">
<input id="collapsible3" class="toggle" type="checkbox">
<label for="collapsible3" class="lbl-toggle">Expand Art</label>
<div class="collapsible-content">
<div class="content-inner">
<div class="box">
<h3>Art Route Stats</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "alinework-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "ashading-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "acomposition-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Color Theory</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "acolortheory-stat"></div>
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;"><<back>></span><div class="box">
<h3>School Peers</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "luke-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "samantha-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "jessica-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "vincent-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "aurora-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "jordan-stat"></div>
<div class="box">
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<span>Madame Serena</span>
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "serena-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "lily-stat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "mom-stat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "dad-stat"></div>
<div class="box">
<h3>Romantic Interest</h3>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "luke-rstat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "samantha-rstat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "jessica-rstat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "vincent-rstat"></div>
<div class="stat-group">
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "aurora-rstat"></div>
<div class="stat">
<div class="stat-labels">
<div class="stat-bar-container">
<div class="stat-bar" id = "jordan-rstat"></div>
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;"><<back>></span><<if $nude is undefined>>\
<<set $nude to false>>\
<<if $outfit is undefined>>\
<<set $outfit to 69>>\
<<if $feminineLooks > 79>>\
Overall, you look like a feminine girl.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 59>>\
Overall, you look like a tomboyish girl.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>\
Overall, you look androgynous.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>\
Overall, you look like a feminine male.
Overall, you look like a normal male.
<div class="paperdoll">
<<if $feminineLooks < 40>>\
<!-- Back Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 0 or $hairStyle is undefined>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Long.png">
<<elseif $hairStyle is 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Short.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Long.png">
<!-- Base Male -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/Ethan_M_BaseBody.png">
<!-- Base Hair Short -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Short.png">
<!-- Body Hair -->
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/bodyHair/Ethan_M_BaseBody_LegHair_Long.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/bodyHair/Ethan_M_NSFW_PubicHair.png">
<!-- Genitals -->
<<if $nude is true>>\
<<if $genitalsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Average.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Small.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Tiny.png">
<<if $nude is false>>\
<!-- Shoes -->
<<if $shoes is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/feet/Ethan_M_Feet_Shoes_Sneakers.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 69>>\
<!-- Pants -->
<<if $pants is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_Shorts.png">
<<elseif $pants is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans.png">
<<elseif $pants is 2>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_AthleticShorts.png">
<<elseif $pants is 3>>\
<<elseif $pants is 69>>\
<!-- Top -->
<<if $top is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_White.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_White.png">
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Flannel_Medium.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_AutumnSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_Cat.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 69>>\
<!-- PantsTucked -->
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_AutumnPants.png">
<!-- Base Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Ponytail.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Long.png">
<!-- Expression -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/face/Ethan_M_Face_Smile.png">
<!-- Eyes -->
<<if $eyesProg is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Small.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 1>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Medium.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Large.png">
<!-- Hair Accessories -->
<<if $hairtie is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_1.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_2.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_3.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_4.png">
<!-- Hairpin -->
<<if $hairaccessory is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_Violet.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_White.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_Red.png">
<<if $outfit is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/outfit/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_Cape.png">
<!-- Back Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 0 or $hairStyle is undefined>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Long.png">
<<elseif $hairStyle is 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Short.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Long.png">
<!-- Base Female -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/Ethan_F_BaseBody.png">
<!-- Base Hair Short -->
<<if $hairStyle is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Short.png">
<!-- Chest -->
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Base.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Small.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Base.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Medium.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Flat.png">
<!-- Hips -->
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_VeryLarge.png">
<!-- Body Hair -->
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/bodyHair/Ethan_F_BaseBody_LegHair_Long.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/bodyHair/Ethan_F_NSFW_PubicHair_Penis.png">
<!-- Genitals -->
<<if $nude is true or $pants is 69 and $outfit is 69>>\
<<if $genitalsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Average.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Small.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Tiny.png">
<<if $nude is false>>\
<!-- Shoes -->
<<if $shoes is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/feet/Ethan_F_Feet_Shoes_Sneakers.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/feet/Ethan_F_Feet_Shoes_Cheerleader.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 69>>\
<!-- Outfit -->
<<if $outfit is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/small/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/medium/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/large/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/veryLarge/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $outfit is 1>>
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/small/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/medium/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/large/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/veryLarge/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_VeryLarge.png">
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/outfit/Ethan_F_Outfit_GanyuCosplay_Outer.png">
<<elseif $outfit is 69>>\
<!-- Pants -->
<<if $pants is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 1>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 2>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 3>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 4>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 5>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 69>>\
<!-- Top -->
<<if $top is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Small.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Medium.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_VeryLarge.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Large.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTopCrop_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_AutumnSweaterT_Freesize.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_AutumnSweaterUT_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_CatShirt_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 8>>
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_CheerleaderTop_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 69>>\
<!-- PantsTucked -->
<!-- Chest -->
<<if $bind is false and $nude is false>>
<<if $top is 0>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Shirt.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Shirt.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Flannel.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Flannel.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_AutumnSweaterT.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_AutumnSweaterT.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_AutumnSweaterUT.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_AutumnSweaterUT.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_CatShirt.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_CatShirt.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 8>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_CheerleaderTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_CheerleaderTop.png">
<<elseif $outfit is 0>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_FloralDress.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_FloralDress.png">
<!-- Base Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Ponytail.png">
<<elseif $hairStyle is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Ganyu.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Long.png">
<!-- Expression -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/face/Ethan_F_Face_Smile.png">
<!-- Eyes -->
<<if $outfit is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Ganyu.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Small.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 1>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Medium.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Large.png">
<!-- Hairtie -->
<<if $hairStyle is 1>>\
<<if $hairtie is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_1.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_2.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_3.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 3.1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_3_Trans.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_4.png">
<!-- Hairpin -->
<<if $hairaccessory is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_Violet.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_White.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_Red.png">
<<if $nude is false>>\
<<button "Nude">>\<<set $nude to true>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $nude is true>>\
<<button "Clothed">>\<<set $nude to false>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $devMode is true>>\
<<button "Small Hips">>\<<set $hipsProg to 0>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Medium Hips">>\<<set $hipsProg to 1>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Large Hips">>\<<set $hipsProg to 2>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Very Large Hips">>\<<set $hipsProg to 3>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $jawlineProg is 0>>\
Your face's shape is quite square, with a jawline that is defined and boxy. \
<<elseif $jawlineProg is 1>>\
Your face's shape is not masculine, but not feminine either. It's just a little square, lacking the contours and roundness of a female jawline. \
<<elseif $jawlineProg is 2>>\
Your face's shape is a little feminine, without any firmness that was once there. \
<<elseif $jawlineProg is 3>>\
Your face's shape is feminine, your jaw making a gentle v-line. \
<<if $eyesProg is 0>>\
You have small brown eyes that are pretty sharp. \
<<elseif $eyesProg is 1>>\
You have medium sized eyes that are a little rounded. \
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2>>\
You have quite large eyes that are very round. \
<<elseif $eyesProg is 3>>\
You have very large eyes with double eyelids. \
<<if $noseProg is false>>\
Your nose is broad with a defined bridge, a pretty generic masculine nose. \
Your nose is sharp with a soft bridge, the perfect image of femininity. \
<<if $lipsProg is 0>>\
Your lips are quite thin and chapped, you should definitely take better care of them. \
<<elseif $lipsProg is 1>>\
Your lips are a little plump and soft. \
<<elseif $lipsProg is 2>>\
Your lips are very plump and soft. \
<<if $foreheadProg is false>>\
Your forehead is flat, with a defined brow that is very noticable. \
Your forehead is smooth and round, with no protruding brow. \
<<if $hairProg is 0>>\
Your hair is medium length for a guy. You don't take the best care of it, so it's a little rough and coarse. \
<<elseif $hairProg is 1>>\
Your hair is medium length for a guy. It's silky smooth and well taken care of. \
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
Your hair is quite long for a guy, but would be considered medium-length for a girl. Each individual strand is as smooth as threads of satin. \
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
Your hair is very long for a guy, and would be considered long for a girl as well. Each individual strand is as smooth as threads of satin and they reach down your back. \
<<if $piercedears is true>>\
Your ears are pierced.
Your ears aren't pierced.
<h2>Upper Body</h2>
<<if $armsProg is 0>>\
Your arms are broad and well-defined, each sculpted muscle reflecting a rugged, masculine strength. \
Your arms are slender and elegantly tapered, each subtle curve reflects a gentle, feminine grace. \
<<if $handsProg is 0>>\
Your hands are large and calloused, with thick fingers and rough edges. \
Your hands are slim and elegantly countourted. \
<<if $breastsProg is 0>>\
Your chest is as flat as an ironing board, a smooth plane unbroken by any swell. \
<<elseif $breastsProg is 1>>\
You chest is mostly flat, with the slight swell of breast buds and gently puffy nipples. \
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>\
Your small breasts gently curve outward, offering a soft hint of feminine contour. \
You have medium-sized breasts that offer a softly rounded shape, creating a feminine silhouette. \
<<if $waistProg is 0>>\
Your waist is straight and sturdy, reflecting a solid, masculine frame.
<<elseif $waistProg is 1>>\
Your gently countoured waist is neither sharply angular nor softly curvaceous.
You glance down at your slender waist, where a gentle inward curve makes it look undeniably feminine.
<h2>Lower Body</h2>
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
Straight and sturdy, your hips form an unwavering line that underscores their rugged, masculine shape. \
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
With subtle curves and moderate widfth, your hips rest comfortably between masculine solidity and feminine softness. \
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
Soft and curvaceous, your hips arch outward in a graceful line that accentuates their distinctly feminine shape. \
Soft and voluptuously wide, your super feminine hips create a pronounced shape. \
<<if $thighsProg is 0 or $thighsProg is undefined>>\
Your thighs are thick and masculine, exuding a solid strength. \
<<elseif $thighsProg is 1>>\
Your thighs are slightly toned yet gently contoured, offering a balanced appearance. \
<<elseif $thighsProg is 2>>\
Your thighs are soft and shapely, flowing in smooth curves that accentuate their gentle, feminine form. \
<<if $legsProg is 0>>\
Your legs are sturdy, exhibiting a straightforward strength. \
<<elseif $legsProg is 1>>\
Your legs are slightly toned and gently contoured. \
Your legs are softly rounded and gracefully curved, tapering gently at the ankles. \
<<if $buttProg is 0>>\
Your butt is firm and slightly broad, lending a straightforward shape. \
<<elseif $buttProg is 1>>\
Neither too flat nor overtly rounded, your butt maintains a moderate shape. \
<<elseif $buttProg is 2>>\
Smooth and gently rounded, your butt is feminine and creates a softly curving silhouette. \
Your butt is plump and generously cuved, your super feminine butt forming a full, heart-shaped silhouette. \
<<if $feetProg is 0>>\
Sturdy and slightly broad, your masculine feet feature a robust shape that conveys strength and stable support.
Slender, softly arched, and gracefully proportioned, your feminine feet carry a delicate elegance in every gentle step.
<<if $genitalsProg is 0>>\
Your penis is of an average size, being of moderate length and girth. It's about six inches long.
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 1>>\
Your penis is slim and modest in both length and girth. It's about four inches long.
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 2>>\
Your penis is extremely petite in length and girth. It's only two inches long.
Your vagina has softly parted folds and a discreet opening.
<<if $hairaccessory is 0>>\
You don't have any accessories on your hair. \
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 1 or $hairaccessory is 2 or $hairaccessory is 3>>\
You have a hairpin holding back your bangs. \
<<if $hairtie is 1>>\
Your black hair is tied back with a simple elastic band. \
<<elseif $hairtie is 2>>\
Your black hair is tied back with a cute and simple ribbon that adds a touch of adorableness. \
<<elseif $hairtie is 3>>\
Your black hair is tied back with a ribbon that resembles a bunny's adorable ears. \
<<elseif $hairtie is 4>>\
Your black hair is tied back with a lavendar scrunchie. \
<<if $glasses is false>>\
You don't have glasses on, your brown eyes are allowed to view whatever they want. \
<<if $outfit is 69 or $outfit is undefined>>\
<<if $top is 0>>\
You are wearing a basic white t-shirt \
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
You are wearing a basic t-shirt with a flannel jacket \
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
You are wearing a white tank top \
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
You are wearing a black hoodie \
<<elseif $top is 4>>\
You are wearing a cropped white tank top \
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
You are wearing a cozy autumn sweater \
<<elseif $top is 6>>\
You are wearing a shirt with some cute cats on it \
<<elseif $top is 7>>\
You are wearing the Pacific Crest cheerleading top \
and \
<<if $pants is 0>>\
some shorts. \
<<elseif $pants is 1>>\
skinny jeans. \
<<elseif $pants is 2>>\
athletic shorts. \
<<elseif $pants is 3>>
autumn pants.
<<elseif $pants is 4>>\
and cheerleading shorts.
<<elseif $pants is 5>>\
and a cute pleated cheerleading skirt.
<<if $outfit is 0>>\
You are wearing a cute white floral dress with an array of pink flowers. \
<<if $leggings is 0>>\
You are not wearing any leggings at the moment, leaving your legs bare. \
<<if $socks is 0>>\
You have a normal white pair of socks and \
<<if $shoes is 0>>\
your trusty converses on.
<<elseif $shoes is 1>>\
a pair of cheerleading shoes on.
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;"><<back>></span><!-- POPULATES STORY LINKS IN THE HEADER MENU -->
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<li> <<link "appearance" "stat page 3">><</link>> </li>
<li> <<link "gallery" "gallery">><</link>> </li>
<li> <<link "credits" "credit">><</link>> </li><head>
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<div class="story-banner">
<div class="content">
<!-- STORY TITLE -->
<h1 class="story-title">A Mirror's Curse</h1>
<!-- ICON -->
<i class="fas fa-broom"></i>
<h2 class="story-subtitle">A Transgender Transformation Story</h2>
<h3 class="story-author">By <a href="#"></a>amaty</h3>
<link href="./assets/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- STORY TITLE -->
<h1>A Mirror's Curse</h1>
<!-- ICON -->
<i class="fab fa-pagelines"></i>
<h2>A Transgender Transformation Story</h2><<if $nude is undefined>>\
<<set $nude to false>>\
<div class="paperdoll">
<<if $feminineLooks < 40>>\
<!-- Back Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 0 or $hairStyle is undefined>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Long.png">
<<elseif $hairStyle is 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Short.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Long.png">
<!-- Base Male -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/Ethan_M_BaseBody.png">
<!-- Base Hair Short -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Short.png">
<!-- Body Hair -->
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/bodyHair/Ethan_M_BaseBody_LegHair_Long.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/bodyHair/Ethan_M_NSFW_PubicHair.png">
<!-- Genitals -->
<<if $nude is true>>\
<<if $genitalsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Average.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Small.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/male/genitals/Ethan_M_NSFW_Penis_Tiny.png">
<<if $nude is false>>\
<!-- Shoes -->
<<if $shoes is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/feet/Ethan_M_Feet_Shoes_Sneakers.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 69>>\
<!-- Pants -->
<<if $pants is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_Shorts.png">
<<elseif $pants is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans.png">
<<elseif $pants is 2>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_AthleticShorts.png">
<<elseif $pants is 3>>\
<<elseif $pants is 69>>\
<!-- Top -->
<<if $top is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_White.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_White.png">
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Flannel_Medium.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_AutumnSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_Shirt_Cat.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/upperBody/Ethan_M_UpperBody_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 69>>\
<!-- PantsTucked -->
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/lowerBody/Ethan_M_LowerBody_AutumnPants.png">
<!-- Base Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Ponytail.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/hair/Ethan_M_Hair_Base_Long.png">
<!-- Expression -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/face/Ethan_M_Face_Smile.png">
<!-- Eyes -->
<<if $eyesProg is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Small.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 1>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Medium.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/eyes/Ethan_M_Eyes_Large.png">
<!-- Hair Accessories -->
<<if $hairtie is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_1.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_2.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_3.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_4.png">
<!-- Hairpin -->
<<if $hairaccessory is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_Violet.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_White.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/male/accessories/Ethan_M_Accessories_Hairpin_Red.png">
<!-- Back Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 0 or $hairStyle is undefined>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Long.png">
<<elseif $hairStyle is 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Short.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Back_Ponytail_Long.png">
<!-- Base Female -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/Ethan_F_BaseBody.png">
<!-- Base Hair Short -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Short.png">
<!-- Chest -->
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Base.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Small.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Base.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Medium.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/nipples/Ethan_F_NSFW_Nipples_Flat.png">
<!-- Hips -->
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/hips/Ethan_F_BaseBody_Hips_VeryLarge.png">
<!-- Body Hair -->
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/bodyHair/Ethan_F_BaseBody_LegHair_Long.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/bodyHair/Ethan_F_NSFW_PubicHair_Penis.png">
<!-- Genitals -->
<<if $nude is true or $pants is 69>>\
<<if $genitalsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Average.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Small.png">
<<elseif $genitalsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/genitals/Ethan_F_NSFW_Penis_Tiny.png">
<<if $nude is false>>\
<!-- Shoes -->
<<if $shoes is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/feet/Ethan_F_Feet_Shoes_Sneakers.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/feet/Ethan_F_Feet_Shoes_Cheerleader.png">
<<elseif $shoes is 69>>\
<!-- Outfit -->
<<if $outfit is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/small/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/medium/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/large/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/outfit/veryLarge/Ethan_F_Outfit_FloralDress_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $outfit is 69>>\
<!-- Pants -->
<<if $pants is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CargoShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 1>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_SkinnyJeans_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 2>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AthleticShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 3>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_AutumnPants_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 4>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderShorts_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 5>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/small/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/medium/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/large/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/lowerBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_LowerBody_CheerleaderSkirt_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $pants is 69>>\
<!-- Top -->
<<if $top is 0>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Small.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Medium.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Shirt_VeryLarge.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Flannel_Large.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_TankTop_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_Jacket_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_AutumnSweaterT_Freesize.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_AutumnSweaterUT_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_CatShirt_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>
<<if $hipsProg is 0>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/small/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Small.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 1>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/medium/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hipsProg is 2>>\
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/large/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_Large.png">
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/veryLarge/Ethan_F_UpperBody_KnittedSweater_VeryLarge.png">
<<elseif $top is 8>>
<img src = "img/paperdoll/female/upperBody/freeSize/Ethan_F_UpperBody_CheerleaderTop_Freesize.png">
<<elseif $top is 69>>\
<!-- PantsTucked -->
<!-- Chest -->
<<if $bind is false and $nude is false>>
<<if $top is 0>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Shirt.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Shirt.png">
<<elseif $top is 1>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Flannel.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Flannel.png">
<<elseif $top is 2>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 3>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_Jacket.png">
<<elseif $top is 4>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_TankTop.png">
<<elseif $top is 5>>\
<<if $pants is 3>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_AutumnSweaterT.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_AutumnSweaterT.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_AutumnSweaterUT.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_AutumnSweaterUT.png">
<<elseif $top is 6>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_CatShirt.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_CatShirt.png">
<<elseif $top is 7>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_KnittedSweater.png">
<<elseif $top is 8>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_CheerleaderTop.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_CheerleaderTop.png">
<<elseif $outfit is 0>>\
<<if $breastsProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Small/Ethan_F_Chest_Small_FloralDress.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/chest/Medium/Ethan_F_Chest_Medium_FloralDress.png">
<!-- Base Hair -->
<<if $hairStyle is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Ponytail.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Medium.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/hair/Ethan_F_Hair_Base_Long.png">
<!-- Expression -->
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/face/Ethan_F_Face_Smile.png">
<!-- Eyes -->
<<if $eyesProg is 0>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Small.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 1>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Medium.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/eyes/Ethan_F_Eyes_Large.png">
<!-- Hairtie -->
<<if $hairtie is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_1.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_2.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_3.png">
<<elseif $hairtie is 4>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Ponytail_HairTie_4.png">
<!-- Hairpin -->
<<if $hairaccessory is 1>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_Violet.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 2>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_White.png">
<<elseif $hairaccessory is 3>>\
<img src="img/paperdoll/female/accessories/Ethan_F_Accessories_Hairpin_Red.png">
<<if $closetp0 is false>>\
You decide on a top that fits you.
<<button "White t-shirt">>\<<set $top to 0>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Red flannel">>\<<set $top to 1>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $day is "idkwhenfornowlol">>\
<<button "White tank top">>\<<set $top to 2>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Black Hoodie">>\<<set $top to 3>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $day is "idkwhenfornowlol">>\
<<button "Cropped tank top">>\<<set $top to 4>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Autumn Sweater">>\<<set $top to 5>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Cat Shirt">>\<<set $top to 6>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Knitted Sweater">>\<<set $top to 7>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Confirm and move on">>\<<set $closetp0 to true>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $closetp1 is false>>\
You decide on something that will cover your lower body.
<<button "Cargo Shorts">>\<<set $pants to 0>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $skinnyjeans is true>>\
<<button "Skinny Jeans">>\<<set $pants to 1>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Athletic Shorts">>\<<set $pants to 2>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<if $top is 5>>\
<<button "Autumn Pants">>\<<set $pants to 3>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Confirm and move on">>\<<set $closetp1 to true>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $closetp2 is false>>\
<<if $d7hairsister isnot undefined and $hairProg > 1>>\
<<button "Keep your hair in a pony tail">>\<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\<<set $hairtie to $currenthairtie>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep your hair loose">>\<<set $hairStyle to 0>>\<<set $hairtie to 0>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<button "Confirm and move on">>\<<set $closetp2 to true>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $closetp3 is false>>\
Are you happy with your outfit?
<<button "Yes" $afterCloset>>\<<set $closetp2 to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Restart">>\<<set $closetp0 to false>><<set $closetp1 to false>><<set $closetp2 to false>>\<<run Engine.show()>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I'm sorry there isn't a bunch of content yet, this is intended as a concept and a test to see if a game not focused on NSFW can be popular on this site. Nevertheless, if you read through everything, there should've been around 10,000 words or thirty minutes of playtime. I sincerely hope you enjoyed those thirty minutes! There are a bunch of links below if you enjoyed this game and want to see more.
First, the Discord! There is a Discord for this game. It's pretty small right now, but if you want to chat with me or suggest things, the link is [[here.|http://discord.gg/rg4f6FGB33]]
Secondly, the Patreon. The Patreon currently does NOT have version 0.02. However, when version 0.02 is released, it'll be released on Patreon first and be exclusive there for a month before its public release. If you support the game, I would appreciate it a lot. It would allow me to work on this game more! The link is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
First, I just want to thank the Patreons for their support! Hell, you might even be a Patron playing this release a month early! Thank you so much for your financial support, you've given me the opportunity to work on this game more and afford art for this game.
Secondly, yes, there will be art for this game! I commissioned an artist to make a custom character avatar that'll change according to the transformations you choose. So I hope you all are ready for that. The artist said they would try and finish by the end of October, so the update introducing art will probably come out somewhere in the middle of November.
Lastly, I just want to thank all of you for your overwhelming support of this game. This game hit 100 likes on TFGames in a little over 24 hours, and it's currently floating over 200. I had no idea you all would like this game so much, and I appreciate it a ton.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/rg4f6FGB33]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
First, I just want to thank everyone for their support yet again! Both to those who contributed financially and those who've just been saying kind words and enjoying the game. Thank you so much!
Secondly, the size of the updates will be larger but updates will be slightly less frequent from now on. I ran a poll on my Discord, asking if I should post frequent small updates or slightly less frequent large updates. The latter won! There will be NO difference to the amount of content being released at all, only how and when it is released.
Lastly, the background images will start slowly getting replaced with original art I commissioned. I have commissioned art for the Ethan's room, and as I make more money I will continue to replace the current backgrounds.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/rg4f6FGB33]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I'm sorry that the game ends in such an abrupt place, I bet a lot of you were expecting to play through Saturday. Sadly, I'm planning on giving you all a couple of options for what you can do on the weekend, and you can choose one to do on Saturday and one to do on Sunday. It'll take a while to write, and the Patreon poll results said you all wanted the results ASAP, so I just decided to release it here.
An important thing I have to say is that this game is officially no longer a concept! It's moved onto the alpha stage of development. The game will move on to beta after one ending has been completed and will be considered completed once every ending is finished. It'll take years, but I hope you stick around until the game's completion.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I'm sorry if the end of Day 6 feels a little rushed. I know it ends pretty quickly and you all were probably expecting a little more. I had a lot more planned for Day 6, but pushed a lot of the content to Day 7 instead. There are two reasons for this. First, I felt that having too much content in Day 6 would make it feel too bloated. Secondly, I wouldn't have had enough content for Day 7.
I know the part with the princess and the final transformation are lacking, but I'm running out of time right now and need to get this update out in a few hours. I apologize if it feels like it ended abruptly.
The next update may take a while to come out. It is my birthday soon, so I'll be resting a little. Plus, I'm moving in two months and have to prepare a lot for that. I've been going through a ton of paperwork and it's been a pain.
Thank you so much for playing! I hope you enjoyed this update despite everything.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I hope you all enjoyed this day that was more focused on feminization and exploration! I felt the last two updates weren't focused on the TGTF part of this TGTF game, so I did my best to make this update more focused on that.
I don't have much news, but I did decide to make a survey! This survey helps a lot and shows me what you all want more of in this game. If you have 10 minutes to spare, please take the time to fill it out.
Thank you all for sticking with this game. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I hope you all enjoyed this day! I tried my best to make sure your character, $name, had a normal day before we jumped into the adult content.
As you may have noticed, the CG is not fully colored yet. I did not have many options since rendering artwork takes a very long time. I had already finished all the writing, so I didn't see the point in delaying the update any further.
Thank you all for playing this game, I truly appreciate it more than words can express.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I hope you all enjoyed the first days of club! You may feel like there was less content in this update than others, but that's because I had to write all four clubs. In terms of new content, this was the biggest update yet by a pretty big margin. There's over 20k new words in this update.
The first adult CG has been fully colored, if you didn't see that, so I recomend checking that out! It looks great, and has been refined a ton. The paperdoll has also been included to include genitals, nipples, and the feet.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
Okay, first things first, I know this ends on a very abrupt note. I wanted the final scene to be one where you're forced to confront your parents. However, this has a LOT of different possibilities depending on a ton of factors. For example, whether you've told your mom, whether you've told your dad, and whether you told Lily. This encounter will probably be very long, and I felt it was good to push this to the next update.
Also, the next update will be focused on feminization aspects more! I know there hasn't been a transformation point in like 36k words, and some of you may not be a fan of that. The next update will heavily focus on the cheerleading route and giving you a preview of what that's like. And of course, that'll come with multiple transformation points and a ton of chances to feminize your $name even more.
The final thing I have to say is that hip transformations will be added to the paperdoll! A generous donor on the Discord server, Nightwhisper, gave me a substantial sum of money to add hip transformations to be visible on the paperdoll. I've already talked to the sprite artist, and will try and get it out sooner than later.
I hope you all have an amazing 2025! Thank you for supporting me and this game through 2024.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
Again, this is another day that's very focused on feminization. I was planning a lot more transformation points, but I decided to just stick with one. Don't worry, the transformation points that were planned for this day have been moved to later days. The total amount of transformation points for week 2 has not gone down at all.
The hips transformations are also in progress! Hover over the image to get a sneak peek of what they'll look like.
<img src="img/additional/hips_teaser.png" class="img-blur">
Thank you so much for playing! I hope you all enjoyed this update.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
First, I apologize if you weren't aware that this update was split. The spectator route will be finished in the next update, 0.18. The two routes will converge in 0.19, which will give you a nice sneak peek of the magic future path!
The hips transformations have been added in the code! Although you can't unlock bigger hips just yet, if you mess with the code a little you may notice you can make $name get some massive hips and thighs.
I don't have much to say, I'm exhausted due to some personal health issues and this update took a ton of energy, but thank you for playing!
As I'm East Asian, I wish you all a happy Lunar New Year! I know most of you probably don't celebrate it, but I think it's nice anyway.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]Welcome to the current end of content for A Mirror's Curse!
I hate to do this, but it's amaty e-begging hours. Some unexpected personal issues involving my family have come up, and I'm going to have to take on a massive financial burden to make sure we stay afloat. I won't lie, things are looking pretty rough, and we're trying to hold on until May. Until then though, money will be tight.
I know this Patreon has been doing well, and I'm beyond grateful for all the support so far. However, any donations would be massively helpful. If you've ever considered contributing a few extra dollars, now would be the perfect time. Every bit counts, and it would mean the world to me.
I'm going to keep commissioning as much art as I can. I know you all love to see the project grow and the game's visual appeal is part of why it's been doing so well. But things might slow down a bit since I need to prioritize taking care of the people I care about. I'll do my best to balance everything, but making sure my family and I can get through this comes first. I hope you all understand!
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
This update was either a pretty small one or had no new content whatsoever if you're not interested in being the spectator variant of the game. I'm very excited for the next update, which will be the ''magic update''. You will get to spend time with Aurora and Milo learning about how magic works and how good you are at it.
Also, a lot of the earlier parts of the game will be reworked to make the characters more consistent and make it better in general. I already went through quite a few passages this update to improve the writing.
Please consider joining the Discord or Patreon! Again, the Patreon helps me work on this game a lot more and afford art. The survey also helps a lot for me to determine what you all like and dislike about the game.
The link to the Discord is [[here.|http://discord.gg/amaty]]
The link to the Patreon is [[here.|https://www.patreon.com/amaty]] Patrons get one month early access to releases starting from the 10 USD tier.
The link to the Ko-Fi is [[here.|https://ko-fi.com/amaty]] I would appreciate donations if you have money you can spare.
The link to the survey is [[here.|https://forms.gle/Hhr8ZCUKJE4souFPA]]<<if $eventBind is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $bind to true>>\
You decide to bind your chest, not wanting anyone to know about the curse yet. \
<<if $nextScene is "Day 7 - Bathroom" or $nextScene is "Day 7 - Shave">>\
You're in the bathroom right now, but you promise yourself that you'll bind once you're done showering with a towel. It's not perfect, but it'll work until you figure out something more permanent.
<<elseif $nextScene is "Day 8 - Change (Restroom) 1" or $nextScene is "Day 11 - Restroom">>\
You're in the school restroom right now, so there isn't much you you can use to bind. You search around and find a towel that looks clean enough. You can't help but be a little disgusted, and you silently hope that this towel's been washed. You wrap it tightly around your chest. It's not perfect, but it'll work until you figure out something more permanent.
<<elseif $nextScene is "Day 8 - Critter Crossing">>\
You're in your bedroom, so you have plenty of options to work with. You pick up an old towel on the floor, and you're pretty sure it's clean. You wrap it tightly around your chest, and the towel won't fail.
You find some fabric and wrap it tightly around your chest, deciding to keep that until you can figure out something more permanent.
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to leave your chest, not caring about what people think. It was your body, after all. The decision is nerve-wracking, but you straighten your posture, determined to stop hiding. It's scary but alleviates a lot of pressure from your shoulders.
<<button "Continue" $afterEvent>><</button>>Your latest transformation settles over you like a wave that leaves ripples long after it's passed. The familiar tingling sensation fades, and you glance down instinctively only to freeze. Your top clings tightly to your chest, the fabric outlining curves that weren't there before. Your breath hitches as you realize what just happened.
Your boobs have grown to the point where they're noticeable. Before, they were just breast buds, barely noticeable. But now, you would need something to hide them. You bite your nails nervously, wondering what you should do.
You look around, suddenly becoming hyper-aware of your surroundings. You're currently in the \
<<if $nextScene is "Day 7 - Bathroom" or $nextScene is "Day 7 - Shave" or $nextScene is "Day 8 - Change (Restroom) 1">>\
bathroom. So you're alone. But still, you could be exposed at any time.
<<elseif $nextScene is "Day 8 - Change (Restroom) 1" or $nextScene is "Day 11 - Restroom" or $nextScene is "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">>\
school restroom right now, so there isn't much you you can use to bind. You search around and find a towel that looks clean enough. You can't help but be a little disgusted, and you silently hope that this towel's been washed. You wrap it tightly around your chest. It's not perfect, but it'll work until you figure out something more permanent.
Your hands tremble as you touch your chest, feeling the soft curve beneath your fingers. You realize you have to make a choice. Your clothes weren't going to magically become looser, and the changes weren't going to go away. Two options crystallize in your mind.
You remember seeing something online about chest binders, and how transgender men often used them to alleviate dysphoria. They could flatten out your chest and make things less noticeable. You didn't have a chest binder, but you could makeshift one.
You could also just let it be. You could stop hiding and stop fighting what's happening. The thought makes your stomach twist, but there's also a strange sense of liberation in it.
<<button "Bind your chest" "Event - Breasts 1">>\<<set $eventBind to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't bind your chest" "Event - Breasts 1">>\<<set $eventBind to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $eventMomNotice is true>>\
<<set $momRelo to Math.clamp($momRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Mom, it's really not something I can explain easily,"@@ you hesitate, taking a deep breath. @@.player;"It's weird. Really weird. But I'll tell you."@@
Your mom's eyebrows furrow, concern deepening in her eyes. @@.girl;"Go on,"@@ she encourages.
@@.player;"A few days ago, at the Autumn Festival, something happened,"@@ you begin. @@.player;"A seer there, Madame Serena, she put a curse on me."@@
@@.girl;"A curse?"@@ she asks, her face unreadable.
@@.player;"I know you it's hard to believe, but I swear what I'm saying is the truth,"@@ you rush to explain. @@.player;"Every time I do something feminine it makes my body more feminine. I promise it's true, how else could I have changed this much in a week?"@@
Your mom stares at you, her lips pressing into a thin line. For a moment, everything was silent other than the pounding of your heart. Suddenly, she reaches out and takes your hand in hers.
@@.girl;"I don't know if I believe in curses, but I believe you,"@@ your mom begins. @@.girl;"You're my son, and I love you—no matter what. We'll figure this out together, okay?"@@
You feel a lump rise in your throat, relief washing over you like a wave. @@.player;"T-Thanks Mom,"@@ you stutter out, emotions overwhelming you.
@@.girl;"I'm going to need you to be honest with me from now on though, okay?"@@ she squeezes your hand. @@.girl;"How do you feel about these changes?"@@
<<if $acceptance > 14>>\
@@.player;"They're not too bad,"@@ you say, having accepted the curse quite a bit.
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you say, not having accepted the curse much yet.
@@.girl;"I see,"@@ your mom says, slowly nodding. @@.girl;"Explain what exactly happened."@@
You start explaining everything in detail, a weight lifting off your chest. It wasn't easy to admit everything, but you were happy to have your mom's help. By the time your conversation ends, you're so glad you don't have to face this on your own.
<<button "Continue" $afterEvent>><</button>>
<<set $momRelo to Math.clamp($momRelo - 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'm fine, okay Mom?"@@ you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper. @@.player;"I swear it's nothing you need to worry about."@@
@@.girl;"Nothing I need to worry about?"@@ your mom asks incredulously. @@.girl;"Look at you, $name! You look androgynous, I wouldn't be able to tell if you were a boy or a girl if I saw you in public."@@
@@.player;"It's really not a big deal,"@@ you say.
Your mom stares at you, searching your face for a crack. Finally, she sighs and shakes her head. @@.girl;"Fine,"@@ she begins. @@.girl;"If you're not ready to tell me, I won't force you. But this isn't over, $name. I'm your mom, and this is something I can't just stop worrying about. Just know I'm here if you need to talk."@@
Your mom opens her mouth as if she wants to say more, a flicker of anger still in her eyes, but she just leaves your room in silence. You know your mom wouldn't let this go, and deep down you knew she had every right to be worried. But for now, you weren't ready to tell her anything.
<<button "Continue" $afterEvent>><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
@@.player;"Can we go to my room to talk about this?"@@ you ask, your heart pounding. You suppose you should've expected this since you have changed $femineChanges times now.
@@.girl;"Sure, but you'll have to explain what's been going on with you,"@@ your mom responds, a stern expression on her face.
You quickly lead her into your room, and the both of you sit on the bed.
@@.player;"Umm, so..."@@ you murmur, not knowing what to tell her. @@.player;"I've been experimenting with my looks."@@
@@.girl;"Don't play dumb with me, $name,"@@ your mom says, furrowing her eyebrows. @@.girl;"You look different. Significantly different. It can't just be explained as experimenting anymore. I know that this isn't working out or a growth spurt, so don't play me for a fool. I'm your mother, $name. I watched you grow up. So don't feed me excuses and tell me what's really going on with you."@@
Your mind races as you wonder what you should tell her. You know you can't make any excuses at this point.
<<button "Tell her the truth about the curse" "Event - Mom Notice 1">>\<<set $eventMomNotice to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Refuse to tell her" "Event - Mom Notice 1">>\<<set $eventMomNotice to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/additional/minor.png">
This game is intended for mature audiences only and contains adult themes, including explicit and pornographic content. If you are under 18, you should not play this game. Please respect this boundary, as it helps ensure a safe and appropriate gaming experience for everyone. Please exit now and return when you meet the age requirement. Thank you for understanding.<<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $eyesProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You blink, feeling an odd pressure around your eyes, like they're straining to adjust. You feel the chill along your eyelids. You look in the mirror as your eyes seem to expand with each blink. Your eyelids stretch gently to accommodate the size, and the creases around your eyes smooth out as they grow larger. It doesn't hurt at all, although it does look a little freaky. The transformation ends, and you realize your eyes definitely are larger and more pronounced, giving your face a delicate quality that wasn't there before.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $eyesProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
A familiar sensation returns to your eyes, but this time far more intense. Your vision blurs momentarily as warmth pulses around your eyelids. Your eyes widen even more, the irises seeming to fill up even more of the space. The monoids you had before are now giving way to double eyelids. A smooth, defined fold forms above each eye, adding depth and a more pronounced shape. You blink slowly, adjusting to the change. Your eyes are now very large and captivating, with the double eyelids giving them an alluring quality that wasn't present before. Your eyes are undeniably feminine now.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $foreheadProg = true>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a subtle tingling around your forehead that quickly turns into a warm, almost soothing sensation. The skin around your brow begins to feel tighter and smoother. Your forehead, which was broad and slightly angular, began to smooth out. The sharp lines disappear, with a rounded delicate contour taking its place. The transformation finishes, and your forehead has been replaced by a more feminine one, adding grace to your face that wasn't there before.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $hairProg = 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 1, 0, 100)>>\
A chill runs through your body, but it's centered around your scalp. You feel your hair becoming heavier and warmer. Your fingers instinctively reach up to touch it, but it's not the familiar feeling you're used to. Instead of it being slightly coarse, they're smooth, like threads of satin. Each strand of hair catches the light, shimmering with a healthy sheen.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $hairProg = 2>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 10, 0, 100)>>\
A familiar tingling sensation returns to your scalp. This time, it's not the silkiness of your hair, but the length. The sensation begins at the roots and moves down, stretching your medium-length hair. The strands begin to creep past the tip of your ears, brushing against your neck. It has a slight feminine wave to it. Your hair now reaches past your shoulders, softening your overall appearance.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $hairProg = 3>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 10, 0, 100)>>\
The familiar sensation returns to your scalp, but it's far more intense than before. You watch as your hair begins to grow once again, the changes being dramatic. The strands lengthen rapidly, cascading down past your shoulders in smooth, fluid waves. Your hair grows to a luxurious length, reaching down your back. This transformation leaves you with long, flowing hair that exudes femininity.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $jawlineProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a tightness along your jaw, one that's hard to ignore. The hard edges of your jawline, usually defined and angular, start to soften. The sharpness is replaced by some roundness. Nothing super noticeable, but definitely enough to make a difference. There's a newfound symmetry to your face, one that makes you look a touch more feminine.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $jawlineProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a familiar tightening sensation along your jaw. You brace yourself, knowing another transformation is about to take place. You look at your reflection, seeing the angles of your jawline start to narrow even further. Your chin tapers into a softer, rounder point. As the transformation finishes, your jaw now loses the square firmness that had once been there.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $jawlineProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The tightening sensation returns to your jaw, a feeling you now anticipate. The tightening is stronger this time, almost as if the bones are shifting beneath the surface of your skin. Your jaw continues to narrow, slimming down to a delicate point. The width of your lower face reduces as well, creating a graceful, oval shape. You now have an unmistakably refined and feminine jawline, with no trace of the harsh jawline you once had.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $lipsProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 1, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a strange tingling sensation spread across your lips. It's subtle at first, like a gentle warmth, but quickly erupts into something you can't ignore. You watch with curiosity as your lips begin to shift. They go from thin and slightly chapped to a little plumper and rounder. The texture becomes smoother as well. You press your lips together, noticing a definite difference. They're not dramatically different, but your lips have a gentleness and faint pout to them that wasn't there before.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $lipsProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 1, 0, 100)>>\
A familiar tingling sensation spreads across your lips again. Your lips begin to plump even more, the cupid's bow becoming more defined. Your lips get a balanced, pillowy look. The overall effect is subtle but definitely makes a difference. Your lips now possess a natural pout and are full and soft.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $noseProg = true>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
As you glance at your reflection, a strange warmth spreads across your nose. It's a bit of a weird sensation, but more weird than uncomfortable. You reach up to touch it, feeling the subtle shift beneath your fingertips. Your nose, once broad and with a defined bridge, begins to narrow and soften. The transformation completes, and your nose is now smaller and has gentle curves, definitely more feminine.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>>You focus the chill to a specific body part, looking at your reflection as you do.
<<if $hairProg > 2>>\
<<elseif $hairProg > 1>>\
<<button "Hair" "Transformation - Hair 3">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "hair3">>\<</button>>
<<elseif $hairProg > 0>>\
<<button "Hair" "Transformation - Hair 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "hair2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Hair" "Transformation - Hair 1">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "hair1">>\<</button>>
<<if $eyesProg > 2>>\
<<elseif $eyesProg > 1>>\
<<button "Eyes" "Transformation - Eyes 3">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "eyes3">>\<</button>>
<<button "Eyes" "Transformation - Eyes 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "eyes2">>\<</button>>
<<if $noseProg is false>>\
<<button "Nose" "Transformation - Nose">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "nose">>\<</button>>
<<if $lipsProg > 1>>\
<<elseif $lipsProg > 0>>\
<<button "Lips" "Transformation - Lips 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "lips2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Lips" "Transformation - Lips 1">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "lips1">>\<</button>>
<<if $foreheadProg is false>>\
<<button "Forehead" "Transformation - Forehead">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "forehead">>\<</button>>
<<if $jawlineProg > 2>>\
<<elseif $jawlineProg > 1>>\
<<button "Jawline" "Transformation - Jawline 3">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "jawline3">>\<</button>>
<<elseif $jawlineProg > 0>>\
<<button "Jawline" "Transformation - Jawline 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "jawline2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Jawline" "Transformation - Jawline 1">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "jawline1">>\<</button>>
<<if $upperControl is true>>\
<<if $armsProg is 0>>\
<<button "Arms" "Transformation - Arms">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "arms">>\<</button>>
<<if $feminineLooks > 29>>\
<<if $breastsProg > 2>>\
<<elseif $breastsProg > 1>>\
<<button "Breasts" "Transformation - Breasts 3">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "breasts3">>\<</button>>
<<elseif $breastsProg > 0>>\
<<button "Breasts" "Transformation - Breasts 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "breasts2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Breasts" "Transformation - Breasts 1">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "breasts1">>\<</button>>
<<if $waistProg > 1>>\
<<elseif $waistProg > 0>>\
<<button "Waist" "Transformation - Waist 2">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "waist2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Waist" "Transformation - Waist 1">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "waist1">>\<</button>>
<<if $handsProg is 0>>\
<<button "Hands" "Transformation - Hands">>\<<set $recentTransformation to "hands">>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $armsProg = 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 1, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a soft tingling sensation running up your arms, and you watch in the mirror as the muscles and skin along your arms begin to subtly shift. They reshape into something smoother and more delicate, your broad arms beginning to slim down. Your upper arms lose their bulk, and the width of your arms reduces. Your forearms follow suit, slimming down with a gentle taper toward your wrists. Your arms now look slender, elegant, and refined.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $breastsProg = 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You're suddenly aware of a subtle pressure in your chest, a sensation you've become quite familiar with. It's as if something is gently pushing outward from within. You glance down, noticing the faintest hint of fullness forming beneath his shirt. Your once-flat chest develops the smallest curve, the beginnings of what could be considered breasts. It's the first hint of femininity, subtle but real, marking the start of more to come. The gentle fullness makes you look softer in appearance.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $breastsProg = 2>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The familiar sensation returns, but this time it's more intense, more pronounced. You feel the subtle pressure in your chest building again, as if something is expanding just beneath your skin. Glancing down, you can see the barely-there curves beginning to swell and growing with a slow, steady fullness. The small mounds develop into small but distinctly feminine breasts. The skin feels tighter, more sensitive to the touch, as the soft tissue beneath expands. Your chest now has a definitive shape, no longer flat or boyish. Your breasts are small but undeniably there.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $breastsProg = 3>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The tingling sensation intensifies in your chest once again, signaling the final stage of your breast transformation. This time, the pressure is more pronounced, as if your body is making one last push toward completing its changes. You glance down at your chest and watch as the small, delicate mounds begin to swell again. Your breasts gain volume and fullness, becoming medium-sized, perfectly shaped breasts.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $handsProg = 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 1, 0, 100)>>\
The familiar tingling sensation spreads through your hands. You look down, watching closely for what you know will be next. The first thing you notice is your fingers thinning, becoming longer, slender, and more delicate. The knuckles smooth out as well, losing their roughness. The palms of your hand also undergo a transformation, narrowing and shrinking just slightly. Your nails elongate and take on a feminine oval shape, adding to the graceful look of your new hands. Your hands now appear smaller, softer, and more refined.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $waistProg = 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a gentle, tightening sensation around your midsection. You watch the shape of your waist begin to subtly shift in the mirror. The change is gradual at first, your straight, somewhat boxy torso beginning to soften. The muscles and fat in the area seem to be redistributing, creating the beginnings of a more defined waistline. It's not an extreme change, but enough that your previously unremarkable waist now has a slight, feminine taper.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $waistProg = 2>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You feel a deeper, more intense tightening sensation around your midsection. Unlike the first subtle shift, this time the change is more pronounced. Your waist narrows further, pulling inward with a noticeable curve that accentuates your overall figure. The faint inward slope becomes a defined, graceful indentation, creating a more dramatic hour silhouette. Your torso now has a fully formed waistline that cinches in elegantly. Your torso has lost all traces of its former straightness, replaced by a sleek, feminine waist that gives you a perfectly balanced figure.
<<button "Return" $nextScene>><</button>><<set $temp1 to true>>\
@@.samantha;"I guess it's not a festival without a Ferris wheel, right?"@@ Samantha smirks.
The three of you have been waiting in line for a while since the Ferris wheel was the most popular ride at the festival. You'd finally made it to the front of the line though. You file onto the capsule with your friends.
@@.player;"Let's go!"@@ you exclaim excitedly, pumping your fist in the air.
@@.samantha;"Someone's excited,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"But yeah, I think it'll be fun. Well, as fun as a Ferris wheel can be."@@
The ferris wheel slowly begins to move. Your capsule slowly starts moving higher and higher, until you're at the very peak. The three of you look out the window, observing the beautiful festival grounds and scenery.
@@.luke;"It's a shame that this is all going to end soon,"@@ Luke sighs and shakes his head.
@@.samantha;"What?"@@ Samantha asks incredulously. @@.samantha;"You're acting like we're going to die or something."@@
@@.luke;"Well, after this year we all go off to university,"@@ Luke murmurs. @@.luke;"Even if we try, we'll drift apart."@@
The three of you go quiet, just listening to the sound of the crowd talking below you all. You do feel a little sad, now that you think about it. You had been friends with Luke and Samantha for years now, and you knew Luke was right. It was hard not to inevitably drift apart. The Ferris wheel dips, and you start going back down.
@@.player;"Hey, hey come on,"@@ you muster up a smile. @@.player;"I'm sure we'll remain close."@@
@@.samantha;"I hope so,"@@ Samantha bites her lip.
After a minute, you leave the capsule. You try and forget the somber moment the three of you shared up at the top of the Ferris wheel. Today was meant to be a happy day.
<<button "Choose where to go next" "Festival Choice">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
@@.samantha;"Where should we go next?"@@ Samantha asks.
<<if $temp is false>>\
<<button "Go to the Tunnel of Love" "Tunnel of Love">><</button>>
<<if $temp1 is false>>\
<<button "Go to the Ferris wheel" "Ferris Wheel">><</button>>
<<if $temp2 is false>>\
<<button "Go to the photo booth" "Photo Booth">><</button>>
<<if $temp is true and $temp1 is true and $temp2 is true>>\
<<button "Continue hanging out with your friends" "Intro 7">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/home-exterior.png">
<<set $textbox to true>>\
<<set $day to 1>>\
The morning sun filters through the amber leaves as you step outside, the familiar creak of the front door fading behind you. One hand grips your backpack's strap while the other adjuists the hem of your shirt. Autumn has brought its signature chill, as it does every year, a crispness in the air that bites just enough to remind you summer has officially ended. You inhale deeply, taking a second to appreciate the earthy scene of fallen leaves. The neighborhood is quiet, save for the soft rustle of leaves stirred by the occasional breeze.
The changing colors of the trees around you are a testament to the passing of time. It's the first day of school—a day you’ve experienced many times before. It's different this year though, considering now it's your senior year, the grand finale of high school. Excitement hums in your chest, tempered by an undeniable thread of anxiety. You've been waiting for this moment, yet the idea of what comes next feels vast and uncharted.
Lost in thoughts, your steps fall into a steady rhythm against the pavement. Your mind thinks of all the "lasts" this year might bring—the last first day, the last set of classes, the last homecoming dance. It’s a bittersweet realization.
Suddenly, the quiet is broken by a loud and familiar voice.
@@.luke;"Wait up, <<textbox "$name" "Ethan">>!"@@
You turn, just in time to see your friend Luke jogging toward you. In a fluid motion, he slings an arm over your shoulder, an infectious grin lighting up his face.
@@.luke;"Ready for the first day of school?"@@ he asks.
<div class="note">\
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
You can click on the arrow below the game's title in the header to access your stats, relationships, and appearance. The paperdoll, which shows how $name currently looks, is under the appearance menu. The credits and gallery are there as well.
<<button "Of course" "Intro 2">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Not really" "Intro 2">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
<<set $femineChanges += 1>>\
<<set $eyesProg += 1>>\
<<set $feminineLooks to Math.clamp($feminineLooks + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.samantha;"Earth to $name,"@@ you hear Samantha's voice say. @@.samantha;"Come back to us."@@
You groan, what the hell just happened? You groggily open your eyes to see several familiar faces staring down at you. Samantha, Luke, your mom, and your sister. You quickly gather your bearings, turning your head. You realize you're on the couch of your living room. You relax, realizing you're fine.
@@.lily;"You okay, $name?"@@ you hear your little sister, Lily, curiously poke at your arm. She was unusually nice though. @@.lily;"You better be okay! I don't want to go to your funeral and see your ugly photo all day!"@@
There was the usual Lily.
@@.girl;"Come on Lily, be nice,"@@ your mom sighs and shakes her head. @@.girl;"I was worried when I got a call from your friends saying you passed out at the Autumn Festival."@@
@@.player;"The tent, Madame Serena, I swear she said something weird,"@@ you say, remembering what happened. @@.player;"I got cursed or something."@@
@@.luke;"Well, we went in the tent after you didn't come out for a while, but it was completely empty,"@@ Luke frowns, clearly concerned by your outburst.
@@.player;"Wait, wait, it's on my phone,"@@ you pull out your phone and go to the photos app, desperate to prove that something weird happened. But the latest thing there is the photo you took with Luke and Samantha right before you entered the Autumn Festival. @@.player;"W-What?"@@
@@.lily;"I think he's going crazy,"@@ your sister laughs, gently punching you on the arm.
@@.girl;"Come on, let's get you up to your room."@@ your mom gently grasps your arm and pulls you off the couch. She turns to your friends. @@.girl;"Thanks for taking care of him and calling me, I'll take things from here."@@
@@.samantha;"Okay, bye Ms. Yoon!"@@ Samantha calls out, standing up and stretching. @@.samantha;"See you at school tomorrow, okay, $name?"@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, we hope you're okay,"@@ Luke repeats Samantha's sentiments.
Your friends leave, both waving to you before they step out the door.
<<button "Go to your room" "Intro 11">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
@@.girl;"Here, $name,"@@ your mom says, taking you to your room. @@.girl;"Are you going to be alright?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine,"@@ you mumble, making your way to your computer. You were confused, but you weren't going to sleep just yet. What were you, seven? @@.player;"I'll be fine, Mom."@@
@@.girl;"Okay then sweetie,"@@ your mom pats your head affectionately before leaving the room.
You turn on your computer, waiting half a minute for it to boot up. You tap your foot as you wonder what you should do. You could study since you were taking several difficult classes. Studying in advance wouldn't harm you at all. Or you could try and find out more about Madame Serena. You rub your chin as you contemplate your options.
<<button "Study for tomorrow" "Intro 12">>\<<set $d1Time to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Research Madame Serena" "Intro 12">>\<<set $d1Time to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d1Time is true>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You sigh, whatever happened with Madame Serena in that tent was weird, but school still had to be your first priority. You spend a few hours studying English and Physics, your head spinning as you do. You were always a consistent C student, barely passing classes, but a part of you did want to get into a good university and be set for life.
The issue was making time for studying when there were so many other things to do. Like right now, you could've looked into what the hell happened with you and Madame Serena. You shake your head and stop letting your mind wander.
After a few hours, you stretch, letting out a low groan. That was enough for the day. Classes hadn't even officially started yet, you weren't about to study for something that might not even show up.
You go to Google and search for Madame Serena. There aren't that many results, she doesn't seem to have a website of her own. There are a few blog posts about her, and they're all positive. You frown, nobody else passed out while meeting with her.
After a few hours, you throw up your hands and give up. You couldn't find anything even close to substantial. You jot down a memo in your mind to go back to the Autumn Festival and try to get some information from the people organizing it.
<<button "Get ready for bed" "Intro 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
You stumble over to the bathroom, turn on the faucet, and splash some cold water all over your face. You look up at the mirror and see your own reflection. It looks a little different for some reason. You lean your face closer to the glass and gently tilt your head around. What the hell is different?
You gasp. It was your eyes. They were bigger and more rounded. You always had eyes that were pretty small and sharp. It was a subtle difference, probably not that noticeable to anyone who wasn't you, but still. You had to get to the bottom of this, was this what Madame Serena meant when she said something about your feminine side?
You try not to think about it and hop in the shower. You inspect your body to make sure everything else is the same. No boobs, no ass, your friend down there was still the same size. You sigh in relief, it looks like it's just your eyes. You brush your teeth after you step out of the shower and dry off but your mind is still reeling as you lie in bed. You keep on thinking about your eyes that are just a touch bigger until sleep slowly comes for you.
<<button "Fall asleep" "Day 2 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-exterior.png">
<<set $textbox to false>>\
The warm hum of morning chatter filled the air as you and Luke strolled toward Pacific Crest High School. the campus was already buzzing with life, and the golden sunlight painted everything in a soft glow, signaling the start of your senior year.
<<if $temp is true>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, of course,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I mean, it's not going to be easy, but I'm prepared."@@
<<set $study += 1>>
@@.luke;"Of course you are,"@@ Luke says, chuckling. @@.luke;"Me though, I'm only looking forward toward the start of the football season."@@
@@.player;"Do you seriously think I would be ready?"@@ you ask, smirking. @@.player;"I would do anything for even an extra day of vacation."@@
@@.luke;"Glad to see we're on the same page,"@@ Luke says, chuckling. @@.luke;"I'm only looking forward to the start of the football season."@@
@@.player;"I mean, that is all that you care about,"@@ you say, laughing along.
@@.luke;"Hey, it's not //just// football,"@@ he protests, pretending to be hurt by your words. @@.luke;"There's also video games and... well, girls."@@
@@.player;"Right, because those are //such// great priorities to have,"@@ you shoot back, laughing.
Luke acted offended, clapping his hands to his chest dramatically. @@.luke;"How dare you, $name. Football, video games, and girls are all equally important."@@
You raised an eyebrow, smirking. @@.player;"Equally important, huh?"@@
Luke puffed out his chest, grinning. @@.luke;"As they say, all's fair in love and war and gaming. Right?"@@
@@.player;"Yup, on point,"@@ you say, barely able to hide your disbelief at how badly Luke butchered a famous quote.
You both chuckled as you made your way toward the school entrance, the familiar campus grounds coming into view. This was it—the final year before you both moved on to university. You hoped it wouldn't be as grueling as last year was. Junior year had been a grind, just thinking about physics sent a shiver down your spine.
Suddenly, you felt a small, familiar hand on your arm. Turning, you saw Samantha—confident and cool as always. Her loose black hair was hidden under her beanie, and her striking green eyes gleamed with amusement. She wore a playful smile, one eyebrow raised as if she could see right through you.
@@.samantha;"You okay, $name?"@@ Samantha's voice was teasing but gentle. @@.samantha;"You just shivered like you saw a ghost or something."@@
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/samanthaMeeting/samanthaMeetingbase.png">
<<button "Give a sarcastic answer" "Intro 3">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Give a genuine answer" "Intro 3">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-exterior.png">
<<if $temp is true>> \
<<set $sarcastic to Math.clamp($sarcastic + 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $genuine to Math.clamp($genuine - 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"You won't believe what I just saw—a horrifying monster,"@@ you announce, struggling to keep a straight face.
Samantha gives you a skeptical look, arms crossed over her chest. @@.samantha;"Oh yeah? What kind of monster, huh?"@@
You hum thoughtfully, drawing out the suspense. @@.player;"Let's see here. She was about average height and had tan skin and wavy black hair. Oh, and she was wearing a black T-shirt with an anime girl pointing up at the sky."@@
Samantha's eyes narrow as she listens. Then, as if on cue, she glances down at her own outfit—her own black T-shirt with an anime girl. A beat of silence. Then, her expression shifts from confusion to realization.
@@.samantha;"Oh, fuck off,"@@ she groans, rolling her eyes before jabbing you in the ribs with her elbow. @@.samantha;"You're talking about //me//, aren't you?"@@
You let out a laugh, finally unable to contain yourself.
@@.samantha;"For your information,"@@ she continues. @@.samantha;"I am not horrifying. I am a goddamn delight."@@
<<else>> \
<<set $sarcastic to Math.clamp($sarcastic - 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $genuine to Math.clamp($genuine + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'm good, I just had a flashback to physics last year,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It was //that// bad. Honestly, I think it traumatized me."@@
Samantha groans dramatically, rubbing her temples as if just thinking about it gave her a headache. @@.samantha;"Oh God, Mr. Trent and his bullshit. Like, yeah, sure, let me just casually understand quantum mechanics while you scribble an equation on the board. The worst part is he then stared at us like we were the problem."@@
You nod solemnly. @@.player;"The way he would pause after explaining something, like he was waiting for us to be enlightened? The man had more faith in us than he should have."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, don't forget the tests,"@@ Samantha adds, her voice dripping with exasperation. @@.samantha;"We'd spend weeks on momentum, but then—boom— half the test is on circuits. Like, how the hell were were supposed to know?"@@
You shake your head. @@.player;"The real horror story isn't ghosts or monsters—it's walking into a class and realizing you forgot there was a quiz."@@
Samantha clutches her chest dramatically. @@.samantha;"Stop, I can still feel that panic."@@
Luke cuts in, his voice carrying a casual excitement. @@.luke;"Anyway, I wanted to ask you two something."@@
He shifts his backpack higher onto his shoulder and picks up the pace slightly, stepping ahead of you and Samantha before turning to face you both, walking backward with an easy grin.
@@.luke;"We should hit up the local Autumn Festival after school today,"@@ he says, his hands slipping into the pockets of his hoodie. @@.luke;"You know, start the year off right. Food stalls, games, rides. It'll be fun."@@
You hesitate for a moment, shifting the strap of your bag on your shoulder, then glance at Samantha.
She's already looking at you, amusement flickering in her green eyes. A slow, knowing smile spreads across her lips, and she tilts her head just slightly. @@.samantha;"Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it, $name?"@@
There's something in her tone that suggests she already knows your answer.
<<button "Hell yeah!" "Intro 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
Since today is only the first day of school, there aren't actual classes yet. Instead, the morning is filled with dull introductions—teachers droning on about senior year expectations, college applications, and the usual warnings about keeping up with coursework. It's all very boring, and by the time the equivalent of two class periods have passed, you're more than ready for a break.
When the bell finally rings, you and your two closest friends make your way to the cafeteria. The air is filled with the familiar hum of conversation, the occasional burst of laughter echoing from different tables. The three of you claim your usual spot, trays of cafeteria food set in front of you.
@@.player;"So, what's the deal with that carnival thing? Or festival, or whatever it is,"@@ you ask after swallowing a bite of food.
@@.luke;"Here, take a look,"@@ Luke says, pulling out his phone. He holds it up in front of your face, the screen glowing with a website.
You take the phone from his hand and tilt it toward Samantha so the two of you can scan the details together. The website is simple but colorful, advertising an event called the //Crestview Bay Autumn Festival//. There's a list of attractions—classic fair groups, a food stall lineup, and a photo booth. At the bottom, a section labeled ''Special Attractions'' catches your eye.
@@.samantha;"A seer?"@@ Samantha reads aloud, frowning as she peers over your shoulder. Her gaze flickers to the small, grainy image on the screen of a stern-looking old woman with piercing eyes, seated behind a crystal ball. @@.samantha;"What, is she gonna tell us our fortunes or something."@@
@@.player;"Who knows,"@@ you say with a shrug. @@.player;"Maybe she'll give us a glimpse into our futures."@@
@@.luke;"Obviously, I'm going to be a rich football star,"@@ Luke says confidently, grinning as he holds out his hand. @@.luke;"Now, if you two are done, I'd like my phone back. Can't have you two snooping through my unlocked phone for too long."@@
@@.samantha;"Hmm?"@@ Samantha's expression shifts into something far more mischievous. Before Luke can react, she swipes the phone out of his hand with a triumphant smirk. @@.samantha;"You want to take a peek, $name?"@@
<<button "Take a look" "Intro 5">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Respect his privacy" "Intro 5">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $temp is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Go on, look fast,"@@ you say, grinning as you brace yourself against the cafeteria table, using one arm to fend off Luke. He's lunging at Samantha, his hands swiping wildly through the air, but she's far too quick, holding his phone just out of reach.
@@.player;"Let's see what kind of juicy secrets he's hiding,"@@ you add, your grin widening as you glance at Samantha.
@@.luke;"Hey, give me my phone back!"@@ Luke barks, his voice a mix of panic and frustration. He tries to snatch it again, but Samantha twists her body, keeping it just beyond his grasp.
@@.samantha;"Hold your horses, I want to see what all the fuss is about,"@@ she says, tapping rapidly at the screen. @@.samantha;"Let's see what we have here..."@@
Luke's face is frozen in apprehension, his eyes darting between you and Samantha. You can just tell he's mentally running through every questionable thing on his phone, probably regretting ever pulling it out in the first place.
Then, after a few moments of scrolling, Samantha lets out a dramatic gasp, her eyes going wide.
@@.samantha;"Oh my God, Luke,"@@ she says, her voice dripping with mock scandal.
Luke's expression instantly shifts to sheer panic. @@.luke;"What? WHat is it?!"@@
Samantha turns the phone toward you, biting her lip to keep herself from laughing. @@.samantha;"A 200-gigabyte porn folder on his Google Drive,"@@ she announces, her tone somewhere between amusement and disbelief. @@.samantha;"Completely filled to the brim with Japanese Adult Videos. Oh my, can you believe it?"@@
Luke's entire face turns an alarming shade of red. @@.luke;"They take a long time to load, so I downloaded them!"@@ he blurts out, waving his arms as if trying to physically swat the embarrassment away.
You burst out laughing, doubling over slightly as Samantha shakes her head in feigned disappointment.
@@.player;"That's... so much porn, Luke,"@@ you wheeze between laughs.
@@.samantha;"How do you even have that much space?"@@ Samantha adds, scrolling a little further. @@.samantha;"That's like... several USB sticks worth of porn just sitting in the cloud."@@
Luke groans, burying his face in his hands. @@.luke;"Can we //not// talk about this?"@@
Samantha hums thoughtfully, still scrolling. @@.samantha;"Well, at least the content's pretty vanilla,"@@ she says, letting out a loud sigh. @@.samantha;"No weird kinks, no cursed tags. Nothing too exciting, sadly. Kind of a letdown, honestly."@@
She pins the phone in her hand before tossing it back to him.
Luke snatches it mid-air, glaring. @@.luke;"You guys are the worst."@@
@@.player;"You love us,"@@ you say, grinning as you nudge him with your elbow.
@@.luke;"Yeah, yeah,"@@ he grumbles, shoving his phone deep into his pocket like it might erase the last few minutes of his life. He exhales before shifting the conversation to safer ground. @@.luke;"Anyway, are we going to the Autumn Festival or what?"@@
You glance at Samantha who meets your gaze.
@@.samantha;"Eh, why not?"@@ she says, shrugging.
You shrug back. @@.player;"Yeah, it could be fun."@@
Luke leans back, seeming relieved that the topic has finally moved on. @@.luke;"Great. Then it's settled."@@
Samantha grins. @@.samantha;"Hey, who knows? Maybe the fortune teller will predict your very bright future in the adult film industry."@@
Luke groans loudly as you and Samantha dissolve into laughter once again.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll be honest, I'm really tempted to,"@@ you admit, eyeing the phone still in Samantha's grasp. The screen is right there, a treasure trove of things you can blackmail Luke with—but after a brief internal battle, you decide to take the high road. @@.player;"But we should respect Luke's privacy."@@
With a reluctant sigh, you reach over and gently take the phone from Samantha before things can escalate.
Samantha groans and dramatically tilts her head back. @@.samantha;"Aww, fine,"@@ she whines, crossing her arms. @@.samantha;"I guess that's the right thing to do."@@
Luke lets out a sharp exhale, fixing you both with a deadpan stare. @@.luke;"Yeah, so—give me my phone back before you two get any more ideas."@@
Samantha eyes the phone one last time before you hand it over, but not without shaking her head in disapproval. @@.samantha;"What a waste of potential,"@@ she mutters. @@.samantha;"I was hoping for something spicy. A scandal, a secret, something."@@
Luke snatches his phone like it's a priceless artifact, shoving it deep into his pocket. @@.luke;"You guys are not invading my privacy, thanks."@@
Samantha just flashes him a smug grin. @@.samantha;"Oh well. Maybe next time."@@
@@.luke;"There won't be a next time."@@
Before Samantha can poke at him any further, Luke shakes his head and changes the subject.
@@.luke;"Anyway,"@@ he says. @@.luke;"Are we going to the Autumn Festival or not?"@@
You glance at Samantha who meets your eyes with a relaxed shrug.
@@.samantha;"Eh, why not?"@@ she says.
You mirror the gesture. @@.player;"Yeah, sure. Could be fun, I guess."@@
@@.luke;"Great,"@@ Luke says, stretching his arms behind his head. @@.luke;"Then it's settled."@@
<<button "Let's go!" "Intro 6">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
<<set $money -= 20>>\
The second half of the school day passes by quickly, and the instant the final bell rings, you can't wait to get to the Autumn Festival with your two best friends. You meet up outside the school, where students are dispersing—some climbing into their cars, others waiting for their rides.
@@.luke;"Alright, just follow me,"@@ Luke says, eyes fixed on his phone as he pulls up the directions.
Samantha crosses her arms and lets out a dramatic sigh as she watches a few students drive off. @@.samantha;"Man, what are the chances that none of us have a car? It would be really nice if we didn't have to walk everywhere."@@
Luke raises an eyebrow. @@.luke;"Well, maybe if //someone// actually got their license instead of putting it off, we wouldn't be in this situation."@@
Samantha shoots him an unimpressed look. @@.samantha;"Even if I had my license, I still wouldn't have a car. So really, nothing would've changed."@@
Luke huffs. @@.luke;"Well, you could be driving us around in someone else's car."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I could,"@@ Samantha says, pretending to think about it. @@.samantha;"But that sounds like a lot of responsibility. So no thanks."@@
You chuckle as the three of you begin walking. The crisp autumn air carries the scent of fallen leaves and the faint sound of carnival music drifts toward you as you get closer.
A large purple banner with white lettering stretches over the entrance, swaying slightly in the breeze:
Beyond the entrance, the festival is alive with movement. The scene of fried dough, kettle corn, and caramel apples fills the air, mingling with the cheerful sounds of chatter and distant laughter.
A massive Ferris Wheel dominates the skyline, its gondolas rotating against the blue sky. Near the entrance, a small wooden stand houses a photo booth. Further down, a curtained-off attraction labeled Tunnel of Love sits nestled between other festival attractions, its entrance framed by a glowing arch of pink lights.
The three of you step forward and hand over twenty dollars each, receiving wristbands in exchange. The good news is that once you're inside, all the rides are free.
Samantha takes a deep breath and looks around with an impressed nod. @@.samantha;"This is actually really nice. It's way better than I expected."@@
@@.luke;"Where should we start?"@@ Luke asks, scanning the area.
You glance around at the different attractions before turning to Luke. @@.player;"Aren't you the one who planned this whole thing out? What are our options?"@@
Luke furrows his browns, taking a few moments to think before speaking. @@.luke;"Well, there's the Tunnel of Love, which is meant for couples and all that jazz. Then there's the Ferris Wheel, obviously."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, wow, I totally didn't notice,"@@ Samantha says, pointing up at the massive Ferris Wheel towering over the entire festival. @@.samantha;"That gigantic thing in the middle of everything? How could I possibly have seen that?"@@
Luke shoots her an unamused look. @@.luke;"Okay, okay, geez. I was just listing things."@@ He gestures toward the entrance. @@.luke;"There's also a photo booth over there if you guys want to take pictures."@@
Samantha tilts her head, considering the options. @@.samantha;"I've got to admit, those are all pretty solid choices. But the question is, where do we go first?"@@
Samantha and Luke glance at you expectantly, waiting for your answer as the lively festival buzzes around you.
<<set $temp to false>>\
<<set $temp1 to false>>\
<<set $temp2 to false>>\
<<button "Go to the Tunnel of Love" "Tunnel of Love">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the Ferris Wheel" "Ferris Wheel">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the photo booth" "Photo Booth">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
You spend a few hours touring the attractions at the Autumn Festival. There are a lot of small games like carving pumpkins and crafts. It was a lot of fun, but after a few hours passed, there wasn't anything left to do.
@@.samantha;"Are we done now?"@@ Samantha asks, looking around the festival. @@.samantha;"There's nothing left. We did the photo booth, the ferris wheel, the pumpkin bowling..."@@
@@.luke;"Let me check the website, just to check we didn't miss anything"@@ Luke pulls out his phone and looks at it, frowning. He looks back up. @@.luke;"We can visit the seer."@@
@@.samantha;"The seer?"@@ Samantha laughs mockingly. @@.samantha;"Ohh, is that what the tent in the distance is for? Is she going to tell us that we are a Scorpio and that the moons and stars say someone close to us will die?"@@
@@.player;"Maybe,"@@ you laugh too. You never believed in the supernatural much. @@.player;"Let's just go. It's not like we lose anything by going. We paid for the entire festival."@@
@@.luke;"Let's go then,"@@ Luke says.
The three of you walk to the large mysterious purple tent. There isn't any line compared to most of the other attractions. You suppose the seer isn't very popular.
@@.samantha;"So, who's going to go in first and get their fortune taken?"@@ Samantha grins, clearly not expecting much from this so-called seer.
@@.luke;"Not me,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head. @@.luke;"One of you can go in first and tell me how it is."@@
@@.samantha;"It's not like I want to go first either!"@@ Samantha exclaims. She crosses her arms over her chest.
The two of them look at you expectantly.
<<button "Volunteer" "Intro 8">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Flip a coin" "Intro 8">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
<<if $temp is false>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll go,"@@ you raise your arm, signifying that you'll volunteer.
@@.samantha;"Ooh, someone's excited to see the seer first,"@@ Samantha giggles. @@.samantha;"What is your fortune, oh dear $name."@@
@@.luke;"Good luck in there,"@@ Luke says, slapping your back affectionately. @@.luke;"Let us know your future."@@
<<if $temp is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's flip a coin for it,"@@ you dig a quarter out of your pocket.
@@.luke;"How are we supposed to flip a coin with three people?"@@ luke frowns,
@@.samantha;"If it lands on the side that means I have to go in first,"@@ Samantha smirks, knowing the chances of a coin landing on its side were next to none.
@@.player;"Is that fair?"@@ you ask.
@@.luke;"Whatever, let's just do it,"@@ Luke says, he takes the coin from you and gets ready to flip it. @@.luke;"Heads or tails?"@@
@@.player;"Heads,"@@ you respond.
Luke flicks the coin using his thumb into the air and snatches it as it comes down from its apex. You look over to see the back of the coin looking up at you.
@@.luke;"Good luck, $name,"@@ Luke smiles.
You're about to turn around to enter when Samantha calls out to you. @@.samantha;"You know, $name, you could record it,"@@ Samantha holds up her fingers in the shape of a camera and pretends to take a photo. @@.samantha;"Snap! Come on, we can all see your future."@@
@@.luke;"It would be kind of fun,"@@ Luke shrugs. @@.luke;"Maybe we can upload it on YouTube."@@
@@.player;"Fuck it,"@@ you dig out your phone from your pocket and go to the camera app. You press the red button indicating that the phone will record before hiding the phone behind your back. @@.player;"Wish me luck."@@
Your friends echo sentiments of good luck as you place your hand on the tent's opening.
<<button "Step inside the tent" "Intro 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
As soon as you enter the tent, the air feels heavier. You almost start coughing because the scent of incense is too strong. The room is dimly lit, casting long shadows that seem to dance on the walls of the tent. You see the seer in the middle of the room, sitting on a chair behind a table. She opens her eyes and stares directly at you.
@@.serena;"Welcome,"@@ she says, her voice gravelly. She sounds as if she smoked a pack of cigars every day for decades. @@.serena;"I am Madame Serena, teller of fortunes."@@
@@.player;"Uhh, yeah, hi,"@@ you say, keeping one arm behind your back in order to conceal your phone. You didn't want to admit it, but you were a little nervous.
@@.serena;"Sit, sit,"@@ she motions toward the seat in front of her. @@.serena;"I've been getting fewer visitors every Autumn, it seems people are less interested in the supernatural."@@
@@.player;"What a shame,"@@ you pretend to empathize. This old lady really did have a few screws loose, huh? It was expected that people would have less interest in something that didn't exist. @@.player;"So, what's my fortune? Am I going to become rich and famous?"@@
@@.serena;"I'll begin the reading now if you're so impatient,"@@ Madame Serena says, the slightest hint of hostility in her voice. @@.serena;"Just to confirm, you didn't bring any recording devices in, correct?"@@
@@.player;"No, of course not,"@@ you say, awkwardly chuckling. How the hell did she know?
@@.serena;"Then we will begin,"@@ she begins shuffling some tarot cards before spreading them out on the table. @@.serena;"The mirror reveals what you hide, what you fear, and what you refuse to see."@@
You shift in your seat. Madame Serena was really creepy. You move your phone to your leg so you can check if it's still recording.
@@.serena;"The soul is a reflection of both light and shadow,"@@ she draws the first card and holds it up toward you. You squint and look at it to see a guy dressed like a fool about to step off a cliff, fully unaware of the dangers below him. @@.serena;"The fool is you. You think you're in control, but you are blind to what lies beneath."@@
@@.player;"I don't think so, but okay,"@@ you murmur, taking another quick glance at your phone. You were in control of your life, right?
Madame Serena puts down the fool, her fingers lingering over it one last time before she shifts back to the next card. She flips the second card with trained precision to unveil a card with a pale moon on it.
@@.serena;"Deception, illusion, the world you know is not whole. You see yourself as one thing, but that is not the whole of your being."@@
You open your mouth and close it again. This lady was a hack, but you had to admit she was good at her job. She sets down the moon and goes to the final card. She flips it over and you see two skeletons embracing each other and kissing.
@@.serena;"Two halves,"@@ Madame Serena says. @@.serena;"Masculine and feminine. You are out of balance."@@
Her eyes lock onto yours, sharp and knowing. @@.serena;"You mock what you don't understand, but the mirror will show you the truth you fear. Your reflection is incomplete. To see yourself fully, you must experience the other side of that reflection."@@
@@.player;"What the fuck are you saying?"@@ you ask, your heart pounding. Why were you so nervous? This lady was just talking out of her ass. @@.player;"You're saying I need to experience my feminine side?"@@
You realize Madame Serena hasn't blinked since her eyes locked onto yours. You shiver as her chilling voice comes out of her mouth. @@.serena;"Each time you act on what you can't see, the mirror will shift."@@ The lady reaches across the table before you can even react, grabbing your wrist and twisting your hand. The phone comes into view.
@@.player;"It was a dare, I swear,"@@ you say, beads of sweat rolling down your forehead. @@.player;"I'm sorry, it was just a joke."@@
Madame Serena leans in close to you, whispering into your ear. @@.serena;"The mirror will reveal your truth, piece by piece, until you learn."@@
Your legs give out and all goes black.
<<button "Wake up" "Intro 10">><</button>><<if $festivalPose is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's do a manly pose, like crossing our arms and tilting our heads down a little."@@
@@.samantha;"Didn't we just do a manly pose?"@@ Samantha furrows her eyebrows.
@@.luke;"Hey, flexing is not masculine or feminine,"@@ a goofy smile erupts on Luke's face. @@.luke;"Everyone should flex."@@
@@.samantha;"Whatever you say, Luke,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes but does the pose. You and Luke follow suit, making the three of you look like a spy team.
<<if $festivalPose is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's do a girly pose, like putting our fingers on our cheeks."@@
@@.samantha;"A girly pose?"@@ she smirks, the hints of a laugh on her lips. @@.samantha;"I didn't take you for that, $name."@@
@@.luke;"I'll do it but I think I'll look kind of weird,"@@ Luke holds up his hands and looks at them.
@@.player;"It's just for fun, come on,"@@ you plead. You don't really know why you went for a girly pose, but you felt it could be fun.
@@.samantha;"Well, I'm a girl so, it doesn't matter to me,"@@ Samantha shrugs. @@.samantha;"It'll be funny to see you two do it though."@@
The three of you do the pose and look into the camera.
<<if $festivalPose is 2>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's do bunny ears on each other,"@@ you say, moving your fingers to Luke's head. @@.player;"I'll do Luke."@@
@@.samantha;"I'll do bunny ears on you then, and Luke can do it on me,"@@ Samantha makes a bunny ear with her fingers and puts it behind your head. Luke follows suit, putting his fingers behind Samantha.
<<if $festivalPose is 3>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's do bunny ears on each other,"@@ you say, moving your fingers to Samantha's head. @@.player;"I'll do Samantha."@@
@@.samantha;"Had to choose me, huh?"@@ Samantha laughs. @@.samantha;"Sure, then I'll do the bunny ears on Luke, and Luke can do it on you."@@
The three of you move your fingers into position and get ready, a bright smile on your faces.
A flash of white and a loud snap fills the booth. The screen on the photo booth shows the cute bear from before delivering your photo. Your photos get printed and delivered.
@@.samantha;"Here. One for you, one for you, and one for me,"@@ Samantha passes out the printed photos. She smiles and pulls the two of you into a tight group hug. @@.samantha;"To our senior year!@@
<<button "Choose where to go next" "Festival Choice">><</button>><<set $temp2 to true>>\
@@.samantha;"Ooh, I love these!"@@ Samantha runs up to the photo booth and taps on the screen. You see a cute cartoon bear dancing on the screen as Samantha taps away. @@.samantha;"Hmm, let's do four pictures. Oh, it's starting already!"@@
@@.luke;"Already?"@@ Luke blurts out, still processing that we were about to take photos. @@.luke;"What do I do with my face?"@@
@@.samantha;"Well, we're going to start off with just us smiling, a basic photo to compare the rest to,"@@ Samantha says, standing to the right. She smiles and tilts her head a little. @@.samantha;"Come on you two! The machine is going to take the photo in a few seconds."@@
Luke rushes up to the left and smiles as well. You just walk toward the middle and awkwardly try to force a smile onto your face. It doesn't look natural, but whatever. You were never good at smiling on command. The camera snapped, and one photo was taken.
@@.luke;"Okay, what next?"@@ Luke asked, the smile disappearing off his face instantly.
@@.samantha;"Hmm, how about we all wink?"@@ Samantha asks. @@.samantha;"Something a little more fun than just a smile but nothing crazy."@@
@@.player;"Umm, I'm not that good at winking,"@@ you say. You try and wink and just end up blinking.
@@.luke;"Oh come on, just close one eye,"@@ Luke says, laughing. @@.luke;"There's only five seconds."@@
You manage to wink at the very last second at the camera snaps. You nod. All things considered, the photo came out pretty good.
@@.player;"What are we going to do next?"@@ you ask, looking at Samantha for guidance.
@@.samantha;"I don't know,"@@ Samantha shrugs. @@.samantha;"Luke can choose.@@
Luke takes a second to think, rubbing his chin.
@@.luke;"Flex your muscles,"@@ Luke says, pulling back the left sleeve of his shirt and flexing as hard as he can.
You and Samantha stare at him out of disappointment.
@@.luke;"What, come on!"@@ Luke pleads.
@@.player;"Fine, but I get to choose what we're doing next,"@@ you say. You flex your arm, although there isn't much there. Samantha does the same. The camera snaps, and the three of you are down to your last photo.
@@.samantha;"So, what are we going to do, $name?"@@
<<button "Do a manly pose" "Photo Booth 1">>\<<set $festivalPose = 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Do a girly pose" "Photo Booth 1">>\<<set $festivalPose = 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Do bunny ears on Luke" "Photo Booth 1">>\<<set $festivalPose = 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Do bunny ears on Samantha" "Photo Booth 1">>\<<set $festivalPose = 3>>\<</button>><<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Luke, come on, let's get on this thing,"@@ you say motioning toward the ride.
Luke grins, his usual enthusiasm shining through. @@.luke;"Alright then, let's go, $name."@@
He steps forward first, holding onto the side of the swan-shaped boat to keep it steady as you climb in. The boat rocks slightly beneath you, but right before you lose your balance, Luke places a firm hand on your shoulder to steady you. You mumble a quick thanks as you scoot into place. He hops in right after, sliding into the seat beside you. Your elbow brushes against his chest, and for some reason, you feel your face heat up a little.
Before you can say anything, Samantha bursts into laughter. @@.samantha;"Look, don't be mad, but you two look like gay lovers!"@@ she teases, whipping out her phone before either of you can protest. The camera shutter clicks loudly as she snaps a picture. @@.samantha;"I //have// to post this on Insta."@@
@@.player;"Fuck off, Sam,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. But despite yourself, you can't help but crack a small smile at her antics.
Luke just chuckles, shaking his head. @@.luke;"Come on, $name,"@@ he nudges you lightly, pointing toward the ride operator. @@.luke;"It looks like we're about to start."@@
@@.samantha;"Bye, lovebirds!"@@ Samantha calls, waiving as the boat begins to drift forward into the tunnel.
As soon as you enter the tunnel, the dim lighting shifts to a warm, dreamy glow. The tunnel walls are decorated with heart-shaped lights and tiny cherub statues holding bows, ready to strike riders with imaginary love arrows. The air is filled with soft, romantic music—something slow and melodic, the kind of song that would play in an old black-and-white film when the leads finally confess their feelings.
You lean back slightly, exhaling as you take it all in. Glancing over at Luke, you realize his features are easy to make out even in the dark. His strong jawline, the way his brown hair falls just a little messily over his forehead, and his broad shoulders from years of football. Despite all that though, he doesn't carry himself like one of the typical jocks. He's always been //your// Luke—the same guy who used to get excited over fantasy novels and superhero comics with you and Samantha back when none of you were even remotely cool.
He easily could have ditched the both of you to hang out with the football team, but he never did. Even when his popularity rose, even when people started noticing him more, he stayed right here. Your friend.
For some reason, that thought lingers a lot longer than it should.
@@.player;"Heh, it's a little awkward,"@@ you say, rubbing the back of your neck. @@.player;"Maybe we should've skipped this one."@@
Luke raises an eyebrow. @@.luke;"Aren't you the one who wanted to come here?"@@
@@.player;"Well, I didn't think it'd be //this// romantic,"@@ you mutter, gesturing to the flashing pink hearts. @@.player;"This is definitely for couples."@@
Luke shrugs, completely unfazed. @@.luke;"Meh, I don't mind. You're one of my closest friends, $name. Can't avoid a little awkwardness sometimes."@@
You're caught off guard by his sincerity. There's no teasing or discomfort, just Luke being Luke. He's the kind of guy who makes people feel safe just by existing.
You nod slowly, appreciating his words more than you expected.
The rest of the ride continues in a comfortable silence, the boat gliding gently along the winding waterway. Neither of you says anything, but it doesn't feel weird.
The tunnel's exit finally comes back into view, and the boat drifts back toward the dock. As you approach, you spot Samantha waiting for you with her phone still in hand, an absolutely devious smirk plastered on her face.
@@.samantha;"So,"@@ she says, barely able to contain her laughter, @@.samantha;"who's the top and who's the bottom?"@@
<<button "Choose where to go next" "Festival Choice">><</button>><<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Samantha, come on, let's get on this thing,"@@ you say, motioning to the ride.
She raises an eyebrow at you, arms crossed. @@.samantha;"Seriously? You're dragging me onto the Tunnel of Love?"@@
@@.player;"Well, would you prefer if I picked Luke?"@@ you ask, rolling your eyes.
Samantha snorts. @@.samantha;"Fair point. Alright, let's do this."@@
You hold the boat steady as she climbs in first, stepping carefully to avoid splashing any water onto her shoes. She settles into the seat with an exaggerated sigh, making a show of how positively thrilled she is to be here. Once she's in place, you hop in too, doing your best to not get wet in the process.
@@.luke;"Have fun, you two,"@@ Luke calls out, smirking as he waves at you from the dock. @@.luke;"Do your best to not fall in love."@@
@@.samantha;"Fuck off, Luke,"@@ Samantha shoots back as the boat begins to drift forward into the tunnel.
As soon as you enter the tunnel, the dim lighting shifts to a warm, dreamy glow. The tunnel walls are decorated with heart-shaped lights and tiny cherub statues holding bows, ready to strike riders with imaginary love arrows. The air is filled with soft, romantic music—something slow and melodic, the kind of song that would play in an old black-and-white film when the leads finally confess their feelings.
You glance over at Samantha. In the dim lighting, the soft glow catches on her features. You've never really thought about your best friend in that way, but you have to admit—she's pretty cute.
Still, that kind of thing would be weird, right? You've been friends for way too long to suddenly see her differently now.
@@.player;"Heh, it's a little awkward,"@@ you say, rubbing the back of your neck. @@.player;"Maybe we should've skipped this one."@@
Samantha lets out a short laugh. @@.samantha;"Hey, you're the one who wanted to come here, not me. Not to mention, you're the one who picked me as your boat buddy. This is //your// fault."@@
@@.player;"What, am I that ugly?"@@ you joke, nudging her lightly.
Samantha scoffs. @@.samantha;"Not at all. I call you ugly all the time, but that's just because it's funny."@@ She leans back slightly, letting her fingers skim the edge of the swan boat. @@.samantha;"You know I care about you and Luke, right? You guys are my best friends."@@
Her tone is casual, but there's a rare softness underneath it—one that she doesn’t show often. Samantha usually fills every moment of silence with sarcasm, but she's content to stay quiet this time.
You can't help but smile. @@.samantha;"Yeah, I know."@@
The two of you ride in comfortable silence for the rest of the tunnel, letting the boat carry you along its slow, winding path.
Eventually, the tunnel's exit comes into view, and the boat glides back toward the dock. Luke is already there, his arms crossed with an expectant grin.
@@.luke;"Hope you two enjoyed the right,"@@ he says. @@.luke;"Come on, let's get going."@@
<<button "Choose where to go next" "Festival Choice">><</button>><<set $temp to true>>\
@@.samantha;"This is where you wanted to go, $name?"@@ Samantha asks, amusement lacing her voice. @@.samantha;"I've got to say, I never pegged you for a romantic."@@
You roll your eyes. @@.player;"Shut up, let's just get on."@@
You weren't about to pass up the chance to experience everything the festival had to offer, and that included the Tunnel of Love. You did pay 20 dollars for an entry ticket after all. You were going to get your money's worth.
The ride itself is tucked away behind a row of brightly lit carnival booths, its entrance framed by a heart-shaped archway outlined in soft lights. A wooden dock leads down to the water, where small, swan-shaped boats bob gently along a slow-moving canal. The tunnel ahead is dimly lit which allows warm golden lights to cast shimmering reflections on the water. Somewhere inside, the distant melody of a romantic song drifts through the air.
As the three of you step closer, Samantha suddenly pauses.
@@.samantha;"There's only space for two people per boat,"@@ she says, shifting her weight. @@.samantha;"So... w ho's riding?"@@
Luke and Samantha exchange glances, a silent conversation playing out between them before they turn toward you in unison.
@@.samantha;"Well,"@@ Samantha says, tilting her head with a smirk, @@.samantha;"you're the one who suggested we check out the Love Tunnel, so you're //definitely// going on the ride, $name."@@
You glance at the swan boats drifting past, then back at her. @@.player;"Are you seriously going to make me ride this alone?"@@
@@.samantha;"Oh no, you won't be alone, don't worry,"@@ she replies, her grin widening. @@.samantha;"You just have to pick who's riding with you."@@
Luke laughs, casually resting his arms on the railing. @@.luke;"I really don't mind,"@@ he says, shooting you an easygoing smile. @@.luke;"It's just a festival ride, not a marriage proposal."@@
Samantha shrugs. @@.samantha;"Yeah, I don't care either. Your call, bro."@@
You hesitate for a moment, glancing between them as the next boat approaches the dock.
Who are you going to ride with?
<<button "Go with Luke" "Tunnel of Love - Luke">><</button>>
<<button "Go with Samantha" "Tunnel of Love - Samantha">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $nextScene to "Day 2 - 2">>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You look in the mirror, eyes fixed on your reflection. Your medium-length hair, tousled from sleep, framed your face unevenly. You try and ignore your eyes and run your sister's brush through your hair. You keep on brushing your hair, and it gets silkier and straighter with each stroke. You nod in satisfaction, it looks significantly better with a second brush. You tuck some hair behind your ear and look at yourself in the mirror again.
<<button "You feel a chill" "Transformation - Hair 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 2>>\
Your alarm goes off with a loud blare, announcing the start of your day. You open your eyes and quickly tap at your phone to turn it off. Groggily getting out of bed, you climb down the ladder and rub your eyes to get all the sleep dust out of them.
You check the planner next to your monitor and see that today is free. After school would be a good time to investigate Madame Serena. You look in the mirror next to your bed and notice your hair is a little messy. You usually kept your hair short, but it had grown a bit due to your laziness. You run your hand through your hair and quickly run your brush through it, making it look slightly nicer. It doesn't look perfect, but you were usually too lazy to brush it more. As you're about to leave, you notice your sister's brush on the drawer. You pick it up and play with it in your hands, she must've left it in your room by accident. It wouldn't hurt to brush your hair again and make it look nicer, right?
<<button "Brush your hair again" "Brush Hair">>\<<set $d2brushedHair to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Leave it" "Day 2 - 2">>\<<set $d2brushedHair to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
After school, you go to the Autumn Festival with Luke and Samantha.
@@.luke;"So you're really saying you got cursed by Madame Serena for sneaking your phone in and recording?"@@ Luke says, trying to grasp what was going on.
@@.player;"I think so, my memory is a little fuzzy, but that's what she said,"@@ you say, thinking back to what happened in the tent.
@@.luke;"Wasn't Samantha the one who told you to bring your phone in and record?"@@ Luke says, looking over at Samantha.
@@.samantha;"Geez, it's always my fault, huh?"@@ Samantha says, laughing. @@.samantha;"No, but that's really my bad. If she did do something to you because I told you to record. I'm sorry, I just meant for it to be a silly prank."@@
@@.player;"It's fine, it's my fault that I went along with it anyway,"@@ you sigh and shake your head. @@.player;"And her fault for cursing me over something so minor of an issue!"@@
You get to the front of the ticket line and the three of you hand your tickets from yesterday to the muscular guy checking everyone.
@@.boy;"Sorry, these tickets are from yesterday,"@@ he says, crossing his arms. @@.boy;"You're going to need to purchase new ones."@@
@@.samantha;"Aw, really?"@@ Samantha says, seeming peeved. @@.samantha;"It's just a day, and our friend $name passed out here yesterday."@@
@@.boy;"Rules are rules, sorry,"@@ the man says.
You sigh and head back to the main entrance with Samantha and Luke. Each of you have to fork out another twenty dollars. You get a new ticket, this time with the date September 24, 2024. You can't believe you had to spend that much money just for a number to go up by one. But, ticket in hand, you make your way into the Autumn Festival.
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Friends">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
After school, you make an excuse that you're busy today and make your way to the Autumn Festival. You have the ticket from yesterday in your pocket, but when you try to enter, the muscular guy working there stops you.
@@.boy;"Sorry, this ticket is from yesterday,"@@ he says, crossing his arms. @@.boy;"You're going to need to purchase a new one."@@
@@.player;"Aww, really?"@@ you ask, sighing. You didn't want to spend even more money when you were just going to go to talk to Madame Serena and come right back.
<div class="note">Some of these options are skillchecks! Sometimes, you won't have a relevant skill. In that case, you can just go to the default option.</div>\
<<button "Try and run past him" "Day 2 - skillcheck">>\<<set $temp to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Try and persuade him" "Day 2 - skillcheck">>\<<set $temp to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just pay for a new ticket" "Day 2 - skillcheck">>\<<set $temp to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
You look around the Autumn Festival, trying to recall where Madame Serena's tent was.
@@.samantha;"Right here, $name,"@@ Samantha says, pointing at the tent off in the distance. You breathe a sigh of relief. You half-expected it to have disappeared, along with Madame Serena herself.
@@.luke;"Nobody comes to see this lady, huh?"@@ Luke says, observing the outside of the nonexistent line outside the tent.
@@.player;"Well, if she's cursing everyone that goes in, no wonder nobody wants to enter,"@@ you say, snickering at your own joke.
@@.samantha;"Should we come in with you, by the way?"@@ Samantha asks, seeming concerned for you. @@.samantha;"Don't want you passing out again."@@
@@.luke;"He's meant to go in alone, the last thing we want is $name getting cursed again,"@@ Luke says.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'll go in alone,"@@ you announce. You shut your eyes and place your hand on the tent's entrance, yanking it open and walking inside.
<<button "Talk to the seer" "Day 2 - 12">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
You look around the Autumn Festival, trying to recall where Madame Serena's tent was. You see it off in the distance and breathe a sigh of relief. You half-expected it to have disappeared, along with Madame Serena herself. You walk over to the tent, and just like yesterday, there was nobody else waiting to enter. You shut your eyes and place your hand on the tent's entrance, yanking it open and walking inside.
<<button "Talk to the seer" "Day 2 - 12">><</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
Again, the incense-filled air feels crushingly heavy on your shoulders. Madame Serena sits at her table, seeming indifferent to your presence. You wonder if you should cough or something to introduce yourself when Madame Serena suddenly looks up.
@@.serena;"I wondered when you'd return, young one,"@@ she says, her voice just as gravelly as you remembered. @@.serena;"The mirror has already begun showing you the truth, hasn't it? You've seen the changes in your reflection, and now you want control."@@
@@.player;"Look, I really didn't mean to record you, I'm sorry,"@@ you apologize quickly while still trying to sound as sincere as possible. @@.player;"But you did curse me, didn't you? What exactly is the curse? Can you stop it please? I'm really sorry for what I did."@@
@@.serena;"Oh, it can't be stopped,"@@ Madame Serena chuckles softly. @@.serena;"The mirror reflects your true self, even if it is buried inside. I can't stop the curse or tell you more about it, but I can offer you a deal."@@
You throw your arms up in the air, shocked by the audacity for her to try and cut a deal with you when she just confirmed that she cursed you. But seeing as how you have no other options, you nod.
@@.serena;"I'll grant you control over your fate. Every time the mirror speaks to you, every time you do something that hastens your transformation, you will have a moment to choose where the change manifests."@@
@@.player;"I'll take it, it's better than nothing, I guess,"@@ you say, desperate for any control. @@.player;"What do I have to do?"@@
Madame Serena smirks, and you suddenly feel a chill run down your spine. You feel you can direct it somewhere though. You focus the chill, and it runs from your spine to your face. You decide to direct the chill to a specific part, stumbling over to a mirror as you decide.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 2 - 13">>
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
<<button "Hair" "Transformation - Hair 2">>\<<set $d2transformation to "hair2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Hair" "Transformation - Hair 1">>\<<set $d2transformation to "hair1">>\<</button>>
<<button "Eyes" "Transformation - Eyes 2">>\<<set $d2transformation to "eyes2">>\<</button>>
<<button "Nose" "Transformation - Nose">>\<<set $d2transformation to "nose">>\<</button>>
<<button "Lips" "Transformation - Lips 1">>\<<set $d2transformation to "lips1">>\<</button>>
<<button "Forehead" "Transformation - Forehead">>\<<set $d2transformation to "forehead">>\<</button>>
<<button "Jawline" "Transformation - Jawline 1">>\<<set $d2transformation to "jawline1">>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
@@.player;"I just changed,"@@ you say, annoyed. @@.player;"Couldn't you have told me that that was going to happen?"@@
@@.serena;"Control comes at a price,"@@ Madame Serena says, unperturbed by your obvious irritation.
@@.player;"I mean, at least I can choose what changes now,"@@ you mumble. You think about the curse, thinking of Madame Serena's words and how the chill changed you. @@.player;"Is the curse making me more feminine?"@@
@@.serena;"I cannot confirm or deny that,"@@ the old seer says with a glint in her eyes, basically confirming that.
@@.player;"So I'm going to become more feminine each time I do something girly,"@@ you say, sighing and shaking your head. You wonder if you should thank her or not. On one hand, she was just giving you some more control over a curse she put on you. But it wouldn't hurt to get on Madame Serena's good side, would it? Or you could just insult her, she did curse you after all.
<<button "Just leave" "Day 2 - 14">>\<<set $d2serena to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Thank her and leave" "Day 2 - 14">>\<<set $d2serena to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Insult her" "Day 2 - 14">>\<<set $d2serena to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
<<if $d2serena is 0>>\
You exit the tent, not bothering to look back. You thought about it and didn't see any reason to thank Madame Serena when she literally cursed you. Sure, she gave you some control over the curse, but she's literally the one who cursed you.
<<elseif $d2serena is 1>>\
<<set $serenaRelo to Math.clamp($serenaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Oh, and Madame Serena, thank you for helping me control the curse,"@@ you say before you step out of the tent. @@.player;"I mean, you cursed me in the first place, but still. Thanks for giving me more control over it."@@
@@.serena;"Oh,"@@ she says, her mouth hanging open a little out of surprise. She quickly adjusts though, going back to her neutral expression. @@.serena;"Yes, of course, young one."@@
@@.player;"Oh, by the way, screw you for cursing me,"@@ you say, holding up your middle finger and exiting the tent. You really hated this woman, how dare she curse you to become like a girl.
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 15 Friends">><</button>>
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 15 Solo">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
@@.player;"Okay, well, I figured some things out,"@@ you say, the sunlight hitting your face as you walk out of the Autumn Festival.
<<if $d2transformation is "hair2">>\
@@.samantha;"Woah, wait, $name!"@@ Samantha says, looking at you in shock. @@.samantha;"What the hell is with your hair? It got so much longer!"@@
@@.player;"I'll explain, just give me a second, I know I'm screwed,"@@ you say, looking at your black hair cascading down to your shoulders.
@@.player;"So, I basically got cursed to become more feminine every time I do something girly,"@@ you say, trying to organize your scattered thoughts. @@.player;"Madame Serena gave me control over what body part I can transform, but that ended up changing me."@@
<<if $d2transformation is "hair2">>\
@@.luke;"So that's why your hair is so much longer,"@@ Luke says, frowning. @@.luke;"Isn't that too obvious though? Why did you choose your hair?"@@
@@.luke;"I mean, you do look a little different,"@@ Luke says, staring intently at your face.
@@.player;"I mean, do I look noticeably more feminine?"@@ you ask. @@.player;"I don't know how I'm going to go home if I look a lot different."@@
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.luke;"I hate to break it to you, but you do look different,"@@ Luke says.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Friends">><</button>>
<<elseif $feminineLooks >5>>\
@@.luke;"I mean, coming from someone who knows you, there is a slight difference,"@@ Luke says.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Friends">><</button>>
@@.luke;"There's basically no difference, you look the same unless someone looks super closely,"@@ Luke says.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Friends">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
The sunlight hits your eyes and you need to blink a few times to adjust to it. You sigh as you realize you're all alone, maybe you should've brought your friends with you. You recount the details of the curse in your mind. Every time you do something girly, you will physically become more feminine. You can control what body part changes, but it seems to be limited to your face for now.
Suddenly, you remember that you're going to have to go back home soon. You can't go home looking too different. You pull out your phone and look at your reflection. You realize that you look \
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
noticeably different.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Solo">><</button>>
<<elseif $feminineLooks >5>>\
a little different.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Solo">><</button>>
almost the same.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 16 Solo">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.player;"Fuck,"@@ you groan, burying your face in your hands. @@.player;"I mean, how am I going to explain my hair magically growing?"@@
@@.samantha;"I mean, we can just say you borrowed some of my hair serum, and that made your hair grow,"@@ Samantha gives you a weak smile. @@.samantha;"I know it doesn't really hold up, but your mom doesn't really have any other option other than to believe you."@@
@@.player;"I guess that's the best excuse I've got,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Thanks, Samantha."@@
<<elseif $feminineLooks >5>>\
@@.player;"I mean, I should be able to make an excuse, right?"@@ your voice wavering a little.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I don't think it's that noticeable to the point where you can't brush it off,"@@ Samantha shrugs.
@@.player;"That's a relief, I can't go home looking too different,"@@ you say, chuckling.
You begin walking back home with your friends, feeling a little more confident with the two of them by your side.
<<button "Go home" "Day 2 - 17 Friends">><</button>><img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
You groan, there is a noticeable difference between how you looked before and how you look now. Making your hair longer was a decision alright, although you were unsure if it was a good one. You try and think of an excuse for why your hair is suddenly a few inches longer in the span of just a couple of hours.
<<elseif $feminineLooks >5>>\
You don't look too different, but your mom and sister would probably notice. It would be better to be safe than sorry and think of an excuse.
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize that there's basically no difference. Your family may notice something, but you should be able to brush it off pretty easily.
You put your phone back in your pocket and begin walking back home, mind racing for some kind of excuse. You feel a little anxious and lonely in facing this alone but steel yourself for what's ahead, knowing you could do this.
<<button "Go home" "Day 2 - 17 Solo">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
@@.player;"Mom, I'm home!"@@ you yell out, kicking off your shoes. @@.player;"Samantha and Luke are here too!"@@
@@.samantha;"Hi, Ms. Yoon!"@@ Samantha says loudly.
@@.luke;"Hello, Ms. Yoon,"@@ Luke repeats, noticeably more quietly.
@@.girl;"I'll be right there!"@@ your mom says. She finishes doing something in the kitchen and walks out to the living room. \
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
The second she sees you, she almost drops the cup she has in her hand out of surprise. @@.girl;"What happened to your hair, $name?"@@
@@.player;"Erm,"@@ you say, turning to Samantha for help.
@@.samantha;"Oh, I'm so sorry Ms. Yoon, I gave him some of my hair serum I bought on Temu!"@@ Samantha lies, seeming super apologetic. @@.samantha;"It worked really well, so his hair suddenly grew a lot."@@
@@.girl;"A hair serum from Temu made his hair grow that much?"@@ your mom asks, brows furrowing in confusion.
@@.samantha;"Yes, I just wanted to test it on $name a little, but it ended up growing way longer than I thought,"@@ Samantha emotes.
@@.girl;"Well, that's what happens when you order products on Temu,"@@ your mom laughs gently. You can't help but be relieved that she bought the excuse.
<<elseif $feminineLooks >5>>\
She squints as she sees you, looking carefully at your face. @@.girl;"You look a little different, $name. A little more graceful."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, I helped train him to hold himself a little differently, do you like the effects Ms. Yoon?"@@ Samantha lies as easily as one would breathe air.
@@.girl;"I do, good job Samantha,"@@ your mom nods in approval.
Your mom doesn't notice anything different about you. @@.girl;"How are you three?"@@
Samantha quickly makes up a convincing story about what the three of you did today.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, we'll get going now Ms. Yoon!"@@ Samantha says.
@@.girl;"But you just arrived,"@@ your mom says, seeming confused.
@@.luke;"Well, we just wanted to accompany $name home to make sure he wouldn't pass out again,"@@ Luke says, gently nudging you.
@@.girl;"Ah, that's kind of you two,"@@ your mom smiles. @@.girl;"I won't hold you two here if you're busy. Thank you for taking care of $name."@@
Your friends say their goodbyes and leave. You guess they just wanted to make sure you would be alright and that they could cover for you if your mom noticed any of your changes. You can't help but smile a little, that was really nice of them.
@@.player;"Mom, I'll go to my room okay?"@@ you announce.
@@.girl;"Sure, just come down when I call you,"@@ your mom says. @@.girl;"Your father's coming home soon and we're going to have a family dinner."@@
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 2 - 18">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
@@.player;"Mom, I'm home!"@@ you yell out, kicking off your shoes and walking into the living room.
@@.girl;"I'll be right there!"@@ your mom says. She finishes doing something in the kitchen and walks out to the living room. \
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
The second she sees you, she almost drops the cup she has in her hand out of surprise. @@.girl;"What happened to your hair, $name?"@@
@@.player;"Erm, they're extensions,"@@ you lie, hoping she'll buy it. @@.player;"I wanted to see how I'd look like with longer hair."@@
@@.girl;"Well, they look very convincing,"@@ your mom says, relaxing. @@.girl;"You look good with longer hair."@@
@@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you say, relieved that she bought your flimsy excuse.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 5>>\
She squints as she sees you, looking carefully at your face. @@.girl;"You look a little different, $name. A little more graceful."@@
@@.player;"Oh, I've just been trying to carry myself differently,"@@ you weave up a lie. You didn't want to tell your mom that you were cursed by a seer just yet. @@.player;"Do you like it?"@@
@@.girl;"Yes I do, I don't know exactly what you did, but it's working,"@@ your mom says, smiling.
She walks over to the sofa and takes a seat, not noticing anything off about you. She takes a long sip from the glass of water she has in her hand and then places it on the table. @@.girl;"So, how was your day?"@@
You tell her about your day, conveniently leaving out the parts about Madame Serena and the curse.
@@.player;"Mom, I'll go to my room okay?"@@ you announce.
@@.girl;"Sure, just come down when I call you,"@@ your mom says. @@.girl;"Your father's coming home soon and we're going to have a family dinner."@@
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 2 - 18">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
You settle down in the chair in front of your desk. You're forced to do homework since you just had your first few classes today. You do your homework, finding it \
<<if $study < 80>>\
<<elseif $study < 85>>\
not too difficult.
You finish up your homework as soon as you hear the front door swing open. You realize your dad is home. Your mom calls out to you and Lily to eat dinner, and you make your way downstairs.
<<button "Go to the Yoon family dinner" "Day 2 - 19">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-kitchena.png">
You walk over to the kitchen, where your dad just returned from a business trip. He's still dressed in a dark suit and looks exhausted. Your dad worked as a businessman and was out living in hotels quite often. You weren't the biggest fan of how often he was away, so you were glad to have him back. He exchanges some words with your mom before turning to you.
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.boy;"Son, what happened to your hair? Have I been away for that long?"@@ your dad asks, chuckling. @@.boy;"It's only been three weeks, your hair sure grows fast, huh?"@@
You quickly recite the excuse from earlier, and your dad luckily doesn't question it. He just accepts it as fact. \
@@.boy;"Son, how are you?"@@ your Dad asks, a wide smile on his face. \
You two chat for a little while until your mom's voice interrupts the conversation.
@@.girl;"Lily, come out!"@@ your mom says, stomping over to Lily's room. @@.girl;"I swear that girl just does not listen to directions. Lily, your dad is home!"@@
@@.lily;"Geez, sorry,"@@ your sister gets dragged out of her room and into the dining room. She notices you laughing at her and looks at you angrily. \
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.lily;"Stop laughing at me, $name! What's up with your hair anyway?"@@
@@.lily;"Stop laughing, $name! Why do you look different anyway?"@@
<<button "Be mean to your sister" "Day 2 - 20">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Be nice to your sister" "Day 2 - 20">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
You gasp in surprise, your hair was definitely different. Was this what Madame Serena meant when she said the mirror would shift each time you acted on something you couldn't see? You had to get to school, but this was something you had to investigate.
You set the brush down. Your hair was fine as it is, there was no need to brush it again. I mean sure, it would look nicer, but you were busy. School was coming up in only thirty minutes, and your appearance was the last of your worries.
You pack your backpack, putting in your laptop, notebooks, and stationery. The rest of the usual morning routine gets done, with you washing your face, brushing your teeth, and teasing your little sister. Things that have to get done, of course. You never got into the habit of eating breakfast at home though, you always just waited until lunch at school.
@@.player;"Bye, Mom,"@@ you say, waving as you're about to leave.
@@.girl;"Let me get a good look at you,"@@ your mom says, walking up to you and wrapping you in a tight hug before you get the chance to react.
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
@@.lily;"Why does he look... prettier?"@@ your sister asks, squinting.
@@.girl;"Huh?"@@ your mom inspects you and frowns. @@.girl;"Did you do something with your look? You do look a little prettier."@@
@@.player;"Uhh, no, not at all, nothing,"@@ you say nervously. @@.player;"Bye!"@@
@@.player;"Geez Mom, I'm eighteen, no need for that,"@@ you awkwardly laugh off the hug.
@@.girl;"A mother can hug her son whenever she feels like it,"@@ your mom responds. @@.girl;"Have a good day at school!"@@
@@.lily;"Bye, ugly!"@@ your sister says, blowing a raspberry at you.
You step out of your home's front door, taking a breath of fresh air as the door closes shut behind you.
<<button "Walk to school" "Day 2 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-kitchena.png">
<<if $temp is false>>\
@@.player;"I decided to take care of my appearance more, there has to be one attractive sibling,"@@ you say meanly, a smirk on your face.
@@.lily;"Shut up!"@@ Lily's fiery personality shows in both her expression and words.
<<set $lilyRelo += 3>>\
@@.player;"Geez, sorry,"@@ you say, deciding to take the high road and be nice to your sister. @@.player;"Just come out on time."@@
@@.lily;"I was busy playing Dress to Impress on Roblox!"@@ she says, crossing her arms.
@@.girl;"Come on, sit down Lily,"@@ your mom says, motioning for Lily to take a seat. She stomps over and sits, with all the grace of an angry teenage girl. The food is all plated already, and you can't help but breathe in the aroma. Today's dinner was fettuccine alfredo, your dad's favorite.
@@.boy;"Thanks, honey,"@@ your dad says, giving your mom a quick peck on the lips.
@@.lily;"Gross!"@@ Lily says, covering her eyes.
@@.player;"Wait until you learn how we were made,"@@ you sniggered. Your sister was fourteen, so she definitely knew what you were referencing.
@@.lily;"Ew!"@@ Lily mimics vomiting.
@@.girl;"Let's keep family discussion family-friendly,"@@ your mom says, sighing at the conversation you and Lily are having. Meanwhile, your dad just laughs. That is, until your mom gently slaps his arm.
@@.boy;"Ah, yes, let's keep the conversation appropriate kids,"@@ your dad clears his throat.
@@.lily;"$name is the one who brought up the weird topic first!"@@ Lily complains.
@@.player;"Not my fault you're too much of a baby,"@@ you respond back.
Family dinner continues with you and Lily bantering as siblings do. Quips are shot back and forth, and your mom seems tired of having to keep the two of you in check. Deep down though, you're glad your family is whole again for a while. It's always nice to have your dad back home.
<<button "Continue" "Day 2 - 21">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
After dinner, you spend your time procrastinating. You make sure to shower, being glad that at least your body is the same. It was scary enough having your face change, having your body change would be even scarier.
You stand in front of your bedroom mirror before bed, looking at your changed features. You've only changed $femineChanges times, but it felt like more than that. You think about how you'll feel if you become even more feminine. If you end up looking completely like a girl. The thought makes you feel a little weird.
<<button "But you wouldn't hate it" "Day 2 - 22">>\<<set $d2hate to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "You would certainly hate it" "Day 2 - 22">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d2hate is false>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
The thought of becoming more feminine is scary and weird, for sure, but not disgusting. You don't think you'd hate it. Well, you'd see how the curse would go though.
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The thought of becoming more feminine was horrifying, and you didn't want it to happen to you. You were a normal guy after all, and no normal guy wanted to become a girl, right?
You try not to think about it and turn off the lights. Crawling into bed, you feel exhausted after the long day you just had. Soon after, the depths of sleep takes you, and all goes black.
<<button "Continue" "Day 3 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/home-exterior.png">
You start walking to school, lazily putting one foot in front of the other. You keep on thinking about what happened. \
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
Even your sister and mom noticed something off about you. Sure, they were family, but still. It meant your appearance was changing. \
Your eyes definitely changed and that was concerning. Who knows, maybe if you brushed your hair, that would've changed as well. \
You're deep in your thoughts, unable to quit thinking about Madame Serena.
@@.luke;"$name, how are you?"@@ Luke walks up to you after you've been walking to school for a few minutes. You snap out of it, greeting Luke awkwardly.
@@.player;"Oh, yeah, hi,"@@ you murmur. @@.player;"I'm good."@@
@@.luke;"Are you sure?"@@ Luke worriedly places a hand on your shoulder. @@.luke;"You passed out yesterday, remember? Samantha and I messaged you but you didn't respond."@@
@@.player;"Oh, sorry,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Wait, Luke, do you notice anything different about me? Do I look different?"@@
Luke stops walking and observes your face. He leans in close, his brown eyes boring into yours.
@@.luke;"I don't think so,"@@ he ends up answering anticlimactically. @@.luke;"Why do you ask?"@@
<div class="note">This determines whether you tell your friends about the curse for the next few days. Choose wisely!</div>\
<<button "Tell him about your suspicions" "Day 2 - 4 Tell">>\<<set $d2tell to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just brush it off" "Day 2 - 4 Secret">>\<<set $d2tell to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/home-exterior.png">
@@.player;"No, no reason, I was just curious,"@@ you try and quickly think of a lie. @@.player;"It's because I passed out yesterday. I just wanted to make sure I didn't look any different."@@
@@.luke;"Don't worry, your head hasn't gotten any bigger,"@@ Luke chuckles. @@.luke;"Otherwise it would be cause for concern."@@
@@.player;"Oh shut up,"@@ you say, jokingly punching his arm.
You two continue chatting and insulting each other on the way to school, as boys do.
<<button "Go to school" "Day 2 - 5">><</button>><img src="img/bg/home-exterior.png">
@@.player;"I just asked because I feel like I've been changing, I think the lady at the Autumn Festival cursed me,"@@ you say. It feels ridiculous to say it out loud, but it was the only explanation.
@@.luke;"Huh?"@@ Luke frowns, an incredulous look on his face. @@.luke;"Are you okay, $name? Maybe Samantha and I should've taken you to the hospital instead."@@
@@.player;"I swear I'm not crazy,"@@ you sigh. \
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
@@.player;"Here, look at my hair."@@
@@.luke;"Your hair?"@@ he lets out an awkward laugh. @@.luke;"You combed it, yeah?"@@
@@.player;"Well, yeah,"@@ you trail off, realizing just how crazy you sounded. Nevertheless, you continued. @@.player;"Touch it."@@
@@.luke;"Your hair?"@@ Luke seems to be at a loss for words for a few seconds. @@.luke;"Do you have a concussion?"@@
@@.player;"Just do it!"@@ you yell out.
@@.luke;"Geez, fine,"@@ Luke reaches out his hand and strokes your hair. His eyes widen in surprise. @@.luke;"How is it so smooth?"@@
@@.player;"Here, look at my eyes."@@
@@.luke;"Okay,"@@ he focuses on your eyes. @@.luke;"Yeah, they're brown."@@
@@.player;"No, I mean they're bigger and rounder,"@@ you say, starting to get annoyed by his obliviousness. Did he really not notice any difference?
@@.luke;"I mean, now that I look at them carefully,"@@ his eyes widen in surprise. @@.luke;"They really do look different. How did this happen?"@@
@@.player;"Well, I think Madame Serena cursed me or something,"@@ you whisper. @@.player;"I know, I know it sounds ridiculous. But there's no other explanation for why I changed."@@
@@.luke;"I mean, I get that you changed but a curse?"@@ Luke examines your face to see if you're joking or not. @@.luke;"Did you do any research on the Madame Serena lady?"@@
<<if $d1Time is true>>\
@@.player;"Uhh, I had to review for classes today so I didn't have time."@@
@@.luke;"You suspect you've been cursed and you do homework?"@@ Luke looks more and more confused. He must genuinely think you're a nutcase at this point.
@@.player;"Shut up, I need to get into a good university, okay?"@@
@@.player;"Of course, but I couldn't really find anything of value."@@
@@.luke;"Well, anyway, we're almost at school. So let's talk about this later,"@@ Luke says.
@@.player;"Yeah, sure,"@@ you respond.
<<button "Go to school" "Day 2 - 5">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-exterior.png">
You check your school schedule just to remember what classes you got this year.
<table style="margin: 0px auto;">
<td>English Literature</td>
<td>Mr. Alistair Reeds</td>
<td>Physics 2</td>
<td>Dr. Tobias Clark</td>
<td>Coach Sarah Blake</td>
<td>Gymnasium (101A)</td>
<td>Mr. Oliver Bennet</td>
<td>Ms. Naomi Tanaka</td>
<td>East Asian History</td>
<td>Mr. Nathaniel Cross</td>
<td>Ms. Sophia Delgado</td>
<td>Señora Gabriela Morales</td>
<td>Ms. Elizabeth Carter</td>
Your school follows a schedule where you go to four classes a day, with homeroom in the beginning. You shuffle off to room 101 to meet Ms. Carter.
<<button "Go to homeroom" "Day 2 - 6">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You walk into class 101, and it becomes pretty evident that Ms. Carter is an English teacher. With a poster of Shakespeare on the wall and papers detailing the elements of plot, you'd be shocked if she wasn't. You see a couple of other bored faces looking at their phones before school officially starts. It was 7:58 right now, and Ms. Carter was still nowhere to be seen.
You look around to see where you should sit. You know the names of most of the people in your homeroom, but that's honestly about it. You didn't have many friends besides Samantha and Luke after all. You do notice one person though. Jessica Sanders is the head cheerleader and the most attractive and popular girl at school. You let out a shaky breath, you were definitely not sitting next to her.
You slide into an empty seat with nobody around you. As soon as you take a seat, a middle-aged woman, who you assume to be Ms. Carter slides into the room.
@@.girl;"Welcome to homeroom everyone,"@@ Ms. Carter says, flashing a bright smile. @@.girl;"I'm sorry for coming in at the last minute, I had to take care of some teacher business."@@
Ms. Carter motions for everyone to put down their phones. She takes a quick swig of water before continuing to speak. @@.girl;"There's not much to do in homeroom today, which I'm sure you all are glad about. However, I am going to require that you all come up to me and speak to me for a few minutes. The rest of the time is yours to socialize, browse Instagram, whatever you want to do. Understand?"@@
Everyone nods enthusiastically, considering that was a pretty good deal. Sure, you had to talk to a random teacher for a few minutes, but homeroom was an hour long. Other teachers would make up random work to keep their students busy. You look at your backpack and contemplate what to do.
<<button "Study" "Day 2 - 7">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Browse your socials" "Day 2 - 7">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $temp is true>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You sigh but pull out your laptop and notebook. You spend your time doing literary analysis since you were never the best at English. Time ticks by slowly, and you're glad when it's finally your turn.
@@.girl;"Mr. $name Yoon, come up please,"@@ you hear Ms. Carter's voice say. You close your laptop, pressing down on it just to make sure, and go up to the front of the room. You sit down across from Ms. Carter. @@.girl;"Quite studious, huh? Everyone else is on their phones."@@
@@.player;"I suppose so yeah,"@@ you chuckle.
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You open Instagram on your phone and browse around, liking posts and even writing a few comments here and there. Studying may have been the better option, but hey, you wanted to relax. Time ticks by fast, and before you know it, it's your turn.
@@.girl;"Mr. $name Yoon, come up please,"@@ you hear Ms. Carter's voice say. You turn off your phone, slide it into your pocket, and go up to the front of the room. You sit down across from Ms. Carter. @@.girl;"So, hope you enjoyed your time on the app of your choosing."@@
@@.player;"I did, thank you,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.girl;"So, I just wanted to get to know you a little,"@@ Ms. Carter says, her undivided attention directed toward you. @@.girl;"Is there anything you enjoy doing in your free time?"@@
<div class="note">This is an opportunity to boost one of your stats by a significant amount!</div>\
<<button "I like to read" "Day 2 - 8">>\<<set $hobby to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I like to play basketball" "Day 2 - 8">>\<<set $hobby to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I like to talk to friends" "Day 2 - 8">>\<<set $hobby to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "I like to browse social media" "Day 2 - 8">>\<<set $hobby to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $hobby is 0>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, I like to read,"@@ you murmur. It sounds like you're being a teacher's pet, considering Ms. Carter is an English teacher, but you genuinely did enjoy reading.
@@.girl;"Oh, I'm glad to hear that!"@@ Ms. Carter genuinely sounds very happy. You suspect not many people enjoy reading. @@.girl;"What's your favorite book?"@@
@@.player;"Well, I like A Song of Ice and Fire,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"A fantastic series of books, shame that it'll probably never be finished though,"@@ she sighs. \
<<elseif $hobby is 1>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, I like to play basketball sometimes,"@@ you murmur.
@@.girl;"Oh, it's a shame that this school doesn't have a basketball team,"@@ Ms. Carter says. @@.girl;"I suppose they only care about football."@@
@@.player;"Even if there was a basketball team, I don't think I'd be good enough to get in,"@@ you chuckle. Your basketball skills were pretty poor. It was more of a hobby than anything you took seriously.
@@.girl;"Well, you never know until you try!"@@ Ms. Carter says. \
<<elseif $hobby is 2>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, I like to talk to my friends when I can,"@@ you say. You weren't sure if socializing counted as a hobby, but you did spend a lot of your time chatting.
@@.girl;"That takes up a lot of my time too,"@@ Ms. Carter laughs a little. @@.girl;"We all need socialization, we are human after all."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, of course,"@@ you respond, not too sure what to say.
@@.girl;"I still have a lot of friends from high school, make sure to keep the good ones,"@@ Ms. Carter gives you a knowing wink. \
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, I like to just browse around social media,"@@ you say, realizing how lame of an answer that was after the words left your mouth.
@@.girl;"Well, social media is a powerful form of connection,"@@ Ms. Carter says. @@.girl;"It is quite addicting too, I'm guilty of spending hours a day on social media."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I just open the app and a few hours fly by,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"I relate to that too much,"@@ Ms. Carter laughs gently. \
@@.girl;"Back to the topic though, I just wanted to get to know each one of my homeroom students since we'll be together a lot."@@
@@.player;"I'm really not that interesting though,"@@ you say, thinking of your life. You thought you were a pretty average guy. If someone wrote a story about your life, it wouldn't sell all that well. You were sure the reviews would talk about how there was nothing entertaining.
@@.girl;"Nonsense, everyone is interesting in their own way,"@@ Ms. Carter reassures. She continues asking questions about you and your life and you find that Ms. Carter is surprisingly easy to talk to. A few minutes pass before Ms. Carter starts to wind the conversation down.
@@.girl;"Oh, and before I leave you be,"@@ Ms. Carter says, staring at your \
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
hair. @@.girl;"You have really nice hair, $name."@@
eyes. @@.girl;"You have really nice eyes, $name."@@
@@.player;"Oh, thank you,"@@ you say, a little flattered before you realized what she just complimented. Did she seriously just compliment the body part of yours that changed? You suppose it's better than no compliment though.
<<button "Continue with school" "Day 2 - 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
@@.player;"Hey guys,"@@ you say, sliding into your usual table in the cafeteria.
@@.samantha;"Hey, $name,"@@ Samantha replies. She glances up from her meal to look at you. @@.samantha;"Hey, you look a little different."@@
@@.player;"Huh?"@@ Did Samantha notice that quickly? Luke looked at your face for a while and didn't notice anything. Girls really were different in that regard, huh?
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
@@.samantha;"Yeah, your eyes and hair!"@@ she says, sounding a little too enthusiastic. @@.samantha;"I get the hair but how are your eyes different? Did you get plastic surgery without telling us?"@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, your eyes!"@@ she says, sounding a little too enthusiastic. @@.samantha;"Did you get surgery without telling us? How are your eyes bigger and rounder?"@@
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
@@.luke;"$name said he thinks the lady in the tent did something to him"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"We talked about it a little this morning."@@
@@.samantha;"You think you got cursed?"@@ Samantha asks, a look of disbelief on her face.
<<if $d2brushedHair is true>>\
@@.player;"I mean, you can explain my hair, but how would you explain my eyes changing?"@@ you ask, pointing at your eyes. @@.player;"They're definitely different, don't you think?"@@
@@.samantha;"So you think the lady cursed you to be prettier?"@@ Samantha snorts. @@.samantha;"Sounds like a good curse to me."@@
@@.player;"Look, when I brushed my hair today I felt a chill and my hair changed to be a lot silkier,"@@ you say, recounting the experience you had this morning. @@.player;"I know it's ridiculous, but just help me investigate this please. If we could go back to the Autumn Festival today to see if she's there, that would be great."@@
@@.player;"I mean, look at my eyes."@@ you say, pointing at your eyes. @@.player;"This happened after I passed out at the tent. Madame Serena said some really weird stuff too."@@
@@.samantha;"So you think she cursed you to have bigger eyes?"@@ Samantha snorts. @@.samantha;"I want that curse too."@@
@@.player;"Well, I don't know the specifics, but I swear I changed."@@ you sigh. @@.player;"Just help me investigate this please. If we could go back to the Autumn Festival today to see if she's there, that would be great."@@
@@.luke;"Don't worry, we'll help,"@@ Luke puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. @@.luke;"Even though you might just be crazy."@@
@@.player;"Fuck off,"@@ you say, laughing.
The three of you return to your usual banter, although the plan to go to find Madame Serena after school has been set.
<<button "Investigate with your friends after school" "Day 2 - 10 - Friends">><</button>>
@@.luke;"Is that why you asked about your appearance this morning?"@@ Luke frowns, probably trying to see what Samantha saw.
@@.player;"Uhh,"@@ you say, trying to think of an excuse. You weren't ready to tell your friends about what you suspected just yet. They would think you were crazy. @@.player;"I've just been trying to take care of myself more."@@
@@.samantha;"Geez, $name, did passing out yesterday do something to you?"@@ she asks, giggling. @@.samantha;"I guess a day where you care about appearances has finally arrived."@@
@@.player;"Not like you do your makeup either, Samantha,"@@ you quip back.
@@.samantha;"At least I know how to!"@@ she replies, jokingly indignant. @@.samantha;"I'm just too lazy to put on makeup at school. I'm not one of the cheerleaders."@@
The three of you return to your usual banter, the changes to your appearance soon forgotten. You let out a mental sigh of relief, you would investigate these changes after school.
<<button "Investigate by yourself after school" "Day 2 - 10 - Solo">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/autumn-festival.png">
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
<<if $temp is 0>>\
<<if $athleticism > 59>>\
You pretend to be disappointed, but at the last second, you run right past the guy into the Autumn Festival. You make sure to blend into the crowd as the guy tries to find you. After a minute, he gives up, and you can't help but smirk. Looks like playing basketball helped you.
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Solo">><</button>>
You pretend to be disappointed, but at the last second, try and run right past the guy. He stops you with one arm though, and laughs. @@.boy;"Nice try kid, but you're not athletic enough,"@@ he says. You burn red, humiliated. Why did you think that was a good idea again?
You sigh and head back to the main entrance. You have to fork out another twenty dollars. You get a new ticket, this time with the date September 24, 2024. You can't believe you had to spend that much money just for a number to go up by one. But, ticket in hand, you make your way into the Autumn Festival.
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Solo">><</button>>
<<elseif $temp is 1>>\
<<if $social > 59>>\
You use your words, persuading him to allow you in without paying.
@@.player;"I passed out here yesterday, and I think I dropped my necklace somewhere. My grandpa gave it to me last year, it's one of my most valuable possessions. I don't have twenty bucks, can you just let me in for a few minutes?"@@ you weave a story up. You don't even have a necklace or a grandpa, and although you were broke, twenty bucks was affordable.
@@.boy;"Oh, you're the one who passed out yesterday?"@@ the man asks, seeming concerned. @@.boy;"Hope you're alright kid. Go on in, get your necklace."@@
You walk into the Autumn Festival, a smirk on your face. Score!
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Solo">><</button>>
@@.player;"I passed out here, and umm, just let me in please"@@ you try to weave a story but your social skills aren't good enough.
@@.boy;"Yeah, nice try, go pay like everyone else,"@@ the man says, pointing you toward the ticket line.
You sigh and head back to the main entrance. You have to fork out another twenty dollars. You get a new ticket, this time with the date September 24, 2024. You can't believe you had to spend that much money just for a number to go up by one. But, ticket in hand, you make your way into the Autumn Festival.
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Solo">><</button>>
You sigh and head back to the main entrance. You have to fork out another twenty dollars. You get a new ticket, this time with the date September 24, 2024. You can't believe you had to spend that much money just for a number to go up by one. But, ticket in hand, you make your way into the Autumn Festival.
<<set $money -= 20>>
<<button "Go find Madame Serena" "Day 2 - 11 - Solo">><</button>>
<</if>>\The Academic Club
Do you love a good challenge? Want to flex your mental muscles and show off your knowledge? Then the Academic Club is perfect for you! We're about teamwork, competition, and having a blast while becoming the smartest version of yourself.
We compete in quizzes and academic challenges against other schools, study a wide range of topics, work together as a team in competitions, and prepare for a regional showdown that can take us to further contests! It doesn't matter what subject you're passionate about, there's a spot for you here. Not only that, you'll make awesome friends who share your love for learning. This is in addition to the fact that this will be a significant boost to your college application.
Join the Academic Club! Brains aren't just for school, they're for winning too!
<<button "Return" "Day 3 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 3>>\
The unwelcome blare of the alarm strikes again, waking you and returning you to the world of the living. You sigh and get out of bed, getting ready for school by doing your morning routine. You brush your teeth, change out of your pajamas, and sling your backpack over your shoulder. You make your way to your dining room, where your mom and sister already are.
You see Lily finishing up with her breakfast, the faint smell of eggs still in the air. She puts her dirty plate in the sink and starts to walk back to her room. You grab her and noogie her, rubbing your knuckles against her scalp. You make sure it doesn't hurt, but it'll definitely mess up her hair.
@@.lily;"Hey, my hair!"@@ Lily screeches, pushing you off her. She rushes to a mirror and looks at her hair. @@.lily;"$name! You messed up my hair!"@@
@@.player;"Did I?"@@ you say, feigning innocence. @@.player;"I was just giving my little sister a friendly pat on the head."@@
@@.lily;"That was not a head pat!"@@ she says indignantly. She turns to Mom, tattling on you. @@.lily;"Mom, $name messed up my hair! He noogied me!"@@
@@.player;"I just gave her a head pat!"@@ you say, although you have a wide smirk on your face.
@@.girl;"It is way too early for this,"@@ your mom shakes her head and sighs. @@.girl;"$name, don't noogie your sister. Lily, just fix your hair."@@
@@.player;"Sorry Lily, I'll get going now"@@ you say, your apology far from sincere. You hear your sister hurling insults at you as you step out of the door. You can't help but laugh, it was fun being an older sibling.
<<button "Go to school" "Day 3 - 2">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
<<if $d3paige is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Hey, shut up man,"@@ you say, trying to sound tough. @@.player;"You shouldn't talk about her like that."@@
@@.boy;"Ooh, what are you, her knight in shining armor?"@@ the tall one asks, almost doubling over in laughter.
@@.player;"Just a decent person,"@@ you respond sharply. @@.player;"She wouldn't want your dick anywhere near her. Just shut up, you're loud and annoying."@@
They consider responding, but end up just slinking off to another corner of the locker room. You're relieved, because if they escalated things, you're not sure how you would've handled that. You definitely couldn't have won in a fight, that was for sure.
@@.vincent;"Hey, that was really cool of you,"@@ you hear a quiet voice from next to you. You look to your right to see a guy with a weak smile on his face. He's pretty tall but has an innocent face and some glasses that don't fit his face well. You think you've seen him around the school a few times, but you don't know his name. @@.vincent;"I'm Vincent, by the way, but some people call me Vinny."@@
@@.player;"Hey Vinny,"@@ you say, his name familiar now that he's said it. @@.player;"Yeah, they were just being obnoxious and loud. I had to speak up and say something."@@
@@.vincent;"I wanted to say something too, but I'm a little too shy,"@@ he chuckles and brushes some hair off his face. @@.vincent;"I'm glad you spoke up though."@@
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You stay silent, although you're very ticked off on the inside. An annoyed expression is on your face, and it seems someone has detected that.
@@.vincent;"They're really obnoxious, huh?"@@ you hear a quiet voice from next to you. You look to your right to see a guy who looks equally annoyed. He's pretty tall but has an innocent face and some glasses that don't fit his face well. You think you've seen him around the school a few times, but you don't know his name. @@.vincent;"I'm Vincent, by the way, but some people call me Vinny."@@
@@.player;"Hey Vincent,"@@ you say, his name sounding familiar now that he said it. @@.player;"I would speak up if I wasn't so shy."@@
@@.vincent;"Yeah, I'm shy too, but I hate when people talk like that,"@@ Vincent says, crossing his arms. @@.vincent;"Like, people aren't just objects for sex."@@
@@.player;"You know what, I think we're going to get along pretty well,"@@ you say, smiling at Vincent. He seemed like a really cool guy, and you certainly wouldn't be opposed to getting to know him more.
<<set $vincentCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $vincentCGeyes to 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<<set $vincentCGhair to 2>>\
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<<set $vincentCGhair to 3>>\
<<if $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<<set $vincentCGeyes to 2>>\
<<button "Go to class" "Day 3 - 11">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gymd.png">
You go to class, and Coach Blake blows her whistle to get everyone's attention. @@.girl;"Class, today we will be playing pickleball!"@@ she announces after everyone focuses on her. @@.girl;"Please get in groups of two."@@
You look around the class, not knowing who to partner up with. You didn't know anyone particularly well. Everyone else is already pairing up, leaving you awkwardly looking around for a partner. You feel a tap on your shoulder, and when you swing around you see Vincent.
@@.vincent;"Hey, do you want to partner up?"@@ he asks shyly, adjusting his glasses a little. @@.vincent;"I don't have that many friends, so I don't have anyone to partner up with."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I would love to,"@@ you say, nodding. It's not like you had anyone else to partner up with anyway, Plus, Vincent seemed really chill. @@.player;"Are you good at sports?"@@
@@.vincent;"Look at me, does it look like I'd be good at sports?"@@ he asks, pointing to his glasses with frames that were far too thick. @@.vincent;"I'm terrible at anything athletic. I'm better at studying and stuff like that. How about you?"@@
<<if $athleticism > 59>>\
@@.player;"I'd say I'm decently athletic,"@@ you say. \
<<elseif $athleticism > 54>>\
@@.player;"I can hold my own,"@@ you say. \
@@.player;"Not at all, I can't even get a ball in a net,"@@ you say. \
@@.player;"Anyway, let's see what Coach Blake has to say."@@
The two of you head back to the main group, where Coach Blake begins to explain what you all are going to do. You end up practicing pickleball with Vincent for a few minutes, getting the hang of how to work the paddle. Eventually, though, Coach Blake decides to make you all play a game of two on two pickleball.
@@.vincent;"Hopefully our opponents aren't too good,"@@ Vincent says, out of breath just from practicing for a while. @@.vincent;"I'm not good at this game."@@
Coach Blake starts splitting everyone up, you and Vincent get assigned to the two boys that were talking about Paige earlier. You sigh, out of all the people in the class, of course you got those two.
<<if $d3paige is true>>\
@@.boy;"Hey, it's you,"@@ the ugly one says, a sneer on his face. @@.boy;"We're going to destroy you and your nerd teammate."@@
@@.boy;"Yeahh, good luck, not like you're going to beat us,"@@ the ugly one says mockingly.
The game starts, and it begins to get heated quickly. You really wanted to beat these assholes, but as the game goes on, neither team can build a significant lead. The tall one's long arms make it hard to get the ball past him, and the ugly one is no slouch either. After some time, the score is tied at match point. The ball heads toward you, not having much time to think, you have to decide on a move that could potentially win the game.
<<button "Hit the ball with a strong forehand" "Day 3 - 12">>\<<set $d3pickleball to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Attempt a gentle drop shot" "Day 3 - 12">>\<<set $d3pickleball to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Hit a controlled, low shot to their weaker side" "Day 3 - 12">>\<<set $d3pickleball to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<if $d3pickleball is 0>>\
You decide to go for a powerful shot, trying to end the rally with a quick forehand to the back corner of the court. But the shot ends up being too aggressive, and it sails just a touch out of bounds. You lose by one point.
<<elseif $d3pickleball is 1>>\
You try to go for the smart play and go for a soft drop shot, hoping to surprise the two on the other team. The ball doesn't end up making it over the net though, giving the other team the win.
You carefully aim the shot, sending the ball low and controlled to the weaker one of the two. It's not flashy, but it's precise, and the ball lands just inside the line. The opposing team can't hit it back in time, and you win the game by one point.
<<if ($d3pickleball is 0) or ($d3pickleball is 1)>>\
@@.player;"Ah, damn it,"@@ you say, letting out a loud sigh of disappointment.
@@.vincent;"Hey, that was realy close!"@@ Vincent says, trying to comfort you as he senses how frustrated you are with the loss. @@.vincent;"You did really well!"@@
@@.player;"I guess, but I wish I got that game-winning shot off,"@@ you shake your head and head off back to the locker room, not wanting to see the two assholes celebrating.
@@.player;"Yes!"@@ you shout out, pumping your fist. Although this was just an insignificant game during gym class, it was still nice to win. Especially since your opponents weren't the best people.
@@.vincent;"Nice shot, $name!"@@ Vincent says, smiling and offering up his hand for a high-five. You high-five him and have a goofy smile on your face.
<<button "Finish up school" "Day 3 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
You head back home, having finished school for the day. You go straight home since you don't have anything to do today. You get to the front door and see Lily coming from the opposite direction you just came from. The middle and high schools were on opposite sides of your house.
@@.player;"Hey twerp,"@@ you say, unlocking the front door.
@@.lily;"Shut up!"@@ Lily says, lightly slapping you.
The two of you continue to "fight" until you enter the living room, where your dad is sitting.
@@.player;"Dad, you're not at work?"@@ you ask, confused. Dad was always busy with some kind of work. He was usually away on business trips for that reason.
@@.lily;"Yeah Dad, what are you doing here so early?"@@ Lily asks, tilting her head to the side.
@@.boy;"Well, I realized I've been far too busy with work the last few years,"@@ your dad sighs and shakes his head. @@.boy;"I decided to prioritize the family for this school year since $name will be going off to college."@@
@@.player;"Wait, did you quit your job?"@@ you ask, concerned by your father's words.
@@.boy;"No, God no,"@@ your dad vehemently shakes his head. @@.boy;"But I will be taking on less hours and not going on business trips anymore. How about we celebrate the occasion? Go for some ice cream? Just the three of us."@@
You think deeply about your dad being at home for the foreseeable future. It would be nice to have him around, although the family dynamic would certainly change.
@@.lily;"I mean, I was going to play Roblox, but I can go for ice cream!"@@ Lily says excitedly.
You nod along, it's not like you had much to do today. If you didn't go to eat ice cream, you'd spend your time procrastinating. @@.player;"I'll go too."@@
<<button "Go get ice cream" "Day 3 - 14">><</button>><img src="img/bg/parlor.png">
The three of you step into the ice cream parlor. Lily immediately runs over to look at the flavors.
@@.lily;"Ooh, I wonder which flavor I should get,"@@ Lily says, pressing her hands against the cool glass separating her from the ice cream.
@@.player;"Maybe you should just skip the ice cream for today, lose some weight,"@@ you tease. Your sister was already a healthy weight.
@@.lily;"Shut up, I'm skinnier than you,"@@ she says back.
@@.boy;"Is your favorite flavor still peach, Lily?"@@ your dad asks, trying to relate.
@@.lily;"Dad, that hasn't been my favorite flavor since I was a kid,"@@ Lily pouts. @@.lily;"I like cherry now."@@
@@.boy;"Oh, sorry,"@@ your dad says, seeming a little crestfallen.
@@.girl;"Let me know what flavor and size you all want,"@@ the girl working at the front says.
@@.lily;"A small cherry for me, please!"@@ Lily says enthusiastically.
You look at the flavors and decide on a flavor.
<<button "Get vanilla" "Day 3 - 15">>\<<set $d3icecream to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get chocolate" "Day 3 - 15">>\<<set $d3icecream to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get cookies and cream" "Day 3 - 15">>\<<set $d3icecream to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get strawberry" "Day 3 - 15">>\<<set $d3icecream to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/parlor.png">
<<if $d3icecream is 0>>\
@@.player;"I'll get medium size vanilla please"@@ you say, pointing at the creamy white ice cream.
@@.lily;"Geez, talk about basic,"@@ Lily quips, her hands on her hips. @@.lily;"Choose something cool."@@
@@.player;"Sometimes simple is best, Lily,"@@ you say wisely. @@.player;"You'll learn when you're older."@@
<<elseif $d3icecream is 1>>\
@@.player;"I'll get medium-sized chocolate please,"@@ you say, pointing at the rich-looking ice cream.
@@.lily;"Geez, what are you, five?"@@ Lily quips, her hands on her hips. @@.lily;"Who eats chocolate ice cream?"@@
@@.player;"It's a classic for a reason,"@@ you say.
<<elseif $d3icecream is 2>>\
@@.player;"I'll get the medium-sized cookies and cream please,"@@ you say, pointing at the combination of crumbling Oreos and vanilla ice cream.
@@.lily;"Geez, and you said I was going to gain weight!"@@ Lily quips, her hands on her hips. @@.lily;"That thing has enough calories for an entire week."@@
@@.player;"Sounds perfect for you then,"@@ you quip back.
<<elseif $d3icecream is 3>>\
@@.player;"I'll get the medium-size strawberry please,"@@ you say, pointing at the pink-tinged ice cream.
@@.lily;"Geez, are you a girl?"@@ Lily quips, her hands on her hips. @@.lily;"Get a manlier flavor."@@
@@.player;"Gender doesn't matter when it comes to ice cream,"@@ you say.
Your dad orders his ice cream, a large pistachio, and the girl working there scoops your family's ice cream. Your dad pays for it all, the sum coming out to a higher amount than you expected. You find a seat in the back of the store, and you're squished next to your sister.
@@.lily;"Move your fat elbows!"@@ Lily yells, trying to sweep your elbows away. In response, you move your elbows toward her even more. @@.lily;"Ever learned of personal space?"@@
@@.player;"I learn a lot more than you, middle schooler,"@@ you tease.
@@.boy;"I see your relationship hasn't improved at all,"@@ your dad sighs and shakes his head. @@.boy;"You two realize that it's just family at the end of the day, right? Treat each other better."@@
@@.lily;"Well, if it's just family, how come you're never home?"@@ Lily inquires, annoyance in her voice.
This has always been a point of contention in your family. You and Lily loved your dad, but it was genuinely a struggle to never have him around. Sure, you loved him, but it always felt like he wasn't really your dad.
@@.boy;"I'm sorry Lily,"@@ your dad says after a few moments, a lot of pain in his eyes. @@.boy;"I got too caught up in work and supporting this family financially that I didn't think of how important it was to be with you all. I'll do better, forgive me."@@
@@.lily;"I guess it's fine since you'll be with us more often this year,"@@ your sister awkwardly licks at her ice cream.
@@.boy;"How about you, $name?"@@ your dad asks. @@.boy;"I'm sorry to you too. I hope to be here and support you the best I can during your senior year."@@
How do you feel about your dad?
<<button "You forgive him" "Day 3 - 16">>\<<set $d3forgive to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "You don't forgive him" "Day 3 - 16">>\<<set $d3forgive to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/parlor.png">
<<if $d3forgive is true>>\
<<set $dadRelo += 5>>\
@@.player;"It's fine Dad, I get it, you were supporting the family,"@@ you say. You understood why your dad did what he did, although you wish he had his priorities set differently. @@.player;"Just do a little better from now on."@@
@@.boy;"Thank you, son,"@@ your dad says. @@.boy;"I will do better and be part of your lives more."@@
@@.player;"I don't know Dad, Lily and I have basically barely had you in our lives,"@@ you say, disappointed by how your dad had his priorities the last few years. @@.player;"I would get it if we were struggling with money, but we would've been fine with you working less."@@
@@.boy;"Yes, I understand son, I don't expect forgiveness for missing most of your life,"@@ your dad looks down at the floor. @@.boy;"I will do better from now on though, I promise you that."@@
@@.player;"That's all I can ask for,"@@ you respond.
<<button "Finish up the ice cream date" "Day 3 - 17">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
After getting ice cream, you went back home. You got a quick bite to eat for dinner, but there are a few things you have to do. You think about which order you should do them in.
<<set $temp to false>>\
<<set $temp1 to false>>\
<<set $temp2 to false>>\
<<button "Take a shower" "Day 3 - Shower">><</button>>
<<button "Do your homework" "Day 3 - Homework">><</button>>
<<button "Talk to your friends" "Day 3 - Socialize">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
You finished everything up that you had to do for the day and headed to bed, stretching and exhausted. You turn off the light and crawl into bed, snuggling against the blankets and going to sleep.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
@@.girl;"Welcome back to another day of school, my lovely homeroom students,"@@ Ms. Carter says, coming into the room. @@.girl;"Now, I'm sorry to say, but today will not be a free day like yesterday was."@@
A loud groan erupts across the classroom, including from you. You wanted another hour where you could relax and do nothing. Maybe even get a quick nap in.
@@.girl;"Now, I know that's disappointing, but we have got some important things to do,"@@ Ms. Carter claps her hands together, subtly signaling to you all to be quiet. @@.girl;"First, the back-to-school party is coming up this Friday. You can choose not to go, but I'd recommend you all do. It's a lot of fun."@@
The back-to-school party was hosted every year. It was separated by age and most people attended it. Not because they were excited to go back to school, but because it was a chance to mingle and get to gossip about what happened over the summer.
@@.girl;"Additionally, as you all know, clubs are hosted on Wednesdays,"@@ Ms. Carter continues. @@.girl;"Today you have a homeroom, even though it's Wednesday, but from next week you'll have clubs. Please take out your laptops, go to the school website, and sign up for what club you want to be in. If you're already a club leader, you can just browse your phone's for a few minutes."@@
<<button "Take out your laptop" "Day 3 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
Everyone takes out their laptop, and you log onto the school website. You look at the list of clubs, choosing a few that seem interesting to you. You look at each of them on the website, wondering if you should click on any to learn more about them.
<<button "Academic Club" "Academic Club">><</button>>
<<button "Occult Club" "Occult Club">><</button>>
<<button "Fashion Club" "Fashion Club">><</button>>
<<button "Yearbook Club" "Yearbook Club">><</button>>
<<button "Decide on a club to join" "Day 3 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You nod, having decided on a club. You move over to the form, filling out your name and student ID. You hope the club you chose will be fun.
<<button "Choose the Academic Club" "Day 3 - 5">>\<<set $club to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the Occult Club" "Day 3 - 5">>\<<set $club to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the Fashion Club" "Day 3 - 5">>\<<set $club to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the Yearbook Club" "Day 3 - 5">>\<<set $club to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You fill out the form and submit it. A few seconds after it processes, your student profile updates. You are now officially part of the \
<<if $club is 0>>\
academic club. You joined because it wouldn't hurt to boost your grades and college resume. You wanted to get into a good college after all.
<<elseif $club is 1>>\
occult club. You decided to join just in case it would help with Madame Serena. Sure it was likely bullshit, but there was a small chance it was legit.
<<elseif $club is 2>>\
fashion club. You don't know why you decided to join, to be honest. But it wouldn't hurt to boost your fashion sense and your confidence.
yearbook club. You thought it would be nice to be part of something as important as the school yearbook.
You wait as everyone else fills out their forms, just browsing the web on your laptop as you do. Eventually, everyone finishes up, and Ms. Carter gets everyone's attention again. @@.girl;"Next, we will be getting to know each other better. I know you all probably have you friend groups set in stone, you are all seniors after all, but the school demands it. I'll be splitting everyone up into groups of two, you'll be together with your partner during homeroom for the rest of the school year."@@
She begins reading out names and eventually gets to you. @@.girl;"$name and Jessica, you two are partners."@@
Your heart froze, you were seriously grouped with Jessica fucking Sanders? The most rich, popular, and attractive girl at school? Life was truly cruel, you hoped you wouldn't embarrass yourself too much. While deep in thought about how to avoid humiliating yourself, you hear Jessica's voice.
@@.jessica;"Hey, you're $name, right?"@@ she says, her voice a lot kinder than what you were expecting.
@@.player;"Uhh, yeah, uhh, that's me, yeah,"@@ you say, tripping over your words. @@.player;"I, uhh, didn't realize you knew, uhh, who I was."@@
@@.jessica;"Relax, I'm not going to bite your arm off,"@@ Jessica giggles at your nervousness, tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear.
@@.player;"Sorry, sorry,"@@ you clear your throat, trying to relax. You were never super popular, and you were talking to the queen bee! @@.player;"I'm just nervous."@@
@@.jessica;"I get it, but I'm actually really nice I swear,"@@ Jessica said. @@.jessica;"Well, unless you cross me, but I'm sure you won't do that. And to answer your question, I know just about everyone in this school. Except the new freshies, I need to learn their names."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, they've got to learn their, uhh, place,"@@ you say, laughing awkwardly.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, the freshies need to learn it's the seniors on top,"@@ Jessica laughs. @@.jessica;"Anyway, let's find a spot to sit and chat."@@
The two of you move over to one of Ms. Carter's couches. The good thing about English teachers was that their rooms were always cozy. You take a seat, and Jessica sits next to you, sitting a bit closer than you were expecting. You feel yourself getting embarrassed, but try your best to hide it.
@@.jessica;"Anyway, tell me about yourself!"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"You know what, I'll make it easy for you. What day in your life would you like to relive the most?"@@
<<set $jessicaCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $jessicaCGeyes to 1>>\
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingbase.png">
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<<set $jessicaCGhair to 2>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingmhair.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<<set $jessicaCGhair to 3>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetinglhair.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<<set $jessicaCGeyes to 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingmeyes.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<<set $jessicaCGeyes to 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/jessicaMeeting/jessicaMeetingleyes.png">
<<button "The day my aunt dressed me up like a girl" "Day 3 - 6">>\<<set $memory to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "The day my uncle dressed me up like a man" "Day 3 - 6">>\<<set $memory to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "The day I won the math olympiad as a kid" "Day 3 - 6">>\<<set $memory to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "The day I won the soccer game as a kid" "Day 3 - 6">>\<<set $memory to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $memory is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, I would like to relive the day my aunt dressed me up when I was a kid,"@@ you say, conveniently leaving out the fact that you were dressed up like a girl. You didn't want Jessica to think you were some crossdresser after all. @@.player;"I don't know, I just felt so nice and cute. I know it's weird to say, but I haven't felt like that since."@@
You think of the memory in your mind. You were staying over with your aunt and uncle one day and your aunt just loved how cute you were. You were still at that age where you were squishy and androgynous. Your aunt dressed you up like a girl, putting you in a dress and giving you a cute hairband. You really felt good that day. But you couldn't do that anymore, you were a man after all.
<<elseif $memory is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"It would be nice to relive the day my uncle dressed me up when I was young,"@@ you say, remembering how you looked in the spiffy suit. @@.player;"It made me feel powerful and manly, it was the first time in my life I felt that way. I pretended to be some billionaire with that suit and tie."@@
You think of the memory in your mind. You were staying over with your aunt and uncle one day and your uncle just hated how girly you were. You were still at that age where you were squishy and androgynous. Your uncle dressed you up like a man, putting you in a suit and giving you a tie. You really felt good that day. You hoped to be in a position where you could do that again in the future.
<<elseif $memory is 2>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, it would be really nice if I could relive the day when I won the math olympiad,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"There was this math olympiad at my school and I managed to be the one who solved the final question. My team swarmed me and it felt really nice in the moment."@@
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, it would be really nice if I could relive the day when I won this soccer game when I was a kid,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"There was this little soccer game and I managed to be the one who made the game-winning goal. Everyone swarmed me and it felt really nice in the moment."@@
@@.jessica;"Aww, that sounds like a really nice day to relive!"@@ Jessica gives you a radiant smile that makes your heart jump. @@.jessica;"For me, it would just have to be the last proper day I spent with my grandma. After that day, her dementia got worse and it was hard to interact with her until she passed away. I really miss her."@@
Jessica stares off into the distance, a little sadness behind her blue eyes. @@.jessica;"Oh, but that's really sad, isn't it?"@@ Jessica says, giggling and returning to normal.
@@.player;"No, I get it, we all want more time with our loved ones,"@@ you reply, trying to make her not feel awkward.
@@.jessica;"Thanks, $name,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"See, you're not tripping over your words anymore. I told you I was nice."@@
You smile and nod. She was pretty nice.
<<button "Continue on with your day" "Day 3 - 7">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
@@.luke;"Have there been any more changes since yesterday, $name?"@@ Luke asks you as you sit down.
@@.player;"Nope,"@@ you say, relieved that there hasn't been anymore changes. @@.player;"For now at least, I'm good."@@
@@.samantha;"Good, we can't have you becoming girlier than me,"@@ Samantha says, laughing.
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.samantha;"Geez, what happened to your hair, $name?"@@ Samantha asks, looking closely at you.
@@.player;"Decided to change up my looks, got extensions,"@@ you say, reciting your excuse.
@@.samantha;"Ooh fancy, they look real,"@@ Samantha peers at your longer hair.
@@.player;"Anyway, are you all going to the back-to-school party?"@@ you ask, changing the topic.
@@.luke;"Yeah, if you want to make it onto the football team you have to go to the party,"@@ Luke sighs. @@.luke;"You have to go to basically every social event."@@
@@.samantha;"Well, I'm going to go because I think it'll be fun,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Not because I'm forced to, since I'm not a sourpuss like Mr. Puke over here."@@
Puke was an immature nickname that you and Samantha sometimes used for Luke. The same way someone would call someone named Richard a dick. L and P were too close on the keyboard.
@@.luke;"Yeah, I'm about to puke all over your clothes,"@@ Luke says, pretending to shove a finger down his throat.
@@.samantha;"Ew, get away from me weirdo!"@@ Samantha yells back jokingly. The two of them end up collapsing into a fit of laughter.
@@.luke;"How about you, $name?"@@ Luke asks after he calms down. @@.luke;"You planning to come to the party?"@@
<<button "Yes" "Day 3 - 8">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "No" "Day 3 - 8">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $temp is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, of course I'm planning on going,"@@ you say confidently. @@.player;"I don't want to be an outcast."@@
@@.luke;"That's the spirit,"@@ Luke says, a wide smile on his face. @@.luke;"The gang, ready to light up the first event of the school year."@@
@@.player;"I'm not sure if our tiny group of three people will do much, but sure,"@@ you laugh.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'm not sure, to be honest,"@@ you respond, rubbing your chin as you think. @@.player;"I don't think I will. It's a waste of time and a little scary to be around that many people."@@
@@.luke;"Come on, Samantha and I will stick by you,"@@ Luke says, trying to convince you to go. @@.luke;"Well, mostly Samantha since I need to be with the football team. But I'll come over whenever I can."@@
@@.player;"I'll think about it,"@@ you respond, although you're not sure if you'll actually think about it or not.
<<button "Finish up lunch" "Day 3 - 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
After lunch, you head to the locker room before gym class starts to change into your gym kit. You pull out the familiar t-shirt and shorts out of your backpack and are about to put them on when you suddenly hear two guys in your class come in. You notice that one of them is freakishly tall and the other is super ugly.
@@.boy;"Bro, did you see her tits?"@@ the tall one says, laughing obnoxiously. @@.boy;"Holy shit I wanted to slide my dick in between them right then and there."@@
@@.boy;"Tell me about it,"@@ the ugly one chortles. @@.boy;"Paige has got the best tits in our grade, too bad she hides them under her hoodie all the time. If she was less shy and a bit more of a slut she'd be so popular."@@
Paige is a sweet, nerdy girl at your school that admittedly had pretty large boobs. She always wore really modest clothing though, and tried not to attract attention to herself. The fact that they were talking about her like this made you sick.
<<button "Defend Paige" "Day 3 - 10">>\<<set $d3paige to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just let them talk" "Day 3 - 10">>\<<set $d3paige to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d3analysis is 0>>\
You write about Gregor's physical transformation and the immediate impact it has on his identity. Gregor becomes an insect, but instead of worrying about himself, he worries about his job and family. You write that this shows that Gregor's self-worth is tied to his role in society.
You can't help but think about your own transformation as you write. Your own transformation has been making you think about your identity more. Although you feel the same inside, people might see you differently because of your transformations.
<<elseif $d3analysis is 1>>\
You examine the theme of alienation and how it reflects Gregor's growing disconnect from his family and society. From the moment Gregor becomes an insect, he's cut off from his normal life. He's almost invisible to them now, as he can't communicate with them and they don't know what has happened to him.
You can't help but think about your own transformation as you write. You've been having to keep this change a secret from your family, and it's been making you feel a little alienated from them. The longer you keep it a secret, the more alone you'll feel.
<<elseif $d3analysis is 2>>\
You examine the pressure Gregor feels from his family, and how his transformation endangers his ability to meet their expectations. What struck you was how Gregor's first reaction wasn't fear about becoming an insect, but rather how he's going to let his family down. It's as if his entire existence revolves around supporting them, and he himself is an afterthought.
You can't help but think about your own transformation as you write. You're worried about disappointing the people around you as well as you change more. Gregor's family only cares about him because of what he can do for them, and you're scared that'll happen to you too.
You examine how Gregor's transformation immediately leads to a breakdown in communication with his family and society. One of the first things that happens after Gregor becomes an insect is that he can't speak properly anymore. His family is right outside his door, but he can't communicate with them. This breakdown is one of the scariest parts of the transformation, as he is unable to connect with the people who are supposed to care about him.
You can't help but think about your own transformation as you write. You feel like you're losing the ability to communicate with your family too due to this transformation. You're burdened with a secret you can't tell anyone. They don't know who you truly are anymore, and you don't know how to tell them.
You finish writing the analysis, closing your laptop, and sighing. Why did your teacher have to choose this book out of every book he could've chosen? The themes hit a little too close to home.
<<button "Choose what to do next" "Day 3 Choice">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $temp1 to true>>\
You sigh, deciding to do your homework. It was a pain, but it had to be done. You sit down at your desk. Your literature teacher assigned you to read the first ten pages of a book called //The Metamorphosis// by Franz Kafka and analyze it. You open up your old copy of the book that you got from class, coughing a little because of how dusty it is. You start reading, making sure to pay attention so you can analyze it later.
It starts off with this guy named Gregor Samsa having become a giant bug. Instead of being panicked or scared though, he's just worried about being late for work as a travelling salesman. He tries to get out of bed but can't, and thinks about what his boss and family will think if he doesn't show up to work. He hates his job, but his family depends a lot on his income, so he can't quit. His mom knocks on his locked door, but Gregor's voice is different when he tries to respond. Eventually, his boss arrives to check up on him, and a lot of tension forms as Gregor can't really talk. The first ten pages end there, and you close the book.
You think about the book. You begin writing the analysis, focus on a certain topic.
<<button "Focus on his physical transformation" "Day 3 - Homework 1">>\<<set $d3analysis to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Focus on his alienation and isolation" "Day 3 - Homework 1">>\<<set $d3analysis to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Focus on family expectations and responsibility" "Day 3 - Homework 1">>\<<set $d3analysis to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Focus on communication breakdown" "Day 3 - Homework 1">>\<<set $d3analysis to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $jessicaRelo += 3>>\
You message Jessica, and immediately get a call a few seconds after you send it. You frown but pick up. You couldn't ignore the queen bee after all.
@@.jessica;"What's up, duo?"@@ she asks, not a hint of nervousness in her voice.
@@.player;"Uhh, not much, how about you?"@@ you reply.
@@.jessica;"Just wanted to chat real quick since we're duos for the rest of the school year. Sorry for the call, by the way, I'm painting my nails so I can't text."@@
@@.player;"Oh, it's fine,"@@ you say. You don't know many people who would be disappointed to hear Jessica's voice.
@@.jessica;"I'm worrying a lot because we're still missing a cheerleader,"@@ Jessica sighs loudly. @@.jessica;"Mandy just left the state to go to Iowa, and we can't find a replacement. Can you believe that? A cheerleader in Iowa?"@@
@@.player;"No, that sounds ridiculous,"@@ you laugh. Who the hell wants to live in Iowa? @@.player;"Are there no girls volunteering?"@@
@@.jessica;"A few have, but they're all freshies and not athletic enough for the team,"@@ she complains. @@.jessica;"Oh, sorry, another friend is calling, I have to go!"@@
She hangs up, and you're left confused. I guess that's how calls went with the most popular girl in school. You are a little glad she considered you a friend though.
<<button "Choose what to do next" "Day 3 Choice">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $d3shampoo is true>>\
You step back into the shower, having transformed yet again. You try not to think about it. Maybe using your sister's shampoo wasn't the smart decision, considering the curse's conditions.
You just end up mixing water into your shampoo bottle and washing your hair with the pitiful combination. Maybe you should've just used your sister's shampoo, but that could've made you transform.
You finish up the shower, get out, and dry yourself off. You're all cleaned up for tomorrow now!
<<button "Choose what to do next" "Day 3 Choice">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<set $temp to true>>\
You head over to the bathroom to take a shower. You can't help but check your body again, just to make sure you didn't grow boobs. Everything seems good, so you turn on the water to a pretty high heat. You take off your clothes while waiting for the water to get hot, and then hop in the shower.
You wash yourself, being careful to make sure everything is clean. When you pump your shampoo bottle though, nothing comes out. Confused, you open it up to find only the tiniest bit of shampoo left. You look back at the row of bottles to see your sister's floral-scented shampoo bottle is still completely full.
<<button "Use your sister's shampoo" "Day 3 - Sister Shampoo">>\<<set $d3shampoo to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Mix some water in your shampoo and use that" "Day 3 - Shower 1">>\<<set $d3shampoo to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<set $nextScene to "Day 3 - Shower 1">>\
You just decide to use your sister's shampoo. You pump out some of her shampoo and smell it. It actually smells really good, compared to yours. You just had men's two-in-one shampoo and conditioner, and it had some name like winter freeze. You rub the shampoo into your scalp and start massaging it.
While doing so, you suddenly feel a chill. You think it's just a random chill but soon it becomes apparent it's not. You quickly hop out of the shower and run to the bathroom mirror, shampoo still coating your hair.
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $temp2 to true>>\
You hop into bed and look at your phone, ready to chat. You see two new texts, one from Vincent and one from Jessica. You wonder why they messaged you, especially Jessica. You were sure she wasn't lacking in social interaction by any means. You decide to focus on chatting with one and just give a quick reply to the other.
You opened Vincent's chat first. It's about how he wants to thank you for volleyball, \
<<if ($d3pickleball is 0) or ($d3pickleball is 1)>>\
even if you lost. \
especially since the two of you won. \
He seems like a really genuine guy, and you get a laugh because his entire Instagram feed is just him at various universities.
You open Jessica's chat. It's a quick message about how she wanted to add you because you two were going to be a duo from now on in homeroom. You can't help but smile, she actually was really nice. You expected the queen bee of the school to be a bitch.
You wonder who you should chat with.
<<button "Talk to Vincent" "Day 3 - Vincent">><</button>>
<<button "Talk to Jessica" "Day 3 - Jessica">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $vincentRelo += 3>>\
You message Vincent, and immediately get a call a few seconds after you send it. You frown but pick up.
@@.vincent;"Hi, $name!"@@ he says excitedly.
@@.player;"Oh, hey,"@@ you respond, looking down at your phone. You wonder why he called you so suddenly. @@.player;"Why'd you call?"@@
@@.vincent;"Well, it just felt like we're friends now, so I wanted to chat,"@@ he says. Suddenly, he seems super nervous, stuttering and struggling to get words out. @@.vincent;"We are friends, right?"@@
@@.player;"Oh, um, of course,"@@ you say. You weren't sure if Vincent was a friend yet, but you didn't want to disappoint him. Besides, it seemed like he didn't have many friends anyway.
@@.vincent;"Great! I'm just studying right now. Have you done your homework yet?"@@
<<if $temp1 is true>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, of course,"@@ you respond. @@.player;"I had to write a paper analyzing Metamorphosis for English."@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, in my class we're analyzing Orlando,"@@ Vincent says.
@@.player;"Erm, not yet, but I will get started on it soon."@@
@@.vincent;"Well, good luck whenever you do start!"@@ Vincent responds.
The two of you continue chatting, and you start getting endeared to Vincent's sweet personality.
<<button "Choose what to do next" "Day 3 Choice">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
You wonder what you should do next.
<<if $temp is false>>\
<<button "Take a shower" "Day 3 - Shower">><</button>>
<<if $temp1 is false>>\
<<button "Do your homework" "Day 3 - Homework">><</button>>
<<if $temp2 is false>>\
<<button "Talk to your friends" "Day 3 - Socialize">><</button>>
<<if $temp is true and $temp1 is true and $temp2 is true>>\
<<button "Go to sleep" "Day 3 - 18">><</button>>
<</if>>\Fashion Club
Got an eye for fashion? Love expressing yourself through clothes, accessories, or design? Whether your dream is to walk the runway or you just want to elevate your everyday style, the Fashion Club is the place for you! We're all about celebrating creativity, exploring trends, and designing looks.
We design custom outfits, learn about fashion trends, share styling tips, discuss the history of fashion, and take part in DIY workshops! You should join us to meet other students interested in fashion and to build your confidence! Everyone is welcome, no matter if you're a fashionista or just curious about trying something new!
Join the Fashion Club and let your creativity shine. Fashion is more than clothes, it's about making a statement!
<<button "Return" "Day 3 - 3">><</button>>Occult Club
Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the universe? Do you find yourself drawn to ancient myths, supernatural lore, and the secrets just out of sight? Then the Occult Club is calling your name! We're the perfect place for curious souls to explore the hidden forces of the world.
We study supernatural phenomena, investigate paranormal activities, discuss mystical practices, go on spooky field trips, and debate unknown truths! You should join us to unlock hidden knowledge and dive deep into the mystical arts. You can connect with others who share your interest in the weird, strange, and magical.
Join the Occult Club, where we don't just ask questions. We go and seek the answers.
<<button "Return" "Day 3 - 3">><</button>>Yearbook Club
Do you love photography, writing, or designing? Want to be part of something that'll last forever and ever? Join the Yearbook Club and help put together the book that captures every precious moment of the school year! We're the team that documents it all!
We take photos at school events, write fun and creative captions, design the yearbook pages, interview students and teachers, and work as a team to create the perfect yearbook! You should join us to make your mark on the yearbook everyone will keep after this school year! You'll also learn valuable skills in photography, writing, editing, and design.
Join the Yearbook Club and help capture the heart of our school year. Every single moment matters, and so do you!
<<button "Return" "Day 3 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 4>>\
It's another average morning, with nothing particularly interesting happening. You make your way to school, walking at a leisurely pace while breathing in the cool air. Luke catches up with you when you start getting near the school.
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
@@.luke;"Hey, $name,"@@ Luke says, slowing down to your pace as he catches up. @@.luke;"Any progress with the curse?"@@
<<if $d3shampoo is true>>\
@@.player;"Well, I transformed again yesterday while using my sister's shampoo, so I don't know,"@@ you sigh. @@.player;"I was out of my own shampoo so I just used hers and ended up changing."@@
@@.luke;"Damn, that sucks,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"Who would want to become a girl?"@@
@@.player;"Nope, haven't changed,"@@ you shake your head. @@.player;"Maybe I need to do more feminine stuff in order to change."@@
@@.luke;"That's a good thing, right?"@@ Luke inquires. @@.luke;"Who would want to become a girl?"@@
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you respond. @@.player;"We'll see how the curse unfolds, maybe I'll go to Madame Serena again sometime."@@
@@.luke;"Hey, $name,"@@ Luke says, slowing down to your pace as he catches up. He looks up at your face with a goofy grin, seeming to inspect your appearance a little. \
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.luke;"Is there something you're not telling me? You look a little different."@@
@@.player;"What would I have to hide?"@@ you ask, hiding your nervousness the best you can.
@@.luke;"Nah, never mind, I must just be seeing things,"@@ Luke says. He starts up a normal friendly conversation afterward, the two of you heading to school side-by-side.
He doesn't seem to notice anything though, starting up a normal friendly conversation.
<<button "Go to school" "Day 4 - 2">><</button>><img src="img/bg/mall.png">
<<set $money += 50>>\
@@.samantha;"You both showed up, nice!"@@ Samantha says, as she approaches you and Luke at the mall. @@.samantha;"We need to get some stuff for the back-to-school party tomorrow!"@@
@@.luke;"I can just pick anything out of my closet and wear that, Samantha,"@@ Luke sighs, clearly not seeing the point in getting new clothes.
@@.samantha;"Well, you can, but you should at least put a little more effort into appearances,"@@ Samantha seems disappointed. @@.samantha;"I guess this is what happens when you have two guys as your best friends."@@
@@.luke;"Damn, sorry for being born male, I guess,"@@ Luke says.
@@.samantha;"Did you guys bring money by the way?"@@ Samantha inquires, tilting her head.
@@.player;"Well, I did ask my parents for some money,"@@ you say, checking your digital wallet to see that you have $money dollars. You got 50 dollars from them for this shopping trip, and you were planning on using that money wisely.
@@.samantha;"Good, what about you, Puke?"@@ Samantha asks.
@@.luke;"I have 10 dollars and some Skittles,"@@ Luke says, pulling out a bill with Alexander Hamilton's face and a small packet of Skittles from his pocket.
@@.samantha;"You know what, I'm not even going to comment, let's just go somewhere,"@@ Samantha is dumbfounded by Luke. @@.samantha;"I'll let you choose some fun stores to go to since I did drag you all here. You guys can choose three fun stores to go to before we start going clothes shopping."@@
@@.luke;"You can choose, $name,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"I don't mind, we can go anywhere."@@
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
You can choose to go to three stores. You won't be able to experience the stores you don't go to, so choose wisely!
<<set $d4stores to 0>>\
<<set $temp to false>>\
<<set $temp1 to false>>\
<<set $temp2 to false>>\
<<set $temp3 to false>>\
<<set $temp4 to false>>\
<<set $temp5 to false>>\
<<set $temp6 to false>>\
<<set $plushie to false>>\
<<button "Go to Tech Gadgetz" "Mall - Tech Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to StepUp Footwear" "Mall - Shoe Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to Games for Life" "Mall - Game Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to Page Turners" "Mall - Book Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to Mystic Emporium" "Mall - Mystical Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to Paws & Whiskers" "Mall - Pet Store">><</button>>
<<button "Go to Cuddle Creations" "Mall - Plushie Store">><</button>><img src="img/bg/mall.png">
@@.samantha;"Okay, we've visited all the stores you guys want to visit,"@@ Samantha announces, clapping her hands together. @@.samantha;"Let's go get some food and then we can visit the stores I want to visit."@@
@@.luke;"We're about to go to Victoria's Secret, $name,"@@ Luke says, sighing loudly. @@.luke;"Get ready."@@
@@.samantha;"Damn, I'm not going to drag two guys to a lingerie store, don't worry,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Unless you want a bra, Mr. Puke."@@
@@.luke;"I'm good,"@@ Luke shudders, seemingly not wanting to imagine himself in a bra.
@@.player;"I'm hungry,"@@ you whine, your stomach rumbling. @@.player;"Where are we going to go?"@@
@@.samantha;"Hmm, good idea, where should we go?"@@ Samantha ponders, tapping her foot. She walks over to a display with a map of the mall and inspects it closely, piping up again after a few seconds. @@.samantha;"You guys have two options, pizza or sushi."@@
@@.luke;"Anything you're conisdering, $name?"@@ Luke asks.
<<button "Go for pizza" "Day 4 - 12 Pizza">><</button>>
<<button "Go for sushi" "Day 4 - 12 Sushi">><</button>><img src="img/bg/restaurant-pizza.png">
You walk into the pizza restaurant with your friends, breathing in the delicious smell of meat and cheese that fills the air. The three of you take a seat at a table with a checkered tablecloth draped over it and look at the menu.
@@.samantha;"Damn, there are a bunch of toppings,"@@ Samantha taps at the menu, showing you and Luke the various options the pizza shop gives you.
@@.player;"I'm fine with just a pepperoni pizza,"@@ you say, none of the toppings particularly interesting you.
@@.luke;"What size are we going to get,"@@ Luke ponders. @@.luke;"There are three of us after all."@@
@@.samantha;"Probably an extra-large with how much you eat,"@@ Samantha snickers. @@.samantha;"If they have a size above that, we're going to need to get that."@@
@@.luke;"Damn, thanks."@@ Luke crosses his arms. @@.luke;"I need to eat a lot because of football, by the way."@@
@@.samantha;"Excuses,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes. @@.samantha;"But a large should suffice as long as Luke doesn't devour the entire thing by himself."@@
After some bickering about what to order, you all end up just going with a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. It comes out piping hot from the oven within a few minutes.
@@.luke;"Fuck, this looks really good,"@@ Luke rubs his hands together as he looks at the pizza.
@@.samantha;"Don't eat the whole thing,"@@ Samantha says, laughing. @@.samantha;"Save some for me and $name."@@
@@.luke;"I'm a football player, not a competitive eater, relax,"@@ Luke says.
You take a slice of the pizza and take a bite, waves of flavor immediately hitting you. @@.player;"This is really good,"@@ you mumble as you eat.
@@.samantha;"Tell me about it,"@@ Samantha replies.
The three of you eat the entire pizza, Luke eating four slices while you and Samantha ate two each. Now came the issue of payment.
@@.samantha;"If you ask me, Luke ate half of the pizza, so he should pay,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"I barely got to eat anything."@@
@@.luke;"You literally said you were full and I could take the rest,"@@ Luke strikes back. @@.luke;"Therefore, we should split the payment into three equal parts."@@
@@.player;"I don't mind if Luke pays for the entire thing,"@@ you say, wanting to save your money.
@@.samantha;"The vote is stacked against you, Puke,"@@ Samantha points out. @@.samantha;"Pay up."@@
Luke sighs and ends up paying for the entire meal.
<<button "Go shopping" "Day 4 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/restaurant-sushi.png">
You walk into the sushi restaurant with your friends, enjoying the Japanese-style decor. The three of you settle into a cozy corner booth, and you breathe in the scent of fresh fish, ginger, and wasabi.
@@.luke;"Okay, is there an unlimited option here?"@@ Luke asks, picking up the menu and inspecting it. @@.luke;"Damn it, there isn't."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, no shit, if they did have an unlimited option they'd get run out of business by customers like you,"@@ Samantha snarks.
You smile, remembering a time Luke ordered so many tacos he got kicked out of the restaurant. You guess there was a limit to unlimited once it started digging into their wallets.
@@.player;"I'll just go with the California roll,"@@ you say, not wanting to eat too much.
@@.samantha;"A shrimp tempura for me!"@@ Samantha exclaims.
Luke just smirks, not reciting his order until the waiter comes. He ends up ordering half of the restaurant, and the waiter struggles to remember all of what Luke wanted. The sushi chefs prepare your order, and within a few minutes, it's out.
@@.luke;"This looks really good, I'm excited to eat it,"@@ Luke says, licking his lips as he looks at the sushi.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, just a small order for you, Puke,"@@ Samantha says, laughing. @@.samantha;"If you have any left over, $name and I would love to eat some."@@
@@.luke;"I don't think you're going to have to worry about that,"@@ Luke says, getting ready to devour everything.
You take a bite of your California roll, savoring the flavor. The three of you dig in to your food, and Luke somehow manages to finish eating at the same time as you and Samantha.
@@.samantha;"If you ask me, Luke ate the most, so he should pay,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"I just ate some shrimp tempura."@@
@@.luke;"Well, you already know I eat a lot,"@@ Luke strikes back. @@.luke;"Therefore, we should split the payment into three parts."@@
@@.player;"I don't mind if Luke pays for the entire thing,"@@ you say, wanting to save your money.
@@.samantha;"The vote is stacked against you, Puke,"@@ Samantha points out. @@.samantha;"Pay up."@@
Luke sighs and ends up paying for the entire meal.
<<button "Go shopping" "Day 4 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
@@.samantha;"Okay, now we're finally getting to do what I wanted to do!"@@ Samantha squeals, walking into a clothing store. Trendy clothes are everywhere, and the store is buzzing with pop music and chatter.
@@.luke;"What are you planning on getting?"@@ Luke asks, looking very out of place in the girly store. @@.luke;"Just don't expect me to get anything."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, don't worry, I don't want to see you in a dress either,"@@ Samantha shudders. @@.samantha;"I don't think any of the clothes here would fit you anyway. Maybe they would fit $name, but definitely not you."@@
@@.player;"I'm not sure if that's meant to be a compliment or an insult,"@@ you murmur.
@@.samantha;"Just see it as a good thing, it means you're not a brute,"@@ Samantha winks, a playful smile on her face. @@.samantha;"Anyway, you two go do whatever while I browse."@@
Samantha walks off into the corner of the shop that was full of dresses, inspecting the clothing racks. You leave her be, knowing you wouldn't be of much help.
@@.luke;"So, what should we do?"@@ Luke asks you after a few seconds.
@@.player;"Let's browse too, I guess,"@@ you say, not knowing what else to do. You and Luke look around, although this place seems to be more fashionable than what the two of you were used to. You eventually come across a pair of skinny jeans that look pretty good and are only twenty dollars.
@@.samantha;"Did you find something?"@@ Samantha appears out of nowhere, with a bunch of dresses in her hands. @@.samantha;"I'm about to go to the changing room, you should try those jeans on."@@
You hesitate, since you're used to loose-fitting jeans or simple shorts. But as you continue to look at them, you feel a strange mixture of curiosity and reluctance.
@@.luke;"What's the worst that could happen?"@@ Luke asks. @@.luke;"In the worst-case scenario, they look bad or don't fit and you can never wear them again."@@
@@.samantha;"And in a best-case scenario, you might actually look good for once,"@@ Samantha says, gently punching your arm. @@.samantha;"Come on, $name."@@
<<button "Try on the skinny jeans" "Day 4 - 14">>\<<set $d4jeans to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't try on the skinny jeans" "Day 4 - 14">>\<<set $d4jeans to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
<<set $friendsKnow to false>>
<<if $d4jeans is true>>\
<<set $nextScene to "Day 4 - Jeans">>\
<<set $temp to $femineChanges>>\
@@.player;"Sure, I'll try them on,"@@ you say, picking up the skinny jeans. @@.player;"Lead us to the changing room, Samantha."@@
@@.samantha;"Good choice, let's go!"@@ Samantha chirps, gesturing for you to follow her.
You trail behind her all the way to the fitting room, and step into a private room. You slip off your shorts and try on the skinny jeans. They're snug, hugging your legs in a way that feels foreign but not uncomfortable. When you zip them up and look in the mirror, you're surprised by the way they change your whole appearance. The jeans show off your legs in a way that you've never seen before, subtly emphasizing their shape. The reflection staring back at you doesn't look like the same old $name, there's a new softness to your silhouette that wasn't there before. Just as you're about to step out of the fitting room, you feel a strange tingling sensation. You rush over to the full-length mirror in the changing room as you begin to change.
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
@@.player;"I'm good,"@@ you shake your head, not wanting to risk transforming.
<<button "Rate Samantha's outfits" "Day 4 - 15">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
Samantha goes into the changing room with three dresses in her arms. She ended up sifting through the rest of the dresses and putting the other ones away since they weren't good enough. You hear the sound of ruffling and Samantha comes out of the room, with a bold red wrap dress on. It's striking, its vibrant color immediately the eye and the fabric flowing smoothly around her figure. The dress features a V-neckline and a waist-cinching tie that accentuates her curves. It's knee-length, with short sleeves that make it perfect for the back-to-school party.
@@.samantha;"Little daring, but the color is really nice,"@@ Samantha says, looking at herself in the mirror. @@.samantha;"I'll be right back, let me try on the next outfit."@@
Samantha comes back a minute later with a flowy, bohemian-style maxi dress covered in delicate floral patterns. It's sleeveless with a high, modest neckline, with a relaxed fit that gently draped over her. The dress is ankle-length and is ideal for a nice day out. Its soft pastel tones give it an ethereal quality.
@@.samantha;"Not sure if it matches the season, but it is super comfy and cute,"@@ Samantha sways back and forth, her fingers running through the soft fabric. @@.samantha;"Remember this one, okay? I'll wear the last outfit."@@
She disappears into the changing room and reappears after changing. The third dress is a timeless classic, the little black dress. It's sleek and simple, with a subtle sweetheart neckline and sleeveless design. It's perfect for almost every event, especially a back-to-school party. The fabric is smooth and matte, with a hint of stretch.
@@.samantha;"This is a classic for a reason, you can never go wrong with a little black dress,"@@ Samantha nods, pleased with the outfit. @@.samantha;"So, what do you all think?"@@
@@.luke;"You look slightly less bad, but I can't really choose,"@@ Luke says, rubbing his chin.
@@.samantha;"$name, what about you?"@@ Samantha asks.
<<button "I like the red dress" "Day 4 - 16">>\<<set $d4samanthaOutfit to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I like the floral dress" "Day 4 - 16">>\<<set $d4samanthaOutfit to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I like the black dress" "Day 4 - 16">>\<<set $d4samanthaOutfit to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
<<if $d4samanthaOutfit is 0>>\
@@.player;"I'm a fan of the red dress, I really think the color makes you look nice,"@@ you say, trying to give Samantha good feedback.
<<elseif $d4samanthaOutfit is 1>>\
@@.player;"I'm a fan of the floral dress, it makes you look carefree and cute,"@@ you say, doing your best to help Samantha choose an outfit.
@@.player;"I'm a fan of the black dress, it makes you look classy and cool,"@@ you say, a bright smile on your face.
@@.samantha;"See, that's how you give feedback, Puke,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes. @@.samantha;"I'll get the dress $name recommended. Are you going to get the skinny jeans by the way? They're only twenty dollars and you could wear them to the party tomorrow."@@
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
Getting clothes will affect your character model in the future and can boost your stats if you wear them to the right events.
<<button "Buy the skinny jeans" "Day 4 - 17">>\<<set $skinnyjeans to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't buy the skinny jeans" "Day 4 - 17">>\<<set $skinnyjeans to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
<<if $skinnyjeans is true>>\
<<set $money -= 20>>\
@@.player;"Sure, I'll get it,"@@ you say, pulling out your phone and getting ready to pay. Samantha gets the dress you recommended and you check out the skinny jeans. You put your phone back in your pocket after you pay, having $money dollars left. You walk out of the shop and back into the main mall.
@@.player;"I'm good,"@@ you shake your head.
@@.samantha;"Suit yourself,"@@ Samantha shrugs, paying for the dress you recommended. You walk out of the shop and back into the main mall.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 18">><</button>><img src="img/bg/mall.png">
You and your friends are walking through the mall, going to the next store on Samantha's list. Someone suddenly bumps into you, not a light accidental bump but a hard one.
@@.jordan;"Watch it, man,"@@ the voice of the guy who bumped into you is low and annoyed as he glares at you. You look at him to see it's Jordan Brooks, is the football star of the school. He's the quarterback and is known for being the best athlete in the school. Standing tall with a lean, muscular build, he's someone people look up to literally and figuratively.
@@.player;"Oh, my bad, I didn't see you,"@@ you say, although you're not sure if this is really your fault in the slightest. Nevertheless, you suppose it's better to apologize.
@@.jordan;"Yeah, no shit, otherwise you wouldn't have bumped into me,"@@ Jordan sneers at you. @@.jordan;"Don't mess with me if you know what's best for you."@@
@@.samantha;"Dude, it was an accident, chill the fuck out,"@@ Samantha jumps to your defense, clearly annoyed by Jordan's attitude. Jordan just rolls his eyes though, his face hardening further.
@@.jordan;"Just don't get in my way again,"@@ Jordan snarls.
<<set $jordanCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $jordanCGeyes to 1>>\
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<<set $jordanCGhair to 2>>\
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<<set $jordanCGhair to 3>>\
<<if $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<<set $jordanCGeyes to 2>>\
<<button "Confront Jordan" "Day 4 - 19">>\<<set $d4jordan to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay silent" "Day 4 - 19">>\<<set $d4jordan to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Ask what's wrong" "Day 4 - 19">>\<<set $d4jordan to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Ignore Jordan" "Day 4 - 19">>\<<set $d4jordan to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/mall.png">
<<if $d4jordan is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"First off, you bumped into me,"@@ you retort. @@.player;"Even if I did bump into you, it would've been a mistake. There's no need to get so worked up about it."@@
@@.jordan;"The hell did you just say?"@@ Jordan gets all up in your face, clearly angry. @@.jordan;"Look, I don't know who you are, but you'd best watch your mouth."@@
You watch as Jordan storms off, blending into the crowd.
<<elseif $d4jordan is 1>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You just stay silent as Jordan storms off, blending into the crowd.
<<elseif $d4jordan is 2>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"What's wrong?"@@ you ask, trying to be sympathetic. Surely there was a reason why Jordan was acting like this. @@.player;"You know, you don't have to take your anger out on other people."@@
@@.jordan;"Nothing's wrong, stop acting like you know me,"@@ Jordan gets all up in your face, clearly angry. @@.jordan;"Look, I don't know who you are, but you'd best watch your mouth."@@
You watch as Jordan storms off, blending into the crowd.
You look away, completely ignoring Jordan. He looks a little offended but eventually storms off.
@@.samantha;"What the fuck is his problem?"@@ Samantha says.
@@.luke;"That's just how he is, trust me I would know,"@@ Luke explains. @@.luke;"Jordan's a strange one because he's super cold but has a hot temper."@@
@@.samantha;"He needs therapy or something,"@@ Samantha's fuming with anger but tries to calm herself down. @@.samantha;"Let's just go to the next store."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 20">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
Taking your usual seat in homeroom, you adjust your body a little to make sure you're comfortable. You pull out your phone and browse a little, waiting for both the bell and Ms. Carter's instructions.
@@.jessica;"Hey, $name,"@@ Jessica says, walking up to where you're seated. She suddenly adjusts the way she's standing to appear more rugged and tips an imaginary hat. @@.jessica;"Or should I say g'day partner."@@
@@.player;"Isn't it meant to be g'day mate?"@@ you ask, laughing at her terrible fake Australian accent.
@@.jessica;"Damn, I don't know, I'm American,"@@ Jessica says, sliding in the seat next to you. @@.jessica;"We're not known for having a deep understanding of other cultures."@@
@@.player;"Oh, uhh, are you going to sit here?"@@ you ask, a little confused. You can see other people in the room sneaking glances at Jessica, also wondering why she was sitting next to you.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, why?"@@ she asks, stretching her flawless legs. @@.jessica;"We're partners now for homeroom so we might as well stick together."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, you're right,"@@ you say, not being opposed to the idea of sitting next to Jessica Sanders in the slightest. Just when you're about to open your mouth and speak again, the school bell rings to announce the school day has officially started.
@@.girl;"Okay homeroom family, we're going to be working on a personal reflection journal,"@@ Ms. Carter announces, clapping her hands together. @@.girl;"You'll be filling out several journal entries throughout the school year, and you'll look back on it at the very end of the school year. Now the school invested a lot of money in these journals, so make sure to treat them well."@@
Ms. Carter hands out some simple blank journals to the class, explaining the personal reflection journal as she does. She says that every Thursday, she will provide a prompt for you all to reflect on in the journals. You will then share a brief excerpt with your partner, and discuss each other's thoughts. You turn the journal around in your hand, it's a simple brown one with a built-in bookmark.
After Ms. Carter finishes handing out all the journals, she returns to the front of the class and turns on her laptop and projector. The projector turns on, displaying the contents of the laptop screen to the class. @@.girl;"So, these are the questions that you're going to be writing down and answering today. Please take your time and be thoughtful with your responses, since you'll have most of the class to do this."@@
<<button "Look at the first question" "Day 4 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/store-jewelry.png">
<<set $piercedears to false>>\
You walk into a sleek and modern jewelry store called Gleam & Glow. The glass cases are filled with sparkling accessories all glimmering in the light.
@@.samantha;"I could use some jewelry for tomorrow, so that's why we stopped here,"@@ Samantha explains. @@.samantha;"Maybe a necklace or earrings."@@
@@.boy;"Hello, feel free to look around,"@@ the shop attendant, a young well-dressed guy, welcomes you. @@.boy;"Let me know if you need help with anything."@@
@@.samantha;"Thank you!"@@ Samantha chirps, immediately heading toward the earrings. She fiddles with her own earrings, an unassuming pair of hoops, and thinks deeply. @@.samantha;"I could use a new pair."@@
@@.player;"Maybe get something fancy,"@@ you say.
Samantha's face lights up the instant you speak. @@.samantha;"Wait, $name, this is genius!"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"You could totally pull off a cool pair of studs. You should get your ears pierced!"@@
@@.player;"My ears?"@@ you ponder the question of getting your ears pierced.
@@.boy;"We can pierce your ears here for free with a purchase of earrings,"@@ the shop attendant states. @@.boy;"It's completely safe and will only feel like a pinch."@@
@@.luke;"I mean, if you're seriously considering this, some stud earrings here only cost 20 dollars,"@@ Luke shrugs, showing you a simple black pair of studs.
<div class="note">If you don't have enough money, the option to get your ears pierced will appear but you will be unable to pierce them.</div>\
<<button "Get your ears pierced" "Day 4 - 21">>\<<set $d4pierce to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't get your ears pierced" "Day 4 - 21">>\<<set $d4pierce to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/store-jewelry.png">
<<if $d4pierce is true>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $money > 19>>\
<<set $d4pierce to true>>\
<<set $nextScene to "Day 4 - Restroom">>\
<<set $money -= 20>>\
<<set $piercedears to true>>\
<<set $earrings = 1>>
@@.player;"Yeah, I'd love to get my ears pierced,"@@ you say, taking out your phone and getting ready to pay for the studs. You scan your phone against the card reader, waving goodbye to 20 dollars.
@@.boy;"Please sit down on the stool and make sure not to move when I pierce your ears,"@@ the attendant directs you toward a stool. You can't help but be a little nervous as the attendant disinfects the earrings and puts on gloves, but you push away those thoughts. @@.boy;"Are you ready?"@@
@@.player;"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose,"@@ you chuckle.
The process is quick, and the pain is just a sharp pinch that fades as quickly as it appeared. Before you know it, your reflection is looking slightly more daring than before. The earrings are subtle, but they make a statement.
@@.samantha;"You look amazing, $name!"@@ Samantha enthuses. @@.samantha;"Those studs are perfect for you."@@
@@.luke;"I would usually make fun of you, but you're looking good bro,"@@ Luke playfully punches you on the arm. @@.luke;"Nice decision."@@
As you're about to respond, you suddenly feel a slight tingling sensation running up your spine. You gasp, quickly realizing that it's the curse. \
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
You've already told your friends about the curse, so you quickly tell them the truth. @@.player;"I'm about to transform, I'll be back."@@
You haven't told your friends about the curse, so you quickly make up a lie. @@.player;"I feel like I'm about to throw up, I'll be back."@@
You run to the men's restroom and are glad to see it's empty. You look in the mirror as the curse takes hold of your face.
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
<<set $d4pierce to false>>\
<<set $piercedears to false>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, I'd love to get my ears pierced, but I don't have the money,"@@ you say sighing. @@.player;"I only have $money dollars, that's not enough."@@
@@.samantha;"Aww, that sucks,"@@ Samantha frowns. @@.samantha;"Well, maybe later."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, maybe later,"@@ you say, wishing you saved some money.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 22">><</button>>
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I don't want to get my ears pierced,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"It's just not something I'm interested in."@@
@@.samantha;"Aww, okay,"@@ Samantha sighs, seeming a bit disappointed.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 22">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/mall.png">
@@.samantha;"I think that's it for the day,"@@ Samantha says, as the three of you sit in a rest area at the mall.
@@.luke;"You think?"@@ Luke snarks, pointing to all the bags that Samantha has.
@@.samantha;"Shut up, this is how shopping goes,"@@ Samantha says, rolling her eyes.
@@.luke;"Well, I guess I don't know because I'm not a girl,"@@ Luke shrugs. @@.luke;"Because this was tiring as hell."@@
@@.player;"Did you even buy anything?"@@ you ask.
@@.luke;"Nope, I swear you two just dragged me here to pay for the food,"@@ Luke chuckles, pulling out the 10-dollar bill he had from his pocket. @@.luke;"I still have this."@@
@@.player;"What about the Skittles?"@@ you ask, a sly grin on your face.
@@.luke;"Ate it all,"@@ Luke pulls out the Skittles wrapper, its contents devoured by him.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, I guess this is it for today,"@@ Samanta states, getting up and picking up her bags. @@.samantha;"I'll see you all at lunch tomorrow, and then we have the back-to-school party!"@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, hopefully $name shows up,"@@ Luke glances at you, his eyes telling you that you'd better come.
@@.samantha;"Don't worry, we'll beat him up if he doesn't,"@@ Samantha laughs. @@.samantha;"Anyway, see you two later! We're going to light up the party tomorrow, just the three of us!"@@
<<button "Go home" "Day 4 - 23">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
<<set $momKnow to false>>\
You get back home and try to sneak into the living room when your mom appears out of nowhere, suddenly blocking your path.
@@.girl;"$name, it's good to see you again,"@@ she says, a stern expression on her face.
@@.player;"Uhh, hi Mom,"@@ you say, bracing yourself for the punishment you're about to get.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.girl;"Look, I know you haven't been honest with me, but I've been trying to look past it,"@@ your mom begins. @@.girl;"But look at you, compared to a week ago, you look a lot more feminine. Care to explain why that is?"@@
Your heart freezes, your changes have gotten to the point where your mom has noticed. You think about how you're going to explain this issue to her.
<<button "Downplay it" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Open up a little" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Deflect and joke" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Confide in her" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 3>>\<</button>>
@@.girl;"You've been out all day at the mall and didn't give me updates as to where you were!"@@ your mom begins. @@.girl;"How are you going to explain this, young man?"@@
Although it seems you're in trouble, you are actually relieved. Your changes haven't gotten to the point where your mom considers it significant enough to address. You think as to how you should address being out so late.
<<button "Make an excuse" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 4>>\<</button>>
<<button "Apologize" "Day 4 - 24">>\<<set $d4mom to 5>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
<<if $d4mom is 0>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Oh, this? It's just a dare, you know how Samantha and Luke are. We were messing around at the mall and this happened,"@@
@@.girl;"Do you really think I'd believe that?"@@ your mom sighs and looks away. @@.girl;"I'll let you go for now, but just promise me when the time comes, you'll be honest with me."@@
@@.player;"I promise,"@@ you say, relieved that she's letting you off the hook. \
<<elseif $d4mom is 1>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Okay, fine. I've just been experimenting with some stuff, trying out a new look. It's really not a big deal, I promise."@@
@@.girl;"Oh, sweetheart,"@@ your mom wraps you in a tight hug. @@.girl;"I understand, just let me know if you ever want to tell me more."@@
@@.player;"Okay, Mom,"@@ you respond. \
<<elseif $d4mom is 2>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Hey, it's called fashion, Mom. Something you wouldn't understand since you're too old. But seriously, I was just having fun with Luke and Samantha. You really don't have to worry, I'm not turning into some sort of a runway model."@@
@@.girl;"Do you really think I'd believe that?"@@ your mom sighs and looks away. @@.girl;"I'll let you go for now, but just promise me when the time comes, you'll be honest with me."@@
@@.player;"I promise,"@@ you say, relieved that she's letting you off the hook. \
<<elseif $d4mom is 3>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I don't know how to explain it, but things are changing. I didn't mean for these changes to happen, but it's all really confusing right now. I promise I'll tell you later, will you let me off the hook for now?"@@
@@.girl;"Oh, sweetheart,"@@ your mom wraps you in a tight hug. @@.girl;"I understand, just let me know if you ever want to tell me more."@@
@@.player;"Okay, Mom,"@@ you respond. \
<<elseif $d4mom is 4>>\
@@.player;"Oh, we just lost track of time at the mall, that's all. Samantha just wanted to hit every store and kept on buying thing after thing, I swear."@@
@@.girl;"You're late and now you're making up an excuse without apologizing?"@@ your mom asks, clearly annoyed with you. @@.girl;"I'll let you off without a grounding since your back-to-school party is tomorrow, but don't make this mistake again."@@
@@.player;"I promise,"@@ you say, relieved that she's letting you off the hook. \
<<elseif $d4mom is 5>>\
@@.player;"I'm really sorry, Mom,"@@ you apologize. @@.player;"I was just having fun and forgot to message you."@@
@@.girl;"Hmm,"@@ your mom thinks. @@.girl;"I'll let you off without a grounding since your back-to-school party is tomorrow, but don't make this mistake again."@@
@@.player;"I promise,"@@ you say, relieved that she's letting you off the hook. \
You run up to your room, relieved you weren't punished.
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 4 - 25">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
Today's mall trip was interesting, to say the least. You did a lot with your friends and met some new people. You're not sure how your relationship with Aurora and Jordan will unfold, but you're curious to see how that goes. You do your nighttime routine, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth. <<if $plushie is true>>You place your brand new plushie, $plushieName, next to you and give him a pat on the head. <</if>>As you lie in bed, you think about the back-to-school party tomorrow. You hope everything will be okay as everything goes black.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You look at the first quesiton to see that it asks a deceptively simple question: "Who are you right now?" You jot down the question in the first page of your journal and think about how you should answer this question.
<<button "I'm conflicted and confused" "Day 4 - 4">>\<<set $journalw1q1 to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I'm still the same person" "Day 4 - 4">>\<<set $journalw1q1 to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I'm changing as a person" "Day 4 - 4">>\<<set $journalw1q1 to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You put your pencil on the paper and start writing.
<<if $journalw1q1 is 0>>\
//Right now, I'm honestly not sure who I am. I feel like I'm in between something. Everyone probably sees me as the same old guy they've always seen, but I don't feel the same inside. Something weird is happening to me, physically and emotionally, and I'm losing control of who I used to be. I'm trying to act like nothing's wrong, but every day, I feel like I'm changing.//
<<elseif $journalw1q1 is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
//I'm still the same person I've always been. Just $name. I like hanging out with Luke and Samantha, not taking things too seriously, and just being an average guy. Nothing's changed at all except this problem I've been having. I hope I can resolve this stupid problem, move on from it, and not have to deal with it anymore.//
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
//Right now, I'm... evolving, to say the least. It's weird, but I feel I'm not exactly the same person I was even a few days ago. There's this strange pull as if I'm growing into something different. I don't know what that is yet, but part of me is curious and eager to find out. Maybe people still see me as $name, but I'm not sure that's the full picture anymore.//
You nod, satisfied with your answer. You move on to the next question, which asks "how do you adapt to unexpected challenges?" You take a second to think yet again, this one was difficult too. What did you rely on when you faced a hurdle?
<<button "I rely on my brain" "Day 4 - 5">>\<<set $journalw1q2 to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I rely on my body" "Day 4 - 5">>\<<set $journalw1q2 to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I rely on my social skills" "Day 4 - 5">>\<<set $journalw1q2 to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "I rely on my popularity" "Day 4 - 5">>\<<set $journalw1q2 to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You begin writing another answer.
<<if $journalw1q2 is 0>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
//When something unexpected happens, I rely on my brain to figure it out. I like to break things down and analyze the situation before I react. Whether it's a tough test or something weird, I try to comprehend what's going on first.//
<<elseif $journalw1q2 is 1>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
//When something unpredictable comes my way, I trust my instincts and act fast. I've always been good at sports because I know how to think quick on my feet.//
<<elseif $journalw1q2 is 2>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
//When things don't go as planned, I lean on my ability to talk through it and get a read on people. I've always been good at understanding how others feel and using my words and communication skills.//
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
//I've always been pretty popular, so when unexpected challenges come up, I rely on my social status to handle it. People like me, so I can usually laugh things off and dismiss it. I just need to stay confident and keep my place in the social scene.//
You move on to the last question, and this one makes you think as well. It asks "what do you want to do after senior year?". You tap your pencil against your chin, wondering what exactly you want to do after this school year is up.
<<button "I want to do something academic" "Day 4 - 6">>\<<set $journalw1q3 to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to do something active" "Day 4 - 6">>\<<set $journalw1q3 to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to do something mysterious" "Day 4 - 6">>\<<set $journalw1q3 to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to do something flashy" "Day 4 - 6">>\<<set $journalw1q3 to 3>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to do something artsy" "Day 4 - 6">>\<<set $journalw1q3 to 4>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You write down your final answer.
<<if $journalw1q3 is 0>>\
//After senior year, I definitely want to go to a good college. I want to put a lot of effort into my studies and hope it'll pay off with some scholarship offers. I'm thinking of going into STEM, something practical that will help me in the future. I know it's going to be competitive, but I can make it happen.//
<<elseif $journalw1q3 is 1>>\
//Honestly, I'm still figuring it out. I never really thought much about anything beyond school, but lately, I've been thinking about doing something more active. I realize I like the physical side of things, maybe something in fitness or performance. I want to feel more confident in how I move.//
<<elseif $journalw1q3 is 2>>\
//I'm not totally sure at the moment, but I've been getting interested in the unexplained. I know it sounds weird, but I've been thinking about exploring areas that deal with hidden knowledge or stuff that people don't usually talk about. There's something that really pulls me to this topic.//
<<elseif $journalw1q3 is 3>>\
//I want to pursue something flashy, like something in performance. Maybe theater or dance. I never had much of an interest in this personally, but I've always admired people who could express themselves on stage. I'm not sure if I can do it, but maybe I'll see about the school's theatre production.//
//After high school, I'm hoping to do something artsy. I've never been the best at art, but I feel drawn to it, and I wouldn't mind doing it more in the future. I think it would be really cool to be able to make my own creations for a living, and I'm going to look into this in the future.//
You set down your pencil, satisfied with all your answers. You think you did a good job, although your thoughts on all these topics could be very different by the end of the year. You wait until the rest of the class finishes, and Ms. Carter tells you all to get with your partner to discuss your answers.
<<button "Talk to Jessica" "Day 4 - 7">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You turn to your right where Jessica is eagerly awaiting you, journal in hand.
@@.jessica;"Hmm, so for the first question, I answered that I'm just Jessica!"@@ she giggles, looking down at the paper. @@.jessica;"There's honestly not much to say, I'm just me. I do find it annoying how a lot of people don't look at me as a person and instead look at the idea of me though. They think of me as some stereotypical spoiled girl, but if they talked to me I think they'd realize I'm actually a really cool person."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I get that,"@@ you nod along to what Jessica is saying. @@.player;"I guess your reputation precedes you."@@
@@.jessica;"To say the least, yeah,"@@ she rolls her eyes. @@.jessica;"For the next question, I said I adapt to unexpected challenges with my social skills and popularity. I can talk my way out of most situations, so I use that to my advantage. For the last question, I said I wanted to maybe go to college for cheerleading. I don't know, I haven't thought about it too much."@@
@@.player;"Hey, maybe I'll see you on TV in a few years,"@@ you smile. @@.player;"On the field for the Rams, 49ers, or Chargers."@@
@@.jessica;"Maybe!"@@ Jessica says, unable to hide how happy that comment made her. It seems she was really passionate about cheerleading. @@.jessica;"Anyways, what did you write?"@@
You quickly summarize what you wrote, and she hangs on to every word. As you finish speaking, she gives a quick comment on each point. The school bell rings, announcing the end of homeroom, and you can't help but be a little disappointed.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 8">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
@@.samantha;"Guess where we're going today!"@@ Samantha calls out, getting your attention. She has makeup on today, which immediately makes you think she has something planned. @@.samantha;"We, the three of us, the coolest group in the school, are going to the mall!"@@
@@.luke;"When did we become the coolest group in the school again?"@@ Luke asks, scratching his head. @@.luke;"Last I heard, we were around the middle of the pack in terms of popularity."@@
@@.samantha;"Shut up, Puke, stop killing the mood,"@@ Samantha says, slapping Luke in the back and making him almost spit out his food. @@.samantha;"We need some clothes for the back-to-school party! We're going to go shopping together. No ifs, buts, or maybes. We're going."@@
@@.luke;"What if I'm busy?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.samantha;"Busy throwing around a ball and playing video games?"@@ Samantha japed. @@.samantha;"Come on, I bet $name would agree to go right away."@@
@@.player;"Uhh, I guess I can go,"@@ you shrug.
@@.samantha;"See, be nice like $name and come to the mall with me, Luke,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes.
@@.luke;"Fine, I suppose I can spare some time,"@@ Luke says, confirming that all of you are going to the mall together.
@@.samantha;"Great, we'll get a cute dress for you, Luke, you'll be adorable!"@@ Samantha sniggers.
@@.luke;"Yeah, I'm changing my mind,"@@ Luke says, although there's a slight smile on his face.
@@.samantha;"Bro, I was joking, you're already committed to coming with us,"@@ Samantha says, crossing her arms.
@@.luke;"Fine, fine,"@@ Luke says, sighing. @@.luke;"Don't expect me to get a dress though."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-hallway.png">
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
As you're walking in the hallway between classes, you hear a few murmurs. You hear a few girls saying your name, but when you look at them, they stop talking. You wonder what's going on. \
You're walking in the hallway, trying to get to your next class. The hallway is filled with the usual chatter, nothing special. \
As you're walking, someone suddenly bumps into you. You can tell it wasn't by accident though, it was very much on purpose.
@@.player;"Hey, what was that for?"@@ you ask, swinging your head around to see who that was. You see a girl dressed in all black, a few silver rings glinting on her fingers. She has dark eyeshadow and a shade of lipstick that's nearly black. She was the school's biggest enigma, Aurora Rowan.
@@.aurora;"Shh,"@@ she shushes you, getting close to you and putting a finger over her lips. Your heart pounds, unable to respond. @@.aurora;"You're changing, aren't you?"@@
@@.player;"H-Huh?"@@ you spit out after a few seconds. @@.player;"What do you mean?"@@
@@.aurora;"You know exactly what I mean,"@@ she says, a knowing glint in her eyes. @@.aurora;"You can pretend all you want, but the curse is already taking hold. Unless you figure it out, the changes might become permanent."@@
Your stomach churns as Aurora walks away, and your mind races with questions. How could Aurora possibly know about the curse? You thought she was just a goth girl who was obsessed with creepy stuff, not actually connected to the unknown.
@@.player;"Wait, how do you know about this?"@@ you ask, desperate for answers.
Aurora pauses, glancing back at you over her shoulder. There's an air of mystery around her, but she seems to have a sort of hidden knowledge, as though she's already seen this all before. @@.aurora;"I know things that most people aren't ready to face. Seek me out when you want real answers, but be careful."@@
With that cryptic remark, she slips into the crowd, completely vanishing. You're left standing there, not quite knowing what to think. Maybe you would take her up on her offer and seek her out later, but for now, you had to get to class.
<<set $auroraCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $auroraCGeyes to 0>>\
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingbase.png">
<<if $hairProg is 2>>\
<<set $auroraCGhair to 2>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingmhair.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<<set $auroraCGhair to 3>>\
<img src = "img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetinglhair.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<<set $auroraCGeyes to 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingmeyes.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<<set $auroraCGeyes to 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/auroraMeeting/auroraMeetingleyes.png">
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 10">><</button>><img src="img/bg/store-boutique0.png">
<<set $friendsKnow to true>>\
You panic, hyperventilating a little as you try and calm yourself. Fuck, you just transformed at the mall. This was the first time you transformed at such a public place, and you were scared. \
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
You remember that you have told your friends about the curse, so at least that part is covered. You step out of the changing room, glad you told your friends about the curse already.
@@.samantha;"Woah, $name, what the hell?"@@ Samantha asks, looking at you closely. @@.samantha;"Did the curse hit you again?"@@
@@.player;"Yup, I don't want to talk about it,"@@ you shake your head. @@.player;"Just try changing into your clothes, Samantha."@@
@@.luke;"Just let us know if you need support, okay?"@@ Luke says, concern evident in his voice.
You remember that you haven't told your friends about the curse, so you'll have to explain that too. You bury your face in your hands, not knowing how to approach this. You decide to come out clean about the curse, not knowing how else you would approach this. If you were lucky, Luke might not notice, but Samantha certainly would. You step out of the changing room, heart pounding.
@@.samantha;"Woah, $name, what the hell?"@@ Samantha asks, looking at you closely.
@@.player;"Look, I can explain,"@@ you say, leading your two friends into a quiet corner. You explain everything about Madame Serena, the changes to your eyes, the tingling, and more. It takes a bit of convincing, but considering the evidence is right in front of them, they eventually believe you. @@.player;"I don't want to talk about it further, let's just continue like nothing happened.@@
@@.luke;"Just let us know if you need support, okay?"@@ Luke says, concern evident in his voice.
<<button "Rate Samantha's outfits" "Day 4 - 15">><</button>><img src="img/bg/mall.png">
@@.samantha;"Where should we go next?"@@ Samantha asks.
<<if ($temp is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Tech Gadgetz" "Mall - Tech Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp1 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to StepUp Footwear" "Mall - Shoe Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp2 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Games for Life" "Mall - Game Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp3 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Page Turners" "Mall - Book Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp4 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Mystic Emporium" "Mall - Mystical Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp5 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Paws & Whiskers" "Mall - Pet Store">><</button>>
<<if ($temp6 is false) and ($d4stores < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to Cuddle Creations" "Mall - Plushie Store">><</button>>
<<if $d4stores is 3>>\
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 11">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/restroom.png">
You splash some water on your face, trying to ignore what just happened. You just transformed from piercing your ears, what the hell? You suppose you should've anticipated that though; pierced ears were still kind of seen as feminine, even if many men got their ears pierced too nowadays. You wonder if your appearance has changed too drastically, you try and recount how many times you've transformed and get the number $femineChanges. Suddenly, you hear someone cough as they walk into the restroom.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.boy;"Oh shit, am I in the wrong restroom?"@@ the guy jumps a little as he sees you, quickly stepping back outside and checking the restroom sign. @@.boy;"Oh, never mind, my bad. I thought you were a girl for a second."@@
Well, here's your answer. You've definitely changed enough to be perceived as a feminine guy now. You suppose that guy didn't have the best eyes, considering you didn't look quite androgynous or female yet, but you definitely didn't look like a normal guy anymore.
@@.boy;"What's up man?"@@ the guy asks, giving you a classic guy nod as he walks past you into a stall.
Well, here's your answer. You haven't changed enough to be perceived as a feminine guy yet. You still look like a normal guy for now.
You walk out of the restroom to see your friends right outside waiting for you.
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
@@.samantha;"$name, are you alright?"@@ Samantha inquires, clearly worried about you.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little worried about these changes."@@
@@.luke;"Did the curse activate because you pierced your ears?"@@ Luke asks, putting his hand on your shoulder.
@@.player;"I think so, yeah,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Let's just keep going and discuss this another time though."@@
@@.samantha;"I'll respect that, but we are going to have to talk about this at some point, okay?"@@ Samantha demands.
<<set $friendsKnow to true>>\
@@.luke;"Are you alright, did you vomit?"@@ Luke asks, frowning.
@@.player;"Yeah, it was really nasty,"@@ you tremble to really sell the lie that you threw up.
@@.samantha;"Don't fucking lie to us, $name,"@@ Samantha puts her hands on her hips. @@.samantha;"You've been acting weird and you even look different, there's something going on."@@
@@.player;"Ugh, you're too observant, Samantha,"@@ you sigh and start explaining the curse. Your friends believe you, and you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. @@.player;"Let's just keep going and discuss this another time though."@@
@@.samantha;"I'll respect that, but we are going to have to talk about this at some point, okay?"@@ Samantha demands.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - 22">><</button>><<if $d4book is 0>>\
<<set $money -= 10>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll just buy this, this looks interesting,"@@ you say, picking a book that had a smart-looking cover with academic imagery.
@@.samantha;"You really are a nerd, huh?"@@ Samantha asks, giggling. @@.samantha;"Just joking, kind of."@@
@@.luke;"You're really going to spend 10 bucks on a book?"@@ Luke asks incredulously. @@.luke;"That's enough for a cheap game or even a football."@@
@@.player;"Life is more than games and football,"@@ you say, handing the book you chose to the cute girl with glasses manning the cash register. You scan your phone on the reader and pay, leaving you with $money dollars left.
<<elseif $d4book is 1>>\
<<set $money -= 10>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll just buy this, this looks cool,"@@ you say, picking a book that had an athletic-looking cover with sports imagery.
@@.luke;"Okay, I'm usually not a fan of books, but that looks cool,"@@ Luke says, staring at the muscular professional athletes on the cover.
@@.samantha;"You're only interested in books if it has football in them,"@@ Samantha giggles.
@@.player;"Hey, if it gets Luke to read, I think any book is good enough,"@@ you say, handing the book you chose to the cute girl with glasses manning the cash register. You scan your phone on the reader and pay, leaving you with $money dollars left.
@@.player;"Hmm, maybe later,"@@ you say, placing the books you just picked up back on the shelf.
@@.samantha;"Are you not going to buy it, $name?"@@ Samantha asks, leaning over.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm too broke,"@@ you say, a chuckle escaping your lips. You check your digital wallet to see that you have $money dollars for the rest of your shopping trip.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp3 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
@@.luke;"You really chose to go to a bookstore when we're at the mall?"@@ Luke asks, shaking his head in disappointment.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, talk about nerdy, $name!"@@ Samantha quips, gently punching you in the arm. @@.samantha;"Whatever, we might as well check this place out since we're here anyway."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, give it a chance,"@@ you say, breathing in the smell of the books. The place just gives off a very cozy vibe, like most bookstores tend to do. @@.player;"Maybe you should try picking up a book, Luke."@@
@@.luke;"I'm good, I prefer my video games,"@@ Luke shakes his head at your suggestion. @@.luke;"I'll just watch a movie or show if I'm in the mood for a good story."@@
@@.samantha;"Have you never enjoyed a book?"@@ Samantha inquires. @@.samantha;"Surely you must've enjoyed something."@@
@@.luke;"I liked Percy Jackson,"@@ Luke shrugs.
@@.samantha;"So a book made for kids in elementary school, got it,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes. @@.samantha;"Anyway, I don't want to stay in here for too long, pick a section, $name."@@
@@.player;"Hmm, fine,"@@ you say, looking around the bookstore. You walk over to the young adult section and look at the covers. Since you don't have much time, you just decide on two books that seem interesting. They each cost 10 dollars, and buying one would probably help your skills.
<<button "Buy the book with the academic cover" "Mall - Book Store 1">>\<<set $d4book to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Buy the book with the athletic cover" "Mall - Book Store 1">>\<<set $d4book to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Skip buying a book for today" "Mall - Book Store 1">>\<<set $d4book to 2>>\<</button>><<if $gamepref is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's try out the shooter game,"@@ you say, picking up a controller of your own.
@@.samantha;"Now can I bet on $name?"@@ Samantha asks. @@.samantha;"To be honest though, I'd bet for anyone as long as they were against Luke."@@
@@.luke;"Wow, thanks for being such a supportive friend,"@@ Luke says, the sarcasm very evident in his voice.
@@.samantha;"No problem!"@@ Samantha chirps.
You begin playing the game, being thrust into a sci-fi setting. You run around the map, duking it out with Luke. His gaming prowess is ultimately too much for you though, and he narrowly edges out a victory.
@@.player;"Good game,"@@ you say, standing up. You didn't want to hog the display section when you weren't planning on buying anything.
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Let's play the puzzle game,"@@ you say, picking up a controller of your own.
@@.samantha;"Aww, does that mean I can't bet on $name?"@@ Samantha deflates in disappointment.
You begin playing the puzzle game, and you and Luke combine forces to beat a level. It was more difficult than you expected, and the puzzle really tested your brain.
@@.player;"Good game,"@@ you say, standing up. You didn't want to hog the display section when you weren't planning on buying anything.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp2 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
You walk into the game store, wanting to look at some of the latest video games. The store has a welcoming vibe, with walls covered in posters. Techno music plays over the speakers, and the shelves are stocked with consoles, accessories, and games. There's even a small area with a few demo stations.
@@.luke;"Now, this feels like home,"@@ Luke says, a bright smile on his face. He walks over to the demo station and hops on a green beanbag, gesturing for you to sit in the purple beanbag next to him. @@.luke;"Come on, let's play a game."@@
@@.samantha;"I'm putting my bets on $name,"@@ Samantha says.
@@.luke;"We haven't even chosen a game yet,"@@ Luke says, giving the stinkeye to Samantha. @@.luke;"I would win anyway."@@
@@.player;"I'm no slouch either,"@@ you say, sitting down on the purple beanbag. @@.player;"Hmm, what games are there?"@@
@@.luke;"Well, there's a shooter game where we can see who has the better aim,"@@ Luke says, navigating the menu with his controller. @@.luke;"There's also a co-op puzzle game if you want to play a bit of that."@@
<<button "Choose the shooter game" "Mall - Game Store 1">>\<<set $gamepref to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the puzzle game" "Mall - Game Store 1">>\<<set $gamepref to 1>>\<</button>><<if $trinket is true>>\
<<set $money -= 10>>\
@@.player;"I mean, I guess I'll buy it,"@@ you say, reaching for your phone.
@@.samantha;"Bruh,"@@ Samantha says, rolling her eyes. @@.samantha;"Your money, I guess."@@
You pay with your phone, as Isolde somehow has a card reader advanced enough for phone payment processing. You guess even mysterious people had to make money somehow, even through selling you trinkets. You receive the trinket, leaving you with $money in your account. You shove the trinket in your pocket for future use.
@@.player;"Sorry, I don't have the money right now,"@@ you say, shaking your head. The truth was you did have money on you, but you just didn't think this was legit. Sure, Madame Serena had actual magic, but that didn't mean everyone did. This lady was being super cryptic about it too, she could just be trying to sell you some random old crap.
@@.girl;"I see, I hope you will not regret this opportunity,"@@ Isolde says, slinking back to the back of the store.
@@.samantha;"Come on, let's get out of here, $name,"@@ Samantha says, grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the store.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp4 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
You walk into Mystic Emporium, squinting your eyes and trying to adjust to the dim lighting. Your friends start coughing, not used to the smell of incense that fogs the air. Tarot cards, crystals, ancient-looking books, obscure artifacts, and more strange trinkets line the walls.
@@.samantha;"Why the hell did you bring us here, $name?"@@ Samantha asks, struggling to breathe. @@.samantha;"What the hell is this place?"@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, why are we in a magic shop?"@@ Luke sticks his head out the door to get some fresh air.
<<if $d2tell is true>>\
@@.player;"I don't know, I was just wondering if there could be some information about the curse,"@@ you say
@@.player;"I don't know, it just seemed interesting,"@@ you say, still keeping the curse a secret.
@@.girl;"Greetings, I am Isolde, the owner of this shop,"@@ a figure with long silver hair and layers of black lace says. She looks at the three of you with a cryptic expression on her face. @@.girl;"I think I have just the perfect thing for you."@@
She goes and searches around the shop before coming back with a trinket. @@.girl;"This will help you for only ten dollars."@@
@@.player;"What does it do?"@@ you ask, frowning as you spin the trinket around in your hand.
@@.girl;"That I cannot say, you must trust me,"@@ she says.
@@.luke;"This is probably a scam, $name,"@@ Luke taps his foot. @@.luke;"But if you want to buy it, go on ahead."@@
<<button "Buy the trinket" "Mall - Mystical Store 1">>\<<set $trinket to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't buy the trinket" "Mall - Mystical Store 1">>\<<set $trinket to false>>\<</button>><<if $petpref is 0>>\
@@.player;"Let's go look at the dog,"@@ you say, choosing the black labrador retriever.
@@.samantha;"Aww, I preferred the cat but the dog is cute too, I guess,"@@ Samantha says, seeming a little disappointed.
@@.girl;"Good choice, let me take it out,"@@ the assistant says, unlocking the cage door and taking out the dog. The lab is so excited he can't help but stop smiling, his mouth wide open. @@.girl;"Here, come to the pen."@@
The three of you take a seat in the pen, and the lab is set down. It immediately jumps onto you, licking your face. @@.player;"Geez, calm down little guy,"@@ you say, petting it and laughing.
@@.luke;"How come he likes you so much?"@@ Luke frowns, wanting some attention from the dog as well.
@@.samantha;"God, it's so hyper,"@@ Samantha says as the dog turns around and starts pawing at Samantha. @@.samantha;"Yeah, yeah, you're adorable."@@
@@.player;"My face is covered in slobber,"@@ you say, wiping some dog drool off your face.
The dog goes between you and Samantha, in love with the both of you already. It completely ignores Luke though. @@.luke;"Bro, why does he hate me?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.girl;"Oh, this dog dislikes masculine men,"@@ the attendant explains. @@.girl;"You're a pretty big guy, so he might be scared of you."@@
@@.luke;"The woes of being a football player,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head.
You think to yourself, wondering if the dog would've disliked you as well if you weren't cursed. You try and shake the thought from your head, today was meant to be a fun day at the mall.
@@.player;"Let's go look at the cat,"@@ you say, choosing the grey tabby cat.
@@.luke;"Never knew you were a cat person, $name,"@@ Luke says, seeming a little disappointed.
@@.girl;"Good choice, let me take it out,"@@ the assistant says, unlocking the cage door and taking out the cat. The cat licks at its paw, seemingly unbothered. @@.girl;"Here, come to the pen."@@
The three of you take a seat in the pen, and the cat is set down. It seems to not care at all about you though, just continuing to lick at itself.
@@.luke;"This is the pet you prefer, by the way, Samantha,"@@ Luke says, snickering at Samantha.
@@.samantha;"Shut up, Luke,"@@ Samantha says, trying to get the cat's attention. @@.samantha;"It's just a little nonchalant, okay?"@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, if by nonchalant you mean it has no affection,"@@ Luke says.
The cat eventually catches notice of Samantha and stretches before walking over. Although it wasn't as enthusiastic as the dog, it had its own unique charm. It rolls into a ball and lies down next to Samantha.
@@.samantha;"See, Puke, this is what happens when you're nice to the cat instead of being an asshole,"@@ Samantha says.
@@.player;"Luke just has too much favoritism toward dogs,"@@ you say, laughing.
The three of you continue playing in the pen with the pet for a few minutes until the time is up. The pet is put back in its cage and you brush off all the fur from your clothes.
@@.samantha;"Should we buy something?"@@ Samantha whispers to you and Luke. @@.samantha;"We did just play with a pet for a few minutes after all."@@
@@.luke;"Let's just go,"@@ Luke says after checking his digital wallet. @@.luke;"I don't have any money or a pet."@@
You three quickly make your way out of the store when the attendant isn't looking, laughing to yourselves as you do.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp5 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
@@.samantha;"Oh my God!"@@ Samantha squeals, running up to look at the dogs and cats. @@.samantha;"Good choice, $name, thanks for choosing this store."@@
The store is full of a bunch of cute dogs and cats, along with everything you'd need to care for them. There are even smaller pets like guinea pigs, fish, and hamsters hanging out. You observe a little goldfish swimming around a bowl and wonder if those conditions should be legal. You read once that goldfish required a lot more space than they usually got.
@@.girl;"You can hang out with one of the pets, if you'd like,"@@ a shop assistant says, walking over to your group. @@.girl;"We have two pets that love people and would enjoy spending time with you!"@@
@@.luke;"Who are they?"@@ Luke inquires, curious.
@@.girl;"Well, we have this labrador puppy who's very playful,"@@ the assistant says, pointing to a silly black dog who's drooling in excitement. She then points to a small grey cat, who's licking at its paw. @@.girl;"We also have this tabby cat, who would love to meet you all!"@@
@@.samantha;"Ooh, I want to see the cat!"@@ Samantha says, her eyes practically bulging out of her head.
@@.luke;"I want to hang out with the lab, it seems cool,"@@ Luke says, squatting in front of the labrador's cage and waving.
@@.samantha;"$name, you choose,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Break the tie."@@
<<button "Choose the dog" "Mall - Pet Store 1">>\<<set $petpref to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the cat" "Mall - Pet Store 1">>\<<set $petpref to 1>>\<</button>><<set $textbox to true>>\
<<if $plushie is true>>\
<<set $plushieName = "Bamboo">>\
<<set $money -= 10>>\
@@.player;"Screw it, I'm getting it,"@@ you say, hugging the panda close.
@@.samantha;"Yay, what are you going to name yours?"@@ Samantha inquires, leaning in close and petting your panda plushie.
@@.player;"I'm naming it <<textbox "$plushieName" "Bamboo">>,"@@ you say, enamored by the stuffed animal already.
@@.luke;"I'm not buying one, I don't even have enough money,"@@ Luke states, watching you and Samantha high-five as plushie besties.
@@.samantha;"It's okay, you're not cool enough to be in our club anyway,"@@ Samantha giggles.
You go to the cash register with Samantha and pay for the plushie, waving goodbye to 10 dollars. You check your digital wallet to see that you have $money dollars left in your account to use.
@@.player;"Nah, I can't spend money on an overpriced plushie,"@@ you say, putting the panda plushie back on the shelf. Its little eyes seem to well with tears, although you know that's just your imagination. @@.player;"Maybe I'll pick a similar one up at a claw machine in the future."@@
@@.samantha;"The claw machine ones are not of the same quality,"@@ Samantha sighs. @@.samantha;"My poor elephant plushie, she really wanted a friend."@@
@@.player;"Sorry, there's better things I can spend money on,"@@ you say, looking at the panda one last time before you turn away.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">>\<<set $textbox to false>>\<</button>><<set $temp6 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
@@.player;"Wow, this place is really cool,"@@ you say, looking around the brightly-colored stuffed animal shop. There were a bunch of plushies lining the walls and even a section where you could make your own plushie.
@@.samantha;"Oh my God, I want to make a plushie, but I also need to shop for clothes later,"@@ she groans loudly and buries her face in her hands. @@.samantha;"What do I do?"@@
@@.luke;"How much money do you have?"@@ Luke asks, frowning.
@@.samantha;"Like, a hundred dollars,"@@ Samantha bites her lip as she thinks. @@.samantha;"I do want to buy a nice dress for the party tommorrow but a plushie would be so fun to build."@@
@@.player;"We can just get a regular plushie and come here later to get a custom one,"@@ you suggest.
@@.luke;"Yeah, a plushie isn't an immediate concern,"@@ Luke says.
@@.samantha;"Fine, you guys are making too much sense,"@@ Samantha sighs and looks away from the custom plushie station. She picks up an elephant plushie and hugs it close. @@.samantha;"I'll just get this little guy."@@
@@.luke;"How about you, $name, are you going to get anything?"@@ Luke asks you.
@@.player;"Hmm, let me see,"@@ you say, looking at the many plushies lining the walls. One immediately catches your eye, a cute panda plushie. It looks at you with its eyes, basically begging for you to adopt it. You turn it over to check the price tag and immediately recoil. @@.player;"This one is super cute but its 10 dollars."@@
@@.samantha;"Come on, $name,"@@ Samantha plays with her elephant plushie's hand, reaching it out toward the panda plushie. @@.samantha;"My elephant could use a friend."@@
@@.luke;"So, are you going to buy the plushie or not?"@@ Luke asks you.
<div class="note">While this plushie won't affect any of your stats, it will be mentioned in several scenes in the future and be your fuzzy companion!</div>\
<<button "Buy the panda plushie" "Mall - Plushie Store 1">>\<<set $plushie to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't buy the panda plushie" "Mall - Plushie Store 1">>\<<set $plushie to false>>\<</button>><<if $shoepref is 0>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You slip your feet into the pair of limited-edition sneakers that seem to be all the rage nowadays. You stand up and present yourself in the mirror, checking to see if you look good. You do look super stylish, and the thought of buying it crosses your mind.
<<elseif $shoepref is 1>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You put on the practical athletic shoes, and stand up. You immediately notice a difference, feeling like you're walking on clouds. You do a quick jump and even your vertical seems to have increased by a few inches. The thought of buying the shoe quickly crosses your mind.
<<elseif $shoepref is 2>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
The casual slip-on loafers take only a second to get on and instantly make you look much more professional and smart. If you had a pair of glasses and a button-up shirt, you'd look like a businessman. You think of purchasing the shoe for a second.
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You put on the fashionable boots and walk up and down the shoe aisle as if you're walking down the runway. You do look really good with them on, and you consider purchasing them.
@@.player;"Hey, how much does this cost?"@@ you ask your friends.
@@.luke;"300 dollars,"@@ Luke says after checking the box the shoes were in.
@@.player;"Yeah, never mind,"@@ you say, quickly slipping the shoes off.
@@.samantha;"Maybe save up for a few months,"@@ Samantha shrugs. @@.samantha;"Or you can get a job."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, maybe later,"@@ you say, shaking your head. 300 dollars for shoes was an inane price, and you don't think you're going to be purchasing it even if you have the money.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp1 to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
You walk into the shoe store, known for its diverse selection of shoes. There's a bunch of options, from casual tennis shoes to high-end boots. The walls are lined with colorful displays that any sneakerhead would be happy to see.
@@.luke;"Do you need new shoes, $name?"@@ Luke asks, a confused expression on his face.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, why are we here?"@@ Samantha asks, similarly perplexed.
@@.player;"Well, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try on some shoes,"@@ you shrug, going from section to section to see if there are any shoes that appeal to you. Samantha and Luke help you choose some out and you end up with four shoes that you're interested in.
<<button "Try on the limited-edition sneakers" "Mall - Shoe Store 1">>\<<set $shoepref to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Try on the practical athletic shoes" "Mall - Shoe Store 1">>\<<set $shoepref to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Try on the casual slip-on loafers" "Mall - Shoe Store 1">>\<<set $shoepref to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Try on the fashionable boots" "Mall - Shoe Store 1">>\<<set $shoepref to 3>>\<</button>><<if $d4help is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $money += 50>>\
You walk up to the lady and the employee, not wanting to see her get scammed out of a hundred dollars. @@.player;"Ma'am, you can just wait a few hours and the phone will let you put in your password again,"@@ you say, swiping at the phone to show her the timer. @@.player;"See, it says there's fifty minutes left before you can try again."@@
@@.boy;"Hey, what are you doing?"@@ the employee working there says, clearly annoyed by you.
@@.player;"Making sure you don't scam her,"@@ you frown, hitting him with your most menacing look.
@@.girl;"Oh, thank you,"@@ the lady says, a genuine smile on her face. @@.girl;"I was about to spend a hundred dollars!"@@
@@.player;"No problem, miss,"@@ you say, a warm feeling in your heart from having helped someone.
@@.girl;"Here, for your help,"@@ the lady says, handing you a fifty dollar bill. @@.girl;"Better that a responsible young man like you takes it than this untrustworthy store. I'll be leaving a one-star review on Yelp!"@@
You don't know who even uses Yelp anymore, but you graciously take the fifty dollars, profusely thanking her.
@@.boy;"Get the hell out of the store,"@@ the employee says, pointing at you all to get out. @@.boy;"Or else I'm calling security.@@
You walk out of the store with your friends, happy to have another fifty dollars.
@@.samantha;"Well, you got us kicked out of the store, but at least you got money,"@@ Samantha shrugs.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You look away, annoyed by the employee but being too shy to go up and help. You weren't sure if it would be appropriate for you to do that in a tech store.
@@.luke;"Well, that lady just spent 100 dollars to get her phone wiped,"@@ Luke says.
You continue browsing the store a little, although you don't particularly want to support the shop anymore after what you just saw. You end up leaving a few minutes later, wondering if you should've helped the lady.
<<button "Continue" "Day 4 - Mall Choice">><</button>><<set $temp to true>>\
<<set $d4stores += 1>>\
The three of you walk into the fancy tech store, and you take a second to bask in all the expensive technology sitting around.
@@.samantha;"Geez, look, the brand new iPhone is here!"@@ Samantha walks over to take a look at the trendiest phone around. @@.samantha;"I want it."@@
@@.luke;"Do you have 1000 dollars?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.samantha;"Yeah in my dreams,"@@ Samantha snorts. @@.samantha;"I also have a mansion and a supermodel wife."@@
@@.luke;"Why did you bring us here anyway, $name?"@@ Luke asks you, looking longingly at the newest tablets, laptops, and phones on display. @@.luke;"We're broke high school seniors, we're not Jessica Sanders or anything."@@
@@.player;"I just thought it'd be nice to explore,"@@ you shrug. @@.player;"Maybe you can buy a phone charger or something."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh yeah, a phone charger that rips apart in a week, exactly what I need,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes.
While the three of you banter, you suddenly overhear a woman talking to an employee.
@@.girl;"100 dollars for a repair like this?"@@ a lady who seems to not be familiar with technology says, tapping at her phone. @@.girl;"Is that the standard price? My grandson just typed the password in wrong too many times."@@
@@.boy;"Yes ma'am,"@@ the employee working there, a lanky college student, states. @@.boy;"It is common for this issue to appear. You will have to pay 100 dollars for us to reset your phone."@@
@@.samantha;"Damn, they're really scamming her, huh?"@@ Samantha asks, frowning. @@.samantha;"I'm pretty sure she can just wait a little and the phone will let you type your password in again."@@
<<button "Help the lady" "Mall - Tech Store 1">>\<<set $d4help to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't help the lady" "Mall - Tech Store 1">>\<<set $d4help to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 5>>\
<<if $ver is 0.03>>\
<<if $piercedears is true>>\
<<set $earrings = 1>>\
<<set $earrings = 0>>\
You stretch and hop out of bed, ready for what Friday has to offer. Today would include the back-to-school party, and you knew just how much that meant. It was the first social event of the year, and you knew that how you acted today would be very important. After you get ready, you exit your room and go to the living room. Lily sits on the couch browsing her phone, taking a quick glance at you.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.lily;"Why do you look like that, $name?"@@ she asks, frowning. @@.lily;"You actually look kind of pretty, too bad your personality ruins it."@@
@@.player;"Just experimenting with how I look a little,"@@ you say, nervous that you changed enough that your mom and sister pointed out your new look. @@.player;"Why, do you need any tips?"@@
@@.lily;"Hey, I don't need t-"@@ you close the front door on Lily as she shrieks, clearly annoyed by your comment. You can't help but laugh, it was fun being the mean older brother.
@@.lily;"Hey, loser,"@@ she laughs. @@.lily;"Did you get in trouble after staying out too late yesterday?"@@
@@.player;"None of your business,"@@ you say, walking past her and putting your hand on the door. Despite the curse, you do your best to act the same as always to Lily. @@.player;"At least I have friends to hang out with."@@
@@.lily;"Hey, I have more f-"@@ you close the front door on Lily as she shrieks, clearly annoyed by your comment. You can't help but laugh, it was fun being the mean older brother.
<<button "Go to school" "Day 5 - 2">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $temp is true>>\
@@.player;"I think you should sing the classic one,"@@ you exclaim, excited to see what Samantha thought was a classic.
@@.samantha;"What's more of a classic than Katy Perry?"@@ Samantha beams. @@.samantha;"I'll sing Teenage Dream since this is one of the last years we have as teenagers."@@
You think about if Teenage Dream is a classic or not, and realize the song was a teenager now that it was 2024. You suppose it does count as a classic.
@@.player;"Go for it, I'm sure you'll do well,"@@ you say, trying your best to support Samantha.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I'm going to knock their socks off,"@@ Samantha smirks.
You and Samantha wait as the girl finishes up her song, and Samantha immediately takes her spot. She searches Teenage Dream on the karaoke machine controller and the lyrics pop up on the screen. A few seconds later, the instrumentals begin to play and Samantha shifts her weight from foot to foot as she prepares for the song. She looks back at you and winks before the song starts, and launches into the song immediately. She does a really good job at imitating Katy Perry's iconic voice and matches the retro elements of the song. She finishes up the song and everyone claps.
@@.player;"Hmm, I think you should sing the trending song,"@@ you exclaim, thinking it's better to sing something new.
@@.samantha;"Hmm, let me sing Espresso, it was the song of the summer after all!"@@ Samantha beams. @@.samantha;"It's sad that summer is over already though."@@
@@.player;"Well, time flies, what can you do,"@@ you shrug. @@.player;"Anyway, go sing, I'm sure you'll do well."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I'm going to knock their socks off,"@@ Samantha smirks.
You and Samantha wait as the girl finishes up her song, and Samantha immediately takes her spot. She searches for Espresso on the karaoke machine controller and the lyrics pop up on the screen. A few seconds later, the instrumentals begin to play and Samantha shifts her weight from foot to foot as she prepares for the song. She looks back at you and winks before the song starts, and launches into the song immediately. She does a really good job at imitating Sabrina Carpenter's sultry voice and matches the synth elements of the song. She finishes up the song and everyone claps.
@@.samantha;"Whoo, I did good!"@@ Samantha enthuses, pumping her fist as she sees what score the karaoke machine will give her. The number on the screen flashes and flickers until it finally lands on 93. @@.samantha;"Damn, look at that! Pretty good, if I do say so myself."@@
@@.player;"Good fucking job!"@@ you high-five Samantha, excited for her.
@@.samantha;"You know, $name, it would be really cool if you sang something,"@@ Samantha says with an evil grin. @@.samantha;"I think you'd do a good job!"@@
<<button "Decide to sing" "Day 5 - Karaoke">>\<<set $d5karaoke to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide not to sing" "Day 5 - 11">>\<<set $d5karaoke to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5karaoke is false>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Nah, I don't think I'm going to sing today,"@@ you shake your head. @@.player;"Maybe another time."@@
@@.samantha;"Aww, really?"@@ Samantha asks, seeming disappointed. @@.samantha;"Well, your choice I guess."@@
You and Samantha head back to the main party, and you look around to see what you should do. @@.player;"What else should we do?"@@
@@.samantha;"I don't know, we can't get Luke for a little longer, so we should just do one of the activities,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"How about we go the wheel?"@@
@@.player;"The wheel?"@@ you ask, face scrunching up in confusion. That sounded strangely ominous, what the hell was the wheel?
@@.samantha;"It's nothing weird, it's just that every student gets to spin a wheel once for a prize,"@@ Samantha explains, waving off your shock. @@.samantha;"Most of the rewards are super shitty like a sticker or something, but you can win something good like a free snack voucher, homework pass, or free school merch."@@
@@.player;"Let's go then, I hope I win something good,"@@ you exclaim, walking over to the wheel with Samantha. You have to wait in line for a minute or two, but soon you're at the front.
@@.girl;"Hello, please present your student ID and then spin the wheel,"@@ the girl who's attending to the wheel says. You hand over your student ID, and the girl checks a box beside your name on a sheet she has. @@.girl;"Okay, you can spin the wheel."@@
You put your hand on the wheel and get ready to spin it, deciding to put a certain amount of force into the spin.
<<button "Put in a little bit of force" "Day 5 - 12">>\<<set $d5wheel to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Put in a moderate amount of force" "Day 5 - 12">>\<<set $d5wheel to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Put in a lot of force" "Day 5 - 12">>\<<set $d5wheel to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5wheel is 0>>\
You only put a little bit of force into the wheel, giving it a gentle spin. It turns slowly, clicking from section to section, and finally creeps toward its stopping point.
@@.girl;"Ooh, congrats!"@@ the girl manning the wheel says, handing you a ticket. @@.girl;"You won a month of a free gym membership! This is the best prize we have."@@
@@.samantha;"Damn, you can get jacked, $name!"@@ Samantha slaps you on the back affectionately.
@@.player;"Guess I've got to start working out now,"@@ you say, a grin on your face. Although a gym membership wasn't exactly what you were looking for, winning a prize felt good.
<<elseif $d5wheel is 1>>\
You put a moderate amount of force on the wheel, and it spins at a steady pace, clicking through the sections a few times. Eventually, though, it starts to slow down, and it finally clicks to a stop. You end up winning a school hoodie, which you see as a pretty decent prize. It says Pacific Crest High School across the front and has the school mascot, a panther, looking ferocious.
@@.samantha;"Not bad,"@@ Samantha says, whistling as you're handed the hoodie.
@@.player;"I guess this is decent,"@@ you shrug.
You put all your strength into the spin, and the wheel whirls wildly. It spins for a long time, and the tension builds as you watch nervously. Finally, it begins to slow, clicking to a stop. Despite all the tension, you end up winning a school spirit wristband, one of the worst prizes you could get. The girl attending the stand congratulates you and drops the wristband into your hand.
@@.samantha;"Nice prize, $name,"@@ Samantha laughs at your disappointed expression.
@@.player;"What did I put that much effort in for?"@@ you ask, letting out a defeated sigh.
@@.samantha;"Move aside, it is my turn now,"@@ Samantha announces, handing over her student ID and spinning the wheel. She puts so much force into it that the wheel, which was probably made in a few minutes, almost topples over.
@@.girl;"You won a keychain,"@@ the girl tells Samantha, much to her chagrin.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
You head over to the snack table with Samantha, which is filled with chips, cookies, pizza, soda, and punch. You notice a lot of the good snacks are already gone, not to mention the pizza is all stale and cold.
@@.samantha;"Hey, I'm going to head to the restroom real quick, okay?"@@ Samantha says after she takes a sip of soda. @@.samantha;"Just wait here for me."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, sure,"@@ you reply, watching as Samantha scurries off toward the restroom. You eat some pretzels and chips when you notice some people you recognize around you. Jessica stands by the snack table with casual confidence, sipping on some punch by herself. Vincent is standing off to the side, carefully analyzing the variety of snacks. You see Aurora standing away from the main table, sipping a dark-colored drink that you're pretty sure she brought. Finally, Jordan stands by the drinks, his muscular frame making him hard to miss.
<<button "Go talk to Jessica" "Day 5 - 14">>\<<set $d5snack to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go talk to Vincent" "Day 5 - 14">>\<<set $d5snack to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go talk to Aurora" "Day 5 - 14">>\<<set $d5snack to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go talk to Jordan" "Day 5 - 14">>\<<set $d5snack to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5snack is 0>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Hey, Jessica,"@@ you say approaching her nervously. You're scared that she'll ignore you or be mad that you're talking to her due to the difference in popularity between you two.
@@.jessica;"Oh, homeroom partner!"@@ she greets you. @@.jessica;"What's up?"@@
@@.player;"I just wanted to say your outfit is really awesome, you pull it off well,"@@ you enthuse.
@@.jessica;"Oh, thanks!"@@ Jessica smiles. She looks down at her perfectly fitted green dress. @@.jessica;"I can't show up looking raggedy to the first social event of the year, can I?"@@
@@.player;"No, you can't,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"I'm surprised you didn't tell me to go away."@@
@@.jessica;"Look, I'm really not that mean,"@@ Jessica rubs the bridge of her nose. @@.jessica;"A lot of people spread rumors about me, so I think you have the wrong idea of who I am."@@
@@.player;"I know you're not mean, we are homeroom partners after all,"@@ you stick your hand out.
@@.jessica;"Yup, you're stuck with me all year,"@@ Jessica says, shaking your hand.
<<elseif $d5snack is 1>>\
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"How's it going, Vincent?"@@ you ask as you approach him. You realize he's dressed in a faded graphic tee with a sci-fi design on it, you can't help but be endeared by his commitment to his nerdy interests.
@@.vincent;"Oh, hey $name!"@@ Vincent says, enthused to see you. @@.vincent;"It's nice to finally see someone I know here."@@
@@.player;"Why, have you been alone this whole time?"@@ you ask, tilting your head.
@@.vincent;"Yeah, I don't even know why I decided to come,"@@ Vincent says softly, looking down at the floor. @@.vincent;"But whatever, I'll just enjoy the free snacks and then go home soon."@@
@@.player;"Well, what would you say the best snack here is?"@@ you ask, trying to appeal to his interests. @@.player;"What's better, the cookies or the chips?"@@
@@.vincent;"Well, the cookies have more immediate energy since they have a lot of sugar,"@@ Vincent launches into an explanation. @@.vincent;"But chips provide longer-lasting energy from the fat and carbohydrates. They're both really good, just for different things."@@
@@.player;"So I should grab both?"@@ you ask playfully.
@@.vincent;"Well, if you're going to stay here for the rest of the party, maybe a combination is the way to go,"@@ Vincent says, a smile on his face. @@.vincent;"Got to keep the energy levels up, right?"@@
<<elseif $d5snack is 2>>\
<<set $auroraRelo to Math.clamp($auroraRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Hey, Aurora,"@@ you can't help but shiver as you approach the mysterious girl. @@.player;"What are you drinking? It doesn't look like any drink that's offered here."@@
@@.aurora;"Oh, this?"@@ she asks, smirking and holding up the black drink. @@.aurora;"It's just soda."@@
@@.player;"Hmm, okay,"@@ you say, the skepticism obvious in your tone. @@.player;"Can I ask about what you said to me in the hallway?"@@
@@.aurora;"Shh,"@@ Aurora shushes you, putting a finger to your lips with a cheeky smile on her face. @@.aurora;"Not in the middle of a party."@@
@@.player;"Oh, sure,"@@ you murmur, instantly feeling embarrassed even as she takes her finger off your lips. @@.player;"Is there anywhere I can find you? You don't have any socials."@@
@@.aurora;"You'll find me when you need to,"@@ Aurora takes another sip of her drink. @@.aurora;"Don't worry."@@
<<elseif $d5snack is 3>>\
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Jordan, how are you?"@@ you ask, walking toward him. You see Jordan sipping on a bottle of water with an unreadable expression on his face. Despite the fact that he's on the football team, he's not with the rest of the team. @@.player;"You're looking like you're in top shape, do you train daily?"@@
@@.jordan;"Yeah, every day,"@@ he says, a bit of irritation evident in his gruff voice. @@.jordan;"Some people slack off, but I don't."@@
@@.player;"Oh, I see,"@@ you struggle to find what to say next. @@.player;"Do you have any tips for me? I'm trying to stay fit myself."@@
@@.jordan;"If you're serious about it, you can't make excuses,"@@ Jordan explains. @@.jordan;"I don't waste time giving advice to people who aren't willing to push themselves."@@
@@.player;"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot,"@@ you say, trying to exude cold confidence like Jordan does so effortlessly. @@.player;"I'm willing to put in the effort and I won't give up so easily."@@
@@.jordan;"Hmm,"@@ Jordan says, his eyes flickering in surprise. @@.jordan;"You know what, fine. I like your guts, so I'll give you some advice. Make sure you push yourself but don't do it for others. That type of motivation won't last. Remember first and foremost it's about you."@@
You spot the gym door swinging open and Samantha steps into the party, looking around for you.
@@.player;"Oh, I have to go now,"@@ you quickly wave goodbye and make your way to Samantha.
@@.samantha;"Hey, $name,"@@ Samantha greets you. @@.samantha;"Come on, let's get Luke now."@@
<<button "Go take back Luke" "Day 5 - 15">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
@@.samantha;"Hello football players!"@@ Samantha says, approaching the entire football team with an unmatched confidence. @@.samantha;"$name and I have come back to take back our beloved Puke, thank you!"@@
@@.luke;"Oh, yeah,"@@ Luke chuckles as the entire football team looks at him. @@.luke;"I promised my friends that I'd hang out with them at this party."@@
<<if $popularity > 39>>\
@@.boy;"You're going to ditch us for Samantha and this random guy?"@@ one of the football players asks.
@@.boy;"You're going to ditch us for Samantha and this loser?"@@ one of the football players asks.
@@.luke;"Hey, $name is my friend, don't fucking act like that,"@@ Luke snarls, getting all up in the other guys face. @@.luke;"Look, I've been hanging out with you guys for this entire party, I'm going to hang out with my closest friends now."@@
@@.samantha;"Damn, Luke,"@@ Samantha giggles at Luke's display he just put on. @@.samantha;"So you can be scary when you feel like it."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, yeah,"@@ Luke says as the three of you walk away from the football team.
<<button "Thank Luke for defending you" "Day 5 - 16">>\<<set $d5thank to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't thank Luke for defending you" "Day 5 - 16">>\<<set $d5thank to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5thank is true>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Oh, thanks for defending me by the way,"@@ you say as Luke leads you and Samantha to the main party. @@.player;"I appreciate it."@@
@@.luke;"Of course,"@@ Luke says, a bright smile on his face. @@.luke;"What, do you think I would just let them insult you?"@@
@@.player;"Well, it was still nice of you,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"Thank you."@@
You stay silent as Luke leads you and Samantha back to the main party.
@@.samantha;"Ooh, we should go check out the face paint station!"@@ Samantha chirps as she spots a boy with a basketball painted on his cheek. @@.samantha;"We can get designs painted on us."@@
@@.luke;"I'm up for that,"@@ Luke nods. @@.luke;"I wonder what design I should get."@@
@@.girl;"Hey, what can I do for you?"@@ asks Rachel, a girl that you recognize, at the face paint station. @@.girl;"We've got all sorts of designs! I can do something subtle or something a bit bolder, all up to you."@@
@@.luke;"I'll just go with some eye black,"@@ Luke takes a seat at the station and moves his face toward Rachel.
@@.samantha;"Isn't that a bit boring though?"@@ Samantha asks, tilting her head. @@.samantha;"How about Rachel paints your face white?"@@
@@.luke;"Why would I paint my face white?"@@ Luke frowns.
@@.samantha;"Then she can add some red on your nose, and some blue around your eyes,"@@ Samantha breaks into a smirk and giggles.
@@.luke;"I am not a clown,"@@ Luke sighs, realizing what Samantha was implying. @@.luke;"Just two black lines under my eyes if you may, Rachel. Ignore Samantha."@@
@@.girl;"I think Samantha's idea is better, but sure,"@@ the girl gets some black paint and makes two quick lines under Luke's eyes. @@.girl;"There you go!"@@
@@.luke;"Thanks,"@@ Luke says as he stands up. He looks significantly more threatening and athletic than he did just a minute ago. @@.luke;"How do I look?"@@
@@.samantha;"Are you sure you don't want to get some red paint on your nose?"@@ Samantha sighs, acting disappointed.
@@.luke;"I'm positive,"@@ Luke replies.
@@.samantha;"Well, I want a rainbow on my cheek,"@@ Samantha says, taking the seat in front of Rachel. Rachel works quickly and a few seconds later, Samantha is looking fancy. @@.samantha;"This washes off, right?"@@
@@.girl;"Yes, don't worry, it'll come off when you're wiping off your makeup,"@@ Rachel says. @@.girl;"Okay, how about you, $name?"@@
@@.player;"Huh, me?"@@ you ask, snapping back to reality. @@.player;"Umm, I'm not sure."@@
@@.luke;"Come on, you should get one,"@@ Luke tries convincing you.
@@.girl;"We have some popular designs over here, take a look,"@@ Rachel says, showing you a laminated piece of paper with a bunch of designs. A few stick out to you, and you decide on what you should get.
<<button "Decide not to get your face painted" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a small star on your cheek" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a tiny flower on your forehead" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a tribal symbol under your eye" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 3>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a small heart near your temple" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 4>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a lightning bolt across your cheek" "Day 5 - 17">>\<<set $d5design to 5>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5design is 0>>\
@@.player;"I think I'll pass for today,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"I don't really want to get my face painted."@@
@@.samantha;"Boring!"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes.
@@.luke;"What a shame,"@@ Luke sighs.
<<elseif $d5design is 1>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I want a simple star on my cheek, just below my eye,"@@ you say, taking a seat at the table. It's a subtle design, but it has a fun vibe that fits the party well.
@@.girl;"Oh, that's a good one,"@@ Rachel says, picking up a brush and dipping it in silver paint. She quickly paints a star on your cheek, adding a white outline and a hint of sparkle. @@.girl;"Perfect, it looks great on you."@@
@@.samantha;"Pretty classic design, good one,"@@ Samantha compliments, nodding her head.
@@.luke;"Yup, it looks nice,"@@ Luke pats your back.
<<elseif $d5design is 2>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I want a flower on my forehead,"@@ you say, taking a seat at the table. It's a delicate bloom that would sit somewhere visible, and you think it would look nice.
@@.girl;"Good choice!"@@ Rachel says, smiling. She picks up a brush and delicately paints a small, pink-and-white flower on your forehead. @@.girl;"It's subtle but adds a nice touch to your face."@@
@@.samantha;"Little girly, but it looks cute,"@@ Samantha compliments, nodding her head.
@@.luke;"Good choice,"@@ Luke pats your back.
<<elseif $d5design is 3>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I want a tribal symbol under my eye,"@@ you say, taking a seat and pointing to an intricate tribal design. It's a few sharp angular lines, and it looks bold and cool.
@@.girl;"Nice!"@@ Rachel says, painting the lines for you. You check it out in the mirror and it adds a slightly more rebellious edge to your look. @@.girl;"That's a bit edgier, but definitely unique."@@
@@.samantha;"Ooh, cool design,"@@ Samantha compliments, nodding her head.
@@.luke;"Yeah, it really makes you look like someone that shouldn't be messed with,"@@ Luke pats your back.
<<elseif $d5design is 4>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I want a small heart near my temple, something simple,"@@ you say, taking a seat at the table. A heart fit with just about anything, so you thought it would be a good choice.
@@.girl;"Sure, let me draw it on you,"@@ Rachel picks up her brush and quickly paints a tiny, red heart on your face. @@.girl;"That one's cute! It suits you."@@
@@.samantha;"Did you want to show that off to your crush, $name?"@@ Samantha giggles.
@@.luke;"Who knows, maybe he's just showing off his romantic side,"@@ Luke shrugs.
<<elseif $d5design is 5>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll take the lighting bolt,"@@ you say, sitting down and pointing to the jagged design. @@.player;"Something with a bit more edge."@@
@@.girl;"Love it,"@@ Rachel says, flicking her wrist to draw the yellow lightning bolt on your cheek. @@.girl;"That one's got energy."@@
@@.samantha;"Cool, you look badass,"@@ Samantha giggles.
@@.luke;"Talk about making a statement,"@@ Luke whistles in appreciation.
@@.girl;"Well, thanks for checking out the face paint station!"@@ Rachel says with a genuine smile on her face. @@.girl;"I hope you all are satisfied with what you got."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh yeah, thanks Rach,"@@ Samantha replies.
The three of you spend the rest of the time hanging out and fooling around, along with participating in some of the smaller activities. Time passes, and eventually, the night starts to wind down. As you, Luke, and Samantha are sipping on punch at the back of the gym, the lights suddenly dim. The upbeat music fades into a slower, more romantic tune. The gym looks almost magical with the soft lighting and music, the balloons and confetti littering the floor. The speakers crackle with static before a voice comes out.
@@.boy;"Alright, everyone,"@@ the DJ, who's actually just a teacher, announces. @@.boy;"It's time to cap off the night with our last dance. Find a partner, someone you'd like to share this moment with and let's make it a night to remember!"@@
You watch as couples begin to take the floor, your heart starting to beat a little faster as you contemplate what you should do. You look from Samantha to your left and Luke to your right, your eyes jumping from one to the other, before you finally make a decision.
<<button "Sit out the dance" "Day 5 - 18">>\<<set $d5dance to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Dance with Samantha" "Day 5 - Samantha">>\<<set $d5dance to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Dance with Luke" "Day 5 - Luke">>\<<set $d5dance to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
The night winds down, and the lights in the gym begin to dim. This signals the end of the back-to-school party, and everyone knows it. Students start to gather their belongings, lingering in small groups. The principal takes the microphone once more to address the crowd.
@@.boy;"Alright, everyone!"@@ he says, a wide smile plastered on his face. @@.boy;"I hope you had a fantastic time tonight! Let's give a big hand to the student council and everyone who helped put this amazing party together!"@@
A round of applause erupts across the gym, with a few cheers from students.
@@.boy;"Before you head out, I just want to give you all a quick reminder,"@@ the principal says. @@.boy;"Let's keep things respectful as you head home, and get some rest. We've got a big year ahead of us, and I know you're all going to make it one to remember! Have a safe night."@@
Students begin to filter out of the gym. Some are still buzzing with energy while others are ready to get into bed and sleep after hours of dancing and socializing. You find yourself standing with Luke and Samantha near the gym's entrance, the three of you basking in the afterglow of a night well spent.
@@.samantha;"I feel like we just got started, and it's over already?"@@ Samantha asks.
@@.luke;"I don't know, I'm dead tired,"@@ Luke stretches. @@.luke;"I'm ready to crash."@@
@@.player;"But it was fun, right?"@@ you smile. @@.player;"Totally worth it."@@
As the three of you reach the parking lot, you all say your goodbyes and split off. You can still hear the distant echoes of laughter and chatter as you walk home.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 19">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d5party is true>>\
You get back home and collapse on your bed, burying your face in the pillow.
@@.lily;"How was the party?"@@ Lily opens your door and asks. @@.lily;"Wait, let me guess! You were so unpopular that everyone called you a loser and laughed at you."@@
@@.player;"Projecting much?"@@ you groan.
@@.lily;"Geez, you must be really tired,"@@ Lily says, her voice taking on a softer tone. @@.lily;"You're not as mean as usual."@@
@@.player;"Too tired."@@
@@.lily;"Well, I'll leave you be,"@@ Lily turns off the light for you and exits your room. You instantly fall asleep, ready for the weekend.
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity - 10, 0, 100)>>\
You spend the next few hours doing nothing, just wasting time as you didn't go to the party. Your sister comes into the room and makes fun of you a few times, calling you a loser. Normal sibling banter. You get a few texts from Samantha and Luke, and they seem disappointed you didn't attend. You try and ignore the nagging feeling that you should've attended the party as you drift off to sleep. Maybe you missed a lot of cool stuff that could've happened.
<<button "It's time for the weekend" "Day 6 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
You take a seat at your usual lunch table, where Samantha and Luke already are. You were unlucky and ended up in the back of the lunch line, so it took you a while to finally get your food.
@@.samantha;"Hey, $name!"@@ Samantha chirps, excited to see you. @@.samantha;"Do you know what you're going to wear to the back-to-school party? I already have everything decided, I'm super excited!"@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, we know Samantha, you dragged us to the mall yesterday,"@@ Luke comments.
@@.samantha;"Shut up, you should enjoy spending quality time with your two besties,"@@ Samantha retorts. @@.samantha;"Anyway, $name, are you ready for the party today? I asked you that before Puke so rudely interrupted us."@@
<<button "Downplay the party and focus on other things" "Day 5 - 3">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Show excitement and ask about the party" "Day 5 - 3">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $temp is true>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social - 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Who cares about the party?"@@ you scoff, trying to take attention off the party. @@.player;"Anyway, what do you guys have planned for the weekend?"@@
@@.samantha;"Bruh, stop trying to change the topic,"@@ Samantha says, rolling her eyes. @@.samantha;"You'd better attend."@@
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm super excited for the party!"@@ you say, smiling widely. @@.player;"You know, I've met some cool people the last few days. Maybe I can talk to Jessica or Vincent."@@
@@.samantha;"Wait, when did you get to know Jessica?"@@ Samantha asks. @@.samantha;"Vincent is in the same ballpark of popularity as us, but Jessica?"@@
As you're about to respond, a guy walks up to your lunch table. You don't know his name, but you know he's one of the preppier, more popular kids.
<<if $popularity > 39>>\
@@.boy;"Hey, $name, we would really like if you came to the party today!"@@ he says, a smile on his face. @@.boy;"We need as many people as possible to come to the party today."@@
@@.player;"Oh, I'm thinking about it right now with my friends,"@@ you say, gesturing toward Samantha and Luke. @@.player;"I'll try and come."@@
@@.boy;"Great, thanks,"@@ he gives you a friendly nod and walks away.
@@.luke;"Damn, at least he was nice about it,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"I doubt he would've been as kind if you weren't as popular."@@
@@.boy;"Hey, $name, come to the party today, okay?"@@ he demands. @@.boy;"We need everyone to come to the party today."@@
@@.player;"Oh, I'm thinking about it right now with my friends,"@@ you say, gesturing toward Samantha and Luke. @@.player;"I'll decide on whether I'll go or not later."@@
@@.boy;"Look, unless you have an emergency, try and come,"@@ he says, sighing and walking away.
@@.luke;"Damn, I guess this is how they treat you if you're not popular,"@@ Luke says, laughing at the interaction that just went down.
<<button "Finish up school" "Day 5 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You finish up school for the day and return home, putting your backpack on the floor and taking a seat at your desk. The party was at 5, so you had a while to prepare for it. But the question came as to whether you would actually attend the party or not. Going to the party would be fun, and you would be able to have a lot of cool interactions. Not going to the party would just let you relax for a few hours though, as you had nothing else to do in that time.
<div class="note">Going to the party is highly recommended. There is no alternative content if you decide not to go to the party, and it'll hurt your popularity significantly. Not going to the party has no benefits whatsoever.</div>\
<<button "Go to the party" "Day 5 - 5">>\<<set $d5party to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't go to the party" "Day 5 - 19">>\<<set $d5party to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You sigh and decide you should go to the party. You text your friends that you're going to go to the party, much to their excitement. After doing some homework to pass the time, you look at the time and realize you need to get ready for the party. You look at the closet and decide on what to wear for your top. You have your usual t-shirt that you just wear every day, but you could decide to spice things up with a flannel jacket.
<<button "Your usual t-shirt" "Day 5 - 6">>\<<set $top to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "A t-shirt with a flannel jacket over it" "Day 5 - 6">>\<<set $top to 1>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $top is 0>>\
You decide to go with your usual T-shirt, thinking that there's no reason to spice things up. If you wore that T-shirt every day, it would be fine for the party. \
You decide to wear the flannel jacket on top of your usual t-shirt, deciding it wouldn't hurt to appear a little cooler. \
You look down at your usual shorts, wondering if there was a need to change that as well.
<div class="note">You will only have an option for this if you bought the skinny jeans at the mall yesterday.</div>\
<<button "Just wear your usual shorts" "Day 5 - 7">>\<<set $pants to 0>>\<</button>>
<<if $skinnyjeans is true>>\
<<button "Wear the skinny jeans you bought yesterday" "Day 5 - 7">>\<<set $pants to 1>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $pants is 0>>\
You keep your usual shorts on. After all, if it's good enough for school, it should be good enough for the party. \
You take off your shorts and wear the skinny jeans you bought yesterday. They fit you really well and make you look better than you did before. \
You nod at your reflection in the mirror, satisfied with your outfit of choice. You quickly stretch and make your way downstairs, ready to leave and go to the party.
@@.lily;"Going to the party?"@@ Lily questions, stretched out on the couch. @@.lily;"I'm going to go too once I'm in high school."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, thank the heavens I'll be out of high school by then,"@@ you say, cringing at the thought of being in the same high school as Lily.
<<if $earrings is 1>>\
@@.lily;"Wait, show me your ears real quick!"@@ Lily says, scrambling up and walking over to you. @@.lily;"Did you get them pierced?"@@
@@.player;"So, what if I did?"@@ you ask.
@@.lily;"That's so cool!"@@ Lily pumps her first out of excitement. @@.lily;"If you keep this up, you might not be such a loser!"@@
<<if $popularity > 39>>\
@@.player;"I'm not that unpopular,"@@ you argue.
@@.lily;"Whatever you say, dude,"@@ Lily rolls her eyes. @@.lily;"Anyway, don't embarrass yourself too much at the party. I'll be going to Pacific Crest too next year, so I don't want people thinking my older brother is some weirdo."@@
@@.player;"I'll try just for you, Lily,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.player;"Damn, way to hurt me,"@@ you say, since you weren't that popular.
@@.lily;"I'm just telling the truth,"@@ Lily rolls her eyes. @@.lily;"Anyway, don't embarrass yourself too much at the party. I'll be going to Pacific Crest too next year, so I don't want people thinking my older brother is some weirdo."@@
@@.player;"I'll try just for you, Lily,"@@ you chuckle.
<<elseif $earrings is 0>>\
@@.lily;"Anyway, don't embarrass yourself too much at the party,"@@ Lily sighs. @@.lily;"I'll be going to the same high school next year, so I don't want people thinking my older brother is some weirdo."@@
@@.player;"I'll try just for you, Lily,"@@ you chuckle.
You step out of the house, ready to go to the party.
<<button "Go to the party" "Day 5 - 8">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
You enter the school gym, looking around at the decorations. The theme for this year's senior back-to-school party was Under the Sea, something that was very evident by the fish hanging from the ceiling. This party marks the official kick-off to senior year, and you're determined to use this time well. Colorful spotlights cast lights across the floor, and a DJ is on one end of the gym, blasting some of the latest pop music. There's a photo booth in the corner and a table with refreshments. The party hasn't officially started yet, so everyone's just mingling and chatting.
@@.samantha;"$name, you decided to come!"@@ Samantha says, excitedly running up to you. @@.samantha;"I'll be honest, I was a little worried you wouldn't show up."@@
@@.player;"Of course I'd show up,"@@ you say, deciding not to tell her you made the decision to come to the party a few minutes ago. @@.player;"Where's Luke at?"@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, he's forced to hang out with the football team,"@@ she shakes her head. @@.samantha;"It's a shame, but we'll manage to steal him back. Anyway, what do you think of how I look?"@@
<<if $d4samanthaOutfit is 0>>\
Samantha is looking stunningly sexy in her red dress and heels. Her makeup matches as well, with a smoky red look that makes her look out of this world.
<<elseif $d4samanthaOutfit is 1>>\
Samantha is looking really cute in her floral dress and sandals. Her makeup matches as well, with a simple cute style that makes her look adorable.
<<elseif $d4samanthaOutfit is 2>>\
Samantha is looking classy and hot in her little black dress and flats. Her makeup matches as well, with an alluring style that makes her look difficult to approach in a good way.
@@.player;"You look really good, I think I helped make the right decision,"@@ you offer a kind smile.
@@.samantha;"Thanks, it took me a while to decide on the makeup and shoes and everything, so I'm glad you like it,"@@ Samantha flats out her dress. \
<<if $pants is 1>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.samantha;"You know, I'm glad you wore those skinny jeans, they look nice and are sure to boost your popularity."@@
The sound of microphone feedback fills the room for a second, making everyone wince and cover their ears.
@@.boy;"Sorry about that, everyone,"@@ you hear the principal say, standing on the stage. @@.boy;"But I wanted to welcome everyone to the 2024 back-to-school party! I hope you're all as excited as I am to kick off this year on a high note. Senior year is a time of growth, friendship, and hard work, but tonight we're putting all that aside to celebrate you—the students who make this school special. Enjoy the night and make some memories with your friend that'll last a lifetime. Without further ado, let's get this night started!"@@
A loud cheer erupts from the crowd, everyone excited that the night is finally getting started.
@@.player;"So, how does this all work again?"@@ you ask, not having a clue about how the party will go.
@@.samantha;"Well, we have some time for activities,"@@ Samantha thinks, rubbing her chin. @@.samantha;"Here, let's go do some karaoke."@@
<<button "Go to the karaoke booth" "Day 5 - 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
You head over to the makeshift karaoke booth, complete with some cheap microphones, crappy speakers, and a screen with song lyrics. Some people already beat you to it, and you can see a girl singing. Some of her friends are playing with tambourines and cheering her on.
@@.samantha;"Hmm, what should I sing after she finishes?"@@ Samantha asks herself, opening her phone to browse her playlist. @@.samantha;"Ooh, should I go for a classic or trending song?"@@
<<button "The classic song" "Day 5 - 10">>\<<set $temp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "The trending song" "Day 5 - 10">>\<<set $temp to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5song is 0>>\
You type in September and the song's funky groove starts playing. You grab the microphone and do the signature silly dance moves as you begin singing. You do a pretty good job, if you do say so yourself, and the song fits the current month and vibe perfectly. The crowd is pleased, and you finish to a loud round of applause.
@@.player;"Enjoy this September!"@@ you yell out as you hand off the microphone and remote.
@@.samantha;"Damn, that song choice was honestly on point,"@@ Samantha says as she approaches you. @@.samantha;"September in September, what could possibly be a better fit?"@@
@@.player;"Do you remember the 21st night of September?"@@ you ask, laughing.
<<elseif $d5song is 1>>\
You type in Take on Me and press play, letting the synth-pop song's iconic intro start playing. You sing the best you can, and do a pretty good job, if you do say so yourself. You're able to nail the high notes, being very glad that your voice didn't crack. The crowd claps along to the song, and you finish to a round of applause.
@@.player;"Thanks for the support!"@@ you say, feeling good after the performance you just put on.
@@.samantha;"Aww, I actually have a soft spot for that song, good job,"@@ Samantha says as she approaches you. @@.samantha;"I was a little worried you'd mess up the high notes but you did good!"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, the song is one of my favorites,"@@ you enthused, sporting a wide grin on your face.
<<elseif $d5song is 2>>\
You find Britney Spear's classic song on the machine and the crowd cheers as the song's instantly recognizable intro plays. You sway to the beat and start singing, doing a pretty good job. At one point in the song, you move your hips alluringly just as a joke, and everyone whoops and hollers. Everyone likes your performance, and as the song winds down, everyone claps for you.
@@.player;"Thanks!"@@ you yell out as you put down the microphone.
@@.samantha;"Damn, that move with your hips was a little zesty,"@@ Samantha snickers as she approaches you. @@.samantha;"But good job, you did really well!"@@
@@.player;"I've got to do anything I can to please the crowd,"@@ you say with a smirk on your face.
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You type in Skibidi Toilet, and to your surprise, Generation Alpha's anthem is right there. You click on it and tap your foot to the rhythm as the song gets started. Everyone cheers, recognizing the song from social media, and you begin to sing. You do a pretty good job, if you do say so yourself, considering how bad the song is. Nevertheless, it is a crowd-pleaser, and you finish to a loud round of applause.
@@.player;"Thank you, everyone!"@@ you say, taking a deep bow as if you just had the performance of a lifetime. You hand off the microphone and remote to the next person who wants to sing and walk away from the booth.
@@.samantha;"Damn, I can't believe you chose that song,"@@ Samantha laughs as she approaches you. @@.samantha;"What are you, a baby?"@@
@@.player;"Hey, it made everyone happy, didn't it?"@@ you laugh along at the ridiculousness.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 11">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"You know what, sure, I can sing,"@@ you say, grabbing the microphone and walking up to the karaoke booth. The people around you cheer, excited to hear a song. You think about what you should sing, and finally start typing the name of the song on the karaoke machine's remote.
<<button "Sing September" "Day 5 - Karaoke 1">>\<<set $d5song to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Sing Take on Me" "Day 5 - Karaoke 1">>\<<set $d5song to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Sing Toxic" "Day 5 - Karaoke 1">>\<<set $d5song to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Sing Skibidi Toilet" "Day 5 - Karaoke 1">>\<<set $d5song to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5luke is 0>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to keep things chill and do your best to match Luke's playful energy. You mimic his goofy dance moves, throwing in a crazy breakdancing move just for fun. There's honestly something comforting about how carefree your best friend is, so you roll with it.
@@.luke;"There we go, $name,"@@ Luke says with a wide grin on his face. @@.luke;"Good job, we're seriously going to be legends after this."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, we are!"@@ you reply. You look around to see some amused glances from your peers, but that just makes you laugh harder. Your worries about how people might see you fade as you lose yourself in the moment.
@@.luke;"Now presenting the kings of the dance floor!"@@ Luke says in an exaggerated tone, trying to imitate a narrator. He swings into a dramatic spin and stops in a weird pose, gesturing for you to follow suit. You try to do the same, but end up clumsily stumbling a little. You continue the playful back-and-forth, as the both of you build on the other's jokes. The dance moves get sillier and sillier until what you're doing is almost unrecognizable as a dance move.
@@.player;"Damn, we're the best!"@@ you yell, the both of you radiating carefree energy. You attempt a dramatic dance move, but end up bumping into Luke.
@@.luke;"Woah, careful!"@@ Luke says, stumbling a little. @@.luke;"Let's not get injured today."@@
You straighten yourself up, shaking your head at how ridiculous the whole thing has become. But the energy you and Luke have been giving off seems to be contagious, as other students begin joining in with some weird moves as well. By the time the song ends, the two of you are breathless from laughing so much. You feel lighter than you have in a while, and a smile is plastered on your face.
@@.luke;"What did I say, huh?"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"I told you we'd be legends."@@
@@.player;"Legends of bad dancing, sure,"@@ you say.
The two of you laugh as you leave the dance floor, having stolen the spotlight for a few minutes. As you walk away, some of your peers give you approving nods and high-fives, and you feel elated.
<<elseif $d5luke is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
As the music shifts into a slower, more intimate rhythm, you can't help but hesitate for a moment. You glance at Luke, who looks a bit awkward but smiles encouragingly. The atmosphere in the gym has shifted, the lights dimming slightly as couples around you begin to sway to the softer tune. You take a breath, deciding to close the distance between you and Luke. You step closer, your bodies now just a few inches apart. The proximity feels different, but not bad. Luke's eyes widen a little, but he doesn't pull away from you. There's just a quiet understanding between the two of you, an unspoken agreement to just go with the flow.
@@.player;"Guess this is what we're doing now, huh?"@@ you chuckle nervously.
@@.luke;"Hey, you're the one who wanted to dance closer,"@@ Luke replies.
The music wraps around you, and for a moment, the world outside the two of you fades away. You feel the warmth radiating between you and Luke, and although it's a new feeling, it's one that's oddly comforting. You've known Luke for ages now, and there's something grounding about being here with him. As you sway to the rhythm, your movements are slower and more in sync with the mood of the song. Luke's hands rest on your shoulders, and you place your own hands around his waist. It's still a bit awkward, but you make it work.
@@.luke;"Careful, $name,"@@ Luke teases. @@.luke;"I use my body for ramming into people, not dancing, so I might not be the best at dancing."@@
@@.player;"I'm not the best at dancing either,"@@ you laugh. @@.player;"Guess we're a disaster waiting to happen."@@
The awkwardness starts to disappear and everything starts to feel quite natural. It fully dissolves, and what remains is a sense of calm. You can feel the subtle rise and fall of his breath, his broad chest against yours, and the two of you just dance. You're fully engrossed in the moment, and right now, the only person in the world that matters is Luke.
@@.luke;"You know, this isn't as bad as I thought it'd be,"@@ Luke says.
@@.player;"It's really not,"@@ you whisper back.
The song draws to a close, and the final notes of the melody hang in the air as you glance at Luke, who's grinning widely. Your eyes meet for a second, your brown eyes meeting his gray ones. You quickly glance away, your heart pounding and cheeks flushing. What was this feeling? You'd been friends with Luke for so long but you never felt this way around him before.
@@.luke;"Not bad for two guys who can't dance,"@@ Luke chuckles. @@.luke;"If you think about it, we weren't a disaster waiting to happen."@@
@@.player;"We r-really weren't,"@@ you stumble over your words a little.
You step apart as the song ends, and you feel breathless. Not from the dancing, but from the comforting experience of it all. The two of you exchange a brief but meaningful look before Luke gives you a friendly clap on the shoulder. The two of you walk off the dance floor, feeling very different than when you first stepped on it together. And although you hate to admit it, you wouldn't have minded having Luke's hands on your shoulders a little longer.
<<elseif $d5luke is 2>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
As the song plays, you exchange a brief glance with Luke. Something familiar sparks, a sense of competition flickering between the two of you.
@@.luke;"You're not going to let me show you up here, are you?"@@ Luke asks, a hint of a challenge in his voice.
@@.player;"Only if you can keep up,"@@ you reply.
Without missing a beat, Luke takes your hand, and you both step up your game. You begin mirroring each other's moves, each trying to outdo the other. Luke spins you around, but instead of stumbling, you spin right back.
@@.luke;"Damn, not bad,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"But watch this."@@
Luke throws in an exaggerated twirl, pulling you back with a wide grin. You respond with your own quick footwork, stepping up the tempo. The two of you move in sync, but there's a clear edge of competition in each step and move, as both of you are unwilling to back down.
@@.samantha;"Go, $name!"@@ Samantha cheers for you. @@.samantha;"Don't let Luke win."@@
You shoot her a quick smirk before refocusing on Luke. You playfully push him, nudging his shoulder lightly. Your laughter fills the air as you try to one-up him, and it's clear you're both having a blast. As the song reaches its climax, Luke pulls off a smooth move, dipping you unexpectedly. You're surprised, but unwilling to lose. You quickly recover, pushing yourself back up and spinning away in a flourish.
@@.luke;"Not bad, $name,"@@ Luke chuckles.
@@.player;"Come on, I clearly won that,"@@ you quip back.
You both share a light-hearted laugh, feeling tired but exhilarated from the competition. The two of you exit the dance floor, and although neither of you will admit it, it is a tie.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 10, 0, 100)>>\
As the music plays and you sway awkwardly with Luke, an unexpected wave of self-consciousness washes over you. You become acutely aware of everything—the curious glances from your peers, the slight stiffness in Luke's movements, and the fact that you're a guy dancing with another guy. You can't shake the feeling that people are watching. Your thoughts begin to race, filled with uncertainty and doubt.
@@.luke;"Hey, are you good?"@@ Luke asks, concerned after noticing the change in your body language.
@@.player;"Yeah, but it just feels kind of weird, doesn't it?"@@ you try to force a chuckle but can't.
@@.luke;"Not at all,"@@ Luke raises his eyebrows. @@.luke;"It's just a dance, who cares what other people think."@@
You appreciate the nonchalance he has, but it doesn't stop your heart from pounding. You try to focus on the music, but the sensation of being out of place lingers. You notice how stiffly you're moving compared to some of the other pairs. There's no fluidity to your steps, no rhythm in your movements.
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you say, your voice trailing off.
@@.luke;"We can just step this one out if you're not feeling it,"@@ Luke says, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. The two of you make your way off the dance floor early, a bit of awkwardness lingering.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 18">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo += 5>>\
@@.luke;"Come on, dude,"@@ Luke chuckles, playfully nudging you as he notices you staring at him. @@.luke;"Let's show everyone how it's done."@@
You can't even get a word out before Luke grabs your arm with just the right amount of strength. His grip is strong but not overwhelming, and you can feel the warmth radiating off of him. There's a nervous energy between you two, as you are both guys, but there's no denying the connection you two have. Luke, always confident, starts doing some silly dance moves. You laugh, watching him spin around and move his arms. It's clear he's not taking things too seriously.
<<button "Keep it casual" "Day 5 - Luke 1">>\<<set $d5luke to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Dance a bit closer" "Day 5 - Luke 1">>\<<set $d5luke to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get competitive" "Day 5 - Luke 1">>\<<set $d5luke to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Feel nervous" "Day 5 - Luke 1">>\<<set $d5luke to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<if $d5samantha is 0>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You take a deep breath, feeling the pulse of the music in the gym. You turn to Samantha, who's watching you with an expectant grin and a subtle challenge in her eyes. Samantha's always teased you about your hesitance and lack of confidence, but you decide to surprise her tonight.
@@.player;"Alright, let's see if you can keep up,"@@ you say.
@@.samantha;"Oh?"@@ Samantha asks, her eyebrows shooting up. @@.samantha;"Mr. Yoon finally has some moves?"@@
Without another word, you hold out your hand. Samantha grasps it, her soft hand clasped in yours. You lead her onto the dance floor, gently pulling her close as the two of you find your rhythm. You guide the movements, making Samantha grin.
@@.samantha;"Look at you, all in control."@@
You spin her with a flourish, your steps steady. You're surprised by yourself, you're not normally the type to take charge, especially on the dance floor. But something about this moment just feels right, like you have a perfect opportunity. Your nerves settle and you lean into the flow of the music, allowing your body to move naturally. You know you're in control, and there's a sense of fluidity in how you're leading.
@@.player;"Hmm, maybe I've been holding back too much,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.samantha;"Maybe you have!"@@ Samantha laughs, clearly impressed. @@.samantha;"Where's all this confidence coming from?"@@
Your bodies briefly brush as you dance, and your heart races. Not from nerves, but from the excitement of the moment. Right now, you're just having fun and enjoying the moment with Samantha. As the song reaches its final notes, you dip Samantha, causing her to giggle in delight. You hold the position for a second before she pushes herself back upright, and you can see just a hint of rose on her cheeks. For a few minutes, this dance made you feel like you were in your own little world.
@@.samantha;"You seriously pulled that off, huh?"@@ Samantha asks.
@@.player;"Maybe you've been underestimating me,"@@ you reply.
The two of you make your way off the dance floor, but despite the crowd around you, you don't see anybody other than Samantha.
<<elseif $d5samantha is 1>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The music pulses softly, and as everyone begins to settle into pairs, Samantha flashes a grin at you.
@@.samantha;"How about I lead this time?"@@ she asks.
@@.player;"You know what, sure,"@@ you reply. You're not confident about your own dancing skills in the slightest, and Samantha's leading would take some of the pressure off you. @@.player;"You're probably better at this anyway."@@
Samantha steps in closer, taking charge with supreme confidence. She places her hand firmly on your waist and leads you into the rhythm of the song. Her movements are smooth and assertive, guiding you with a gentle tug here and a subtle nudge there. You stumble slightly at first, but Samantha keeps you steady. As she moves with you across the floor, gliding through the dance, she spins you around lightly. You can't help but laugh at how strange it feels to be led like this, but there's a strange and oddly enjoyable sensation in giving up control.
@@.samantha;"I'm amazing, no?"@@ Samantha winks, and you can feel a little bit of tension leave your body. You remind yourself that Samantha is your best friend, and seeing her be her usual playful self helps you relax.
@@.player;"You are amazing, Samantha,"@@ you laugh.
As the dance progresses, Samantha continues to guide you through the music, occasionally adding a fancy move. You notice some of your peers around you, but you can't be bothered to care what they think. You're too focused on keeping up with Samantha's pace and enjoying the moment. Suddenly, Samantha pulls you closer, her voice dropping to a serious tone for just a second.
@@.samantha;"You're doing really well, $name,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"Sometimes, you just have to let go of everything and live in the moment."@@
You nod, unable to say anything. Her message resonates with you though, and you realize letting go isn't a bad thing. Maybe, just maybe, with everything going on, it would be okay to let someone else take control for a change. The music slows as the song nears its end, and Samantha is clearly pleased with the performance the two of you put on.
@@.player;"Samantha, that was amazing,"@@ you say, exhilarated by the dance you shared with her.
@@.samantha;"Sounds like a win to me,"@@ Samantha says. The both of you stand there for a moment, both a little breathless from the fun of it all. You realize that despite your initial hesitation, you feel lighter. As the two of you head off the dance floor, there's a sense of ease in your body that wasn't there before.
<<elseif $d5samantha is 2>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
As the song takes on a softer, slower rhythm, you lock eyes with Samantha. There's a playful gleam in her gaze, the one she always has, but this time you feel something more intimate buried deep inside. You hesitate for just a moment, but the music, the way she smiles, and her green eyes urge you to step a little closer. You tighten your hold on her hand and draw her in, feeling the warmth of her body as you bridge the space between you and her. Samantha doesn't pull away though, instead letting out an amused breath. She wraps her free arm around your shoulder, resting her hand comfortably.
@@.samantha;"Getting bold, huh?"@@ she giggles.
@@.player;"Who knows, maybe I am getting bold,"@@ you reply.
The tension in your shoulders slowly eases as you settle into the rhythm of the music. The close proximity between you two makes the dance feel more intimate, and you feel hyper-aware of everything. The brush of her arm, the way your hands stay linked, and the way her dark hair falls softly against your cheek. Samantha's expression softens as you move, the teasing tone she always has fading into something more sincere.
@@.samantha;"You're not bad at this, $name,"@@ she whispers. @@.samantha;"Maybe you've got more rhythm than you let on."@@
You feel your cheeks flush slightly, caught off guard by the compliment. Not quite knowing how to respond, you give her a small smile.
@@.player;"Maybe I've been holding out on you."@@
You fall into a comfortable silence, the music and your gaze saying everything that needs to be said. You feel the closeness in every step, and it's different from how the two of you usually interact. Not in a bad way though. You let your thoughts drift, wondering how things might be changing between the two of you. There's something unspoken in the air, a quiet tension buzzing.
@@.samantha;"This is kind of nice, don't you think?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it is."@@
The two of you continue dancing, moving a little slower now, more in tune with each other. It's not as playful as before, but there's a sense of comfort in the closeness. As the song winds down, Samantha looks up at you with a small, knowing smile. When the music finally stops, she pulls back just slightly, but her hand lingers on your shoulder for a moment before she finally lets go. She doesn't say anything out loud, but you can sense there are unspoken words. The two of you leave the dance floor, feeling very different.
As the music sways through the gym, you feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Dancing with Samantha feels comfortable in some ways but it is definitely unfamiliar. You know Samantha well enough to know she'd probably lead the two of you into something wild or playful if you let her, but you just want to keep things simple tonight. You fall into step with the beat, and you choose not to take the lead or do anything bold. You just let the moment flow, keeping the dance easy and light.
@@.samantha;"Aww, come on, $name,"@@ Samantha says with a playful smile on her face. @@.samantha;"I know you can do better than this."@@
@@.player;"What, are you saying my moves aren't good enough for you?"@@ you reply.
@@.samantha;"I'm saying you've got potential that you're holding back on,"@@ she teases.
The two of you continue bantering, the lighthearted teasing making the dance feel like just another fun moment between friends. Samantha occasionally adds some small flourish to her movements, but you keep things simple. You're just going to enjoy the moment without pushing it. The both of you laugh, the conversation flowing easily as you sway side by side. The comfortable rhythm helps you forget about the crowd, and for a few minutes, it's just the two of you. Best friends enjoying each other's company. As you make your way off the dance floor with her, you're glad that Samantha is your best friend.
<<button "Continue" "Day 5 - 18">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gym-bts.png">
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo += 5>>\
@@.samantha;"So, are you gonna ask me, or do I have to do all the work?"@@ Samantha notices you staring at her and extends her hand dramatically, her eyes glinting with mischief.
You can't help but laugh at her confidence, as Samantha's always been the one to take the lead when you hesitated. There's a beat before you take her hand, and you make your way onto the dance floor. The slow rhythm of the music sets the tone as you face each other. As the two of you begin to sway, Samantha keeps things light and playful. She starts humming along to the music, occasionally doing a dance move.
<<button "Take the lead" "Day 5 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d5samantha to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Let Samantha take the lead" "Day 5 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d5samantha to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Dance closer" "Day 5 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d5samantha to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep things light" "Day 5 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d5samantha to 3>>\<</button>>@@.luke;"How is this place even open?"@@ Luke says as the three of you walk into the cozy record store nestled in a corner of the town's shopping district. Its large windows let in the sunlight, which casts soft light on rows of vintage records and modern vinyl collections.
@@.samantha;"No clue,"@@ Samantha shrugs. @@.samantha;"Maybe some ancient people still like vinyl."@@
@@.player;"Can't think of any other reason to come here,"@@ you murmur.
@@.boy;"Vinyl has the best sound quality,"@@ an elderly voice says from behind. The three of you jump in surprise, swinging around to see an old man. He appears to be the owner of the shop. @@.boy;"Vinyl captures audio in analog form without any compression, so it sounds much better."@@
The three of you quickly murmur apologies, realizing the store owner heard everything you said. He chuckles and laughs it off though, clearly not concerned. He walks back to the front desk, fiddling with a guitar.
@@.samantha;"You know, $name, you never told us what music you listen to,"@@ Samantha says, glancing over at you.
@@.luke;"That's true, now that I think about it,"@@ Luke murmurs after thinking for a few seconds.
@@.player;"I like a little bit of everything,"@@ you shrug.
@@.samantha;"Still, you should choose a section for us to go to,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Just whatever genre fits your taste the best."@@
<<button "Go to the rock section" "Activity - Call 2">>\<<set $music to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go to the indie section" "Activity - Call 2">>\<<set $music to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go to the pop section" "Activity - Call 2">>\<<set $music to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go to the hip hop section" "Activity - Call 2">>\<<set $music to 3>>\<</button>><<if $music is 0>>\
You move through the aisles of the record store, letting your fingers lightly graze the spines of vinyls. You make your way to the rock section, and notice several legendary album covers. Nestled in between The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd is Led Zeppelin IV. You take the album out from the shelf, admiring the design.
@@.samantha;"Boring!"@@ Samantha says, looking at the album you have in your hands. @@.samantha;"What is this, even? I've never seen this before."@@
@@.luke;"You're uncultured, Samantha,"@@ Luke rolls his eyes. @@.luke;"I don't even like rock but I know Led Zeppelin."@@
@@.samantha;"Led Zeppelin?"@@ Samantha furrows her eyebrows. @@.samantha;"Isn't that the group that made Smoke on the Water?"@@
@@.player;"No, that's Deep Purple,"@@ you say, a little disturbed about Samantha's lack of knowledge. @@.player;"Have you ever heard of Stairway to Heaven?"@@
@@.samantha;"I would be pissed if they made me go upstairs to reach heaven,"@@ Samantha laughs. @@.samantha;"Like, I just died. Give me a break."@@
@@.luke;"Ignore her,"@@ Luke can't help but chuckle.
@@.samantha;"Hey, it's not my fault I don't know these bands from prehistoric times."@@
You share a knowing look with Luke, disappointment crossing both of your faces.
<<elseif $music is 1>>\
You weave through the record store, eventually ending up in the indie section. The vibe of the store shifts, as even the decor in this section is different. There are posters of old underground bands plastered across the walls and handwritten staff recommendations. The records here aren't very mainstream, but that might be exactly why you're drawn to them.
Your eyes scan over some well-loved indie staples—records from The Smiths, Joy Division, and The Velvet Underground are on the shelves. But one album in particular catches your attention: Doolittle by the Pixies. You slide it off the shelf, staring at the cover art. You know a few songs by the Pixies but never listened to a full album of theirs. You remember hearing that Doolittle was a very important part of indie rock history.
@@.samantha;"What are you looking at?"@@ Samantha asks, peeking her head over your shoulder. She stares at the monkey on the album cover and giggles. @@.samantha;"Look, Puke, that's you."@@
@@.luke;"That is not me,"@@ Luke sighs and shakes his head. @@.luke;"I do have the strength of an ape though."@@
@@.samantha;"Too bad you have the brain of one too,"@@ Samantha sighs.
<<elseif $music is 2>>\
You wander over to the pop section, where there are a ton of recent albums that you know of. Rows of popular records line the shelves, from classic pop acts like Michael Jackson to today's artists like Taylor Swift. There's a sense of familiarity since you've grown up listening to many of these artists. You end up picking up an album that was an essential part of your childhood, Doo-Wops & Hooligans by Bruno Mars.
@@.samantha;"Oh my God, a good album!"@@ Samantha says, excited to see Bruno Mars. @@.samantha;"This section has albums I actually know."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, because you don't listen to anything other than what's charting,"@@ Luke rolls his eyes.
@@.samantha;"I know some real underground stuff, alright?"@@ Samantha says, moving her hands around trying to be mysterious. @@.samantha;"For example, do you know of the Arctic Monkeys? I just found out about them a week ago."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, she's hopeless,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head.
@@.samantha;"They're pretty unknown,"@@ Samantha crosses her arms. @@.samantha;"They only have 40 million monthly listeners on Spotify."@@
You share a knowing look with Luke, disappointment crossing both of your faces.
You end up in the hip-hop section, and you can feel a raw energy buzzing in the air. The passion of the artists shines through the striking album covers. You glance over the selection, noting some of the biggest names in hip-hop. Nas, Kanye, Tupac, and Biggie all line the shelves.
Your eyes end up settling on Good Kid, M.A.A.D City though, an album that you're a little familiar with. You know it has a great concept, with an intense and engaging story.
@@.luke;"Ooh, that's a classic,"@@ Luke says, his eyes filled with approval. @@.luke;"I really like Kendrick and this is, in my opinion, his best album."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh my God, that's the guy who feuded with Drake?"@@ Samantha asks, picking up on Kendrick Lamar's name.
@@.luke;"You didn't know?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.samantha;"I listened to the diss track but that's it,"@@ Samantha shrugs, clearly not too interested in Kendrick's artistry.
You share a knowing look with Luke, disappointment crossing both of your faces.
@@.luke;"Anyway, we can't buy anything,"@@ Luke says, shrugging. @@.luke;"That is unless you have a record player at home."@@
@@.player;"Aw, okay,"@@ you say, putting the vinyl back on the shelf.
You end up leaving with your hands empty, feeling a little bad that you didn't buy anything. If you had a record player, you totally would've bought an album.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $d6option1 to true>>\
<<set $d6activities += 1>>\
You decide to spend the day with your two best friends, Luke and Samantha. You call on the group chat, and they quickly pick up.
@@.luke;"Hey, $name, what's up?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, why'd you call?"@@ Samantha's familiar voice says over the speaker.
@@.player;"Do you guys want to hang out real quick?"@@ you say. @@.player;"It's the weekend, you know?"@@
You quickly make plans and end up meeting up at the town square. You start making your way toward the Cedarbrook town square when you smell the aroma of meat. You speed up, and after a minute, make your way to the town square. You spot that a few food trucks have set up for the weekend, and a bunch of meat is being cooked. You look around the benches to see Luke lounging on a bench and Samantha waving you over.
@@.samantha;"Finally, took you long enough,"@@ Samantha grins as you approach. @@.samantha;"How are you going to plan the hangout and show up late?"@@
@@.luke;"He was probably staring at the mirror,"@@ Luke snorts, putting his phone away. @@.luke;"You've been doing that a lot lately, $name."@@
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
@@.player;"You know why,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. You're surprised that even Luke noticed that you've been staring in the mirror more lately.
@@.player;"I have my reasons,"@@ you say, a little nervous. Even Luke noticed that you've been staring in the mirror more lately.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, let's get some food!"@@ Samantha looks around at the assortment of food trucks. @@.samantha;"Well, maybe just a snack for you, Puke. Can't get fat now, can you?"@@
@@.luke;"I'm the most athletic person here and I eat double what you eat,"@@ Luke laughs, clearly not taking Samantha's comment seriously.
Luke picks up a massive BBQ burger, Samantha a burrito, and you get a taco plate with a mix of flavors. You guys settle back on the bench, paper plates in your hands.
@@.samantha;"So, how was the first week of school, everyone?"@@ Samantha asks, trying to spark a conversation.
@@.luke;"It would've been good if I didn't embarrass myself in gym class,"@@ Luke sighs and shakes his head. @@.luke;"I got someone else's gym kit by accident."@@
@@.samantha;"Hold up, what?"@@
@@.luke;"I accidentally took someone else's gym clothes and didn't even notice,"@@ Luke chuckles to himself. @@.luke;"I was like, why the fuck are these so tight today? I thought I grew bigger over the summer or something. Turns out I just took the gym kit of someone three inches shorter than me."@@
@@.player;"You're stupid,"@@ you can't help but laugh, and Samantha joins in.
@@.luke;"That's not even the worst part,"@@ Luke holds up a finger. @@.luke;"The guy whose gym kit I stole came out with my gym kit on because he couldn't find his."@@
@@.samantha;"Dumb and dumber, huh?"@@ Samantha asks, snorting.
@@.luke;"Maybe,"@@ Luke shrugs.
As the three of you finish up your meals, you throw away the plates and make your way toward a record store.
<<button "Check out the record store" "Activity - Call 1">><</button>>You steady your hand on the joystick, glancing at the colorful array of prizes glimmering under the arcade lights. Each one seems to call out to you, but you already know which one you want.
<<if $temp is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
Your eyes land on an adorable kitten keychain. Its gray fur, oversized head, and big eyes make it irresistible. You can already imagine it dangling from your backpack as you walk through your school's hallways. You take a deep breath and adjust the joystick. Once the kitten lines up with the claw, you tap the big red button, letting the claw drop. The claw closes around the keychain, but just as it's about to rise, it slips. The kitten tumbles away, and you let out a disappointed sigh.
<<elseif $temp is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
Your gaze shifts to the mini basketball, and you feel a surge of excitement. You can already imagine it dangling from your backpack as you walk through your school's hallways. You carefully maneuver the claw, aiming it just right. With a quick press, the claw drops, but you're completely off. The claw grabs at the air, and you're left with nothing. You chuckle at the missed opportunity.
Your attention is caught by the glow-in-the-dark alien. It's mysterious and a bit quirky, exactly what you wanted. You can imagine it perched on your desk, glowing slightly green when the lights go out. You take aim with the joystick, moving the claw over the little alien. With a surge of confidence, you press the button and watch as the claw descends. Just as you think you've got it, the claw suddenly weakens and drops the alien. You laugh, a little frustrated by how the claw suddenly lost power.
You step back from the machine, and although you didn't win a prize this time, you're still left smiling. The joy of the challenge and the chance to escape into nostalgia is something you hadn't anticipated to win today.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>>You step into the retro arcade and are greeted by the beeping of pinball machines and bright neon lights. The space is brimming with energy, and packed with teens, families, and even adults. The walls are lined with some classic games, Pac-Man, Galaga, and more. You can't help but feel nostalgic for an era you never even experienced.
You look around the place, just exploring. You didn't particularly want to spend any money today, especially when you could play all the video games you wanted at home. You eventually stumble across a claw machine, gleaming with a collection of prizes on display. Inside the glass box, a ton of stuffed animals, keychains, and other small treasures lie in a pile. You study the machine, wondering if you should spend some money.
@@.boy;"Hey, kid,"@@ you hear an older voice say. You swing around to see an older guy with his family. He tosses you a quarter and flashes a toothy grin. @@.boy;"Go on ahead, give it a try."@@
@@.player;"O-Oh, thank you,"@@ you stutter out surprised by his generosity. You pop the quarter into the machine and grip the joystick, wondering what you should target.
<<button "A plush kitten keychain" "Activity - Explore Arcade 1">>\<<set $temp to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "A mini basketball keychain" "Activity - Explore Arcade 1">>\<<set $temp to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "An alien figurine" "Activity - Explore Arcade 1">>\<<set $temp to 2>>\<</button>><<if $temp is 0>>\
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"What's got you so hooked?"@@ you ask, raising an eyebrow as you glance at the book in Vincent's hands. @@.player;"It must be a good one if you're reading it early on the weekend."@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, it's this amazing sci-fi novel about astronauts who get lost in a multiverse,"@@ Vincent beamed, his face brightening. He turns the book toward you, showing you the title, The Stars Beyond. @@.vincent;"It's not just action and fights — it really does go a lot deeper than that. The synopsis is that each multiverse they explore reflects something about the crew's own personalities! They're basically exploring different versions of themselves each time they go to another dimension."@@
@@.player;"Huh, sounds like it messes with your head a little,"@@ you nod, intrigued by how Vincent is describing the book. @@.player;"I didn't realize sci-fi could get that philosophical."@@
@@.vincent;"Well, science fiction is one of those genres that can really explore a lot,"@@ Vincent replies, a sparkle in his eyes. @@.vincent;"There's this one chapter where the main character is literally staring at a version of herself in a world where she made different choices. She ended up with a different career, relationships, and has a totally different life. It really is haunting if you think about it because it makes her question if she'd be happier that way. I'll stop rambling, but it really makes you think about who you could've been."@@
@@.player;"No, don't worry,"@@ you say, trying to soothe Vincent as he looks embarrassed. @@.player;"That sounds really cool, thanks for letting me know."@@
@@.vincent;"I really love that about sci-fi,"@@ Vincent sheepishly grins. @@.vincent;"Most people think it's just about the technology and the adventure, but it's really not! It's about exploring who we are and the paths we didn't take. Thanks for letting me yap, I love talking about this kind of stuff."@@
<<elseif $temp is 1>>\
@@.player;"So, I'm starting to think you've got a bit of a book addiction, Vincent,"@@ you say as you lean in with a smirk. @@.player;"How many have you read this month? Fifteen? Twenty? Maybe one every day?"@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, come on!"@@ Vincent laughs, his cheeks faintly turning red. @@.vincent;"It's not an addiction. I just really enjoy reading."@@
@@.player;"I see you with a book every time I spot you at school,"@@ you chuckle, unconvinced by Vincent's rebuttal. @@.player;"At this rate, you're going to end up becoming a librarian."@@
@@.vincent;"What's wrong with that, exactly?"@@ Vincent chuckles, hugging the book to his chest. @@.vincent;"At least I'll be well-read. On the other hand, you'll be clueless about all the amazing worlds out there."@@
@@.player;"Is that your goal?"@@ you tease, crossing your arms. @@.player;"To be the most well-read guy in the city?"@@
<<if $hobby is 0>>\
@@.vincent;"Knowledge is power,"@@ Vincent smirks. @@.vincent;"I know you like reading too! Don't tease me for it."@@
@@.player;"It's just funny to tease you about,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"But I don't read nearly as much as you do."@@
@@.vincent;"Knowledge is power,"@@ Vincent smirks. @@.vincent;"Maybe one day I'll convince you to pick up a book too! That would be nice."@@
@@.player;"One of these days, you might just be able to convince me to,"@@ you feign a dramatic sigh. @@.player;"But today is not that day."@@
@@.vincent;"You know, if I'm the city's unofficial librarian, you'll have to keep coming back for updates on the latest books."@@
@@.player;"I can't promise anything, but I'll try,"@@ you smile.
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"So, do you come here a lot?"@@ you ask, glancing around the cozy space. @@.player;"Like, to Chapter & Page, I mean."@@
@@.vincent;"I do, it's kind of my go-to place whenever I'm bored,"@@ Vincent chuckles. @@.vincent;"I mean, it's close enough to walk to, and they have a lot of nice books. Plus, the owners always bring in interesting new titles."@@
@@.player;"I can see the appeal,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"It seems like a nice place to be."@@
@@.vincent;"I know, right?"@@ Vincent's eyes light up as he talks about the shop. @@.vincent;"Not to mention, they actually care about books here. It's not just another boring bookstore opened by a corporation."@@
@@.player;"Oh, are you a regular?"@@ you ask, intrigued. @@.player;"Do you know the owners?"@@
@@.vincent;"Of course, they're Mr. Patel and Mrs. Patel,"@@ Vincent smiles. @@.vincent;"Mr. Patel's really into sci-fi and fantasy, and he's always giving me recommendations after I blaze through a book. Matter of fact, he's the one who recommended me the book I'm reading right now."@@
@@.player;"This sounds like a nice place to hang out,"@@ you can't help but smile too at Vincent's enthusiasm. @@.player;"You have a spot that's just yours here."@@
@@.vincent;"Exactly! If you ever need a break from everything, this place is always welcoming. Give it a shot sometime."@@
As you continue the conversation, you two have a lot of fun talking. The conversation naturally winds down after a while, and Vincent looks back at his book. it seems like he's caught between continuing the conversation and going back to his book.
@@.vincent;"Well, I should probably get back to this,"@@ Vincent raises his book slightly. @@.vincent;"But it was really cool running into you today. I don't usually get to chat with anyone."@@
@@.player;"Same here, I wasn't expecting to run into you today,"@@ you feel the warmth of his sincerity. @@.player;"Maybe I'll catch you around again,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I could use a few recommendations myself."@@
@@.vincent;"I'll keep an eye out for you,"@@ he promises. @@.vincent;"If you ever need a book recommendation, you know who to come to. I have a few hundred stored up."@@
@@.player;"I'll remember that,"@@ you say. You wave and head off, exiting the bookstore. As you walk away, you realize you wouldn't mind running into Vincent here again sometime soon.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>>You step into Chapter & Page, and take the time to breathe in the warm scent of old paper and ink. Soft jazz music plays overhead and the dim lighting creates an amazing atmosphere. Shelves filled with books line the walls, and although this bookstore is known for its selection of trending books, it still has a little of everything. A few readers sit in chairs or on the floor, completely engrossed in the words on the pages.
As you browse the shelves, your gaze lands on Vincent, who's seated on a cushy chair near the back. Vincent's face is very expressive as he flips through a book with a spaceship on the cover. Sometimes, there's a subtle crease on his brow. Other times, you see a soft smile on his face. You watch until he finally looks up, noticing you.
@@.vincent;"Oh, $name!"@@ Vincent exclaims, setting his book down and giving you his undivided attention. @@.vincent;"I didn't expect to see you here. I thought I was the only one who spent their Saturdays in a bookstore."@@
<<button "Ask Vincent what he's reading" "Activity - Explore Bookstore 1">>\<<set $temp to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Lightly tease him" "Activity - Explore Bookstore 1">>\<<set $temp to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Ask if he comes here often" "Activity - Explore Bookstore 1">>\<<set $temp to 2>>\<</button>>You step into Sycamore Park, a small slice of nature nestled in the middle of the busy city. Trees arch over the many trails, casting shadows on the grass below. The air smells of fresh earth, grass, and flowers. A pond shimmers up ahead as well, ducks and water lilies floating on the surface. It's a perfect little snapshot of nature, and you're glad you decided to come here today. You feel calm.
You decide to relax by the pond, drawn by the gentle rippling of the water. You sit a few feet from the edge and stretch your legs out, basking in the sun. As you sit there, you spot a duck and her ducklings appear. A small smile spreads on your face as you watch the balls of fluff trailing behind their mother.
You close your eyes after they pass, letting the sounds of the park wash over you. You end up appreciating the things you would usually never even think of. Even the steady hum of a bee seems profound. For a moment, you're not thinking about school, your friends, or even the curse! It's just nature, and the quiet joy of it all is a nice reprieve from everything you've been going through.
After a while, you realize the sun has shifted higher in the sky. You sigh and stand up, stretching your arms up high. You feel lighter now, more relaxed. With a final look at the pond, you head back.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $art to Math.clamp($art + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $d6memory is 0>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You tap your pencil against the sketchbook as you recount a time from your childhood—a simpler time before everything got so complicated. A vivid memory of you playing dress-up with your sister, Lily, comes to mind. Your mom had dragged down an old box filled with a bunch of old clothes from the basement, and the thing was basically a treasure chest for you.
With each outfit change, you'd become a different character. Superheroes, fantasy characters, and aliens were all within the realm of imagination. You remember at one point, you found a dress that was just your size. It fit perfectly, and you soon were lost in the folds of an elegant, flowing dress. You turned this way and that, admiring how the dress shifted and shimmered. The fabric brushed against your skin in a way that none of your boring male clothes had.
In the sketch, you draw yourself gazing into the mirror, a wide-eyed expression on your young face. You try to capture the moment the best you can, the sense of awe you felt when you stared at your reflection. It felt both familiar and foreign like you were seeing a piece of yourself you hadn't quite met yet. The memory brings a pang of nostalgia, as well as a faint ache deep inside of you that you can't quite place.
As you finish the drawing, you sit back and study it. The image stirs a quiet realization within you, but you can't quite articulate it. There's a spark there, a connection that you hadn't noticed as a kid.
@@.girl;"That's really beautiful,"@@ Ms. Harper says, glancing over your shoulder. Her expressions soften as she sees your art. @@.girl;"It seems like a very special memory."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you nod. You're not sure what this memory means for now, but it lingers, leaving you with some questions that you're not sure you want answered.
<<elseif $d6memory is 1>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You stare at the blank page in front of you, remembering your younger days when you used to play soccer. You spent countless hours on the soccer field, hair drenched in sweat and cleats scuffing against the grass. The thrill of the competition fills your memory as you pick up a pencil and begin to bring it to life.
Steadying your hand the best you can, you start to sketch a scene from a match. You draw yourself in your old soccer uniform, charging toward the ball with determination. The small details that faded away with time come back to you as well, and you remember the dirt on your knees, the adrenaline coursing through your veins, and the pride that rushed through you when you scored a goal.
Soccer had been one of the few things that made you feel powerful and confident, almost invincible. It was a time before all the complicated feelings you deal with now. As you finish the drawing, your gaze lingers on your younger self. There's a sense of nostalgia, a bittersweet longing for those carefree days.
@@.girl;"It looks like you captured the spirit of a fighter,"@@ she nods approvingly. @@.girl;"Soccer seems to mean a lot to you."@@
@@.player;"It used to, yeah,"@@ you reply, managing a small smile.
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
Memories of your family camping trip come flooding back into your mind. You remember the summer when your family had packed up a rented RV with camping gear and supplies, and heading out into the woods. It was one of those rare times they'd all been together without work, school, or anything else getting in the way. Just nature and each other's company.
You begin sketching the towering pine trees that had surrounded the campsite, remembering how they seemed to stretch up endlessly. You begin to remember the chilly morning air, the soft crunch of leaves underfoot, and the sunrise reflecting on the nearby lake's surface.
You add detail to the sketch, remembering how your dad showed you how to set up the tent. Your mom laughed as you fumbled through starting a fire, with Lily not helping at all. You finally decide on a moment to capture, putting the four of you by the campfire. You add a faint smile to your sketched self, sitting by the fire and looking at your family. That moment feels safe, like a memory frozen in time.
You step back to view the finished sketch, and you realize just how grounding that trip had been. It was a time you felt connected. Surrounded by those you cared about. Moments like that felt increasingly harder to come by, and you felt a newfound appreciation for your family.
@@.girl;"That's a beautiful memory,"@@ Ms. Harper leans over to take a look, her eyes warm with approval. @@.girl;"It's clear you put a lot of yourself into it."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, that was a good time,"@@ you nod.
You hold the piece of paper in your hands and feel a swirl of emotions—nostalgia, curiosity, and perhaps a hint of longing. You feel like you truly captured a piece of yourself on the paper. You look at Ms. Harper, who gives you an encouraging smile.
@@.girl;"You're more of an artist than you give yourself credit for,"@@ she says, her eyes filled with understanding. @@.girl;"That art you created, that moment you drew, it's a reflection of who you are. Art has a funny way of bringing out things we didn't even know we had inside of us."@@
You smile, feeling oddly proud. Your sketch is rough around the edges, sure, but you think you did pretty well for the first attempt. @@.player;"Thank you, I didn't really think about it like that."@@
@@.girl;"Look, try and keep at it,"@@ Ms. Harper says. @@.girl;"You'll be surprised at what you discover."@@
You step out of the studio, feeling a sense of satisfaction.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $metHarper to true>>\
As you step into the art studio, you're greeted by the scene of paint and varnish. The room is spacious, filled with natural light streaming through large windows that overlook the bustling street outside. The shelves are lined with paints, brushes, pencils, and sketchbooks. The place is slightly messy, but only in a way that inspires creativity.
The sound of brushes against canvases and quiet chatter between artists fills the air, as everyone pursues their own art. It's a stark contrast to the mall, where everything was entrenched in chaos. You take a deep breath and gather your thoughts, suddenly spotting a figure at the back of the room. A woman in her late twenties with blue hair and a bunch of piercings on her ears is animatedly discussing color theory with some artists.
You can't help but be drawn to her energy, and you awkwardly stand around until she finishes her discussion. She notices you glancing at her and comes over.
@@.girl;"Hey there!"@@ she introduces herself, extending a hand. @@.girl;"I'm Ms. Harper, the studio's resident art mentor. You look like you're ready to create something amazing! Are you new here?"@@
@@.player;"Yes, I've never had much to do with art before,"@@ you nod, feeling a little shy.
@@.girl;"That's totally okay!"@@ her eyes sparkle with excitement, clearly glad to see a new member. @@.girl;"Art is all about exploring and expressing yourself. You don't need any prior experience to get started. Just grab a piece of paper and a pencil and let your imagination run wild!"@@
Your nerves ease a little, and you feel inspired to explore your thoughts and memories through art. You pick up a pencil and grab a sheet of paper, sitting down in an isolated corner of the room. Ms. Harper gives you a few pointers on basic technique, although she makes sure to emphasize to create something that resonates with you.
After she leaves, you absorb all the advice she gave you. You consider your past and what you'd like to express on that piece of paper in front of you.
<<button "A childhood memory of playing dress-up" "Activity - Explore Studio 1">>\<<set $d6memory to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "A reflection of your soccer days" "Activity - Explore Studio 1">>\<<set $d6memory to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "The family camping trip" "Activity - Explore Studio 1">>\<<set $d6memory to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/city-streets.png">
<<set $d6option to true>>\
<<set $d6activities += 1>>\
You step out onto the city streets of Cedarbrook, and you shield your eyes as the bright California sun shines down on you. The air is tinged with the faint smell of coffee and baked goods, and cars roll lazily down the street. You take in the scene, enjoying the comforting familiarity your city offers. You look around, trying to decide where you should go.
Nestled on a quieter street, there's an inviting little bookstore known for its selection of popular novels. It's a little messy, but in a charming way, with a faded wooded sign reading Chapter & Page. If you walk a little though, you can make your way to Sycamore Park. It's full of lush green, and there are a bunch of trees, ponds, cute critters, and an expansive walking trail. It's a really popular spot for people to hang out on the weekend, and you haven't gone in a while.
Just down the street, the colorful arcade also draws your attention. The air near Pixel Palace is thick with whooping, the sound of 8-bit music, and the furious clicking of buttons. You could dive into a quick game to blow off the stress of the first week of school. Your final option would be to go behind the main strip to a small community art studio called Creative Corner. You haven't ever gone there before, the best you could draw was a stick figure, but you could take some time to sketch something.
<<button "Go to the bookstore" "Activity - Explore Bookstore">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the park" "Activity - Explore Park">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the arcade" "Activity - Explore Arcade">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the art studio" "Activity - Explore Studio">><</button>>You approach Aurora by the massive oak tree, and you're confused about how you feel. A part of you is a little excited to find out more about the curse, but another part of you feels some unease. This part of the park is quiet, with only the sounds of a light breeze rustling the leaves and the faint ripple of water from the nearby pond. Aurora stands there, arms crossed, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. She looked as if she belonged among the shadows and secrets.
@@.aurora;"You showed up,"@@ she says, her tone calm but a little impressed. @@.aurora;"A lot, dare I say most, would have stayed away."@@
@@.player;"Guess I'm not most people,"@@ you force a nervous smirk on your face.
Aurora nods her head, her expression unreadable. @@.aurora;"Good. Because this isn't something just anyone can handle. That spell you're dealing with..."@@
@@.player;"Yeah?"@@ you ask, nervous as she trails off.
@@.aurora;"It's not just something simple, it's like a mirror. It reflects off what you carry inside, and it'll change with each choice you make."@@
@@.player;"So you're saying these changes are based on who I am?"@@ you tilt your head, confused.
@@.aurora;"You're exactly right, $name,"@@ she says. @@.aurora;"And who you're becoming, whether you like it or not. It's a deeply personal kind of magic, it's bound to your sense of self. Every time you give in, push back, or try to hide, it'll know. The more you understand yourself, the more control you'll gain over what's happening."@@
@@.player;"So, if I start making choices based on who I want to be, it'll affect the changes?"@@
@@.aurora;"Yes, but the deeper you go, the harder it'll be to turn back"@@ she replies, looking over you to gauge your reaction. @@.aurora;"I can help you gain some control over it if you're ready."@@
You swallow, feeling a lump in your throat. You can sense the importance of her words, the sheer gravity of it. Although your choices feel like they carry an extra weight now, you don't want to miss this opportunity for help.
<<button "Open up about your transformation" "Activity - Find 2 (Open)">><</button>>
<<button "Stay closed about your transformation" "Activity - Find 2 (Closed)">><</button>>@@.player;"I don't want to talk about it,"@@ you say, hesitating to tell Aurora anything. Her gaze is heavy on you as you feel a rush of conflicting emotions. Opening up about the transformations and the curse feels too scary like it makes you too vulnerable. You're not ready to face it just yet. You decide to keep your feelings locked away, at least for now.
@@.aurora;"I get it can be tough to navigate these changes, especially when they feel overwhelming,"@@ Aurora says, her gaze studying you. @@.aurora;"I'm here if you need to talk about it with someone. After all, didn't you come here to learn more about the spell?"@@
@@.player;"I mean, I guess,"@@ you murmur. @@.player;"But I'm not ready to talk about it. Not yet, anyway."@@
@@.aurora;"That's fair,"@@ she nods slowly. @@.aurora;"Just remember, sometimes facing things head-on is the best way to move forward. The more you resist, the harder it might become. But there's no pressure, of course. When you're ready, you'll know."@@
Feeling the weight of her words, you shift your gaze. @@.player;"I'll keep that in mind."@@
<<button "Go home" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<if $acceptance > 4>>\
@@.player;"It's a little strange,"@@ you whisper, a faint blush coloring your cheeks. @@.player;"I've been beginning to accept the changes as they happen. It felt weird at first, but then I started liking them. I'd catch myself in the mirror, and it was like seeing someone familiar but different. It felt right, and I'd never felt that way about my reflection before."@@
@@.aurora;"I see,"@@ she says, her eyes softening in understanding. @@.aurora;"Sometimes, magic shows us parts of ourselves we've ignored or buried. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you, to be honest."@@
@@.player;"Look, this whole thing is really messed up,"@@ you cross your arms, an edge to your voice. @@.player;"I don't want these changes, and I'm trying to resist."@@
@@.aurora;"I see,"@@ she says, nodding slightly as she thinks. @@.aurora;"I can't help you break the curse, but I think the more you fight this curse, the stronger it'll push back."@@
@@.player;"I guess that's true,"@@ you murmur.
<<set $d6auroraTalk to true>>\
<<if $feminineLooks > 29>>\
<<set $upperControl to true>>\
@@.aurora;"It seems you've gone through quite a number of changes, huh?"@@ Aurora asks, eyeing you up and down.
@@.player;"Kind of,"@@ you chuckle awkwardly. You knew you looked considerably different now, but it was still awkward to have it be pointed out. @@.player;"Is that an issue?"@@
@@.aurora;"No, not at all,"@@ Aurora shakes her head. @@.aurora;"You actually had to go through these changes in order for me to give you more control over the spell."@@
@@.player;"So, what do I have to do?"@@ you ask after a few awkward moments of silence.
@@.aurora;"Nothing at all, everything's already done"@@ a faint smile on her lips. @@.aurora;"Next time you transform, try directing the energy toward your body."@@
@@.aurora;"I don't think you've gone through enough changes yet for me to introduce you to more,"@@ Aurora says. @@.aurora;"I can help you expand your control over the spell so that you can change your upper body as well. But not yet."@@
@@.player;"Not yet?"@@ you ask, raising your eyebrows.
@@.aurora;"Not yet,"@@ she says, shaking her head. @@.aurora;"You still have to go through some more changes. I'll be here ready to help you gain more control over the spell once you've done that."@@
@@.player;"Oh, okay,"@@ you say, turning around and getting ready to go back home. Before you start walking though, you look over your shoulder to glance at Aurora one more time. @@.player;"Oh, and thank you Aurora."@@
<<button "Go home" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>>
<<button "Go back and ask Aurora how she knows all this" "Activity - Find 3">><</button>><<set $auroraRelo to Math.clamp($auroraRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $auroraOffer to true>>\
@@.player;"Wait, wait!"@@ you shout, catching up to Aurora. You put your hands on your knees and take a few seconds to catch your breath. @@.player;"I forgot to ask this question. Seriously, how do you know all this?"@@
@@.aurora;"The world isn't always what it seems, $name,"@@ she says, her lips curling into a slight smile. @@.aurora;"Most people are only aware of what's right in front of them. But there's so much more moving beneath the surface, things you couldn't even dream about."@@
@@.player;"I see,"@@ you nod unconvincingly, unsure of what Aurora is saying.
@@.aurora;"I started learning about it when I was younger,"@@ Aurora continues. @@.aurora;"I always had a knack for... seeing things others couldn't. My family thought it was just a phase, a young girl's fascination with the occult. But I just knew there was something real about it. So I started doing my own studies on the topic."@@
@@.player;"Your own studies?"@@ you ask in a soft whisper.
@@.aurora;"I've read texts, practiced rituals, and even met people like Madame Serena who understand more than I do,"@@ Aurora looks at you, her eyes filled with a burning intensity. @@.aurora;"Magic is real, $name. It's not the kind of magic you see in movies, with a bunch of wizards and flashy spells, but it's real enough. It's about channeling energy, understanding intention, and unlocking parts of yourself you didn't know were there. I could notice your energy was off as if it was affected by magic. That's how I figured out about your spell."@@
@@.player;"I mean, I knew magic was real, but hearing it like this..."@@ you trail off, not quite knowing what to say.
@@.aurora;"You know, I could teach you,"@@ she says. @@.aurora;"It won't be easy, and I'm not sure if you even want to learn. But if you're willing, I could help you navigate this transformation. Help you understand and control it."@@
@@.player;"But why?"@@ you ask, your head whirling from the overload of information that was just introduced to you. The idea of learning magic is enticing, but the enormity of it all scares you.
@@.aurora;"I don't know, to be honest,"@@ she laughs softly. @@.aurora;"When I started down this path, I was all alone. Nobody believes in magic, even at school everyone thinks I'm just weird. I want to help others that are interested in this, that's why I'm the leader of the occult club. Maybe I just want to give someone else a chance to walk this road, but without the confusion I had to go through."@@
For a moment, the two of you stand in silence, the breeze rustling the trees around you. As your eyes meet hers, there's an openness there you hadn't seen before. A genuine offer of support.
@@.player;"T-Thank you, I don't know what to say,"@@ you stutter out.
@@.aurora;"I know you're not ready to give me an answer, not yet at least,"@@ she murmurs. @@.aurora;"But when you're ready, you know where to find me."@@
<<button "Go home" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $d6option4 to true>>\
<<set $d6activities += 1>>\
You spend some time mulling over Aurora's cryptic words from the mall. You can't shake the feeling that she genuinely knows something about what you're going through. She did have knowledge about the curse, after all. You think about finding her, but you realize the simpler solution would be to just shoot her a message. It was 2024, after all.
@elee06: @@.player;Hey Aurora. its $name. I think I'm ready for some real answers... Can we meet up?@@
You're about to put your phone down, but you realize Aurora has responded already.
@mystic_aurora: @@.aurora;Meet me at Sycamore Park near the big oak tree by the pond. Make sure you're ready for what I have to say.@@
You feel some apprehension as you slide your phone into your pocket. You know the tree she's referring too, it's near one of the quieter areas of the park, and it was usually undisturbed as people rarely went there. The tree was an old, twisted oak tree that loomed over the pond like a guardian. It was so spooky that you and your sister used to dare each other to go near it. You shake your head, trying to shake the scary thoughts, and go outside.
<<button "Go to the park" "Activity - Find 1">><</button>>You look around the sleek, modern gym. There are rows of treadmills and ellipticals facing windows that let in a flood of natural light. There's also a free weights section, some stationary bikes off to the side, and even some special areas for workouts like yoga. You can't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. It's not like you went to the gym often, and the sheer number of options is a little overwhelming. You eventually decide on something though.
<<button "Head to the cardio machines" "Activity - Gym Cardio">><</button>>
<<button "Head to the free weights" "Activity - Gym Weights">><</button>>
<<button "Head to the yoga class" "Activity - Gym Yoga">><</button>>After finishing up at the gym, you feel both exhausted and invigorated. The post-exercise endorphins have been released in your brain. As you head to the restroom, the faint sound of upbeat music still plays overhead, blending in with the hum of conversation.
You wash your hands with soap, making sure to get all the grime off your hands. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and can't help but smile. There's something satisfying about the sweat on your brow, proof of the effort you put in today. You feel more present in your body than you have in a long while. You leave the gym and head back home, humming on the way.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<if $d6jessica is 0>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"You know, you're really dedicated, I'm impressed,"@@ you look over at Jessica with a sheepish grin on your face. @@.player;"I guess that's how the head cheerleader stays on top."@@
@@.jessica;"What can I say?"@@ Jessica smirks, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder. @@.jessica;"Cheerleading is tougher than people think, and I've got to keep up with everyone. I can't let them outshine me."@@
@@.player;"I can understand why everyone likes you,"@@ you nod, feeling the passion exuding from her voice. @@.player;"You seem really put together."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah,"@@ Jessica says, looking at the floor for a second. Her shoulders slump, and the confidence you saw from her just a few seconds ago seems to be gone. She bounces back though, looking up at you with a smile. @@.jessica;"Careful though, $name. Keep talking like that and people might think you're trying to win me over."@@
@@.player;"Hey!"@@ you can't help but blush slightly. @@.player;"I'm just calling it as I see it, alright? It's impressive, that's all."@@
@@.jessica;"Thanks, I appreciate it,"@@ she says, glancing at you with something that feels almost like gratitude. She seems more genuine. @@.jessica;"I don't get to hear that as much as you might think."@@
The two of you share a brief pause before Jessica raises her water bottle. @@.jessica;"I hope I'll see you around here more often. I have to get back to my workout."@@
@@.player;"Maybe,"@@ you shrug. @@.player;"I'll see you next week."@@
@@.jessica;"I'll keep an eye out for you then,"@@ she winks at you before standing up and heading off toward the weights.
<<elseif $d6jessica is 1>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"By the way, do you have any tips?"@@ you ask, hoping Jessica won't mind sharing a few of her secrets. @@.player;"You're the expert here, after all."@@
@@.jessica;"Me?"@@ she asks, a playful grin spreading across her face. @@.jessica;"I wouldn't call myself an expert. I do have a few tips though."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, I want to learn from the best,"@@ you say, smiling as well.
@@.jessica;"Okay, so, first things first,"@@ she begins. @@.jessica;"Don't just stick to cardio or to the machines. A mix of cardio and strength will get you better results. It keeps you balanced. Personally, I do these circuits with a mix of lunges, kettlebell swings, and core work to keep everything toned but not too muscular."@@
@@.player;"I see,"@@ you nod.
@@.jessica;"Yup, squats also help a lot too,"@@ she smiles. @@.jessica;"Guys tend to neglect that, but they're a really great exercise."@@
@@.player;"Can't say I'll look forward to squats, but thanks for the help,"@@ you respond.
@@.jessica;"Of course,"@@ she winks at you. @@.jessica;"I'm going to continue working out though, it was nice seeing you here."@@
<<button "Continue" "Activity - Gym 2">><</button>>You decide to keep it simple and you head over to the cardio machines. You step onto an open treadmill and settle in. You set the treadmill to a light pace and start jogging. The steady rhythm calms your nerves, and you soon find yourself zoning out. You find your hand reaching to increase the speed again and again and again. You have a nice view of the city outside, and it feels refreshing to just move and clear your mind.
After some time, you finally return to Earth. You're drenched in sweat, and realize you ran way more than expected. The exhaustion hits you all at once, and you slow the treadmill to a stop. You put your hands on your knees and take large breaths to relax your beating heart.
@@.jessica;"So, did you enjoy your run?"@@ you hear a familiar voice say from your right. You glance over to see Jessica take out an earbud, a smile on her face. @@.jessica;"I've been here for a while now and you just noticed me."@@
@@.player;"Were you?"@@ you ask after finally catching your breath.
@@.jessica;"Yup, I noticed you when I walked in,"@@ Jessica says, jogging at a brisk pace on the treadmill. She looks focused and effortlessly put together as always. @@.jessica;"I never saw you here before, are you new?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I just decided to go to the gym today for some reason. Don't ask me why."@@
@@.jessica;"Cool,"@@ Jessica replies, a smile on her face. She stops her treadmill and slows her pace as the treadmill comes to a stop. @@.jessica;"Come on, let's take a break. You are in desperate need of water."@@
The two of you head to the water purifier, and you down water as if you've been stuck in the Sahara without a water bottle. Jessica giggles as she watches you gulp down cup after cup. The gym's noise hums around the two of you as you think about what you should say.
<<button "Compliment her dedication" "Activity - Gym Cardio 1">>\<<set $d6jessica to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Ask for workout advice" "Activity - Gym Cardio 1">>\<<set $d6jessica to 1>>\<</button>>@@.player;"I'll get the day pass,"@@ you say, scanning your phone against the card reader.
<<if $money > 9>>\
<<set $money -= 10>>\
@@.boy;"All done,"@@ the gym worker says, nodding. @@.boy;"Thank you for purchasing a membership at Apex Fitness Studio."@@
@@.player;"You too,"@@ you say. As you walk into the main area of the gym, you blush bright red. Why did you say you too to the gym worker?
<<button "Go to the main area of the gym" "Activity - Gym 1">><</button>>
@@.boy;"It says your payment has been declined,"@@ the gym worker says after a few seconds, raising his eyebrows at you.
@@.player;"O-Oh,"@@ you say, blushing bright red in embarrassment. You really were broke, weren't you?
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $d6jordan is 0>>\
You glance at Jordan, feeling hesitant once again. Lifting weights isn't really your thing, and you're sure he's cringing at your form. After some internal debate, you walk over to Jordan.
@@.player;"Hey, Jordan,"@@ you begin awkwardly. @@.player;"Do you mind spotting me?"@@
Jordan's eyebrows furrow further, clearly not having expected you to ask for help. He hesitates, seeming to gauge if you're serious or not. After a while, he shrugs and makes his way toward you.
@@.jordan;"Alright,"@@ he says. @@.jordan;"If you go for too much weight though, I'm letting it drop."@@
@@.player;"I'll stick to what I can handle,"@@ you say, adjusting the weights on the barbell.
He moves into place behind you on the bench. His eyes are sharp and focused as he watches you settle and get into position. @@.jordan;"Go for it."@@
You start your reps, feeling a little safer with Jordan. His hands hover close to the bar, ready to assist if needed. With each lift, you can sense his presence.
@@.jordan;"Slow down a little,"@@ he says, voice low. @@.jordan;"Don't rush it. Just focus on controlling the weight."@@
You nod, adjusting your rhythm. You immediately feel a difference, but after a few more reps, your arms begin burning.
@@.jordan;"Last two, come on,"@@ Jordan encourages you, much to your surprise. @@.jordan;"Finish strong."@@
You complete the final rep, setting the bar back on the rack with his help. You let out a relived breath, taking a second to rest on the bench.
@@.jordan;"Not bad,"@@ Jordan crosses his arms. @@.jordan;"Watch your grip though, you'll strain your wrist if you do it like that."@@
@@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you nod, grateful for the tip. @@.player;"I'm glad you didn't let the bar drop."@@
@@.jordan;"No problem,"@@ he shrugs nonchalantly, but his eyes hold some approval. @@.jordan;"Just don't go overestimating what you can lift."@@
<<elseif $d6jordan is 1>>\
You notice Jordan going through an intense set, each movement controlled and precise. The sheer determination on his face is striking, and it's clear he's spent hours upon hours in the gym. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you step a bit closer. You wait for Jordan to finish with his set before piping up.
@@.player;"You're making that look way too easy. How long have you been working out?"@@
Jordan glances up at you, seeming surprised. @@.jordan;"Long enough,"@@ he says gruffly. He wipes his brow with a towel. @@.jordan;"It doesn't come easy though, it's all about consistency. Even on days where I'd rather do anything else, I come to the gym."@@
@@.player;"It shows, you're amazing,"@@ you nod. @@.player;"I can barely handle a few pounds, meanwhile your weights are super big. Do you have any advice for me?"@@
Jordan glances away, and you're scared he'll just ignore you. He looks back though, sighing. @@.jordan;"First, don't focus on trying to look cool. Some people just go for the heavy weights to flex or something, but their form is terrible. Just take it seriously and don't rush."@@
@@.player;"Trust me, I don't have much of an ego,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.jordan;"Good,"@@ you can Jordan's lip twitch a little. Did he almost smile? @@.jordan;"If you're looking to stick with this, don't just mess around either. Figure out what you want from it."@@
@@.player;"I'm just looking to be a little healthier, I guess,"@@ you respond.
@@.jordan;"That's a good goal to have,"@@ Jordan's expression softens slightly, although he quickly hides it. @@.jordan;"As long as you're not wasting your time here, I guess that's a start."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, I'll try not to mess up too much,"@@ you say, grateful that Jordan took his time to chat with you.
With a final nod, Jordan heads back to his own weights. There's a slight shift in his demeanor. While he's not warm by any means, he's no longer as distant. You sense a tiny crack in his tough exterior. It's a start, and as you return to your own routine, you feel a tinge more confident.
<<button "Continue" "Activity - Gym 2">><</button>>You head over to the free weights area, deciding you could use some strength training. You pick up a dumbbell, feeling the weight in your hands. You settle in for a few reps with the dumbbell. After a while though, you look up to see a familiar face. Jordan. He's working on a bench press, his form precise. His eyes are focused ahead, and he doesn't seem to care about your presence much.
You continue working out but can't help the urge to glance at him again. He notices you this time and his eyebrows furrow. You quickly look forward again, but he has already caught you staring.
<<button "Ask for him to spot you" "Activity - Gym Weights 1">>\<<set $d6jordan to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Comment on his routine" "Activity - Gym Weights 1">>\<<set $d6jordan to 1>>\<</button>>You roll up your mat, feeling the pleasant stretch in your muscles as you walk up to Ms. Delaney. She's tidying up the front of the class area, cleaning everything up for future classes.
@@.player;"Hi, Ms. Delaney,"@@ you say, a hint of awkwardness in your voice. @@.player;"I just wanted to say thank you for the class. I didn't realize yoga could be so challenging."@@
@@.girl;"That's wonderful to hear,"@@ she laughs softly. @@.girl;"Yoga is about both physical and mental strength. It takes time and practice."@@
@@.player;"It really does, doesn't it?"@@ you laugh too. @@.player;"I've done other workouts a few times but this felt like a whole different experience. I felt focused and relaxed."@@
@@.girl;"That's exactly what yoga is for,"@@ she says, a warm smile growing on her face. @@.girl;"I notice you're new here. If you enjoyed today's class, you're welcome to join us again. We meet every Saturday at this time."@@
You consider it, feeling oddly drawn to the idea. Ms. Delaney's encouragement is genuine, and there's something appealing about returning for more. You realize that maybe you can use this time each week to clear your mind.
@@.player;"I'll think about it, thanks,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"Just remember each practice builds on the last,"@@ she says before you leave. @@.girl;"It's about progress, not perfection."@@
As you walk away, you're glad you decided to join this yoga class.
<<button "Continue" "Activity - Gym 2">><</button>><<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You notice a sign advertising a yoga class that'll begin in a few minutes. You've never tried yoga before, but you feel a little curious as you stare at the sign. The class has already begun to gather in one corner of the gym, with a mix of people stretching, some setting down mats, and a calm instructor greeting everyone. You shrug and head toward them, deciding to give it a go.
You grab a mat and find a spot near the back, feeling too scared to be up in the front. The instructor, a tall woman with a soothing voice, introduces herself.
@@.girl;"Welcome, everyone, I'm Ms. Delaney!"@@ she says, a serene smile on her face. @@.girl;"Whether you're a yoga veteran or brand new, this is the space to relax, unwind, and challenge yourself. Let's get started with some breathing."@@
As you move from one pose to the next, you quickly realize yoga is not as easy as you thought. Holding the warrior pose required a lot more strength and energy than you anticipated. There is still something grounding about the whole experience though, as you move through the poses in sync with the others. You find your mind clearing as you focus on each breath and stretch.
When the class shifts into a seated forward fold, you notice some of the other students sneaking curious glances at you. Most people here seem to be women in their 20s, and they're surprised to see a high school guy in a yoga class. Instead of feeling nervous though, you just focus on your breathing.
@@.girl;"Let go of any thoughts or worries you have,"@@ Ms. Delaney says. @@.girl;"Breathe into the moment, my dears."@@
After a while, she leads you into a final resting position called Savasana. Lying flat on your back, you feel a deep relaxation wash over you, as if you're floating. It's a rare, peaceful moment of stillness.
As the class ends, Ms. Delaney thanks everyone for coming. You feel surprisingly refreshed, your muscles pleasantly stretched. Your mind seems a little clearer too, although you're unsure if that's a placebo or not. You're a little sore, but you appreciated the challenge.
<<button "Thank the instructor" "Activity - Gym Yoga 1">>\<<set $metDelaney to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Leave quietly" "Activity - Gym 2">>\<<set $metDelaney to false>>\<</button>><<set $d6option2 to true>>\
<<set $d6activities += 1>>\
You step into the bustling gym, looking around the place. It's very clean, with every surface being spotless. You look around, not sure what to do, when the worker at the front desk gestures for you to come closer. You walk over to the muscular guy who looks like he's in college.
@@.boy;"Hello, welcome to Apex Fitness Studio,"@@ he says his rehearsed line. @@.boy;"Do you have a membership?"@@
<<if $d5wheel is 0>>\
@@.player;"I do, actually,"@@ you say, pulling out the ticket you got from the party yesterday. It seems that thing did come in handy.
@@.boy;"Thank you, feel free to enter,"@@ the worker says after scanning the ticket. He hands it back to you. @@.boy;"Thank you for coming to Apex Fitness Studio."@@
<<button "Go to the main area of the gym" "Activity - Gym 1">><</button>>
@@.player;"I don't, how much does it cost?"@@ you ask, hoping it's not too expensive.
@@.boy;"It'll cost you 50 dollars for a month,"@@ the worker says. @@.boy;"Are you interested?"@@
@@.player;"Fifty?"@@ your mouth falls open. You didn't realize the gym was that expensive.
@@.boy;"There's also a day pass, that one only costs 10 dollars."@@
You think if you should purchase the day pass for the gym or not. You check your phone to see that you currently have $money dollars in your account.
<<button "Purchase the day pass" "Activity - Gym Purchase">><</button>>
<<button "Go back home" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d6dad is 0>>\
@@.player;"Fixing this thing wasn't too bad,"@@ you say as you twist the wrench one final time on the bottom hinge. @@.player;"I'm glad I don't have to do this often though."@@
@@.boy;"Well, if you enjoyed it, maybe you can take a full-time position here at the home repair crew,"@@ your dad jokes, gently nudging your shoulder. @@.boy;"You don't get paid, and there aren't any benefits either. I would appreciate it though."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, sounds like a dream job,"@@ you snort.
The two of you share a quiet laugh, and any tension still lingering melts away.
@@.boy;"Alright, I think this gate should finally stop squeaking every time we open it,"@@ your dad tests the gate, a faint smile appearing on his face as it moves smoothly. @@.boy;"Good work, partner."@@
@@.player;"Partner?"@@ you ask, raising an eyebrow. @@.player;"Don't push it, Dad."@@
@@.boy;"Fine, assistant it is,"@@ your dad retorts, laughing as he packs up the toolbox and heads toward the house.
You follow him, and you can't help but be a little happy that you spent some quality time with your dad. You don't have a ton of memories with him, but you can already tell you'll remember this one for years to come. Your dad pops open the fridge and hands you a cold soda.
@@.player;"Oh, what's this?"@@ you ask, looking at the red can.
@@.boy;"You're a little young for a beer, so this is the best you'll get,"@@ your dad chuckles, patting your back. @@.boy;"Thanks for helping out."@@
<<elseif $d6dad is 1>>\
<<set $dadRelo to Math.clamp($dadRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"So, how were things like with Grandpa?"@@ you say after a moment of hesitation. Your dad is far too adept at this, and he tightens a bolt like he's done it a thousand times before.
@@.boy;"Grandpa was always tinkering around the house,"@@ your dad looks out across the yard, his eyes seeming to focus on a distant memory. @@.boy;"I used to be his assistant for everything, just like you're doing right now."@@
@@.player;"Are you trying to recruit me?"@@ you ask, raising your eyebrows.
@@.boy;"No, don't worry,"@@ your dad chuckles. @@.boy;"I want you to do what you enjoy doing. But I really did enjoy helping out around the house. Your grandpa always had all these little projects everywhere you went, you couldn't take a few steps without running into some contraption. I was usually just out there holding the tools, getting my hands dirty. He had me wedged under the sink with a flashlight while he taught me. His idea of teaching was more like barking instructions and hoping things would work out though."@@
@@.player;"So, how'd you end up getting this good at fixing stuff then?"@@
@@.boy;"Compared to Grandpa, I'm nothing,"@@ your dad says, the warmth of nostalgia lingering in his voice. @@.boy;"He wasn't a great teacher, but he loved spending that time with me. I think those were his favorite memories. Just something as simple as the two of us fixing a gate."@@
@@.player;"It must have been nice to spend time with him like that,"@@ you say, feeling the breeze shift gently around the two of you.
@@.boy;"Yeah, I didn't realize it at the time though,"@@ your dad nods slowly. @@.boy;"But looking back, those were some of the best memories I had with him. Those afternoons felt endless like we had all the time in the world. I'd do anything to go back to one of those days, even just for a few minutes."@@
There's a pause as you look at the gate in front of you. You can sense something in your dad you hadn't seen before though. A kind of longing, a deep respect for those few specks of time when everything made sense.
@@.boy;"I know I've missed a lot of that with you, $name,"@@ your dad with quiet sincerity in his voice. @@.boy;"I'm not perfect. I'm not even decent. Work kept me busy, and I got distracted. Much more distracted than I should have."@@
@@.player;"You're here now, Dad,"@@ you whisper.
@@.boy;"Thanks, $name,"@@ your dad's gaze softens as he claps a hand on your shoulder. He lightly squeezes it as he looks into your eyes, his gaze saying everything. @@.boy;"It means a lot to me that you decided to come out here and spend some time with me today. Grandpa would've been proud of you, you know that, right?"@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Dad,"@@ you say, a lump forming in your throat. The words hit you harder than you expected.
The two of you finish up the gate, working together in a comfortable silence. The project is just a gate in the backyard, but to you, it feels more like a bridge. It's more than just a squeaky hinge, it's a shared memory to look back on.
<<set $dadRelo to Math.clamp($dadRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
You look down at the ground, taking a moment to think. After a few moments, you speak up.
@@.player;"You know, Dad,"@@ you begin, glancing up to gauge your father's reaction. @@.player;"I know work is important, and I get that you do what you do to take care of us, but sometimes it feels like you haven't really been here."@@
Your dad stops tightening a screw and looks at you, his expression surprised. You take a deep breath and continue.
@@.player;"Like, I don't even know what to expect when you're home,"@@ you say, trying to keep the frustration that's been boiling inside of you for so long from bubbling over. @@.player;"I don't really know who you are, and I especially feel like you don't really know me. It makes things complicated for me, not to mention for Lily."@@
@@.boy;"I'm sorry, $name,"@@ your dad says quietly, his voice thick with regret. He takes a slow breath, his brows drawn together as he processes what you just said. @@.boy;"I didn't realize it had gotten that bad. I know I've been gone a lot, but I convinced myself that as long as I was providing, it was enough. That financial stability was the most important thing. But I realized it wasn't enough, not nearly so. That's on me."@@
@@.player;"It just sucks sometimes,"@@ you sigh. You're glad your dad isn't brushing it off or making excuses, but words just spill out of your mouth. @@.player;"There were things I wanted to talk to you about, things I wanted to show you. Even when I had a bad day at school, I always wished I had my dad to talk to. I missed having you here."@@
@@.boy;"I'm sorry I missed so much,"@@ his face softens, guilt crossing his features. @@.boy;"I thought I was doing what was best for the family, but maybe I was just hiding behind work. I apologize, $name. I'm truly sorry."@@
@@.player;"Will things change?"@@ you ask, your voice quiet.
@@.boy;"Yes, they will,"@@ your father says, a new determination in his eyes. @@.boy;"I'm going to do my best to change. I want to be really present with you, with Lily, with your mother. I don't want to miss out anymore. I know you're already an adult now, and I know that you're well on your way to leaving the nest. But let's make this last year a good one."@@
You nod, feeling a weight lift off your chest. Your dad's words don't fix everything, but they are a very good start to repairing the fractured relationship the two of you share. There's a new understanding as you finish working on the gate, side by side.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $dadRelo to Math.clamp($dadRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You head out to the backyard, the late morning sun casting long shadows over the lawn. Your dad is hunched over by the old wooden gate, toolbox open beside him. he has a screwdriver in one hand and a fierce look of concentration on his face.
@@.boy;"Oh, $name,"@@ he says, sounding a little surprised as he notices you. @@.boy;"Do you need something?"@@
@@.player;"No, I wanted to help, actually,"@@ you respond, nervous now that you're actually out here. @@.player;"It seemed you were having a tough time, so I wanted to ask if I could do anything."@@
@@.boy;"Oh, of course you can help!"@@ your dad interrupts, a wide grin on his face. You haven't seen him look so happy in a long time, and his enthusiasm brings a smile to your face as well. He hands you a screwdriver and starts giving directions. @@.boy;"Here, you can start with the lower hinge. It's loose, and I could use an extra set of hands."@@
You two work together, your dad talking you through the process of tightening the screws, aligning the hinge, and checking the balance. It's simple enough, but you feel like you're learning something important. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you settle into a rhythm, the creak gradually growing quieter.
@@.boy;"You know, I used to help my dad with stuff like this too sometimes when I was your age,"@@ he pauses, a distant look in his eyes. @@.boy;"I didn't appreciate it back then, I honestly just wanted to hang out with my friends. But now that I look back, those little moments were something special."@@
You glance at your dad, seeing him a bit differently now. There's a hint of vulnerability in your dad's voice. As if he's subtly admitting that he's also trying to bridge the gap that's grown between the two of you.
<<button "Keep the conversation light" "Activity - Home Dad 1">>\<<set $d6dad to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Ask about your dad's memories with your grandpa" "Activity - Home Dad 1">>\<<set $d6dad to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Express some of your own frustrations with your dad" "Activity - Home Dad 1">>\<<set $d6dad to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d6lily is 0>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You offer her a smile, remembering your own first-day jitters from a few years ago.
@@.player;"Honestly, Lily, I was a total mess before I started high school,"@@ you admit, chuckling to yourself. @@.player;"You probably don't remember because you were really young, but I was super scared. I couldn't even get any sleep before freshman year, I was freaking out about everything. What if I got lost? What if my teachers hated me? What if I embarrassed myself in front of everyone? I think everyone feels that way, no matter how confident they might appear."@@
@@.lily;"Really?"@@ she asks, her eyes widening slightly. @@.lily;"I always thought you just walked in and dealt with it."@@
@@.player;"I wish it was as easy as you make it seem,"@@ you say, giving her a reassuring nudge with your shoulder. @@.player;"I think that's the thing about high school, though. You're not supposed to have it figured out when you start. Some people say you need to know what major you want to go into and have everything planned out from the get-go, but that's nonsense. Even in college, almost everyone changes their major at least once. It's a process, Lily."@@
@@.lily;"You're right,"@@ Lily processes what you just said. @@.lily;"But I'm just worried I'll make a bad impression or something. What if people think I'm weird?"@@
@@.player;"Lily, you're going to make friends,"@@ you laugh softly, shaking your head. @@.player;"Yeah, maybe you'll have a few awkward moments, but everyone does. You'll find people who get you, and those are the friends that matter."@@
@@.lily;"I just hate not knowing what to expect,"@@ Lily says, a hint of nervousness still in her voice.
@@.player;"High school is full of surprises, trust me I know,"@@ you say, shrugging. @@.player;"Some of it's weird, and some of it's great. The nerves though, they go away. After a while, you get used to it, and suddenly you're just living it."@@
@@.lily;"Thanks, $name,"@@ Lily smiles, her shoulders relaxing. @@.lily;"I didn't know you went through all that too.@@
@@.player;"What's family for, huh?"@@ you ask, grinning. @@.player;"If you ever need advice or want to know of some embarrassing stuff I did in freshman year, I'm always here."@@
@@.lily;"Didn't have to tell me, I knew you were embarrassing,"@@ Lily snorts, her usual personality returning. She leans into you though, a rare show of affection.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence, and you realize your little sister really is growing up. You hope that your reassurance will make her transition to high school a little bit easier when the time comes.
<<elseif $d6lily is 1>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at the notebook in Lily's hands, noticing the dense page of notes she's working on. You shift a bit closer to her, reaching out to look over her shoulder.
@@.player;"I felt nervous before high school, but I feel learning how to study efficiently is the key to doing well,"@@ you begin, pointing at her page. @@.player;"It looks like you're putting in some serious effort, but you don't need to study everything at once."@@
@@.lily;"That's easy for you to say, you're already in your senior year,"@@ she frowns, looking up from her notebook with some skepticism. @@.lily;"I don't want to fall behind on anything."@@
@@.player;"I get it, but you need to be smart with how you study, especially for some of the more difficult classes,"@@ you say, taking her notebook and flipping through her notes. @@.player;"Try and take a break every now and then. Studying in shorter bursts is way more effective than doing it in one go. I think a five-minute break every twenty-five minutes is good."@@
@@.lily;"Five minutes doesn't sound like much of a break,"@@ Lily makes a face, clearly intrigued.
@@.player;"It sounds short, but it actually keeps you from burning out,"@@ you explain. @@.player;"Not to mention it makes studying feel way less like a marathon. Also, when you take notes, try breaking things down into bullet points instead of full sentences. It's a lot easier to remember that way."@@
Lily looks down at her notes, where she has long paragraphs on each topic. @@.lily;"Okay, that makes sense,"@@ she nods, thoughtfully going over what you're saying. @@.lily;"Anything else?"@@
@@.player;"For the stuff that's really hard to remember, I make flashcards. They're actually a lifesaver, you can quiz yourself, and it makes the stuff stick in your head better. It really makes the stuff stick in your head better. Plus, you can quiz yourself or if you have a friend you can quiz each other."@@
@@.lily;"I thought flashcards were for little kids learning words,"@@ her face crunches as she tries to envision it.
@@.player;"Hey, they're really useful, don't knock them,"@@ you say with a grin. @@.player;"They've saved me more times than I can count. Speaking of friends, try and form a study group. You can share notes and your friends can point out things you missed."@@
@@.lily;"Alright, alright, I'll try these,"@@ she considers, nodding. @@.lily;"If it doesn't work and I flunk out of high school though, I'm blaming you."@@
@@.player;"Hey, my tips are the best, they'll help a ton,"@@ you laugh.
@@.lily;"Whatever you say,"@@ Lily says with a smirk on her face, some of her worries eased away.
@@.player;"You're going to do great, Lily,"@@ you pat her on the shoulder.
@@.player;"Well, I felt a little nervous, but it's really not a big deal,"@@ you shrug. @@.player;"You'll probably end up napping through half of it anyway."@@
@@.lily;"Napping through it?"@@ Lily frowns, looking up from her notes. @@.lily;"Seriously?"@@
@@.player;"I'm just saying it's mostly a bunch of random quizzes, weird food, and teachers yapping about random things for ages. It's really not worth stressing over."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, but I don't want to mess it up,"@@ Lily bites her lip, glancing back down at her notes. She's clearly not reassured by your words. @@.lily;"What if I don't make any friends or I can't keep up with the homework?"@@
@@.player;"If you can't keep up, just pretend you're too cool for it,"@@ you say, waving a hand dismissively. @@.player;"Besides, you're pretty smart."@@
@@.lily;"I don't think I want to be too cool for school, $name,"@@ Lily looks at you, her frown only growing deeper. @@.lily;"I actually care a lot about this, you know."@@
@@.player;"Just don't overthink it,"@@ you give a small, awkward laugh.
@@.lily;"Yeah, thanks, I guess,"@@ she sighs, pulling her notebook a little closer. @@.lily;"I just thought you'd have some actual advice."@@
You feel a pang of regret, realizing you may have misread the moment.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You step out into the front yard, the sun warm against your face. You spot your sister, Lily, sitting cross-legged on the grass. Her brow is furrowed in concentration as she jots something down. When she hears you approaching, she glances at you, blinking in surprise.
@@.lily;"Hey, $name,"@@ she says, her voice missing its usual spunk. @@.lily;"I didn't think anyone would be out here. I was just going over some stuff."@@
@@.player;"Stuff?"@@ you ask, raising your eyebrows. You expected Lily to call you a loser or say something snarky. You look down to see a bunch of highlighters and sticky notes sprawled around her.
@@.lily;"I'm just trying to get ready for high school,"@@ she admits. @@.lily;"I'm just worried because high school determines what university you go to, and that determines your job, and that determines your entire life! Ugh, it's just all so overwhelming."@@
You can see the unease etched on her face, a glimpse of worry beneath her usual confidence. It's strange to see her like this—Lily, your fiery little sister, is actually nervous about school.
@@.player;"I get the feeling,"@@ you say, sitting down on the grass beside her.
@@.lily;"Did you ever feel like this?"@@ she asks. @@.lily;"Before you started high school?"@@
<<button "Reassure her that everyone feels nervous" "Activity - Home Lily 1">>\<<set $d6lily to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Offer practical study tips" "Activity - Home Lily 1">>\<<set $d6lily to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Jokingly downplay the whole thing" "Activity - Home Lily 1">>\<<set $d6lily to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d6mom is 0>>\
You shift your body as you mix the batter to be closer to your mom. The kitchen feels cozy, the warmth of the oven mixing with the smell of chocolate.
@@.player;"Hey, Mom,"@@ you start, a hint of curiosity in your voice. @@.player;"Do we have any other family recipes?"@@
Your mom pauses, looking up from the tray of cookies. Her eyes soften as she takes a moment to reflect, a fond smile growing across her face.
@@.girl;"Well, there's the apple pie recipe that my mom used to make every fall,"@@ your mom begins. @@.girl;"I was so curious as to what the secret ingredient was."@@
@@.player;"So, what was the secret ingredient?"@@ you ask, tilting your head.
@@.girl;"Cinnamon,"@@ your mom can't help but smile. @@.girl;"Your grandpa also used to make this stew that was just amazing. It was a bunch of random ingredients, but it all came together to make something special. I've tried to recreate it but it doesn't taste quite the same. If you're interested in making it, I could try and find the recipe."@@
@@.player;"That actually sounds really nice,"@@ you lean back a little, intrigued by the idea of learning more about your family's culinary roots.
@@.girl;"You know, we could make it into a family thing, if you'd like,"@@ your mom laughs gently, a wistful look in her eyes. @@.girl;"Maybe next weekend we'll do something together. It's nice to share a moment like that."@@
You smile, feeling a sense of connection with your family's past.
@@.player;"I'd like that,"@@ you whisper.
@@.girl;"Just say the word, and we'll make it happen,"@@ your mom nods. @@.girl;"If you ever want to learn any of my other recipes, let me know."@@
<<elseif $d6mom is 1>>\
You glance at your mom rolling the cookie dough and arranging it on the tray. It's a familiar motion, and you can tell she's done it a ton in the past. @@.player;"So, you're kind of a master at baking, huh?"@@ you ask, chuckling.
@@.girl;"I wouldn't call myself a master,"@@ she looks up and laughs. @@.girl;"I'm not a bad baker though, I'll give myself that."@@
@@.player;"You always make it look so easy though,"@@ you say, a skeptical look crossing your face. @@.player;"Lily and I tried to make cookies once, and it was a disaster."@@
@@.girl;"You don't have to tell me,"@@ your mom shakes her head, although there's a hint of a smile on her face. @@.girl;"I remember the two of you left the mess for me to clean up."@@
@@.player;"Oops, sorry,"@@ you apologize.
@@.girl;"Don't worry, you have to practice to learn. My first few attempts at making cookies weren't good at all, trust me. My mom, your grandma, got angry after I burnt all of them. The oven smelled like burnt chocolate and dough for weeks."@@
@@.player;"Wait, so you're telling me you weren't born with your baking skills?"@@ you tease. You can't imagine your mom, who always seems to be put-together in the kitchen, doing that.
@@.girl;"Not at all, did you listen to anything I just said?"@@ she tousles your hair. @@.girl;"Your grandma always told me I'd figure it out one day. Look at me now, she was right."@@
@@.player;"Maybe one day I'll become a master baker too,"@@ you murmur.
@@.girl;"We can always make this a regular thing, if you want,"@@ your mom winks at you. @@.girl;"I can pass down all the Yoon family secrets to you."@@
You glance over at your mom, who's rolling the cookie dough and arranging it on the tray. She hums softly to yourself, and you feel a sense of gratitude. She's always been busy, and you're sure she's had a lot of personal issues she hasn't told you.
@@.player;"Hey, Mom,"@@ you say, leaning against the counter. @@.player;"Thank you for doing this with me, and for everything you've done for me in general."@@
Your mom pauses, surprised by your sincere tone. A soft smile crosses her face and her eyes water up a little.
@@.girl;"Oh, $name,"@@ her voice trembles slightly. @@.girl;"You don't have to thank me for that, I'm just doing what a mother should. Spending time with you is as much for me as it is for you."@@
@@.player;"I guess,"@@ you murmur. @@.player;"It's just, I know raising a kid isn't easy and you've always done your best. I've never felt unloved or anything before. I guess I realized I should say thank you."@@
@@.girl;"Thank you,"@@ your mom says, pulling you into a tight hug. After a few seconds, she pulls back, staring at you. @@.girl;"You're all grown up now, aren't you?"@@
You feel a warmth swelling in you at her words, and you know that these small, intimate moments carry a lot of meaning. The conversation drifts back to lighthearted chatting as the cookies bake, but you feel like there's a whole new world of memories waiting to be uncovered now.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $momRelo to Math.clamp($momRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You wander into the kitchen, where the sweet smell of cookies and brownies fills the air. Your mom is bustling around, carefully measuring ingredients, checking timers, and sliding fresh cookies onto a cooling rack. She glances up at you, a warm smile spreading across her face.
@@.girl;"Hey, $name, you're just in time,"@@ she says, gesturing to the counter lined with mixing bowls and chocolate chips. @@.girl;"I thought I'd make a few treats today. Do you want to help?"@@
@@.player;"Sure, why not,"@@ you grin, any reservations you may have about helping melting away in the cozy kitchen. You grab an apron, and your mom hands you a mixing spoon. She asks you to stir the batter and you oblige. You end up sneaking spoonfuls of cookie dough and chocolate chips though.
@@.girl;"We won't have enough for the actual cookies,"@@ your mom laughs as she swats your hand away. @@.girl;"Be careful."@@
@@.player;"They're so good though,"@@ you say with cookie dough in your mouth.
As the two of you bake, your mom shares little stories. She talks about how she learned her favorite cookie recipe from her own mother, and how she almost set the kitchen on fire the first time she tried to make it. You find yourself relaxing, feeling a connection with your mom that you sometimes miss.
Once the cookies are in the oven, you have a moment to finally rest and chat with your mom.
<<button "Ask about old family recipes" "Activity - Home Mom 1">>\<<set $d6mom to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Jokingly ask if she's a master at baking" "Activity - Home Mom 1">>\<<set $d6mom to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Thank her for everything she's done for you" "Activity - Home Mom 1">>\<<set $d6mom to 2>>\<</button>>You stay in your room and spend some time playing video games. It's a fun time, but you can't help but think you should have done something a little more productive.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - Weekend Choice">><</button>><<set $d6option3 to true>>\
<<set $d6activities += 1>>\
You decide to stay where you are, wanting to relax a little in the comfort of your own home. You rub your eyes and look at what your family members are doing. You can see your dad outside, fixing the creaky backyard gate that's been broken since you were a kid. Your mom is in the kitchen, baking some cookies and brownies, and you know she'd love it if you helped. Finally, your little sister is in the front yard, carrying a small notebook in her hands. You wonder who you should approach, or if you should just stay in your room and play video games.
<<button "Go help your dad" "Activity - Home Dad">><</button>>
<<button "Go help your mom" "Activity - Home Mom">><</button>>
<<button "Go talk to your sister" "Activity - Home Lily">><</button>>
<<button "Play video games" "Activity - Home Nothing">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 6>>\
@@.lily;"Dude, get up!"@@ you hear your sister's voice say as you're shaken awake.
@@.player;"Huh?"@@ you ask groggily, still half-asleep. @@.player;"What's up?"@@
@@.lily;"Well, Mom and Dad want to have a family breakfast,"@@ Lily says. @@.lily;"They told me to wake you up."@@
@@.player;"How cruel of them,"@@ you muse. @@.player;"Waking up to your face and voice is horrific."@@
@@.lily;"Shut up,"@@ Lily shoves you in annoyance. @@.lily;"Anyway, get to the dining room soon."@@
Lily leaves and you push yourself off your bed and onto the floor. You look in the mirror, wondering how you're going to explain the way you look. You look \
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
very different from how you did when this week started.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 9>>\
a little different from how you did when this week started.
not too different from how you did when this week started.
<<button "Go to the dining room" "Day 6 - 2">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-kitchend.png">
<<if $d5party is true>>\
@@.girl;"Morning, $name,"@@ your mom says, noticing how tired you look. @@.girl;"Did the back-to-school party have you exhausted?"@@
@@.boy;"You didn't get into too much trouble at that party last night, did you?"@@ your dad asks.
@@.player;"I didn't get into any trouble, Dad,"@@ you say. @@.player;"But it was really tiring."@@
<<if $d5design isnot 0>>\
@@.girl;"Go shower after you eat, you still have face paint on,"@@ your mom says.
@@.player;"Yes, yes,"@@ you reply. It slipped your mind, but you completely forgot to shower yesterday.
@@.girl;"Morning, $name,"@@ your mom says. @@.girl;"Wake up a little earlier next time, you didn't even go to the back-to-school party."@@
@@.player;"Sorry, Mom,"@@ you reply, rubbing your eyes.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.boy;"You know, you look a little different, $name,"@@ your dad says, inspecting your face closely. @@.boy;"Softer, I think."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, he said he's experimenting with how he looks or something,"@@ Lily explains.
@@.boy;"Ah, I see,"@@ your dad replies, his face unreadable.
Your dad glances at your face for a second but then looks away, not noticing anything.
@@.lily;"So, what are we having for breakfast?"@@ Lily asks, sniffing the air. @@.lily;"I smell sausage."@@
@@.player;"You smell the sausage but can't smell your own body odor?"@@ you ask, chuckling. Lily didn't have any body odor, but it was fun teasing her. @@.player;"Geez, we might have to get you to a doctor."@@
@@.lily;"I do not have any body odor, did you even shower yesterday?"@@ Lily asks indignantly.
@@.player;"Okay, next topic,"@@ you cough awkwardly, realizing she caught you.
@@.lily;"No, no, you didn't shower and you're calling me stinky?"@@ she says with a sly smile on her face. @@.lily;"According to my big brain, this is hypocrisy at its finest!"@@
@@.girl;"Knock it off, you two,"@@ your mom says, bringing plates full of various classic American breakfast foods to the table. @@.girl;"Just enjoy the food, okay?"@@
@@.lily;"Yay, I knew I smelled sausage!"@@ Lily exclaims as she sees a plate of sausage. @@.lily;"See, $name."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, yeah,"@@ you reply. Your entire family starts digging into the breakfast, enjoying the food.
@@.boy;"So, how's the senior year going so far?"@@ your dad asks after he finishes chewing and swallowing the bite he was eating. He seems a little awkward, with a forced smile plastered on his face, but it's clear he's genuinely putting in effort. @@.boy;"Did anything exciting happen? Do you have any plans for the weekend?"@@
@@.lily;"$name's just going to mope around like he always does,"@@ Lily teases you. @@.lily;"That's your plan this weekend, isn't it?"@@
You think about how you should respond.
<div class="note">How you treat your father will have a massive impact on how his arc goes. Will your dad become your greatest ally or will he remain the distant father he's always been?</div>\
<<button "Open up and engage with your dad" "Day 6 - 3">>\<<set $d6dad to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep things vague, don't open up to your dad" "Day 6 - 3">>\<<set $d6dad to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Deflect to Lily, shift the focus off yourself" "Day 6 - 3">>\<<set $d6dad to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Reject the conversation" "Day 6 - 3">>\<<set $d6dad to 3>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-kitchend.png">
<<if $d6dad is 0>>\
<<set $dadRelo += 5>>\
@@.player;"Oh, a lot has been going on,"@@ you say, thinking about all that has happened in just a week. You leave out the curse but talk about some other stuff that's happened. \
<<if $d5party is true>>\
@@.player;"I went to the back-to-school party the other night, and it was actually fun. I also signed up for a club and went to the mall."@@
@@.player;"I signed up for a club and went to the mall. The back-to-school party was the other night, but I didn't attend."@@
@@.boy;"Looks like you've got a lot going on!"@@ your dad says enthusiastically. @@.boy;"What club did you sign up for?"@@
<<if $club is 0>>\
@@.player;"The Academic Club,"@@ you respond, swallowing a bite of your eggs. @@.player;"I just thought it'd be good to go for something related to studying since colleges like it."@@
<<elseif $club is 1>>\
@@.player;"The Occult Club,"@@ you respond, swallowing a bite of your eggs. @@.player;"I know it's unconventional, but I think the unexplained is super interesting."@@
<<elseif $club is 2>>\
@@.player;"The Fashion Club,"@@ you respond, swallowing a bite of your eggs. @@.player;"I didn't expect myself to join the fashion club, but the opportunities it provides are actually really cool."@@
@@.player;"The Yearbook Club,"@@ you respond, swallowing a bite of your eggs. @@.player;"I think it'll be a really good experience to make the yearbook in my senior year."@@
@@.boy;"That's great to hear, $name,"@@ your dad says, looking pleasantly surprised. @@.boy;"I hope you enjoy the club, trying new things is what this year should be about. I know I haven't been around as much as I should have, but I'd love to hear more about it. Maybe we can grab something to eat and spend some time together, just the two of us."@@
Your dad's tone softens considerably, and it's clear he's genuinely making an effort to connect. This feels new to you, as until now, it seemed he was just going through the motions of being a father. You appreciate the attention, but another part of you feels a little unsure.
@@.lily;"Wow, you're actually doing something exciting,"@@ Lily leans over her plate with a grin. @@.lily;"The mall and a school club, it's all so exciting. Who knows, maybe you'll become a social butterfly."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, don't expect anything,"@@ you roll your eyes. @@.player;"Sorry that I'm not the super popular older brother that you wanted."@@
@@.boy;"Listen, I know things have been different this year,"@@ your dad steps back in. @@.boy;"I just want to let you know I'm here if you ever want to talk about anything. School, friends, whatever's on your mind. It's not just about grades and college. I'm trying to do better for you two."@@
<<elseif $d6dad is 1>>\
@@.player;"Oh well, same old, same old,"@@ you shrug and continue eating, not really wanting to have a serious conversation. The reply is almost automatic, the kind of response you've given so many times in the past.
@@.boy;"Same old, huh?"@@ your dad frowns, a flicker of hurt in his eyes. It's clear he's disappointed by your response, but he does his best not to let it show too much. @@.boy;"I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing. At least you're not dealing with any drama, huh?"@@
Silence fills the room as you remain focused on your breakfast, not giving much away. Your dad chuckles lightly, in his best attempt to lighten the mood, but it's clear the conversation has run out of steam already.
<<if $feminineLooks > 9>>\
@@.lily;"I don't know about things being the same old for you, $name,"@@ Lily interjects, filling the tense silence. @@.lily;"You never used to care about how you look, but you've been different lately. Who knows, things might be changing up for my loser brother."@@
@@.lily;"Maybe things are the same old, you still look the same as always, $name,"@@ Lily interjects, filling the tense silence. @@.lily;"My loser brother never changes, how sad."@@
@@.girl;"Lily, don't call your brother a loser,"@@ your mom steps in, trying to smooth things over. Your dad's attempt at giving you attention ends there, and you wonder if you should've said anything differently.
<<elseif $d6dad is 2>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, anything I say wouldn't be nearly as interesting as hearing about Lily's interesting life,"@@ you say with a sly grin, turning the spotlight toward your younger sister. It's a move you've mastered over the years, as it allows you to not talk about yourself while getting to tease Lily. You know she loves the attention anyway.
@@.lily;"Come on, my life is so interesting compared to you, $name,"@@ Lily perks up. @@.lily;"I can't believe nobody is interested in my amazing life."@@
@@.boy;"Well, Lily's always got something going on,"@@ your dad says. @@.boy;"But I'm curious about how things are going for you, $name. I know school can be a lot to handle sometimes, and I'm always here if you need to chat."@@
An awkward silence fills the room as you don't respond to your dad. You just continue poking at your breakfast.
@@.lily;"Well, since everyone's so curious, I'm doing fantastic, as usual,"@@ Lily boasts, giving you yet another opportunity to deflect the spotlight to Lily. The conversation shifts away from you, although your dad gives you a lingering stare of disappointment.
<<set $dadRelo -= 5>>\
@@.player;"I don't really want to talk about it,"@@ you say, feeling a pang of frustration. The stress from the curse looming in the background, the pressure from the changes you've been experiencing, and the irritation from your dad's attempt to dig into your life all make your temper short. You turn back to your breakfast, intentionally focusing on cutting your toast.
@@.boy;"Oh..."@@ your dad says, taken aback. His face is a mix of surprise and disappointment, and he looks away from you while shifting uncomfortably. @@.boy;"Alright then."@@
@@.girl;"You know, $name's always been a little independent,"@@ your mom steps in, picking up on the tension. @@.girl;"I think he just needs a little breathing room."@@
After some more awkward silence passes, conversation resumes, although your dad is clearly trying to respect your space now. You're just glad you don't have to deal with it for now.
<<button "Finish up breakfast" "Day 6 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $day to 6>>\
<<if ($ver is 0.04) or ($ver is 0.10)>>\
<<set $jessicaCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $jessicaCGeyes to 1>>\
<<set $vincentCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $vincentCGeyes to 1>>\
<<set $auroraCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $auroraCGeyes to 1>>\
<<set $jordanCGhair to 0>>\
<<set $jordanCGeyes to 1>>\
You finish up breakfast, shoving the last of the eggs into your mouth. You dismiss yourself from the table and make your way back to your room. You think about what you should do this weekend, considering there's a ton you can do with your time. You look out your room's window to look at the city of Cedarbrook. It was home. You've lived here ever since you were a kid, but you haven't explored the city as much as you could have. You could spend the weekend doing that.
You could also call Samantha and Luke, and get a hangout prepared. The local gym was always waiting for you to get a workout in. You could, of course, just do the lazy thing and stay at home. The final option was to try and somehow find Aurora after the mysterious thing she said to you in the hallway. There was a good chance she could know something.
<div class="note">You can do three out of the five activities this Saturday.</div>\
<<set $d6activities to 0>>\
<<set $d6option to false>>\
<<set $d6option1 to false>>\
<<set $d6option2 to false>>\
<<set $d6option3 to false>>\
<<set $d6option4 to false>>\
<<button "Go explore the town" "Activity - Explore">><</button>>
<<button "Go call Samantha and Luke" "Activity - Call">><</button>>
<<button "Go to the gym" "Activity - Gym">><</button>>
<<button "Stay at home" "Activity - Home">><</button>>
<<button "Go and try to find Aurora" "Activity - Find">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
After wrapping up your morning, you feel a sense of fulfillment. You find yourself back in your room in the afternoon, stretched out on your bed. <<if $plushie is true>>You hug your favorite plushie, $plushieName as you roll around the bed. <</if>>The warmth of morning lingers on your mind as the sun begins to set, your room becoming darker and darker. You finish up some schoolwork and spend some time relaxing, considering you were busy the whole morning. Although you had two months of free time over the summer just a week ago, it's nice to have a day off after the hectic week you had.
After a quick glance at the time, you realize you have a few hours left before you head off to bed. You rub your chin as you think about what you should do before you wrap up your Saturday. This is soon answered for you though, as Lily bursts into your room.
@@.player;"What's up?"@@ you ask.
@@.lily;"Looks like Mom and Dad want to have a movie night,"@@ Lily says, leaning on your doorframe. @@.lily;"Dad's really trying to get closer to us, I guess he feels bad."@@
@@.player;"I'm not even in the mood for a movie,"@@ you groan, looking up at the ceiling.
@@.lily;"Too bad, you have to come in five minutes, they even have the popcorn ready."@@
@@.player;"Fine, give me a second,"@@ you say, sitting up in your bed.
<<button "Make your way to the living room" "Day 6 - 6">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
Everything is set up for the movie night, with popcorn on the table and everything you need for an entertaining time.
@@.boy;"Hey you two!"@@ your dad says, bringing over a hot dog from the grill outside. @@.boy;"Come on, everything's ready!"@@
@@.player;"This actually seems really nice,"@@ you murmur, pretty impressed.
@@.girl;"Sit down, we're watching //The Princess Diaries//,"@@ your mom brings over some nachos with a bunch of cheese.
@@.lily;"Who selected this movie?"@@ Lily furrows her eyebrows.
@@.boy;"I did!"@@ your dad says.
@@.lily;"Dad, do you think I'm still twelve?"@@ Lily asks, seeming a little offended by your father's choice.
@@.boy;"O-Oh I'm sorry, I thought it would be a fun family movie to watch,"@@ your dad's face falls a little.
@@.lily;"It's fine,"@@ Lily responds.
You all get ready and your dad turns out the lights and makes his way over to the couch as the film starts. You've watched this movie before as a kid, but you don't quite remember much about it. It starts with this girl, Mia, who's this complete loser.
@@.lily;"Oh my god, it's you, $name!"@@ your sister says, giggling.
@@.player;"Projecting much?"@@ you quickly respond.
@@.lily;"You always say that,"@@ Lily pouts. @@.lily;"Be more creative."@@
The movie continues, and it turns out she's actually the sole heir to a small European kingdom, and that she will become a princess. She gets a makeover and goes from a frizzy-haired mess into a princess. You watch her transformation from an awkward high schooler into a posed, graceful princess. It's not just her physical appearance either, she learns a lot about herself as well. After the makeover, she looks in the mirror and sees herself changed. She's unsure of who she's become and is trying to figure out who she is now.
<<button "You relate to her a lot" "Day 6 - 7">>\<<set $d6relate to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "You don't really relate to her" "Day 6 - 7">>\<<set $d6relate to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
<<if $d6relate is true>>\
<<set $nextScene to "Day 6 - Bathroom">>\
<<if $acceptance > 9>>\
You can't help but feel a deep connection. You realize you're also learning who you are after your transformation and are starting to accept who you are now. \
You can't help but feel a deep connection. You realize you're also learning who you are after your transformation and are unsure about your identity. \
Your gaze lingers on Mia, a sense of understanding blooming inside you. You suddenly feel a strange chill running down your spine. You realize what'll happen, you're going to transform.
@@.player;"I have to go to the bathroom,"@@ you say, quickly excusing yourself. @@.player;"Be right back."@@
@@.boy;"Oh, do you want us to pause the movie for you?"@@ your dad asks.
@@.player;"It's fine!"@@ you yell, running to the bathroom.
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
You don't really relate to her, despite your curse.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - 8">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d6relate is true>>\
You finish up the movie, making sure to hide in the dark and make your way back to your room. You feel a little nauseous, having devoured hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn. \
You finish up the movie, enjoying the experience, and make your way back to your room. You feel very full, having devoured hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn. \
You lie down on your bed and fall asleep, nervous about what Sunday has to hold.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 4>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
You groan, you just transformed again. You think you can wave off the change though.
You look in the mirror and realize that \
<<if $femininity > 19>>\
at some point, your parents will comment on how much more feminine you look. You hope to avoid it this time around since the room is dark. But you're sure you'll have to talk about it at some point.
you don't look feminine to the point where your parents will comment on it.
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - 8">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You wonder what you should do next.
<<if ($d6option is false) and ($d6activities < 3)>>\
<<button "Go explore the town" "Activity - Explore">><</button>>
<<if ($d6option1 is false) and ($d6activities < 3)>>\
<<button "Go call Samantha and Luke" "Activity - Call">><</button>>
<<if ($d6option2 is false) and ($d6activities < 3)>>\
<<button "Go to the gym" "Activity - Gym">><</button>>
<<if ($d6option3 is false) and ($d6activities < 3)>>\
<<button "Stay at home" "Activity - Home">><</button>>
<<if ($d6option4 is false) and ($d6activities < 3)>>\
<<button "Go and try to find Aurora" "Activity - Find">><</button>>
<<if $d6activities > 2>>\
<<button "Continue" "Day 6 - 5">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $ver is 0.03 or $ver is 0.10 or $ver is 0.11>>\
<<set $hairStyle = 0>>\
<<set $hairtie = 0>>\
<<set $bind to false>>\
<<set $day to 7>>\
Your eyes flutter open, and you can't help but feel relieved that the insistent blare of the alarm is missing. Birds chirp and sunlight streams in through the curtains, it feels picturesque, an ideal morning. You stretch, lifting your arms above your head, letting your muscles rest.
There's a knock at the door, and before you can answer, your sister pokes her head in.
<<if $lilyRelo > 32>>\
@@.lily;"Morning, $name,"@@ Lily says, a smile on her face.
@@.player;"Hey, Lily,"@@ you reply.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.lily;"Hmm,"@@ Lily stares at your face, her face morphing into a frown. @@.lily;"You know, you can tell me if something's going on with you."@@
@@.player;"Huh?"@@ you can't help but freeze.
@@.lily;"You look so different, I tried to brush it off, but looking at you..."@@ she trails off.
<<button "Tell Lily the truth" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush it off" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to false>>\<</button>>
@@.lily;"You've been acting really different lately,"@@ Lily frowns. @@.lily;"Are you alright?"@@
<<button "Tell Lily the truth" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush it off" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to false>>\<</button>>
@@.lily;"Morning, loser,"@@ Lily says, an unreadable expression on her face.
@@.player;"Yeah?"@@ you reply.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.lily;"Hmm,"@@ Lily stares at your face, her face morphing into a frown. @@.lily;"What the hell is going on with you?"@@
@@.player;"Huh?"@@ you can't help but freeze.
@@.lily;"You look so different, I tried to brush it off, but looking at you..."@@ she trails off.
<<button "Tell Lily the truth" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush it off" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to false>>\<</button>>
@@.lily;"You've been acting really different lately,"@@ Lily frowns. @@.lily;"What the hell is going on with you?"@@
<<button "Tell Lily the truth" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush it off" "Day 7 - 2">>\<<set $d7tellLily to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $top to 3>>\
You dry off from the bath, making sure there isn't a speck of water left on your body. As the hot air from the dryer hits your hair, you can't stop thinking about the curse. What exactly was going on and why did she cast the curse on you? The decision to visit Madame Serena again weighs on you heavily, but you just have to go back and speak to her again. If anyone had answers about what was happening to you, it would be her.
You slip a hoodie on over your head and leave your house as the sun begins to set. The autumn air had a sharp bite, but it was invigorating in a strange way. You push forward, navigating through your city to the Autumn Festival.
The festival grounds were no longer bustling with people. Instead, it was completely quiet, the remnants of the event being packed away. An eery silence is left. You make your way over to Madame Serena's tent as your breath mists in front of you. You approach the spot where her tent had stood and your heart sinks. There was nothing there but an empty clearing.
As drawn by instinct though, your eyes catch a faint glow in the distance.
You follow the light, pushing through bushes and branches, until you stumble into a small, makeshift encampment. Madame Serena's tent was there. You take a deep breath and step closer. The tent's flap rustles slightly even though there was no wind. You swallow hard, the knot in your stomach tightening. You knew one thing for certain: you had to face this, no matter how much it scared you. With one glance at the fading light of the evening sky, you step forward, pull back the tent flap, and enter.
<<button "Meet Madame Serena" "Day 7 - 11">><</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
Madame Serena's tent is the same as you remember it was on Monday. You can't help but cough at the smell of incense. The seer sits behind a table, reading a book written in an incomprehensible language. You hesitate, not quite sure what to do. The last time you were here, everything felt surreal, as if you were stepping into a dream. Now, everything felt a lot clearer—the place had a different weight to it.
@@.serena;"Sit, $name,"@@ Madame Serena says, gesturing to a chair. @@.serena;"You've returned, haven't you? Much has changed since we last spoke."@@
You shift nervously from foot to foot, unsure of what to say. You weren't even sure why you'd come anymore.
@@.player;"I needed to talk to you,"@@ you finally spit out, your voice quieter than you'd intended.
@@.serena;"Good. Magic is not meant to be faced in isolation. Let's see how your path has been shaped and changed."@@
You sit down, and the room grows quieter. It's as if the outside world has ceased to exist. Serena studies you for a moment, her eyes piercing into you. A faint smile is on her lips.
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
@@.serena;"The changes are undeniable now,"@@ she says. \
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.serena;"The changes are apparent now,"@@ she says. \
@@.serena;"Many changes haven't taken place yet,"@@ she says. \
@@.serena;"Tell me, how do you feel?"@@
You can't help but hesitate, her question cutting through the fog in your mind. You knew this moment was pivotal. You had to confront your feelings about the curse.
@@.serena;"You carry much in you, child,"@@ the seer says, her eyes glazing with intensity. @@.serena;"I see fear, but also curiosity. Conflict, but also courage. This is why you've returned, isn't it? You seek to understand what you've become. What you will become."@@
You clench your fists in your lap, trying to steady your breathing.
@@.serena;"Let's see how this journey of yours has been, shall we?"@@
Your chest tightens as you realize what she's about to say wouldn't just be about the curse. It would be about you. How you'd faced every awkward glance, every quiet moment of self-reflection, every choice you'd made since this all began. Now, under Madame Serena's unyielding gaze, you knew there was no more hiding from the truth.
<div class="note">The following passage will be based on the choices you've made on your journey so far.</div>\
<<button "Get Madame Serena's Evaluation" "Day 7 - 12">><</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 0>>\
<<if $feminineLooks > 29 and $acceptance > 14>>\
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 1>>\
@@.serena;"Ah,"@@ Madame Serena begins, her tone like a soft embrace. A smile grows on her face, her gaze warm and filled with a quiet satisfaction. @@.serena;"You've begun to see the beauty in the gift I gave you. The way you carry yourself, the way you speak—there's a balance now. The harmony between body and spirit grows stronger each day."@@
You feel an unexpected surge of pride at her words. @@.player;"I didn't think I'd ever feel okay with this,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"But now? It's starting to make sense. Like this is who I'm supposed to be."@@
@@.serena;"Magic rarely lies, child,"@@ she says, her approval clear. @@.serena;"I didn't choose you at random, nor did I force you down this path. It saw what was already within you and brought it to the surface. Tell me, when you look at your reflection now, what do you see?"@@
@@.player;"I see someone new,"@@ you whisper. @@.player;"Someone I didn't think I'd ever be. I kind of like it though."@@
@@.serena;"The hardest part of any transformation is not the change itself, but the fear of letting go,"@@ the seer nods. @@.serena;"Here you are, not just surviving, but thriving. Tell me, $name, what does this new part of you want? What dreams does it whisper to you now?"@@
You hadn't let yourself think too far ahead before. Everything had been so immediate and overwhelming, and all you could do was focus on the now. But at this moment, with the changes feeling less like a curse and more like a guide, you could feel the inklings of something stirring.
@@.player;"I don't know, but I think I'm ready to figure it out."@@
@@.serena;"Trust in yourself, in the magic, and in what's to come. Remember, transformation isn't just about changing what you are. It's about discovering who you've always been. Embrace it fully, and you'll find the world will begin to reflect a new kind of light."@@
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 29 and $acceptance < 15>>\
@@.serena;"Ah,"@@ Madame Serena begins, her tone laced with both amusement and pity. @@.serena;"You wear the changes well, even if you refuse to let them settle into your heart."@@
Madame Serena's gaze lingers on you, her eyes tracing your changes. The undeniable femininity that had softened your features. You still have a stiff demeanor and tension in your shoulders that speaks volumes though.
@@.player;"Look, I didn't ask for this, okay?"@@ you say firmly, your voice tinged with frustration. @@.player;"None of it. It's not me. It's just this curse messing with me."@@
Serena furrows her eyebrows, the jingle of her bracelets soft as she tilts her head. @@.serena;"Is it really?"@@ she asked, her voice almost teasing. @@.serena;"Look at yourself, $name. Look at the way the world has started to see you. Do you truly believe this is all the magic is doing? Or could it be that it's revealing something that was always there, just hidden away?"@@
@@.player;"I know who I am, lady,"@@ you snap, your jaw tightening. @@.player;"This isn't it."@@
Madame Serena sighs, shaking her head from side to side.
@@.player;"I didn't choose this,"@@ you say, your stomach churning. @@.player;"I just want to feel normal again. Like myself."@@
<<if $transgender < 10>>\
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 2.1>>\
Madame Serena's eyes sweep over you, her all-knowing smile flickering for a second. There was something about you that didn't align with her expectations. @@.serena;"This is... unusual,"@@ she murmurs, almost to herself. @@.serena;"The magic should resonate, should align with something deep within you. It shouldn't feel so foreign."@@
@@.player;"Guess your magic is wrong,"@@ you say, your tone cutting.
@@.serena;"Sometimes, transformation magic doesn't just reflect who we are. It challenges us to confront what we fear, deny, or bury. You don't have to embrace the change, $name, but you do need to face it. Only then will the magic reveal its true purpose. I saw something in you, $name. It may not feel right at the moment, but it isn't without meaning."@@
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 2.2>>\
@@.serena;"Denial is a heavy burden to carry,"@@ she says. @@.serena;"I understand that it weighs down the spirit and blinds the mind. Tell me, young one, how long do you intend to fight against what's already happening? What will you do when you look in the mirror and realize that this fight is only with yourself?"@@
<<elseif $feminineLooks < 20 and $acceptance > 14>>\
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 3>>\
Madame Serena observes you, her piercing gaze sweeping over you. Your features still leaned toward your original masculinity, but there was something about you that had softened in presence. The way you carried yourself, your subtle gestures, even the tone of your voice as you greeted her. They all hint at someone who had embraced the changes within.
@@.serena;"$name,"@@ Madame Serena says, her voice rich with intrigue. @@.serena;"You've come far, haven't you?"@@
You smile slightly, a light blush creeping up your cheeks. @@.player;"I guess you could say that,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I'm figuring stuff out."@@
@@.serena;"Figuring things out is the heart of transformation. Tell me, how has it felt? Your energy has shifted considerably. Your spirit is softer, more open."@@
You nod slowly, resting your elbows on your knees as you think about how to respond to her question. @@.player;"It's weird,"@@ you finally say. @@.player;"I thought that this curse was about physically turning me into a girl. But funnily enough, it's been the small things. The way I talk to people, how I see the world. I don't hate it, honestly."@@
@@.serena;"You've embraced the changes within, even if you resist the surface,"@@ Madame Serena leans forward and studies you with interest. @@.serena;"That's rare, $name. Most people focus on what they see rather than what they feel."@@
@@.player;"I suppose I'm the exception,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"It's not like I'm avoiding the physical stuff on purpose, I'm just going with my own pace."@@
@@.serena;"The magic is respecting your boundaries. It's sensing that you've embraced enough to grow without forcing more upon you."@@
You frown slightly, considering her words. @@.player;"So, what happens now? Do I stay in this in-between state?"@@
@@.serena;"Only you can decide,"@@ the seer replies, her tone gentle but firm. @@.serena;"The spell is not static. It will respond to your choices, your willingness to explore. If you feel comfortable as you are, it could pause. But should you choose to delve deeper, it will answer. Remember the magic isn't here to define you—it’s here to reveal you."@@
<<set $d7serenaEvaluation to 4>>\
Madame Serena's expression shifts subtly as her gaze sweeps over you. Your features remained mostly unchanged and your demeanor hasn't changed either. @@.serena;"I'll admit, you've surprised me,"@@ she says, her voice softer than usual.
@@.player;"Yeah, well, I don't know what you expected,"@@ you say, frowning. @@.player;"This curse hasn't done much except make my life more complicated."@@
The seer blinks, momentarily at a loss for words.
@@.serena;"Complicated?"@@ she asks. @@.serena;"You haven't changed?"@@
@@.player;"Not really,"@@ you shake your head. @@.player;"There have been moments, but I'm keeping it together. Whatever this thing is, I'm not letting it take over."@@
@@.serena;"The spell should've begun reshaping you by now,"@@ Madame Serena studies you closely, as though searching for some hidden clue. @@.serena;"If you're still resisting this strongly, the magic should be pushing back. But it looks like it hasn't touched you much at all."@@
@@.player;"You're the one who cursed me, shouldn't you know what's going on?"@@
@@.serena;"The magic is meant to work in harmony with the person it touches,"@@ the seer says, a confused expression on her face. @@.serena;"You're holding the spell at bay, somehow. Not just physically or mentally, but entirely."@@
@@.player;"Maybe that's because I don't want this,"@@ you snap, your voice rising. @@.player;"I never asked for this. Never. I already know who I am."@@
@@.serena;"For now, it seems the spell is content to lie dormant,"@@ Madame Serena says, letting out a weary sigh. @@.serena;"Whether you embrace it or resist, the magic will remain a part of you."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/serena-tent.png">
@@.player;"About breaking this curse though, how would I do that?"@@ you ask quietly.
@@.serena;"The curse isn't indefinite,"@@ Madame Serena's eyes bore into you. Her gaze was steady, almost solemn. @@.serena;"By the time you graduate high school—by the end of your senior year—it will solidify. Whatever changes you've undergone, whether you've embraced them or fought them, will become permanent."@@
@@.player;"Permanent?"@@ you whisper.
@@.serena;"The magic works within a timeline,"@@ the seer says, her tone unyielding. @@.serena;"It adapts, it shifts, it waits—but only for so long. If you haven't found a way to break the curse by then, you will remain as you are."@@
@@.player;"You're telling me I have a deadline to figure this all out then?"@@ you ask, a chill running down your spine.
@@.serena;"Exactly,"@@ Madame Serena nods. @@.serena;"Breaking the curse will require understanding its purpose and making peace with what it's shown you. You'll have to confront it, $name, one way or another."@@
Your mind races as you realize every choice you make, every moment of resistance or acceptance, every transformation you'll undergo—it all seems to hold much more weight.
@@.player;"Why are you telling me this now?"@@ you ask, almost wary.
@@.serena;"Because you deserve to know the stakes. Deep down, I believe you can face this."@@
@@.player;"Can't you just break the curse for me?"@@ you \
<<if $acceptance > 14>>\
@@.player;"You're the one who put this curse on me in the first place. You started this entire thing!"@@
Madame Serena shakes her head. @@.serena;"You think it's that simple, don't you?"@@ Madame Serena says with a sigh. @@.serena;"Magic doesn't work like flicking a light switch, child. The spell I placed wasn't random, nor was it a punishment. It's woven into you now, like threads in a tapestry. Pulling at a string would unravel far more than just the curse."@@
@@.player;"So I have to deal with this curse until the end of the year?"@@ you ask.
@@.serena;"Think of it this way, $name,"@@ Madame Serena begins. @@.serena;"The curse isn't something to be erased. It's a reflection of your actions, your choices, your truths. Breaking it is about understanding why it happened and deciding what you're going to do with that knowledge. The magic is a mirror, young one. And mirrors don't lie, do they? It's showing you something about yourself. Whether you embrace it, reject it, or find a way to balance it, that's entirely up to you. But you are the key to breaking this curse, not me."@@
@@.player;"Okay then,"@@ you whisper, not quite knowing what more to say. You turn to leave, lingering near the exit. Your hand rests on the edge of the curtain as you think.
@@.serena;"One last thing, $name,"@@ the seer calls out to you. \
<<if $upperControl is true>>\
@@.serena;"It seems you've already gained more control over the spell."@@
@@.player;"Oh, you could sense that?"@@ you ask. @@.player;"I talked to this girl at my school, she gave me more control over the curse."@@
@@.serena;"Yes, I'm well aware of Aurora,"@@ Madame Serena says, a faint smile on her face. @@.serena;"I believe you don't need more control over the curse for now."@@
<<set $upperControl to true>>\
<<if $femineChanges > 5>>\
@@.serena;"You have transformed quite a few times, I'll grant you more control over the spell."@@
@@.serena;"You haven't transformed much yet, but I'll grant you more control over the spell."@@
@@.player;"More control?"@@ you ask, confused.
@@.serena;"Oh, nothing,"@@ Madame Serena says, a faint smile on her face. @@.serena;"You'll know soon."@@
<<button "Go back home" "Day 7 - 14">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $top to 0>>\
<<set $pants to 0>>\
You lie in your bed, staring at the ceiling as the dim glow of the desk lamp cast soft shadows across your room. Madame Serena's words echo in your mind like a constant loop. You think about one quote in particular that stands out to you.
<<if $d7serenaEvaluation is 1>>\
@@.serena;"Embrace it fully, and you'll find the world will begin to reflect a new kind of light."@@
Her words linger, almost like a challenge. You thought about how your body had changed so much already. Your reflection in the mirror no longer matching the boy you used to know. Your face was softer now, more delicate. It was all undeniable. Madame Serena hadn't told you to fight it or hide it, instead she spoke of embracing it.
You pull the covers closer, as if shielding yourself from the weight of your own thoughts. It felt like the world was shifting around you, like the curse was pushing you to become someone else. You didn't feel lost though, or like you didn't want the changes. If anything, you liked the changes.
Looking back on your journey, you realize something had changed deep inside of you. There was fear, yes. But there was also an undeniable curiosity. You've been leaning into the transformations, accepting it. Should you continue embracing it? What more could it reveal about yourself? Were you perhaps not the normal guy you always thought you were?
Maybe it wasn't about the fear of losing who you were, but the possibility of becoming someone even better.
<<elseif $d7serenaEvaluation is 2.1 or $d7serenaEvaluation is 2.2>>\
@@.serena;"You wear the changes well, even if you refuse to let them settle into your heart."@@
The words echo in your head, lingering like an unanswered question. Your reflection in the mirror was becoming harder to ignore with each passing day. Your face was still familiar, but noticeably softer. They'd taken on a gentler contour.
Despite all that though, you just couldn't bring yourself to accept it. You didn't want to. Not when everything you had ever known, everything that had ever defined you, was now being shaken apart. The curse was there, but so was your refusal to let it take over. You were still $name, the boy you'd always been. The boy who just lived a normal life without the need to change. You couldn't be someone else, not just like that.
You pull the blanket up closer to your chin. Was the curse not just about physical change? Could it be about accepting something deeper within you that you never even considered?
You weren't ready for that though. Not yet, at least. You couldn't just let go of everything you believe in. Your heart, the sense of who you are, was still firmly rooted in the person you'd always been.
For now, at least, that was enough.
<<elseif $d7serenaEvaluation is 3>>\
@@.serena;"Remember the magic isn't here to define you—it’s here to reveal you."@@
Her words hang in the air, warm and heavy, as if they were meant to unlock something inside you. The thought of it gnaws at you, something about it feeling true. You hadn't changed much physically, your body still holding the sharp angles of your old self. There was a quiet femininity in you, but it wasn't enough to make you feel like someone else. Not entirely, anyway.
Still, there was a sense that your transformation was different. It wasn't about becoming something unrecognizable; it was more like peeling back layers to reveal something that had always been there but was buried beneath the surface. The more you thought about it, the more that idea started to make sense.
You turn onto your side, your graze drifting to the window. Moonlight casts faint shadows on your walls, and think about how you were horrified by the curse. Fighting against them was the knee-jerk reaction to protect the parts of you that felt safe and familiar. But maybe, just maybe, that wasn't the right approach. Maybe it was time to stop fighting it.
@@.serena;"Whether you embrace it or resist, the magic will remain a part of you."@@
A part of you bristle at her words. Why should you have to deal with this? You didn't ask for this. You didn't want it. Everything about the curse felt wrong—like they didn’t belong to you. You let out a frustrated sigh. You knew who you were, a regular guy trying to figure out his life.
But now, everything felt off. It was like your reflection in the mirror shifted without your permission. No matter how much you rejected it, how much you fought to stay the same, the curse would linger. It wasn't something you could shake off, the curse was a part of you now. You didn't know what that meant, and that gnawed at you.
As you stare out the window, the moonlight casting faint shadows on your walls, you make a silent promise to yourself. You would resist, fight, do whatever it would take to hold onto who you are. You just hoped that would be enough.
<<button "Drift off to sleep" "Day 7 - 15">><</button>>You find yourself walking through a dense, foggy forest. The air is heavy with mist and the path you're walking on seems to stretch endlessly. Trees rise around you like towering figures, their trunks thick and gnarled and branches obscuring the sky. The first feels vast, its silence broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze. You take a deep breath, the coolness of the air filling your lungs. The weight of the world feels distant for just a moment. Here, it's as if time has stopped entirely.
As you venture deeper, the path beneath your feet becomes less clear, obscured by the mist that clings to the ground. Fog swirls around you, creating a sense of isolation. There's an odd comfort in the quiet as if this place exists solely for you to explore your feelings. You hear the distant sound of a voice, soft and melodic, drifting through the air.
@@.player;"Come closer,"@@ the voice beckons gently, like a whisper in the wind. Your heart quickens, and although you can't place where the voice is coming from, the pull to follow it is undeniable. You continue walking, the fog thinning as you move, and the air grows warmer.
The path before you opens up into a small clearing, bathed in moonlight. There, standing in the center of the clearing is a figure. Her silhouette glows with an ethereal light, contrasting against the shadows of the forest. As you approach, the figure's features become clearer. You're finally able to make out what she looks like when—
You freeze.
The girl before you is not a stranger. She's a reflection of yourself, only in a form far more feminine than you've ever seen. Her face mirrors your own, but softer—more delicate. Her dark hair cascades down her back, shimmering like a river of starlight. She wears a flowing white dress made of some silken fabric that seems to dance with the breeze. She looks powerful, like a being that truly belongs to this otherworldly place. You feel a strange connection to her as if you've always known her. She steps toward you slowly, her movements graceful and fluid.
@@.player;"$name,"@@ she says, her voice soft, like the sound of a breeze through the trees. She extends her hand toward you, her palm open. You can sense she's offering something. An invitation. A chance to step forward into something unknown. @@.player;"I've been waiting for you."@@
Her eyes never leave yours as she waits for you to respond. The weight of your decision hangs in the air like a heavy fog. Your heart races and everything seems to fade away except for the girl in front of you. You feel the weight of everything you've been through. The changes, the transformations, and the uncertainty of it all. You can either step forward into the unknown with her or reject her offer.
<div class="cg">\
<img src = "img/CGs/forestDream/forestDream.png">
<div class="note">This will have a major impact on your transgender stat.</div>\
<<button "Accept the embrace" "Day 7 - 16">>\<<set $d7dreamOffer to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Reject the embrace" "Day 7 - 16">>\<<set $d7dreamOffer to false>>\<</button>><<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender + 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender - 10, 0, 100)>>\
You step forward, your heart pounding in your chest. Each step toward the girl feels both heavier and lighter at the same time. As you reach out to take her hand, the world around you seems to hold its breath. The moment your palms meet, a spark of energy courses through you. It's electric as if you've tapped into a force far greater than yourself.
The girl's smile deepens, her gaze steady and filled with warmth. @@.player;"You've made the right choice,"@@ she says softly, her voice carrying a tone of reassurance that seems to echo through the entire forest. The gentle, soothing heat from her hands moves up your arms and through your chest. It's not just physical; it's emotional—a sense of belonging and clarity wash over you.
The fog around the two of you seems to lift, thinning and swirling around to reveal a forest that's transformed. The trees are no longer foreboding and dark. Instead, their branches are adorned with soft cherry blossoms that glow faintly in the moonlight. The ground beneath your feet feels alive, dotted with luminescent flowers.
As the girl gently guides you further into the clearing, her dress trailing behind her like liquid light, you can't help but smile. @@.player;"You've always had this within you,"@@ the girl says, noticing your reaction. @@.player;"This is not a transformation, really. It's more like an unveiling. You're stepping into who you truly are."@@
Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. You've spent so long doubting, yet everything feels right in this moment.
@@.player;"Will it be easy?"@@ you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
@@.player;"No,"@@ the girl replies, shaking her head gently. @@.player;"But it will be worth it. The world will begin to see you as you are. Some will understand, and others won't. But this journey is yours, $name. Embrace it fully, and you'll find the light you've been searching for."@@
Her words settle into your heart, and you nod. You feel a sense of resolve growing within you. The girl steps back, her form beginning to fade. Her smile remains steady, and she leaves you with some words before she departs. @@.player;"You've taken the first step. Trust yourself, and trust the magic. It's a part of you now."@@
She disappears, and the clearing brightens momentarily. The light cascades over you, filling you with a sense of peace. When the light fades, you find yourself lying in your bed, your heart still racing. The feeling of her hands lingers like a phantom touch. The room is quiet, but you feel the change coursing within you.
You were going to embrace the spell.
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender - 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender + 10, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate, your feet rooted to the mossy ground as you stare at the girl. Her outstretched hand beckons, yet every fiber of your being screams at you to pull back. Something about this feels like too much. The warmth radiating from her is inviting, but you fear what it might mean to step into that light.
@@.player;"No, I can't,"@@ you say, your voice trembling. @@.player;"This isn't me."@@
The girl tilts her head, her expression shifting to an understanding sadness. @@.player;"Are you sure?"@@ she asks softly.
@@.player;"I'm not ready for this,"@@ you say, your tone firmer. @@.player;"Maybe I never will be. I just want things to go back to the way they were."@@
The girl sighs, and the light around her begins to dim. The forest responds, and the forest gets darker. Everything becomes cold, and the girl lowers her hand.
@@.player;"I understand, $name,"@@ the girl says, her eyes welling with tears. @@.player;"I guess the choice is yours."@@
The light around her dissipates into the shadows of the forest. You feel a chill settle over you as the forest grows empty. The girl disappears completely, and the forest around you begins to blur. The moss and the trees melt away into darkness.
When you open your eyes, you're back in your bed. Your room is bathed in the faint glow of morning light filtering in through the window. You sit up slowly, the phantom sensation of the girl's presence lingering in your mind. The weight of your decision settles heavily on your chest. @@.player;"I'll figure this out on my own terms,"@@ you declare, your jaw set.
You were going to fight the curse.
<<button "Continue" "Week 1 - End">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $d7tellLily is true>>\
You hesitate, not knowing how to respond. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you decide to tell Lily the truth. If anyone could handle the truth, it would be your little sister.
@@.player;"Okay, look,"@@ you begin, sitting down on the edge of your bed. @@.player;"You have to promise me that you won't laugh, okay?"@@
<<if $lilyRelo > 32>>\
@@.lily;"Of course,"@@ Lily says.
@@.lily;"Hmm, fine,"@@ Lily says.
@@.player;"There's this thing happening to me,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It's a little complicated, and I wouldn't believe what I'm about to say if I were in your position. But I'm changing."@@
@@.lily;"Changing?"@@ Lily asks, furrowing her eyebrows. @@.lily;"Changing how?"@@
You explain the curse and everything that's happened thus far. You stumble over your words as you try to make sense of the curse without sounding like you're crazy. As you speak, Lily's expression goes from amused skepticism to wide-eyed disbelief.
@@.lily;"Wait,"@@ she says, pacing around your room. @@.lily;"So you're telling me you're turning into a girl? That's a lot... Are you okay with this happening? I mean, you're not freaking out or anything?"@@
The question hangs in the air, heavy with implications.
<<button "Tell her you kind of like it" "Day 7 - Tell">>\<<set $d7okay to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tell her you don't mind" "Day 7 - Tell">>\<<set $d7okay to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tell her you hate it" "Day 7 - Tell">>\<<set $d7okay to 2>>\<</button>>
@@.player;"I think you're imagining things,"@@ you say, forcing a casual laugh. @@.player;"I just woke up, so maybe that's why I look a little off."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, sure,"@@ Lily says, clearly not convinced. @@.lily;"I don't know how sleep makes your eyes bigger."@@
@@.player;"It's nothing, okay."@@
@@.lily;"Fine, whatever,"@@ Lily shrugs, not caring enough to dig deeper. She leaves your room, and you can't help but shake off the fact that she isn't convinced.
<<button "Decide what to do" "Day 7 - 3">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You decide that today wouldn't be a bad day to explore more of the curse. Whether you liked it or not, you were already cursed. You reach out and touch your hair, wondering if that would be a decent thing to experiment with first.
<<if $hairProg is 0>>\
There haven't been any changes to your hair yet, and it's still the same old hair you've had for a while now. Still, it wouldn't hurt to play with it a little.
<<elseif $hairProg is 1>>\
Your hair hasn't grown in length but it's become significantly softer and silkier. It wouldn't hurt to play around with it a little.
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
Your hair has grown in length and is a lot softer than it was before. It's actually been bothering you a little, getting in your face. It wouldn't hurt to learn how to style it differently.
Your hair has grown in length significantly and is a lot softer than it was before. It's actually been bothering you a little, oftentimes getting in your face. It wouldn't hurt to learn how to at least tie it back into a ponytail.
<<if $d7tellLily is true>>\
<<button "Ask your sister for help with hair" "Day 7 - Hair Sister">>\<<set $d7hairsister to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Try and work your hair yourself" "Day 7 - Hair Solo">>\<<set $d7hairsister to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just leave your hair as it is" "Day 7 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<set $top to 2>>\
<<set $pants to 2>>\
Having finished what you wanted to do with your hair in the morning, you decide to spend the afternoon taking a relaxing bath. It could help you unwind and clear your head. You gather your towels and change of clothes and step into the bathroom.
You enter the bathroom, turn on the faucet, and let water flow into the bathtub. You swipe at the porcelain with a sponge to make sure it's clean before plugging the bathtub's drain. You turn around and rummage through the cabinet for something that could make the bath more enjoyable while the tub fills with water. You eventually find a bottle of lavender-scented bubble bath that Lily left behind. You hesitate a little, turning the bubble bath bottle around in your hands.
<<button "Use the bubble bath" "Day 7 - 5">>\<<set $d7bubbleBath to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't use the bubble bath" "Day 7 - 5">>\<<set $d6relate to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $d7bubbleBath is true>>\
<<set $nextScene to "Day 7 - Bathroom">>\
You shrug your shoulders, deciding to use the bubble bath as curiosity gets the better of you. You unscrew the cap of the lavender-scented bubble bath and hover your nose over the bottle's opening, breathing in the soothing aroma. You feel a little calmer and pour a generous amount under the running water. As the bubbles rise, filling the tub, you feel a strange feeling burn through you.
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
You shake your head, opting to keep things simple. You adjust the water's heat and wait as the tub fills.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 6">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $d7bubbleBath is true>>\
You slip into the bath, the warm water and soft bubbles surrounding you. You let out an involuntary sigh of relief. The scent of lavender fills your senses, and you can feel the stress slipping away. \
You slip into the bath, letting the warm water soothe you. The water wraps you in comfort as you lean back against the edge of the tub. \
You close your eyes and slip deeper into the bath. You can't help but smile, enjoying the experience. The bath is almost meditative, allowing you some peace. After some time you open your eyes, feeling very refreshed.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 7">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
You stand up after finishing bathing, ready to take a shower. You allow the water to drain and let the showerhead rain hot water down on you. You trace your skin and realize that it's \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
a lot smoother than it was a week ago. \
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>
a little smoother than it was a week ago. \
the same as it was a week ago. \
You realize you have a decent amount of body hair too, especially on your legs and armpits. You look over to see a razor Lily left, and some shaving foam as well. An idea creeps into your mind, and you wonder what would happen if you shaved. You'd never done it before, but part of you was tempted to see what it would look like.
<<button "Shave your body" "Day 7 - 8">>\<<set $d7shave to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide not to shave your body" "Day 7 - 8">>\<<set $d7shave to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment, staring at the razor. You pick it up, turning it around in your hands. The thought of shaving feels like stepping into unknown territory. You'd never had to shave before, as facial hair had been nonexistent and body hair was normal for a guy your age. Looking down at your legs and arms, you think to yourself. Is it time to embrace something new?
With a quiet exhale, you start rubbing shaving foam on yourself. You never had much body hair, but it was still definitely there. After you finish with the foam, you grip the razor tightly and start shaving. You feel the cold steel against your skin as the razor glides over the surface of your skin. Small pieces of hair stick to the floor as you continue. Once you finish with your legs, you move onto your upper body. You move slowly across your armpit, making sure the razor doesn't nick you.
The smoothness as you finish is undeniable. Your skin feels a lot smoother than what you're used to. You spend a few minutes just running your hands over your smooth body and rubbing your thighs together. As you're about to return to the shower, you suddenly feel an all-encompassing tingle through your entire body.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 7 - Shave">>\
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
You pause as you look down at the razor. The idea of shaving feels like crossing a line you're not sure if you're ready for. You shake your head and leave your legs and arms untouched. You lean back into the bathwater, convincing yourself that this was the right decision.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 9">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<set $d7femLooks to $feminineLooks>>\
You step out of the shower, drying yourself off and putting on your clothes. You opt for a tank top and some shorts, wanting to be comfortable. \
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
As you dress, you notice how the fabric of your clothes feels different against your skin. It's softer, and you feel a little more feminine.
As you dress, you notice how the fabric of your clothes feels the same as always against your body hair. You look at the razor one last time, wondering if it would've been worth it to shave.
You look in the fogged mirror before you leave, making sure to get a good look at yourself. You realize that you look \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
very androgynous. You could be seen as either gender.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>\
like a feminine guy.
like a normal guy.
You step out of the bathroom with a towel, lazily wiping off any remaining beads of water. You're almost to your room when you see your mom. @@.girl;"Hey, $name,"@@ you hear her say. She inspects you, \
<<if ($feminineLooks > 39) or (($breastsProg > 1) and ($bind is false))>>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 7 - 10">>\
a frown growing on her face @@.girl;"Wait. I've been excusing it but you look way too different. You don't even look male anymore. What's going on?"@@
<<button "Talk to your mom" "Event - Mom Notice">><</button>>
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>\
a slight frown on her face. @@.girl;"You look a little different."@@
@@.player;"Oh, yeah,"@@ you say, your heart pounding. @@.player;"Just taking care of myself a little differently."@@
@@.girl;"Hmm, okay,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"Just know that you can talk to me, okay?"@@
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 7 - 10">><</button>>
a smile on her face. @@.girl;"Hope you enjoyed your shower."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Mom,"@@ you say, smiling back.
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 7 - 10">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
You gasp, realizing you just changed again. You didn't realize bubble baths were feminine. You sigh, were guys not allowed to have bubble baths?
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 4>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 6">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 7 - 6">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Event - Breasts">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 6">><</button>>
<</if>>\@@.lily;"Hmm, okay,"@@ Lily says as she studies your hair. She touches it, runs a brush through it, and runs her hand through the strands. @@.lily;"Your hair is long enough that I think you should learn how to tie it."@@
@@.player;"Tie my hair?"@@ you ask.
@@.lily;"Yeah!"@@ Lily exclaims. @@.lily;"How have you even been eating or exercising?"@@
@@.player;"I've just kind of been toughing it out,"@@ you murmur, looking away in embarrassment.
@@.lily;"Yeah, none of that anymore!"@@ Lily reaches into a shelf on her vanity and takes out a few hair ties. @@.lily;"You should choose from one of these."@@
<<button "Choose the simple elastic band" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Long)">>\<<set $d7hairtie to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the simple ribbon" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Long)">>\<<set $d7hairtie to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the bunny ears ribbon" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Long)">>\<<set $d7hairtie to 3>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the scrunchie" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Long)">>\<<set $d7hairtie to 4>>\<</button>>@@.lily;"Hmm, okay,"@@ Lily says as she studies your hair. She touches it, runs a brush through it, and runs her hand through the strands. @@.lily;"Your hair hasn't gotten any longer, I don't think you can learn how to tie it just yet."@@
@@.player;"Oh, okay,"@@ you say. Your hair hasn't grown in length, so it does make sense. @@.player;"Is there anything else I can do to make it neater then?"@@
Lily thinks for a few seconds, tapping her foot. @@.lily;"I can give you a hairpin for your bangs."@@
@@.player;"A hairpin?"@@ you ask, wondering how that would look on you.
@@.lily;"Yeah!"@@ Lily goes to her vanity and takes out some hairpins from the shelf. @@.lily;"Just put two of them to keep your bangs held back and it'll look cute."@@
@@.player;"I guess I can try,"@@ you murmur, looking as your sister drops three pairs of hairpins in front of you.
@@.lily;"All you have to do is choose a color,"@@ Lily informs you.
<<button "Choose the violet hairpin" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Short)">>\<<set $d7hairpin to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the white hairpin" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Short)">>\<<set $d7hairpin to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the red hairpin" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 2 (Short)">>\<<set $d7hairpin to 3>>\<</button>><<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
@@.lily;"Okay, let's go with that,"@@ Lily says, picking up the \
<<if $d7hairtie is 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to 1>>
simple elastic band. @@.lily;"This one is really simple, but everyone chooses it for a reason."@@
<<elseif $d7hairtie is 2>>\
<<set $hairtie to 2>>
simple ribbon. @@.lily;"This one is a little girly, I'm surprised you chose it."@@
<<elseif $d7hairtie is 3>>\
<<set $hairtie to 3>>
bunny ears ribbon. @@.lily;"This is my personal favorite, I'm surprised you chose it."@@
<<elseif $d7hairtie is 4>>\
<<set $hairtie to 4>>
scrunchie. @@.lily;"Scrunchies are really nice because it puts less strain on your hair."@@
@@.player;"How do I tie my hair with this?"@@ you ask as your sister starts brushing your hair, untangling it.
@@.lily;"Well, first things first, brush your hair better,"@@ Lily berates you. @@.lily;"Your hair is so nice but I can tell you're not taking the best care of it."@@
@@.player;"Sorry,"@@ you grin sheepishly. @@.player;"Do I have to start using conditioner too?"@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, duh,"@@ you can see Lily rolling her eyes in the vanity mirror. @@.lily;"You probably use two-in-one shampoo and conditioner right now, those don't work well."@@
@@.player;"I'll do better,"@@ you chuckle, some embarrassment coursing through you. How did Lily know the shampoo you use?
After Lily finishes brushing your hair, she quickly ties it back into a ponytail. It only takes a few moments for her, and your hair is now in a ponytail. You look in the mirror, admiring your new look.
@@.lily;"So, do you like it?"@@ Lily asks, watching as you tilt your head from side to side.
@@.player;"It'll probably make eating and exercising easier,"@@ you say, thinking of the practical uses first.
@@.lily;"I mean, it will, but I'm talking about if you like how it looks."@@
<<button "Say you prefer the ponytail over having your hair loose" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 3 (Long)">>\<<set $ponytailPref to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Say you don't prefer the ponytail over having your hair loose" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 3 (Long)">>\<<set $ponytailPref to false>>\<</button>>@@.lily;"Okay, let's go with that,"@@ Lily says, picking up the \
<<if $d7hairpin is 1>>\
<<set $hairaccessory to 1>>
violet hairpin. @@.lily;"You know, I don't know if anyone ever told you, but purple really is your color."@@
<<elseif $d7hairpin is 2>>\
<<set $hairaccessory to 2>>
white hairpin. @@.lily;"This one will look nice with your hair. It's like yin and yang, you know?"@@
<<elseif $d7hairpin is 3>>\
<<set $hairaccessory to 3>>
red hairpin. @@.lily;"Ooh, red looks a little ferocious. I like it."@@
@@.player;"So, what am I meant to do with this?"@@ you ask.
@@.lily;"Alright, $name,"@@ Lily says, suddenly putting on a serious look. @@.lily;"Hairpins are not just for holding your hair in place, they're also for style."@@
@@.player;"Style,"@@ you murmur.
@@.lily;"Hairpins are really easy, all you have to do is style your bangs the way you want them and then stick them to make sure they stay in place."@@
Lily reaches over, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. She grabs the hairpins and puts them in place.
@@.player;"Oh!"@@ you exclaim, a little surprised by how cold the metal harpins are. @@.player;"Is that it?"@@
@@.lily;"Yup, it's real easy. Try doing it yourself."@@
You manage to get it on your first try, sliding the two pins in perfectly. You can't help but smile, proud of your progress.
@@.player;"I did it,"@@ you say.
@@.lily;"Good job,"@@ Lily replies. @@.lily;"You can keep the hairpins, do you want to keep them on for today or take them out?"@@
<<button "Keep your hairpins on" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 3 (Short)">>\<<set $d7keepPins to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Take the hairpins off" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 3 (Short)">>\<<set $d7keepPins to false>>\<</button>><<if $ponytailPref is true>>\
@@.player;"I like it,"@@ you say, shaking your head a little and watching the ponytail sway from side to side. @@.player;"I think I actually prefer it over having my hair loose."@@
@@.player;"Hmm, I like it,"@@ you say, shaking your head a little and watching the ponytail sway from side to side. @@.player;"I think I prefer having my hair loose though."@@
@@.lily;"I see,"@@ Lily says, rubbing her chin. She then suddenly unties your hair, making your hair fall down your back. @@.lily;"Well, let's teach you to do your own hair now."@@
@@.player;"Okay, it can't be too tough, right?"@@ you murmur. @@.player;"You did it in a few seconds after all."@@
@@.lily;"It's pretty easy, plus you'll commit it to muscle memory."@@
@@.player;"I'm ready,"@@ you say, taking the hair tie in your hands.
@@.lily;"Step one,"@@ Lily begins. @@.lily;"You're going to make sure your hair is all smooth. Just a quick brush will do."@@
@@.player;"Didn't we already do that?"@@
@@.lily;"I did it, but yes,"@@ Lily laughs. @@.lily;"Just make sure to brush it before you start tying it. Step two, gather the hair in one hand. Make sure you gather it around the center of the back of your head."@@
You use both hands to gather your hair together into a ponytail, making sure to center it. After you're done gathering it, you hold it with one hand. @@.player;"Like this?"@@
@@.lily;"Good job!"@@ Lily exclaims. @@.lily;"Okay, step three is to hold the ponytail in one hand and use the other to wrap the hair tie around it."@@
You nod, picking up the hair tie and fumbling with it. You try and wrap the hair tie around your hair, but you stretch it a little too far. The band snaps out of your hand, flying through the air before it crashlands on the floor. @@.player;"Whoops."@@
@@.lily;"Great job,"@@ Lily bursts out into laughter. She walks across the room and picks up the band before bringing it back to you. @@.lily;"This is the easy part by the way."@@
@@.player;"Really?"@@ you ask. @@.player;"Let me try again, I'll do better this time."@@
@@.lily;"You did it,"@@ Lily smiles. @@.lily;"Now, step four, hold the ponytail tight with your left hand. Stretch the tie with your right hand and loop it over the hair."@@
@@.player;"Woah, what?"@@
Lily sighs and loosens her hair in response. She repeats the first few steps, making sure you can see it. You watch intently and she loops the hair tie around her hair. You try and replicate it and fail a few times. Eventually though, you manage to finish step four.
@@.lily;"Are you ready for the last step?"@@
@@.player;"As ready as I'll ever be,"@@ you respond, starting to feel a little burn in your arms from holding them up for so long.
@@.lily;"Step five, just twist the tie and loop it around again,"@@ Lily says. @@.lily;"It's basically the same as step four."@@
With your experience, you managed to secure the tie on the second loop. You look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself with a ponytail. Sure it's a little messy, but you did it! @@.player;"Wow, I actually did it."@@
@@.lily;"Good job!"@@ your sister says, a hint of pride in her voice. She lets you observe your ponytail in the mirror for a few more seconds before taking off your hair tie. @@.lily;"Now, do it a few more times until you've got it down."@@
<<button "Master the art of tying your hair" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 4 (Long)">><</button>><<if $d7keepPins is true>>\
@@.player;"I think I'll keep the hairpins on for now,"@@ you say, preening in the mirror.
<<set $hairaccessory to 0>>\
@@.player;"I think I'll keep the hairpins off for now,"@@ you say, taking the hairpins out and putting them in your pocket.
@@.lily;"Sure, suit yourself,"@@ Lily shrugs.
@@.player;"Thanks for the help today, by the way,"@@ you say, a light grin on your face. @@.player;"I know it must've been weird to teach your older brother how to put in hairpins after he got cursed by a witch."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, that damn gender curse,"@@ Lily giggles. @@.lily;"I didn't mind helping at all though. It was actually kind of fun"@@
@@.player;"Well, just know I appreciate it."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 4">><</button>><<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You spend the next hour in Lily's room, tying your hair over and over again. Your movements are clumsy and slow at first, but you slowly improve with each repetition. By the end of the hour, you've advanced significantly. You're able to tie your hair without any assistance, and it looks pretty neat and put together as well.
@@.lily;"Ladies and gentlemen!"@@ Lily announces in a mock celebration. @@.lily;"We've got a hairstylist in the making in $name."@@
@@.player;"Let's not get carried away,"@@ you say, chuckling. @@.player;"Anyway, thank you, Lily."@@
@@.lily;"Hey, if you ever want to learn how to tie your hair into a bun, I'm always here,"@@ Lily says, winking. @@.lily;"You can keep the hair tie. Are you going to keep your hair tied or not?"@@
<<button "Keep your hair tied" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 5 (Long)">>\<<set $d7keepTied to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep your hair loose" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 5 (Long)">>\<<set $d7keepTied to false>>\<</button>><<if $d7keepTied is true>>\
@@.player;"I think I'll keep my hair tied for now,"@@ you say, adjusting your ponytail.
<<set $hairStyle to 0>>\
<<set $hairtie to 0>>\
@@.player;"I think I'm going to keep my hair loose for now,"@@ you say, taking off the hair tie and putting it on your wrist.
@@.lily;"Sure, suit yourself,"@@ Lily shrugs.
@@.player;"Thanks for the help today, by the way,"@@ you say, a light grin on your face. @@.player;"I know it must've been weird to teach your older brother how to tie his cursed hair."@@
@@.lily;"Cursed hair?"@@ Lily giggles. @@.lily;"Yeah, okay Rapunzel. I didn't mind helping at all. It was actually kind of fun."@@
@@.player;"Well, just know I appreciate it."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 4">><</button>>You decide to go and ask your sister for help with your hair. You go over to her room, standing outside the door awkwardly. Mustering up the courage, you hit your knuckles on the door, knocking it.
@@.lily;"Come in!"@@ Lily says.
You open the door and peek your head in, watching Lily at her desk. Her room is a cozy, chaotic mix of posters, scattered school supplies, and a bed covered in plushies and throw pillows. Lily sits cross-legged, flipping through a notebook and occasionally glancing at her laptop. She spots you hesitating and raises her eyebrows.
@@.lily;"Hello, Earth to $name,"@@ she says, making her way over to you and waving her hand over your eyes. @@.lily;"Come on, what's going on? Still feeling weird because of the curse?"@@
@@.player;"No,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Well, I mean yes I am feeling weird because of the curse, but that's not why I'm hesitating."@@
@@.lily;"Uhh, okay?"@@ Lily says, tilting her head to the side in confusion. @@.lily;"So, why'd you visit my room?"@@
@@.player;"Well, the issue is with my hair,"@@ you say, reaching out and touching your hair. \
<<if $hairProg is 0>>\
@@.player;"It hasn't changed, but I still want to kind of try experimenting with it."@@
<<elseif $hairProg is 1>>\
@@.player;"It hasn't grown longer, but it's gotten a lot softer, and I want to learn how to mess with it."@@
@@.player;"It's grown softer and longer, and it's been getting a little annoying to deal with."@@
<<if $hairProg < 2>>\
@@.lily;"Hmm, I see,"@@ Lily says, rubbing her chin.
<<elseif $hairProg > 1>>\
@@.lily;"I knew it wasn't hair extensions or hair serum from Temu!"@@ your sister exclaims, touching your hair. @@.lily;"It was too realistic to be extensions, and the hair serum part was just bullshit."@@
@@.player;"So, do you think you can help?"@@ you ask with a little desperation in your voice.
@@.lily;"Oh, so you want some of my expertise?"@@ she asks, a smug grin on her face. @@.lily;"Of course, the expert is here to help. Sit down."@@
<<if $hairProg < 2>>\
<<button "Take a seat" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 1 (Short)">>\<<set $tieHair to false>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $hairProg > 1>>\
<<button "Take a seat" "Day 7 - Hair Sister 1 (Long)">>\<<set $tieHair to true>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to 1>>\
You manage to find a hairbrush and a simple violet-colored hair tie that seems like it went through a lot. You drag the chair over to your mirror and sit in front of it.
@@.player;"Alright,"@@ you mutter to yourself, picking up the brush. @@.player;"This can't be too difficult, right?"@@
You begin brushing your hair, carefully working out the tangles. The sensation of the bristles pulling through your locks is oddly soothing. You remember watching Lily tie her hair in the mornings, and she was always able to do it perfectly in a few seconds. It looks effortless, and you hoped you could do the same.
You pick up one of the elastic ties and hold it between your fingers. @@.player;"Step one,"@@ you mumble. @@.player;"Pull the hair back."@@
You sweep your hands back, gathering the hair at the nape of your neck. Some strands slip out of your grip though. You frown and try again, holding tighter. You manage to get most of your hair into a loose bundle.
@@.player;"Okay, now the tie,"@@ you say, looping the elastic around your fingers and reaching for the gathered hair. You try and twist it into place, but the tie snaps off your fingers. It flies away and lands on the floor.
@@.player;"Oh my God,"@@ you groan, running a hand through your hair.
You slump back in your chair for a moment, sighing. But something inside you, some determination, won't let you quit. You start higher up on your head and comb through your hair with your fingers to keep it smooth. You gather the strands tightly, and after a few tries, you manage to loop the elastic band over the bundle once. Then, with a slow and careful twist, you do it again.
For a moment, you can't believe you just did that. Sure, it's just tying your hair, but it fills you with a strange sense of accomplishment. It was a small thing, but it was your small thing. You did it all by yourself. You stand up and take a look at yourself, turning your head from side to side. You feel \
<<if $acceptance < 10>>\
a little nervous.
a little excited.
Sitting back down, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. You did a pretty good job. For now, though, you have to decide what to do with your ponytail.
<<button "Keep your hair tied" "Day 7 - Hair Solo 2">>\<<set $d7keepTied to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep your hair loose" "Day 7 - Hair Solo 2">>\<<set $d7keepTied to false>>\<</button>><<if $d7keepTied is true>>\
You decide to keep your hair tied, nodding to yourself.
<<set $hairStyle to 0>>\
<<set $hairtie to 0>>\
You decide to keep your hair loose, taking off the hair tie and putting it on your wrist.
You smile at your reflection in the mirror. \
<<if $acceptance < 10>>\
Despite not being so sure about the whole thing yet, you were still proud of today.
You feel yourself slowly accepting the curse. Maybe things aren't so bad after all.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You decide to work your hair by yourself. You head off to YouTube, hoping it will have some information. There are a few guides, and it seems pretty simple. \
<<if $hairProg < 2>>\
The only issue is your hair isn't long enough yet to tie it back. You shake your head, maybe you'll be able to learn how to tie it later.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 4">><</button>>
You look at your hair, and see that it is long enough to tie. You nod your head, and scamper off to look for everything you need.
<<button "Gather materials" "Day 7 - Hair Solo 1">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bathroom.png">
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 4>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 9">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 7 - 9">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Event - Breasts">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts3">>\
You realize your boobs just grew even more. You have medium sized breasts now, and they are very noticeable. You've already decided to \
<<if $eventBind is true>>\
bind them so that nobody will notice you've grown boobs. It'll be uncomfortable, but something you have to deal with.
just leave them be regardless of if people notice you've grown boobs. You sigh and wonder what you'll tell your parents.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 9">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Continue" "Day 7 - 9">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $d7okay is 0>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
Your cheeks flush as you look away, struggling to find the words to express how you feel.
@@.player;"I actually kind of like it, believe it or not,"@@ you spit out. @@.player;"I mean, I don't fully get it, but some of the changes feel... right, I guess."@@
@@.lily;"Wow,"@@ Lily says, her eyes widening. She doesn't look judgemental though, just surprised. @@.lily;"That's cool. I think. It is your body, so if you're okay with it, that's what matters. But that still sounds pretty intense."@@
<<elseif $d7okay is 1>>\
You shrug, trying to sound nonchalant even though your heart is pounding.
@@.player;"It's weird for sure, but I don't really mind it,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It's not as bad as I thought it'd be. I'm just trying to go with the flow, I guess."@@
@@.lily;"Okay, that's fair,"@@ Lily nods, her expression thoughtful. @@.lily;"If I was cursed to turn into a guy though, I'd be pissed."@@
@@.player;"Maybe it's a virus,"@@ you tease, a smirk growing on your face. @@.player;"I'll infect you with the gender change virus."@@
@@.lily;"No, get away from me!"@@ Lily shrieks.
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
Your shoulders slump as you avoid Lily's gaze. @@.player;"No, I'm not okay with it,"@@ you murmur. @@.player;"I hate it, it feels like I'm losing control over my own body."@@
@@.lily;"That really does sound terrifying,"@@ Lily says, her expression softening. @@.lily;"I'm not really good at serious stuff, but let me know if I can help in any way."@@
You discuss the curse with Lily for a while, and after a few minutes, she leaves.
<<button "Decide what to do" "Day 7 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/logo.png">
Congratulations on reaching the end of the introduction to A Mirror's Curse!
The first week of $name's journey has been intense and involved a lot of changes. Whether you've embraced the magic, resisted it, or found yourself unsure, your decisions have begun shaping $name's path in ways both subtle and profound. This week served as a foundation for the rest of the game. An opportunity to familiarize yourself with many aspects of the game.
As we move forward, things will only grow more complex. The stakes will rise, the transformations will deepen, relationships will advance, and $name's world will open up in ways you may not expect. Remember, your choices matter. You get to influence $name's relationships, identity, and ultimate fate. The power to determine $name's future is in your hands.
I hope you all enjoyed what the game has to offer so far, and will stick around for more.
Much love,
<<button "Continue" "Week 2 - Beginning">><</button>><<if $academic1introjoke is true>>\
<<set $sarcastic += 5>>\
<<set $genuine -= 5>>\
@@.player;"Alright, I'm $name, and I'm not really into all this 'academic alignment' stuff,"@@ you say, making air quotes around the phase. @@.player;"I mean, I guess I'm more of a... jock bard or something? Or maybe a gym wizard. Does that work?"@@
A few snickers ripple through the room, but you're mostly met with blank stares. Max tries to step in. @@.boy;"Do you mean athlete bard? Or maybe a—"@@
@@.player;"Oh no, no,"@@ you interrupt, waving a hand dismissively. @@.player;"I'm not about to start memorizing spells or whatever you guys do as a hobby. I mean, do you actually spend time on 'Rolling for Invention' or something?"@@
@@.boy;"Rolling for initiative,"@@ Max corrects. @@.boy;"It's from Dungeons & Dragons. You've heard of it, right?"@@
@@.player;"Oh, of course I've heard of that thing from //Stranger Things//,"@@ you say. @@.player;"You play pretend knights and fight goblins with math, don't you?"@@
There's a moment of stunned silence as all the nerds stare at you. A kid in the front row lets out an indignant huff. @@.boy;"There's so much more than that! It's about strategy, teamwork, and storytelling! You don't fight with math at all."@@
@@.player;"Sure, whatever you say,"@@ you shrug, your smirk widening. @@.player;"Anyway, I'm here because Vincent bribed me with some candy. I also heard there were donuts, and I was feeling hungry. Those are the real treasures here, right?"@@
@@.boy;"Donuts are nice, but this club is about more than snacks,"@@ Max raises an eyebrow, trying to keep his composure. @@.boy;"The club is also about expanding your mind, testing your limits, and unlocking your inner scholar."@@
@@.player;"Inner scholar, huh?"@@ you snort. @@.player;"Is that like when I 'level up' and get better grades? That would be great, I'm all for it."@@
The room erupts in groans and all the members of the Academic Club seem very disappointed in you. @@.vincent;"Psst, $name,"@@ Vincent whispers, shifting awkwardly in his seat. @@.vincent;"These guys are super into this stuff, maybe tone it down a little?"@@
@@.boy;"Well, it's good to have you,"@@ Max says, straightening his posture. @@.boy;"Even if you're, uh, new to all this, we're here to enlighten you. Consider this your first quest: to appreciate the wonders of academia."@@
<<set $sarcastic -= 5>>\
<<set $genuine += 5>>\
@@.player;"Hey, I'm $name,"@@ you begin, glancing around the room. @@.player;"I'm not as hardcore about academics as some of you probably are, but I think learning stuff outside of class sounds really cool. Vincent's been telling me how great this club is as well, so I figured I'd give it a try."@@
A few nods ripple through the room, and Vincent beams.
You continue, leaning in slightly. @@.player;"I've always liked history—it’s kind of like a giant collection of stories, don't you think? I guess I'm curious about how competitions and trivia games work. I've never done something like that before."@@
@@.boy;"History bard!"@@ Max says, clapping his hands together enthusiastically. @@.boy;"Welcome to the team, $name. Don't worry—if you’re new to academic challenges, we'll get you trained up soon. This is like your origin story."@@
Once everyone finishes their introductions, Max gets everyone's attention. @@.boy;"Alright, adventurers, now that we've all declared our academic alignments and formed our party, it's time for our first quest: a trivia battle!"@@
He gestures toward a small table at the front of the room, where a set of buzzers are hooked up to a central console.
@@.boy;"Each of you will take turns competing head-to-head, answering questions on a variety of topics. Think of this as a trial by fire. The winner gets first dibs on the donuts!"@@
The group chuckles and Max gestures for the first two volunteers to step up. It's not long before your turn arrives. You find yourself sitting across from Vincent, who's grinning at you.
@@.boy;"Alright, $name and Vincent!"@@ Max declares, pretending to be a game show host. @@.vincent;"The next round begins now. First question!"@@
Max pulls out a card from a stack and reads the first question.
@@.boy;"This ancient Greek historian, often called the 'Father of History,' wrote //Histories//, a work documenting the Greco-Persian Wars."@@
Vincent buzzes in almost immediately.
@@.vincent;"Herodotus!"@@ Vincent says triumphantly.
@@.boy;"Correct!"@@ Max says. Vincent shoots you an apologetic grin. Max moves on to the next question. @@.boy;"In physics, what is the term for the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius?"@@
You buzz in first this time, remembering the physics class you took last year. @@.player;"Specific heat capacity!"@@
@@.boy;"Correct, $name's on the board!"@@ Max cheers.
The questions come quickly after that, ranging from obscure to downright impossible. You trade points back and forth with Vincent, with the other club members cheering you on. By the end of the round, you're neck-and-neck with Vincent.
Max grins mischievously as he pulls out the final card. @@.boy;"Alright, this one's for all the glory! In what year did the Treaty of Paris, ending the American Revolutionary War, officially come into effect?"@@
<div class="note">\
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
Don't cheat!
<<button "1783" "Day 10 - Academic 2">>\<<set $academic1triviaanswer to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "1776" "Day 10 - Academic 2">>\<<set $academic1triviaanswer to false>>\<</button>><<if $academic1triviaanswer is true>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
Without hesitation, you slam the buzzer. @@.player;"1783,"@@ you say confidently, the answer coming to you.
Max freezes for a moment, drawing out the dramatic pause, before he finally grins and points at you. @@.boy;"Correct! $name takes the win!"@@
The room erupts into cheers and applause, and Vincent walks up to you. He has a smile on his face, sticking his hand out toward you. @@.vincent;"Good game,"@@ he says. @@.vincent;"I can't believe you beat me on your first try!"@@
@@.player;"I suppose I got lucky,"@@ you say, shaking his hand.
Max raises his arms like a victorious sports announcer. @@.boy;"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first trivia champion of the day! $name has claimed the crown and the first pick of the donuts!"@@
Max grabs the box of donuts and holds them out toward you. \
You buzz in quickly, your hand moving on instinct. @@.player;"1776?"@@ you say, your voice and confidence wavering as soon as the words leave your mouth.
The room falls silent for a beat before Max gives an exaggerated groan, clutching his chest as if he's been shot. @@.boy;"Oh, so close, $name! Alas, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was signed—not the Treaty of Paris."@@
@@.vincent;"The correct answer is 1783!"@@ Vincent says with a grin.
@@.boy;"Correct!"@@ Max declares, slamming his hand onto the table. @@.boy;"Vincent takes the round!"@@
@@.vincent;"Good game,"@@ Vincent says, sticking out his hand as the both of you stand up. @@.vincent;"That was a really close game! You did well."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Vincent,"@@ you say, shaking his hand.
@@.boy;"Vincent, as the winner, you get the first pick,"@@ Max grins as he steps forward, holding out the box of donuts. @@.boy;"Don't worry $name, you still get a donut. Not to mention you'll always remember the Treaty of Paris from now on."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply, a sheepish smile on your face. @@.player;"1783."@@
The group chuckles as Vincent grabs a glazed donut and waves it in triumph. \
You look into the box of donuts, your eyes glazing over. The selection is impressive, and you find yourself overwhelmed by choices. Two immediately jump out at you though. One's a pink-frosted donut covered in glittery sprinkles, edible pearls, and a tiny candy bow. It looks adorable, and it's hard not to notice that it's the most intricately decorated one. The other is a dark chocolate donut topped with a drizzle of rich caramel and a sprinkle of sea salt. It's very understated and cool, as cool as a donut can be.
<<button "Choose the adorable donut" "Day 10 - Academic 3">>\<<set $academic1femdonut to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose the cool donut" "Day 10 - Academic 3">>\<<set $academic1femdonut to false>>\<</button>><<if $academic1femdonut is true>>\
You reach for the pink donut. @@.player;"This one's calling my name,"@@ you say with a grin, holding up the donut.
@@.boy;"Bold choice, $name,"@@ Max nods approvingly.
@@.vincent;"I can't wait to see you eat that thing,"@@ Vincent chuckles. @@.vincent;"It's like a tiny work of art."@@
You grab the chocolate-caramel donut, nodding in approval. @@.player;"This one's solid,"@@ you say. @@.player;"No frills, just flavor."@@
@@.boy;"A warrior's choice,"@@ Max nods sagely. @@.boy;"Straightforward and strong. You are ready for battle."@@
@@.vincent;"It's just a donut, Max,"@@ Vincent rolls his eyes but can't help but laugh.
With your chosen donut, you head back to your seat. You breath in, savoring the sweet smell. The group is still buzzing from the trivia game, a sense of excitement still lingering.
Max stands up at the front of the room again, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. @@.boy;"Alright, fellow scholars, fantastic work today!"@@ he announces. @@.boy;"I'm dubbing this meeting a critical success. Next week, we'll dive deeper into academics and even do some strategy sessions for anyone interested in competitions."@@
@@.vincent;"Not bad for your first meeting, huh?"@@ Vincent turns to you, grinning as everyone begins wrapping up.
@@.player;"Yeah, it was fun,"@@ you admit, feeling a sense of relief. @@.player;"I didn't think I'd enjoy this as much as I did."@@
@@.vincent;"What did I say,"@@ Vincent smiles. @@.vincent;"Stick with us, and you'll be an academic monster in no time. At the very least, you'll have fun trying."@@
As you head for the door, chewing on your donut, Max calls out to you. @@.boy;"$name! Great job today. You've got some serious potential, my friend."@@
You nod back at him, appreciating the encouragement. As you step out of the classroom, the chatter of your peers fill the hallway. Time really had flown by, maybe the Academic Club had a lot more to offer than you expected.
<<button "Go to lunch" "Day 10 - 5">><</button>>The Academic Club meets in one of the older classrooms on the second floor, the kind with scuffed wooden desks and chalkboards that haven't been replaced with smartboards yet. The faint smell of old books and chalk dust lingers in the stale air as you step inside, taking in the rows of desks pushed together to form a large rectangle. A few students are already seated, chatting in low voices or flipping through textbooks thicker than your arm.
At the far end of the room, you spot Vincent. You chuckle to yourself, of course he's in this club. He looks up from his book and spots you. @@.vincent;"$name, over here!"@@ he calls, waving energetically.
You make your way over, dropping your bag onto the chair next to his. @@.player;"Hey, Vincent,"@@ you say, returning his smile.
@@.vincent;"I can't believe you joined this club!"@@ Vincent says, his grin widening. @@.vincent;"I mean, I hoped you would join, but academic clubs aren't exactly exciting to most people."@@
@@.player;"You know, I thought I'd give it a shot,"@@ you say, chuckling as you lean back in your chair. @@.player;"Besides, you're here, so it can't be too bad."@@
@@.vincent;"You won't regret it, I hope,"@@ he laughs, the sound genuine. @@.vincent;"The club is great, for the most part. Sometimes we get a little too caught up with things like debate prep or advanced math problems, but it's all fun once you get into it. The people here are pretty cool too, although a few of them could work on their social skills."@@
At that moment, a tall, lanky guy with a mop of messy blond hair on his head strides to the front of the room. He's wearing a T-shirt with a pixelated dragon on it and a button pinned to his backpack that reads: //I'd rather be rolling for initiative//. He gestures dramatically as he addresses the group.
@@.boy;"Welcome, fellow scholars and adventurers, to the most noble of quests: the Academic Club!"@@ he declares, his voice filled with enthusiasm. @@.boy;"I am your fearless leader, Max, Dungeon Master of this party of knowledge-seekers. But today, we aren't slaying dragons. Oh no. We're slaying ignorance! And the XP rewards are totally worth it."@@
Vincent leans over and whispers into your ear. @@.vincent;"As I said, some could work on their social skills."@@
Max continues, pacing around the front of the room as if he's giving a motivational speech. @@.boy;"Here in the Academic Club, we celebrate the ancient arts of problem-solving, trivia mastery, and intellectual combat. Whether your specialty is decoding history textbooks or wielding the magic of equations, there's a place for you here. We're like Ravenclaw, but better. Also, we have snacks."@@
@@.vincent;"A Harry Potter reference in 2024?"@@ Vincent whispers, judging Max. @@.vincent;"//The Stormlight Archive// is better anyway."@@
@@.girl;"Do we actually have snacks?"@@ a girl in the back asks.
@@.boy;"Of course!"@@ Max replies, pulling out a box of donuts and setting them on a nearby desk with a flourish. @@.boy;"Behold! Provisions for our mighty academic journey. Take one if you dare."@@
The group chuckles and Max claps his hands to get everyone's attention. @@.boy;"Now, let's begin with introductions! Tell us your name, your academic alignment, and what you hope to get out of this merry fellowship."@@
As the introductions begin, you listen to the other members talk about their favorite subjects and their dreams of winning competitions or acing their exams. One student refers to himself as a "literature rogue," while another declares he's a "physics paladin." The worst part is you think they're being completely serious. Eventually, your turn to introduce yourself arrives. You make your way to the front of the room and think of how you should do it.
<<button "Troll the nerds a little" "Day 10 - Academic 1">>\<<set $academic1introjoke to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Be genuine and try to fit in" "Day 10 - Academic 1">>\<<set $academic1introjoke to false>>\<</button>><<if $fashion1introConfident is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You stand up and smile, feeling the eyes of the club on you but using it to fuel your confidence. @@.player;"Hey, I'm $name,"@@ you say with a grin. @@.player;"This is my first year in the Fashion Club. I figured I could use some help with my style. Plus, I'm always up for a challenge.'@@
You give a quick wink and sit back down.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You stand up a little straighter, feeling the weight of all the eyes on you. You clear your throat and try to keep your voice steady. @@.player;"Uh, hey everyone, I'm $name,"@@ you say, your hands nervously fiddling with the hem of your shirt. @@.player;"I, uhh... I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, but I thought joining might help with some fashion stuff. I guess. Yeah, that's it. Thanks."@@
You sit down quickly, your face burning a little with embarrassment. You hope you didn't sound too awkward.
Sierra crosses your name off her list and looks up with a bright smile. @@.girl;"Alright, welcome to the Fashion Club, everyone! I'm really excited to see so many of you here today. Today's going to be a chill intro meeting, but I've got a couple of activities planned so we can start getting to know each other more. Let me go over what we do in the club first."@@
She clicks a button on a remote, and a PowerPoint presentation appears on the whiteboard behind her. As expected from the fashion club, the slides are simple but stylish.
@@.girl;"Basically, this club is all about fashion design, styling, and personal expression. We do a lot here, from sketching outfit concepts to upcycling old clothes into fresh designs. Some of you might be here to refine your skills, and others may be complete newbies to this hobby. That's all fine! We're here to learn and grow together."@@
She presses a button to go to another slide.
@@.girl;"Throughout the year, we'll have design challenges, styling contests, and even collaborate with the theater department for costume design. We also have an Instagram account where we showcase everyone's work!"@@
Sierra gestures to a stack of fabric swatches and magazines on a nearby table. @@.girl;"For today, let's keep it light,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"Use the magazines, cutouts, and fabric pieces to create a mood board! You can create a collage that represents your personal style or what inspires you. You'll work in small groups so everyone gets to share ideas."@@
She divides the room into groups of four or five. Jessica is in your group, along with two other girls who introduce themselves as Ava and Clara. The table between you is soon piled high with colorful materials, scissors, and glue sticks. Jessica flips through a magazine with a thoughtful expression, Ava eagerly grabs fabric swatches, and Clara collects some bold, colorful cutouts. You hesitate as you consider how to approach your collage.
<<button "Highlight clean, structured looks" "Day 10 - Fashion 2">>\<<set $fashion1moodboard to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Explore soft, expressive designs" "Day 10 - Fashion 2">>\<<set $fashion1moodboard to false>>\<</button>><<if $fashion1moodboard is true>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You focus on the clean, structured looks that immediately catch your eye. Reaching for a magazine, you start flipping through it. You come across images of tailored suits, crisp button-ups, and well-fitted coats. The sharp lines and neutral tones feel grounding, offering balance amidst the variety of materials you have to work with.
@@.jessica;"That's an interesting choice,"@@ Jessica says, glancing over. @@.jessica;"I wouldn't have thought to go that direction."@@
@@.player;"It's just what stood out to me,"@@ you say, carefully cutting out an image from the magazine.
@@.girl;"That's cool,"@@ Clara chimes in. @@.girl;"Structured pieces can be super versatile. They're more formal, sure, but you can always mix them with casual stuff to make it work."@@
Ava leans over, holding a swatch of fabric toward you. @@.girl;"Do you think this would fit with what you're doing?"@@
You take the fabric and run your fingers over it. It's a muted gray with a subtle pinstripe. @@.player;"Yeah, I think this would work,"@@ you nod.
As you arrange the cutouts and fabric swatches on the poster board, you notice how your contributions add a grounding element to the collage. Jessica and Clara's bold choices bring energy and Ava's vibrant textures add flair. Your additions tie everything together with a subtle, structured edge.
@@.jessica;"Wow, it's coming together really well,"@@ Jessica says, stepping back to admire the work.
@@.girl;"It's got a bit of everything,"@@ Clara agrees, clearly impressed. @@.girl;"We can show this off."@@
You can't help but feel a small spark of pride as you see how your contributions fit into your group's mood board.
<<elseif $fashion1moodboard is false>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You find yourself drawn to the softer, more expressive designs scattered across the magazines and swatches. Flowing dresses, delicate patterns, and gentle pastel hues seem to leap off the pages. You begin cutting out the images and end up noticing how these styles evoke a sense of individuality.
Jessica leans in, watching as you carefully extract a picture of a feminine top. @@.jessica;"That's an interesting pick,"@@ she says, tilting her head. @@.jessica;"You're going for something... whimsical?"@@
@@.player;"I suppose so, yeah,"@@ you respond, setting the image next to another of a flowing skirt. @@.player;"It just feels so effortless, I like it."@@
Ava holds up a picture of a loose sweater in a peach color. @@.girl;"Ooh, I think this would totally fit with what you're doing. It's cozy but stylish, if you know what I'm getting at."@@
You nod, accepting the image and adding it to your collection. The pieces start forming a cohesive theme—one that celebrates softness. Clara picks up a swatch of pink chiffon and hands it to you.
@@.girl;"Here,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"This seems like it'd go right with your vibe."@@
As the group works together and arranges everything, your pieces add a sense of softness to the collage. The pastel tones and free-flowing lines balance out Jessica and Clara's bold choices and Ava's textural contributions.
@@.girl;"It's really pretty,"@@ Clara says, stepping back to admire the board. @@.girl;"Like, it's calm but still makes a statement."@@
@@.jessica;"It's definitely got this peaceful but artistic vibe,"@@ Jessica nods in approval.
You smile, brushing some stray cutouts to the side. You feel like your choices reflect a part of yourself you hadn't expressed much in the past.
As your group finishes the collage, Clara uses a sharpie to write a small title across the top: //''Expressions of Style''//. The board is a colorful mixture of textures and images, with each member's contributions weaving together into something cohesive but unique.
Sierra claps her hands to get everyone's attention. @@.girl;"Alright everyone, time's up! Please leave your collages in the back, we'll be presenting them next class."@@
As your group sets the board aside, Sierra moves to the front of the room. @@.girl;"To keep the creative energy going, we're going to be playing //Style Story Showdown//!"@@ she announces. @@.girl;"Now, if you're asking what that is, I just made it up. But, how it works is that I have a basket filled with a bunch of fashion items. You'll pick an item blindly, and then you'll have a minute to tell us a story about a character who would wear that item. Be as wild and creative as you want!"@@
Jessica has a hint of a sly smile playing on her lips. @@.jessica;"I'm not sure if anyone can top my fashion storytelling skills though."@@
@@.girl;"Jessica, if you're so confident, feel free to go first,"@@ Sierra says, handing the basket to her.
Jessica reaches in and she pulls out a pair of oversized, glitter-encrusted sunglasses. She held them up, examining them like a prospector inspects minerals.
@@.jessica;"Okay, I've got it,"@@ Jessica slips the glasses onto her nose. She tilts her head as if posing for a magazine cover. The lenses sparkle under the room's fluorescent lights, drawing every eye. @@.jessica;"Picture this: Sunset Goldstein, a pop star with a flair for drama. She just dropped her latest single, //Disco Inferno Love//, and it's hit a billion streams on every platform."@@
Jessica begins to pace the front of the room like she was on a stage, gesturing animatedly. @@.jessica;"But Sunset isn't just about music. Oh no, not at all. She's what some would call a //visionary//. And these glasses are her signature look. She wears them around everywhere she goes."@@
You can't help but smile, feeling like Sunset Goldstein is an actual person.
@@.jessica;"Sunset doesn't just wear these glasses, she lives in them. Now, everyone wants a pair. She's an icon—the new queen of iconic eyewear."@@
Jessica strikes a final pose, hand on her hip, sunglasses glinting under the lights. @@.jessica;"Thank you,"@@ she says, flipping her hair before sitting back down with a triumphant smirk.
The room bursts in a mix of laughter and applause. @@.girl;"Alright, Jessica,"@@ Sierra has a grin on her face despite her best efforts to maintain a neutral expression. @@.girl;"Good job. That's going to be a tough act to follow, but we might just have the perfect second act! $name!"@@
Your heart drops. You had to follow up //that// performance? Seriously? You hesitate before dipping your hand in the basket. Your fingers close around something soft and lacy, a pastel pink scarf with embroidered flowers.
@@.girl;"Let's see what you've got, $name. Impress us!"@@
<<button "Play it safe with a simple explanation" "Day 10 - Fashion 3">>\<<set $fashion1style to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go bold and act it out" "Day 10 - Fashion 3">>\<<set $fashion1style to false>>\<</button>><<if $fashion1style is true>>\
You clear your throat, feeling the eyes of the room settle on you. The pastel pink scarf with its embroidered flowers feel soft in your hands. You take a breath to steady yourself, reminding yourself that this is just for fun.
Holding the scarf up for everyone to see, you start with a small smile. @@.player;"This scarf belongs to Lady Penelope Blossom,"@@ you say, your voice wavering a little. @@.player;"She's... uh... a Victorian-era ghost who haunts a grand estate."@@
You glance around the room and notice Jessica smiling encouragingly, so you continue. @@.player;"Lady Penelope used to throw these, uh, really extravagant garden parties when she used to be alive. This scarf was her favorite because it matched her rose bushes."@@
A few heads nod and you feel your confidence build. @@.player;"Now that she's a ghost, she still roams the halls of the estate. But instead of hosting parties, she makes sure all the other ghosts' outfits are color-coordinated. She's like the fashion police of the afterlife."@@
A few giggles ripple through the group, and you feel a bit more of the tension ease. Sierra claps her hands lightly.
@@.girl;"Nice one, $name!"@@ Sierra says warmly, her smile making you feel a little better. @@.girl;"You did a really good job."@@
The rest of the club offers polite applause, and you let out a relieved breath as you pass the basket to the next person. It might not have been the flashiest performance, but you got through it without embarrassing yourself.
<<elseif $fashion1style is false>>\
<<set $theater to Math.clamp($theater + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You take a deep breath, holding the pastel pink scarf in your hands. It's frilly, flowery, and nothing like you'd usually wear. But there's something about this room's energy that makes you decide to go big. If you're going to do this, you might as well //own// it.
Standing up, you drape the scarf dramatically around your neck, letting it cascade down like you're modeling. With a deep bow and exaggerated flourish of your hand, you adopt a posh British accent.
@@.player;"Ah, dearest guests of the illustrious Blossom Estate!"@@ you declare, sweeping an invisible crowd with a regal gaze. A few people lean forward and many begin giggling, boosting your confidence. You continue pacing the room as if addressing an audience at a grand ball. @@.player;"I am Lady Penelope Blossom, the eternal hostess of the most fabulous garden parties on this side of the afterlife!"@@
You pause dramatically, raising your hand as though to emphasize the importance of your words. @@.player;"This scarf is no mere accessory,"@@ you continue, tugging at the fabric around your neck. @@.player;"It is the crown jewel of my ensemble, hand-embroidered by only the finest artisans of the Victorian era. Some say it's enchanted—capable of making even the most dreadful fashion choices appear acceptable!"@@
The club laughs louder, Sierra clapping her hands together.
You pause mid-step, holding up a finger as if suddenly struck by inspiration. @@.player;"However, this scarf does come with a curse!"@@ you add, lowering your voice. @@.player;"If someone dares to wear it without my explicit permission, they will find themselves unable to coordinate even the simplest of outfits for eternity! You'll find yourself wearing red and green!"@@
The laughter reaches a crescendo, and you finish with a dramatic bow. @@.player;"Now, my friends, I bid you adieu. For the afterlife waits, and the roses must be pruned."@@
You sit back down, feeling the adrenaline coursing through you as the class erupts in applause. Sierra looks delighted.
@@.girl;"Okay, $name,"@@ Sierra says breathlessly. @@.girl;"That was amazing! Lady Penelope would definitely approve of that performance."@@
You can't help but feel a surge of pride—you didn’t just participate, you stole the show.
You watch as the other members of the fashion club present, and as the last story wraps up, Sierra claps her hands. @@.girl;"That was fantastic, everyone! You really brought your A-game today. I loved seeing how creative you could get. This is exactly the kind of energy we're aiming for here!"@@
The room buzzed with chatter as members started to gather their things. You felt a mix of relief that the first meeting went so well. Sierra walked around, offering a few words of encouragement to each person. Jessica, standing nearby, adjusts her bag and looks over at you with a smirk. @@.jessica;"You did really great, $name,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Lady Penelope and her ghost fashion empire, huh?"@@
@@.player;"Well, it was difficult to follow Sunset Goldstein,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"I did my best though."@@
@@.jessica;"I'll see you in homeroom tomorrow, alright?"@@ Jessica says, slinging her bag over her shoulders. @@.jessica;"It was really nice seeing you here."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, see you,"@@ you reply, watching as she strolls out of the room. As you grab your things and head out to lunch, you can't help but feel a little lighter. Maybe the fashion club isn't just about clothes and creativity. You feel it'll also be a chance to build connections and discover new sides of yourself. Today felt like a step forward, even if you're not quite sure where it'll lead.
<<button "Go to lunch" "Day 10 - 5">><</button>>The fashion club meets in a room tucked away in the quieter wing of the school. As you approach the door, you can hear the low hum of conversation and the faint rustle of fabric. A colorful poster taped to the wall next to the door reads, "//FASHION CLUB: Where Creativity Threads Us Together.//" It's adorned with doodles of spools, needles, and vibrant outfits.
You take a deep breath to steady your nerves. You push the door open and step inside. The room is a kaleidoscope of color and texture. Bolts of fabric line one wall, while another is covered in sketches pinned to a corkboard. A few sewing machines hum in the background as members adjust fabric and focus on their stitching.
Jessica looks up from a table in the center of the room, her arms full of swatches. Her face lights up when she spots you. @@.jessica;"$name! I didn't know you joined this club!"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I thought I'd give it a shot,"@@ you reply, trying to mask your nervousness.
@@.jessica;"Well, I'm glad you joined,"@@ she gives you a friendly smile.
@@.girl;"Welcome, welcome!"@@ you hear a voice ring out. You look to the front of the room to see a girl with curly hair, wearing an oversized sweater and ripped jeans. Her outfit makes her look lazy and put-together at the same time. You suppose that's fashion. @@.girl;"We're a bit of everything here at the Fashion Club. Whatever strikes our fancy—designing, styling, learning new techniques—we try them all out! It's all about self-expression, creativity, and of course, a lot of fun."@@
She pauses, her eyes sweeping over the class. @@.girl;"Before we dive into the plans for the semester, let's have all the new members introduce themselves. Don't be shy—this is a supportive space."@@
Your turn to introduce yourself finally comes after some girls introduce themselves. The fact that the entire club is made up of girls slowly dawns on you as you look around. Sierra finally calls out your name and motions toward the front of the room.
@@.girl;"Come on up, $name,"@@ she says. She hesitates, looking back down at her clipboard. @@.girl;"Oh, a guy joined this year! It's been a while since we had one..."@@
A few girls whisper quietly to each other, and you can feel your cheeks heat up slightly. How rare was it for a guy to join this club?
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
<<set $fashion1malefail to true>>\
@@.girl;"$name?"@@ Sierra says, continuing to look around the classroom. Her eyes rest on everyone's face, but she can't seem to point out who the guy is. A slight frown forms as she tries to match the name to a face. A few students glance at each other, and the whispers grow louder. You see Sierra's gaze flick back to the door like she's expecting you to be standing there. But no one steps forward. @@.girl;"Maybe he's late?"@@
You're beginning to realize what's happening: Sierra can't tell you're the guy she's supposed to be calling up. In fact, none of the girls seem to have noticed yet either. You bite your lip, feeling a bit awkward as your mind races to catch up. You suddenly realize that she might not even be able to tell you're a guy at all. You haven't done anything drastic, but your changes are enough that she might just be assuming you're one of the other girls who joined.
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the room's eyes on you as you start moving. The room is quiet, all attention fixed on you. With a small, forced smile, you step toward the front of the room. Sierra, now realizing her mistake, blushes a deep red.
@@.girl;"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"@@ she blurts out, her voice higher than usual. @@.girl;"I totally didn't mean to—uh, I mean, I should have known you were the new guy, but, uh, I was just... I wasn’t expecting—"@@
She stops herself, realizing she's not making things better for herself. She presses her clipboard to her chest like a shield, clearly flustered.
@@.girl;"I've been in this club since my freshman year, and I've never seen a guy join,"@@ she says, her hands fidgeting. Her usual confidence is nowhere to be found. She takes a deep breath and forces a smile, pulling herself together the best she can. @@.girl;"Okay, uh... sorry again. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself? We're all excited to have you!"@@
<<set $fashion1malefail to false>>\
Sierra spots you in the crowd and smiles warmly. @@.girl;"Here, get up and introduce yourself!"@@
You make your way to the front of the room. You think about how you should introduce yourself, wanting to make a good first impression.
<<button "Introduce yourself confidently" "Day 10 - Fashion 1">>\<<set $fashion1introConfident to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Introduce yourself shyly" "Day 10 - Fashion 1">>\<<set $fashion1introConfident to false>>\<</button>><<if $occult1question is 0>>\
You lean forward slightly, glancing between Aurora and Milo. @@.player;"So what do you actually do in this club?"@@ you ask, curious.
@@.aurora;"Good question,"@@ Aurora says, her lips curving into a small, knowing smile. @@.aurora;"Officially, we study the supernatural. Folklore, myths, urban legends, all that jazz. We analyze how these stories shape cultures and why they persist. It's academic enough that the school doesn't mind."@@
@@.boy;"But unofficially?"@@ Milo cuts in, practically vibrating with excitement. @@.boy;"We experiment! We try a bunch of stuff. We test theories, draw protective sigils, and even do basic rituals. Aurora's really good at divination too!"@@
@@.aurora;"We're careful about what we do, $name,"@@ Aurora says. @@.aurora;"We don't mess with anything we don't fully understand. Magic is real, but it's also dangerous. We're here to learn and explore, not take unnecessary risks."@@
Milo nods, his face suddenly turning serious. @@.boy;"Yeah, I summoned a spirit once to find my earbuds after I lost them. It was a really bad idea, Aurora had to fix things."@@
@@.aurora;"Well, it taught you a lesson, didn't it?"@@ Aurora sighs. @@.aurora;"We can't summon spirits for trivial things, Milo."@@
@@.boy;"Lesson learned, ma'am!"@@ Milo says brightly before turning back to you. @@.boy;"But back to the point, we don't just sit around reading books. We explore, and sometimes, we actually get answers."@@
@@.aurora;"It's also about understanding the boundaries of what's possible,"@@ Aurora nods. @@.aurora;"The supernatural isn't always obvious. It can be subtle. It's in the way coincidences happen, or the strange feeling you have when you step into certain places. The Occult Club is a space to notice those things and, maybe, figure out why they happen. There's a lot to learn here, and since you already know magic is real, you'll probably find more here than most."@@
<<elseif $occult1question is 1>>\
You glance at Milo, who's begun to doodle in the margins of his notebook. His energy is almost dizzying, and you can't help but wonder how someone like him ended up in the Occult Club. You turn to Aurora, lowering your voice slightly. @@.player;"So, who's this kid? Milo, right?"@@
@@.aurora;"Milo?"@@ Aurora asks, an amused smile on her face. @@.aurora;"He's our resident... enthusiast."@@
Milo perks up immediately. @@.boy;"That's me, enthusiast extraordinaire!"@@ he says, throwing his arms in the air. @@.boy;"Oh, wait. Did you mean my story? It's a really good one, I promise. Full of mystery, intrigue, and more."@@
@@.aurora;"Milo joined the club last year, and he's curious about everything,"@@ Aurora rolls her eyes fondly. @@.aurora;"He reads and studies a lot about magic. Sometimes he overdoes it."@@
@@.boy;"Hey!"@@ Milo interjects. @@.boy;"I just like knowing stuff, alright? Like, there's a species of beetle that looks like it has runes on its back. Imagine if those were magic runes. Maybe magic came from those beetles, who knows?"@@
Aurora suppresses a laugh and continues. @@.aurora;"He's also really good at drawing sigils and deciphering old symbols. When focused, Milo is one of the best researchers I know. The issue is he's not focused very often."@@
@@.boy;"Well, I'm awesome anyway,"@@ Milo enthuses, a grin on his face. @@.boy;"I'm here because magic is cool, and there's so much to learn about it. Plus, Aurora lets me talk as much as I'd like. Some clubs take an issue with that."@@
@@.player;"You don't say,"@@ you mutter.
@@.boy;"Hey, I heard that!"@@
@@.aurora;"Milo's chaotic, but passionate,"@@ Aurora says. @@.aurora;"Feel free to ask him about anything, he'll be happy to answer. And that's Milo."@@
You look at Milo again, watching as he furiously sketches something that looks suspiciously more like a cat than a rune. You can already tell that Milo will make this club interesting.
<<elseif $occult1question is 2>>\
You look between Aurora and Milo, the question swirling in your mind before you finally decide to ask the question. @@.player;"Is magic real for everyone? Or is it just something only a few people can do?"@@
Aurora's expression softens and she adjusts how she's sitting. @@.aurora;"That's a good question,"@@ she says, her voice calm and thoughtful. @@.aurora;"Magic is all around us—in the small things most people don’t notice. But it’s not something everyone can //use//."@@
@@.boy;"Yeah!"@@ Milo jumps in, practically bouncing in his seat. @@.boy;"Like, everyone can feel magic sometimes, even if they don't realize it. You know when you get goosebumps for no reason or when you just know someone's watching you? That's magic. Kinda. Or intuition. Or both. Who knows?"@@
Aurora holds up a hand to calm Milo. @@.aurora;"What Milo's saying is that most people are capable of sensing magic, but only some have the potential to harness it. There's something unique about you, $name. I felt it for a while now. You've been touched by magic—maybe because of the spell, or maybe it’s something that was always part of you. Either way, you have potential."@@
@@.boy;"Oh yeah, you're definitely not, like, average when it comes to magic vibes,"@@ Milo says. @@.boy;"You have the spark! We could teach you stuff."@@
@@.aurora;"If you want to explore your potential, this is the place to do it,"@@ Aurora continues. @@.aurora;"We can teach you how to sense magic more clearly, how to protect yourself, and—eventually—how to use it. But it takes time and patience. Remember that magic is a craft. It has rules."@@
@@.boy;"Rules are super important,"@@ Milo says, his tone unusually serious. @@.boy;"Make sure you don't summon stuff unless you know how to send it back. Trust me on that."@@
@@.aurora;"To answer your real question, $name, you can 'do' magic."@@
The weight of her words settles over you. The idea of being able to use magic is thrilling, but you feel it also carries a sense of responsibility.
<<button "Continue with the Occult Club" "Day 10 - Occult 2">><</button>>@@.aurora;"Alright, let's start with something simple,"@@ Aurora says, reaching into a box on the table and pulling out a clear quartz crystal. It gleams faintly under the warm light, its edges catching the glow like a prism. @@.aurora;"Energy sensing is one of the first skills any magic user learns. It's subtle, but once you feel it, you'll always recognize it."@@
She sets the crystal on the table between the three of you and gestures toward it.
@@.aurora;"The goal is to quiet your mind and focus on the crystal. Let your intuition take over. You might feel warmth, a vibration, or just a sense of awareness."@@
@@.boy;"Oh, oh!"@@ Milo claps his hands together. @@.boy;"I love this one! It took me forever to get it at first, but when I finally got it? It was awesome."@@
Milo reaches out and places his hand near the crystal, squinting in concentration. @@.boy;"Yup, I feel it! A little tingly, like I just got shocked by static electricity. Your turn, $name!"@@
@@.aurora;"Make sure not to force it,"@@ Aurora says. @@.aurora;"Just relax and see what you notice."@@
You hesitate, glancing at the crystal. It's small, unassuming, but something about it feels alive. You reach out, hovering your hand over it. The moment your fingers are over the surface, something shifts.
It's subtle at first—a faint warmth spreading through your hand. But then it grows. The warmth turns into a pulse, like a heartbeat. A soft hum fils your ears, and a strange, electric sensation courses up your arm. The crystal glows brighter under your hand, as if its responding to you.
@@.boy;"Woah,"@@ Milo whispers, eyes wide. @@.boy;"That's not normal, is it?"@@
@@.aurora;"$name, do you feel that?"@@ Aurora asks, her voice barely above a whisper. You see that her calm demeanor has cracked, her mouth slightly agape.
@@.player;"I do, it feels strong,"@@ you say, struggling to find the words.
The pulse intensifies, its power undeniable. It's as if the crystal is drawing something from you—or giving something to you. You pull your hand back instinctively, and the sensation stops. The crystal dims but the energy in the air remains.
Aurora is silent for a long moment, her gaze fixed on the crystal as though expecting it to react again. She looks up at you, her expression a mix of awe and disbelief. @@.aurora;"$name, that wasn't just sensing energy,"@@ she says. @@.aurora;"You amplified it. That's not something you do on your first try."@@
@@.boy;"Amplified it?!"@@ Milo shouts, at you and then the crystal and then back at you. @@.boy;"That's insane!"@@
@@.aurora;"The crystal resonated with your energy,"@@ Aurora takes a deep breath, not knowing quite how to take this. @@.aurora;"You have an incredible amount of potential. I don't think you understand how rare this is."@@
@@.player;"Is that... bad?"@@ you ask, unsure if this newfound potential is something to fear.
@@.aurora;"No, it's not bad,"@@ Aurora states. @@.aurora;"But it's powerful. If you want to explore this, you'll need to be careful—and you’ll need guidance."@@
@@.boy;"Guidance?"@@ Milo asks. @@.boy;"There's no need for that, $name's going to be the magic MVP! I mean, we've got to test this more, come on. Like, what else can you do? Can you—"@@
@@.aurora;"Milo,"@@ Aurora interrupts. She's gentle but firm, and Milo immediately closes his mouth. @@.aurora;"We need to take this slow. His power is raw, and until he learns to control it, we can't risk pushing too far."@@
You glance down at the crystal, its quiet surface now feeling like a doorway to something vast and unknown. The room is silent, the weight of your decision settling over you.
<<button "Let's keep going" "Day 10 - Occult 3">>\<<set $occult1magicchoice to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "I need some time to think about this" "Day 10 - Occult 3">>\<<set $occult1magicchoice to false>>\<</button>><<if $occult1magicchoice is true>>\
<<set $magic to Math.clamp($magic + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I want to keep going,"@@ you mutter, wanting to unlock more of your potential. @@.player;"I want to see what else I can do."@@
Aurora studies you carefully, her gaze steady. She seems to weigh the risk of moving forward before giving a small nod. @@.aurora;"Alright,"@@ she says, nodding. @@.aurora;"We're going to take it slow though. No jumping into anything too advanced. This is about understanding what magic is. We don't want to push your limits."@@
Milo pumps his fist in the air, practically vibrating with excitement. @@.boy;"Yes, let's do this!"@@ he enthuses, picking up a notebook and a pen.
@@.aurora;"Let's try this next,"@@ Aurora says, ignoring Milo's enthusiasm. She places a smooth, black stone on the table in front of you. @@.aurora;"This is obsidian, and it's often used for grounding and focusing energy. I want you to hold it this time and see if you can channel your focus into it."@@
You reach out and pick up the stone, feeling its weight in your hand. The moment your skin touches it, you feel a subtle tug. It's something quiet and deep, not like the crystal's pulse. Closing your eyes, you concentrate.
The tug grows stronger.
You feel the energy inside you stir again, like a current waiting to flow. You instinctively guide it toward the stone, and within seconds, a faint warmth spreads through your palm. The stone begins to glow faintly, the light from its surface rippling like water.
@@.boy;"Woah,"@@ Milo breathes, leaning closer. @@.boy;"It's glowing! Aurora, is it supposed to do that?"@@
@@.aurora;"Not usually, no,"@@ she says softly, voice laced with astonishment. @@.aurora;"$name, can you feel the flow of energy? Try to control it if you can."@@
You focus harder, willing the warmth to stabilize. The glow intensifies for a moment, then steadies, casting rippling shadows across the table. The room feels charged, as though the air itself is holding its breath.
@@.aurora;"Good, now let the energy return to you,"@@ Aurora says, her voice low. @@.aurora;"Don't force it—just let it flow back naturally."@@
You follow her instructions, easing your focus. The warmth begins to recede and the obsidian's glow fades until it's just a normal stone. Your eyes flicker back open to find both Aurora and Milo staring at you, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief.
@@.aurora;"Incredible,"@@ Aurora says after a long pause. @@.aurora;"You didn't just sense the energy—you controlled it. That takes most people months to achieve at best."@@
@@.boy;"Months?!"@@ Milo jumps out of his seat. @@.boy;"$name's doing this in //minutes//! You're a prodigy or something! Can we try another thing?"@@
@@.aurora;"That's enough for today, Milo,"@@ Aurora raises a hand to stop him. She turns to you, her usual calm demeanor crumbling. @@.aurora;"You've already done more than I expected. Pushing further would be dangerous, especially since this is your first time."@@
@@.boy;"Fine,"@@ Milo groans but doesn't argue. @@.boy;"Next time though, I want $name to go all out. I've got ideas!"@@
Aurora laughs and shakes her head. @@.aurora;"You've shown a lot of potential today, $name. More than anyone in a long, long time. But this is just the beginning. You'll need patience and practice to explore your abilities."@@
As the clock on the wall ticks closer to the end of the club block, Aurora starts gathering the objects and cleaning everything up. The curtains come off the windows, and the room returns to usual. Milo chatters on about theories and ideas, occasionally trying to coax you into learning to summon something.
You lean back in your chair, the weight of what happened settling in. The crystal, the obsidian, the energy coursing through you—it felt natural. It felt like a part of you that had always been there but was only now waking up.
When the bell rings, Aurora gives you a small smile. @@.aurora;"Great work today, $name,"@@ she says. @@.aurora;"Think about what you want to focus on next time. Make sure Milo doesn't pressure you into summoning anything."@@
@@.boy;"Hey, I would never do that!"@@ Milo protests.
As you leave the room, you can't help but feel a spark of excitement. You feel that the Occult Club is a place where your potential, your power, can truly grow.
You glance down at the crystal, its faint glow gone, and feel the lingering hum of energy in your fingertips. It's overwhelming—the power, the potential, the idea that you might have something inside you that could change everything. But instead of being excited, there's a weight in your chest, a nagging sense of unease.
@@.player;"I think that's enough for today,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"I need some time to process this. All of this."@@
Aurora studies you carefully, her purple eyes searching your expression. She doesn't seem disappointed, and there's a flicker of understanding in her gaze. @@.aurora;"I understand,"@@ she says gently. @@.aurora;"It's a lot to take in. You've already done more than most people can on their first try."@@
@@.boy;"Aw, come on!"@@ Milo lets out a dramatic groan, throwing his arms up in the air. @@.boy;"You were just getting started! Who knows what you can do? You can summon something like a..."@@
Milo catches Aurora's stern gaze and trails off.
@@.aurora;"Milo, $name's made his decision,"@@ Aurora says, her voice calm but firm. @@.aurora;"This isn't about rushing. magic is personal, and everything needs to move at their own pace."@@
@@.boy;"Fine,"@@ Milo sighs and slumps back in his chair. @@.boy;"But you're missing out on a lot."@@
You can't help but chuckle at how dramatic Milo is being, though you're relieved at not pushing further. The energy you felt was thrilling, to say the least, but also unnerving. It felt like opening a door to something vast and unknowable.
@@.aurora;"It's important to trust yourself, $name,"@@ Aurora says softly. She reaches across the table, picks up the crystal, and places it back into the box with care. @@.aurora;"If you feel like you're not ready, it's okay to take a step back. Magic isn't just about power—it’s about control and understanding."@@
@@.boy;"Yeah, I had to start real slow!"@@ Milo says. @@.boy;"It took me a week just to get the hang of sensing energy. Okay, maybe I messed up a bunch of times, but that's part of the process!"@@
The room falls into a comfortable silence as Aurora and Milo begin tidying up. They don't ask you for help, letting you mull over what happened. You watch the way Aurora carefully handles the magical objects and the way Milo bounces between tidying and making more of a mess. Despite their differences, there's an odd harmony between them.
When the bell rings, signaling the end of the club block, Aurora looks at you. @@.aurora;"You've taken the first step, $name. That's more than most people do. Don't underestimate just how important that is."@@
Milo swings his bag over his shoulder and grins. @@.boy;"Don't take too long to think things over! I've got a lot of plans, and they're gonna blow your mind."@@
As you leave the room, the faint l lingers in your fingertips. It's a quiet reminder of the power resting inside you. You're not ready to dive in just yet, but you can't shake the feeling that this is only the beginning of something far bigger than you ever imagined.
<<button "Go to lunch" "Day 10 - 5">><</button>>The Occult Club meets in a small, dimly lit room tucked away in an unused corner of the school. The only clue to its purpose was a small, hand-drawn sign taped to the door: "Occult Club - Enter If You Dare!" You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you made the right choice.
The door to the Occult Club creaks as you push it open, revealing a dimly lit classroom. The windows are covered by thick, dark curtains, leaving the room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. The air smells faintly of old books and incense. At the center of the room is a round wooden table, its surface covered in an assortment of strange items. Two chairs are already occupied, with a third that seems to be open for you.
One of them is Aurora, and she's dressed in her usual layered black attire. She looks up as you enter, her purple eyes staring deep into you.
@@.aurora;"Hello, $name,"@@ Aurora says. @@.aurora;"Welcome to the Occult Club. I was hoping you'd show up."@@
The other student—a short boy with messy brown hair and glasses that were far too large for his face—looks up as well. He's surrounded by an explosion of notebooks, papers, and a half-eaten bar of chocolate. @@.boy;"Oh! Hi! You're the new guy, right? $name? I'm Milo!"@@ His words come out in a rush, and he gives a quick wave, knocking over a small stack of books in the process. @@.boy;"Oops, sorry."@@
Aurora suppresses a small smile but gestures for you to take a seat at the table. You sit down, feeling the faint buzz of energy in the air.
@@.aurora;"So, welcome to our small club,"@@ she begins, her voice calm. @@.aurora;"Officially, we're here to study folklore, myths, and the supernatural. Unofficially though, we know there's more to the world than what most people see. I'm sure you know."@@
You nod, Madame Serena's $referto still fresh in your mind. @@.player;"Yeah, of course,"@@ you mutter. @@.player;"I've seen and experienced things."@@
@@.boy;"Ooh, like what?"@@ Milo leans forward, his eyes wide with curiosity. @@.boy;"Is it ghosts? No, maybe interdimensional portals! They're super freaky, I've been reading about them."@@
@@.aurora;"Milo,"@@ Aurora says gently but commandingly. @@.aurora;"Let $name share what he wants to, alright?"@@
Milo sits back, fiddling with the edge of his notebook. @@.boy;"Yeah, sorry."@@
@@.aurora;"When we talked before, I could sense something different about you,"@@ Aurora whispers, leaning in slightly. @@.aurora;"If you're here, I'm assuming you're looking for answers. We might be able to help."@@
She slides a thin, leather-bound book toward you. Its cover is embossed with an intricate, swirling design. Milo immediately perks up upon seeing it.
@@.boy;"I love that book, it's one of my favorites!"@@ the words tumble out of his mouth. @@.boy;"It's got all kinds of stuff in it—rituals, runes, even some stories about ancient curses! Make sure you don't skip the chapter on protective charms though."@@
Aurora shakes her head fondly. @@.aurora;"What Milo means is that we've got a lot of resources here. We're here to figure out what you need. Before we get started though, do you have a question? Only one though, we have a lot to do."@@
You glance between Aurora, with her calm expression, and Milo, who's bouncing in his seat. They're waiting for you to ask a question, and you realize this is your chance to start uncovering the secrets of magic.
<<button "What do you actually do in this club?" "Day 10 - Occult 1">>\<<set $occult1question to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Who is Milo?" "Day 10 - Occult 1">>\<<set $occult1question to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Is magic real for everyone?" "Day 10 - Occult 1">>\<<set $occult1question to 2>>\<</button>><<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $yearbook1introConfident is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You lean back slightly in your chair, keeping your tone casual but confident as you speak. @@.player;"Hey, I'm $name,"@@ you say, offering a small nod to the group. @@.player;"I figured this would be a fun way to do something different this year. I like working on projects, so I thought I'd give it a shot."@@
Charlotte nods, jotting something down on her clipboard. @@.girl;"Good to have you, $name,"@@ she says with a welcoming smile. @@.girl;"We're always looking for people who aren't afraid to try something new."@@
Jordan glances at you briefly, his expression unreadable, but you catch the faintest flicker of curiosity in his eyes before he looks away again.
<<set $sarcastic += 5>>\
<<set $genuine -= 5>>\
You lean forward slightly, a smirk playing on your lips as you speak. @@.player;"I'm $name, and I'm here because yearbooks are obviously the most exciting thing in high school,"@@ you say, your voice dripping with playful sarcasm. @@.player;"Who doesn't want to spend hours choosing fonts and arranging pictures? It's every teenager's dream."@@
There's a brief moment of silence before a few people laugh, including Charlotte, who raises an eyebrow and grins. @@.girl;"Well, I can't argue it can be a little much at times, but the final result makes it all worth it,"@@ she says, scribbling something down on her clipboard.
Jordan glances up from his phone and shakes his head slightly, muttering something under his breath you can't quite hear. You're not sure if he liked or disliked your introduction, but you've at least caught his attention.
Charlotte signals it's time to move on after everyone finishes introducing themselves. She claps her hands, her green hair bouncing slightly as she shifts her focus back to the group. @@.girl;"Alright, now that we've got the introductions out of the way, let's talk about themes,"@@ she says, a bright smile on her face. @@.girl;"The yearbook isn't just a random collection of pages—it’s a reflection of the year, the vibe of the school, and the people in it."@@
She pulls out a thick binder, plopping it onto the table with a thud. The cover reads //Yearbook Club// in handwritten letters. @@.girl;"This binder has a bunch of stuff from the last ten years of Pacific Crest's Yearbook Club,"@@ Charlotte explains. @@.girl;"Most importantly for today's club meeting, it has the past themes! It's good for inspiration and making sure we don't copy a past yearbook. Make sure to think big—what kind of story do we want to tell about this year?"@@
The group leans in, murmuring ideas and pointing at the binder. @@.boy;"What about something futuristic?"@@ Simon suggests. @@.boy;"Like '2025: A School Odyssey' or something?"@@
@@.girl;"Futuristic sounds cool,"@@ Charlotte agrees, jotting it down. @@.girl;"Let's keep brainstorming. Any other ideas?"@@
Jordan, who hasn't muttered a single word thus far, suddenly speaks up. @@.jordan;"What about something simple?"@@ he suggests. @@.jordan;"We don't need any gimmicks, just a theme that highlights the students and focuses on the people."@@
@@.girl;"Like a focus on portraits and personal stories?"@@ Charlotte asks, nodding thoughtfully.
You sit back, listening as the ideas flow. Some suggest vibrant, colorful themes, while others lean toward minimalist concepts. Charlotte writes down every suggestion, nodding and occasionally adding her own thoughts.
@@.girl;"Alright, we've got a solid list of ideas here,"@@ Charlotte says after twenty minutes. @@.girl;"Let's see where everyone fits in and what role you all will have. Photography, design, writing, editing, and more. There's a ton that goes into a yearbook, and we need to know what everyone's strengths are."@@
She divides the room into smaller groups, and you end up in a design-focused group with Jordan and Simon. Charlotte hands out sheets of paper and some markers. @@.girl;"This is a quick exercise,"@@ she explains. @@.girl;"I want you to come up with a mock layout for a two-page spread. Imagine this is for the theme we just brainstormed. Just make it creative, it doesn't need to be perfect or anything."@@
@@.jordan;"I'm not much of an artist,"@@ Jordan mutters, crossing his arms.
Simon rolls his eyes playfully. @@.boy;"It's just an exercise. Nobody's going to judge if you draw stick figures."@@
@@.player;"Alright, what if this page had a big story in the middle, and we framed it with smaller pictures and quotes?"@@ you suggest, picking up a marker.
@@.jordan;"That could work,"@@ Jordan shrugs. @@.jordan;"Maybe add a border to tie it into the team."@@
Simon nods enthusiastically, sketching a few lines. @@.boy;"Over here, we could have a section for candid photos or interviews."@@
The three of you bounce ideas back and forth, and unexpectedly, even Jordan gets into it. By the time Charlotte walks over to check on your progress, your page has a surprisingly polished look.
@@.girl;"This looks awesome,"@@ Charlotte says, her eyes lighting up as she examines what the three of you created. @@.girl;"Great work, I can already tell this is going to be a strong yearbook team."@@
Charlotte steps back once she finishes checking on everyone and addresses the entire room. @@.girl;"Awesome work, everyone!"@@ she enthuses. @@.girl;"These layouts are a great start, and I'm getting an idea of how to structure the final yearbook already. Next time, we'll refine these concepts and start assigning specific pages to different teams."@@
The group murmurs in agreement, as everyone begins to tidy up their workspace.
@@.girl;"But I also want to do another activity,"@@ Charlotte continues, holding up a sketch of papers. @@.girl;"Since this is Yearbook Club, it's only fitting that we include a section about us in the yearbook! The team that made it all happen! So, as a quick exercise, we're going to make personal profiles."@@
She starts handing out sheets of paper, each one printed with prompts.
@@.girl;"Think of this as a little snapshot of who you are,"@@ Charlotte explains. @@.girl;"Not only will it help us get to know each other better, it'll serve as nice practice about how to tell other people's stories in the yearbook."@@
@@.boy;"This is a cute idea,"@@ Simon says, picking up his sheet with a smile. @@.boy;"I love these kind of prompts."@@
@@.jordan;"I joined the football team to escape these,"@@ Jordan mutters, eyeing the sheet warily.
As you tap your pen against the desk as you glance over the questions, thinking about how to represent yourself. The room hums with the sound of scribbling pens and quiet chatter. When you glance over at Jordan, you see him frowning at his paper like it's a math test.
This small, reflective task is quiet and introspective. It's a moment to think about how you want to come across not just to the group but to anyone flipping through the yearbook next year.
<<button "Lean in a softer, more expressive style" "Day 10 - Yearbook 2">>\<<set $yearbook1femprofile to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Lean in a stronger, more confident style" "Day 10 - Yearbook 2">>\<<set $yearbook1femprofile to false>>\<</button>><<if $yearbook1femprofile is true>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You glance down at the sheet, reading through the prompts carefully. You focus on your own answers as you consider how you want to present yourself.
The first prompt, "//three words to describe yourself//," stands out. After a moment, you write: //imaginative, thoughtful, detail-oriented.// They feel right—words that show you’re someone who cares about ideas and how they’re expressed.
Next is "//favorite school memory//." You smile a little, thinking back to a moment that felt meaningful. You decide on: //Helping organize the school track meet last year//. It's a memory that speaks to how much you enjoy working behind the scenes to make things special.
For "//dream job//," you take a moment to think. Something creative but impactful feels right, so you write: //event planner//. It reflects your interest in aesthetics and creating meaningful experiences.
The last prompt, "//why you joined the Yearbook Club//," gives you pause. You want to express your excitement without overthinking it, so you write: //To work on something creative that brings the school together//.
As you finish writing, you look at your answers and feel a quiet sense of satisfaction. They feel authentic and give a glimpse of your personality.
When Charlotte comes around to collect the sheets, she glances briefly at yours and smiles warmly. @@.girl;"This is great, $name! I can tell you're going to bring a lot of heart to the club."@@
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at the sheet, reading through the prompts again. The words "//three words to describe yourself//" catch your attention first. You think carefully, tapping your pen against the table.
Finally, you write: //determined, focused, ambitious//. They're not flashy, but they feel like the right words. The kind of image you want to project.
Next is the prompt "//favorite school memory//". You hesitate for a moment, then jot down something that shows your competitive side: //Winning the relay race during last year's track meet//. It's straightforward but says a lot about what you value.
For "//dream job,//" you write something bold and aspirational: //CEO of a tech company//. It shows that you aim high, which is nice.
The prompt "//why you joined the Yearbook Club//" makes you pause. You want to keep the tone consistent, so you write: //To challenge me with something new and contribute to the school//.
You finish up and place the paper down. When Charlotte comes to collect the sheets, she smiles as she glances at what you wrote. @@.girl;"It looks like you've got a clear vision of who you are, $name. That's good."@@
As the hum of conversation fades and Charlotte finishes collecting the personal profiles, she moves back to the front of the room with her clipboard in hand. She taps the stack of papers on her desk lightly, drawing everyone's attention.
@@.girl;"Alright, awesome work on these profiles,"@@ Charlotte says. @@.girl;"I'll go through these later to get a sense of everyone's vibe. But before we wrap up, there's one last thing we need to tackle for today. We're going to be choosing the theme for this year's yearbook!"@@
The room stirs with quiet excitement. Simon sits forward eagerly while Jordan leans back, looking indifferent.
@@.girl;"We had some amazing suggestions but I've narrowed it down to three strong contenders based on what you all shared earlier. Let's take a quick vote to decide. Remember, the theme will shape how we design, organize, and tell the story of this school year!"@@
She writes down the three options on the whiteboard at the front of the room.
<li>A School Odyssey</li>
A futuristic theme with sleek, digital-inspired layouts and a focus on forward-thinking.
<li>Through the Lens</li>
A photography-driven theme highlighting candid moments and personal stories of students and staff.
<li>Timeless Traditions</li>
A nostalgic theme celebrating the school’s history, traditions, and the moments that define the year.
Charlotte turns back to the group. @@.girl;"Take a minute to think and then write down your choice on these slips of paper. We'll tally the votes anonymously."@@
As the slips make their way to you, you weigh your options.
<<button "Choose A School Odyssey" "Day 10 - Yearbook 3">>\<<set $yearbooktheme to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose Through the Lens" "Day 10 - Yearbook 3">>\<<set $yearbooktheme to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Choose Timeless Traditions" "Day 10 - Yearbook 3">>\<<set $yearbooktheme to 2>>\<</button>>You make your choice and jot it down on the slip of paper. You fold the paper and glance at the others as you wait. When everyone has finished, Charlotte places a small basket at the front of the room. You drop in your slip of paper, the small action feeling oddly significant.
@@.girl;"I'll tally all of these and announce the winner next week!"@@ Charlotte smiles, holding the basket like it's filled with secrets. @@.girl;"Great job today, everyone."@@
The group begins to gather their things, the buzz of conversation filling the room again. Jordan brushes past you on his way out\
<<if $jordanRelo > 4>>\
, offering a nod as he slings his bag over his shoulder. \
. \
Simon gives you a cheerful wave before heading out, and you find yourself lingering in the room for a moment, the weight of the day's work settling in. As you finally step out of the room, you can't help but feel like you've taken the first step in leaving your mark on the school.
<<button "Go to lunch" "Day 10 - 5">><</button>>The Yearbook Club meets in a small, brightly lit room. Shelves are stacked with binders, folders, and photo equipment. The air smells faintly of ink and paper, and the faint hum of a printer lingers in the background.
A group of students have already gathered near the front of the room, chatting amongst themselves. You scan the club room, and your eyes land on Jordan, the school's star football player. He's off to the side, leaning casually against a desk with his arms crossed. He looks completely out of place, his athletic stance a stark contrast to the more artsy vibe of the rest of the club.
Jordan glances up and meets your eyes for a moment before looking away, his expression unreadable. He's certainly aware of your presence, but you get the sense he's not going to acknowledge it.
At the center of the group stands a girl with short, choppy hair dyed a shade of light green. She's wearing a black turtleneck and has a pair of round glasses on. She has a clipboard in her hands and flips through some papers as she talks.
@@.girl;"Alright everyone, let's get started,"@@ she says, her voice warm but no-nonsense. @@.girl;"Welcome to the Yearbook Club. For those of those who don't know me, I'm Charlotte, your fearless leader and editor-in-chief of this operation."@@
Charlotte looks around the room, her eyes scanning the group. When her gaze lands on you and a few other faces, she pauses briefly, her brow furrowing in curiosity. @@.girl;"Looks like we've got a few new faces this year, which is great. We can use all the help we can get. The yearbook is a reflection of the entire school, and it's our job to make sure it tells a story. We can't just slap some pictures together and call it a day."@@
There's a murmur of agreement from the group, though Jordan remains silent.
Charlotte lets the room quiet down before clapping, drawing everyone's attention back to her. @@.girl;"Now, before we dive into brainstorming themes, layouts, and all that fun stuff, let's do some quick introductions,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"Just your name, why you joined the club, and what you hope to bring to the yearbook this year!"@@
She gestures to a boy sitting nearby, who introduces himself as Simon. He talks about his love of photography. The introductions move around the room, each person sharing their interests. When it's Jordan's turn, he straightens up slightly, sliding his phone into his pocket.
@@.jordan;"Jordan,"@@ he says simply, his tone as flat as can be. @@.jordan;"Coach made me join. He said I needed to 'diversify my extracurriculars' or something."@@
@@.girl;"Well, we're glad to have you Jordan,"@@ Charlotte says politely, although you can tell she's a little worried. @@.girl;"I'm sure you'll bring a unique perspective to the team."@@
Finally, your turn arrives. Charlotte looks at you expectantly, clipboard in hand, ready to write something down. The room quiets, waiting to hear what you have to say. Even Jordan glances your way, his expression unchanging.
<<button "Be confident with your introduction" "Day 10 - Yearbook 1">>\<<set $yearbook1introConfident to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Be playful with your introduction" "Day 10 - Yearbook 1">>\<<set $yearbook1introConfident to false>>\<</button>><<set $day to 10>>\
<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
The shrill blare of your alarm yanks you out of sleep, but it's not the //first// alarm—it’s the //last//. The one you set as a fail-safe. Groggy and disoriented, you turn on your phone and check the time.
''7:45 AM.''
Your heart lurches. If you didn't get to school in fifteen minutes, you'd be late for your first class of the day. Today was a Wednesday, which meant your schedule was a little weird. Today was a club day, meaning you had your first class of the day at 8. The time usually reserved for homeroom was moved to before lunch. You check the clock again and a minute has passed while you were thinking about your school's schedule.
@@.player;"Shit!"@@ you mutter, kicking off your blanket and scrambling out of bed. No time to brush your teeth, no time to think—you just have to get to school. By the time you get your shoes on and dash out the door, your hair is a mess, and you're certain you forgot something important.
By the time you get your shoes on and dash out the door. You begin to run, your shoes pounding against the pavement as you try to calculate how much time you have left before your first class. By the time you reach school, your lungs are burning, and you're sure you look like you just stumbled out of a storm. The hallway is eerily quiet, and you make your way to Mr. Reeds' English Literature class.
Just as you reach the door, you pause for a moment, leaning against the wall to catch your breath. Your hair's a mess, your shirt feels slightly damp, and you're acutely aware of how disheveled you must look.
You push open the door.
You interrupt Mr. Reeds mid-sentence. The entire class turns to look at you as the door creaks open.
@@.boy;"Ah, Mr. Yoon,"@@ Mr. Reeds says. @@.boy;"Have you decided to grace us with your presence after all?"@@
You wince, managing a sheepish apology.
He gestures toward your seat. @@.boy;"Take your seat, we are discussing The Metamorphosis. I trust you've done your homework?"@@
@@.player;"Yes, yes, I did it,"@@ you manage to say as you slide into your chair. You avoid eye contact with everyone, and your heart is racing. You're unsure if it's because of embarrassment or exertion though.
<<button "Listen to Mr. Reeds' lesson" "Day 10 - 2">><</button>><<if $d10dramascenario is true>>\
@@.player;"Alright, here's what I'm thinking,"@@ you say, crossing your arms and leaning slightly toward Jordan. @@.player;"Your character and mine are meeting in secret, but it's our last chance to see each other before you duel my brother at dawn."@@
@@.jordan;"Duel your brother?"@@ Jordan asks, raising an eyebrow. @@.jordan;"That sounds intense. So what's the vibe we're going to go for here?"@@
@@.player;"It's all about the tension,"@@ you reply, gesturing vaguely. @@.player;"This mix of anger, fear, and love. Maybe I'm begging you not to go, trying to convince you to leave town instead of fighting. You're caught between what's expected of you and what you actually want."@@
@@.jordan;"Alright, alright, I see it,"@@ Jordan says as he leans back, his brow furrowed in thought. @@.jordan;"I'm trying to act all noble and self-sacrificing, and you're breaking down because you think I'm gonna die."@@
@@.player;"So, the scene starts with us meeting somewhere—maybe in the garden behind my family’s house,"@@ you begin, trying to flesh out the details. @@.player;"It's late, and we're both looking over our shoulders, paranoid about someone catching us. The conversation starts tense, like we're both trying to pretend everything's fine. But then it'll escalate into this emotional mess."@@
@@.jordan;"Okay, I'll be talking about how I have no choice and that its about honor,"@@ he nods slowly, starting to get into it. @@.jordan;"You can talk about your need to keep me from getting killed."@@
@@.player;"Exactly,"@@ you say, grinning. @@.player;"You get to play the tragic hero and I get to play the desperate one."@@
The two of you quickly sketch out the dialogue, trading ideas and occasionally arguing over the phrasing. Jordan's surprisingly invested, offering suggestions. By the time Mr. Bennet announces the end of brainstorming time, you're feeling confident. The scene you've created is heavy, emotional, and full of stakes—exactly what Mr. Bennet had demanded. As Jordan leans back with a satisfied look, you can’t help but feel like the two of you might actually be able to pull this off. And maybe, just maybe, you’re starting to see a different side of Jordan—one that isn’t so bad after all.
@@.player;"Alright, picture this,"@@ you say, crossing your arms and glancing at Jordan with a small grin. @@.player;"Your character sneaks into my family's masquerade ball. You're in disguise, trying to blend in, but you risk everything to pull me aside for a private conversation."@@
@@.jordan;"So I'm basically James Bond?"@@ Jordan asks, raising an eyebrow. @@.jordan;"Sounds risky."@@
@@.player;"Exactly, we're talking tension,"@@ you say, gesturing animatedly. @@.player;"Every word we say has to be whispered because we're surrounded by people who'd lose it if they knew you were here. It's a mix of fear, urgency, and forbidden romance."@@
@@.jordan;"Alright, and what are we talking about? Just catching up, or are we plotting something big?"@@
@@.player;"It could go either way,"@@ you say, shrugging. You're already imagining the scene. @@.player;"But I'm thinking of something simple. You're here to tell me it's getting too dangerous for us to keep meeting. Maybe you're trying to say goodbye, but I don't want to let you go."@@
Jordan tilts his head, considering what you're saying. @@.jordan;"So we're whispering like we're in a spy movie, throwing in some emotional tension, and then it'll end with one of us walking away. Short and dramatic, I've got it."@@
With the plan sketched out, you quickly decide on some key beats: the initial meeting, the tension of being surrounded by people, and the dramatic goodbye as Jordan's character reluctantly leaves the ball. The details fall into place, with Jordan offering simple but effective suggestions. By the time Mr. Bennet calls for the brainstorming to stop, you feel confident about the scene. The masquerade setting, the tension, and the emotional stakes all feel like they'll play well. And working with Jordan isn't as bad as you thought it'd be.
<<button "Act it out" "Day 10 - 11">><</button>><<if $d10dramascenario is true>>\
The class quiets as you take your place in the center of the stage with Jordan. Mr. Bennet is perched on the edge of his desk, his scarf dramatically draped over one shoulder. He watches with an expression of eager anticipation. In front of the stage, your peers sit with varying degrees of interest. Some seem interested, some doodle in their notebooks, and some seem to be more concerned about their own performance than yours.
You take a deep breath, step into the role, and start the scene.
@@.player;"If anyone sees us together, it's over,"@@ you say, your voice hushed but filled with urgency as you turn toward Jordan. @@.player;"You know what my father would do if he knew you were here."@@
You soon realize your fears of Jordan not trying were unnecessary. Jordan shifts his stance, his hands clenched at the sides. @@.jordan;"And what would you have me do?"@@ he asks, his voice steady but laced with frustration. @@.jordan;"Run away like a ''coward''? Leave you here to face them alone? That's not who I am. You know that."@@
You shake your head and pace slightly, letting the emotions build. @@.player;"This isn't about bravery,"@@ you reply, your tone cracking just enough to hint at desperation. @@.player;"It's about survival. If you fight my brother, he'll kill you. You don't know what he's capable of."@@
Jordan straightens, his jaw tightening. @@.jordan;"Then so be it,"@@ he says, stepping toward you. @@.jordan;"If this is the price I have to pay to protect my honor and what we have, then I'll face it. I'm not afraid to die."@@
The words hang in the air, heavy with tension. You feel the room watching, the silence thick around you. This is the moment.
The classroom quiets as you and Jordan step into the center of the stage. Mr. Bennet adjusts his scarf, settling in with an expectant smile as he leans against this desk. The other students sit in front of the stage, their eyes flicking toward the two of you. Some seem curious while others are only half paying attention.
You glance at Jordan, who gives you a barely perceptible nod. His posture is relaxed but purposeful, and despite his usual attitude, you can tell he's ready to perform.
You begin the scene, your voice hushed but urgent. @@.player;"What are you doing here?"@@ you whisper, looking around the imaginary ballroom with paranoia. @@.player;"If anyone sees you, it's over. You're risking everything by coming here."@@
Jordan adjusts his stance, his imaginary mask firmly in place as he keeps his tone low and steady. @@.jordan;"I had to see you,"@@ he replies, his eyes darting to the invisible crowd around you. @@.jordan;"This might be the last time. Your father's already suspicious. If he finds out, I'm done."@@
You let your gaze flicker to the crowd, then back at him, your voice laced with panic. @@.player;"Then why come at all? Why risk everything just for a conversation?"@@
@@.jordan;"Because I couldn't leave without telling you the truth,"@@ Jordan says, taking a step closer. @@.jordan;"This isn't just about us anymore—it’s about what they’ll do if we’re caught. I can’t lose you like this."@@
The intensity builds as you both weave the tension of secrecy into every line. The room feels smaller and quieter as the rest of the class seems to hold its breath. You realize this is the moment to show off your acting chops.
<<button "Go all in" "Day 10 - 12">>\<<set $d10dramaallin to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Hold back for subtlety" "Day 10 - 12">>\<<set $d10dramaallin to false>>\<</button>><<if $d10dramascenario is true>>\
<<if $d10dramaallin is true>>\
<<set $theater to Math.clamp($theater + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You step closer to Jordan, letting your voice rise with raw emotion. You grab his arm, your eyes wide with fear and frustration. @@.player;"You're not protecting anything by throwing your life away! If you die, this—all of this—dies with you!"@@ Your hands tremble slightly as you step back. @@.player;"I can't lose you too. Please... Please don't do this."@@
You keep your voice steady, your tone subdued but firm. @@.player;"You're not protecting anything by going through with this. You're letting them win. Don't you see that? If you fight him, they’ll get exactly what they want—both of us destroyed. There's another way. There //has// to be."@@
@@.jordan;"And what other way is there?"@@ Jordan responds, his voice quieter now, filled with conflict. @@.jordan;"Do you want me to run and hide while they call me a coward? I can't live like that."@@
You feel the weight of his words, and for a moment, the room falls silent. The energy between the two of you is electric, the stakes clear to everyone watching.
Finally, Jordan turns away, his shoulders stiff. @@.jordan;"This is the only way,"@@ he says, his voice low. @@.jordan;"I'll fight him... and I'll win. For us."@@
You step forward, reaching out as if to stop him but letting your hand drop before it reaches his shoulder. @@.player;"You don't have to do this,"@@ you say, your voice breaking. @@.player;"But if you are going to... promise me you'll come back."@@
Jordan pauses, glancing over his shoulder. For a moment, he looks at you, his usual stoicism breaking into something softer. @@.jordan;"I promise."@@
With that, he walks off, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the quiet room.
The silence stretches for a moment after Jordan's final line and exit, the room caught in the scene. Then, as if on cue, Mr. Bennet rises dramatically from his perch on the desk, clapping his hands together as if he just witnessed a masterpiece.
@@.boy;"Magnificent!"@@ he exclaims, his scarf trailing behind him as he steps forward. @@.boy;"$name, Jordan—what you’ve just given us is nothing short of //theater//!"@@ His voice carries across the room, and you feel the weight of everyone's attention as Mr. Bennet gestures to you both, his expression one of pure delight.
<<if $d10dramaallin is true>>\
Mr. Bennet points at you, his eyes sparkling. @@.boy;"$name, my boy, that was ''raw'' emotion! You threw yourself into that scene with abandon—your desperation was palpable! When you grabbed Jordan's arm, I could feel the stakes rising; the fear, the love, the anger—it all poured out of you!"@@ He presses a hand to his heart as if moved.
@@.boy;"Your voice carried the weight of someone who was truly fighting for their life!"@@ he continues, pacing slightly as he speaks. @@.boy;"You weren't just acting; you truly //were// that character. The trembling hands, the way your voice cracked at just the right moment—it was sublime! That's the kind of energy that turns good theater into unforgettable theater."@@
Mr. Bennet then turns to Jordan, his tone still encouraging but a touch more measured. @@.boy;"And Jordan, you played an excellent counterpoint. The stoicism and restraint—it created a brilliant contrast to $name's fervor. But remember: even in moments of calm, there's fire beneath the surface. Let us feel that conflict simmering, that turmoil threatening to boil over. Still, very well done."@@
Your drama teacher steps back, looking at the class. @@.boy;"Show of hands for those here who felt stakes in that scene!"@@ Several students raise their hands and a surge of pride rips through you.
Mr. Bennet nods approvingly, stepping forward. @@.boy;"$name, Jordan—excellent work. The scene carried the tension it needed, and you both stayed grounded in your roles. $name, you brought a quiet intensity to the scene that worked beautifully. The measured tone and the pacing of your words, they all gave the impression of someone holding back their emotions. It was subtle yet effective."@@
He pauses, tilting his head thoughtfully. @@.boy;"That being said, don't be afraid to let go just a little more. There's a fine line between subtlety and holding back too much. Your character was desperate, but you could've pushed that edge a little more. You could've let us see the cracks forming in the calm exterior. But overall, very strong work."@@
@@.boy;"And Jordan, your restraint played nicely against $name's steadiness,"@@ Mr. Bennet says, turning to Jordan with a slight smile. @@.boy;"It added a layer of tension to the scene, like a rubber band stretched just short of snapping. It was really well done, but next time, I'd love to see you let that band snap. Just for a moment, of course. The contrast would be electric."@@
Stepping back, your drama teacher addresses the room. @@.boy;"Now, who here felt the weight of their scene? Raise your hands!"@@ A few students raise their hands, nodding in agreement, while others murmur quietly.
Mr. Bennet clasps his hands together once again, his tone shifting back to his usual theatrical cheer. @@.boy;"Take your seats, and let's move on to the next pair!"@@
As you and Jordan head back to your seats, you catch a few murmurs from your classmates. Someone whispers, @@.boy;"That was intense,"@@ while another says, @@.girl;"I could never pull that off."@@ Jordan's unfazed, as usual, but you smile.
<<if $d10dramaallin is true>>\
<<set $theater to Math.clamp($theater + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You take a bold step forward, grabbing Jordan by the lapels of his imaginary disguise. Your voice rises with urgency, but you keep it low enough to maintain the illusion of secrecy. @@.player;"Then stay!"@@ you say, making your hands tremble. @@.player;"Don't leave! If you walk away, it's over. All of it! If you mean what you say, don't you dare walk out of that door."@@
You keep your movements restrained, letting your voice carry the weight of the emotion. @@.player;"Then why leave at all?"@@ you ask. @@.player;"Why start something you're too afraid to finish? You say you can't lose me, but every time you leave, you do exactly that. So tell me, truly tell me, is this goodbye again?"@@
@@.jordan;"You think I want to leave?"@@ Jordan leans in slightly, his tone quiet but charged. @@.jordan;"I don't have a choice. If they catch me here, they'll kill me. You'll hate me even more for bringing this down on you."@@
Your eyes meet his, and for a moment, the room feels charged with unspoken words. You step back, glancing through the crowd as though weighing his words.
@@.player;"Then go,"@@ you say, your voice trembling slightly. @@.player;"If you're afraid, just go. But don't come back unless you're ready to fight for this. For ''us''."@@
Jordan hesitates, his jaw tightening. He looks at you for a long moment before turning away, his shoulders stiff with resolve. @@.jordan;"I'll come back, I promise,"@@ he says, his voice low and determined. @@.jordan;"When it's safe. When I can give you the lift you deserve. Stay safe... for me."@@
With that, he walks off, leaving you standing alone in the imaginary ballroom as the scene closes.
The classroom is silent for a moment after the scene concludes, the tension lingering in the air. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, Mr. Bennet leaps to his feet, clapping with unbridled enthusiasm. @@.boy;"Bravo!"@@ he exclaims, his voice booming across the entire room. @@.boy;"An excellent performance—both of you! Let’s talk about what made it work."@@
<<if $d10dramaallin is true>>\
Mr. Bennet turns to you first, his eyes sparkling with excitement. @@.boy;"$name! My dear boy, that was ''passion incarnate''! When you grabbed Jordan's lapels, I felt the electricity—your desperation, your plea, your unwillingness to let go. That physicality brought the scene to life. You weren't just delivering lines; you were embodying the moment and your character. Your movements and your trembling hands all told a story before you even began speaking. That's the kind of boldness that makes an audience forget they're watching a play and feel like they're living it."@@
@@.boy;"Take note, everyone!"@@ your drama teacher gestured toward the class, addressing them with dramatic flair. @@.boy;"This is what happens when you commit to the stakes with your whole being. $name gave us tension, emotion, and action—all in one package. It was truly inspiring."@@
Turning to Jordan, Mr. Bennet smiles. @@.boy;"Jordan, your restraint worked beautifully against $name's intensity. You gave us a solid anchor, someone who felt steady but conflicted, which only amplified $name's raw desperation. It was a perfect counterbalance. Well done to the both of you!"@@
You feel a rush of pride as several students nod in agreement, a few murmuring words of praise. The spark of confidence from your bold choice lingers as you head back to your seat, feeling like you've made a real impact.
Mr. Bennet folds his arms and nods thoughtfully as he addresses you. @@.boy;"$name, a restrained performance can be just as powerful as an explosive one, and you proved that. The quiet intensity you brought to the scene gave the impression of someone teetering on the edge but holding it together just enough to make the heartbreak even more poignant."@@
@@.boy;"However, I must say, there were moments where I wanted just a //little// more,"@@ Mr. Bennet says, his expression contemplative. @@.boy;"A step closer, a hand reaching out—something to show the internal conflict bubbling beneath the surface. Don't be afraid to take a risk and let those cracks show next time. That said, the subtlety you brought was haunting in its own way."@@
@@.boy;"And Jordan, your grounded performance played perfectly against $name's restraint,"@@ he says, turning to Jordan. @@.boy;"The quiet tension between the two of you felt authentic and kept the scene taut. Nicely done."@@
As you head back to your seat, you catch a few murmurs from the other students, most of them impressed. Although you didn't take the bold route, you feel confident in the emotional depth you brought to the performance.
<<button "Continue" "Day 10 - 13">><</button>>The final minutes of class tick away as Mr. Bennet steps forward, his scarf flaring dramatically as he addresses the room. The buzz of conversation dies down as everyone turns to him.
@@.boy;"Well, my budding thespians, today has been an exceptional start,"@@ he begins. @@.boy;"The sparks of creativity! The raw emotion! The stakes! I couldn't be prouder of you all."@@
@@.boy;"But, we are just beginning to scratch the surface,"@@ he says, his voice rising. @@.boy;"Our masterpiece, //Romeo and Juliet//, is what we're preparing for. To truly embody the spirit of the play, you must dive into the poetry, the words, the ''soul'' of Shakespeare's work. Therefore, your assignment is to read the first two acts of //Romeo and Juliet// before our next class. Take your time with it and let the language wash over you like a symphony."@@
@@.boy;"While you're doing that, I want you to start thinking about the question of what role interests you. Every role is vital for this production. We'll discuss your thoughts next class, and the auditions will be upon us before you know it. So prepare, my students, and let the spirit of Shakespeare guide you!"@@
The bell rings just as he finishes, and the room bursts into movement as students begin gathering their things. Mr. Bennet waves you all off with a flourish. You step out of the drama room, thoughts of the play and its characters swirling in your mind. They mingle with the lingering energy of your earlier scene. Whatever happens next, it's clear this production is going to be an adventure.
<<if $d10hangout is true>>\
<<button "Go to hang out with Samantha" "Day 10 - Samantha">><</button>>
<<button "Go to hang out with Luke" "Day 10 - Luke">><</button>>
<</if>>\You walk up the driveway to your house, the warmth of the day still lingering in the air. The energy of the day has left you buzzing, a mix of excitement and exhaustion. Pushing open the front door, you're greeted by the familiar smell of home—a faint hint of dinner cooking wafting in from the kitchen.
@@.girl;"$name?"@@ you hear your mom's voice call out from the living room. @@.girl;"Is that you?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's me,"@@ you reply, kicking off your shoes and tossing down your bag.
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
The front door clicks behind you, and almost immediately, your mom steps into the hallway, dish towel still in hand. She stops mid-step, her expression freezing as her eyes land on you. She doesn't move, her eyes scanning your face, your posture, the way your clothes seem to hang on you differently. It's almost like she's seeing you for the first time.
<<if $eventMomNotice isnot undefined>>\
@@.girl;"Christ, $name,"@@ your Mom says, putting her hand on her hips. @@.girl;"I know we talked about this a few days ago, but this is... This is a lot."@@
@@.player;"I'm fine Mom, don't worry,"@@ you say, letting out an awkward laugh.
<<if $eventMomNotice is true>>\
@@.girl;"Fine?"@@ she repeats, her voice rising slightly. @@.girl;"$name, you got cursed and now you're slowly becoming a girl and that's fine?"@@
@@.girl;"I try to understand, $name, I really do,"@@ she begins, shaking her head. @@.girl;"But you are going to tell me what the hell is going on sooner than later."@@
@@.girl;"What...?"@@ she begins, her brow furrowing deeply. She takes a cautious step closer, her gaze locked onto you. @@.girl;"What's going on with you? You look... different. ''Really'' different. Is something wrong?"@@
@@.player;"I'm fine, Mom,"@@ you say, letting out an awkward laugh.
@@.girl;"Fine?"@@ she repeats, her voice rising slightly. @@.girl;"$name, look at yourself. You don't... you don't even look like yourself right now. Everything is just softer, different. It's almost like..."@@
Before you can respond, your dad's voice calls out from the kitchen. @@.boy;"$name! Your mom's trying to tell me I can't slice a tomato straight. Come settle this for us!"@@
Your mom presses her lips together but steps aside, letting you head toward the kitchen.
Your dad is at the counter, a tomato on the cutting board and a knife in his hand. He grins when you walk in, gesturing dramatically at the tomato slices. @@.boy;"What do you think? They're pretty straight, huh?"@@
@@.player;"Looks fine to me,"@@ you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
Your mom walks in behind you, but instead of joining the conversation, she leans against the counter, watching you with an unreadable expression.
@@.girl;"Are you //sure// you're fine?"@@ she presses. @@.girl;"You look... Never mind."@@
@@.boy;"What's going on?"@@ your dad asks, looking up. @@.boy;"Is everything alright with you two?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's fine,"@@ you say quickly, forcing a smile.
Your mom doesn't reply but her brows knit tighter. She sighs and turns back to the stove, but you can feel the weight of her lingering unease.
@@.boy;"$name! Your mom's trying to tell me I can't slice a tomato straight,"@@ you hear your dad's voice say from the kitchen. @@.boy;"Come settle this for us!"@@
You make your way over to the kitchen and see your dad with a cutting board and knife. He grins when he sees you, gesturing at the slices. @@.boy;"What do you think? They're pretty straight, huh?"@@
@@.player;"They look fine to me,"@@ you reply.
@@.boy;"Great, let's get ready to eat then,"@@ you dad says with a wide grin on his face.
<<button "Get to eating dinner" "Day 10 - 15">><</button>>The dinner table has already been set, the clatter of plates and silverware filling the air as everyone settles in. Your dad is already serving himself a very generous portion of the roasted chicken, while your mom fusses over the mashed potatoes. The warm, savory smell of the meal mingles with the quiet hum of casual conversation.
Lily is glued to her phone, idly scrolling through some app with one hand while spearing a bread roll with her fork in the other. She hasn't even glanced in your direction yet, too absorbed in the latest social media trend or middle school drama.
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
Your mom, on the other hand, is far more attentive. She's sitting across from you, her eyes flickering to your face every few seconds, though she's careful not to linger too long.
@@.boy;"So, $name, how's school?"@@ your dad asks as he slathers butter onto a roll. @@.boy;"Your mom said today was the first day of clubs. That's new, right?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, they're every Wednesday,"@@ you reply, eating some mashed potatoes. @@.player;"It's mandatory for every student to be in a club."@@
@@.boy;"That's good,"@@ your dad nods approvingly. @@.boy;"Clubs are a great way to meet people and get involved. What did you decide to do? Sports? Art? Something else?"@@
<<if $club is 0>>\
@@.player;"I joined the Academic Club,"@@ you respond.
@@.boy;"Academic, huh?"@@ your dad says, a smile growing on his face. @@.boy;"Great choice, it'll look great when you're applying to college."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, we played some trivia today,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Later though, we might even join academic competitions and stuff."@@
@@.boy;"That's great, good call,"@@ your dad says, a proud expression on his face.
<<elseif $club is 1>>\
@@.player;"I decided to join the Occult Club,"@@ you respond.
@@.boy;"The Occult Club?"@@ your dad says, furrowing his eyebrows. @@.boy;"What exactly do you do there?"@@
@@.player;"We just focus on researching and analyzing trends like this,"@@ you say, covering what the Occult Club is //really// about. @@.player;"It's actually very interesting, I swear."@@
@@.boy;"Hmm, alright,"@@ your dad says, clearly still uncertain about your choice.
<<elseif $club is 2>>\
@@.player;"I decided to join the Fashion Club,"@@ you respond.
@@.boy;"The Fashion Club?"@@ your dad says, taking a second to process what you just said. @@.boy;"Is it for trying on clothes?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, we like, sketch dreams and craft masterpieces,"@@ you say, trying to make the Fashion Club sound as good as possible. @@.player;"We work really hard, it's not just putting on clothes and stuff."@@
@@.boy;"I guess I can see how that would be a good choice,"@@ your dad nods his head.
@@.player;"I decided to join the Yearbook Club,"@@ you respond.
@@.boy;"Oh, that's interesting,"@@ your dad says, rubbing his stubbled chin as he thinks. @@.boy;"I'm assuming you work on making the school yearbook?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, we voted on the theme for the yearbook today,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I thought it would be nice to contribute to the yearbook since it's my senior year."@@
@@.boy;"That's a good call,"@@ your dad says, a proud expression on his face.
You nod along, taking a bite of chicken. The conversation shifts as your dad begins talking about his day at work, filling the room with anecdotes you've heard a million times. Your mom chimes in occasionally, \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
but her attention keeps drifting back to you. \
a smile on her face as she engages with your dad. \
Lily stays quiet, still scrolling on her phone, until she suddenly looks up.
<<if $d7tellLily is true and $feminineLooks > 39>>\
@@.lily;"Why are you looking at $name like that, Mom?"@@ Lily asks. She quickly glances at you and winks subtly, reminding you that she knows about the $referto.
@@.girl;"You don't notice... something different about your brother, Lily?"@@ your mom asks.
Lily looks at you and dramatically inspects your face. @@.lily;"Looks the same as always to me. Same old ugly $name."@@
@@.girl;"Do not call your brother ugly, Lily,"@@ your mom says, sighing.
@@.lily;"I'm just being honest!"@@ she says, starting a back-and-forth with Mom. She gives you a subtle look and smiles as she takes the attention off you.
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
@@.lily;"So, are you doing something different lately, $name?"@@ Lily says casually, her voice low enough so that only you can hear. @@.lily;"New skincare routine or something?"@@
Your heart skips a beat, but you keep your expression neutral, stabbing a piece of chicken with your fork. @@.player;"Nope, just same old me."@@
@@.lily;"Really?"@@ Lily asks, raising an eyebrow. @@.lily;"Because you're looking polished. Pretty smooth, to be honest."@@
Your dad, too busy laughing at his own unfunny joke, doesn't catch the exchange, and neither does your mom. But Lily's eyes remain locked on yours, her expression unreadable but intrigued.
@@.player;"I don't know what you're talking about,"@@ you mutter.
@@.lily;"Yeah, sure, that's why Mom's been looking at you so weird this whole time,"@@ Lily jabs. She pops a bread roll into her mouth, shrugging as if it's no big deal. @@.lily;"But whatever you say, I guess."@@
@@.lily;"Can I get some of the mashed potatoes?"@@ she asks, putting down her phone for just a second.
@@.player;"Of course you only put down the phone when you need food,"@@ you joke, letting out a loud sigh in mock disappointment.
@@.lily;"Look, the food's really good today,"@@ Lily replies. @@.lily;"Can't blame me for eating good. Also, some drama is going on that I can't miss."@@
The conversation around the table slows as everyone finishes eating. Your dad leans back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. @@.boy;"Now //that// was a meal,"@@ he says, reaching for some water. @@.lily;"Props to the lovely chef."@@
@@.girl;"Glad you liked it,"@@ your mom says with a smile. @@.girl;"$name, can you grab the dishes and bring them to the sink?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, sure,"@@ you reply, standing up and starting to clear the table.
As you bring the plates to the sink, your mom starts rinsing them off. \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
She glances at you with that same thoughtful expression she's had all evening. @@.girl;"You were quiet tonight,"@@ she says softly, keeping her tone casual but curious.
@@.player;"Just tired, you know?"@@
She nods, but there's hesitation in her expression, like she wants to say more.
@@.girl;"Don't stay up too late,"@@ she warns. @@.girl;"You've got school tomorrow, you have to be well rested."@@
@@.player;"Got it, I'll sleep early,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"You're off the hook for today then,"@@ your mom laughs gently, wiping her hands on a towel. @@.girl;"Go relax a bit before bed."@@
<<button "Go to your room" "Day 10 - 16">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $csquadbond to 0>>\
<<set $cpresence to 0>>\
<<set $cprecision to 0>>\
<<set $cstamina to 0>>\
<<set $alinework to 0>>\
<<set $ashading to 0>>\
<<set $acomposition to 0>>\
<<set $acolortheory to 0>>\
<<set $mmana to 0>>\
<<set $mspellcraft to 0>>\
<<set $mritual to 0>>\
<<set $mstamina to 0>>\
<<set $tpresence to 0>>\
<<set $tdelivery to 0>>\
<<set $tmovement to 0>>\
<<set $timmersion to 0>>\
<<if $fashion1style is false>>\
<<set $tpresence to Math.clamp($tpresence + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $timmersion to Math.clamp($timmersion + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $d10dramaallin is true>>\
<<set $tpresence to Math.clamp($tpresence + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $tdelivery to Math.clamp($tdelivery + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $occult1magicchoice is true>>\
<<set $mmana to Math.clamp($mmana + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $d9portrait isnot 5>>\
<<set $acolortheory to Math.clamp($acolortheory + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acomposition to Math.clamp($acomposition + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The faint glow of the moon filters through the blinds as you sit at your desk, the familiar hum of your desktop filling the room. The hours since dinner passed quickly, a mix of winding down and trying up loose ends from your busy day.
After dinner, you spent some time scrolling through your phone, catching up on group chats and mindlessly watching a few shorts. Samantha had sent a sarcastic meme about coffee and Luke posted a picture of the field during his practice.
You also tackled your homework. There was always more schoolwork to do, and you couldn't help but feel like Sisyphus. Always working but never finishing. \
<<if $academic > 79>>\
You worked hard to complete your homework the best you could, checking your notes and your textbook.
You scribbled some random stuff that sounded profound, and while it wasn't your best work, it was enough that you didn't feel guilty.
The rest of the evening was spent half-watching a show on your computer while you flipped through a few pages of //Romeo and Juliet//. Mr. Bennet's assignment to read the first two acts lingered in the back of your mind, so you did your best to read through it.
Now, with the clock ticking closer to bedtime, you're winding down. The show is paused, the book is back on your desk, and your phone charges quietly. Your room feels serene after a busy day, the kind of stillness that lets you finally breathe. You stretch and make your way to your bed, the day's energy slowly ebbing away. Although today had been busy, it was nice.
<<button "Good Night" "Day 11 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
You try to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. Mr. Reeds continues his lecture, pacing in front of the room.
@@.boy;"Now, what was I talking about before our late arrival?"@@ he asks, giving you a pointed glance. @@.boy;"Ah, yes. Franz Kafka's //The Metamorphosis//. This opening is one of the most famous in literature, and for good reason. Does anyone remember how it starts?"@@
He pauses, scanning the room briefly. Noticing how silent the room is, he continues.
@@.boy;"Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning to find he's been transformed into a monstrous insect. But let's not focus too much on what kind of creature he's become. Kafka avoids giving us a clear image, and that's very intentional. The transformation isn't just physical—it’s symbolic. The question we need to ask is: what does Gregor's condition represent? What is Kafka trying to tell us about alienation, identity, or even the human condition?"@@
He begins pacing slowly in front of the whiteboard, gesturing with the book in his hand.
@@.boy;"In these opening pages, we see Gregor's first reaction to his transformation. What's interesting, and what I'm sure you all noticed, is how... mundane his response is. He's not screaming or panicking. Instead, he's worried about being late for work. Why do you think that is?"@@
The entire class remains silent again. Mr. Reeds looks a little disappointed, but he seems used to it. You start to drift off, wondering if you should continue to pay attention to what Mr. Reeds is saying.
<div class="note">\
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
You should totally focus on the lecture to see how $name's transformations relate to a classic piece of literature about transformation. But if you just want to move on without reading an analysis, feel free to drift off.
<<button "Focus on the lecture" "Day 10 - 3">>\<<set $d10focus to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Drift off" "Day 10 - 3">>\<<set $d10focus to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $d10focus is true>>\
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.boy;"Gregor's priorities are fascinating, aren't they?"@@ Mr. Reeds says. @@.boy;"Here he is, a creature unlike anything else in the world, but his first thought is how it'll affect his job. It's absurd, but it also says something about the pressure he's under. Gregor's value, to himself and his family, is entirely tied to his ability to work. Think about that: he's reduced to a role, not a person. How does that relate to the theme of dehumanization?"@@
He pauses at the whiteboard and picks up a marker, jotting down keywords as he speaks.
@@.boy;"Kafka isn't interested in a neat, tidy narrative. He really wants us to //feel// Gregor's disorientation and fear, his isolation. Everything about the writing is designed to make us uncomfortable. To make us think about how we define ourselves, and how others define us."@@
You jot down as much as you can, your thoughts still scattered from your rushed morning.
@@.boy;"Now, $name,"@@ Mr. Reeds calls on you. You perk up, a little worried. \
<<if $d3analysis is 0>>\
@@.boy;"Care to share your thoughts on Gregor's transformation? Why do you think Kafka chose such an unusual physical change to begin the story?"@@
You quickly open the homework on your laptop. You read over what you wrote and freeze for a moment. The words you'd written for the homework assignment flicker in your mind, along with thoughts of your own transformation. You feel the weight of the question, and it feels like more than just a classroom discussion.
Clearing your throat, you speak. @@.player;"I think Kafka uses Gregor's physical transformation to show how much of his identity is tied to his role in society. Gregor doesn't really stop to think about what happened to him or even how he feels about it. If anything, he panics over being late to work, like his worth is only measured by what he can do for his family or his boss. He's not really seen as a person, just a worker or provider."@@
Mr. Reeds nods, clearly approving of your answer. @@.boy;"Interesting observation, $name. Gregor's immediate concern with his obligation rather than his new form speaks volumes about his sense of self-worth. Why do you think Franz Kafka chose to start the story this way?"@@
You can't help but hesitate for a moment, your mind pulling at the threads of Gregor's story and your own. @@.player;"I think Kafka's trying to show how fragile identity can be when it's tied to external things—jobs, responsibilities, even how others see you,"@@ you say cautiously. @@.player;"Gregor is still the same person inside but once his body changes, everything about how he sees himself and how he's treated starts to unravel."@@
As you speak, you feel an odd twist in your stomach. The parallels to your own life are impossible to ignore. Like Gregor, you've felt the same inside, but you've also felt the weight of how others might perceive the changes in you. It's unsettling and strange, as you're aware of how you're changing but unable to stop it.
@@.boy;"That's an excellent point, thank you $name,"@@ Mr. Reeds says. @@.boy;"Gregor's identity becomes unstable because it's so dependent on the expectations and perceptions of others. This makes his physical transformation not just a literal event, but a deeply symbolic one. Does anyone want to add to $name's analysis?"@@
The discussion continues as Mr. Reeds is forced to call on another victim. Your mind lingers on what you just said though. It's not just Gregor's transformation you're analyzing anymore—it’s your own.
<<elseif $d3analysis is 1>>\
@@.boy;"What are your thoughts on the theme of alienation in the first ten pages of //The Metamorphosis//? It's a concept that seems central to Gregor's experience so far."@@
You sit up straighter, opening the homework on your laptop. The words you'd written swim in your mind, along with the uncomfortable parallels to your own situation. After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you begin.
@@.player;"I think Gregor's transformation creates a deep sense of alienation for him,"@@ you say. @@.player;"The moment he wakes up as an insect, he's cut off from everything that connected him to his normal life. He can't work or explain himself, he's basically trapped. The people around him don't see //him// anymore—just the thing he’s become."@@
Mr Reeds nods thoughtfully. @@.boy;"An insightful take, $name. Gregor's inability to communicate with his family definitely heightens his isolation. But why do you think Kafka makes such a point of showing that disconnect so early in the story?"@@
You glance at your laptop, your own words staring back at you like a mirror. You take a deep breath before speaking. @@.player;"I think Kafka's showing how easily someone can become invisible when they don't meet the expectations of the people around them. Gregor's family relied on him to provide, but once he can't fulfill that role anymore, they don't know how to treat him. It's not just his body that's changed—his place in their lives has too. I believe that's why he feels so isolated."@@
Mr. Reeds' expression brightens with approval. @@.boy;"Exactly. Kafka often explored the idea of people being alienated from those closest to them. Gregor's transformation becomes a physical representation of that emotional and social distance. Do you think Gregor felt this way even before his transformation?"@@
@@.player;"Probably,"@@ you admit, your voice quieter. The question strikes a little too close to home. @@.player;"I think the transformation just makes it more obvious. It forces everyone to see the distance that was already there."@@
Your own transformation have been creating a quiet distance between you and your family. It's been difficult to keep it hidden, avoiding the questions they throw at you. The longer you stay silent though, the more alone you feel. Like Gregor, you're starting to wonder if anyone would even try to understand, or if they'd just see what's on the surface and treat you differently.
@@.boy;"Thank you for your contribution, $name,"@@ Mr. Reeds says. @@.boy;"Does anyone want to add to Mr. Yoon's analysis?"@@
The discussion moves on as Mr. Reeds is forced to call on another victim. The knot in your chest remains though, tied by the thoughts of the secret you're carrying and the alienation that grows with it.
<<elseif $d3analysis is 2>>\
@@.boy;"Let's hear your thoughts. How do you see family expectations shaping Gregor's response to his transformation?"@@
You feel a flutter of nerves as all eyes turn your way. You draw a deep breath and focus on the homework on the computer in front of you. The words you wrote about Gregor resonate more deeply than you'd like to admit, but you push through.
@@.player;"I think Gregor's transformation puts a spotlight on how much pressure he's under to meet his family's expectations,"@@ you begin. @@.player;"What stood out to me was how his first reaction when turned into an insect was guilt. He's panicking because he's worried he won't be able to go to work and provide for his family. It's like... his sense of self-worth is completely tied to what he can do for them, not who he is."@@
Mr. Reeds nods, his expression thoughtful. @@.boy;"An excellent observation, $name. Gregor's immediate concern for his family's financial situation does suggest how much of his identity has been consumed by that responsibility. Why do you think Kafka chose to make the family dynamic such a central part of the story?"@@
You glance at what you wrote again, your thoughts swimming. @@.player;"I think it's to show how unhealthy that kind of relationship can be,"@@ you say, your voice gaining confidence. @@.player;"Gregor's family doesn't seem to care about him as a person—they care about what he can do for them. The moment he can't work, he stops being their son and becomes a burden. I think Kafka's trying to say that basing your worth on what you can do for others is dangerous."@@
Mr. Reeds leans against his desk, crossing his arm. @@.boy;"That's a powerful interpretation. So would you say Gregor is complicit in this dynamic? Do you think he willingly sacrificed his individuality for his family's expectations?"@@
@@.player;"Maybe,"@@ you admit, the question hitting closer to home than you'd honestly like it to. @@.player;"I think he feels he doesn't have a choice. His family relies on him so much, and he doesn't want to let them down. But I really don't think it's fair to put all that on him. They should support him too, isn't that what family is for?"@@
Gregor's panic about failing his family strikes a chord, echoing your own fears. You've been changing, and though you've tried to downplay it, you can't shake the anxiety that people around you—your family, your friends—might start seeing you differently. Would they still care about you if you couldn't meet their expectations anymore?
Your chest tightens at the thought. You'd written about Gregor's family only valuing him for what he could do for them, and you can't help but wonder: are you afraid of the same thing?
@@.boy;"Thank you for your valuable insight, $name,"@@ Mr. Reeds says. @@.boy;"Would anyone else like to add to what Mr. Yoon said?"@@
The discussion continues around you, but your mind lingers on those thoughts. It's hard not to see pieces of Gregor's struggle in your own life.
@@.boy;"Why don't you share your thoughts? How does Gregor's transformation affect his ability to communicate, and what do you think Kafka might be saying through that?"@@
Your heart skips a beat, but you sit up straighter and glance at your homework on your laptop. The words you'd written only a week ago feel heavier now, tied too closely to your own struggles. You take a deep breath and begin.
@@.player;"I think the biggest impact of Gregor's transformation is how it cuts him off from the people around him,"@@ you say, choosing your words carefully. @@.player;"He can hear his family right outside his door, and they're talking to him, but he can't say anything. His voice is different, and they don't understand him. That breakdown in communication makes him feel even more isolated. His family is right there, but they might as well be a light year away."@@
Mr. Reeds nods, his expression thoughtful. @@.boy;"An insightful observation. So would you say that the inability to communicate is what makes his transformation truly terrifying?"@@
@@.player;"I think so, yes,"@@ you reply, your voice a little steadier. @@.player;"Turning into an insect is scary enough, but the real horror comes in not being able to explain yourself or ask for help. Gregor can't even tell his family about what's happening to him or how he feels. They're supposed to care about him, but because he can't communicate, they start seeing him as more of a monster than a person."@@
@@.boy;"That's an astute interpretation,"@@ Mr. Reeds says, his tone encouraging. @@.boy;"Now what do you think Kafka is trying to say about the importance of communication in relationships?"@@
@@.player;"I think he's showing how fragile communication can be,"@@ you say after hesitating for a moment. @@.player;"It's a warning, I suppose, about how it is to lose people if you don't make the effort to really listen to them."@@
@@.boy;"That's an excellent point, $name,"@@ Mr. Reeds smiles faintly, satisfied with your answer. @@.boy;"What do the rest of you think? Is Gregor solely to blame for the communication breakdown, or do his family and society share some responsibility?"@@
As the discussion shifts to the broader class, you lean back in your chair, your mind lingering on your own thoughts. Gregor's isolation feels familiar. Too familiar. You've been burying a lot about the transformation deep inside, keeping it a secret. It's starting to feel like you're losing the ability to connect with the people who matter most to you. You swallow hard, trying to shake the thoughts away. They stick to you like a shadow though. The fear of being misunderstood, of losing the people you care about because they can't hear you, sits heavy in your chest.
<<set $study to Math.clamp($study - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You can't help but drift off, bored by whatever Mr. Reeds is yapping about. You start trying to list as many North American fruits as you can. Oranges, apples, grapes, cranberries—
@@.boy;"$name,"@@ Mr. Reeds voice interrupts your thoughts. @@.boy;"Why don't you share your thoughts on the first ten pages? How does Gregor's transformation serve as a metaphor?"@@
Your stomach drops. You hadn't been paying attention at all. You sit up straighter, trying to look composed, but you have no idea what to say.
@@.player;"Well,"@@ you begin, stalling as you glance down at your empty notebook. @@.player;"I think Gregor's transformation into an, uh, insect is actually... a statement about the importance of... boundaries."@@
@@.boy;"Boundaries, huh?"@@ Mr. Reeds echoes, raising his eyebrows.
@@.player;"Precisely,"@@ you say, gaining confidence for no reason. @@.player;"You see, Gregor is suddenly stuck inside his room, right? That's Kafka showing how society boxes us in. Like, if you think about it, we're ''all'' Gregor. We're all trapped by the walls of... expectation. And bugs! We can't forget about bugs. Bugs love walls, don't they? They climb on them, eat them, you know, they love walls. So Gregor becoming a bug is Kafka telling us to not let society trap us in its metaphorical walls."@@
The class bursts into muffled laughs, and you hear someone whisper, @@.girl;"What is he even talking about?"@@
Mr. Reeds on the other hand, nods very seriously, although his lips twitch. @@.boy;"Interesting interpretation, $name. And what do you think Kafka is suggesting we do about these metaphorical walls?"@@
@@.player;"Oh, that's real easy,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Kafka is saying we should break them down! Like, we should get some metaphorical bug spray, to, uhhh... deal with the walls before the bugs take over. Because bugs represent all the societal expectations crawling all over us."@@
The giggles are louder now, and even Mr. Reeds looks like he's trying not to laugh. @@.boy;"Very creative. I admire your enthusiasm. Let's see what the class thinks about that. Does anyone else care to weigh in on these metaphorical walls?"@@
Your cheeks burn but you can't help but smile a little. Kafka probably would've appreciated the absurdity of your interpretation.
<<button "Continue to your first club meeting" "Day 10 - 4">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-hallway.png">
The school hallway buzzes with the usual post-class chaos. Lockers slam, voices overlap, and there's an occasional reprimand from a tired teacher. You stand in the middle of it all, clutching your backpack strap a little tighter than usual. Your first club meeting is today, and it feels like a fresh layer of nerves is settling in your stomach. Clubs were supposed to be fun, right? A chance to try something new or dive into something familiar. Now though, you were second-guessing everything.
You glance at the clock above the hallway exit. There's still a little time before the meeting starts, just enough for you to take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that this was your decision. This is it. Your club is waiting, and whether it's an easy fit or a rocky start, it's another step forward.
With one last glance down the hallway, you adjust your bag on your shoulder and start walking, weaving through the crowd as you make your way to the meeting.
<<if $club is 0>>\
<<button "Head to the Academic Club" "Day 10 - Academic">><</button>>
<<elseif $club is 1>>\
<<button "Head to the Occult Club" "Day 10 - Occult">><</button>>
<<elseif $club is 2>>\
<<button "Head to the Fashion Club" "Day 10 - Fashion">><</button>>
<<elseif $club is 3>>\
<<button "Head to the Yearbook Club" "Day 10 - Yearbook">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
The cafeteria buzzes with even more energy than usual. After getting your food, you head to your usual table. Samantha is leaning back in her chair, picking at a salad with a look of disdain, while Luke is demolishing a plate of chicken nuggets.
@@.samantha;"How was your first club day?"@@ Samantha asks as she spots you. @@.samantha;"Did you solve world hunger?"@@
@@.luke;"I'm sure he did well,"@@ Luke says, grinning through a mouthful of food.
@@.player;"It was interesting,"@@ you say as you slide into your seat.
@@.samantha;"Interesting?"@@ Samantha asks, raising her eyebrows. @@.samantha;"That's all you have to say? Come on, that's so boring!"@@
@@.luke;"Well, $name chose a club that actually does something,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"You chose the Film Club so you could just watch movies, didn't you?"@@
@@.samantha;"Puke, you're just jealous of me,"@@ Samantha sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes. @@.samantha;"I get to sit in an air-conditioned room watching movies while you're out there running."@@
@@.luke;"The Sports Club is great,"@@ Luke replies.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, we're talking about $name here. So, how'd you enjoy your first day of club?"@@
<<button "Give an optimistic response" "Day 10 - 6">>\<<set $d10cluboptimistic to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Give a pessimistic response" "Day 10 - 6">>\<<set $d10cluboptimistic to false>>\<</button>><<if $ver < 0.15>>\
<<set $lukeRomance = 0>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance = 0>>\
<<set $jessicaRomance = 0>>\
<<set $vincentRomance = 0>>\
<<set $auroraRomance = 0>>\
<<set $jordanRomance = 0>>\
<<if $d5luke is 1>>\
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<elseif $d5samantha is 0 or $d5samantha is 1 or $d5samantha is 2>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $thighsProg = 0>>
<<if $d10cluboptimistic is true>>\
You shrug, although there's a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. @@.player;"It was actually better than I expected it to be,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"I enjoyed my time and met some cool people."@@
@@.samantha;"Better than expected?"@@ Samantha asks, narrowing her eyes playfully. @@.samantha;"Are you sure you're talking about a school club here?"@@
@@.luke;"Clubs are where it's at, I'm glad you found something you like,"@@ Luke says with a wide grin on his face.
@@.samantha;"Just don't try and recruit me,"@@ Samantha shivers. @@.samantha;"I don't want to be a part of anything other than the Film Club."@@
You sigh, leaning back in your chair. @@.player;"To be honest, it was a bit of a letdown,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It wasn't terrible, but I guess I expected more."@@
@@.samantha;"Wow, what a glowing review,"@@ Samantha says with a smirk on her face. @@.samantha;"I'm sure your club's leader is just as devastated by how unimpressed you were."@@
@@.luke;"I mean, I'm sure it'll get better with time,"@@ Luke reassures. @@.luke;"First days can be rough and you need to get into the rhythm of it."@@
@@.samantha;"You can always join the Film Club with me, $name,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"We're going to be watching another part of //The Emoji Movie// next week."@@
You continue eating and soon the lunch period winds down. The three of you linger at your usual table as the cafeteria gradually empties. Samantha twirls her fork lazily between her fingers like a pencil while Luke stretches from side to side. You look down at his empty tray and have to hold in a laugh.
@@.samantha;"So, do you have anything planned after school?"@@ Samantha asks you, her tone casual. @@.samantha;"Got something else lined up or are you free to hang out with us? You know, your actual friends."@@
@@.luke;"You're counting yourself as an actual friend?"@@ Luke asks, chuckling.
@@.samantha;"Hey, I'm a better friend than you!"@@ Samantha exclaims.
@@.luke;"Anyway, $name, I'm going to hit the field after school ends,"@@ Luke says, turning his attention back to you. @@.luke;"It wouldn't hurt to get some practice in before the first game of the season. You could come and help me with drills."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, because what $name really wants to do after school is run around in the dirt with you,"@@ Samantha laughs so hard she snorts a little. @@.samantha;"I have a way better idea. We should check out the new café downtown! I'll let you pay for your own drink, don't worry."@@
@@.luke;"How productive."@@
@@.samantha;"Better than concussions, don't you think?"@@
Luke and Samantha squabble as you think about how you should spend your time.
<<button "Hang out with Samantha" "Day 10 - 7">>\<<set $d10hangout to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Hang out with Luke" "Day 10 - 7">>\<<set $d10hangout to false>>\<</button>><<if $d10hangout is true>>\
You glance between Luke and Samantha, considering both of their options. Ultimately though, you turn to Samantha with a shrug.
@@.player;"Let's check out that café,"@@ you say.
@@.samantha;"See, what did I say, Puke?"@@ Samantha smirks triumphantly. @@.samantha;"Enjoy your sweaty football practice, Mr. Golden Retriever."@@
@@.luke;"Ugh, you're missing out, $name,"@@ Luke groans, shaking his head. @@.luke;"Fine, go have your pumpkin spice macchiato or whatever. Just know that exercise is better than lattes."@@
@@.player;"I'll survive,"@@ you say, chuckling as you grab your tray and stand up.
Samantha slings her bag over her shoulder and turns her attention to you. @@.samantha;"Good choice, I can't wait to see what pretentious drink you end up ordering."@@
@@.player;"Who says I'm ordering anything pretentious, huh?"@@ you retort.
@@.samantha;"Oh you //totally// will, don't worry,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"There's a bunch of weird options. You'll get something you've never even heard of before."@@
You glance between Samantha and Luke, weighing their offers. While the idea of lounging in a café with Samantha has its appeal, the field calls out to you today. With a grin, you turn to Luke.
@@.player;"Alright, I'm in,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Let's get to the field after school."@@
@@.luke;"Yes!"@@ Luke's face lights up with a triumphant smile as he slaps the table. @@.luke;"I knew you'd make the right choice. You won't regret it, I swear."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh come on, $name,"@@ Samantha lets out an exaggerated groan. @@.samantha;"You'd rather hang out in the dirt instead of, I don't know, actual civilization?"@@
@@.luke;"It's called dedication, Samantha,"@@ Luke says, completely unbothered.
@@.samantha;"Dedication to running up and down a field? Very inspiring."@@
@@.player;"Hey, I could use the fresh air,"@@ you cut in.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, sure,"@@ Samantha laughs. @@.samantha;"I'll show you two a picture of my perfect foamed milk while you're wheezing and panting."@@
<<button "Continue with the school day" "Day 10 - 8">><</button>>Drama class was a whirlwind of creative chaos as always. You immediately feel a tickle in your throat and start coughing as you walk in, and you need a second to catch your breath. You look around the class and find the culprit, a bunch of dust motes dancing in the sunlight. A cluttered stage stands in the center of the room, hosting a bunch of mismatched chairs, scripts, and costumes. You put down your backpack and take a seat in the \
<<if $shy > $confident>>\
back \
front \
of the room.
@@.boy;"Welcome to Drama, my little thespians"@@ Mr. Bennet says, a wide grin on his face as he appears from behind the curtain. Your teacher runs a hand through his messy brown hair and makes his way to the center of the stage. His long scarf—an essential part of his wardrobe—drapes dramatically over one shoulder. @@.boy;"Today is a rather important day, as we're going to start preparing for our first play of the year."@@
A wave of excitement, mixed with some nervousness, washes over you. You hear your classmates whispering, speculating on what the play will be and what role they'll play.
@@.boy;"We'll be working on one of the most famous plays of all time this time around,"@@ Mr. Bennet announces after the room quiets back down. @@.boy;"It's one that all of you have either already read or will read soon. It's a tale of love, fate, and tragic misunderstandings. Without further ado, we'll be performing //Romeo and Juliet//!"@@
The reaction to Mr. Bennet's announcement is polarized, to say the least. Half of the class groans while the other half gasps in excitement. Everyone begins murmuring, and you can hear a girl say, @@.girl;"I hope I get to play Juliet!"@@
@@.boy;"Now we won't be doing much today, let alone casting students for roles,"@@ your drama teacher interrupts. @@.boy;"But we will have to start reading the play, brainstorming characters, and warming up. The scripts are on the table—please, treat them better than the last set."@@
You stand up and make your way toward the table Mr. Bennet pointed to. You pick up the script and make your way back to your seat. You think back to when you first read Romeo and Juliet in your freshman year. Although the details are fuzzy now, you still remember the gist of the story. You can't help but think about who you would play if you could. What role might this year have in store for you?
<<button "I want to play Romeo" "Day 10 - 9">>\<<set $d10playwho to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to play Juliet" "Day 10 - 9">>\<<set $d10playwho to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to play Mercutio" "Day 10 - 9">>\<<set $d10playwho to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want to be backstage" "Day 10 - 9">>\<<set $d10playwho to 3>>\<</button>><<if $d10playwho is 0>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You decide if you could, you would play Romeo. There's something about him being a star-crossed lover caught in a whirlwind of passion and tragedy. The image comes to you rather easily: standing on the stage, bathed in the spotlight, delivering heartfelt monologues about love. You already know you'd pour your soul into your performance as the audience hangs on your every line.
There's something alluring about playing the lead. You'd get to explore everything from the highs of love to the depths of despair. It's intimidating though. You're not sure if you could pull off his romantic charm without feeling ridiculous. The sword fights would be a challenge as well.
<<elseif $d10playwho is 1>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
The thought catches you off guard, but you can't help but wonder: what if you played Juliet? You picture yourself dressed in a flowing gown, delivering Juliet's lines with grace and vulnerability. The balcony scene comes to mind, and you can't help but smile as you imagine gazing down at Romeo, filled with longing and conflict.
Juliet's role in the story feels fascinating despite its challenge. She's strong yet vulnerable, caught between Romeo and her family. You'd step out of your comfort zone, but isn't that what acting's all about? The idea of exploring Juliet's complexity, courage, and tragic story pulls at you.
<<elseif $d10playwho is 2>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 3, 0, 100)>>\
Mercutio's name leaps to the forefront of your mind. Romeo's charismatic, witty, and bold friend seems like the kind of role you could get into. You picture yourself swaggering across the stage, delivering Mercutio's sharp one-liners. Mercutio isn't the lead, but his presence is unforgettable. He's the kind of character that leaves a lasting impression. You'd have to lean into humor, confidence, and heartbreak all at once—a blend that feels like a perfect challenge.
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You imagine working behind the scenes, helping build sets, adjusting lighting, and managing costumes. The idea of contributing to the play and its success without stepping onstage feels oddly comforting. You could easily see yourself enjoying the satisfaction of creating something tangible—like painting the backdrop or designing props. You wouldn't have to worry about memorizing lines or performing in front of an audience either, which is nice.
@@.boy;"Alright my budding thespians,"@@ Mr. Bennet says, cutting through your thoughts. @@.boy;"We've just learned our destiny for the semester—//Romeo and Juliet//, the most epic tale in the history of the English Language!"@@
He pauses for effect, pacing slowly across the stage at the front of the room. @@.boy;"But what is a play without //passion//? What is acting without //connection//? What is drama without..."@@ He stops, spinning on one foot to face the group. @@.boy;"Conflict?"@@
You see a few of your peers exchange amused glances, while others sit up a little straighter, drawn into his energy.
@@.boy;"To prepare you for the emotional stakes required to bring Shakespeare's words to life, we're going to start with a little warm-up. Improv! The sacred art of creating something from nothing."@@
With another clap, he marches toward the center of the room and gestures for everyone to stand. @@.boy;"On your feet! Drama is not a spectator sport."@@
Chairs screech as everyone reluctantly pushes them back and shuffles into the open space. Mr. Bennet raises a single finger, halting the movement like a conductor.
@@.boy;"Now, this will not be your //average// improv,"@@ he says, pacing again. @@.boy;"Oh no, not at all! This exercise will draw inspiration directly from our dear friend William Shakespeare himself. Each pair will embody a scenario inspired by the grand themes of //Romeo and Juliet//. You'll take these emotions, these stakes, and make them your own! Remember there are no wrong answers in improv, only boring ones."@@
@@.boy;"I will assign your pairs and scenarios. You'll have three minutes to brainstorm, craft, and rehearse your masterpiece. Then the stage will be yours! The clock starts as soon as I've finished assigning pairs. No pressure!"@@
He begins pointing dramatically at students, assigning pairs with the flair of someone casting a high-stakes Broadway show. @@.boy;"Emily and Theo! You are rival family members meeting in secret to make peace. Jasmine and Kevin! You are two best friends torn apart by loyalty to your families."@@
When his gaze lands on you, a sly smile spreads across his face. @@.boy;"$name!"@@ he exclaims. @@.boy;"You shall be paired with... Jordan!"@@
You glance over at Jordan, the football star that you forgot was even in this class. He raises an eyebrow at you from across the room.
Mr. Bennet doesn't miss a beat, pointing a finger at the two of you. @@.boy;"Your scenario: secret lovers meeting under the shadow of your families' bitter hatred!"@@
Jordan \
<<if $jordanRelo < 10>>\
sighs audibly but \
makes his way toward you. @@.jordan;"Guess we're doing this,"@@ he mutters as he stops in front of you.
@@.player;"Guess so,"@@ you reply.
@@.boy;"The clock starts now!"@@ Mr. Bennet sweeps his arm dramatically toward the rest of the class.
The room bursts into motion as pairs begin brainstorming their scenes, their voices filling the air with snippets of ideas. You turn to Jordan, already thinking about how to pull this off.
Jordan leans against a nearby desk, crossing his arms as he looks at you. @@.jordan;"Alright, how are we doing this?"@@ he asks, his voice low and even. @@.jordan;"Lovers meeting in secret—sounds pretty straightforward."@@
@@.player;"We've got a few ways we could spin this,"@@ you say, turning back to Jordan and shrugging. @@.player;"It depends on how dramatic we want to go."@@
@@.jordan;"This whole class is dramatic, might as well lean into it,"@@ Jordan chuckles, a faint smirk on his face.
<<button "Suggest that you act out the last meeting before a duel" "Day 10 - 10">>\<<set $d10dramascenario to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Suggest that you act out a secret meeting in disguise" "Day 10 - 10">>\<<set $d10dramascenario to false>>\<</button>>Luke stands in the middle of the field, his hands on his hips as he surveys the setup. Cones, tackling dummies, and even a foam noodle rest nearby. All the tools necessary for an afternoon's worth of drills.
@@.luke;"Alright, here's the game plan,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"We're focusing on three things today: reaction time, agility, and tackling form. Don't go easy on me, $name, you're the assistant coach today."@@
@@.player;"Don't worry,"@@ you reply, smirking. @@.player;"I plan to make you work for it."@@
@@.luke;"Good, let's get started then,"@@ Luke says, grabbing the football and jogging to the center of the field. @@.luke;"For this one, you're going to toss the ball randomly in different directions. I'll sprint to catch it before it hits the ground. Don't make it too predictable—keep me guessing."@@
You take your spot a few yards away and begin tossing the ball, sometimes lobbing it high up into the air and other times throwing it low. Luke sprints, drives, and pivots, his cleats tearing into the turf as he moves.
@@.luke;"Is that all you got, $name?"@@ Luke shouts after catching a difficult throw.
@@.player;"Try this!"@@ you reply, sending the next ball wide to his left.
The drill pushes Luke to his limits, but as he warms up, you notice his reaction time becomes even quicker. Even his movements seem to get more precise as he adjusts to your unpredictable throws. After you finish up with the reaction time drill, Luke waves you over to the cones.
@@.luke;"Alright, now we're working on agility,"@@ he says, holding up the foam noodle with a grin. @@.luke;"You're going to use this deadly weapon to try and tag me as I sprint through the cones. Your job is to block me or force me to change direction. My job is to make sure you miss."@@
You take your position as Luke crouches into a ready stance. He bursts into motion the moment you lunge, zigzagging through the cones.
@@.luke;"Too slow!"@@ he calls out, narrowly dodging your swing.
You adjust, trying to anticipate his next move, but his quick footwork keeps you on your toes. Eventually, you manage to tag your friend on the shoulder. @@.luke;"Alright, alright, that was decent,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head and laughing. @@.luke;"But you're going to have to be faster than that if you want to keep up with someone like me."@@
After some more practice with the foam noodle, Luke picks up the padded tackling dummy, setting it in place a few yards back from the line of scrimmage. He kneels to adjust its position, shifting it around and making sure it's secure, before stepping back.
@@.luke;"This is the fun stuff,"@@ Luke says, cracking his knuckles with a loud pop. @@.luke;"Tackling is all about form. Lowering the shoulder, keeping the legs driving, and following through. You can't just flail around and bump into someone. Watch and learn."@@
He lines up a few yards away, takes a deep breath, then bursts into motion. His feet pound against the grass as he closes the distance to the dummy. At the last second, he drops his shoulder, driving into the pad with so much force that it's knocked backward.
@@.luke;"Did you see that?"@@ Luke asks, adjusting the dummy. @@.luke;"It's all about control. You're moving it, not just hitting it. Give it a try."@@
You step up and mimic your friend's stance. Your first attempt is clumsy, to say the least, but Luke steps in and gives you tips. With his guidance, you improve, eventually landing a solid hit that sends the dummy to the floor. Luke claps you on the back, congratulating you. By the time you finish the final drill, you're both winded, but there's a sense of accomplishment hanging in the air. The both of you made for a solid team, and you can't help but feel closer to him after today. You think about how you should respond to the training session.
<<button "Playfully tease Luke" "Day 10 - Luke 2">>\<<set $d10lukechoice to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Challenge Luke for next time" "Day 10 - Luke 2">>\<<set $d10lukechoice to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Thank him for including you" "Day 10 - Luke 2">>\<<set $d10lukechoice to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d10lukechoice is 0>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 1, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Not bad, wide receiver,"@@ you say, your tone light and teasing as you lean casually on the foam noodle. @@.player;"But let's be real here—I did most of the work. You'd have been lost without me keeping you on track."@@
@@.luke;"Oh, is that right?"@@ Luke asks, shaking his head as he turns to face you. He lets out a snort, his grin widening. @@.luke;"From where I'm standing, you were the one out here sweating while trying to stop me with a foam noodle."@@
@@.player;"I was breaking a sweat because I was actually trying,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"You're just lucky I didn't decide to start trying."@@
@@.luke;"Sure, coach,"@@ Luke laughs, his voice full with skepticism. @@.luke;"Keep telling yourself that if it helps. Maybe next time I'll let you run the whole practice—you know, so I can sit back and critique your form."@@
@@.player;"Deal, we're on,"@@ you reply, grinning. @@.player;"Don't cry when I show you up though."@@
@@.luke;"All bark and no bite, $name,"@@ Luke says, the laughter still lingering in his eyes.
<<elseif $d10lukechoice is 1>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 1, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Alright, wide receiver,"@@ you say, planting your hands on your hips. @@.player;"Next time, let's turn this into an actual competition. Do you think you can keep up if I'm the one running the drills?"@@
@@.luke;"You?"@@ Luke asks, his eyebrows arching. A smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. @@.luke;"Are you sure you even know the difference between a linebacker and a wide receiver?"@@
@@.player;"I'm serious!"@@ you say, laughing. @@.player;"If you think you're fast now, you should wait until I set the pace. I'll have you working harder than your coach does."@@
@@.luke;"Alright then, $name. If you think you can handle it, I'm up for it. But don't cry when I end up leaving you in the dust."@@
@@.player;"Come on, you and I both know I'll have you begging for water breaks before I even break a sweat."@@
@@.luke;"We'll see about that, Coach,"@@ he says. @@.luke;"Next time, bring your A-game. You're going to need it."@@
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You wipe the sweat from your brow as Luke grabs the football and tosses it into the air absentmindedly. You watch him for just a moment, his focus still sharp even after the intense session. Instead of feeling drained though, you feel oddly accomplished.
@@.player;"Hey,"@@ you say, breaking the quiet. Luke turns to you, raising an eyebrow. @@.player;"Thanks for letting me tag along. I wasn't sure what to expect, to be honest, but this was actually pretty fun. I'm glad you thought to include me."@@
@@.luke;"Huh, what do you mean?"@@ Luke asks. He blinks, caught off guard by the sincerity in your tone. @@.luke;"You kept me sharp, kept the drills interesting. I invited you and you helped me more than I helped you. Plus, it's easier when it's someone who actually gives a shit, you know?"@@
@@.player;"Well, I'm glad to be that someone,"@@ you say, chuckling and taking a step toward him.
@@.luke;"Alright, $name,"@@ Luke says, a soft grin growing on his face. His eyes briefly meet yours before he tosses the ball to you. @@.luke;"I don't want to get too sentimental but thanks. It's nice to have you out here."@@
@@.player;"Aww, I knew you had a soft spot for me,"@@ you tease, catching the ball.
@@.luke;"Yeah, yeah,"@@ Luke laughs, shaking his head as he slings his bag over his shoulder. @@.luke;"Don't let it get to your head."@@
The field fades behind you as you and Luke approach the nearby bench and vending machine. It's under the shade of a few tall trees, and the breeze carries a slight chill through the air. Luke tosses his bag onto the bench with a casual motion and cracks his neck.
@@.luke;"Man, I needed that,"@@ he says, his shirt drenched in sweat. @@.luke;"Nothing beats a good workout."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's exhausting but the serotonin boost is nice,"@@ you say, smirking as you wipe your face.
@@.luke;"You've earned your break, Coach,"@@ Luke replies, laughing. He stops in front of the vending machine and looks around, reading all the labels. @@.luke;"Let's see what they've got here."@@
He leans down, examining the brightly lit row of drinks inside. @@.luke;"So you got your classic sports drinks,"@@ he says, gesturing toward some neon-colored bottles. @@.luke;"They've got a ton of electrolytes and taste pretty good. Cool blue is the best flavor, by the way—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise."@@
He moves his hand to the next row, pointing to the fizzy cans stacked neatly in their slots. @@.luke;"Then there's some soda if you're feeling rebellious. Probably not what Coach would want me to drink, but hey, it's sugar and carbonation."@@
@@.luke;"And for the practical types, there's flavored water,"@@ Luke says, nodding toward a row of sleek bottles with trendy labels. @@.luke;"It's classy, like hydration without the sugar rush."@@
You step forward, looking over the selection. The vending machine hums softly as you wonder what you should get.
<<button "Get a sports drink" "Day 10 - Luke 3">>\<<set $d10lukedrink to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a soda" "Day 10 - Luke 3">>\<<set $d10lukedrink to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get a flavored water bottle" "Day 10 - Luke 3">>\<<set $d10lukedrink to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d10lukedrink is 0>>\
<<set $athleticism to Math.clamp($athleticism + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'll go with that one,"@@ you say, pointing to the electric-blue sports drink. @@.player;"I've got to replenish those electrolytes, don't you think?"@@
@@.luke;"Good choice,"@@ Luke says, nodding approvingly. He pulls a crumbled bill from his pocket and slides it into the machine, punching the button for the drink with a practiced motion. The bottles clunk loudly into the bottom tray, and Luke bends down, grabs it, and tosses it to you with a grin. @@.luke;"Here, Coach."@@
You twist the cap off and take a sip, the cool, tangy flavor hitting just right after some exercise. Luke leans back against the bench, holding up his drink in a mock toast.
@@.player;"To a hard day's work?"@@ you ask, holding up your bottle as well.
@@.luke;"To a hard day's work and good company,"@@ he replies.
You clink your bottle lightly against his with a \
<<if $femininity > 29>>\
The moment feels easy, the refreshing drink a perfect cap to the effort the two of you put in. There's an underlying respect and warmth in Luke's tone that makes the day's work feel worth it.
<<elseif $d10lukedrink is 1>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at the fizzy row of drinks and point to a bright red can. @@.player;"Soda,"@@ you say with a grin.
@@.luke;"Soda after a workout?"@@ Luke asks, shaking his head as he fishes a crumpled bill from his pocket. He punches in the code for the soda, and the cans clunk into the tray below. He grabs it, tossing it over to you with a smirk. @@.luke;"I'll enable your terrible choices just this once."@@
You crack open the can, the sharp hiss of carbonation filling the air. Taking a long sip, you let out a sigh of satisfaction. @@.player;"Ah, the taste of rebellion feels good."@@
@@.luke;"Here's to terrible decisions,"@@ Luke says, raising his drink in a mock toast.
@@.player;"Hear, hear,"@@ you say, clinking your can lightly against his. The familiar rhythm of your friendship makes the moment feel effortless.
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Flavored water,"@@ you say, pointing to the sleek bottle with a bright citrus label. @@.player;"I've got to stay hydrated and classy."@@
@@.luke;"Flavored water?"@@ Luke asks, raising his eyebrows. @@.luke;"What, you too good for a regular sports drink?"@@
@@.player;"Are you calling me bougie for picking a drink I like?"@@ you joke. @@.player;"I have refined taste, you don't. Simple as that."@@
@@.luke;"Unbelievable,"@@ Luke shakes his head with an exaggerated sigh. He pulls out a crumpled bill from his pocket, punches in the code, and waits for the bottle to clunk into the tray. He grabs it, holds it up in mock reverence, and passes it to you. @@.luke;"Here, Your Majesty. Your hydration awaits."@@
You twist the cap off and take a sip, letting the cool, slightly sweet water slide down your throat. It hits perfectly after the workout, having a citrus zing to it. @@.player;"Not bad,"@@ you say with a smile.
The two of you enjoy a quiet moment on the bench, both drinking your bottles of flavored water. The flavored water might not have been Luke's pick, but you can tell he doesn't mind.
@@.luke;"Thanks for sticking around today,"@@ Luke says, glancing at you. @@.luke;"It's nice having someone out here who doesn't just talk about practice but actually shows up."@@
@@.player;"Someone's got to keep you on your toes, don't you think?"@@ you ask, raising your bottle and meeting his gaze.
@@.luke;"Yeah,"@@ Luke replies, bumping his drink lightly against yours. @@.luke;"Just don't get too used to me buying your fancy water, alright?"@@
@@.player;"Deal,"@@ you chuckle.
The moment feels grounded and real, the kind of exchange that reminds you why you've been friends with Luke for so long. It's the little things—like a shared laugh over flavored water—that keep it all feeling effortless.
The sun dips lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the football field. The faint rustling of leaves and distant sounds of the cheer squad fade into the background as you and Luke finish your drinks. The calm after the workout lingers, but as the breeze cools, Luke stretches his arms above his hands and stands up.
@@.luke;"Alright, Coach,"@@ he says, tossing the drink into a nearby trash can with a perfect arc. @@.luke;"Don't you think it's about time we head home now? We've earned the break."@@
@@.player;"Sure,"@@ you reply, nodding and brushing off your shorts. @@.player;"I'm pretty sure my legs will be super sore tomorrow."@@
@@.luke;"You'll be fine,"@@ Luke says, chuckling. @@.luke;"Come on, let's take the shortcut through the woods. It's faster and we'll beat the traffic."@@
@@.player;"The woods?"@@ you ask, glancing at the tree line. The dark foliage looks darker now in the fading light. @@.player;"Are you sure?"@@
@@.luke;"Relax, I've been there a million times,"@@ Luke reassures, nudging your shoulder lightly. @@.luke;"What, are you scared?"@@
<<button "Go through the woods" "Day 10 - Luke 4">>\<<set $d10lukewoods to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Take the usual route home" "Day 10 - Luke 4">>\<<set $d10lukewoods to false>>\<</button>><<if $d10lukewoods is true>>\
@@.player;"No, of course not,"@@ you reply to Luke. @@.player;"Let's go through your shortcut."@@
@@.luke;"Come on then, $name,"@@ Luke starts walking toward the path, looking over his shoulder with a grin. @@.luke;"Don't let me outpace you."@@
You roll your eyes but follow, and the two of you step off the beaten path and into the woods. The crunch of autumn leaves beneath your shoes and the distant chirping of crickets fill the air, the shortcut already feeling quieter and more secluded than the busy parking lot.
@@.luke;"See?"@@ Luke says, gesturing around. @@.luke;"Not so bad."@@
@@.player;"It really isn't,"@@ you whisper.
The air grows cooler as you and Luke walk deeper into the woods, the golden glow of the sunset filtering through the treetops.
@@.luke;"I told you this was faster,"@@ Luke says, glancing back at you and flashing an easy grin. @@.luke;"We'll be home in no time."@@
@@.player;"If we run into a pack of angry squirrels, I'm not saving you,"@@ you joke. @@.player;"I'll sacrifice you and get out of here alive."@@
@@.luke;"Noted,"@@ Luke replies. @@.luke;"I'll rely on my wide receiver instincts to fend them off."@@
The deeper you go, the darker it gets, the trees growing thicker and blocking out the last rays of sunlight. The air feels heavier here, cooler and tinged with an earthy scent.
@@.luke;"It's been a while since I came through here this late,"@@ Luke admits, his voice quieter now. He slows his pace, glancing around as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. @@.luke;"It's a little scarier than I remembered it being."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, no shit,"@@ you mutter, your gaze darting from tree to tree. @@.player;"Remind me again why this shortcut was a good idea?"@@
Luke opens his mouth to respond but the sound of a twig snapping in the distance makes both of you pause.
@@.luke;"It's fine,"@@ he says after a moment, his tone reassuring. @@.luke;"There's nothing here but wildlife. Just stick close, and we'll be out soon."@@
The path narrows further, forcing you to take each step carefully to avoid tripping over roots and rocks. Luke's footsteps are steady ahead of you, but the woods feel different now—quieter, almost unnervingly so. The occasional distant rustle of leaves and strange sound keep your nerves on edge.
<<button "Stick closely behind Luke" "Day 10 - Luke 5">>\<<set $d10lukeclose to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep your distance" "Day 10 - Luke 5">>\<<set $d10lukeclose to false>>\<</button>>
@@.player;"Yeah, I am scared of the woods,"@@ you reply to Luke. @@.player;"I'm fine taking our usual route home."@@
@@.luke;"Fine, whatever you say, Coach,"@@ Luke says, a grin on his face showing that he doesn't actually mind. @@.luke;"We won't take any shortcuts, but if we hit traffic, I'm blaming you."@@
The two of you walk away from the edge of the woods, heading toward the paved path that winds around the school campus. The late evening light stretches across the quiet sidewalks, casting long shadows from the rows of neatly trimmed bushes and lamp posts lining the path. The air is cooler now as it approaches night, and the faint hum of traffic from the nearby road blends with students wrapping up their after-school activities.
@@.player;"Hey, it's better than being lost in the woods,"@@ you quip back.
@@.luke;"You're the only person taking a shortcut through the woods sound that dangerous,"@@ he chuckles, nudging you lightly with his elbow.
The walk feels easy, the familiarity of the campus calming after the intensity of the field drills. Luke slows his pace slightly, tilting his head back to look at the sky.
@@.luke;"Man,"@@ Luke says after a moment. @@.luke;"I don't think I actually took the time to appreciate how nice it is out here. I'm too busy running laps or dodging Coach's yelling at this time of day."@@
@@.player;"Guess you're always moving too fast to notice,"@@ you say, falling into step beside him. @@.player;"It could help if you slowed down once in a while."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, maybe,"@@ he replies, his tone lighter. @@.luke;"But you know me—I don’t exactly do ‘slow.’"@@
The two of you pass the empty bleachers and the main parking lot, the occasional car pulling out and heading toward the main road. The chatter of a small group of students fades as they turn in the opposite direction, leaving the path ahead quieter.
@@.luke;"You ever think about stuff like this, $name?"@@ Luke asks, his voice thoughtful. @@.luke;"Like, all the little moments we don't pay attention to. How they just... slip by?"@@
You blink, surprised by the sudden shift in tone. It wasn't like Luke to suddenly bring something like this up. @@.player;"I mean, sometimes,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"But I guess that's why it's important to have people to share them with, right? Makes them stick a little more."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah,"@@ Luke says, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. @@.luke;"That makes sense."@@
The rest of the walk feels quieter and more reflective, as the path takes you closer to the main road. The streetlights flicker on one by one, their warm glow guiding your way.
<<button "Tell him something positive" "Day 10 - Luke 5">>\<<set $d10lukeclose to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tell him he's overthinking things" "Day 10 - Luke 5">>\<<set $d10lukeclose to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d10lukewoods is true>>\
<<if $d10lukeclose is true>>\
<<if $lukeRomance > 0>>\
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You quicken your pace, falling into step right behind Luke. The fading light filtering through the trees only makes the shadows stretch longer, creating strange shapes on the ground. There's a sense of unease creeping in, but Luke's steady presence in front of you reassures you.
@@.player;"Yeah, sticking close seems like a solid plan,"@@ you say, trying to sound lighthearted. @@.player;"I'm sure we'll be fine."@@
@@.luke;"Relax, $name,"@@ Luke says, chuckling softly. @@.luke;"Worst-case scenario, I'll carry you out of here. Just don't trip and fall."@@
You roll your eyes, glad to have Luke's unshakable confidence even in the encroaching darkness. The trail narrows further though as you walk, forcing the two of you to walk single file. Every now and then, you have to step around roots or duck beneath low-hanging branches. The sound of your sneakers crunching against leaves and twigs echoes in the stillness, each snap and crackle feeling a lot louder than it should.
@@.luke;"You good?"@@ your friend asks, his voice quieter. He slows down slightly, waiting for you to match his pace.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply rather unconvincingly. @@.player;"Just trying not to trip."@@
@@.luke;"You'll be fine,"@@ he says, glancing back at you. His tone softens, and for a moment, there's something comforting about the way he says it.
The trail twists suddenly, veering to the right. Luke pauses, looking ahead to check the path. You nearly bump into him but catch yourself, muttering some words of apology. The air feels heavier as you make your way to the edge of the woods. The trees seem to close in, their branches forming a canopy that blocks out the last of the fading sunlight. It's darker now, the faint glow of twilight barely reaching the forest floor. You stick closer to Luke, your steps almost matching his.
@@.player;"It feels like we've been walking forever,"@@ you say, keeping your voice low.
@@.luke;"Yeah, these woods always feel longer when it's getting dark,"@@ Luke says, his voice as calm as ever. @@.luke;"Trust me though, we're almost there.@@
The faint rustling of leaves catches your attention, and you instinctively look toward the sound. Nothing's there. It was just the wind brushing through the leaves. You shake your head, trying to push down the creeping unease as you continue walking.
@@.luke;"Hey, you've been pretty quiet,"@@ Luke observes suddenly, breaking the silence. @@.luke;"Are you alright?"@@
@@.player;"I'm just focused,"@@ you reply, quickening your pace so that the two of you are walking almost shoulder to shoulder.
@@.luke;"On what?"@@ Luke asks. @@.luke;"I know it can be scary, but we'll be fine."@@
@@.player;"You're right,"@@ you say, appreciative of his words. You open your mouth but quickly close it again as you see some light.
The trail widens again, and ahead, you can see the faint glow of open space. Relief washes over you like a wave as the thick canopy gives way to the sight of the first streetlights marking the edge of the woods.
@@.luke;"There it is!"@@ Luke says, pointing toward the clearing. His pace quickens, and you follow close behind. Your footsteps feel light now that you can see the way out.
As Luke leads the way, his confident strides creating a faint path through the woods, you decide to hang back, keeping a few paces between the two of you. The air is cooler here, the fading sunlight casting long shadows that stretch across the uneven trail. The sound of your footsteps crunching on leaves echoes faintly, punctuated by the occasional snap of a twig underfoot.
@@.luke;"You alright back there?"@@ Luke calls over his shoulder.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm good,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"I'm just making sure you don't lose me in this place."@@
@@.luke;"Don't worry, Coach,"@@ he says, chuckling softly. @@.luke;"If we stick to the trail we'll be fine, I've got a flawless sense of direction."@@
@@.player;"Flawless, sure we'll call it that,"@@ you joke, adjusting your pace to maintain the gap between you. @@.player;"You're lucky I trust you."@@
The trail narrows slightly, forcing you to watch your footing carefully. Roots and rocks just out from the dirt, their twisted shapes catching what little light filters through the trees. The quiet feels heavier now, the distant sounds of the school and city muffled by the canopy above.
@@.luke;"This part's a little tricky,"@@ Luke says, pausing briefly. He carefully steps over a particularly large root, pointing to the uneven ground. @@.luke;"Don't trip."@@
@@.player;"Got it, I am pretty coordinated so, it'll be fine,"@@ you respond, a smirk on your face.
The path twists sharply as you continue walking, and for a moment, Luke disappears from view. You quicken your pace slightly, the shadows ahead growing darker as the trees seem to close in.
@@.player;"Luke?"@@ you call, your voice breaking the quiet. You glance from left to right, trying to find where the hell he went.
@@.luke;"Relax!"@@ you hear his voice say as he steps back into view. @@.luke;"The trail's just winding a bit, I'm not ditching you."@@
@@.player;"You scared me,"@@ you say with a nervous laugh. You fall back into your slower pace, although you do stick a little closer to Luke.
The woods go quieter as the light fades, the air cooler and the scent of damp leaves stronger. You glance around occasionally, the rustling of branches keeping you on edge. Luke's steady pace and confident movements ahead are reassuring, even from a distance.
@@.luke;"We're almost there!"@@ Luke says after a few minutes. @@.luke;"See that light up ahead? That's the edge of the woods."@@
You follow his gaze and spot the faint glow of streetlights filtering through the trees. Relief washes over you, and you pick up your pace slightly, closing some of the distance between you and Luke.
As you both step out of the woods, the air feels fresher, the faint hum of cars in the distance a welcome reminder of civilization. Luke stops at the edge of the path, glancing back toward the darkened woods with a small smirk.
@@.luke;"What did I say, the shortcut is faster,"@@ Luke says, turning to you.
@@.player;"Yeah, not bad, if you're alright with getting lost in the woods, that is,"@@ you say, glad to be out of the woods. @@.player;"I'll stick to sidewalks next time."@@
@@.luke;"You may say that now, but when you're busy, it's a whole different matter."@@
The two of you make your way toward the main road, the tension of earlier fading.
<<if $d10lukeclose is true>>\
<<if $lukeRomance > 0>>\
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at Luke as you walk, the glow of the streetlights catching the edges of his face. There's an ease to the way he carries himself, his steps are confident but unhurried as if he's savoring the quiet moment.
@@.player;"I'm glad we got to hang out today,"@@ you say, your tone soft but genuine. @@.player;"It's nice to actually spend time together."@@
Luke's confident stride falters for a split second. He glances over at you,
@@.luke;"Yeah?"@@ he asks, his voice a little strained as if he's testing the words.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"Feels like we don't get to do this much anymore. Just hanging out without a million things going on. I missed it."@@
Luke looks ahead for a moment, his hand shifting to adjust the strap of his bag. When he speaks again, his voice is steady, but there's an undertone of something deeper. @@.luke;"Me too. It's been a while, hasn't it?"@@
@@.player;"I suppose life gets in the way sometimes,"@@ you say. @@.player;"But today reminded me why we're friends in the first place."@@
@@.luke;"You really know how to hit someone in the feels,"@@ Luke chuckles softly, his gaze dropping to the pavement. @@.luke;"For real, though, I'm glad too."@@
@@.player;"Well, don't get used to me going easy on you,"@@ you say, trying to lighten the mood. @@.player;"Next time, I'm running the drills. They won't be easy either."@@
@@.luke;"We'll see about that,"@@ Luke says, letting lout a light laugh. @@.luke;"Don't get cocky."@@
The warmth between you lingers as you approach the intersection of your neighborhoods, the quiet banter wrapping around you like the steady glow of the streetlights.
You glance at Luke and smirk, nudging his arm lightly. @@.player;"Wow, listen to you,"@@ you begin. @@.player;"Getting all deep and philosophical. You're really overthinking this, aren't you."@@
@@.luke;"I don't overthink,"@@ Luke says, turning to face you with an exaggerated look of offense. @@.luke;"I think you're confusing me with someone else, Coach."@@
@@.player;"Sure, because you're known for casually pondering the fleeting nature of moments,"@@ you say, laughing.
@@.luke;"I'm allowed to think about stuff like that every now and then,"@@ he says, following after you. @@.luke;"Doesn't mean I'm turning into some tortured poet."@@
@@.player;"Could've fooled me,"@@ you quip. @@.player;"You know, in drama class, we're going to be doing a Shakespeare play. Maybe you can join. 'To tackle or not to tackle, that is the question.'"@@
Luke groans dramatically, covering his face with one hand as he catches up to you. @@.luke;"You're the worst. I made one small comment and now I'm a philosopher."@@
@@.player;"You said it, not me,"@@ you reply, grinning.
@@.luke;"Seriously though,"@@ Luke says after a moment, his voice softer but still carrying that edge of humor. @@.luke;"It's not that deep. I just... I guess it's nice to have days like this, you know? Stuff that doesn't feel so... routine."@@
@@.player;"I get it,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"And don’t worry—I won’t let anyone find out you have feelings."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, thanks, I guess,"@@ Luke says, shoving you slightly. @@.luke;"Wouldn't want to ruin my stellar reputation."@@
The first stars appear in the sky, the warmth of the moment making the walk feel a little shorter.
Luke stops walking as the intersection between your neighborhoods comes into view. He looks at you, his smirk replaced by something softer and more thoughtful. @@.luke;"Alright, Coach,"@@ he says, his tone lighter now. @@.luke;"I suppose this is where we part ways. Are you sure you'll be able to survive the walk home without my expert guidance?"@@
@@.player;"I think I'll manage,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. @@.player;"Thanks for the workout."@@
@@.luke;"Anytime,"@@ he replies, chuckling as he adjusts his bag. @@.luke;"I'll see you in the morning tomorrow."@@
@@.player;"For sure,"@@ you say.
As Luke turns to head toward the street, he glances back over his shoulder, flashing you a quick grin. @@.luke;"Later, $name."@@
@@.player;"Later,"@@ you reply, watching as he walks off. His silhouette fades into the glow of the streetlights.
The evening air feels a little cooler now, but a faint smile remains on your face as you head home.
<<button "Go home" "Day 10 - 14">><</button>><<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
The sun hangs low in the sky as you make your way to the field after school, the golden light spilling across the trimmed grass. The air smells of earth, sweat, and chalk, and the distant sounds of whistles and cheers add to the atmosphere. Luke is already out there, tossing a football back and forth with one of his teammates. He spots you as you approach and jogs over, a grin appearing on his face.
@@.luke;"About time you showed up,"@@ he says, lightly punching your shoulder. @@.luke;"Thought you bailed on me to get coffee with Samantha for a second."@@
<<if $sarcastic > $genuine>>\
@@.player;"Well, I had to mentally prepare myself for all the athletic greatness I'm about to witness,"@@ you say with a smirk.
@@.player;"I would never, we had a plan,"@@ you say, smiling.
@@.luke;"Anyway, let's see if you can actually throw this thing,"@@ Luke says, shoving the football into your chest. He leads you to a marked-off section of the field where some cones and tackling dummies are set up. @@.luke;"Coach said I need to work on my speed and reaction time—typical wide receiver stuff. You're here to keep me sharp since running drills alone is boring."@@
@@.player;"Sure, I can let you do all the running while I stand around,"@@ you joke, tossing the ball back.
@@.luke;"Don't worry, I'll do the lion's share of the exercise today,"@@ Luke replies, catching the ball effortlessly and jogging to his setup. @@.luke;"I just need you to keep things interesting while I run some of these drills. Think of yourself as an assistant coach."@@
@@.player;"Do I get a whistle?"@@ you ask, chuckling.
@@.luke;"Not yet, no,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"Alright, let's get started."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 10 - Luke 1">><</button>><<if $d10samanthadrink is 0>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You glance up at the menu, scanning the options until your eyes land on the most outrageous drink listed: the //Rainbow Sparkle Latte//. You read the description and see that it promises layers of colorful steamed milk, edible glitter, and a hint of vanilla. It sounds ridiculous, but you can’t help but be intrigued.
@@.player;"I'll take the Rainbow Sparkle Latte,"@@ you say confidently, stepping up to the counter.
@@.girl;"Good choice!"@@ the barista says, grinning.
@@.samantha;"Look at you, $name!"@@ Samantha raises an eyebrow. @@.samantha;"You're embracing the ridiculousness. I've got to say I approve."@@
When your drink arrives, it's as, if not more, over-the-top as you imagined. Layers upon layers of pastel colors topped with a swirl of glittery foam. As you sit down with Samantha, you notice a few people glancing your way, whispering about the drink.
@@.samantha;"That thing is like, made for Insta,"@@ Samantha says, pulling out her phone. @@.samantha;"Hold still—I’m going to this. You're going to be famous for this drink."@@
The attention feels lighthearted and fun, and you enjoy having the spotlight, even if it is for your drink.
<<elseif $d10samanthadrink is 1>>\
You scan the menu, skipping past the flashy drinks and landing on something straightforward. @@.player;"Just a vanilla latte, please,"@@ you say to the barista.
@@.girl;"Classic choice,"@@ she replies, nodding as she rings up your order.
@@.samantha;"Wow, bold choice, $name,"@@ Samantha jokes, nudging you as the two of you step away from the counter. @@.samantha;"Going with the most exciting drink on the menu, I can't imagine how that felt."@@
@@.player;"Look, for coffee, simple is better,"@@ you reply, justifying your choice.
When your drink arrives, it’s exactly what you expected—no frills, just a delicious drink. You sit down with Samantha, and she shakes her head in mock disappointment. @@.samantha;"You're missing out on the glittery madness, but I suppose that's respectable."@@
It’s a quiet moment, nothing flashy, but you feel content with your choice.
<<set $sarcastic += 5>>\
<<set $genuine -= 5>>\
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $social to Math.clamp($social - 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"What?"@@ you let out as you squint at the menu, reading some of the descriptions out loud. @@.player;"Unicorn Frappé? What the hell? Do they serve coffee here or just liquid art projects?"@@
Your voice carries just enough for a few people in line to hear. Samantha snorts, stifling a laugh behind her hand. @@.samantha;"Careful, $name. You might get thrown out of the store for blasphemy."@@
The barista raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything, while a couple of other customers glance your way with faint disapproval on their faces.
You shrug though, completely unaffected, and step up to the counter. @@.player;"Just a regular black coffee,"@@ you say, keeping it simple.
When your drink arrives, Samantha is still smirking. @@.samantha;"You really leaned into the boomer vibe there,"@@ she says, laughing. @@.samantha;"Back in my day, coffee didn't have all these frills!"@@
You chuckle, but as you sit down, you've noticed that the cafe's atmosphere has changed. A few people are still giving you side-eyes, and Samantha seems more amused than impressed. The moment passes, but you feel your joke might not quite have landed like you'd intended it to.
After your drinks arrive and you two get settled next to a window, you enjoy the warm afternoon sun. It streams in, painting the café in soft, warm hues of orange and yellow. Outside, the steady rhythm of passersby creates a backdrop of movement, while inside, the gentle clatter of mugs and conversation wraps the space in a cozy intimacy.
Samantha takes a long, deliberate sip of her lavender honey latte, her brow furrowed in concentration as if she's judging a gourmet meal. After a moment, she places the cup down and leans back in her chair. @@.samantha;"It's good,"@@ she says with mock seriousness. @@.samantha;"Smooth and a little floral, but honestly? Not the life-changing experience I was promised. I'll give it an eight out of ten."@@
@@.player;"You're not giving it a ten?"@@ you ask, smirking.
@@.samantha;"Eh, nothing's a ten,"@@ she says, waving her hand dismissively. @@.samantha;"Tens are for life-altering moments. This is just... nice."@@
@@.player;"That's fair,"@@ you reply, leaning back in your chair as your gaze drifts to the window.
For some time, the conversation settles into an easy quiet, both of you taking in the scenery. Samantha breaks her silence after a minute or two, tapping her fingers lightly on the table. @@.samantha;"So,"@@ she starts, her tone casual but with a hint of genuine curiosity. @@.samantha;"What's it like hanging out somewhere that doesn't involve Luke yelling about football or someone trying to knock you over? Nice, right?"@@
@@.player;"Come on, it's not like I'm with Luke all the time,"@@ you reply, a grin on your face.
@@.samantha;"Come on, you've got to admit it—this is better. You don't have to run laps or deal with sweaty guys, just good coffee and //me//. Pretty unbeatable combo, if I do say so myself."@@
Her teasing tone is familiar, but there's something softer behind it.
@@.samantha;"But seriously, how have you been?"@@ she asks, her voice dropping. @@.samantha;"You've been busy lately—clubs, school, life. I feel I don't see you nearly as much as I used to, and I kinda miss having someone to make fun of."@@
The shift in her tone is subtle but unmistakable. Samantha's usual sarcasm seems to fall away for a moment, leaving her open. There's a weight to her words, a reminder that behind everything, she's still one of your closest friends.
<<button "Open up about how busy you've been" "Day 10 - Samantha 2">>\<<set $d10samantharesponse to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Make a playful comment about spending time with her" "Day 10 - Samantha 2">>\<<set $d10samantharesponse to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush it off and keep things light" "Day 10 - Samantha 2">>\<<set $d10samantharesponse to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d10samantharesponse is 0>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, it's been a lot lately,"@@ you admit, resting your arms on the table as you let out a soft sigh. @@.player;"Clubs, school, trying to keep up with everything—it feels like there’s always something that needs to be done. Sometimes it feels like there's not enough time for anything."@@
@@.samantha;"Sounds like you're running yourself ragged, $name,"@@ Samantha tilts her head, her expression softening. @@.samantha;"You're usually not this introspective or tired."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence, Samantha,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"But yeah, it's been overwhelming. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything."@@
@@.samantha;"I get it. School, clubs, family—it’s like they all want a piece of you, right?"@@
@@.player;"Pretty much, yeah,"@@ you say, grinning faintly. @@.player;"I'm glad we're hanging out today though. I really am. It's nice to just... take a break."@@
For a moment, Samantha doesn't respond. She's watching you closely, her usual sarcasm replaced with something softer. Then, she leans back in her chair, her grin returning. @@.samantha;"Lucky for you, I'm a world-class distraction. Consider this your break from the chaos."@@
@@.player;"It's the best distraction I've had in a while,"@@ you reply.
@@.samantha;"And seriously, $name, if it ever feels like too much, you know you can talk to me, don't you?"@@ she asks, pointing her spoon at you. @@.samantha;"I'll even let you rant for free."@@
@@.player;"That's generous of you,"@@ you laugh.
@@.samantha;"Hey, I have my moments,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"Anyway, enough with the doom spiral. Did I tell you about what Puke did when he called me yesterday?"@@
The weight of the earlier conversation starts to lift as she continues talking. The blend of Samantha's wit and her genuine care makes the moment feel lighter, even as her words about being there for you linger in your mind.
<<elseif $d10samantharesponse is 1>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Well, with how busy I've been, you're lucky to be so high on my priority list,"@@ you say, leaning back in your chair and letting a small grin tug at the corners of your mouth. @@.player;"Not everyone gets the privilege of enjoying a coffee with me, you know."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, is that so?"@@ Samantha asks, her voice dripping with mock indignation. @@.samantha;"I should feel honored, huh? Mr. Young Socialite took time out of his packed schedule to grace me with his presence?"@@
@@.player;"Exactly,"@@ you say, chuckling. @@.player;"You really should start appreciating me more. It's not every day I bless someone with my company."@@
@@.samantha;"Wow, someone's ego got a boost today,"@@ she says, laughing. @@.samantha;"Did someone give you a pep talk about how you're special?"@@
@@.player;"Just being around you inspires me,"@@ you say with an exaggeratedly sincere tone.
@@.samantha;"Okay, dial it back,"@@ Samantha rolls her eyes but can't hide the faint blush creeping onto her cheeks. @@.samantha;"You're laying it on //way// too thick."@@
@@.player;"But it's working, no?"@@ you tease.
@@.samantha;"I'll admit that it's mildly entertaining,"@@ she says, pointing her spoon at you. @@.samantha;"Emphasis on //mildly//."@@
The banter flows effortlessly, the energy between the two of you light and playful. Samantha seems to relax even more, the usual sharpness of her sarcasm softening into something warmer, more comfortable. The conversation shifts naturally to other topics, but there's a new undercurrent to the moment. You can't help but notice the way Samantha's grin lingers a little longer, or the way her tone softens slightly when she teases you. Whatever this is, it feels good.
@@.player;"It's not too bad,"@@ you say, keeping your tone casual as you lean back in your chair. @@.player;"Yeah, the clubs and school stuff keep me busy, but it's nice to have something going on, you know? It keeps things interesting."@@
@@.samantha;"So you're saying juggling all the shit you have to get done doesn't bother you?"@@ Samantha asks, swirling her latte thoughtfully. @@.samantha;"If it were me, I'd be stress-eating like crazy."@@
@@.player;"Nah, I got it under control,"@@ you chuckle, shaking your head. @@.player;"Besides, I know you'd call me out if I slacked on my friend duties."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, you better believe I would,"@@ she says, a grin returning to her face. @@.samantha;"I'd write a strongly worded text and everything. You'd be horrified."@@
The tension in her earlier question melts away, replaced by the usual banter that feels like second nature between you two. Samantha rolls her eyes playfully but seems satisfied with your answer, her sarcasm picking up right where it left off.
The last remnants of your drinks sit forgotten on the table as you and Samantha linger in the café’s warm atmosphere. Samantha stretches her arms over her head, letting out a satisfied sigh. @@.samantha;"Alright, I'll admit it,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"This was a pretty solid way to spend an afternoon. Even if I'm still bitter about this coffee not being a perfect ten."@@
@@.player;"You really have high standards for coffee,"@@ you reply.
@@.samantha;"For everything,"@@ she corrects. @@.samantha;"Someone's got to keep this world from falling into mediocrity."@@
You chuckle, watching as she pulls her bag from the back of her chair. The café has thinned out a bit, and the soft golden light outside hints at the day slipping into evening.
@@.samantha;"So, what's the plan now?"@@ Samantha asks as the two of you stand to leave. @@.samantha;"Should we hang out a little longer?"@@
The two of you step out into the crisp air, the sounds of the bustling street filling the space around you. Samantha pauses, glancing toward the nearby shops.
@@.samantha;"Okay, real talk,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"We could call it a day and head home, or we could go do something fun. You in?"@@
<<button "Walk around the shops" "Day 10 - Samantha 3">>\<<set $d10samanthaactivity to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Call it a day" "Day 10 - Samantha 3">>\<<set $d10samanthaactivity to false>>\<</button>><<if $d10samanthaactivity is true>>\
You glance down the street, the small row of shops lit with the warm glow of their displays. A few people stroll past, carrying bags or chatting quietly, giving the atmosphere a relaxed vibe. @@.player;"You know, why don't we check out the shops?"@@ you say, turning back to Samantha. @@.player;"A little window shopping never hurt anyone, did it?"@@
Samantha grins, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. @@.samantha;"Finally, a good idea. Let's see what overpriced nonsense we can find to make fun of."@@
The two of you start walking down the street, falling into an easy rhythm. Samantha immediately points out a clothing store with mannequins dressed in overly dramatic and mismatched outfits. @@.samantha;"Check this out, $name!"@@ she says, gesturing to a mannequin in a gown paired with chunky sneakers. @@.samantha;"A gown with sneakers? It's like they dressed for a ball and then remembered they had to catch the bus."@@
@@.player;"Hey, it's a bold choice,"@@ you say, laughing. @@.player;"Maybe they're onto something that we just don't understand yet."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, onto being the weirdest person in the room,"@@ Samantha mutters.
You keep walking, pausing to peer into a bookshop window where an elaborate display of bestsellers is stacked. Samantha reads the blurb on one of the covers, her voice dripping with sarcasm. @@.samantha;"Look at this. 'In a world not unlike our own, a young man embarks on a journey of self-discovery, facing unexpected challenges and ultimately learning valuable life lessons about courage, friendship, and the importance of finding one's true purpose.' Wow, that's never been done before."@@
@@.player;"It could be good,"@@ you say with a grin.
@@.samantha;"I'm good,"@@ she replies. @@.samantha;"You can buy it if you want and tell me if it's good."@@
As you stroll past a quirky gift shop, Samantha stops abruptly, her eyes lighting up. @@.samantha;"Come on, we //have// to go in there,"@@ she says. You follow her inside, the smell of candles and the faint sound of indie music filling the air. Samantha immediately picks up a mug that looks like a cat curled into a ball. @@.samantha;"This is so stupid, but I kind of want it."@@
@@.player;"Why not buy it?"@@ you ask.
@@.samantha;"Come on, I can't be the person who drinks out of a ceramic cat."@@
The two of you wander the aisles, occasionally picking up random items and making jokes about their impracticality. You go through novelty mugs, fake plants, and blocky spheres.
<<button "Buy Samantha something small as a surprise" "Day 10 - Samantha 4">>\<<set $d10samanthabuy to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Point out something that suits her perfectly" "Day 10 - Samantha 4">>\<<set $d10samanthabuy to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tease her about buying the cat mug" "Day 10 - Samantha 4">>\<<set $d10samanthabuy to 2>>\<</button>>
You pause for a moment, glancing down the street at the fading sunlight and the slowly shifting shadows of the evening. The weight of the day and everything you still need to do starts to creep back into your thoughts.
@@.player;"Honestly, I should probably head home,"@@ you say, turning back to Samantha. @@.player;"I've got a lot to catch up on, and if I don't start now, it's just going to pile up."@@
Samantha raises an eyebrow, her lips quirking into a teasing smirk. @@.samantha;"Look at you, being all responsible. Who are you, and what have you done with the real $name?"@@
@@.player;"Hey, I have my moments,"@@ you say, chuckling. @@.player;"But seriously, thanks for dragging me out. I needed this."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, well, I figured someone had to make sure you were still alive."@@
@@.player;"Mission accomplished,"@@ you reply, a goofy grin on your face.
@@.samantha;"Alright, fine, go be productive,"@@ she says, laughing. @@.samantha;"But don't let this become a habit, alright? And if you crash and burn halfway through your homework, just remember—it’s not my fault you didn’t want to hang out more."@@
@@.player;"Alright, alright,"@@ you laugh and shake your head as she turns and heads off down the street, her sarcasm trailing behind her like an echo. The moment feels lighter than you expected, her usual teasing balanced out by her sincerity.
As you make your way home, the noise of the day seems quieter, and the stress of everything you have to do is a little less heavy. Spending time with Samantha reminded you why it's worth making space for moments like these, even when life feels overwhelming.
<<button "Go home" "Day 10 - 14">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d10samanthabuy is 0>>\
<<if $money > 4>>\
<<set $money -= 5>>
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
As Samantha lingers near a display of scented candles, distracted by a flowery scent, you glance toward the shelf where she left the cat mug. Without hesitation, you quietly double back, picking it up and heading to the counter. The cashier rings it up with a knowing smile, saying nothing but glancing over at Samantha, who's oblivious to what's happening. You quickly tuck the small bag behind your back as you rejoin her, catching her mid-ramble about how none of the candles smell good.
@@.player;"Ready to go?"@@ you ask, keeping your tone casual.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I am,"@@ she says, rolling her eyes and grabbing her bag. @@.samantha;"This place is fun, sure, but I swear half of it is designed to give you buyer's remorse."@@
You step outside, the cool air a welcome contrast to the cozy, slightly overwhelming vibe of the shop. As the two of you walk a few steps, you pull the small bag from behind your back.
@@.player;"Hey,"@@ you say, holding it out to her.
@@.samantha;"What's this?"@@ she asks, turning and furrowing her brows in confusion.
@@.player;"Just a little something for you,"@@ you reply, grinning.
Samantha takes the bag cautiously, her expression skeptical as she pulls out the cat mug. For a moment, she just stares at it, her lips twitching like she’s trying to decide how to react.
@@.samantha;"You didn't,"@@ she says, her voice softer than usual.
@@.player;"I just did,"@@ you reply, shrugging. @@.player;"You were obviously into it, come on now. Figured it might brighten up your mornings."@@
@@.samantha;"This is ridiculous,"@@ Samantha says, letting out a laugh and shaking her head as she holds up the mug. A faint blush creeps up her cheeks as she observes the cat.
@@.player;"But you love it,"@@ you tease.
@@.samantha;"Maybe a little,"@@ she admits, tucking the mug back into the bag carefully. @@.samantha;"Alright, fine, you win this round,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"But don't think this makes you some gift-giving genius, alright?"@@
@@.player;"Sure,"@@ you reply.
Samantha nudges you lightly with her elbow as you start walking again. @@.samantha;"Thanks, by the way, it's cute."@@
The gesture shifts the dynamic between you slightly—not enough to feel awkward, but just enough to make the moment feel special. Samantha's usual sarcasm hasn't disappeared, but the warmth in her voice and the way she glances at the bag every so often tells you that she appreciates it more than she's letting on. As the two of you continue down the street, you notice her carrying the bag a little more carefully, as if it means more to her than she’d ever admit out loud.
You check your balance and realize you don't have enough money to buy Samantha the cat mug. You sigh and shake your head, turning your gaze away from the adorable feline.
<<elseif $d10samanthabuy is 1>>\
As Samantha browses the shelves, picking up random items and making sarcastic comments, your eyes land on a quirky journal tucked near the display of novelty items. The cover reads in bold, gold-embossed letters: "//Things I Pretend to Care About.//"
@@.player;"This has your name written all over it,"@@ you say, grinning as you show it to her.
@@.samantha;"Oh, come on,"@@ Samantha says as she spots the journal. @@.samantha;"Are you trying to sell me something, $name?"@@
@@.player;"It just feels very... //you//,"@@ you reply, smirking. @@.player;"I mean, think about it—you could fill it with all the annoying trends you mock, classes at school, your sarcastic takes on life. It's perfect."@@
She flips through the blank pages, her smirk widening. @@.samantha;"Alright, I'll admit it—it’s kind of amazing. But I feel like buying this would be admitting I don't care about anything. That's not true, obviously, I care deeply about the stuff that really matter in life. Like making fun of you and Puke."@@
@@.player;"See, that'll be a place to document all that wisdom,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"Think about the material you could save for later."@@
@@.samantha;"You're not wrong,"@@ she says after spending a few moments holding the journal up and weighing her options. @@.samantha;"This could be useful. Fine, you know what, you win this round. But if I start actually using this thing, I'm blaming you."@@
@@.player;"Happy to help,"@@ you say, chuckling.
As you both head toward the register, she holds the journal up again, shaking her head. @@.samantha;"You know, maybe you should be my personal shopper once I'm rich."@@
@@.player;"In your dreams,"@@ you say.
When she pays for the journal and steps back outside with you, the late afternoon sun catches the faint smile still lingering on her face. She glances at you, holding up the bag with the journal inside. @@.samantha;"Thanks for pointing it out, by the way. You might actually know me better than I thought."@@
The moment feels light but meaningful, and you're glad this connection means something to the both of you.
As you and Samantha step out of the gift shop, you gesture back toward the display of novelty mugs. @@.player;"You sure you don't want it?"@@ you ask, raising an eyebrow. @@.player;"I can totally see you sipping tea out of that cat mug while judging everyone in class. You'd be an icon."@@
@@.samantha;"Not happening,"@@ Samantha says, rolling her eyes. @@.samantha;"I have standards, thank you very much."@@
@@.player;"Do you, though?"@@ you tease, leaning slightly closer. @@.player;"I mean, you did spend way too much time looking at it."@@
@@.samantha;"Excuse me?"@@ Samantha pauses mid-step and turns to face you. @@.samantha;"I was //analyzing// it. There's a difference, thank you very much."@@
@@.player;"Oh, sure,"@@ you reply, laughing. @@.player;"Analyzing whether it'd ruin your carefully curated vibe, right?"@@
@@.samantha;"You're impossible,"@@ Samantha says, shaking her head and giggling.
The banter flows easily between you, her laughter punctuating the steady rhythm of your steps as you stroll down the street. The teasing is light and familiar, the kind of exchange you can only have once you know someone well. By the time you reach the next block, the moment with the cat mug has become just another funny story.
<<button "Continue" "Day 10 - Samantha 5">><</button>>As the sun dips lower on the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of gold and orange, you and Samantha find yourselves at the edge of the bustling shopping district. The streetlights begin to flicker on, casting a warm glow over the sidewalks. Samantha stops at the corner and turns to you. @@.samantha;"Well, I guess this is where we part ways."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I suppose so,"@@ you reply, shifting your bag on your shoulder. @@.player;"Thanks for dragging me out today. It was fun."@@
@@.samantha;"You know, has anyone ever told you you're good company?"@@ she says, her smirk softening into something more genuine.
@@.player;"Back at you,"@@ you reply, a smile on your face. @@.player;"At least when you're not roasting me every five seconds."@@
For a moment, the two of you just stand there, the hum of the street filling the quiet between you. Samantha adjusts her bag, glancing down the street in the direction of her house. @@.samantha;"Alright, I'm out. Don't forget to do all your homework and stuff, superstar."@@
@@.player;"I'll do my best."@@
She starts to turn, but then hesitates, glancing back at you. @@.samantha;"Oh, and $name?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah?"@@ you ask.
@@.samantha;"Thanks for today. It was... nice."@@
Before you can even respond, she waves casually and heads off, her usual confident stride carrying her down the sidewalk. You stand and watch her for a few seconds, the faint sound of her humming something under her breath fading into the evening air. As you turn and make your way home, the lingering warmth of the day stays with you. You know you wouldn't trade these moments with one of your closest friends for anything.
<<button "Go home" "Day 10 - 14">><</button>>After school, you find Samantha waiting for you by the front steps, leaning against a handrail with her phone in hand. She glances up as you approach, a sly grin spreading across her face. @@.samantha;"Well, look who decided to show up. I was starting to think Luke's football cult had roped you in after all."@@
@@.player;"Not a chance,"@@ you reply, smirking. @@.player;"I told you I'd come, didn't I?"@@
@@.samantha;"True,"@@ she says, pocketing her phone and straightening up. @@.samantha;"Alright, let's get going. This café’s been all over my feed lately. If it's as good as everyone says, we might be in for a treat."@@
The walk to the café is easy, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows over the sidewalk. Samantha fills the silence with her usual mix of sarcasm and commentary on the people you pass. @@.samantha;"Did you see Jessica's outfit today? She somehow made that outfit work. I'm impressed, if I wore that, it would look so bad."@@
@@.player;"Weren't you the one who said she can make anything work?"@@ you ask, chuckling.
@@.samantha;"Hey, I stand by that,"@@ Samantha replies with a grin. @@.samantha;"It's just I didn't expect her to go and dress like it's still the 90s."@@
When you arrive at the café, the place is buzzing and the air is filled with the rich aroma of coffee. The décor is chic but cozy, with mismatched chairs, hanging plants, and a neon sign that reads //Sip Happens//.
@@.samantha;"This is the moment of truth,"@@ Samantha says, scanning the menu board. @@.samantha;"I'm going for the lavender honey latte. What about you?"@@
<<button "Order the trendiest drink" "Day 10 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d10samanthadrink to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Order something basic" "Day 10 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d10samanthadrink to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Make a joke about the menu" "Day 10 - Samantha 1">>\<<set $d10samanthadrink to 2>>\<</button>><<set $day to 11>>\
<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
The sharp buzz of your alarm jolts you awake, the faint morning light creeping through the blinds. Groaning, you reach out to silence the noise, slapping the snooze button before reluctantly sitting up. The quiet hum of the house reminds you that everyone else is going about their morning routines, leaving you with time to get ready.
You rub your eyes and stretch, your mind slowly shaking off the fog of sleep. Sliding out of bed, you shuffle over to your closet, the soft creak of the door breaking down the stillness of the room. The familiar rows of clothes greet you: a mix of well-worn t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, and the occasional nicer shirt that hasn't seen the light of day in a long time.
<div class="note">\
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
I finally implemented a closet system!
<<set $closetp0 to false>><<set $closetp1 to false>><<set $closetp2 to false>><<set $closetp3 to false>><<set $afterCloset to "Day 11 - 2">><<set $currenthairtie to $hairtie>>\
<<button "Choose your clothes" "Closet">><</button>>
<<button "Just throw something on" "Day 11 - 2">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $top to 0>>\
<<set $pants to 2>>\
The quiet of your room feels heavier as the night deepens, the soft hum of the world outside filtering in through the window. You lie on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, the events of the day swirling in your mind. The room is dim, illuminated only by the faint glow of your desk lamp. You think back to the moments that stood out: fleeting looks, small victories, and the $referto that continues to shape your life.
But tonight, as you close your eyes, something about it all feels manageable. Maybe it's simply the fact that you made it through another day. Nevertheless, there's a flicker of something reassuring in the stillness.
Your breathing slows, the tension in your body easing as sleep begins to pull at you. Whatever tomorrow brings—be it school, the football game, or just more of the unexpected—you'll face it head-on. For now, though, you let the quiet take over, your thoughts drifting like leaves on a calm breeze until they fade completely.
And like that, you're asleep.
<<button "A new day" "Day 12 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
The fluorescent lights of homeroom buzz softly and students trickle in, the room still waking up from the early morning haze. You take your usual seat in the back, gently placing your bag on the floor and pulling your phone out of your pocket. Around you, the chatter of classmates fills the air—a blend of sleepy murmurs and animated conversations.
Jessica sits in the seat next to you, her long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders as she leans back in her seat. Even this early, she looks camera-ready, her glossy nails tapping against her phone screen.
@@.jessica;"No, I know,"@@ she says on the phone, her voice carrying just enough to be heard over the general hum of the room. @@.jessica;"It's the worst timing ever. Like, the game is literally tomorrow, and we're still down a cheerleader."@@
You glance up, pretending to be focused on your phone while keeping one ear trained on the conversation.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, Mandy moved to Iowa, I told you,"@@ Jessica continues, her perfectly manicured fingers twisting a strand of her hair absentmindedly. @@.jessica;"The routine's already a mess because of that. Coach is freaking out, and I can't blame her. We can't do a pyramid with one person missing. It's just—ugh."@@
She pauses, nodding as if the person on the other end can see her. @@.jessica;"I mean, sure, I guess we could rework it, but that's going to take //forever//, and we've already practiced this routine a million times. We don't really have time for this."@@
She falls quiet for a moment, listening to what the other person is saying. Then, with a practiced flick of her hair, she says, @@.jessica;"I know, yeah. I'll talk to Coach after class and see if she has any ideas, but unless someone magically volunteers today, we're gonna have to go out there with a busted routine. It's going to be so embarrassing."@@
She ends the call with a soft sigh, setting her phone down on the desk and staring out the window. Despite her frustration, there's not even a hint of malice in her tone—it’s clear she cares about the team and wants the routine to succeed, but she’s caught in a situation she can’t control.
As the bell rings to start homeroom, Jessica shifts in her seat and glances around the classroom, her usual bright, social smile not appearing. For a moment, you wonder what it must be like to juggle all the expectations of someone like her—the pressure to always have it together.
You return your focus to your phone, but her words linger in your mind.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 3">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
Ms. Carter rises from her desk, immediately quieting down the hum of morning chatter. @@.girl;"Alright, class, settle down,"@@ she says, gently tapping a stack of papers against the desk to straighten them. @@.girl;"I think you'll all be happy to hear that there are no big announcements today. This period will be free time. Use it to catch up on homework, read, or whatever you need to do."@@
A ripple of murmurs and rustling echoes through the room as students take out books, phones, or laptops. Some settle to chat in hushed tones, while others just stare at the wall, completely zoned out.
You pull out your laptop, pretending to be busy, but your attention shifts when you catch movement out of the corner of your eye. Jessica leans over from the seat next to you glancing over at you.
@@.jessica;"Hey, $name,"@@ she says, her voice as bright and casual as ever. @@.jessica;"Got a minute?"@@
@@.player;"Uh, sure,"@@ you say, a little surprised. @@.player;"What's up?"@@
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
As she settles in, her eyes sweep over you briefly. There's a flicker of something in her expression—curiosity, maybe—but she doesn’t comment directly. Instead, she leans toward you even more in a way that feels casual and intentional.
@@.jessica;"So, you might've overheard me totally spiraling earlier about the cheer squad being short a person,"@@ she begins. @@.jessica;"Ugh, it's all such a mess. But don't worry—I’m not here to rope you into a pyramid or anything. Yet."@@
She pauses, letting the word hang in the air for a split second too long before continuing with a small laugh. @@.jessica;"Kidding, just kidding. Sort of."@@
You blink, unsure how to respond, but before you can say anything, she shifts gears. @@.jessica;"Actually, I was wondering if you'd do me a little favor. Nothing major,"@@ she says quickly, as if sensing potential resistance.
Jessica leans in slightly, her tone softening. @@.jessica;"We've got practice today after school, and it's crunch time with the game tomorrow. The routine's an entire mess because we're down a person, and we're trying to rework everything last minute. I thought... maybe you could come by and, you know, watch? Give us some feedback?"@@
Her gaze lingers for a moment, and there's a subtle shift in her expression—just enough to suggest she’s choosing her words carefully. @@.jessica;"You've got a good eye, you know?"@@ she adds. @@.jessica;"You notice stuff. I feel you'd be able to tell us what works and what doesn't without sugarcoating it."@@
You open your mouth, but she cuts in, her tone turning a touch more playful. @@.jessica;"And, hey, who knows? Maybe you'll get inspired and decide to give it a try yourself. I mean, just saying, we //are// looking for someone to fill in after all."@@
The way she says it is light, like a joke, but there's a spark of something genuine in her words. Her eyes flick to you briefly, as if gauging your reaction, before she leans back in her chair with an easy smile.
@@.jessica;"But seriously, all jokes aside, it'd mean a lot if you came by,"@@ she continues, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. @@.jessica;"Even if it's just to hang out and watch for a bit. No pressure or anything, of course!"@@
The words "no pressure" hang in the air, but the way she looks at you suggests otherwise. It's not forceful, you know Jessica isn't like that, but there's a certain charm in her approach. An almost magnetic way of making it hard to say no.
@@.jessica;"Hey, so I don't know if you heard me earlier, but the cheer squad's kind of in a situation,"@@ she says with a soft laugh. @@.jessica;"We're down a person, and it's messing up everything for Friday's game."@@
Her voice is breezy, but there's a faint edge of stress beneath it. @@.jessica;"Mandy's in Iowa and now the pyramid's all wonky, the timing's off—Coach is not happy."@@
@@.jessica;"Anyway, I'm not asking you to join the team, that'd be a stretch,"@@ she says, flashing a playful grin. @@.jessica;"I just thought it would be helpful if you came to watch us practice tomorrow. We're making some last-minute changes to adjust for the missing person, and having someone from outside the team there could really help. You know, someone who's not stuck in their own head about how it's supposed to look."@@
Jessica tilts her head slightly, her bright blue eyes sparkling. @@.jessica;"And honestly, you seem like the kind of person who'd give it to us straight. No fluff or sugarcoating—just ‘this works’ or ‘this doesn’t. That's what we need right now."@@
She pauses, watching your reaction carefully. @@.jessica;"It's not a big deal or anything. You can just swing by after school, take a look, and let us know what you think. Easy, right? Think you can spare a little time for us today?"@@
While homeroom buzzes around you, Jessica's attention is completely locked on you, awaiting your response.
<div class="note">\
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
You will need to look androgynous in order to participate and dress up as a cheerleader! There will be one transformation point soon, but if you're still not androgynous after that, you'll miss the chance to try out being a cheerleader. Your hidden feminineLooks value is currently $feminineLooks. It will have to be at least 40 for you to participate.
<<button "Agree" "Day 11 - 4">>\<<set $d11practiceAttend to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't agree" "Day 11 - 4">>\<<set $d11practiceAttend to false>>\<</button>><<if $d11practiceAttend is true>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment, glancing at Jessica's hopeful expression. Jessica's smile is warm, her gaze unwavering but not pushy.
@@.player;"Alright,"@@ you finally say, nodding. @@.player;"I'll come by and check it out."@@
Jessica's face lights up immediately, her smile widening into something genuine and grateful.
@@.jessica;"Really?"@@ she asks enthusiastically. @@.jessica;"That's awesome! Thank you, $name. You have no idea how much this is going to help. The squad's been kind of stressed lately, so having someone new there might actually make it... fun, you know?"@@
@@.player;"It's no big deal,"@@ you shrug, trying to downplay it. @@.player;"I'm just watching, right? No promises on how helpful I'll be."@@
@@.jessica;"Oh, I'm not worried about that,"@@ Jessica says\
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
, tilting her head slightly. There's a hint of something playful in her eyes. \
. \
@@.jessica;"You'll be great—I can tell."@@
@@.jessica;"We're practicing on the football field after school today,"@@ she says, reaching for her phone. She quickly types something before glancing back up at you. @@.jessica;"Just swing by whenever you can. Thanks for saying yes. You'll love it. Promise."@@
You hesitate for a moment, unsure how to respond. Jessica's request seems genuine, but you can already feel the awkwardness of standing on the sidelines at a cheerleading practice. Finally, you shake your head slightly, offering her a polite smile.
@@.player;"I don't think I'd be much help, to be honest,"@@ you say, sounding casual but firm. @@.player;"Cheerleading's not really my... area of expertise, and I wouldn't even know what to look for. But good luck with the practice—I’m sure you guys will figure it out."@@
Jessica's smile falters for just a split second, but she recovers quickly, flipping her hair over her shoulder with an easy laugh.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, I totally get it,"@@ she says, waving a hand dismissively. @@.jessica;"It was kind of a weird ask, anyway. I mean, cheerleading isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea."@@
Her tone is light, but there’s a flicker of disappointment in her eyes. She glances at her phone as if to busy herself, then looks back at you with her usual bright demeanor.
@@.jessica;"Thanks for considering it though,"@@ she says with a small shrug. @@.jessica;"We'll figure something out. We always do. And hey, if you change your mind, you know where to find us."@@
She flashes you one last smile, this one a little softer, before turning back.
Watching the cheerleaders practice wasn't exactly on your agenda for the week, but something about Jessica's confidence in you feels oddly encouraging. The rest of homeroom passes uneventfully, although the thought of practice lingers in your mind. When the bell rings, you grab your things and head to your next class.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 5">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
The cafeteria is chaotic as always as you, Samantha, and Luke gather at your usual table. You pick at your own meal, bread with some strange mystery meat. Lunch is almost over, and you've barely touched your meal. When you look up though, you notice Samantha eyeing Luke's hands with a raised brow. His knuckles are rough, his palms calloused—classic signs of hours spent at football practice.
@@.samantha;"Puke,"@@ she says suddenly, pointing her fork at him. @@.samantha;"Do you ever, like... moisturize?"@@
Luke pauses mid-bite, glancing at her with a confused expression. @@.luke;"What? Why would I do that?"@@
Samantha sets her fork down with a dramatic sigh, shaking her head like she's just witnessed a great tragedy. @@.samantha;"Why? Because your hands look like you've been wrestling sandpaper. They're so rough."@@
@@.luke;"They're fine,"@@ Luke says, completely unbothered. @@.luke;"Football does that. I'm not exactly worried about having soft hands. I'm worried about winning the game tomorrow."@@
Samantha narrows her eyes at him, digging through her backpack with purpose. @@.samantha;"Well, you should be,"@@ she comments. She pulls out a small tube of lotion, the pastel packaging immediately recognizable as something floral or fruity. @@.samantha;"Lucky for you, I have just the thing."@@
@@.luke;"No way, not happening,"@@ Luke leans back, already shaking his head.
Samantha unscrews the cap, the faint scent of lavender and something citrusy wafting through the air. @@.samantha;"Oh, come on,"@@ she says, rolling her eyes. @@.samantha;"It's just lotion. It won't kill you, I promise."@@
@@.luke;"Nope,"@@ Luke states firmly, crossing his arms. @@.luke;"I'm not going to put that shit on myself. I'll smell like a flower shop."@@
@@.samantha;"You say that like it's a bad thing,"@@ Samantha quips. She doesn't push further though, instead turning her attention to you. @@.samantha;"How about you, $name? Your hands could probably use it."@@
<<button "Take the lotion" "Day 11 - 6">>\<<set $d11lotion to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't take the lotion" "Day 11 - 6">>\<<set $d11lotion to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $d11lotion is true>>\
You glance at the small tube of pastel-colored lotion in Samantha's hand and shrug. @@.player;"Sure, why not? My hands could use it."@@
Samantha beams, squeezing a small dollop onto your palm. The floral-citrus scent wafts up immediately, stronger than you expected, and you start rubbing it into your skin.
@@.samantha;"See?"@@ Samantha says, leaning back triumphantly. @@.samantha;"Doesn't that feel so much better, $name? You're welcome by the way."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, sure,"@@ Luke snorts, shaking his head as he finishes the last of his meal. @@.luke;"Just what he needed, right? Smelling like a lavender field."@@
You laugh lightly, but before you can come up with a witty reply, the lunch bell rings, cutting through the noise of the cafeteria.
@@.samantha;"Alright, time for more school,"@@ Samantha says, gathering her tray. @@.samantha;"Don't say I never did anything nice for you, $name!"@@
As Luke and Samantha get up, you suddenly feel a wave of heat rush through your body—a familiar, unsettling sensation that you’ve come to associate with the $referto. Your stomach twists as you realize you're going to have to get out of this crowded cafeteria.
@@.player;"Uh, I'll catch up with you guys,"@@ you say quickly, your voice a little higher-pitched than you intended. @@.player;"Can one of you take my tray for me?"@@
@@.luke;"What?"@@ Luke asks, raising an eyebrow. @@.luke;"Where are you going?"@@
@@.player;"Bathroom,"@@ you blurt out, already grabbing your bag and standing up. @@.player;"My stomach..."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, Pacific Crest's cafeteria food got to you,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"I'll take your tray for you, be careful."@@
You dart toward the hallway, desperately trying to buy a few more seconds before the $referto comes into effect. The moment you're out of sight, you pick up the pace, heading straight for the nearest restroom.
You burst into the restroom, glad to find it completely empty. Tossing your bag onto the counter, you look into the mirror as your $referto fully takes over.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 11 - Restroom">>
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
You glance at the tube of lotion Samantha is waving in your face, its design and scent almost mocking you. Smirking, you shake your head. @@.player;"Nah, I'm good."@@
Samantha sighs dramatically, leaning back in her chair like she's been personally defeated. @@.samantha;"Ugh, you two are hopeless,"@@ she says, gesturing between you and Luke. @@.samantha;"I'm just trying to help, and all I get is rejection. My charity knows no bounds. Especially you, $name. You could totally rock the lavender vibe."@@
Before you can respond, the shrill sound of the lunch bell cuts through the air, signaling the end of the period. Around you, chairs scrape against the floor as students begin gathering their trays and bags.
@@.luke;"Saved by the bell, weren't you?"@@ Luke says, chuckling as he glances at you.
The three of you head toward the tray drop-off, the buzz of the cafeteria fading as the crowd begins to disperse. Samantha, as always, is already plotting her next dramatic moment. She keeps muttering about "ungrateful friends" even as you all part ways.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 7">>\<<set $d11lotion to true>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\The rest of the school day blurs by in a mix of hurried classes and distracted thoughts. \
<<if $d8rumors is true>>\
You hear whispers about you, as people take quick glances in the hallways. \
By the end the final bell rings, you're feeling a little tired. Luckily, \
<<if $d11practiceAttend is true>>\
you know you can relax by watching the cheerleaders.
<<button "Go to see the cheerleaders" "Day 11 - Cheerleading">><</button>>
you know you're going straight home to relax and unwind after the long day.
<<button "Go right home" "Day 11 - 8">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d11joinCheerleaders is true>>\
The house is quiet when you step inside, the soft click of the door shutting behind you echoing faintly in the stillness. You take off your shoes at the entrance, your muscles aching slightly from the day's practice. The faint hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen and the soft ticking of a clock are the only sounds accompanying you as you make your way upstairs.
Once in your room, you shut the door and let out a long breath, leaning against it for a moment. The familiar surroundings feel grounding after the whirlwind of the day you had—the bed neatly made, your desk cluttered, and the faint glow of the lamp on your nightstand. You drop your backpack and sink into the chair by your desk, your mind still spinning with everything that happened. The rhythm of the cheers, the applause of the squad, Jessica's encouraging smile—it all lingers in your thoughts.
<<elseif $d11joinCheerleaders is false or $d11watchedCheerleaders is true>>\
The house greets you with quiet as you step inside, the faint creak of the door marking your arrival. You drop your bag by the entrance, your body still carrying the weight of a day that was far more tiring than you expected—even though you didn’t participate in practice. While watching the squad had been eye-opening, it left you with a strange uncertainty.
Heading upstairs, you avoid the usual evening hum of the house, skipping any distractions and going straight to your room. You tug at your shirt absentmindedly, unsure what to make of the day's events. Tomorrow would bring a chance to figure out where you fit in this world, but for now, the quiet is enough.
<<elseif $d11practiceAttend is false>>\
The house feels still as you step inside, the soft creak of the door the only sound greeting you. Your thoughts drift back to the day as you head upstairs, the soft thud of your footsteps the only noise breaking the silence. Skipping practice had seemed like the right decision at the time—watching cheerleading didn’t feel like your thing, no matter how persuasive Jessica had been. But now, there's a faint nagging in the back of your mind, like you'd missed out on something.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 9">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d11joinCheerleaders is true>>\
You sit on the edge of your bed, the stillness of your room wrapping around you. Memories of the practice with the cheerleaders are still swirling in your mind, leaving you buzzing with both exhaustion and excitement. The mirror above your dresser catches your reflection, and for a moment, you pause. The day’s events playback in your mind—Jessica’s encouragement, the way the squad rallied around you, the warm laughter at practice.
<<if $feminineLooks > 59>>\
But as your eyes linger on your reflection, the changes seem impossible to ignore. The face staring back at you is yours, but softer—the traces of femininity making you look more like a tomboyish girl than the person you're used to seeing. Even your body seems to move differently, a kind of fluidity in your gestures that wasn't there before.
Your hands rest against your lap as you take in the sight. You let out a deep breath, running a hand through your hair, the movement effortless but unnervingly natural. Finally, you lie back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
But as your eyes linger on the subtle shifts in your reflection—the way your features seem to sit somewhere familiar and unfamiliar—the reality of the changes settles heavily in your chest. You let out a long sigh, brushing a hand through your hair, the strands falling easily back into place. Without thinking, you lie back on the bed, staring at the ceiling as your thoughts swirl in the stillness of the room.
<<if $d7tellLily is true>>\
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of your door creaking open. Glancing over, you see Lily stepping inside without knocking. She's wearing an oversized hoodie and pajama pants, her black hair tied up in a messy bun.
@@.lily;"You've got a weird look on your face,"@@ she says, leaning against the doorframe. @@.lily;"Brother, sister, whatever you are. What's up?"@@
@@.player;"Lily,"@@ you sigh, rolling your eyes. @@.player;"Don't you ever knock?"@@
@@.lily;"Don't you ever lock your door?"@@ she shoots back, smirking. @@.lily;"Seriously, though. You've been acting weird all day. Did something happen?"@@
You hesitate. @@.player;"It's nothing. Just a long day."@@
Lily steps further into the room, plopping onto your bed without invitation. She rests her chin in her hands, narrowing her eyes at you. @@.lily;"Let me guess—curse stuff?"@@
You give her a pointed look. @@.player;"It's not exactly something I can turn off."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, no kidding,"@@ Lily says as she studies your features. @@.lily;"You look... different. What happened?"@@
Her words make you pause, and for a moment, you consider brushing her off. But Lily knows about the curse and she's been surprisingly supportive, though not without her usual bluntness.
<<button "Tell Lily what you did this afternoon" "Day 11 - Lily (Knows O)">>\<<set $d11cheerleadingLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide not to" "Day 11 - Lily (Knows O)">>\<<set $d11cheerleadingLily to false>>\<</button>>
The knock on your door is quick and sharp, more of a warning than a request. Before you can answer, the door swings open, and your sister strides in. Lily's fiery energy fills the room like a spark catching dry wood, immediately changing the mood of the place.
@@.lily;"Okay, what the hell is going on with you,"@@ Lily demands, her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowing as they rake over you.
You sit up quickly, caught off guard. @@.player;"What are you talking about?"@@
@@.lily;"Don't play dumb, $name,"@@ she says, stepping closer. @@.lily;"Have you looked in a mirror lately? You've been changing, like, a lot. Don't think I don't notice you sneaking back in lately, all weird and quiet."@@
Her gaze sharpens, her voice rising slightly. @@.lily;"Your face and even the way you carry yourself—it’s like you’re turning into someone else, and you’re just pretending like nothing’s happening?"@@
You try to interject, but her energy doesn't leave much room for interruption.
@@.lily;"And you've been acting so weird too,"@@ she presses, facing you directly. @@.lily;"I really need to know what's going on. You're my brother—or at least, you //were//—and I can’t just sit back and pretend everything's normal when it's so obviously not."@@
Her words hang in the air, and for a moment, the room feels stiflingly silent. Yet, you can see concern etched into her features beneath all the frustration.
@@.lily;"So, are you going to tell me what's going on?"@@ she says, her voice quieter now. @@.lily;"Or am I supposed to figure it out myself?"@@
<<button "Be honest with Lily" "Day 11 - Lily (Knows X)">>\<<set $d11tellLily to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Brush her off" "Day 11 - Lily (Knows X)">>\<<set $d11tellLily to false>>\<</button>>
The dim glow of your desk lamp fills the room as you settle into the chair, scrolling through your phone and letting your mind wander. The past few days have been a lot. New clubs, new routines, and a whirl of conversations still buzz in your mind. You think about everything that happened, your fingers idly scrolling without paying much attention to the screen.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway breaks the silence, followed by a soft knock on your door. Before you can say anything, the door creaks open, and your sister steps inside. She's wearing an oversized hoodie and pajama pants, her black hair tied back into a messy bun.
@@.lily;"Yo,"@@ she says, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. @@.lily;"You've been awfully quiet lately. What's up with that?"@@
You shrug, spinning your chair to face her. @@.player;"Just tired. Long day."@@
Lily raises an eyebrow, her sharp gaze scanning you like she's trying to figure out if you're telling the whole truth. @@.lily;"Uh-huh,"@@ she says, stepping further into the room. She plops down on your bed, crossing her legs. @@.lily;"Are you going to tell me what this long day is?"@@
Her tone is teasing, but there’s a flicker of something softer beneath it.
@@.player;"It's nothing serious,"@@ you say, hesitating slightly. @@.player;"Just trying to figure out some school stuff."@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, but, you're okay, right?"@@ she asks. @@.lily;"You've just seemed... different lately."@@
<<button "Open up to her" "Day 11 - Lily (Cheerleader X)">>\<<set $d11lilyopen to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Keep it neutral" "Day 11 - Lily (Cheerleader X)">>\<<set $d11lilyopen to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $squadbond to Math.clamp($squadbond + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Alright, I'll give it a shot,"@@ you say, the words slipping out before you can second-guess yourself.
Jessica's grin widens and her eyes light up. @@.jessica;"Yes! You're officially our hero. Seriously, you have no idea how much this is going to help."@@
The rest of the squad exchange curious glances as Jessica turns to them, her energy electric. @@.jessica;"Alright, everyone, meet our new temporary team member—$name!"@@ she announces, her voice carrying across the field. @@.jessica;"Mandy's out, so $name is stepping into save the day."@@
A few of the cheerleaders cheer and clap, though some just look intrigued, their expressions a mix of amusement and approval. Jessica motions for you to follow her.
@@.jessica;"Come on,"@@ she says, already walking toward the girl's locker room. @@.jessica;"If you're going to join us, you need to look the part. Let's get you a uniform."@@
@@.player;"Wait, wait,"@@ you say, stopping Jessica in her tracks. @@.player;"I'm not allowed in there."@@
@@.jessica;"The locker room?"@@ Jessica replies, her expression blank.
@@.player;"The... girl's locker room?"@@ you say, feeling like you're pointing out the obvious.
@@.jessica;"Oh, just come in,"@@ Jessica says, marching toward you and grabbing your hand. She drags you into the locker room, shutting the door behind you. @@.jessica;"Nobody will mind. It's not like you're seeing us naked or anything. Just don't steal anything."@@
<<button "Change into the uniform" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 2">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
As the sun dips lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the field, Jessica gathers the squad together for the final part of practice. Jessica gathers the squad together for the final part of practice. Her clipboard is tucked under one arm, and her ponytail bounces as she steps to the center of the group.
@@.jessica;"Alright, team, let's finish strong,"@@ she says, clapping her hands. @@.jessica;"We're going to teach $name a short cheer. it's a staple—simple, high-energy, and it looks great when we’re hyping up the crowd. Do you think you're ready?"@@
You nod, the adrenaline and the excitement from the day making you eager to take on the next challenge. @@.player;"Yeah, let's do it."@@
@@.jessica;"That's the spirit!"@@ Jessica says with a grin. @@.jessica;"Alright, everyone, line up! Let's run through it once so $name can see how it's done."@@
The cheerleaders form a tight line, their movements synchronized as Jessica counts them in. @@.jessica;"Five, six, seven, eight!"@@
@@.girl;"Let's go. Panthers!"@@ the squad says, bursting into motion. Their arms pump in time with the chant, not a beat off. @@.girl;"Let's fight, Panthers! Blue and white, we own the night!"@@ Their voices are sharp and rhythmic, their footwork crisp as they step and clap in perfect unison.
Jessica finishes with a high V motion, her arms stretched confidently above her head as the team freezes in their final pose. She turns to you, her smile bright. @@.jessica;"Got it?"@@
The squad steps aside to give you room, all eyes on you as Jessica claps encouragingly. @@.jessica;"Don't overthink it. Just match the rhythm, hit the motions, and give it energy. We'll help you if you need it."@@
You take your position, heart racing slightly. Jessica counts you in again. @@.jessica;"Five, six, seven, eight!"@@
The cheer flows out of you effortlessly. Your arms snap into the correct positions, your feet follow the steps with surprising ease, and your voice projects confidently through the chant. By the time you finish with the high V pose, the squad is already clapping and cheering.
@@.girl;"Woah,"@@ Mia says, her hands on her hips. @@.girl;"How is he //this// good? That was better than some of the tryouts we've had."@@
@@.girl;"Not just good,"@@ Ashley adds, shaking her head. @@.girl;"That was perfect."@@
Jessica steps closer, her grin widening. @@.jessica;"$name, I really don't know what kind of cheerleading fairy blessed you, but you've got serious talent. You hit every motion, your timing was spot-on, and you even projected like you've been leading cheers for years."@@
@@.player;"It just... felt natural, I guess,"@@ you say, laughing in jubilation.
@@.jessica;"Well, it looked natural too,"@@ Jessica says, clapping you on the shoulder. @@.jessica;"Let's try it one more time with the whole squad. Everyone, line up!"@@
This time, Jessica places you at the front of the group, her voice full of encouragement. @@.jessica;"You're leading this one, $name. Don't worry though—we’ll be right behind you."@@
As she counts in, the squad moves as one, their voices harmonizing with yours as you lead the chant. @@.player;"Let’s go, Panthers! Let’s fight, Panthers! Blue and white, we own the night!"@@
The rhythm is electric, the combined energy of the squad lifting the cheer to a whole new level. Your movements are sharp and precise, your voice carries across the field, and when the final pose hits, it's clear from the applause and whistles that the practice has ended on a high note.
@@.jessica;"That was incredible!"@@ Jessica says, spinning toward you. @@.jessica;"Seriously, you've got to stick with this. You're a natural-born cheerleader."@@
The other cheerleaders crowd around, their enthusiasm spilling over as they offer compliments and high-fives. You can't help but smile as you grab your water bottle and take a long sip, your heart still racing from the excitement of the last cheer.
@@.jessica;"Alright, team, that was amazing!"@@ Jessica says, her voice brimming with pride. @@.jessica;"I can't believe how much we got done today. $name, you did so well!"@@
@@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you say, rubbing the back of your neck.
@@.girl;"You look like you've been doing this for years,"@@ Mia chimes in, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. @@.girl;"That high V at the end? Perfection."@@
@@.girl;"I'm just saying, $name—if you ever want to go full-time with this, you’d fit right in,"@@ Ashley says, leaning in with a playful smirk. @@.girl;"You're basically one of us already."@@
@@.jessica;"Totally,"@@ Jessica says, nodding enthusiastically. @@.jessica;"We're so glad you're here."@@
As the squad gathers their things, you notice a few of them glancing at you with small smiles, their expressions warm and encouraging.
@@.girl;"You know, you've got such a great look for cheerleading,"@@ Tori says. @@.girl;"Like, your lines are super clean, and the uniform just... works on you."@@
@@.girl;"She's right, you know,"@@ Mia grins, nudging you lightly with her elbow. @@.girl;"You've got that vibe—confident, but approachable. You’re totally photogenic too. We need to get you in the squad photo."@@
@@.jessica;"Agreed,"@@ Jessica adds, her voice teasing but kind. @@.jessica;"I mean, look at you. You're already rocking the uniform better than most of us right now."@@
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
You feel your cheeks flush as they continue to compliment you, their words feeling oddly... right. You realize that it's not just about cheerleading. It's about the way they see you, the way they accept you without any hesitation or question.
You feel a little embarrassed as they continue to compliment you. You appreciated what they were saying, but you really weren't a girl.
@@.girl;"By the way, have you thought about what you’re wearing for tomorrow?"@@ Mia asks, tilting her head. @@.girl;"You're coming to the game, right?"@@
@@.player;"The game?"@@ you blink, caught off guard. @@.player;"In front of everyone? I hadn't really thought about it."@@
@@.jessica;"Well, you're cheering with us,"@@ Jessica says, her tone making it clear it's not up for debate. @@.jessica;"We'll figure out the details tomorrow, but you're basically part of the squad now. We can't do this without you."@@
The other girls nod in agreement, their excitement making it impossible to say no.
@@.girl;"Hey, we're all going to grab food after this,"@@ Mia mentions, perking up. @@.girl;"You should come with us, $name."@@
@@.jessica;"Yes, you have to!"@@ Jessica says, her grin widening. @@.jessica;"It's kind of a post-practice tradition—plus, you’ve totally earned it after today."@@
@@.girl;"You're one of the girls now,"@@ Ashley says with a laugh, tossing her bag over her shoulder. @@.girl;"No excuses."@@
You hesitate for a moment, caught off guard by how easily they've embraced you. @@.player;"Are you sure?"@@ you ask. @@.player;"I don't want to intrude or anything."@@
@@.girl;"Intrude?"@@ Mia waves off your concern with an exaggerated eye roll. @@.girl;"Please. You're part of the squad now, and that means you're part of everything. Come on, it'll be fun."@@
@@.jessica;"Besides, we need to celebrate your debut,"@@ Jessica leans in with a playful smile. @@.jessica;"Today was basically legendary."@@
<<button "Go to dinner with the cheerleaders" "Day 11 - Dinner">>\<<set $d11dinner to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go home early" "Day 11 - 8">>\<<set $d11dinner to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
<<set $d11top to $top>>\
<<set $d11pants to $pants>>\
The locker room feels both familiar and foreign. The scene of detergent, sweat, and faintly floral body spray lingers in the air. You can't help but judge how bad the guy's locker room smells in comparison. Jessica hums softly as she rifles through a large bin, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against the plastic as she she sifts through the neatly folded uniforms. The sounds of her rummaging fills the otherwise quiet room, punctuated by her occasional mutterings.
@@.jessica;"Let's see, Mandy's usual size is too small, but this one should work,"@@ she says, pulling out a top in the school's signature colors. She holds it up briefly, glancing at you with a grin. @@.jessica;"Here. It's stretchy so it'll fit fine. Plus, it'll look great on you."@@
@@.jessica;"And for the bottom..."@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Aha! Here!"@@
In one hand, Jessica holds a pair of fitted cheer shorts, their sleek design clearly made for practicality. In the other, a pleated cheer skirt, its vibrant color and crisp folds embodying the iconic cheerleader aesthetic. She turns to you, holding them up side by side with an appraising look.
@@.player;"What is this?"@@ you ask, despite fully knowing what the options mean.
@@.jessica;"It's the moment of truth,"@@ she says, her tone light but with a touch of amusement. @@.jessica;"Shorts or skirt? No pressure—just pick whatever feels right for you."@@
She sets both options on the bench, stepping back and leaning casually against the lockers. @@.jessica;"I'll give you some space to change, take your time,"@@ Jessica says, a playful twinkle in her eyes.
<<if $bind is true>>\
<<set $bindoption to true>>\
<<set $d11bra to true>>\
@@.jessica;"Hey,"@@ she says suddenly, her tone softening. Her gaze flickers to you—not your face, but somewhere lower. @@.jessica;"This might sound random, but... are you okay?"@@
Your stomach flips, and you realize with a jolt that her sharp eyes might've caught on to something you've been trying to hide. You glance down instinctively, your chest feeling heavier under the pressure of the binding.
@@.jessica;"No judgement or anything,"@@ she adds. @@.jessica;"It's just that if you're gonna be moving around a lot, and you're binding or whatever... It might not be the best idea for practice."@@
@@.player;"It's just... you know,"@@ you say softly.
@@.jessica;"Like I said, no judgement,"@@ she says holding up a hand. @@.jessica;"We've got a ton of extras in here. You should grab a sports bra or something—it’ll help. Last thing you need is to feel uncomfortable or hurt yourself."@@
She pulls out a clean sports bra with a simple design. She holds it up briefly before placing it on the bench beside the other options. @@.jessica;"It's totally up to you, but I think it'll make a difference."@@
@@.jessica;"Anyway, just let me know when you're ready,"@@ she says, stepping toward the door. @@.jessica;"And don't stress. You've got this."@@
<<elseif $breastsProg > 1>>\
Jessica's grin is bright as she looks at you, but as her gaze flickers over your chest, she hesitates for a moment. Her browns knit briefly before smoothing into a neutral expression.
<<if $bra is true>>\
Her gaze flickers briefly to your chest, and you can see the realization hit her as her smile turns a little more relaxed. She doesn't comment, though, instead nodding approvingly. @@.jessica;"The top should fit fine over what you're wearing,"@@ she says lightly.
She steps toward the door, pausing just enough to glance back over her shoulder. @@.jessica;"If you need anything else, just let me know. We've got backup stuff, and the girls are pros at making things work."@@
<<set $bra to true>>\
<<set $d11bra to true>>\
@@.jessica;"Hey, um... do you have a sports bra or something?"@@ she asks, her tone casual.
@@.player;"Uh, no,"@@ you freeze, heat rising to your cheeks. @@.player;"I didn't really think about that."@@
Jessica's smile softens into something more understanding. @@.jessica;"No worries,"@@ she says quickly, already crouching to dig through the bin again. @@.jessica;"We've got plenty of extras. You definitely don't want to be jumping around out there without one. Trust me when I say it's not fun."@@
After a moment, she pulls out a black sports bra, holding it up like a trophy. @@.jessica;"Here we go. This one's stretchy, so it should work for now. I'll let you change. You're going to look great though—I can already tell."@@
The door swings shut behind her, leaving you alone in the quiet locker room. The air feels heavier now, the reality of the situation setting in. The decision about what to wear feels different, the cheer uniform suddenly more than just fabric. Your eyes flick from the shorts to the skirt as you wonder what to put on.
<<button "Put on the skirt" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 3">>\<<set $d11skirt to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Put on the shorts" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 3">>\<<set $d11skirt to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
You take a deep breath, fingers trembling slightly as you gently tug at your top. Hints of flat, smooth skin underneath your top comes into view. You pull it free, folding it and safely placing it on the bench. Next, you let your fingers hook into the waistband of your pants. You push them down, stepping out of the pooled fabric. You're left standing on only your boxers, chest heaving.
<<set $bind to false>>\
<<set $top to 8>>\
<<if $d11bra is true>>\
You glance at the black sports bra Jessica handed you. It feels surprisingly lightweight in your hands. It's simple, functional, and clearly meant for support during activity. Holding it still sends a jolt of hesitation running through you though.
//It's fine, $name,// you tell yourself, exhaling slowly. //It's just part of the uniform after all, right?//
You slip the bra over your head, the elastic band snapping lightly into place as you adjust the straps. The fabric hugs your chest snugly, but not uncomfortably, and as you shift around, it becomes clear why cheerleaders wear these. They make your boobs feel so much more comfortable, the sensation being oddly reassuring despite its unfamiliarity.
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
<<set $pants to 5>>\
Your fingers hover over the plated cheerleading skirt lying on the bench. It's bold, iconic, and definitely out of your comfort zone. But something about it draws you in. Maybe it's because of its vibrant color, the way it flares out, or the way it symbolizes confident femininity. You swallow hard, picking it up slowly, the fabric feeling surprisingly soft and light against your fingertips.
You step into the skirt one leg at a time, the cool material brushing against your creamy skin as you pull it up. \
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
You give a little wiggle to make it fit as the skirt flares enticingly around your pert rear. \
It fits snugly on your waist, the pleats falling neatly into place as they swish gently with your movements. You adjust the waistband slightly, smoothing it out and ensuring it fits just right.
The skirt changes your silhouette, softening it, highlighting your legs and hips in a way that's new and unfamiliar.
<<set $pants to 4>>\
You pick up the pair of fitted cheer shorts from the bench. The skirt might be the iconic choice, sure, but the shorts feel like the safer option—less attention-grabbing, more manageable. The outfit seem almost out of place in your hands, a far cry from your usual attire, but there's something about them that draws your attention and urges you forward.
The cool air brushes against your \
<<if $d7shave is true>>\
shaved \
legs, the fabric gliding smoothly over your creamy thighs. The snug waistband settles just right, resting comfortably near your waist without feeling restrictive.
Looking down, you adjust them slightly, the fit accentuating the lines of your legs in a way that feels both unfamiliar and surprisingly flattering. The school colors pop against your skin, giving the outfit a vibrant energy.
The material clings securely but doesn't feel tight, molding to your shape. The outfit feels light, freeing, and a little daring, as if you're stepping into a role you never expected to play. As you adjust the waistband one last time, you can't help but admire it.
You pick up the top, running your fingers over the material. It's soft, smooth, and stretchy, designed to hug the body in all the right places. You slide it over your head, the cool material brushing against smooth skin as you pull it down. The fit is close, hugging your torso as it molds to your shape. You tuck it in, letting it frame your waist and highlighting the subtle curves you hadn't thought about before. The way the fabric clings highlights your posture, making you look different in a way you can't quite describe.
A knock at the door jolts you back to reality, Jessica's voice light and playful. @@.jessica;"$name, are you coming out, or do I need to drag you out to show off?"@@
You roll your eyes, shaking off the strange mix of emotions. @@.player;"Coming!"@@ you call.
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
The first option will lead to a more natural reaction, while the second one is kind of fan service. Everyone will fawn over you and call you cute. You're free to choose the second one though, I wrote it for a reason.
(Not to mention the fact that I prefer the fan service variant as well.)
<<button "Nervously step out of the locker room" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 4">>\<<set $d11cute to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Have some confidence! You're cute!" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 4">>\<<set $d11cute to true>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<if $d11cute is true>>\
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident + 5, 0, 100)>>\
As the door swings open and you step out onto the field, the cheerleaders' conversations falter. One by one, their heads turn in your direction, their eyes widening in unison as they take in the sight of you in the cheerleading uniform. \
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
The pleated skirt sways gently with each step, catching the light and moving effortlessly, \
The cheerleading shorts hug comfortably, flexing with each movement and catching the light as they shift effortlessly with each step, \
while the fitted top accentuates your form in a way that makes you feel acutely aware of every glance.
For a moment, no one says anything, their surprise hanging in the air. Jessica then breaks the silence with a delighted squeal, clapping her hands together. @@.jessica;"Oh my God! $name, you look so //cute//!"@@
One of the other cheerleaders leans forward with a grin. @@.girl;"No kidding! Are we sure you've never done this before? You look like you were born to wear that."@@
@@.girl;"Seriously,"@@ another chimes in. @@.girl;"You totally look like one of us. Like, if you told me you were on the squad all year, I'd believe it."@@
You feel your cheeks flush, heat rising to your face under their barrage of compliments. @@.player;"Uh... thanks?"@@ you mumble, shifting your weight from foot to foot.
@@.jessica;"Alright, team, let's give $name a proper welcome!"@@ Jessica says as she steps forward, her confidence radiating as she gently grabs your hand and pulls you closer to the group. @@.jessica;"Not only does he look amazing, he's also saving our asses today."@@
@@.girl;"Thank you, seriously,"@@ a brunette says, nodding earnestly. @@.girl;"You don't know how much this means to us. We were //so// stressed about fixing the routine without Mandy, and now we actually have a shot. Not to mention you look amazing as a cheerleader!"@@
@@.jessica;"See, $name?"@@ Jessica beams, clearly loving the energy. @@.jessica;"You've got the look, the vibe, and now you're part of the squad. We really couldn't have asked for more."@@
You swallow, trying to process the whirlwind of compliments and gratitude. It's overwhelming, sure, but not in a bad way. There's something oddly affirming about the way they look at you, like you've seamlessly stepped into their world.
Jessica nudges you lightly with her elbow. @@.jessica;"Alright, cutie, let's get you warmed up and show you the ropes. We're all in this together now, and trust me when I say you're going to kill it out here."@@
<<set $shy to Math.clamp($shy + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $confident to Math.clamp($confident - 5, 0, 100)>>\
The door swings open with a faint creak, and you step out You make your way onto the sideline, the sunlight spilling across the field and catching the colors of the uniform. \
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
The pleated cheer skirt sways lightly with your movements, brushing against your legs as the fitted top hugs your frame. \
The snug cheer shorts cling comfortably to your hips, moving seamlessly with your every step, while the fitted top hugs your frame. \
For a moment, the world feels eerily quiet as all eyes turn toward you.
The cheerleaders pause mid-conversation, their chatter fading into stunned silence as they take you in. A breeze ripples through the field and you feel a faint flush rise to your cheeks under their gazes.
@@.jessica;"Oh my God!"@@ Jessica exclaims, the first to react. Her face lights up with a mix of excitement and admiration. @@.jessica;"You look amazing!"@@
One of the other cheerleaders lets out a low whistle, her lips curling into a grin. @@.girl;"Are you sure you've never done this before?"@@
Another girl nudges her teammate, whispering something you can't quite catch but that earns a round of soft giggles. Their expressions aren't mocking though, not at all. They're warm, surprised, and more than a little impressed.
@@.jessica;"I mean, look at you!@@ Jessica steps forward, her ponytail bouncing as she gestures toward you. @@.jessica;"You look like you've been doing this forever."@@
You shift slightly, your converses scuffing the ground as you try to process the attention. @@.player;"Uh, thanks,"@@ you mumble, glancing down at the uniform and adjusting it.
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
@@.jessica;"The skirt was definitely the right choice,"@@ Jessica grins even wider, her hands on her hips. @@.jessica;"You're seriously killing it."@@
@@.jessica;"The shorts were definitely the right choice,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"A skirt might have been a bit too much."@@
The rest of the squad nods in agreement, and one of the girls steps closer. @@.girl;"You look like you belong out here with us! This is going to be so much fun, thanks for doing this."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, everyone!"@@ Jessica says, clapping her hands together. @@.jessica;"Let's get $name warmed up and run through the routine. We're about to blow this practice out of the water."@@
<<button "Get started" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 5">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
The energy of the field feels different now, charged with a sense of anticipation as the cheerleaders gather in a loose circle. Standing at the center of the group, Jessica radiates confidence, gesturing for everyone to come closer. The rest of the squad is already watching you with a mix of curiosity and excitement, their chatter quieter than before. You glance down at your cheerleading outfit, still getting used to the feel of the lightweight fabric and how it moves with you. Despite the initial nerves, the uniform isn't as bad as you thought—it’s comfortable, almost natural.
@@.jessica;"Okay, so here's the deal,"@@ Jessica says, stepping forward. She holds the clipboard like it's a microphone. @@.jessica;"We're going to start $name off with the basics—warm-ups, jumps, stunts, and maybe a short cheer. No pressure, no stress. We’re just here to have fun and get him up to speed. Let's start with warm-ups!"@@
The squad forms a wide circle on the grass, their movements fluid and synchronized as they begin the warm-up routine. Jessica stands at the center, leading with a natural authority that makes following her almost effortless.
@@.jessica;"Alright, stretch it out!"@@ she calls out, raising her arms above her head. @@.jessica;"Big circles—nice and slow. Let's loosen those shoulders."@@
You follow along as the cheerleaders stretch, their movements graceful yet practical. Arm circles come first, your arms sweeping in wide arcs. Jessica moves around the circle, offering pointers as she goes.
@@.jessica;"Keep it controlled, $name,"@@ she says, her voice encouraging. @@.jessica;"You're already doing great, but don't rush it."@@
From there, you transition to toe touches. Jessica demonstrates, folding herself in half with perfect form, her hands brushing the ground effortlessly.
@@.jessica;"Don't worry if you can't touch your toes,"@@ she says, glancing your way with a playful grin. @@.jessica;"Just reach as far as you can. Flexibility comes with practice."@@
To your surprise, you manage to touch your toes on the first try, though your hamstrings protest slightly. One of the cheerleaders nearby raises an eyebrow.
@@.girl;"Wow,"@@ she says, impressed. @@.girl;"Most newbies can't do that right off the bat. Are you sure you're not secretly a gymnast or something?"@@
@@.player;"Nope,"@@ you shake your head, laughing. @@.player;"Just lucky, I guess."@@
The warm-up continues with lunges, side stretches, and hip openers. Each move is explained clearly, and you quickly pick up the rhythm of the routine. The cheerleaders are supportive, occasionally glancing your way with nods of approval.
Jessica saves the splits for last, demonstrating with an effortless glide into a perfect position on the grass. The squad follows suit, each member easing into their own version of the stretch. You notice that some are more flexible than others though.
@@.jessica;"Alright, $name,"@@ Jessica says, her tone light but encouraging. @@.jessica;"Let's see what you've got. Don't push too hard—just go as far as feels comfortable."@@
@@.player;"Okay, let me try,"@@ you murmur, sliding into the position. You feel a mix of tension and determination, and while you don't quite hit the full split, you're closer than you expected.
@@.jessica;"Nice!"@@ Jessica says, clapping lightly. @@.jessica;"For a first-timer, that's seriously impressive. You'll be nailing these in no time!"@@
The squad finishes with a few deep breaths and gentle twists to cool down. You wonder how you should approach the final exercise in warm-ups.
<<button "Push yourself" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 6">>\<<set $d11warmuppush to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Focus on precision" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 6">>\<<set $d11warmuppush to false>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<set $shoes to 1>>\
<<if $d11warmuppush is true>>\
<<set $cpresence to Math.clamp($cpresence + 10, 0, 100)>>\
You feel the strain in your muscles as you push through each stretch. Although it's exhausting, you feel a sense of accomplishment with every improvement.
@@.jessica;"That's the kind of effort we need,"@@ Jessica says when she glances your way, giving you an approving nod. @@.jessica;"If you keep that up, you're going to be a pro in no time."@@
<<set $cprecision to Math.clamp($cprecision + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You move carefully, making sure each stretch feels deliberate and balanced.
@@.jessica;"Good form,"@@ Jessica says, watching with a thoughtful expression. @@.jessica;"Don't forget, precision is just as important as flexibility."@@
As Jessica claps to signal the end of the warm-ups, you rise to your feet, feeling a sudden, sharp ache shoot through your arches. You wince slightly, glancing down at your shoes. Your trusty Converses, while stylish and comfortable enough for everyday wear, are clearly not designed for the demands of cheerleading.
@@.jessica;"You good, $name?"@@ Jessica asks, noticing your slight hesitation immediately. She steps closer with a curious tilt of her head. @@.jessica;"Is everything alright?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's just..."@@ you shift your weight, grimacing. @@.player;"My feet are kind of killing me after that."@@
Jessica's gaze drops to your shoes, and her expression quickly shifts to one of amused exasperation. @@.jessica;"Oh no, Converse? $name, those are //not// going to cut it out here."@@
One of the other cheerleaders, Mia, laughs softly from nearby. @@.girl;"Yeah, those are cute and all, but you'll be limping by the end of practice if you keep wearing them."@@
Jessica spins on her heel, striding over to a storage bin near the sidelines. @@.jessica;"Luckily for you, we've got extras,"@@ she calls over her shoulder. @@.jessica;"Can't have you breaking down before we even get to the fun stuff, can we."@@
She digs through the bin with practiced efficiency, eventually pulling out a pair of white cheerleading sneakers. They're lightweight, sleek, and clearly designed for high-impact movement. She walks back over, holding them out with a grin.
@@.jessica;"Here, try these on,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"They're not custom-fit or anything, but I think they should fit your feet."@@
@@.player;"Are you sure?"@@ you ask, taking the sneakers. Their clean, professional look stands in stark contrast to your scuffed Converse. @@.player;"I don't want to mess up your extras or anything."@@
@@.jessica;"Please,"@@ Jessica says, waving off your concern with a laugh. @@.jessica;"These are for emergencies, and this definitely qualifies as one. Your feet will thank you."@@
You make your way to the bleachers, taking a seat. You slip off your shoes and pull on the sneakers. They fit snugly, and the cushioned soles immediately provide relief to your aching feet. You stand up, testing them with a few careful steps, and the difference is night and day.
@@.player;"These are a lot better,"@@ you say.
@@.jessica;"Now you're officially one of us,"@@ Jessica says, crossing her arms and smirking. @@.jessica;"You're even complete with proper shoes!"@@
<<if $hairStyle is 0 and $hairProg > 1>>\
<<if $d7hairsister is undefined>>\
<<set $learnponytailJessica to true>>\
As you test out the new sneakers, bouncing lightly on your feet, Jessica's eyes flicker to your face, then your hair. She tilts her head, her smile turning playful. @@.jessica;"Alright, $name, you're almost there. Shoes? Check. Uniform? Check. But..."@@ she gestures toward your hair, which falls freely around your face. @@.jessica;"This needs to be tied back. Safety first. You don't want it getting in your way while you're jumping or stunting."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, that makes sense,"@@ you say, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes. @@.player;"The issue is I, uh... don't really know how to tie it up."@@
@@.jessica;"Wait, seriously?"@@ she asks, her eyes widening. @@.jessica;"You've //never// had to tie your hair before?"@@
@@.player;"Not really, no,"@@ you shrug, feeling a little sheepish.
@@.jessica;"Alright, we're fixing that right this instant,"@@ Jessica says, her expression determined. @@.jessica;"You've got to know how to do this if you're going to survive cheerleading."@@ She pulls a spare hair tie from her wrist and motions for you to sit on the bench nearby.
@@.player;"When did I say I was going to keep doing this?"@@ you ask.
@@.jessica;"Okay!"@@ Jessica says loudly, ignoring what you just said. @@.jessica;"First lesson in hair tying 101. It's easy once you get the hang of it, watch me first."@@
She lets her hair loose and gathers it with both hands, her fingers moving with practiced ease as she pulls it back into a sleek ponytail. @@.jessica;"Step one: collect all your hair like this. You want it smooth, no bumps. Step two: hold it tight in one hand. Step three: loop the hair tie around it, twist, and loop again until it's secure."@@ She finishes with a flourish, flicking her ponytail for emphasis.
@@.player;"Uhh,"@@ you say, a little overwhelmed by how effortless she made it look.
@@.jessica;"Come on, it's not that hard,"@@ she says, laughing softly. @@.jessica;"Here, I'll talk you through it."@@
She stands behind you, gently gathering your hair. @@.jessica;"Alright, hold it like this,"@@ she says, moving your hand and placing it over the gathered strands. Her soft hands guide yours briefly, showing you how to smooth it down. @@.jessica;"Now, keep it tight and hold it in one hand."@@
You do as she says, your grip a little awkward but manageable.
@@.jessica;"Good, now take the hair tie and loop it around the base of the ponytail,"@@ she instructs, handing one to you. She demonstrates the motion with her own hand.
You fumble a bit, although you're unsure if you're bad at tying your hair or intimidated by Jessica's presence. But after a few tries, you manage to twist the hair tie and loop it a second time. It's not perfect, but it holds.
@@.jessica;"Not bad!"@@ Jessica says, stepping back to admire your work. @@.jessica;"A little loose, but hey, for a first try? That's solid. Let me fix it for you since you'll be exercising."@@
She reaches out, tightening the ponytail with a practiced tug and smoothing down any stray strands. She smiles and crosses her arms. @@.jessica;"Now you're officially ready for cheerleading survival mode."@@
<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to 1>>\
<<set $learnponytailJessica to false>>\
As you test out the new sneakers, Jessica's gaze shifts to your hair, and she raises an eyebrow. @@.jessica;"Alright, one last thing,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"The shoes are perfect, the uniform's on point, but you've got to tie your hair back. Can't have it flying everywhere when you're jumping."@@
You nod, already pulling a hair tie out of your pocket. @@.player;"Yeah, I got it."@@
Jessica watches with an impressed smile as you quickly gather your hair and secure it into a neat ponytail. @@.jessica;"Okay, look at you,"@@ she says, a grin on her face. @@.jessica;"Not your first rodeo, huh?"@@
@@.player;"I've done this before,"@@ you say, brushing a stray strand out of your face.
Jessica laughs lightly, flicking her own ponytail over her shoulder. @@.jessica;"Nice, you're ahead of the game. Now, you're //officially// ready to cheer."@@
<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to $currenthairtie>>\
@@.girl;"Looking good, $name,"@@ Mia nods approvingly from her spot nearby. @@.girl;"Now you won't have an excuse not to keep up."@@
The squad laughs lightly, the camaraderie making the moment feel less intimidating. The cheer shoes feel like a small but significant step into this new world of femininity, and you can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 7">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
With the new cheerleading shoes securely on your feet, you follow Jessica and the squad to the center of the field. The cushioning and snug fit make every step feel lighter, and the ache in your arches is already fading. You roll your ankles just to test it and appreciate the newfound stability.
@@.jessica;"Alright, team!"@@ Jessica calls out, her voice cutting through the chatter. @@.jessica;"Time to tackle some jumps. $name, this is where we really see what you're made of. Jumps are the bread and butter of cheerleading, after all!"@@
She steps to the front, her posture perfect as she demonstrates the first move. @@.jessica;"We'll start with the basic toe touch. Watch closely."@@
With a swift, practiced motion, Jessica swings her arms down, jumps high into the air, and snaps her legs into a perfect V. Her toes point elegantly, and she lands softly, barely making a sound.
@@.jessica;"Notice the timing, everyone,"@@ she says as she straightens. @@.jessica;"Arms lead, then legs. Keep everything tight and sharp. Now, let's see what you've got."@@
You take your place in line, heart racing slightly as the squad forms a semicircle to watch. The first cheerleader jumps, her toe touch clean and precise. Another follows, her height impressive but a little less polished.
Then it's your turn.
You swing your arms, jump with all your strength, and feel your legs snap into position mid-air. The motion feels surprisingly natural, almost instinctive. When you land, there's a brief pause before the squad breaks into applause.
@@.jessica;"Woah!"@@ Jessica exclaims, her eyes wide with approval. @@.jessica;"$name, that was //amazing//. Your height is insane, and your form is already better than some of the people who've been doing this for years."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, seriously,"@@ Mia adds, laughing in disbelief. @@.girl;"Did you take secret cheer lessons or something?"@@
@@.player;"Nope,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"That was my first time."@@
@@.jessica;"Well, you've got some serious natural talent,"@@ Jessica says, grinning. @@.jessica;"Let's see if you can take it up a notch."@@
@@.player;"Up a notch..?"@@ you say under your breath.
Jessica steps forward again, her expression turning thoughtful. @@.jessica;"Alright, let's try something more advanced. Everyone, we're going to be working on combo jumps. A double toe touch, if you're feeling brave."@@
The squad murmurs excitedly as Jessica demonstrates, jumping high, snapping into a toe touch, landing lightly, and immediately springing into a second jump. The move is seamless, her energy never faltering for even a moment.
@@.jessica;"Now, this takes serious timing and stamina,"@@ she says, catching her breath. @@.jessica;"But if you get it right, it looks amazing. $name, you've got the height and form—want to give it a shot?"@@
All eyes are on you once again, and you feel the pressure mounting. You could stick to a single jump for now, or you could push yourself to try the combo.
<<button "Attempt the double toe touch" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 8">>\<<set $d11double to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stick to a single toe touch" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 8">>\<<set $d11double to false>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<if $d11double is true>>\
<<set $cpresence to Math.clamp($cpresence + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The squad gathers around, their energy palpable as Jessica steps back, giving you the floor. The grass feels firm beneath your new cheer sneakers, and the late afternoon sun seems to spotlight you as all eyes focus on your next move.
@@.jessica;"Alright, $name, let's see what you've got!"@@ Jessica says, folding her arms. @@.jessica;"Don't overthink it—just let your body follow through. Arms lead, legs snap, land, and spring into the second jump. You've got the height, so I know you can nail this."@@
@@.girl;"No pressure, right?"@@ Mia leans in with a grin.
You take a deep breath, rolling your shoulders to shake off the nerves. The squad's encouragement fills you with excitement and determination. You swing your arms back, plant your feet firmly, and push off with all your strength.
The air feels electric as you leap upward, your arms slicing through the air. Your legs snap into a perfect V midair, your toes instinctively pointing as you reach the peak of the jump. The movement feels effortless, almost like muscle memory. The ground rushes up to meet as you land lightly, your knees bending to absorb any impact. The squad claps and cheers, but you don't stop. You're already pushing off for the second jump, after all.
The momentum carries you upward again, your body moving with practiced precision even though this is your first attempt. Your arms swing in perfect sync, and your legs snap into another clean toe touch, your form as sharp as the first. As you land, the grass feels solid beneath your feet, and you straighten up, the adrenaline surging through your veins.
For a moment, the field is silent as the squad processes what they've just seen. Then, the cheerleaders erupt into cheers and applause, a few of them laughing in disbelief.
@@.jessica;"Okay, what just happened?"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"$name, that was insane! I was expecting good, but that was next-level."@@
@@.girl;"You're making the rest of us look bad!"@@ Mia says, stepping forward. @@.girl;"Who even lands a double toe touch that clean on their first try."@@
@@.player;"I'm just lucky, I guess?"@@ you say, laughing nervously. Your cheeks flush red from the praise though.
@@.jessica;"$name, that wasn't luck,"@@ Jessica says, stepping closer and placing a hand on your shoulder. @@.jessica;"That was raw talent. You've got the timing, the strength, and the form. Honestly, if you keep this up, you're going to be one of the best on this squad. Hell, maybe even ''the'' best. We'll see over the coming months, I suppose."@@
@@.player;"Wait, but I didn't agree to do this for a—"@@
@@.jessica;"Let's go, $name!"@@ Jessica calls over her shoulder, her tone so cheerful it's impossible to argue.
One of the cheerleaders leans toward you with a smirk on her face. @@.girl;"Yeah, good luck with that. Once Jessica sets her sights on something, there's no escape."@@
You sigh as you jog to catch up with the group. Somehow, it feels like you've already been recruited, whether you agreed or not.
<<set $cprecision to Math.clamp($cprecision + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You take a deep breath, your heart pounding as you step into position. The squad's attention is all on you, their encouraging smiles and nods giving you a bit more confidence. Jessica stands nearby, her clipboard tucked under one arm, her eyes filled with curiosity.
@@.jessica;"Alright, $name,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Let's see that toe touch again. Focus on your form—arms strong, legs sharp, toes pointed. You’ve got this!"@@
The squad falls silent, their anticipation palpable as they watch. You swing your arms down, gathering momentum, and in one fluid motion, you jump. Your legs snap into a clean V midair, and the movement feels almost like muscle memory already. As you land softly, the squad erupts into applause.
@@.girl;"Woah, that was sharp!"@@ one of the girls says, clapping her hands.
@@.girl;"Perfect execution,"@@ Mia chimes in. @@.girl;"Seriously, $name, where have you been hiding this talent?"@@
@@.jessica;"That's what I'm talking about!"@@ Jessica says, stepping forward with a wide grin. @@.jessica;"Your height was awesome, your form was clean, and your landing was smooth as butter. Honestly, you've got a gift for this. People usually take weeks to get this right."@@
@@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you say, feeling a swell of pride at their reactions.
@@.jessica;"Alright then, let's work on refining it even more,"@@ Jessica continues, gesturing for you to reset. @@.jessica;"Try to keep your toes even sharper and don't forget to keep your arms tight on the swing. These small details make a huge difference."@@
You nod, taking your place again. This time, you focus on everything Jessica pointed out. When you jump again, it feels even cleaner, and the squad's cheers only grow louder.
@@.jessica;"See?"@@ Jessica says, laughing lightly. @@.jessica;"That's perfect. You're going to make the rest of us step up our game, $name."@@
The cheerleaders exchange glances, their expressions a mix of admiration and excitement. One of them, a redhead with a playful smirk, leans over to Mia. @@.girl;"We're totally stealing him, right?"@@
@@.girl;"Oh, for sure,"@@ Mia grins.
@@.jessica;"Alright, team, I know we're excited, but let's keep it moving!"@@ Jessica says, snapping the group back to attention. @@.jessica;"$name, your form's already amazing, and you've got the potential to take it even further."@@
As the squad shifts back into formation, you feel a quiet sense of accomplishment. Sticking to the basics might not have been the flashiest choice, sure, but it's clear that your effort and focus haven't gone unnoticed. The squad's encouragement only fuels you as the practice continues, and you start to think that maybe—just maybe—you’ve found something you’re really good at.
<<button "Move onto stunts" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 9">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
With the jumps complete, Jessica steps forward, her expression a mix of excitement and determination. @@.jessica;"Alright, team, let's move on to stunts. This is where we really bring the wow factor."@@
The cheerleaders respond enthusiastically, their energy infectious. Jessica gestures for everyone to form smaller groups, splitting the squad into stunt teams of three to five. She places you in a group with Mia and two other experienced bases, Ashley and Tori.
@@.jessica;"Okay, $name, remember stunting is all about trust, balance, and strength,"@@ she begins, her tone encouraging. @@.jessica;"Everyone has a role, and today you're going to start as a base. It's the foundation of any stunt."@@
Ashley steps forward, rolling her shoulders. @@.girl;"As a base, your job is to keep the flyer stable. You'll be holding them up, so make sure your grip is firm, your legs are strong, and you work with your partner."@@
Tori nods, positioning herself next to you. @@.girl;"It's all about teamwork. You won't do it alone—everything we do is synchronized. Don't worry though, Mia's one of the best flyers we have. She'll make it easy."@@
Mia grins, her confidence radiating as she adjusts her ponytail. @@.girl;"I'll make you look good,"@@ she says, playfully, stepping forward to take her position.
Jessica steps in to guide you. @@.jessica;"$name, hold out your hands like this."@@ She demonstrates the proper grip, her hands cupped and firm. @@.jessica;"You and Tori will lock your hands together to create a stable platform. Keep your elbows bent but strong, and don't let your arms wobble."@@
You follow her instructions, linking hands with Tori. The position feels solid, though the idea of lifting someone into the air still makes your heart race.
@@.jessica;"Alright, bases, ready?"@@ Jessica calls out as Mia steps lightly onto the platform created by your hands.
@@.girl;"Ready!"@@ Tori responds, her voice steady.
<<if $confident > $shy>>\
@@.player;"Ready!"@@ you repeat.
@@.player;"R-Ready!"@@ you say.
@@.jessica;"Go!"@@ Jessica yells.
You and Tori lift together, your arms bracing as Mia rises into the air. Her movements are fluid, and she balances effortlessly as you hold her steady. Your muscles strain slightly, but the adrenaline and focus make it feel easy.
@@.jessica;"Great form, $name!"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"You're rock solid. Keep it up!"@@
Mia shifts her position slightly, extending one leg and holding her arms high in a classic liberty pose. The squad cheers loudly, and you feel a surge of pride.
When it's time to dismount, Mia calls out, @@.girl;"Coming down!"@@
You and Tori lower her gently, your movements perfectly synchronized. Mia lands lightly on her feet, spinning around to face you with a grin. @@.girl;"Not bad for a newbie,"@@ she says, giving you a high-five.
Jessica steps in again, her eyes gleaming with approval. @@.jessica;"Alright, let's mix it up. $name, let's have you spotting next. It's just as important as basing. You are the safety net, after all."@@
She demonstrates the spotter's position, standing behind the flyer with her hands ready to catch if anything goes wrong. @@.jessica;"Your job is to keep Mia safe. Stay focused and watch her movements. Be ready to support if needed at all times."@@
You take your place behind Mia, your stance steady. As the bases lift her again, you keep your eyes locked on her, your hands hovering just below her back and legs.
@@.jessica;"Great job!"@@ Jessica says as the stunt goes off without a hitch. @@.jessica;"You're a natural at this too."@@
As the group breaks for water, the other cheerleaders come over, their expressions a mix of admiration and excitement.
@@.girl;"Seriously, $name, you're picking this all up faster than anyone I've ever seen,"@@ Ashley says, shaking her head. @@.girl;"If I hadn't known, I could've sworn you've been cheering for years."@@
@@.girl;"Tell me about it,"@@ Mia chimes in. @@.girl;"I've had bases who cheer on a college team and even they weren't this steady."@@
@@.jessica;"Honestly, if you ever want to make this permanent, you'd be a star,"@@ Jessica says.
The cheerleaders nod in agreement, their encouragement making the experience feel exhilarating. You glance toward the other flyers practicing their stunts, their movements graceful and effortless as they're lifted into the air. A flicker of curiosity sparks in your mind—what would it feel like to be the one soaring above the rest?
<<button "Ask about flying" "Day 11 - Cheerleading Fly">><</button>>
<<button "Decide against it" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 10">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<set $cpresence to Math.clamp($cpresence + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment before stepping closer to Jessica, curiosity getting the better of you.
@@.player;"Hey, Jessica,"@@ you say, catching her attention.
@@.jessica;"What's up, $name?"@@ she asks as she turns to you, her smile warm. @@.jessica;"Having fun?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, actually,"@@ you admit, feeling a little more confident now. @@.player;"I was just wondering... could I try being a flyer?"@@
The cheerleaders nearby exchange glances, a mix of surprise and amusement flashing across their faces. Mia raises an eyebrow, grinning. @@.girl;"$name as a flyer? That would be really fun to see."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, I'll be honest—flyers are usually the smallest and lightest people on the team,"@@ Jessica says, her tone thoughtful as she looks you over. @@.jessica;"You're like 5'10, that's definitely on the taller side for that role. Flyers need to be super easy to lift and balance, which is why it's usually the shorter squad members."@@
@@.player;"Oh, yeah, I get it,"@@ you say, not entirely surprised.
@@.jessica;"That being said, I'm not about to crush your dreams,"@@ Jessica adds with a playful smile. @@.jessica;"If you want to give it a shot, we can make it work. Just don't expect to take this role permanently unless you've got a shrink ray hidden somewhere."@@
jessica claps her hands tog et everyone's attention. @@.jessica;"Alright, team, we've got a special request! $name wants to try being a flyer, so let's show him what it's all about."@@
The squad cheers, clearly excited to see you take on the challenge. Jessica organizes a stunt group with Mia and Ashley as the bases and Tori as the spotter.
@@.jessica;"Okay, $name, you need to have trust in your bases and spotter as a flyer,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"When you step onto the bases, keep your core tight, your movements controlled, and trust your team to hold you steady. We'll start with something simple—a basic prep stunt."@@
You take a deep breath, stepping forward as Mia and Ashley position themselves. Tori gives you a reassuring nod from behind.
@@.girl;"Ready?"@@ Mia asks, her hands steady.
@@.player;"Ready,"@@ you reply, your heart racing as you place your hands on their shoulders and step onto their linked hands.
As Mia and Ashley lift you, the sensation of being airborne is both exhilarating and terrifying. You instinctively tighten your core, just as Jessica instructed, and focus on keeping your balance. The bases are solid beneath you, their strength and coordination making the lift feel almost effortless.
@@.jessica;"Nice job!"@@ Jessica calls out, clapping. @@.jessica;"Keep your legs together and your arms up—perfect!"@@
You extend your arms, and your confidence only grows as you settle into the pose. The squad cheers, and even Tori gives you a thumbs-up from below.
@@.jessica;"Alright, now let's dismount,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Bases, bring him down slowly."@@
The descent is smooth and you land lightly on the grass, a grin spreading across your face.
@@.girl;"Not bad at all, $name,"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"You've got the balance for it, that's for sure."@@
@@.jessica;"That was better than I expected for your first try, although you have only been impressing me so far,"@@ Jessica nods. @@.jessica;"But, like I said, your height makes you less ideal for this role."@@
As the team regroups to continue practice, you can’t help but feel proud of yourself for trying something new. The experience of being a flyer only helps you feel more confident.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 10">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
You approach the football field, the late afternoon sun in the air. The cheerleaders are already gathered near the sideline, stretching and chatting in small groups, their uniforms catching the sunlight as they prepare for practice. Jessica is at the center of it all, clipboard in hand, her energy magnetic as she directs her teammates.
<<if $feminineLooks > 59>>\
Jessica spots you immediately, her smile widening as she waves enthusiastically. @@.player;"$name! You're here!"@@
Her energy draws the attention of the other cheerleaders, and as you walk over, you catch a few surprised glances. Whispers ripple through the groups, though they're quick to stifle them. Their expressions turn welcoming as Jessica steps forward to greet you.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>\
Jessica catches sight of you, her smile widening as she waves you over. @@.jessica;"$name! Over here!"@@
A few of the cheerleaders glance up, their expressions a mix of curiosity and quiet interest. You notice one or two lingering stares as you approach, though no one says anything outright. Jessica meets you halfway, her eyes briefly sweeping over you in a way that feels both friendly and a touch appraising.
Jessica spots you almost immediately, her sharp eyes catching your approach. She waves you over, her ponytail swaying as she turns to face you. @@.jessica;"$name!"@@ she calls, her voice carrying easily over the field.
You walk up, noticing a few cheerleaders glance your way, their expressions neutral but curious. Most of them return to stretching or chatting, clearly more focused on the practice ahead. Jessica, on the other hand, strides up to meet you, her smile as bright and confident as ever.
@@.jessica;"I'm glad you made it,"@@ she says, lightly tapping her clipboard against her palm. @@.jessica;"We're about to start running through the routine. Trust me when I say it's a bit of a train wreck right now. We need all the feedback we can get.@@
She gestures toward the group of cheerleaders behind her, some of whom are now adjusting their pom-poms or practicing small jumps. @@.jessica;"We're trying to make the routine work with one person down, but... well, you'll see. It's not pretty."@@
You nod, glancing at the squad as they assemble near the center of the field. Jessica steps to your side, keeping her tone casual but appreciative. @@.jessica;"Feel free to call out if you see something weird. You've got the perspective we need—no sugarcoating, alright?"@@
@@.player;"Got it,"@@ you reply, managing a small grin.
@@.jessica;"Good,"@@ Jessica grins back, motioning toward a spot near the sidelines. @@.jessica;"Grab a seat over there. You'll be able to see everything, and I'll check in with you after the first run-through."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, team!"@@ she shouts, clapping her hands. @@.jessica;"Let's take it from the top. No slacking, and keep it tight. $name's watching, so don't make us look bad."@@
There's a light ripple of laughter through the group, and you can't help but smirk as Jessica takes her place at the front. You settle onto a seat, the energy of the squad buzzing in the air as they begin their routine.
Watching them move in near-perfect synchronization, you're instantly able to spot where the gaps are. Places where someone should be but isn't, moments where the flow stumbles ever so slightly. It's clear the squad is trying their hardest to make it work.
The routine builds to its climax—the pyramid—but it’s clear something’s off. One of the bases stumbles slightly, causing the formation to wobble before they manage to bring it back together. A mix of frustration and relief floods their faces as they stop.
Jessica exhales loudly, placing her hands on her hips. @@.jessica;"Not bad, but not great either,"@@ she says, turning to the group. @@.jessica;"We're still missing the balance without Mandy. If we don't figure this out by Friday, we're going to look half-baked out there."@@
<<if $feminineLooks > 59>>\
Jessica doesn’t waste a second before heading straight to you. @@.jessica;"Okay, $name, spill,"@@ she says, crossing her arms. @@.jessica;"How bad was it?"@@
You offer your feedback, pointing out where the routine feels unbalanced and suggesting adjustments for the pyramid. Jessica listens closely, nodding thoughtfully.
@@.jessica;"You know,"@@ she says, her eyes sparkling. @@.jessica;"You've got a knack for this. Seriously, you should think about joining us. I mean, you'd look amazing in the uniform, and we //really// need someone who can step in last-minute."@@
Her voice carries a mix of playfulness and genuine enthusiasm as she gestures toward the group. @@.jessica;"Come on, just try it for today. See how it feels. You'd be helping us out //so// much, and I promise, it's really fun."@@
The other cheerleaders exchange glances, whispering to each other. None seem opposed to the idea, if anything, they seem excited by the possibility of having you.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>\
Jessica walks over, a spark of determination in her eyes. @@.jessica;"Alright, $name,"@@ she says, tilting her head. @@.jessica;"Be honest—what do you think?"@@
You offer your feedback as Jessica nods along. Her expression shifts though as an idea seems to strike her.
@@.jessica;"You know, you've got a really good eye for this,"@@ she says, leaning in slightly her tone casual but with a teasing edge. @@.jessica;"Honestly, you'd kill it out here. Have you ever thought about, I don't know... trying it yourself?"@@
She gestures toward the team with a grin. @@.jessica;"I'm just saying, we could use someone who can keep up with this kind of stuff. You'd fit right in."@@
Her words linger and you can tell they're sincere. The other cheerleaders glance over, a few nodding in agreement.
Jessica walks over to you, her expression more thoughtful than usual. @@.jessica;"Okay, give it to me straight,"@@ she says, crossing her arms. @@.jessica;"What do you think? Is it as bad as it feels?"@@
You hesitate but soon begin offering your feedback. Jessica listens intently, nodding as you point out specific moments where the routine feels off.
@@.jessica;"Good notes,"@@ she says, flashing you a quick smile. @@.jessica;"Thanks for watching. I'll figure something out for the pyramid."@@
She heads back to the squad, clapping her hands to rally them for another run-through.
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
Jessica steps closer, her tone softening slightly. @@.jessica;"I don't mean to pressure you or anything,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"But seriously—just think about it. You’d be a lifesaver"@@
The squad waits nearby, stretching and chatting quietly. You can feel their attention drifting toward you as Jessica watches, clearly hoping you'll say yes.
<<button "Join the cheerleaders" "Day 11 - Cheerleading 1">>\<<set $d11joinCheerleaders to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't join the cheerleaders" "Day 11 - Watch Cheerleading">>\<<set $d11joinCheerleaders to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Watch the cheerleaders do their thing" "Day 11 - Watch Cheerleading">>\<<set $d11watchedCheerleaders to true>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d11correct is true>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at the waitress, feeling the weight of her words. Something inside you stirs—a need to clarify, to make sure you’re being seen as //you//.
@@.player;"Actually, I'm not a girl,"@@ you say, your tone polite but firm.
The waitress freezes for a split second, her eyes widening as her smile falters ever so slightly. Then, just as quickly, she recovers, her expression turning apologetic. @@.girl;"I'm so sorry,"@@ she says, sincerity in her voice. @@.girl;"That was my mistake. I didn't mean to assume."@@
@@.jessica;"Don't worry about it,"@@ Jessica says, jumping in. @@.jessica;"$name's just special like that—keeps us all on our toes."@@
@@.girl;"Well, thanks for letting me know,"@@ the waitress says, laughing a little. @@.girl;"I'll be right back with your drinks."@@
As the waitress walks away, the table falls into a comfortable hum of conversation. Jessica leans toward you, her tone casual but supportive. @@.jessica;"That was cool of you to say something,"@@ she says quietly. @@.jessica;"It's important to speak up when you need to. We've got your back, no matter what."@@
The rest of the cheerleaders reaffirm you, and the tension from earlier begins melting away. They're not treating it as a big deal—just a part of who you are.
@@.jessica;"To $name!"@@ Jessica says with a sly smile. @@.jessica;"For being the coolest, most talented, bestest ever non-girl on the squad."@@
The rest of the cheerleaders laugh, raising their glasses as well. @@.girl;"To $name!"@@
You laugh along with them, feeling a sense of belonging that's impossible to put into words. You're glad you've found a group of people that accept you exactly as you are.
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
You hesitate for a moment as the waitress's words settle in the air. For reasons you can't quite explain, what she said doesn't feel wrong. In fact, there's a strange, warm sense of affirmation in her assumption.
You glance around the table, half-expecting the cheerleaders to say something, but none of them do. Jessica flashes the waitress a friendly grin, and the conversation flows on effortlessly, as though nothing out of the ordinary has been said.
For a moment, you think about correcting her, about pointing out the obvious—that you’re not actually a girl—but the words don’t come. Instead, you find yourself smiling softly, the weight of the day's events melting into a quiet sense of belonging. You find yourself realizing it doesn't bother you.
No, more than that—it feels good.
You catch your reflection in the glossy surface of the menu, your face framed by the soft lighting of the restaurant. You realize you \
<<if $feminineLooks > 59>>\
look like a girl and that fact makes you oddly... comfortable. \
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>\
look androgynous, but next to a group of girls, you fit right in. \
cheated. Why did you cheat smh you shouldn't be here! \
You think back to the way the cheerleaders had accepted you without any question, the compliments they'd thrown your way.
//You're basically one of us already.//
//You're one of the girls now.//
Their words echo in your mind, and for the first time, you don't feel the need to push back against them. You let out a small, quiet sigh, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as the waitress takes your drink order.
@@.player;"Water's fine,"@@ you say, your voice light.
@@.girl;"Got it,"@@ she replies with a cheerful nod before moving on to the next person.
@@.jessica;"Are you alright, $name?"@@ Jessica turns to you once the waitress steps away. @@.jessica;"You've got that look—like you’re overthinking something."@@
@@.player;"No, I'm good,"@@ you whisper. @@.player;"I'm just glad I came out with you guys."@@
@@.girl;"Well, duh,"@@ Mia says, leaning her elbow on the table and giving you a playful smirk. @@.girl;"You're part of the squad, we wouldn't leave you behind."@@
Ashley nods. @@.girl;"To $name, our star rookie!"@@
You laugh again, a genuine warmth bubbling up inside you as the others join in, their cheers and encouragement wrapping around you like a safety net.
You glance around the table as the waitress moves on, chatting brightly with the other cheerleaders as she takes their drink orders. Jessica throws you a knowing smile, but she doesn't say anything about the comment. The squad seems perfectly at ease, their laughter and banter continuing without missing a beat.
You shift in your seat, deciding it's better to just go along with it for now. The waitress obviously meant no harm, and the way the cheerleaders have treated you all day—like you’re one of them—makes the moment feel less awkward than you thought it would.
@@.girl;"So, what do you think of your first cheerleading dinner so far?"@@ Mia says, turning back to you once the waitress walks away. @@.girl;"A little different from what you usually do, right?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's definitely different,"@@ you laugh lightly, relaxing into the booth. @@.player;"You all make it fun, though."@@
@@.jessica;"This is just as much a part of the cheerleading experience as the routines, after all,"@@ Jessica says, grinning. @@.jessica;"Bonding over some food is tradition."@@
@@.girl;"Honestly, it's cool how you just jumped into all this today,"@@ Tori says, her expression softening. @@.girl;"Most people would've been super nervous, but you handled it like a pro."@@
You feel a small swell of pride as the cheerleaders continue to bombard you with thanks and compliments. Even if you’re not too sure how you feel about being grouped with “the girls,” their easy camaraderie makes it hard to feel out of place.
The waitress returns shortly with a tray of drinks, setting them down in front of everyone with a cheerful smile. @@.girl;"Here you go, ladies!"@@ Again, you feel a brief moment of discomfort, but no one else seems to notice.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - Dinner 2">><</button>>The waitress returns after a few minutes, balancing trays of food with practiced ease. She sets a plate in front of you with your order—a burger stacked high with toppings, accompanied by a generous pile of crispy fries. You breath in the savory scent of freshly grilled beef and melted cheese, your stomach rumbling.
<<if $d11correct is true>>\
@@.girl;"I hope you all enjoy!"@@ the waitress says cheerfully.
@@.girl;"Enjoy, girls!"@@ the waitress says cheerfully before bustling off to tend to another table.
You glance at the burger in front of you, its glossy bun glistening under the warm light. The french fries are golden and perfectly crisp, a tempting sidekick to the main event. As the others dig into their meals, you pick up the burger, the soft bun yielding immediately under your fingers. The first bite is perfection—a juicy explosion of flavor.
@@.girl;"It's good, right?"@@ Mia asks from beside you, holding a nacho like a cigarette. @@.girl;"This place has the best burgers in town, hands down."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's amazing,"@@ you nod. @@.player;"I didn't realize I was this hungry."@@
@@.jessica;"Cheerleading burns a ton of calories,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Get used to being starving after every practice."@@
@@.girl;"She's not kidding,"@@ Ashley chimes in, balancing a fry on her fork. @@.girl;"One game day, I ate two of these burgers after the game. It didn't even fill me up, I was still hungry."@@
The table laughs as you take another bite, savoring the rich flavors and the simple joy that comes with sharing a meal with new friends. You find yourself relaxing more as you get further into the meal, even chiming in with a few comments and laughing at the squad's stories. Jessica teases Mia about her nacho obsession, Ashley recounts a time she tripped during a halftime routine, and Tori insists she didn't see the school mascot coming when she ran into it mid-cheer.
You join in the laughter, the day's events replaying in your mind. All of it felt surreal yet completely natural at the same time. Plates clink softly against the table and the warm smell of grilled food lingers in the air.
Jessica, who finished her food faster than anyone else, wipes her hand on a napkin and stretches her arms over her head. @@.jessica;"Alright, I'm going to head outside for a breather,"@@ she says, sliding out of the booth. @@.jessica;"Too much food, too much energy—I need a minute to decompress."@@
@@.girl;"Jessica's decompressing?"@@ Mia asks, a grin on her face. @@.girl;"That's a first."@@
Jessica laughs, tossing a glare at Mia. @@.jessica;"Watch it, Mia. You're lucky I'm too full to think up of a comeback."@@
As she heads toward the door, her ponytail swaying behind her, you glance after her. There's a flicker of curiosity, maybe there's more to Jessica then you think.
<<button "Follow Jessica outside" "Day 11 - Dinner 3 (Jessica)">>\<<set $d11followjessica to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay in the restaurant" "Day 11 - Dinner 3 (Group)">>\<<set $d11followjessica to false>>\<</button>><<set $csquadbond to Math.clamp($csquadbond + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You watch as Jessica slips out the door, the bell above it jingling faintly before the sound fades. For a moment, you consider following her, but the warm laughter at the table pulls your focus back to the group. Mia is in the middle of recounting an especially chaotic moment from last year's homecoming routine.
@@.girl;"—and then the banner ripped right in the middle of the run-through,"@@ Mia says, gesturing wildly with her hands. @@.girl;"Jessica just stared at it for, like, a second before she yelled, 'We're rolling with it, go!' and we had to do the whole routine around this shredded piece of fabric."@@
Ashley groans, laughing as she takes a sip of her drink. @@.girl;"I was in the pyramid and thought the banner was going to fall on us. I swear, that was the scariest halftime show of my life so far."@@
@@.girl;"Well, it worked out though, no?"@@ Tori chimes in, her smile wide. @@.girl;"The crowd thought it was planned adn they went nuts when we pretended to rip the rest of it at the end."@@
@@.girl;"You're lucky you joined us this year,"@@ Mia says, leaning closer to you. @@.girl;"No torn banners—so far at least. But you're already doing better than most of the squad was when we started."@@
@@.girl;"That's true!"@@ Ashley adds. @@.girl;"You're a natural, $name. Even when we had people trying out, no one picked things up as fast as you."@@
@@.girl;"Not to mention he's just got the vibe,"@@ Tori says. @@.girl;"Like, you just //get// it, you know? Like, it's not just about stunts and cheers. It's about owning it."@@
As the meal continues, the cheerleaders begin swapping more personal stories—favorite memories from past games, embarrassing moments at school, and plans for the upcoming weekend.
@@.girl;"Ready for tomorrow, $name?"@@ Mia asks, her voice lowering conspiratorially. @@.girl;"Football games are a massive deal for us. The crowd, the lights, the pressure—it’s like nothing else."@@
@@.player;"I don't know, I think I can handle it,"@@ you say, trying your best to sound confident.
@@.girl;"You totally can,"@@ Ashley says with a smile. @@.girl;"Just remember to have fun and stick with Jessica. She always has a way of keeping everyone calm."@@
The mention of Jessica makes you glance toward the door briefly, but the conversation quickly pulls you back in. You wonder if you should share a story of your own.
<<button "Open up and share" "Day 11 - Dinner 4 (Group)">>\<<set $d11openup to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay light and observant" "Day 11 - Dinner 4 (Group)">>\<<set $d11openup to false>>\<</button>><<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You slide out of the booth, your feet carrying you toward the door before you fully register your decision. The restaurant door closes behind you with a soft jingle, cutting off the warmth and noise inside. The cool night air greets you, carrying with it the faint smell of pavement and nearby trees. You spot Jessica leaning against a low brick wall by the parking lot, her arms crossed loosely and her head tilted back as she looks up at the sky.
You hesitate, unsure if you should interrupt her. The Jessica you've seen all day—bright, confident, larger than life—feels distant now. It's like she's been replaced by someone quieter.
Still, something about the way her shoulders are slightly hunched makes you take a step closer. @@.player;"Hey,"@@ you say softly.
Jessica glances over, a flicker of surprise in her eyes before she smiles faintly. @@.jessica;"Hey, $name,"@@ she says. Her tone is light, but there's an edge of tiredness beneath it, like she's trying to mask something more. @@.jessica;"What are you doing out here? The squad not entertaining enough for you?"@@
@@.player;"No, they're great,"@@ you reply, leaning against the wall beside her. @@.player;"Just thought I'd check on you. You looked like you needed a breather."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, I guess I did,"@@ Jessica lets out a soft laugh, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. @@.jessica;"It's nice to get some quiet sometimes, you know?"@@
You nod, waiting to see if she'll say more. She does, though her words come slower, more measured.
@@.jessica;"I love leading the squad, I really do,"@@ she begins, her gaze fixed somewhere in the distance. @@.jessica;"It's the best part of my week—getting everyone pumped up, working on routines, feeling like we’re a team. But sometimes it feels like there's a lot riding on it."@@
You glance at her, her profile lit softly by the glow of the streetlights. There's something in her expression—a subtle tension, like she’s weighing her words carefully.
@@.jessica;"Everyone expects me to have the answers,"@@ she continues, her voice steady but quieter now. @@.jessica;"Like I'm supposed to be the one who keeps everything together no matter what. Don't get me wrong—I love that they trust me. But... it's a lot sometimes."@@
She pauses, her fingers trailing absently along the edge of the wall.
@@.jessica;"I guess I just worry about letting them down,"@@ she says, her words barely more than a whisper. @@.jessica;"Not just with cheer stuff, but... everything else. Like, they see me as someone I'm not always sure I can be."@@
Her eyes flick to yours for a moment before she quickly looks away, the vulnerability in her gaze disappearing as soon as it appeared. She laughs lightly, as if trying to brush it off. @@.jessica;"Sorry, that got kind of heavy. You probably didn't come out here just to listen to me ramble on about my problems."@@
@@.player;"You're not rambling,"@@ you say gently. @@.player;"I think everyone needs a break sometimes, even you."@@
Jessica smiles faintly, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. @@.jessica;"Yeah. Maybe."@@
The silence stretches between you, not uncomfortable but rather heavy with unspoken thoughts. Jessica looks back up at the sky, her expression unreadable, and you wonder what else she's holding back.
<<button "Inch closer" "Day 11 - Dinner 4 (Jessica)">>\<<set $d11inchcloser to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay a little far" "Day 11 - Dinner 4 (Jessica)">>\<<set $d11inchcloser to false>>\<</button>><<if $d11openup is true>>\
<<set $csquadbond to Math.clamp($csquadbond + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The laughter around the table continues, light and infectious, as the squad eagerly shares their stories. You hesitate for a moment, unsure if you should jump in. But then, something pushes you forward, and before you know it, you're speaking up.
@@.player;"Okay, okay,"@@ you say, raising your hands slightly to grab their attention. @@.player;"I've got a story, but it's completely stupid, so don't judge me."@@
@@.girl;"Oh, I've got to hear this,"@@ Mia says, her eyes sparkling in anticipation. @@.girl;"Spill it, $name."@@
@@.player;"Alright, so, this took place last summer,"@@ you say, already holding in your laughter. @@.player;"My friend, Luke, yes //that// Luke, thought it'd be funny to try and ride his bike through a car wash."@@
The table erupts in a mix of gasps and laughter, and Tori nearly spits out her drink. @@.girl;"Wait, what?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say, grinning now. @@.player;"He was like, 'It's just water, bro, how bad could it possibly be?' I was just standing there recording because, you know, I have my priorities straight."@@
@@.girl;"Please tell me he actually went through with it,"@@ Ashley says.
@@.player;"Oh, he did,"@@ you reply, nodding emphatically. @@.player;"He rolls in all confident. It was actually working too, until the spinning brushes kicked in. First, he was like 'I'm fine!' Then the brush thing knocks him off the fucking bike. He's lying on the ground, soaking wet, and still yelling that he's alright while getting sprayed."@@
@@.player;"It gets worse, it gets worse,"@@ you add, as the entire team howls with laughter. @@.player;"The guy who owns the car wash comes out, sees Luke lying there, and just shakes his head. He does not care in the slightest. He just mutters, 'Kids these days,' and walks back inside."@@
Ashley is doubled over, gasping for air. @@.girl;"Help, I can't. Luke is a legend! Please tell me you have the video."@@
@@.player;"Sadly, no,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"My phone got wet in the chaos. But the memory? Priceless."@@
Mia wipes her eyes, still giggling. @@.girl;"$name, that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, and I love it. I've always liked Luke, but this just cements his status as an icon."@@
@@.girl;"An icon of bad decisions, maybe,"@@ Tori adds, grinning.
@@.player;"Pretty much,"@@ you agree.
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
I am fully, fully aware that this story isn't that funny. It's just the best I could think of. Not to mention everything is much funnier when you're surrounded by friends.
You lean back slightly in your seat, the warm buzz of the cheerleaders' laughter filling the air around you. It's easy to lose yourself in their stories, their animated gestures and vivid expressions painting pictures of the hilarious and chaotic moments they've shared. You find yourself smiling and nodding along, throwing in the occasional laugh at just the right moment.
@@.girl;"—and then Jessica yelled, ‘Just keep smiling!’ while the banner was literally eating us alive,"@@ Mia exclaims, nearly doubling over with laughter.
@@.girl;"I was still pulling pieces of it out of my hair after halftime,"@@ Ashley adds, grinning. @@.girl;"I think it even made it into some of the photos!"@@
@@.girl;"Classic Jessica,"@@ Tori adds, twirling a fry between her fingers. @@.girl;"Somehow, she makes even a disaster look intentional."@@
You chuckle slightly, letting the rhythm of their banter flow naturally. While their energy is infectious, you're content to stay in the background, soaking it all in.
@@.girl;"$name, what's your favorite part of today so far?"@@ Mia asks as she nudges your arm lightly. @@.girl;"Was it the routine? The stunts?"@@
@@.player;"Honestly, it was just seeing how you all work together,"@@ you respond, your smile easily. @@.player;"It's like... controlled chaos, but it works. You've got this energy that's fun to be around."@@
Mia grins, clearly pleased with your answer. @@.girl;"We are pretty cool, aren't we?"@@
@@.girl;"Hell yeah we are!"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"We're //legendary//."@@
The cheerleaders continue, and you find yourself enjoying the way their stories unfold, each one building off the last. They talk about moments with the mascot, the thrill of nailing a difficult routine, and even the occasional prank pulled on rival squads.
As they chatter, you stay tuned in, offering a comment or reaction here and there. You may not be the loudest voice at the table, but your quiet presence doesn't go unnoticed. Every now and then, one of the cheerleaders glances your way, their smiles warm and genuine.
By the time the food is nearly gone, you feel even more comfortable than before. You're glad you stayed in the restaurant and got to connect with all the \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
other \
girls, but you do wonder what Jessica was up to the entire time.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - Dinner 5">><</button>><<if $d11inchcloser is true>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<set $jessicaRomance to Math.clamp($jessicaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You shift slightly, stepping closer so the distance between you and Jessica feels less like two people on separate paths and more like two people sharing the same moment. Your shoulder almost brushes hers as you lean gently against the wall, the cool surface grounding you.
@@.player;"You know, you don't have to figure everything out by yourself,"@@ you say softly. @@.player;"It's okay to just... be you. Even if that doesn't match what people expect."@@
Jessica glances at you, her eyes flickering with something unreadable before she lets out a quiet laugh. @@.jessica;"Be myself, huh? That's easier said than done."@@
@@.player;"Maybe it is,"@@ you reply, tilting your head slightly to meet her gaze. @@.player;"But I think you're already doing it more than you realize. The squad looks up to you because you care about them, Jessica, not because you're perfect."@@
Jessica looks away, her lips curving into a faint smile. @@.jessica;"You're good at this, you know that? Saying exactly what someone needs to hear."@@
@@.player;"I'm just being honest,"@@ you say, the sincerity in your voice catching her attention again.
For a moment, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the sounds of the night wrapping around you like a cocoon. The distant hum of traffic, the occasional laugh from inside the restaurant—it all fades into the background. Jessica's presence feels different now, quieter but somehow closer.
@@.jessica;"You know, I didn't expect you to fit in with us so fast,"@@ she says after a beat, her voice softer now. @@.jessica;"It's... nice, though. Having you around. I don't know what I would have done today if you didn't volunteer to help us out. I really don't."@@
Her words hang in the air, and for a moment, her eyes linger on yours. There's something unspoken in her expression, a vulnerability she's not quite ready to put into words, but it's there—an almost imperceptible shift that feels like a bridge between the two of you.
@@.jessica;"Thanks for coming out here,"@@ she says, her voice barely above a whisper. @@.jessica;"I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that."@@
@@.player;"Anytime,"@@ you reply, a small smile tugging at your lips.
Jessica's smile widens just a little, and she nudges your shoulder lightly with hers, the gesture almost playful but with a quiet tenderness beneath it. @@.jessica;"Alright,"@@ she says, straightening up and brushing her hands off. @@.jessica;"We should probably head back in before the others start wondering if we've run off to join the circus or something."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, we really should,"@@ you agree, though neither of you moves right away.
As Jessica turns to walk back toward the restaurant, her pace slower than before, there's a quiet shift in the air. It's nothing you can name outright, but something about the moment feels... different—like a thread pulled taut, unnoticed until now.
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You lean against the wall, just a step or two away, keeping enough distance to give her space. The quiet night air hangs between you, filled with only the faint hum of passing cars and the occasional laugh from someone inside the restaurant. Jessica doesn't look at you immediately, her gaze still fixed somewhere beyond the horizon.
@@.player;"It's okay to not have all the answers,"@@ you say, your voice steady but soft. @@.player;"You don't have to be perfect all the time."@@
Jessica's lips twitch into a faint smile, though her eyes remain distant. @@.jessica;"Yeah, easier said than done,"@@ she murmurs.
@@.player;"Maybe,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"But no one's expecting you to do everything on your own. Not really. And even if they are, it doesn't mean you have to."@@
She lets out a quiet laugh, though it lacks her usual energy. @@.jessica;"You make it sound so simple. Just... decide to let go of it all, right?"@@
@@.player;"Not all of it,"@@ you say. @@.player;"But maybe some of it. Enough to remind yourself that it's okay to just be... human. People look up to you because they trust you, not because they think you're invincible."@@
Jessica finally turns to face you, her blue eyes searching yours. For a moment, she looks like she wants to say something more, but instead, she nods. @@.jessica;"Thanks, $name. You've got a weird way of making sense."@@
@@.player;"I try,"@@ you say, chuckling lightly.
The silence returns, but it's lighter now, the weight of her earlier words easing slightly. Jessica crosses her arms, glancing back toward the restaurant.
@@.jessica;"You know, sometimes it feels like... if I let even a little bit slip, the whole thing might come crashing down,"@@ she says, her voice thoughtful. @@.jessica;"Like I have to hold it all together or it won't work."@@
@@.player;"You don't have to hold everything together, that's the thing,"@@ you say, your tone steady. @@.player;"That's what a team is for, right? You're not doing this alone."@@
Jessica exhales slowly, nodding. @@.jessica;"Yeah. You're right. I guess I just forget that sometimes."@@
She straightens up, brushing imaginary dust off her sleeves. @@.jessica;"Alright, I think I'm good now. We should probably head back in before Mia eats all the fries."@@
You laugh, pushing off the wall. @@.player;"That sounds about right."@@
As the two of you walk back toward the restaurant, Jessica's step seems a little lighter, and though she hasn't said much, you can tell the moment meant something to her. She glances at you briefly, a small but genuine smile on her lips.
@@.jessica;"Thanks for coming out, $name,"@@ she says quietly. @@.jessica;"I didn't realize I needed that."@@
@@.player;"Anytime,"@@ you reply.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - Dinner 5">><</button>>The table quiets down as plates are cleared and drinks are drained, the earlier energy settling into a comfortable hum. The waitress swings by to drop off the check, and Jessica takes charge, expertly dividing it among the group.
As Jessica finishes dividing the check among the group, you reach into your pocket, pulling out your phone. @@.player;"Hey, let me chip in,"@@ you say, glancing around at the others. @@.player;"It's the least I can do after crashing your dinner."@@
Before your phone even turns on, Mia waves her hands dramatically, shaking her head. @@.girl;"Oh, no way. You're practically doing us a favor by being here. You're //not// paying."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ Ashley adds, leaning back in her chair with a grin. @@.girl;"You're helping save the routine for tomorrow. That's worth way more than a burger and some fries."@@
Jessica smirks, placing her hand lightly on top of your phone to stop you. @@.jessica;"$name, consider this our way of saying thanks. You've already done more than enough just by showing up today."@@
You hesitate, glancing from face to face, but their expressions are unanimous—there’s no way they’re letting you pay.
@@.girl;"Seriously,"@@ Tori chimes in. @@.girl;"You're part of the squad now, and squad members don't pay on their first post-practice dinner. It's tradition."@@
@@.player;"Is it really?"@@ you ask, raising an eyebrow.
@@.jessica;"Well, it is now,"@@ Jessica says, her tone playful but firm. @@.jessica;"So put that wallet away and just enjoy it, alright?"@@
You laugh, sliding your phone back into your pocket. \
<<if $money < 16>>\
You're ashamed to even mention that you actually didn't have enough money to pay for your order anyway. \
@@.player;"Alright, alright. Thanks, everyone."@@
@@.girl;"Don't mention it,"@@ Mia says with a wink. @@.girl;"Just promise you'll kill it tomorrow, and we'll call it even."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Everyone good? No excuses tomorrow—we’re all showing up ready to crush it at the game."@@
A chorus of agreement ripples through the squad.
@@.girl;"You're just saying that because you already know the routine inside and out,"@@ Mia teases.
@@.jessica;"And because I have to look out for all of you,"@@ Jessica replies with a wink. @@.jessica;"Can't let us go out there looking anything less than perfect."@@
Mia rolls her eyes dramatically, but her smile gives her away. As everyone gathers their things and begins filling out of the restaurant, Jessica claps her hands lightly to get the squad's attention.
@@.jessica;"Remember, tomorrow's the big day!"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Get some rest, stay hydrated, and bring all the energy you've got. It's going to be so worth it."@@
Mia leans over to you as the group heads for the door, her voice teasing. @@.girl;"You ready for your first game-day experience? It's gonna be wild."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I think so,"@@ you reply, a mix of nerves and anticipation bubbling in your chest. @@.player;"I //hope// so."@@
@@.girl;"You'll be great,"@@ she says with a grin, nudging your arm lightly before skipping ahead to join the others.
The night air greets you as you step outside, the cool breeze refreshing after the warmth of the restaurant. The squad lingers for a moment in the parking lot, saying their goodbyes and joking about who's going to forget their outfit tomorrow.
As the cheerleaders drift off to their cars or begin walking home, their laughter still echoing in the air, you're left with a quiet sense of belonging. The evening has cemented something undeniable: you're part of the team now.
<<button "Go Home" "Day 11 - 8">><</button>><<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $csquadbond to Math.clamp($csquadbond + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $top to $d11top>>\
<<set $pants to $d11pants>>\
<<set $shoes to 0>>\
<<if $bindoption is true>>\
<<set $bind to true>>\
As you head off the field with the squad, having changed back to your normal clothes, the sound of their laughter and chatter fills the air. Jessica walks beside you, her smile bright as she talks about the game tomorrow.
@@.jessica;"You're going to love it,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Game day energy is like nothing else. And with you on the squad? It's going to be amazing."@@
After a bit of walking, the cheer squad piles into a cozy, casual restaurant on the edge of town. It's the kind of place with warm lighting, colorful booths, and the faint smell of sizzling burgers and fries lingering in the air. The lively chatter of other patrons mingles with the squad's laughter as Jessica leads the way, effortlessly securing a large booth in the corner.
@@.jessica;"Alright, everyone, squeeze in,"@@ she says, gesturing for the group to settle. The booth is just big enough for all of you, although you have to pull up a few chairs on the sides to make room. You find yourself sandwiched between Mia and Jessica, their energy buzzing from practice.
The conversation is easy and light, the kind of chatter that makes you feel like you've been part of this group forever. They talk about everything—school drama, favorite foods, and their favorite memories from past games.
@@.girl;"So, $name,"@@ Mia says, glancing at you with a curious smile. @@.girl;"Be honest with us. Did you ever think you'd end up in a cheerleading uniform?"@@
You laugh nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. @@.player;"Honestly? Not in a million years."@@
@@.girl;"Well, you're pulling it off!"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"Seriously, you didn't look out of place at all today."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, it was like you were meant to do this,"@@ Jessica adds. @@.jessica;"I mean, you basically crushed every drill on your first try."@@
@@.girl;"Don't let it get to your head though,"@@ Tori says, a smirk on her face. @@.girl;"We'll still make you run laps if you start slacking."@@
The group laughs, and you feel yourself relaxing more. Despite the teasing, their camaraderie is warm. Just as the conversation starts to shift to the upcoming football game, a cheerful waitress arrives at the table, her notepad in hand. She looks around at the group, her gaze sweeping over everyone.
@@.girl;"Well, aren't you girls just the cutest,"@@ she says, her tone playful. @@.girl;"Cheerleaders, right? You've got that squad vibe for sure."@@
You freeze for a moment, feeling the words hang in the air. The cheerleaders all glance at your briefly, their smiles still in place, but none of them correct her. Instead, Jessica smoothly changes the subject.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, that's us,"@@ she says quickly. @@.jessica;"We just finished practice and figured we'd treat ourselves."@@
@@.girl;"Oh yeah, you all definitely deserve it!"@@ the waitress nods enthusiastically. @@.girl;"Alright, let's get you all started with drinks."@@
As she takes the others’ drink orders, your thoughts swirl. You know the waitress's comment wasn't malicious, not at all, but it still leaves you at a crossroads.
<<button "Correct her and say you're not a girl" "Day 11 - Dinner 1">>\<<set $d11correct to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Quietly accept it" "Day 11 - Dinner 1">>\<<set $d11correct to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d11lilyopen is true>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You sigh, running a hand through your hair as you lean back in your chair. @@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine. But it's been... a lot. New people, new clubs, trying to figure out where I fit in. I don't know—it’s just different this year."@@
@@.lily;"What, like you're worried about making friends or something?"@@ Lily asks, tilting her head slightly. @@.lily;"I don't think you're bad at socializing."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, but it's not really that,"@@ you say, laughing slightly. @@.player;"It's more like I don't even know where I'm supposed to fit. Everyone seems to know who they are and what they're doing, and I just... don't."@@
@@.lily;"So, what's the big deal?"@@ Lily asks. @@.lily;"Nobody actually knows what they’re doing. They just act like they do. You’re probably doing better than half of them already."@@
Her words are blunt, but there's a sincerity behind them that catches you off guard.
@@.player;"Maybe you're right,"@@ you say with a faint smile. @@.player;"Its just... hard sometimes, you know?"@@
@@.lily;"Yeah, I get it,"@@ Lily says, clearly not quite getting it. @@.lily;"But you're not that lame of an older brother, so I think you'll figure it out. And if you don't, I'll just make fun of you until you do."@@
@@.player;"Wow, thanks Lily,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. @@.player;"You're a real inspiration."@@
@@.lily;"Obviously,"@@ she says, standing up and heading toward the door. @@.lily;"Anyway, don't stress too much."@@
She pauses at the door, looking back with a small smile before disappearing down the hallway.
You shrug, leaning back in your chair. @@.player;"I'm fine, Lils. Just adjusting to everything. Nothing to worry about."@@
Lily narrows her eyes, her skeptical expression making it clear she's not convinced. @@.lily;"Sure, I bet everything's just peachy,"@@ she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
@@.player;"Seriously,"@@ you say, offering a small smile to soften your response. @@.player;"It's just school stuff. Nothing earth-shattering."@@
She watches you for a moment longer, then leans back on the bed with a dramatic sigh. @@.lily;"Fine. Be mysterious. But if you start acting any weirder, I'm going to get involved."@@
@@.player;"I know, I'd expect nothing less,"@@ you reply, chuckling softly.
@@.lily;"Alright, well, have fun with your super normal school life,"@@ Lily says, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She heads for the door but pauses just before stepping out. @@.lily;"Good night. You've got this, or whatever."@@
The door clicks shut behind her, leaving the room quiet again. The faintest hint of a smile tugs at your lips though. You and Lily don't always have the best relationship, but moments like this remind you that she's always in your corner.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 10">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d11cheerleadingLily is true>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You sigh, leaning back in your chair, realizing there's no point in trying to dodge her questions. Lily has a way of digging in when she's curious, and she already knows enough about your situation to guess when something's up.
@@.player;"Fine,"@@ you begin, glancing at her. @@.player;"I spent the afternoon... practicing with the cheerleading squad."@@
Lily raises an eyebrow. @@.lily;"Wait, cheerleaders?"@@ she asks. @@.lily;"Like //actual// cheerleaders? Jessica's squad?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply, running a hand through your hair. @@.player;"They needed someone to help fill in for practice, and I ended up being that someone."@@
She sits up straighter on your bed, her curiosity piqued. @@.lily;"Okay, that's not what I expected to hear. What happened? Did they just, like, grab you out of the hallway or something?"@@
@@.player;"Not exactly,"@@ you say, hesitating. @@.player;"Jessica asked me during homeroom. They're missing a cheerleader for the game tomorrow, and she thought I could help out."@@
@@.lily;"And you said yes? Did you like it?"@@
@@.player;"It was actually kind of fun,"@@ you say slowly, the words even surprising yourself. The memory of the squad's acceptance and energy is still fresh in your mind. @@.player;"They were all really nice and treated me like I belonged. It was... weird, but also kind of great."@@
Lily nods, her expression thoughtful. @@.lily;"And tomorrow? Are you actually going to cheer at the game?"@@
You let out a small laugh, the absurdity of the situation not lost on you. @@.player;"I guess I am."@@
@@.lily;"Wow,"@@ she says, leaning back against the wall. @@.lily;"Well, you'll crush it. You've got the whole squad backing you up, right?"@@
Her words sink in, and for a moment, you feel a flicker of confidence.
@@.player;"You're right."@@
Lily grins, her fiery spirit returning. @@.lily;"So, what's the uniform like? Please tell me you wore a skirt."@@
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
You hesitate, scratching the back of your neck. @@.player;"Uh... yeah, you're right."@@
The room goes silent for a beat before Lily bursts out laughing, clutching her stomach as she doubles over on your bed. @@.lily;"A //skirt//?! This is too good. $name, this is the best thing I've ever heard in my entire life!"@@
@@.player;"Lily,"@@ you groan, but she's already rolling on your bed, her laughter echoing through the room.
@@.lily;"I need pictures,"@@ she gasps between giggles. @@.lily;"Please tell me someone took pictures."@@
@@.player;"Nobody took pictures,"@@ you mutter, the heat rising to your face betraying your embarrassment.
Lily finally sits up, wiping tears from her eyes. @@.lily;"I'm sorry, but I can't get over it. My big brother out there rocking a cheerleading skirt."@@
You sigh, shaking your head, though you can’t entirely suppress your own sheepish smile.
@@.lily;"But honestly?"@@ she says, her tone softening. @@.lily;"That's pretty brave of you. I mean, stepping out like that and owning it."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Lily,"@@ you say quietly.
@@.lily;"Anytime,"@@ she replies, standing up and stretching. @@.lily;"But seriously, if I find out someone took pictures, I'm framing them."@@
You shrug, leaning back in your chair. @@.player;"They had me in shorts, don't worry. It wasn't as weird as it could've been."@@
Lily raises an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. @@.lily;"Shorts, huh? Alright, I can see that. It's still wind but better than the alternative."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say, chuckling lightly. @@.player;"It felt a little weird at first, but honestly? By the end of practice, I wasn't even thinking about it."@@
She nods, her teasing softened by genuine curiosity. @@.lily;"Well, as long as you didn't totally hate it. But still—cheerleading. Never thought I’d see the day."@@
@@.player;"I didn't either."@@
@@.lily;"For what it's worth though, I think this whole cheerleading thing might be good for you,"@@ Lily says. @@.lily;"It sounds like it made you happy today, and that's what matters."@@
Her words catch you off guard, and you can only nod, unsure how to respond.
@@.lily;"Goodnight, $name,"@@ she says with a grin before disappearing down the hall.
As you sit alone in your room, her words linger. Tomorrow will be a challenge, but you allow yourself to feel hope for now.
@@.player;"It's just been a long day,"@@ you say vaguely, avoiding her gaze. As supportive as your sister has been, the idea of telling her about the cheerleading practice feels... complicated. @@.player;"Nothing special."@@
Lily raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. @@.lily;"Uh-huh. Sure. Because that totally explains why you look all... like this."@@ She gestures vaguely at you, her hand waving in the air as if to encompass your entire being.
@@.player;"Like what?"@@ you ask, narrowing your eyes.
@@.lily;"Like... I don't know,"@@ she says. @@.lily;"Different, I guess. You look softer or something. Not in a bad way! Just... different."@@
You shrug, trying to brush it off. @@.player;"It's probably just the $referto doing its thing. Nothing new there."@@
Lily tilts her head, studying you with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. @@.lily;"Sure, whatever you say."@@ She pauses, then smirks. @@.lily;"You're really not going to tell me what's up, are you?"@@
@@.player;"There's nothing to tell,"@@ you reply firmly.
She stares at you for a moment longer before letting out an exaggerated sigh and flopping back onto the bed dramatically. @@.lily;"Fine. Keep your secrets. But just so you know, you're terrible at lying."@@
@@.player;"I'm not lying,"@@ you insist.
@@.lily;"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it's juicy, and I'll figure it out eventually."@@
Lily grins and hops off the bed. She heads toward the door\
<<if $lilyRelo > 34>>\
, but pauses just before stepping out, glancing back at you with a softer expression.
@@.lily;"Hey, $name?"@@
@@.lily;"Even if you're being all secretive, just... remember I'm here, okay?"@@
The genuine care in her tone catches you off guard.
@@.player;"Thanks, Lily,"@@ you say quietly, giving her a quiet smile.
She shrugs, her grin returning as she gives you a thumbs-up. She steps out of your room, closing the door behind her as she disappears down the hall.
and steps out, closing it behind her.
Left in the quiet, you reflect on Lily's words. Despite her teasing, you're glad to have Lily on your side.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 10">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d11tellLily is true>>\
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You take a deep breath, staring at the floor for a moment before looking back at Lily. Her fiery gaze softens just slightly, but her arms remain crossed, her stance unyielding. There's no dodging this. Not with her.
@@.player;"Okay,"@@ you say quietly, the weight of the admission settling over you. @@.player;"I'll tell you, but it's... complicated."@@
Lily raises an eyebrow, her sharp expression now tinged with curiosity. @@.lily;"Complicated how?"@@
You gesture for her to sit on the bed. She hesitates but eventually drops onto the edge of your mattress, her arms still folded.
@@.player;"It started at the Autumn Festival,"@@ you begin, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions stirring inside. @@.player;"There was this fortune teller. Madame Serena. I didn't really believe in that stuff, but Luke and Samantha dared me to go, so I did."@@
@@.lily;"Fortune teller?"@@ she asks, her eyes narrowing. @@.lily;"This better not end with her hypnotizing you."@@
@@.player;"Not exactly,"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"She... cursed me."@@
Her reaction is immediate—a sharp laugh that escapes before she can stop herself. @@.lily;"Cursed? $name, come on—"@@
@@.player;"I'm serious, Lily,"@@ you interrupt, your voice firmer. @@.player;"It's real. The curse is why I've been changing."@@
Lily blinks, her laughter fading as she studies your face. For once, she doesn’t interrupt. You slowly explain, your words tumbling out faster. You struggle to find the words but find yourself opening up to Lily for the first time in a long time.
@@.lily;"You're serious,"@@ she says quietly, her eyes searching yours. She leans back slightly, her arms dropping to her sides. Her sharp energy has been replaced with something more grounded.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply, barely above a whisper.
The silence between you feels heavy, but not oppressive. Lily looks down at her hands, her fingers twiddling as she processes what you've told her.
@@.lily;"I mean, are you stick like this?"@@ she asks carefully, her tone not demanding but rather curious. @@.lily;"Is there a way to reverse it? Do you even //want// to reverse it?"@@
<<if $acceptance > 24>>\
The last question catches you off guard, but you're sure exactly how to answer. You don't say it out loud, but you don't want this curse, if you can even call it that, to reverse.
<<elseif $acceptance > 9>>\
The last question catches you off guard, and for a moment, you’re not sure how to answer. Lily notices, her lips pressing into a thin line.
The last question catches you off guard, but you're sure exactly how to answer. You don't say it out loud, but you'd do anything to get rid of the curse.
@@.lily;"Look, if this is really happening, you don't have to go through it alone,"@@ she says, her voice regaining some of its usual fire. @@.lily;"I'm here."@@
You glance at her, surprised by the sudden warmth in her tone.
@@.lily;"Don't look at me like that,"@@ Lily huffs. @@.lily;"You're still my brother... or sister... or whatever. You're still //you//, $name. That's what matters."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Lily, you say quietly."@@
@@.lily;"Don't thank me yet, you still owe me the full story,"@@ she replies, a teasing edge to her voice.
For the first time in what feels like forever, the tension between you dissolves into something lighter. Whatever comes next, at least you know Lily will be there to face it with you.
<<set $lilyRelo to Math.clamp($lilyRelo - 15, 0, 100)>>\
You hold her gaze for a moment, your mind racing for a response. The room feels heavy with her expectations, her frustration practically vibrating in the air. But instead of letting her in, you find yourself falling back on old habits.
@@.player;"Wow, Lily,"@@ you say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. @@.player;"I didn't realize you were a detective all of a sudden. What's next? You going to write a whole report on my skincare routine, Sherlock?"@@
Her eyes narrow, the hurt flickering across her face so briefly you almost miss it. @@.lily;"Don't start with this shit, $name,"@@ she snaps. @@.lily;"You know I'm serious."@@
You shrug, leaning back against your bed frame. @@.player;"I think you're overreacting. Maybe you're just mad because you've got nothing better to do than make up wild conspiracy theories about me. Ever thought of picking up a hobby?"@@
@@.lily;"Wow, of course, I don't know what I expected,"@@ she says, her lips pressing into a thin line. @@.lily;"Deflecting instead of just being honest."@@
@@.player;"Maybe there's nothing to tell,"@@ you fire back. @@.player;"Not everything is some dramatic mystery, Lily. Some of us actually mind our own business."@@
She takes a step back, her shoulders stiffening. @@.lily;"You think this is about me being nosy? I'm //worried// about you, dumbass!"@@ she snaps, her voice cracking.
@@.player;"Yeah, well, maybe worry about yourself instead,"@@ you mutter, looking away.
The silence that follows is thick and suffocating. When you glance back, Lily's jaw is clenched, her eyes glimmering with something you're not sure you've seen from her before.
@@.lily;"Fine, then don't tell me what's going on,"@@ she says finally, her voice cold but trembling at the edges. @@.lily;"S-Screw you, $name, I was just concerned."@@
She turns on her heel, her movements stiff and deliberate as she heads for the door. She slams the door behind her as she leaves you all alone.
You sit there, staring at the door, the echo of her words bouncing around in your mind. The house feels quieter now, emptier, the warmth of the evening with the squad suddenly replaced by a chill you can't quite shake. For all your sharp comebacks, you can't help but feel like you've pushed Lily further away.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 10">><</button>><img src="img/bg/restroom.png">
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 7">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 11 - 7">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Event - Breasts">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts3">>\
You realize your boobs just grew even more. You have medium-sized breasts now, and they are very noticeable. You've already decided to \
<<if $eventBind is true>>\
bind them so that nobody will notice you've grown boobs. It'll be uncomfortable, but something you have to deal with.
just leave them be regardless of if people notice you've grown boobs. You sigh and wonder what you'll tell your parents.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 7">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Continue" "Day 11 - 7">><</button>>
<</if>>\The cheerleaders gather around Jessica as the music fades for the last time, their faces flushed and glistening with sweat from the effort of the final routine. There's a collective sigh of relief and a smattering of laughter as they exchange high-fives and pack up their gear.
Jessica claps her hands to get everyone's attention. @@.jessica;"Alright, that's a wrap! Awesome work today, everyone. We're in good shape for tomorrow."@@
The squad cheers lightly, their earlier frustrations replaced with a sense of accomplishment. As they all start to pack their things, Jessica turns to address the group again, her voice carrying a more casual tone now.
@@.jessica;"So, who's in for dinner?"@@ she asks, tossing her clipboard into her bag. @@.jessica;"We're going to the usual spot."@@
The cheerleaders murmur their agreement, a few of them nodding enthusiastically. They don't say it outright, but there's an unspoken understanding that this is a squad thing—a way to bond and unwind after practice.
Jessica looks at you and offers a small smile of thanks. @@.jessica;"Thanks again for helping out, $name. Seriously, you were a lifesaver."@@
You nod, returning her smile. @@.player;"No problem. I'm glad I could help."@@
She doesn't invite you to the dinner. Her gratitude is genuine, but you pick up that the dinner is meant for the squad and only the squad. The subtle shift in their body language—the way they gather closer to each other, already chatting excitedly—makes it obvious.
You grab your back, slinging it over your shoulder. @@.player;"I should get going now,"@@ you say, keeping your tone light. @@.player;"Have fun at dinner."@@
Jessica's smile widens slightly, and she gives you a quick wave. @@.jessica;"Thanks again! See you around."@@
The squad starts to head off together, their laughter and chatter fading as they walk toward the parking lot. You turn toward the opposite direction, the cool evening air brushing against your skin as you make your way home.
<<button "Go Home" "Day 11 - 8">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballa.png">
<<if $d11watchedCheerleaders is true>>\
Jessica's smile falters just slightly as you shake your head, keeping your tone light but firm. @@.player;"Thanks, but I'd rather stick to watching for now. You've got this covered without me."@@
She raises an eyebrow, her hands on her hips as she studies you for a moment. @@.jessica;"Are you sure?"@@ she asks, her voice playful but with a touch of genuine curiosity. @@.jessica;"You'd seriously be great. I mean, we're kind of desperate here, but even if we weren't, you'd still be an amazing addition."@@
You chuckle, trying to brush off the suggestion. @@.player;"I appreciate the vote of confidence, but cheering's not really my thing."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, fine, I get it,"@@ Jessica says, sighing dramatically as she tosses her hair over her shoulder. She claps her hand to rally the squad, looking back at them. @@.jessica;"Okay, everyone, back in formation! Let's run it again. $name's just here to supervise, so let's give him something good to critique."@@
The cheerleaders move back into their positions, a few of them throwing you quick smiles or shrugs as if to say, //Can't blame us for trying//.
The music starts up again after a few beats and the team launches into their routine. You settle back into your spot on the sidelines, crossing your arms as the cheerleaders move back into formation. The faint scent of the grass and the rhythmic thud of music playing from their small speaker set the scene. From this vantage point, it's easy to take in the intricacies of their movements—the sharp arm angles, the synchronized spins, and the way they time their jumps perfectly to the beat.
Jessica leads with an effortless confidence, her voice cutting through the music as she calls out directions. @@.jessica;"Tighter transtiions! Hit those marks! Sharp angles, people!"@@ Her presence is commanding but not intimidating; it's encouraging, like she's driving them to do their best while still having fun.
You can't help but be impressed by how much effort goes into each move. It's not just about waving around pom-poms or smiling for the crowd. Cheerleading is athletic, precise, and intense. The team's dedication is evident, even in the little moments when they stumble or laugh at their mistakes.
Jessica catches your eye mid-routine and flashes a quick grin before turning back to the team. @@.jessica;"Let's nail this pyramid, okay? Focus!"@@
The pyramid comes together again, and while it's a little wobbly, it's an improvement from before. The base cheerleaders plant their feet firmly, their arms locked as they lift the flyers into position. The top flyer hesitates but manages to pull it off, raising her arms triumphantly as the music crescendos.
When they dismount, the team bursts into cheers and applause, their earlier frustration replaced with a sense of accomplishment. Jessica turns toward you, panting slightly but still smiling.
@@.jessica;"Alright, be honest,"@@ she calls out, hands on her hips. @@.jessica;"How'd we do that time?"@@
You offer a thumbs-up and a small smile. @@.player;"Definitely better. The pyramid looked a lot steadier."@@
@@.jessica;"Good, because we need it perfect for tomorrow,"@@ Jessica replies, a fierce determination in her voice. She turns back to the squad. @@.jessica;"Everyone, take a break, then we'll clean up the last transition."@@
The cheerleaders break into smaller groups, grabbing their water bottles and chatting. From your spot on the sidelines, you watch the way they interact—the camaraderie, the way they encourage each other even when things don’t go perfectly.
For the rest of the session, you stay on the sidelines, offering occasional feedback when Jessica asks for it. Watching them work together feels strangely engaging, and even though you're not participating, you can't help but feel a small tug of admiration for the team's determination.
<<button "Watch as they finish up" "Day 11 - Watch Cheerleading 1">><</button>><<set $day to 12>>\
<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
You're pulled from the haze of sleep with a harsh alarm. You quickly shut off the irritating noise and stretch. \
<<if $d11joinCheerleaders is true>>\
Your muscles ache—a remnant of the practice yesterday. \
It's no ordinary day though. It's the first football game of the season. You glance toward the clock, the numbers blinking steadily, and take a deep breath. Whatever happens, today is going to be a turning point.
<<set $closetp0 to false>><<set $closetp1 to false>><<set $closetp2 to false>><<set $closetp3 to false>><<set $afterCloset to "Day 12 - 2">><<set $currenthairtie to $hairtie>>\
<<button "Choose your clothes" "Closet">><</button>>
<<button "Just throw something on" "Day 12 - 2">>\<<set $top to 0>><<set $pants to 0>>\<</button>><<set $d12top to $top>>\
<<set $d12pants to $pants>>\
<<if $d11joinCheerleaders is true>>\
The school day drifts by with an undercurrent of nervous energy that's impossible to ignore. Classes blur together as you find it harder to focus, your mind occupied by thoughts of tonight's football game. Every hallway and classroom seems to buzz with anticipation—your peers talking about rivalries, their plans for the night, and what snacks they’ll sneak into the stands.
At lunch, you sit with Luke and Samantha, their usual banter filling the air. Luke talks about the game, his voice full of optimism as he predicts a big win for the Pacific Crest Panthers. Samantha rolls her eyes, tossing out comments, though even she seems intrigued.
You nod along to their conversation, keeping quiet about your own plans. They don't know that you're not just attending the game—you’re going to be on the field. As part of the cheer squad.
It's not something you've told anyone, not yet. The thought of their reactions churns in your stomach, but you know there's no room for hesitation. By the time the final bell rings, you grab your things and head toward where the cheerleaders are, your heart racing with nerves and anticipation. Tonight, you'll be out on the field in front of everyone, whether you're ready or not.
<<button "Get going to the game" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader">>\<<set $d12attend to true>>\<</button>>
The school day passes in a blur of routine and chatter. Classes feel longer than usual, with teachers droning on and on while students whisper excitedly about the first football game of the season. The energy in the air is unmistakable, a mix of anticipation and school spirit that seeps into every hallway and classroom.
At lunch, Luke and Samantha argue over whether tonight's game will be worth the hype. Luke's optimism clashes with Samantha's sarcasm, but both seem to agree that it's the highlight of the week. Throughout the day, you overhear snippets of conversations about team strategies, rivalries, and post-game parties.
As the final bell rings and students stream toward the exits, the choice looms in front of you. It's tonight, and you know almost everyone will be there, decked out in blue and white to cheer for the Pacific Crest Panthers. You hesitate, weighing your options.
<<button "Attend the game" "Day 12 - Game Spectator">>\<<set $d12attend to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide against attending the game" "Day 12 - 3">>\<<set $d12attend to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12attend is true>>\
The house is quiet when you step inside, the faint creak of the front door cutting through the stillness. You pause, half-expecting someone to appear from the shadows and ask why you're getting home so late. But the living room is dark, and the only sound is the faint hum of the refrigerator.
You let out a small sigh of relief, closing and locking the door behind you. The adrenaline from the game has mostly worn off, leaving you with that pleasant kind of tiredness. Oddly enough, it feels good.
You slip off your shoes and sneak across the floor, being careful to avoid the creaky spots as you head for the stairs. You wince as the stairs groan under your weight, but you manage to creep down the hall and into your room.
You pull on your pajamas and flop onto your bed, sinking into the soft comfort of your blankets. The sounds of the day replay in your mind, and you hate to admit it, but being a cheerleader has been... fun.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
As you shift in your bed, you feel a small stirring in your groin. For today though, you decide to ignore it. You're too tired to masturbate at the moment.
You let out a long, contended breath and roll onto your side. The moonlight glows faintly against the walls, and as your eyes drift shut, you think about everything that's happened today.
There's still so much to figure out: the $referto, your place in all of this, how long you can keep juggling this double life. But for now, you let yourself relax.
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo - 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo - 10, 0, 100)>>\
You could've gone to the football game. You could've been out there, surrounded by energy, watching your school fight for victory.
Instead, you're here.
Sitting in your room, scrolling mindlessly through the same three websites, refreshing pages that haven't changed, and watching videos you don't even care about. The glow of your screen casts a pale light over your walls, the only sound is the occasional click of your mouse and the faint hum of your PC fans struggling against the heat of your bad life choices.
Eventually, you sigh and open up a game. Something familiar, something comfortable. Something you've played a hundred times before.
You see there's a new update and you ignore it. The devs spent a lot of time working on it, adding new content for the player, but you? You don't see the point in trying it out.
Eventually, you shut it down. The internet, the video games, the distractions. You sit there in the quiet, realizing the game's long over by now. The stadium lights are off, the crowd's gone home, and whatever happened out there? Well, you weren't a part of it.
Now it's just another night. Just like all the others.
<<button "End of Content" "End of Content 0.18">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<if $d12makeup is 0>>\
You glance at the box of makeup supplies, the colorful array of products neatly arranged and glowing under the gym's fluorescent lights. Jessica and Mia both watch you with bright smiles, their enthusiasm palpable. Despite all their energy though, you shake your head gently.
@@.player;"Thanks, but I think I'll pass,"@@ you say, offering them a small smile.
Jessica tilts her head, her grin softening into something more understanding. @@.jessica;"Yeah, that's totally fair,"@@ she says, stepping back. @@.jessica;"You've already done so much just stepping in for us. We're just glad you're here."@@
@@.girl;"Fine, no makeup,"@@ Mia says, mock-sighing as she sets a tube of lip gloss back in the box. @@.girl;"But don't come crying when you see how pretty the rest of us look under the lights."@@
@@.player;"I think I'll survive,"@@ you say, shaking your head.
Ashley, who's been adjusting her hair nearby, chimes in. @@.girl;"Honestly, $name, you don't need it. You've got good features already—you’ll look great either way."@@
@@.jessica;"True, the important thing is that you feel comfortable,"@@ Jessica says, nodding in agreement. @@.jessica;"We'll focus on the uniform and routine, and you'll be good to go."@@
The squad quickly moves on, directing their attention to other preparations. Jessica hands you your uniform, her voice light as she reminds everyone about the timeline for the game.
As you change into the uniform and join the group, you can't help but feel a small surge of relief. No makeup, no extra frills—just you, stepping into this new experience on your terms.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 3">><</button>>
<<elseif $d12makeup is 1>>\
@@.player;"Alright,"@@ you say, glancing at the excited faces around you. @@.player;"I'll give it a shot. But keep it subtle, alright?"@@
Jessica beams, her excitement contagious. @@.jessica;"Of course! Trust me, you're going to look amazing. Mia, grab the essentials!"@@
Mia dives into the makeup box with practiced ease. She looks at your face for a bit before pulling out a small selection of products. She gestures for you to sit on a nearby stool, and the other cheerleaders gather around, their chatter lively but encouraging.
@@.jessica;"Okay, first things first,"@@ Jessica says, squeezing a small amount of lightweight cushion foundation onto a puff. @@.girl;"We'll even out your skin tone. For your skin, makeup would be about making it look natural and dewy. It's just enhancing what you've already got."@@
She begins dabbing the cushion foundation lightly across your face, her touch surprisingly gentle. The coolness of the product feels soothing against your skin, something you'd never experienced before.
@@.girl;"See? Perfect canvas,"@@ Mia says, watching over Jessica's shoulder. @@.girl;"Your skin's already so clear. This just makes it look a little more polished."@@
Next, Jessica picks up a sheer, peach-toned blush and brushes it lightly onto your cheeks. The soft strokes feel featherlight, and she adds just enough to give your complexion a subtle, healthy glow.
@@.jessica;"Blush is key,"@@ she explains. @@.jessica;"It makes you look fresh and awake, especially with the bright lights."@@
Mia hands Jessica a slim eyebrow pencil, and Jessica leans in closer. @@.jessica;"Your brows are great already, so just a little shaping to define them."@@ She gently fills in your brows with quick, precise strokes, then brushes them into places with a spoolie.
@@.jessica;"Almost done!"@@ Jessica says, grabbing a liquid eyeliner. She holds it up for a moment, a playful grin on her face. @@.jessica;"Just a tiny flick for a subtle wing."@@
You close your eyes as she carefully lines your eyelid, the tip of the brush gliding smoothly along the edge. You can feel Jessica adding the faintest wing at the outer corner of your eyes.
@@.jessica;"Now, last step, I swear,"@@ she announces, reaching for a tinted lip balm in a rosy shade. @@.jessica;"This'll keep your lips hydrated and add just a hint of color."@@
She applies the balm and the sweet, fruity scent that drifts to your nose is faint but pleasant. The balm is barely noticeable, but it gives your lips a soft sheen that catches the light in just the right way.
@@.jessica;"There!"@@ Jessica says, stepping back with a satisfied smile. @@.jessica;"We're all done. $name, you're officially game-day ready."@@
Mia claps, her excitement radiating. @@.girl;"Wait, don't look yet! Let me grab the mirror."@@
You sit still, feeling the faint weight of the makeup but having no idea how it all looks together. The cheerleaders exchange smiles and whispers. While their approval is obvious, it seems they're enjoying leaving you in suspense.
Mia returns with a handheld mirror, holding it just out of your reach. @@.girl;"Okay, are you ready? No freaking out."@@
She angles the mirror toward you, and for the first time, you feel the reflection staring back.
Your skin looks smooth and radiant, the subtle blush and soft eyeliner enhancing your features without overwhelming them. The tinted lip balm adds a touch of color, tying everything together into a natural, polished look that feels like an upgraded version of yourself.
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
Your reflection feels like a revelation. The soft blush on your cheeks, the gentle flick of eyeliner, and the natural glow of your skin don't just make you look polished—they make you feel //seen// in a way that catches you off guard. You touch your face lightly as if to confirm the person in the mirror is really you.
@@.player;"Wow,"@@ you murmur, the word barely audible.
Jessica's grin widens, catching the shift in your expression. @@.jessica;"See? I knew you'd love it. You look incredible."@@
Mia leans in, her voice teasing but kind. @@.jessica;"Told you makeup wasn't so scary. You're pulling it off better than most of us do."@@
You nod slowly, still staring in the mirror. There's a warmth building in your chest—a quiet, unexpected joy that leaves you smiling softly. @@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you say, your voice steadier now. @@.player;"It... really does look good."@@
You glance back at the mirror one last time, your reflection holding your gaze. For now, the person staring back feels like someone you could get used to seeing.
<<if $acceptance > 20>>\
Your reflection surprises you, but you can't help the small smile that creeps onto your face. The polished look in the mirror is striking, and while it doesn't feel like a huge transformation, it's a pleasant surprise. It feels like trying on a new outfit you didn't think would work but ends up fitting better than expected.
@@.player;"Huh,"@@ you say, tilting your head as you study your face. @@.player;"It's not... bad."@@
Jessica grins, clearly pleased. @@.jessica;"Not bad? Please. $name—it’s amazing, and you know it."@@
Mia nods, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder. @@.girl;"You look sharp, but, like, effortlessly so. People pay good money to pull off what you're doing naturally."@@
You laugh lightly, handing the mirror back. @@.player;"Alright, fine. I'll admit it—it looks pretty good. Thanks for not going overboard."@@
Jessica nudges your arm playfully. @@.jessica;"See? We know what we're doing. You're going to be the star out there tonight, trust me."@@
You glance at your reflection one last time. The soft makeup is a reminder of how much you've grown lately—not just in how you look but in embracing the unexpected.
Your reflection catches you off guard, the polished look staring back feeling more foreign than familiar. The makeup is skillfully done—there’s no denying that—but it doesn’t quite click in your mind as //you//.
@@.player;"It's.. different,"@@ you say, your tone neutral as you tilt your head.
@@.jessica;"Different in a good way, right?"@@ Jessica asks, although you can tell she's picked up on your hesitance. @@.jessica;"It's all about the game-day vibe. Trust me—you look awesome."@@
Mia nods, her smile easy. @@.girl;"Yeah, it's just makeup. Think of it like a Halloween costume or something. Just something for fun."@@
You force a small smile, handing the mirror back. @@.player;"I guess, yeah. Thanks for keeping it subtle."@@
Jessica pats your shoulder lightly. @@.jessica;"Don't overthink it. You're going to look great out there, and no one's even going to notice the makeup or recognize that it's you out there."@@
You nod, although you can't help but notice their enthusiasm doesn't match your own. The makeup doesn't feel like //you//, but as you glance around at the squad's supportive smiles, you remind yourself that it's just for the game—and maybe that’s all it needs to be.
@@.player;"Go all in,"@@ you say, nodding. The cheerleaders erupt into a chorus of excitement immediately. Jessica claps her hands together while Mia practically jumps in place.
@@.jessica;"Full glam, huh?"@@ Jessica asks, cracking a grin. @@.jessica;"Bold choice. Alright, sit tight. You're in good hands."@@
She grabs a chair and gestures for you to sit down. The squad gathers around, murmuring a mix of curiosity and approval. Mia claps her hands together, practically bouncing on her toes. @@.girl;"This is going to be so good. Jessica's amazing at this."@@
Jessica pulls the makeup box closer, her movements confident as she selects her tools. @@.jessica;"Alright, $name. Close your eyes and relax. You won't see anything until I'm done, so no peeking. Got it?"@@
@@.player;"Got it,"@@ you reply, leaning back in the chair and closing your eyes. You can feel the squad's energy buzzing around you, their chatter blending into the background as Jessica begins her work.
The first touch is gentle, a cool sensation as Jessica dabs primer across your face. @@.jessica;"This will help everything stay put,"@@ she explains. @@.jessica;"Even with all the cheering and sweating you're going to be doing under those field lights."@@
Next comes the foundation. She chooses a shade that perfectly matches your skin tone, blending it seamlessly with a damp cushion puff. @@.jessica;"We need to make a natural, glowing base for you,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"We want you to look fresh, not caked up."@@
The foundation feels light but silky, smoothing out your skin without making it feel heavy. Jessica applies it in thin layers, building just enough coverage to even out your complexion while maintaining a luminous finish.
@@.jessica;"Now, we've got to do some contouring,"@@ she murmurs. She lightly dusts a subtle contour powder along the sides of your nose and under your cheekbones, keeping the strokes precise but minimal. @@.jessica;"Nothing too harsh, of course. The style of makeup I'm doing for you doesn't do heavy lines—just soft definition"@@
You feel the cool bristles of a brush as she adds just a hint of blush to your cheeks, focusing on the apples and blending upward toward your temples. @@.jessica;"We're going for that natural flush,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Kind of like you've just stepped out of the cold."@@
@@.jessica;"Okay, okay, now it's time for the fun part,"@@ Jessica says, her tone brightening. @@.jessica;"Let me tell you, your eyes are going to //pop//."@@
She starts with a neutral base, sweeping a light beige shadow across your lids. Then, she adds a soft wash of peachy-pink shimmer, blending it out into a gradient that subtly catches the light.
@@.jessica;"Hmm, let's keep it classic for eyeliner,"@@ she says. You feel the gentle glide of gel eyeliner pen as she draws along your lash line, flicking it upward at the end for a wing. @@.jessica;"This should life your eyes without looking too dramatic."@@
@@.girl;"Are we doing $name's eyelashes?"@@ Mia interrupts
Jessica pauses, her tone turning almost playful. @@.jessica;"Yeah, we have to,"@@ she asserts. @@.jessica;"Trust us when we say these will make //all// the difference."@@
You feel her curling your lashes before applying a quick coat of mascara, keeping her touch steady and deliberate. The mascara lifts and separates each lash, giving them a fluttery look.
@@.jessica;"We're almost there,"@@ Jessica says, the excitement in her voice contagious. @@.jessica;"Just need to finish with the lips and some final touches."@@
You feel the soft glide of lip tint as she applies it to the center of your lips. She takes some time blending it outward for a gradient effect. @@.jessica;"This is called gradient lips, it's becoming really popular as of late. It's like a soft, natural look that makes your lips look bitten."@@
She finishes by spritzing a fine mist of setting spray over your face. @@.jessica;"This will keep everything in place. Now... ready to see the masterpiece?"@@
Jessica steps back with a flourish, setting her makeup brushes on the table like a painter who just completed a masterpiece. The squad, who had been watching, breaks into gasps and murmurs the moment they see you.
@@.girl;"Holy shit,"@@ Mia breathes, her eyes wide as she leans closer. @@.girl;"$name, you look... I can't even."@@
@@.girl;"How is this even possible?"@@ Ashley chimes in. @@.girl;"This is next-level."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, alright,"@@ Jessica says, waving her hand. @@.jessica;"Let's not inflate my ego too much. $name deserves the credit for having great features to work with."@@
Her words make your cheeks flush, although you're unsure whether it came from the compliment or the surreal nature of the moment.
@@.jessica;"Okay, $name,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"I have a mirror right in front of you. Ready? Open your eyes."@@
You take a deep breath, nerves fluttering in your chest, and slowly open your eyes.
The first thing that jumps out at you is how luminous you look. The glowing, dewy skin reflects the soft overhead lights perfectly, every pore seemingly smoothed into invisibility. Your eyes, framed by the soft shimmer of the eyeshadow and the delicate flick of the eyeliner, seem larger and more alive, drawing attention without overwhelming your features. Your lashes make them pop even more, adding depth and warmth. Your cheeks have a soft, natural flush, the blush blending seamlessly into your skin. Your lips are also perfectly tinted with a gradient that makes them look effortlessly natural yet polished.
For a moment, you don't recognize the person in the mirror.
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
But then, something clicks. The soft glow of your skin, the way your eyes seem brighter, the delicate flush on your cheeks—it feels all so different, yet not wrong. It's like staring at a version of yourself that had always been there, just waiting to be brought into focus.
Your breath catches slightly as you lean closer, taking in every single little detail. Everything feels like it was meant to be this way all along.
You blink, trying to process the rush of emotions swirling in your chest. There's a strange but undeniable sense of relief, of something slotting into place. it's not just the makeup, not at all, it's what it hints at. For the first time, the reflection looking back at you feels like it's matching something deeper.
@@.jessica;"$name, you good?"@@ Jessica's voice is gentle, breaking the quiet spell of the moment.
You glance at her, seeing her expression being equal parts proud and curious. Your lips tug into a small smile, unbidden but genuine. @@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say softly, your voice steady but warm. @@.player;"Yeah, I think I'm... good."@@
Jessica smiles back. @@.jessica;"See, I told you you'd look amazing. You're a natural."@@
Around you, the squad cheers and chatters. Their voices are bright and celebratory, but to you, they're just background noise to the quiet realization. The person staring back in the mirror isn't someone else. They're you. And for the first time in a long time, you like what you see.
This feeling is more like an undercurrent than a flood, but it's there. And it's enough to leave you sitting a little taller.
You nod, taking a deep breath as you step away from the mirror. There's still a game to prepare for—but for now, this quiet, unexpected moment of peace stays with you.
<<if $acceptance > 20>>\
The makeup transforms your features in ways you didn't expect, softening edges, brightening your eyes, and highlighting your best traits. It's not what you're used to, but it's... not bad.
You tilt your head slightly, taking it in. The reflection staring back at you feels unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. It's like trying on a costume, a role you're not quite sure you fit yet, but one that feels surprisingly comfortable.
@@.jessica;"You're killing it, $name,"@@ Jessica says, her voice breaking the silence.
You glance at her, then back at the mirror, letting out a small, self-conscious laugh. @@.player;"It's different,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"But I think I kind of like it."@@
The squad cheers, and as you catch another glimpse of yourself, you can’t help but smile. Different or not, you’re starting to see why they’re so excited.
It throws you off.
The glowing skin, the delicate makeup, the way your features seem softer, more refined—it’s almost like looking at a stranger.
Your stomach knots, the unfamiliarity feeling sharp and uncomfortable. You shift in your seat, your fingers gripping the edge of the chair as you try and process the image staring back at you.
@@.jessica;"You alright?"@@ Jessica asks, her tone gentle but concerned.
You hesitate, forcing a small smile. @@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say quietly. @@.player;"It's just... a lot."@@
Jessica nods, stepping back slightly to give you space. The squad's chatter and cheers feel distant, their excitement almost overwhelming. You glance at your reflection again, struggling to reconcile what you see with how you feel, the discomfort lingering even as the team's energy tries to pull you back in.
<<if $d12makeup > 0>>\
As you catch your reflection in the mirror, a sudden, unmistakable warmth blooms in your chest, spreading outward like a ripple. Your heart skips, and you feel the telltale tingling in your hands and face. Panic sets in, and without a word, you push back your chair, mumbling something vague as you rush toward the gym restroom.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 12 - Restroom">>
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src = "img/bg/school-footballnd.png">
You watch intently as the second half of the game unfolds from the sidelines. Your school has been trailing all night and the team's spirits have been wavering as the opposing team dominates. But the crowd remains energized, and the players on the field—led by Jordan, the quarterback, and Luke, the wide receiver—start to shift momentum.
The third quarter passes in tense silence, the Panthers struggling to push through the defense. But then, with just a minute left in the game, Jordan takes the ball and charges forward, weaving between defenders with sheer determination. He throws a long pass down the field, his arm strong and accurate. The crowd roars, and you feel the excitement mounting.
From your vantage point, you spot Luke—a force of nature in his position—charging through the defense like a freight train. You knew your best friend was good at Football, but actually witnessing it is a different story. He breaks through tackles, fists pumping with sheer strength until he reaches the end zone. In the final seconds, Jordan's pass lands perfectly in Luke's hands. The crowd goes wild, cheers erupting as Luke catches the ball in stride and bursts into the end zone, sealing the touchdown that shifts the game in favor of Pacific Crest.
The game clock ticks down to zero, and the entire stadium erupts in a wave of celebration. The players are swarmed by teammates, the crowd chanting their names. It's a moment of triumph, and you find yourself unable to stop smiling. The adrenaline in the air is palpable, and you get swept up in the excitement, cheering alongside the rest of the team.
As the cheerleaders join the celebration on the sidelines, Jessica grabs your arm, her eyes shining with excitement.
@@.jessica;"We did it!"@@ she shouts over the roar of the crowd. @@.jessica;"They came through!"@@
You exchange smiles with your fellow cheerleaders, feeling a deep sense of pride. Even as the final whistle blows, the cheering doesn't stop. The Panthers have won, and the feeling of triumph reverberates through the night. Amidst it all though, you spot Jordan walking off the field. His expression is stoic and his gaze is distant. He moves quickly, shoulders hunched as if the celebration means nothing to him. He avoids eye contact, shutting himself off from the crowd entirely as he storms off.
Nearby, Luke is in a different state of mind. He's laughing, clapping teammates on the back, and still riding the high of the last-second play. His wide grin shifts as he spots Samantha nearby, who's already pulling out her phone, typing away with a smirk on her face. Luke strolls over to her, standing close as he sends a quick text, unaware of your presence. Your phone buzzes and you see a simple text from Luke asking where you are.
Meanwhile, Jessica is still with the other cheerleaders, laughing and celebrating the win. She throws her arms around the girls, a contagious energy radiating off of her. She's basking in the moment, soaking up all the attention as they chat about the win.
You stand there, caught between the scene unfolding around you. You wonder who you should approach.
<<button "Go to Jordan" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jordan)">>\<<set $d12who to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go to your two best friends" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF)">>\<<set $d12who to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Go to Jessica" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jessica)">>\<<set $d12who to 2>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
<<if $d12makeup > 0>>\
You take a deep breath and approach Luke and Samantha, your heart pounding in time with the distant cheers still rippling through the crowd. The lights from the field cast a harsh glow, and the makeup on your face feels like a mask—not just covering your skin, but cloaking your identity.
As you step closer, Samantha looks up first, her sharp eyes scanning over you with curiosity. She tilts her head slightly as if trying to piece where she's seen you before. Luke follows her gaze, his brow furrowing in confusion.
@@.player;"Uh, hey,"@@ you say, making your voice softer. The nerves bubble up, but you manage to push them down.
Samantha's eyes widen for a brief moment before her face lights up with a friendly smile. @@.samantha;"Hey, you're one of the cheerleaders, right? You were amazing out there! That halftime routine was on point."@@
Luke nods, his confusion melting into casual friendliness. @@.luke;"Yeah, you guys really hyped up the crowd. I think it helped us pull through in the end. Thanks for that."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I appreciate it,"@@ you reply, your voice steadying. It's surreal to stand here, talking to your best friends while they have no idea who you are. The cheerleading uniform and makeup have transformed you into someone unrecognizable, even to the people who know you best.
@@.samantha;"So, you must be new, right?"@@ Samantha asks, gesturing toward you. @@.samantha;"Jessica's been talking about adding to the squad, but I didn't think they'd find someone this good right away."@@
Luke chimes in, chuckling. @@.luke;"Seriously. You were killing it out there. What's your name, by the way? I haven't seen you around before."@@
Your stomach flips at the question. You could play along, let the illusion hold for a little longer, or you could reveal the truth, watching their shock and disbelief unfold.
<<button "Stay anonymous" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF) 2">>\<<set $d12tellbff to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Reveal yourself" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF) 2">>\<<set $d12tellbff to true>>\<</button>>
You take a deep breath, your pulse quickening as you step closer to your two best friends, the reality of the moment sinking in. They're right there, unaware of who you really are. You clear your throat, and both of them turn to look at you in surprise.
@@.luke;"What—?"@@ Luke frowns, his eyes narrowing as he takes in your outfit. @@.luke;"Wait... is that you, $name?"@@
Samantha's brows furrow as her gaze lingers, recognizing the familiar face beneath the unfamiliar uniform. @@.samantha;"$name, that's you, what the hell? What are you doing in a cheerleading outfit?"@@
You glance between the two of them, your heart pounding. The secret is out—at least part of it. They've recognized you. There's a mix of shock and curiosity on their faces, and you can't help but feel a little exposed.
@@.player;"Yeah, I guess you guys weren't expecting this, huh?"@@ you say with a small smile, trying to keep things light despite the nerves bubbling underneath. @@.player;"I figured I'd try something different. Needed a new perspective."@@
@@.luke;"Cheerleading though?"@@ Luke asks, obviously still processing what's happening.
Samantha crosses her arms, giving you a skeptical glance. @@.samantha;"You're really doing this? A cheerleader? That's unexpected, even with how you've been acting lately."@@ She smirks, though there's genuine curiosity behind her eyes. @@.samantha;"How long has this been going on, huh?"@@
You shift uncomfortably under their scrutiny, wondering how you should address this.
<<button "Keep it light" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF) 2">>\<<set $d12tellbff to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tell them the truth" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF) 2">>\<<set $d12tellbff to true>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
<<if $d12makeup > 0>>\
<<if $d12tellbff is true>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment, your heart hammering in your chest. The makeup, the uniform, the role you've been playing—all of it feels like armor, but the thought of keeping this secret from your best friends weighs heavily on your shoulders. Taking a deep breath, you decide to pull off the mask.
@@.player;"Well..."@@ you begin, your voice quieter than you expected. @@.player;"It's me."@@
Samantha blinks, her smile faltering as confusion flickers across her face. @@.samantha;"What do you mean?"@@ she asks, her tone measured.
Luke's expression mirrors her, his brows knitting together. @@.luke;"Wait, what?"@@
You lift a hand and brush back a strand of hair, your fingers grazing the edge of your face where the makeup feels heavier. @@.player;"It's me, $name,"@@ you say, letting your voice drop to its normal range.
For a moment, there's nothing but the sounds of the crowd behind you and the faint crackle of the stadium lights. Then, Samantha's eyes widen in sheer disbelief.
@@.samantha;"Wait, wait, hold on!"@@ she exclaims, taking a step closer and squinting at you. @@.samantha;"$name? $name Yoon? Our $name?"@@
Luke's jaw drops as he stares at you, completely flabbergasted. @@.luke;"No way. This has to be some kind of prank."@@
@@.player;"It's not a prank,"@@ you say quickly. @@.player;"I'm being serious, it's me. I know I look... different, but Jessica kind of roped me into helping the cheer squad. One thing led to another and here I am."@@
Samantha's face shifts from shock to a grin as she takes in your appearance again. @@.samantha;"Oh my God,"@@ she says before bursting into laughter. @@.samantha;"This is insane! You're cheerleading?! And you're actually good at it?!"@@
@@.luke;"How did this happen?"@@ Luke asks. @@.luke;"And why do you look like that?"@@
You shrug. @@.player;"It's a long story, but it turns out I'm good at it. Naturally talented, you can say. Jessica convinced me to join for the game tonight."@@
Samantha nudges Luke with her elbow. @@.samantha;"Hey, don't act so surprised. $name's always been full of surprises after all."@@ She looks back at you, her grin softening and becoming more affectionate. @@.samantha;"Honest, you look great. Like, it seriously suits you."@@
<<if $lukeRomance > 9>>\
Luke nods slowly, his expression caught between disbelief and something softer. @@.luke;"Yeah, uh... I guess you do. Look great, I mean."@@ His voice lowers just a touch. @@.luke;"This is wild, though. You're not about to tell us you're switching careers to cheerleading, are you?"@@
He let's out a light laugh, but it's different—almost like he's searching for a way to ease the tension.
@@.luke;"Yeah, I guess you do,"@@ Luke says, though it's clear he's still processing. He laughs and shakes his head, trying to make the situation lighter. @@.luke;"You're not about to tell us you're switching careers to cheerleading, are you?"@@
@@.player;"Not yet,"@@ you reply, a sheepish smile on your face.
@@.samantha;"Well, whatever this is, you better tell us everything later,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Like every single detail."@@
You hesitate for a moment, the words teetering on the edge of your tongue. But something holds you back. You don't know if it's the thrill of being seen in a different light or the curiosity to see how they interact with you. Whatever the reason, you make the split-second decision to keep your identity hidden.
@@.player;"Oh, yeah, I just joined recently,"@@ you say, flashing them a warm smile. @@.player;"Jessica's been really great about helping me catch up."@@
@@.samantha;"Well, you're already killing it,"@@ Samantha says, clearly curious about the new face in the cheerleading squad. @@.samantha;"You were flawless. I'd be falling flat on my face if I tried half the things you were able to pull off."@@
@@.luke;"Seriously,"@@ Luke adds, his easy grin making the whole situation feel oddly normal. @@.luke;"It's cool to see how much energy you guys bring. It really amps up the team."@@
You nod, your smile tightening slightly. If only he knew.
@@.samantha;"Are you planning to stick with cheerleading?"@@ Samantha asks. @@.samantha;"I don't know how long you've been practicing, but it feels like you've got real potential."@@
@@.player;"Maybe. It has been a lot of fun so far, after all."@@
Samantha glances at Luke, a playful glint in her eyes. @@.samantha;"You should try it, Luke. You've really got the height for stunting. It would help the cheerleading squad if you joined and threw people in the air."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, I'm good,"@@ Luke snorts. @@.luke;"I'll leave that to the professionals. I'd probably drop someone on their head anyway."@@
The familiar banter makes you feel a little more at ease, though the surrealness of the moment isn't lost on you. Here you are, talking to your closest friends, and they're treating you like a stranger.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, we should probably head back to find our friend,"@@ Samantha says, checking her phone. @@.samantha;"He's probably wandering around somewhere, lost as always."@@
@@.luke;"Yeah, see you around,"@@ Luke says, cutting the conversation.
As they turn to leave, you feel a strange mix of relief and disappointment. For now, the secret remains yours.
<<if $d12tellbff is true>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You let out a long breath, deciding there's no point in hiding it anymore. They've already seen you, and pretending otherwise won't change anything. Looking at Luke and Samantha, a bewildered expressions on their faces, you realize they deserve an explanation—your friends always do.
@@.player;"Yeah, this is me,"@@ you admit, gesturing to the cheerleading uniform. @@.player;"I've been... helping out the squad."@@
@@.samantha;"Helping out?"@@ Samantha echoes, her voice tinged with disbelief. @@.samantha;"What the fuck $name, you're in //uniform//. You're not just 'helping out.' You're part of the team."@@
Luke stares at you like he's trying to connect the dots. @@.luke;"Wait, hold on. You've actually been out here—on the sidelines, cheering—for how long? We didn't even notice."@@
@@.player;"Well, it's not like I was trying to advertise it,"@@ you reply with a shrug. @@.player;"But yeah, I've been practicing with the team lately. Today was my first game."@@
Samantha's eyes widen, and she points a finger at you. @@.samantha;"Your first game?"@@ she says, her voice rising. @@.samantha;"$name, how does that even happen? You don't just //join// the cheerleading team overnight."@@
You rub the back of your neck, feeling the weight of the moment. @@.player;"It just... kind of did happen overnight. They needed someone to fill in and I though it'd be temporary, but it turns out I'm actually good at it."@@
Luke finally snaps out of his stunned silence and laughs, shaking his head. @@.luke;"Good at it? Dude, you were out there in front of the whole school."@@
Samantha steps closer, her expression shifting from shock to something more thoughtful. @@.samantha;"I've got to say, I'm kind of impressed,"@@ she admits. @@.samantha;"I never thought I'd see you pulling off stunts and chants, but... you did. And you looked like you belonged out there too."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, I guess,"@@ you say, offering a sheepish smile.
Luke shakes his head again, clearly still processing the revelation. @@.luke;"This is wild. I don't even know what to say. But, are you sure about this? Like you're really okay being out there in that?"@@ He gestures at the uniform again, his tone softer now, almost protective.
<<if $trans > 14 or $acceptance > 19>>\
You glance down at the uniform, your mind flashing back to the hours of practice, the energy of the crowd, and the way the cheerleaders welcomed you like one of their own. @@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say, meeting their eyes. @@.player;"It's weird, I know. But it feels... right, somehow."@@
You glance down at the uniform, your fingers fidgeting nervously with the hem. The hours of practice, the roar of the crowd, and the cheerleaders' easy camaraderie flicker through your mind—but instead of comfort, it leaves you with a tangled knot of uncertainty. @@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you admit, your voice quieter. @@.player;"It's weird, and I guess it just happened. I'm still figuring it out."@@
Samantha smiles, giving a teasing nudge. @@.samantha;"Who are we to judge though, right? You were pretty great right there anyway."@@
Luke grins, the surprise in his eyes softening into something warmer. @@.luke;"You've always had a way of surprising people, I guess I should've expected this."@@
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You force a casual, adjusting the hem of your cheerleading top in an attempt to seem unbothered. @@.player;"Oh, you know, just trying something new,"@@ you say with a shrug, as if stepping into a cheerleading uniform and performing at a football game was the most normal thing in the world. @@.player;"Figured it couldn't hurt to mix things up a bit."@@
Luke raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. @@.luke;"Mix things up?"@@ he asks. @@.luke;"Dude, this isn't something small. You're literally in a cheerleading uniform. That's a bit more than 'mixing things up.'"@@
Samantha, on the other hand, seems more intrigued than anything. She tilts her head, her smirk softening. @@.samantha;"So, what, did Jessica rope you into this? Or did you wake up one morning and think 'You know what I really need? A pom-pom in each hand.'"@@
You chuckle nervously, scratching the back of your neck. @@.player;"Let's just say... circumstances led me here,"@@ you reply cryptically, keeping your tone light. @@.player;"Hey, I'm not half-bad at it either, apparently."@@
<<if $lukeRomance > 9>>\
Luke crosses his arms, shaking his head with an amused huff. @@.luke;"Man, I can't believe I didn't recognize you out there. You were... what's the word?"@@ He pauses, his gaze flickering to the uniform for a split second before quickly looking away. @@.luke;"Uh, energetic. Yeah, that's it. Energetic. I guess you're actually... pretty good at this."@@
Luke crosses his arms and lets out an amused huff. @@.luke;"Man, I can't believe I didn't recognize you, $name,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"You did pretty good, I've got to give you props."@@
@@.player;"Thanks... I think?"@@ you reply with a grin.
Samantha steps forward, leaning in. @@.samantha;"So, are you gonna tell us why you really did this, or are you just gonna keep being all mysterious and stuff?"@@
You glance between the two of them, weighing your response. @@.player;"Let's just say it's been an interesting day,"@@ you finally say, dodging the question with a practiced vagueness.
Samantha rolls her eyes. @@.samantha;"Fine, keep your secrets."@@
@@.luke;"Whatever, man,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 12">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballnd.png">
You weave through the crowd toward Luke and Samantha, your cheerleading uniform helping blend you in seamlessly with the \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
other \
girls. Luke leans casually against the bleachers, still in his football gear, his helmet tucked under one arm. Sweat glistens on his brow, but his grin remains firmly in place as Samantha teases him about the game. She gestures animatedly, her voice carrying over the crowd.
@@.samantha;"Come on, Luke, you seriously //almost// botched it in the third quarter,"@@ she says with an exaggerated sigh, though her tone stays playful.
@@.luke;"Hey, it worked out, didn't it?"@@ Luke shoots back with a chuckle. @@.luke;"You know who really needed saving? Jordan. I'm the real hero here."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Mr. Hero,"@@ Samantha retorts, crossing her arms with a smirk. @@.samantha;"We all know you just love the attention."@@
Luke glances down at his phone, a concerned look crossing his face. @@.luke;"Speaking of attention, $name missed one hell of a game. I'll have to text him the play-by-play later."@@
Samantha arches an eyebrow, taking a moment to glance around as if making sure no one else is listening. She leans in slightly, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial tone. You inch closer, getting just in range to eavesdrop. @@.samantha;"I mean, seriously, do you think he'll even care?"@@ she asks. \
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
@@.samantha;"Like, I get he's going through the curse, but he's been acting so... different. You can tell he's hiding something from us."@@
@@.samantha;"I mean seriously. You've noticed, right? He's been acting so... different. Like something's been going on with him, but he won't say what. It's kinda weird."@@
Luke shrugs, but you catch his expression darkening for a split second. @@.luke;"Yeah, I've noticed that he's been skipping out on stuff,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's got some new secret project. Probably something dumb, though. $name's never been good at keeping stuff to himself."@@
@@.samantha;"I guess, yeah, you're probably right,"@@ Samantha says, not seeming like she quite believes her own words. @@.samantha;"I just don't know what's keeping him so busy."@@
She trails off, staring at the crowd as if trying to figure out where you may be. @@.samantha;"I'm curious. I haven't seen him all game and he seemed really weird at lunch. What do you think he's up to?"@@
<<button "Approach them" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (BFF) 1">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
Jessica glances over her shoulder, scanning the lively group before turning back with a subtle smile. @@.jessica;"Hey, can I steal you for a sec?"@@ she asks. @@.jessica;"Just wanted to chat for a bit."@@
You give her a curious look but nod, following her slightly away from the rest of the cheering squad. The two of you head toward the quieter edge of the field, away from the excited chatter and bright stadium lights. The glow from the game still flickers in the distance, but now it's just the two of you, standing under the dim lights lining the sidelines.
Jessica lets out a soft sigh, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. @@.jessica;"First off, I just wanted to say thanks. For joining us tonight, I mean. I was a little nervous about how things would go, to be honest."@@ She pauses, her fingers brushing against her arm as if she's hesitant to keep talking. @@.jessica;"We've had new faces before, and sometimes... well, it doesn't always work out. But you? You've really made all the difference."@@
@@.jessica;"Honestly, I was scared,"@@ she admits, biting her lips for a moment before continuing. @@.jessica;"I didn't want the squad to mess up. I didn't want to feel like I let everyone down, you know? You've made me feel better about all this, though. Like maybe, just maybe, we've got something good here."@@
She gives you a small, thankful smile, her tone steady but carrying a quiet vulnerability. @@.jessica;"It's been really nice having you with us. I'm glad you're part of the team."@@
<<button "Keep it friendly" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jessica) 2">>\<<set $d12jessicaromantic to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Get it romantic" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jessica) 2">>\<<set $d12jessicaromantic to true>>\<</button>><<if $d12jessicaromantic is true>>\
<<if $d12makeup is 0 or $transgender < 10>>\
<<set $jessicaRomance to Math.clamp($jessicaRomance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at Jessica again, letting your smile linger just a bit longer this time. @@.player;"I'm glad I could help too,"@@ you say, your eyes meeting hers briefly. @@.player;"It really means a lot to me that I've been welcome so easily. Maybe we can hang out more—just you and me. It’s nice talking like this"@@
Jessica tilts her head slightly, surprised by your boldness, but her reaction isn't wholly dismissive. Instead, she chuckles lightly and shakes her head. @@.jessica;"You're pretty sweet,"@@ she murmurs, shifting on her feet. @@.jessica;"It's... nice of you to say that."@@
@@.player;"I mean, you've been doing so much, leading this whole group,"@@ you continue, giving her a small smile. @@.player;"You don't need to carry everything on your own, though. You've got some help now."@@
@@.jessica;"It's not that simple,"@@ Jessica says, frowning slightly at your words. She folds her arms and looks away, exhaling softly. @@.jessica;"Everyone's relying on me, I can't just let them down."@@
You instinctively step a little closer—just enough to let her feel your presence, without pushing. @@.player;"I get it. It's okay to let some things go and not carry everything alone though."@@
Jessica shifts slightly, and for a moment, you can almost feel the tension in her body. She looks back toward you, her expression unreadable for a heartbeat—then suddenly, she gives a soft smile, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. @@.jessica;"Thanks... I guess it's just good to talk to someone who gets it."@@
You smile back, but before you can respond further, she takes a step back, glancing at the rest of the group. @@.jessica;"Well, I should head back. Don't want to make them think I'm ditching them to be with you, you know?"@@
<<set $jessicaRomance to Math.clamp($jessicaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'm glad I could help too, it's been fun,"@@ you say softly. You glance at her, your eyes lingering just a second longer than normal, and something about the moment feels different. @@.player;"I really appreciate being welcomed like I was."@@
Jessica's eyes soften as she watches you, her expression uncertain but clearly intrigued. She takes a half-step closer, tilting her head as she studies you—something about your appearance catches her attention.
@@.jessica;"You look different today,"@@ she comments softly, her voice barely above a whisper. @@.jessica;"You look... like, well... You look like you belong here, like you fit in perfectly. But it's still kind of different. It's confusing, honestly."@@
You let out a soft laugh, the tension in her words easing. @@.player;"I guess I'm a bit complicated, huh?"@@ you shift slightly, tilting your head as you catch her watching you. @@.player;"But... I wouldn't mind if you want to figure me out."@@
Jessica's lips part slightly, and she looks at you for a moment longer than before, her eyes warm but cautious. @@.jessica;"Yeah, I think I'd like that a lot,"@@ she says, shifting ever so slightly closer. @@.jessica;"You're different from anyone I've ever met, and not just with how you act. It's more than that."@@
There's an unspoken tension between you two—light, but undeniable—and for a second, it feels like the world narrows to just the two of you. Her eyes linger on yours as she searches, trying to piece together her feelings.
But before she can say anything else, she pulls away, taking a breath to gather herself. @@.jessica;"What am I saying, I'm being too corny, huh?"@@ Jessica says, shaking her head and forcing a laugh. @@.jessica;"Let's get back to the team now."@@
Jessica turns, starting to make her way back to the squad. Suddenly, she looks back at you over her shoulder. @@.jessica;"But... we should definitely talk more,"@@ she adds. @@.jessica;"I want to get to know you better."@@
@@.player;"Of course,"@@ you say, giving her a reassuring smile and keeping your tone light. @@.player;"I'm just glad I could be a part of it, today was fun. We really kept the energy up."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, it was fun, wasn't it?'@@ she agrees, her eyes softening. She doesn't push the conversation any further, shifting slightly. @@.jessica;"We're lucky to have you. I was a little worried at first—about messing up the routine or having it all fall apart. But it worked out okay."@@
You offer a nod, keeping things light. @@.player;"i just followed your lead, so credit to you and the squad for making it work."@@
Jessica tilts her head slightly, a thankful expression on her face. @@.jessica;"Thanks,"@@ she murmurs. @@.jessica;"It means a lot that you're here helping out. You're a part of the team now."@@
Before she pulls away, she adds with a playful smirk. @@.jessica;"We should definitely hang out more once things settle down, $name. You're cool, did anyone tell you that?"@@
@@.player;"Sounds good,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Let's do that."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 12">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballnd.png">
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to head toward your squad, their laughter and high energy drawing you in like a magnet. All of you are reveling in the victory, exchanging excited chatter about the game. Jessica is at the center of it all, her energy lighting up the group.
She notices you as you approach, a wide grin spreading across her face. @@.jessica;"There he is!"@@ she exclaims, her voice bright. @@.jessica;"Our lucky charm."@@
The other girls echo her sentiment with playful cheers, clapping and smiling.
Jessica takes a step closer, her eyes sparkling. @@.jessica;"Seriously, $name, you crushed it out there tonight! Especially when you consider this was your first game. You were just...amazing. I told you you'd fit right in."@@
Mia nudges her and giggles. @@.girl;"Yeah, he was our secret weapon."@@
Jessica laughs and rolls her eyes. @@.jessica;"Come on, he's not a secret weapon; he's one of us,"@@ she says, winking and pulling you further into the group. @@.jessica;"You really are a part of the squad now. This is what it's all about."@@
All the cheerleaders include you in their excitement, the shared energy making you feel more like a member of the team than ever. Jessica leans in slightly, just enough to not be noticeable. @@.jessica;"I'm really glad you decided to join us,'@@ Jessica whispers. @@.jessica;"You've got a knack for this, and it's been fun having you around."@@
Even if it's just for tonight, you've found a place to belong.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jessica) 1">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
<<if $d12jordantruth is true>>\
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment, feeling the weight of the question settle between you. But something pushes you to answer honestly.
@@.player;"It's me, $name,"@@ you say, your voice steady despite the nerves thrumming beneath the surface. @@.player;"I've just... been helping out."@@
For a moment, there's no reaction. Jordan blinks, his head tilting slightly as the realization sinks in. His eyes flick down to your cheerleading uniform again, this time with recognition rather than confusion. He doesn't seem shocked, just curious.
@@.jordan;"Huh,"@@ he mutters, crossing his arms over his chest. @@.jordan;"So it //is// you."@@
You brace yourself for a comment, maybe even a harsh one, but Jordan doesn't say anything for a moment. He just studies you with a steady gaze, his expression remaining neutral. Finally, he lets out a breath, his posture relaxing slightly.
@@.jordan;"Well, that explains the voice,"@@ he says, almost to himself. @@.jordan;"I thought I recognized it. Just... didn't expect you to be out there cheering."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, it's a long story,"@@ you say, trying to laugh it off. @@.player;"I kind of ended up on the team by accident, but it's been interesting."@@
Jordan nods slowly. @@.jordan;"Interesting's one way to put it,"@@ he says. @@.jordan;"I didn't know you had moves like that."@@
It's almost a compliment, and it catches you off guard. You weren't expecting him to take this so casually—or to acknowledge your cheerleading skills.
@@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you manage, unsure what else to say. @@.player;"I've, uh, been practicing a lot."@@
Jordan shrugs, letting his gaze drift to the ground for a brief second before meeting yours again. @@.jordan;"Well, you didn't embarrass yourself out there. That's more than what I can say for some people."@@
You laugh softly, unsure if he's joking or not. There's a pause, the noise of the crowd far behind you now as the two of you stand just outside the locker room.
@@.jordan;"So, let me ask you this, why'd you //really// come over here?"@@ Jordan asks, his voice low but not unfriendly. @@.jordan;"Was it just to say 'good game,' or is there something else?"@@
<<button "Push and ask Jordan what's up" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jordan) 2">>\<<set $d12askjordan to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Respect his boundaries" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jordan) 2">>\<<set $d12askjordan to false>>\<</button>>
You pause, caught off guard by how direct Jordan is with his question. His gaze is sharp as if he's trying to solve a puzzle that doesn't quite fit together.
@@.player;"Oh, I'm just new to the squad,"@@ you say with a shrug, keeping your tone light. @@.player;"Jessica asked me to fill in since they were short a cheerleader. it's been pretty fun so far."@@
Jordan narrows his eyes, and his head tilts just enough to make it clear he's not buying it. @@.jordan;"New, huh?"@@ he repeats, his voice calm but laced with skepticism. @@.jordan;"Funny, I thought I knew everyone on the cheer team. You're saying you just showed up out of nowhere and got tossed into a routine like that?"@@
You swallow, your brain scrambling for something, anything, to patch up the growing cracks in your story. @@.player;"Well, I've been practicing on my own for a bit,"@@ you offer weakly. @@.player;"Jessica said I had potential, so... she fast-tracked me for tonight."@@
Jordan fully faces you. His expression doesn't shift much—still calm—but there's an edge to it, a quiet intensity that stings more than any raised voice. @@.jordan;"Practicing on your own,"@@ he repeats slowly, as though testing the weight of your words. @@.jordan;"And Jessica, who takes cheerleading more seriously than most people take their careers, just decided to throw you in the first game of the season? Right."@@
You try to hold his gaze, but it's like staring into an open flame. @@.player;"It's really not a big deal,"@@ you say, laughing nervously. @@.player;"I'm just here to help out. That's all."@@
Jordan's lips press into a thin line, and for a moment, you think he might let it slide. Instead, he exhales sharply, a short, humorless laugh escaping as he shakes his head. @@.jordan;"You're a terrible liar, you know that?"@@
Your stomach drops. Jordan doesn't look away, his piercing gaze pinning you in place. @@.jordan;"You know,"@@ he says, @@.jordan;"I can't stand it when people lie to me."@@
His words hit harder than you expect, carrying a weight that makes your throat tighten. @@.player;"It's not—I’m not lying,"@@ you stammer, trying to salvage the situation, but it's clear you're not convincing anyone.
Jordan lets out a short, humorless laugh. @@.jordan;"Yeah, sure,"@@ he says, crossing his arms. @@.jordan;"Look, I get it. You've got your reasons or whatever. But if you think you can just spin me some story and I won't notice, you clearly don't know me."@@
The harshness of his words makes you flinch, but it's not just his tone—it's the undercurrent of disappointment beneath it that twists the knife. It's like he's not even angry, just... done.
@@.jordan;"Here's the thing,"@@ he continues. @@.jordan;"I don't care who you are or what you're doing here. But lying? That's a waste of time—for both of us."@@
He turns away, taking a few steps toward the locker room before glancing over his shoulder, his expression unreadable. @@.jordan;"Next time, try being honest. It's a lot easier."@@
With that, he walks off, leaving you standing there, the weight of his words settling uncomfortably in your stomach.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 12">><</button>>
<</if>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
<<if $d12askjordan is true>>\
<<if $social > 59>>\
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $jordanRomance to Math.clamp($jordanRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to push a little further, sensing there's more behind Jordan's aloof demeanor. He doesn't seem hostile, just guarded, like someone who's learned to keep his cards close to his chest.
@@.player;"I mean it, Jordan,"@@ you say, your tone calm but earnest. @@.player;"You were incredible out there, yeah, but I get the feeling this isn't just about the game."@@
Jordan's eyes narrow slightly in quiet suspicion. He shifts his weight, crossing his arms again. @@.jordan;"What are you talking about?"@@
You shrug, keeping your posture relaxed and your voice light. @@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you say. @@.player;"You just walked off, right after a huge win. Most people would be celebrating with the team, but you didn't."@@
His jaw tightens, and for a moment you think you may have pushed too far. Then he sighs, looking away. @@.jordan;"Yeah, well, not everyone needs to stick around for the pep talks and back-slapping,"@@ he mutters. @@.jordan;"Some of us have better things to do."@@
@@.player;"Better things to do, or things you're avoiding?"@@ you ask gently.
Your question catches him off guard. He glances at you, his expression flickering for just a second. Whether it's surprise, frustration, or even relief, you're not sure which. But it's gone just as quickly, replaced by his usual mask.
@@.jordan;"What would you even know about it?"@@ he asks, as if he's challenging you.
You take a step closer, just enough to show you're not backing down while not invading his space. @@.player;"I can't say I know you, but I do know what it's like to feel the weight of expectations on your shoulders,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It's not really about the game, is it? It's about what happens after. About what people say and expect."@@
Jordan's eyes meet yours, and for the first time, there's a crack in his armor. He doesn't nod or confirm anything, but his silence speaks volumes.
He looks away again after a moment, letting his hands drop to his sides. @@.jordan;"You think you've got me all figured out, huh?"@@ he says. There's no venom in his words though, only a tired resignation.
@@.player;"Not even,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"But I know enough to tell when someone's carrying a lot more than they should have to."@@
Jordan lets out a breath that's almost like a laugh, but its dry and humorless. @@.jordan;"It's nothing, alright?"@@ he says, but his voice wavers just enough for you to catch the lie. @@.jordan;"I'm just glad it's over. That's all."@@
He doesn't elaborate, but you can tell the wall he's built around himself are lowering just enough for you to peek over.
@@.jordan;"You know, it's not that I hate football,"@@ he says suddenly, surprising even himself. @@.jordan;"I don't. It's just... when you've got people breathing down your neck all the time, telling you what you should be, what you //have// to be..."@@
He trails off, shaking his head. @@.jordan;"Let's just say winning makes things a lot easier. It keeps people off my back for a while."@@
Jordan stares at you for a long moment, his expression caught between frustration and relief.
@@.jordan;"Man, I'm really out here oversharing with a cheerleader,"@@ he mutters, more to himself than you. @@.jordan;"What the hell am I doing?"@@
You don't say anything at first, letting the silence settle between you. Jordan runs a hand through his hair, and his posture stiffens again.
@@.jordan;"Look, $name, just forget I said anything, alright?"@@ Jordan says, his voice a little sharper. He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, his smirk faint but forced. @@.jordan;"Guess the post-game adrenaline got to me or something. Don't go thinking this means we're best friends now."@@
Before you can respond, he takes a step back toward the locker room door, his movements quick and deliberate. @@.jordan;"Anyway, thanks for the... pep talk or whatever,"@@ he says. @@.jordan;"I'll see you around."@@
And just like that, he's gone. Jordan disappears through the heavy locker room door without another word. The clang of it closing echoes faintly in the hallway, leaving you standing there alone.
As you turn back toward the field, you can't help but wonder if this is the start of something new or if it was just a fleeting moment he'll pretend never happened. Either way, you're sure of one thing: there's a lot more to him than he lets on.
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to say what's on your mind. Jordan's gaze almost feels like it's boring into you, and the words catch in your throat. But you've already decided to ask, so you take a shaky breath and dive in—awkwardly.
@@.player;"Well, I mean... it's just... you always seem, uh... like, distant? Or something?"@@ you blurt out, wincing at your own phrasing. @@.player;"Like, not in a bad way! Just, you know, like... are you okay?"@@
Jordan blinks, his eyebrows raising slightly. The silence that follows is heavy and uncomfortable. You realize just how clumsy your words sound, but there's no taking them back now.
@@.jordan;"What?"@@ he says, his tone flat.
You scramble to clarify, your voice stumbling over itself. @@.player;"I just meant, like, you were so great out there tonight! But, uh, you kind of left right away. I just thought... maybe there's something bothering you? I'm just kind of curious."@@
Jordan stares at you, his expression unreadable, but there's an edge to his posture now—his shoulders tense and his jaw tightens.
@@.jordan;"I'm fine,"@@ he says, his tone cool.
You try and salvage it, panicking slightly. @@.player;"Oh, yeah, no, of course!"@@ you say, your words coming out faster than you can think. @@.player;"You see, I wasn't saying you're not fine. I was just asking if you were... Never mind. Forget I said anything."@@
The corner of Jordan's mouth twitches, but it's not a smile—it's something closer to irritation, or maybe disbelief. He exhales sharply through his nose, shaking his head.
@@.jordan;"Look,"@@ he says firmly. @@.jordan;"I don't know what you're trying to get at, But I'm good. Really. I don't need a cheerleader trying to psychoanalyze me, alright?"@@
Your face flushes hot, and you feel like shrinking into the floor. @@.player;"Right,"@@ you mumble, wishing you could just disappear.
Jordan studies you for a moment longer, and his expression softens by a fraction. @@.jordan;"Anyway... thanks for the compliment. About the game, I mean."@@
He turns and walks into the locker room, leaving you standing there, feel-ing like you just made a complete fool of yourself.
As the door swings shut behind him, you let out a long breath. That did not go how you planned.
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate, sensing that pushing further might not be the right move here. Jordan's body language is guarded—his arms crossed, his stance firm, and his eyes narrowed, as if he's keeping you at an arm's length away.
@@.player;"No, that's it,"@@ you say, offering a small smile. @@.player;"I just wanted to say good game. You were incredible out there. I mean it."@@
There's something softer in Jordan's expression as he looks at you for a fleeting moment. Not quite a smile, but a hint of acknowledgment. He uncrosses his arms, shifting his weight slightly, and gives a curt nod.
@@.jordan;"Thanks,"@@ he says simply. He keeps it brief but there's no mistaking the sincerity behind it.
You take a small step back, giving him space. @@.player;"I'll let you get going then,"@@ you add. @@.player;"Probably want me to get out of your hair."@@
Jordan glances toward the doors and then back at you. @@.jordan;"Yeah,"@@ he mutters. @@.jordan;"Maybe."@@
The silence that follows isn't awkward, rather feeling like the moment is reaching it's natural end. Before you turn to leave, you catch an almost imperceptible change in his expression. His shoulders drop slightly, and his jaw isn't as tight.
@@.jordan;"See you around, $name,"@@ he says, and this time, his tone isn't as cold as before. There's even the faintest hint of warmth, a quiet recognition that you'd respected his boundaries.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply, stepping back with a small wave. @@.player;"See you."@@
As you walk away, you can't help but feel a little proud of yourself. Not just for making it through the game but for handling the conversation with care. Jordan might not be the most open person, but it feels like you made a connection. A small one, sure, but it's a start.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 12">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
You decide to go after Jordan, weaving through the crowd and sidestepping the clusters of cheering fans and players. He's already halfway to the locker rooms, his pace brisk and posture stiff. The energy from the field fades as you approach him, the noise growing more distant with each step.
@@.player;"Hey, Jordan!"@@ you call out, but he doesn't stop.
You quicken your pace to catch up, finally falling into step beside him. He glances your way, his expression blank for a second before flicking briefly to the cheerleading uniform you have on. He squints, some curiosity in his eyes, but it's gone just as quickly as it appeared. He doesn't recognize you.
@@.jordan;"What is it?"@@ he asks, his tone clipped and neutral.
@@.player;"I just wanted to say, that was an amazing game,"@@ you say, keeping your voice light. @@.player;"That last play—you really pulled it off."@@
Jordan's jaw tightens, and he lets out a breath that's almost a scoff. @@.jordan;"It wasn't just me,"@@ he mutters. @@.jordan;"Luke was there too."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, but you're the quarterback,"@@ you say. @@.player;"You made the throw."@@
Jordan doesn't respond for a moment. His footsteps slow slightly as if debating whether to continue the conversation or just walk away. Finally, he stops, turning toward you. His expression is hard to read, but his sharp eyes study you, trying to place you.
@@.jordan;"You're one of the cheerleaders, right?"@@ he asks, his tone still detached but tinged with a faint curiosity. @@.jordan;"I don't think I've seen you around before. Who are you?"@@
<<button "Make up a lie" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jordan) 1">>\<<set $d12jordantruth to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tell Jordan the truth" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 11 (Jordan) 1">>\<<set $d12jordantruth to true>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
You weave through the remnants of the crowd still buzzing with post-game energy, making your way back to the cheer squad. The moment the squad spots you, their faces light up.
@@.jessica;"Hey, $name!"@@ Jessica exclaims, throwing her hands in the air like you just scored the winning touchdown. @@.jessica;"Can you believe it? They actually pulled it off!"@@
@@.girl;"Panthers for the win, let's go!"@@ Mia adds, pumping a fist in the air. Her energy is contagious, and you can't help but grin as the rest of the team gathers around.
Ashley flips her hair over her shoulder. @@.girl;"You were on fire out there tonight, $name. I swear, your form is so good."@@
@@.girl;"Seriously,"@@ Tori chimes in, her tone approving. @@.girl;"You nailed every stunt. I don't think the crowd could take their eyes off us!"@@
You feel your face heat up at the barrage of compliments, but before you can respond, Jessica clears her throat, instantly commanding the group's attention. @@.jessica;"Alright, people! This is a historic moment—first game of the season, first win, and we crushed it. This calls for celebration!"@@
@@.girl;"Oh yeah, where should we go?"@@ Mia asks, already pulling out her phone like she's about to start texting people.
@@.girl;"Somewhere fun,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"After that routine, I need some food and I need something to help me relax."@@
Jessica holds up a finger, her expression thoughtful. @@.jessica;"Okay, I'm all for food, but we need somewhere chill,"@@ she says. A grin creeps up on Jessica's face. @@.jessica;"You know, my parents //are// out of town."@@
The entire cheer squad erupts in noise.
@@.girl;"Actually?"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"Jessica's place it is! Quick, before she changes her mind."@@
Jessica beams. @@.jessica;"Perfect, let's get going. $name, you're coming too, right?"@@
The group turns to you, and you can practically feel their excitement in the air. It's hard not to feel a little swept up in their enthusiasm, but you remember the choice is yours to make.
<<button "Decide to head to Jessica's place" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 13">>\<<set $d12jessplace to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide to head home" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 13">>\<<set $d12jessplace to false>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballn.png">
<<if $d12jessplace is true>>\
You hesitate for a moment, still buzzing from the night's events. Before you can make up your mind though, Jessica leans closer, a knowing grin on her face.
@@.jessica;"Come on, $name,"@@ she says, tilting her head playfully. @@.jessica;"You can't just disappear after your first big game as a cheerleader. This is a //team celebration//. We need you there!"@@
The rest of the squad murmurs in agreement, and as you glance around at their eager faces, you realize you can't refuse. Finally, you crack a smile and shrug. @@.player;"Alright, alright. I'll come."@@
The reaction is instant.
@@.jessica;"Yesss!"@@ Jessica cheers.
@@.girl;"I knew you'd say yes,"@@ Mia says with a grin, lightly nudging your arm.
@@.girl;"Smart choice,"@@ Ashley adds. @@.girl;"You'll thank us later."@@
@@.girl;"Alright, the cheer squad at the great Jessica residence!"@@ Tori announces.
Jessica claps her hands again. @@.jessica;"Okay, here's the plan. Everyone grab your stuff from the locker room then meet in the parking lot. We'll carpool to my place."@@
<<button "Go to Jessica's house" "Day 12 - Hangout">><</button>>
<<set $top to $d12top>>\
<<set $pants to $d12pants>>\
<<set $shoes to 0>>
<<set $outfit to 69>>\
You take a deep breath, glancing at the excited faces around you. As much as you want to keep the energy going though, a quiet part of you craves some time to yourself. The day has been a whirlwind—practice, the game, the adrenaline of performing. It all feels like a lot to process.
@@.player;"Actually, I think I'm gonna head home,"@@ you say, offering a small smile. @@.player;"I'm wiped. Seriously."@@
Jessica's expression falters for a moment, but she recovers quickly. @@.jessica;"Oh, totally! I get it, it has been a long day. You've earned some rest."@@
@@.girl;"Next time, though, you //have// to come,"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"We're not letting you off the hook again. That's a promise."@@
@@.girl;"We'll just drag you out of your house if we have to,"@@ Tori adds, her tone playful.
@@.player;"Deal,"@@ you say with a laugh, raising your hands in mock surrender. @@.player;"Next time, for sure."@@
<<if $jessicaRelo > 49>>\
Jessica steps forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. @@.jessica;"Seriously, though, you were amazing today. Thanks for being a part of this—it wouldn't have been the same without you."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, what she said,"@@ Ashley chimes in in agreement. @@.girl;"You're stuck with us now, $name. Better get used to it."@@
You turn to leave, feeling a pang of warmth at their words. They're a good group, for sure, and it's clear they genuinely want you around. But as you walk away from Pacific Crest, the buzz of the crowd fading behind you, you feel a sense of relief in the quiet.
<<button "Go home early" "Day 12 - 3">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<if $nextScene is "Day 12 - Restroom">>\
<<if $d8jessicaHelp is true>>\
When you return to the cheer squad, your heart still pounding from the hurried transformation in the restroom, all eyes turn to you. The squad, seated in a loose circle, halts their conversation mid-laugh.
@@.girl;"Hey, where'd you disappear to?"@@ Mia asks, tilting her head curiously. @@.girl;"We thought you bailed on us for a second."@@
Before you can respond, Jessica steps in, her tone light but pointed. @@.jessica;"$name just needed a moment, right?"@@ she meets your gaze, her expression carefully neutral but understanding.
You nod quickly, grateful for the lifeline. @@.player;"Yeah, I just needed to freshen up a bit. Didn't mean to worry anyone."@@
Mia raises an eyebrow but seems to buy it. @@.girl;"Well, good,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"You've got us all hyped up for the game—you can’t just leave us hanging now"@@
Jessica shoots you a subtle look, her eyes scanning your face briefly as if checking to make sure you're okay. She gives you a small, reassuring smile before stepping back to the group. @@.jessica;"Alright, let's refocus, everyone. $name's here, and we've got a game to prep for. Let's crush it."@@
The cheerleaders quickly return to their chatter, and you can feel Jessica's quiet support lingering in the background, her awareness of the $referto a steady source of comfort.
When you return to the group, you immediately feel their eyes on you.
@@.girl;"Woah, were'd you run off to?"@@ Mia asks, crossing her arms. @@.girl;"You were gone forever."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ Ashley adds, frowning slightly. @@.girl;"We thought you were skipping out on us or something."@@
@@.player;"I wasn't skipping,"@@ you say quickly, trying to sound casual. @@.player;"Just needed a moment to myself. That's all."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, her expression curious. @@.jessica;"Are you alright? You seemed fine before you left."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine,"@@ you reply, waving it off. @@.player;"Just nerves, I guess. Big game and all."@@
The squad exchanges a few glances, but Mia shrugs. @@.girl;"Fair enough. Just don't disappear on us during the game, okay? We need you out there."@@
Jessica nods, her tone light as she steps in. @@.jessica;"Alright, no more mystery trips. We've got a routine to perfect, and you're a part of it, $name. Let's get back to it."@@
The group quickly shifts focus, the earlier concern fading as they dive back into their preparations. You exhale quickly, relieved that no one pressed too hard, though you can't shake the feeling that Jessica's eyes lingered on you just a little longer than the others.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 3">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<set $top to 8>>\
<<if $d11skirt is true>>\
<<set $pants to 5>>\
<<set $pants to 4>>\
<<set $shoes to 1>>\
<<if $hairStyle is 0>>\
<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to $currenthairtie>>\
The squad gathers around in a loose circle, some sit cross-legged on the mats while others lean against their bags. The conversation starts off light but it doesn't take long before Mia steers the topic to familiar territory.
@@.girl;"Alright, you know what we haven't done in a while?"@@ she asks. @@.girl;"Talk about boys. It'll help loosen the mood before we start practicing."@@
She earns a chorus of laughs and a few groans from the group.
@@.jessica;"Mia, really?"@@ Jessica says, raising an eyebrow. @@.jessica;"Can we ever go one practice without your obsession with high school's most mediocre love lives?"@@
@@.girl;"Hey,"@@ Mia fires back, sitting up straight. @@.girl;"First of all, it's called team bonding. Second of all, this isn't just about me—it’s about //all// of us. That includes $name."@@
@@.jessica;"Don't drag him into this,"@@ Jessica says, her expression amused.
Mia waves her off. @@.girl;"Come on, it's harmless fun. It's not like he's got anything better to do right now. It's squad bonding."@@ She turns her attention back to the group, clapping her hands. @@.girl;"Alright, let's start with the basics. On a scale of one to then, how cute is Kyle?"@@
@@.girl;"Kyle Foreman?"@@ Ashley scoffs, shaking her head. @@.girl;"Come on. He's, like, a solid five. Maybe a six on a good day, I'll give him that."@@
@@.girl;"Five?"@@ Mia gasps, clutching her chest in horror. @@.girl;"Did you //see// him in gym last week? Come on, he's got to be at least an eight."@@
@@.girl;"Okay, what about Trevor though?"@@ Tori asks. @@.girl;"He's tall, he swims, and he's got the whole 'quiet and mysterious' vibe going on. I like it."@@
@@.girl;"Trevor?"@@ Ashley says, tilting her head in thought. @@.girl;"He's not bad, i guess. But he always spells like chlorine and Old Spice. Like constantly. It's a no from me."@@
@@.girl;"Chlorine builds character,"@@ Tori whines.
The conversation continues, each cheerleader throwing out names of boys from school with exaggerated praise or overly critical commentary. They laugh and tease each other, their banter lighthearted. As the conversation buzzes around her though, Jessica leans back, her smile polite but her focus clearly elsewhere.
As if sensing an opportunity, Mia turns to you with a playful grin. @@.girl;"Alright, $name, your turn. Which boy has caught your eye? Don't even try to pretend you don't have an opinion."@@
The group’s attention shifts to you, their faces lit with curiosity and anticipation.
<<button "Luke" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 4">>\<<set $d12boy to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Vincent" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 4">>\<<set $d12boy to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Jordan" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 4">>\<<set $d12boy to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Jessica?" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 4">>\<<set $d12boy to 3>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decline to participate" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 4">>\<<set $d12boy to 4>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<if $d12boy is 0>>\
@@.player;"Maybe Luke?"@@ you say nervously.
@@.girl;"Luke?!"@@ Mia gasps, clutching her chest in exaggerated shock. @@.girl;"He's on the football team. Wait, isn't Luke your best friend?"@@
Ashley leans in, her eyes wide with excitement. @@.girl;"Oh my God, that's adorable! He's so sweet! Like, actually sweet. Not fake-sweet like some guys."@@
@@.girl;"Right?"@@ Mia chimes in, nodding enthusiastically. @@.girl;"He's got the whole boy-next-door thing going on too. Plus, have you seen his arms? Like, wow."@@
You can't help but laugh nervously, scratching the back of your neck. @@.player;"You guys are reading into this way too much. He's just... I don't know, a solid choice, I guess."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow. @@.jessica;"Solid choice is right. Luke's one of the few guys on the team who doesn't act like he's king of the school. He's decent."@@
@@.girl;"Decent?"@@ Ashley echoes, shooting Jessica a scandalized look. @@.girl;"He's perfect! If you're into him, $name, I say go for it."@@
@@.player;"Okay, //woah//,"@@ you say, holding up your hands. @@.player;"It's really not like that. I just... I don't know. You asked, and his name came to mind."@@
You get teased, but it's lighthearted and good-natured. Deep down, you can't help but feel a flicker of warmth at how highly everyone thinks of your best friend.
<<elseif $d12boy is 1>>\
You hesitate for a moment before answering, @@.player;"Vincent?"@@
The room goes quiet for a beat before Mia bursts out laughing, not out of cruelty but genuine surprise. @@.girl;"Vincent? As in the guy with the glasses who always has his nose in some sci-fi or fantasy book?"@@
Jessica tilts her head, her expression curious. @@.jessica;"Interesting choice. He's definitely... different. But I could see it. He's kind of cute in his own way."@@
@@.girl;"Wait, you know Vincent?"@@ Ashley asks, leaning forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. @@.girl;"Like, you actually talk to him?"@@
You nod, feeling a little self-conscious. @@.player;"Yeah, he's quiet but actually really nice. He doesn't really draw attention to himself though."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, Vincent isn't the type to make a big deal about himself,"@@ Jessica says with a knowing smile. @@.jessica;"He's more of a 'stay in his lane' kind of guy. But now I'm curious."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, $name, now you've got us all intrigued,"@@ Ashley giggles. @@.girl;"Maybe we'll have to go check out this Vincent guy sometimes."@@
You laugh nervously, feeling that the spotlight is shining too brightly on you. @@.player;"It's not like that! I just think he's cool. That's all."@@
Jessica smirks but doesn't push further. @@.jessica;"Alright, we'll back off. For now."@@
<<elseif $d12boy is 2>>\
@@.player;"Maybe... Jordan?"@@ you say.
As soon as you mention his name, the cheerleaders all exchange knowing glances. A few even lean in slightly, clearly intrigued by your choice. Mia's eyes sparkle with excitement as she raises an eyebrow.
@@.girl;"Jordan?"@@ she asks, her voice tinged with disbelief and intrigue. @@.girl;"You really like him?"@@
Jessica smirks, leaning back slightly. @@.jessica;"Well, Jordan's... something else. He's quiet, keeps to himself, and never lets anyone near him. Definitely mysterious."@@
Ashley giggles. @@.girl;"You've got guts, $name. Most people can't even talk to him without tripping over their own words."@@
<<if $jordanRelo > 9>>\
A small smile tugs at your lips as you think back to the exchanges you've had with Jordan. He wasn't like the others—he didn’t seem interested in shallow small talk. But there was something different about the way he listened. He had this calm confidence, but under that, you could sense a certain vulnerability.
The cheerleaders exchange glances once again, and Jessica raises an eyebrow. @@.jessica;"You've already talked to him? How'd that go?"@@ she asks, leaning forward slightly. The others seem curious too, watching you with heightened interest.
You take a breath, feeling the weight of their attention. @@.player;"It's different,"@@ you finally say, choosing your words carefully. @@.player;"He's not like anyone else I've met. There's something about him that's harder to figure out."@@
@@.jessica;"Hey, if you've already made contact, you've got a head start,"@@ Jessica says, tilting her head thoughtfully. @@.jessica;"Maybe you can be the first one to get through that shell of his."@@
You glance away for a moment, unsure how to respond. You realize you haven't had any real interactions with Jordan yet. He's distant, keeps to himself, and whenever he walks by, it feels like there's this invisible barrier between him and everyone else.
Jessica leans in slightly, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. @@.jessica;"Haven't talked to him yet, huh? Hmm.. well you'll get your chance soon. He's always around, especially on game days. Just remember—he doesn’t give his time away easily."@@
@@.girl;"You've got to wonder what's going on behind those quiet eyes,"@@ Mia mutters.
As the conversation turns back to other boys, you can't shake the thought—what if Jordan //is// different, and this is your chance to find out?
<<elseif $d12boy is 3>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 10, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Jessica,"@@ you blurt out.
<<if $d12makeup > 0 and $transgender > 14>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $jessicaRomance to Math.clamp($jessicaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The squad bursts into laughter, but Jessica's lips curve into a soft, amused smile. Her eyes glance over you briefly, as if assessing something new—something she hadn't quite noticed before. \
<<if $d12makeup is 1>>\
The subtle hint of makeup on your face has drawn attention to your features in a way that catches her off guard.
<<elseif $d12makeup is 2>>\
The full makeup on your face has transformed your features, softening your appearance. Jessica seems to be caught off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless.
She tilts her head slightly after a second, her gaze lingering just a second longer than it should, before clearing her throat and forcing herself to look away. @@.jessica;"Well, well,"@@ she says playfully, but with an added layer of softness to her voice. @@.jessica;"It looks like I'm not the only one feeling bold today."@@
You chuckle, raising a brow, and Jessica quickly snaps out of her momentary distraction. Her playful grin returns, but there's a subtle shift in the way she speaks—less teasing, more genuine. @@.jessica;"You know, you've got talent. Not just with the cheerleading but... with making an impression too."@@
The words hang in the air between you, and neither of you speak.
@@.girl;"What does that mean, Jessica?"@@ Mia asks, smirking.
@@.girl;"Yeah, Jess, what //does// that mean?"@@ Tori repeats.
Jessica adjusts her ponytail, fiddling nervously, and for the first time, you catch a flicker of something unfamiliar—a nervousness she tries to hide. @@.jessica;"All I'm saying is I didn't expect $name to join us like this. $name's just different. In a good way."@@
You feel your heart flutter slightly at the unintended compliment, and Jessica seems to realize it too. She shakes her head, a little frustrated with herself. @@.jessica;"Sorry, I didn't mean it in that way,"@@ she says, taking a deep breath to calm herself. @@.jessica;"I just mean you have potential, $name. More than just someone who shows up and blends in."@@
Before the squad can speak, Jessica raises a hand, cutting them off with a sharp glare. @@.jessica;"Not now, guys,"@@ she says, her tone making a clear reminder to drop it. @@.jessica;"I'm just saying... he's gonna fit right in."@@
As the squad bursts into laughter at your bold statement, Jessica's eyes briefly widen in surprise, though she quickly recovers. The laughter dies down, and Jessica's gaze shifts toward you with a playful smirk. Her eyes narrow slightly, as if sizing you up—part curious, part amused. @@.jessica;"Really, $name?"@@ she teases, crossing her arms lightly over her chest. @@.jessica;"Me?"@@
Mia lets out a soft giggle, leaning toward Jessica with a raised brow. @@.girl;"Oh my God, $name. You've got guts."@@
Jessica laughs softly, shaking her head. @@.jessica;"Alright, alright, I'll bite,"@@ she says, her eyes glimmering with amusement. She straightens up a bit, letting her tone take on a lighter edge. @@.jessica;"Jessica, huh? Why would you choose me though?"@@
The squad exchanges amused glances, clearly enjoying the playful jab.
@@.girl;"Well, $name's got good taste,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"You //are// pretty popular."@@
Jessica waves her hand dismissively, the playful smile never leaving her lips. @@.jessica;"Popular, sure. But I'm the team captain. I've got enough on my plate without having to deal with //that// kind of attention."@@
You catch a subtle flicker in her eyes that doesn't quite add up with her otherwise carefree demeanor. For a second, she seems almost thoughtful, but then she shakes it off.
@@.jessica;"Thanks for the laugh though. You've got a good sense of humor."@@
You shake your head with a soft laugh. @@.player;"I think I'll sit this one out."@@
Mia pouts dramatically, leaning across the bench with exaggerated disappointment. @@.girl;"Oh come //on//, $name! Don't leave us hanging. Everyone's gotta have someone they've got their eye on."@@
Ashley chimes in, wagging her finger playfully. @@.girl;"Yeah, no fair keeping your crushes to yourself. We're a squad now, spill!"@@
Jessica glances at you and rolls her eyes at the others, though her smile is soft. @@.jessica;"Leave him alone, guys. Not everyone wants to air their personal business during a gossip session."@@
@@.girl;"Ugh, fine,"@@ Mia says, throwing up her hands. @@.girl;"But you're seriously missing out. This is quality bonding time right here."@@
Ashley laughs and nudges Mia. @@.girl;"Let the guy off the hook, drama queen. Not everyone's as obsessed with matchmaking as you."@@
The conversation shifts smoothly back to the other girls as they resume, dissecting the latest crushes and hallway rumors with a contagious energy.
Jessica leans back in her seat, her gaze lingering on you for just a moment. There's something comforting about the fact that she stepped in to take the heat off you, a subtle but supportive gesture.
You sit back, letting the chatter wash over you. There's something nice about being part of this group, even if you're not diving headfirst into their antics. For a moment, you just enjoy the warm camaraderie, glad they're including you even when you choose to stay on the sidelines.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 5">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
Once the makeup and gossip sessions get wrapped up, the cheerleaders move to the center of the gym, where a set of mats has been laid out for practice. The air buzzes with anticipation, the energy of game day already coursing through everyone. Jessica takes her spot at the front of the group, clapping her hands to gather everyone's attention.
@@.jessica;"Alright, squad!"@@ she begins. @@.jessica;"We've got some time before the game, so let's make it count. We'll start with a quick run-through of the cheers and then work on formations for the stunts. And remember, tonight we're performing under the lights, so keep that energy high!"@@
You follow the group as they form two lines, joining in the synchronized warmup routine. The stretches and light cardio feel familiar after the last practice, but the added excitement of the game adds a little bounce to your step. Mia pairs up with you for partner stretches, chatting as you both reach for your toes.
@@.girl;"You're a natural, $name,"@@ she says with a grin. @@.girl;"Honestly, it's like you've been cheering for years."@@
@@.player;"Just trying to keep up with you,"@@ you joke, feeling a mix of pride and slight embarrassment at the compliment.
Once everyone is warmed up, Jessica leads the squad through a series of cheers. The cadence of the chants fill the gym, and you quickly fall into a rhythm, your movements sharp and confident. With every shout, stomp, and compliment, your confidence only grows.
Next come the stunts. Jessica divides everyone into groups, pairing you with Mia, Ashley, and Tory for a simple pyramid. You plant your feet firmly, locking your arms as Mia steps into your grip to be lifted into position. Even as a base, it's exhilarating to feel the coordination and trust among your group, with every movement syncing perfectly.
@@.jessica;"Great job, $name!"@@ Jessica calls out as she circles the mats, keeping a watchful eye on everyone. @@.jessica;"That's solid!"@@
The last practice drill is a short routine combining jumps, spins, and a final pose. Jessica counts off the steps, and you move in sync with the rest of the squad. When the routine ends with a sharp clap and a posed formation, everyone burst into cheers.
@@.girl;"That was awesome!"@@ Mia says, giving you a high-five.
@@.jessica;"You're ready for tonight,"@@ Jessica says with a smile. @@.jessica;"We all are. Let's bring that energy to the field."@@
The sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished gym floor is suddenly joined by the brisk, purposeful steps of Coach Moore. A tall woman with an athletic build and a commanding presence, she strides toward the group, her clipboard tucked under one arm. Her short hair and sharp gaze give her an air of authority.
@@.girl;"Alright, team,"@@ she calls out, clapping her hands together to gather the squad's attention. @@.girl;"Tonight's the big game, and I want to see you all bringing your A-game out there."@@
@@.jessica;"Oh, coach, you're here early!"@@ Jessica says, panic starting to build in her voice as she looks at you.
As Coach Moore's eyes scan the group, they land on you. Her brows knit slightly in confusion, her eyes narrowing. She takes a few steps closer, pointing the pen in your direction.
@@.girl;"And who's this?"@@ she asks, glancing at Jessica. @@.girl;"How'd you manage to recruit another cheerleader last minute?"@@
Jessica freezes for a moment, somehow caught off guard. She opens her mouth, but no words come out as she looks at you, faltering under pressure.
Coach Moore raises an eyebrow, her gaze shifting back to you. @@.girl;"Well? I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"@@
The squad is silent, their eyes flicking between you and Jessica, waiting to see how this would play out.
<<button "Tell Coach Moore the truth" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 6">>\<<set $d12coachmoore to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Pretend to be a girl" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 6">>\<<set $d12coachmoore to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay silent and let Jessica handle it" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 6">>\<<set $d12coachmoore to 2>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
<<if $d12coachmoore is 0>>\
You take a breath, feeling the squad's eyes on you as you step forward. Jessica's nervous glance sharpens into something unreadable, but you catch a flicker of gratitude in her expression.
@@.player;"My name's $name,"@@ you say, your voice steady but quiet. @@.player;"But, uh, I'm not actually a girl."@@
Coach Moore's eyebrows shoot up, and the gym seems to grow quieter, though it's probably just in your head. She glances at Jessica and then back at you, her clipboard lowering to her side.
@@.girl;"You're not a girl?"@@ she repeats, her tone neither judgmental nor overly surprised.
You shake your head, standing a little straighter. @@.player;"No, I'm just helping out with the squad because they're short on people,"@@ you begin. You pause, swallowing nervously. @@.player;"I went to practice yesterday, and they thought I could fill in. I know it's not, uh, typical, but I'm willing to work hard for the team tonight."@@
Jessica takes a step forward, her hands clasped in front of her like she's about to plead her case. @@.jessica;"Coach, I know it's technically not allowed, but it's only for tonight,"@@ she interjects, her tone unusually earnest. @@.jessica;"We're down a cheerleader, and $name stepped up. He's good—really good."@@
Coach Moore looks you up and down, her eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to figure out how you fit into this picture. She taps her pen against her clipboard a few times, then lets out a sigh.
@@.girl;"I'll admit, this is unconventional,"@@ she says slowly, her voice measured. @@.girl;"But I'll be honest with you—this team doesn’t have room for mistakes right now. If Jessica says you're good, then I'll take her word for it. I expect you to perform like any other member of this squad though. No holding back."@@
@@.player;"Understood,"@@ you reply, nodding.
@@.girl;"Oh, and $name, you've got big shoes to fill tonight,"@@ she adds, a small but knowing smile forming on her lips. @@.girl;"But from what I know about this squad, they wouldn't have you here if they didn't think you could handle it."@@
Jesica exhales audibly, a grin breaking across her face as she pats your shoulder. The tension in the room eases as the squad exchanges a few encouraging murmurs.
<<elseif $d12coachmoore is 1>>\
<<set $textbox to true>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
The tension in the air is palpable as Coach Moore's expectant gaze lingers on you. For a split second, you consider coming clean, but something about Jessica's worried expression makes you hesitate. The weight of the coach's question hangs in the air, and you realize Jessica is waiting for you to respond, her subtle nod urging you to say something. Anything.
A name. You need a name. Something feminine, something believable. Names flicker through your mind in rapid succession. Emily? No, too common. Sophia? Maybe, but it doesn't feel quite right. Lily? That's your sister's name, dumbass. Charlotte? Grace? Olivia? The pressure builds as the seconds stretch on, Jessica's faintly panicked expression urging you to decide quickly.
Finally, a name surfaces, like a lifeline thrown into the chaos. You hesitate only for a second before opening your mouth.
@@.player;"Hi coach, I'm <<textbox "$cheerleadername" "Ellie">>."@@
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
This will not be your permanent feminine name! There will be another textbox in the future regarding what feminine name you want to keep for the rest of the playthrough.
<<set $cheerleadername to "Ellie">>\
You glance at Jessica, unsure of what to say, and decide to stay quiet. Jessica catches your look and straightens up, putting on her best confident smile—the one she always uses when she’s in charge.
@@.jessica;"Coach, this is... Ellie,"@@ Jessica says, the name tumbling out of her mouth with only the slightest hesitation. @@.jessica;"She's, uh, a friend of mine. I know we're short on a cheerleader because of Mandy going to Iowa, so I thought I'd bring her along. Ellie's really talented and has been dying to give cheer a try."@@
Coach Moore raises an eyebrow, skepticism flickering in her sharp eyes. @@.girl;"Ellie, huh? And you've been practicing with the squad?"@@
Jessica nods vigorously, stepping slightly in front of you. @@.jessica;"Absolutely! She's been helping out a lot, especially with some of the tougher routines. You know how hard it's been to get everyone synced up—Ellie’s a natural!"@@
The coach tilts her head, studying you for a moment longer. Your heart pounds in your chest, but you manage to keep a poker face, trying to look as composed as possible. Finally, Coach Moore lets out a short breath and nods.
@@.girl;"Well, if she's as good as you say, I guess we'll see it tonight,"@@ she says, jotting something down on her clipboard.
@@.jessica;"That was close,"@@ Jessica whispers to you. @@.jessica;"Sorry about the name—Ellie was the first thing that popped into my head. I'll stick with it for now"@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 7">><</button>><<if $d12coachmoore is 1>>\
<<set $textbox to false>>\
<<set $transgender to Math.clamp($transgender + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $cisgender to Math.clamp($cisgender - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $cheerleadername is "Jessica">>\
Jessica's head snaps toward you so fast you're surprised she doesn't pull a muscle. Her eyes widen, her lips part slightly, and she seems completely caught off guard.
@@.jessica;"Jessica?"@@ she blurts out, barely containing her incredulous laugh.
Coach Moore tilts her head, a slight smile spreading across her face. @@.girl;"Well, it's nice to meet you, $cheerleadername. You must've really impressed Jessica to get invited here last minute."@@ Her tone is welcoming but slightly amused. Almost as if this sort of thing happens more often than one might expect.
Jessica laughs nervously, her hand lightly gripping your arm. @@.jessica;"Oh, totally. She's, uh, been interested in cheer for a while. With Mandy heading off to Iowa, I thought, why not give her a shot? You know, to see how she fits in."@@
Coach Moore raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but not pressing the issue. @@.girl;"Alright, fair enough. But next time, Jess, let me know if you're bringing in a recruit. I need to have my rosters finalized before game day."@@
@@.jessica;"Yes, of course, Coach,"@@ Jessica nods eagerly. @@.jessica;"Won't happen again."@@
As Coach Moore's attention shifts to the other cheerleaders setting up for practice, you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Jessica leans in, her voice low and hurried. @@.jessica;"Nice save. That could've gone way worse."@@
You nod, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through you. @@.player;"Yeah, thanks for backing me up."@@
Jessica smirks. @@.jessica;"No problem, $cheerleadername. I think it suits you, by the way."@@
The tension from the interaction with Coach Moore lingers briefly, but the team quickly refocuses on their warmups, each cheerleader throwing themselves into the final drills with practiced precision. The energy in the gym crackles with anticipation, a shared buzz of excitement for the first game of the season.
As the clock ticks down to game time, the squad huddles together near the entrance to the football field. The muffled roar of the growing crowd outside drifts through the walls. Jessica steps forward, holding her hands up to gather everyone's attention.
@@.jessica;"Alright, listen up!"@@ she calls out, her voice carrying over the low murmur of the team. Everyone falls silent, turning their focus to her. Jessica looks around, her gaze holding steady. @@.jessica;"Tonight's our first game, and I know for some of you, it's your first time performing in front of a crowd this big. Trust me, I get it—it’s nerve-wracking as all hell. But let me tell you something: you've got this. //We've// got this."@@
She gestures toward the field, her face lighting up in determination. @@.jessica;"The crowd is here to see the game, but you know what they'll remember? Us. Our energy. Our routines. Our smiles. So, let's give them a reason to cheer louder than ever. Let's show them what we've each been working so hard for."@@
Jessica pauses, her expression softening as she looks at each member of the squad. When her gaze lands on you, it lingers just a moment longer, a flicker of encouragement passing between you. @@.jessica;"No matter what happens out there, remember this: we're a team. We've got each other's backs. So, let's go out there and have fun, alright?"@@
The squad erupts into cheers, their collective energy filling the room.
Jessica steps back, giving you a quick smile before turning to lead the squad toward the field. As the team lines up to head out, you take a deep breath, the adrenaline building in your chest. The muffled roar of the crowd grows louder as the door to the field swings open, and the night air rushes in.
<<button "It's time to perform" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 8">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballnd.png">
The field stretches out before you. It's bathed in a glow of stadium lights, casting everything in a kind of surreal light. The stands are already packed with students and parents, their excited chatter merging into a low hum that reverberates through the air. The energy is so thick you can feel it. You breathe in the faint scent of popcorn and fresh-cut grass, trying to calm your nerves.
You stand among the other cheerleaders, feeling the warmth of their bodies close to yours, the rhythmic shifting of their movements syncing into a single pulse. The crowd grows even louder, cheering for their teams, and the sound sends a thrill racing through you. It's strange but exhilarating, and you feel you've never quite experienced this before.
Jessica steps to the front after you all get into position, her voice ringing out clearly. @@.jessica;"Alright, team!"@@ she yells. @@.jessica;"Let's show them what we've got!"@@
The cheerleaders fall into formation as you all move with precision and fluidity. The choreography is sharp, practiced, yet filled with energy—each movement timed perfectly, each step flowing into the next with seamless grace.
You follow their lead, your heart pounding in your chest as nerves tangle in your stomach. You try to settle into the rhythm, but every movement feels unfamiliar and awkward at first. Your body hesitates and you can't help but feel exposed under the lights. The music blares in your ears, and your fingers tremble slightly as you keep in sync with the rest of the squad. It's a challenge to let your movements feel natural when your pulse is racing. The sensation of being dressed the way you are not making it any easier to focus. You fight to keep your footing, hoping you don't make a mistake.
The crowd's eyes begin to turn toward you. They cheer louder, drawn in by your motions, the vibrant color of the uniforms, and the sheer energy radiating from the squad.
As you follow the other cheerleaders through the routine, you feel the adrenaline continue to build. There's a thrill to this, a certain rush you didn't expect. Your nervousness melts away as the energy of the crowd, the spotlight, and the sound of your teammates take up your mind. It's exhilarating. Empowering.
Suddenly, you realize you've fallen into the rhythm so naturally, almost instinctively. Each jump, each spin, flows together as if it's second nature. You're no longer just a part of the team on paper—you’re //performing// now. You're giving everything you have, feeling the crowd's energy feed into your own.
The routine ends with one final pose, and the crowd erupts into cheers, the sound washing over the field like waves of excitement. You take a deep breath, standing tall with your teammates, basking in the collective triumph.
For now, all that matters is this moment. This team. This feeling.
<<button "Rest" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 9">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-footballnd.png">
You all move gracefully to the sidelines, taking your places just a few feet from the action. The stadium is filled with a sea of cheering fans, all gathered to watch the first game of the season. The air buzzes with excitement, a mix of the bright lights above, the sound of the marching band playing, and the rhythmic stomp of feet from the football players.
As you take your place, you overhear a small group of boys nearby, huddled together with their eyes occasionally flicking in your direction. One of them leans closer to the other, his voice low but clear.
<<if $d12makeup is 0>>\
@@.boy;"Hey, did you see that new cheerleader? The Asian one with the black hair? Looks kinda cool."@@
Another boy snickers. @@.boy;"I mean, she's okay, but nothing special."@@
@@.boy;"Yeah, I guess,"@@ the first boy says. @@.boy;"I think she's alright."@@
You overhear their conversation and feel a subtle pang of discomfort—unseen, but felt, a reminder of how you still seem to blur between two worlds.
<<elseif $d12makeup is 1>>\
@@.boy;"That new cheerleader... kind of cute, right?"@@
Another laughs softly, shaking his head. @@.boy;"Nah, looks alright, I guess. She's kinda pretty."@@
@@.boy;"Damn, who's that? She's super pretty."@@
Another one snickers, clearly impressed. @@.boy;"Yeah, wow. She's flawless, definitely rocking it."@@
The words linger in your mind, impossible to ignore.
The players take their positions, lining up as the referee blows the whistle, signaling the start of the game. The crowd roars, a wave of energy that rolls across the field, bouncing from person to person.
Your heart pounds in sync with the chants rising from the stands. The cheerleaders have fanned out around you, each of them settling into their spots.
The game begins, the ball snapped and hurled down the field as players charge forward. The tension of the field is palpable, the players clashing with intensity, muscles flexing. The crowd erupts into cheers with every pass, tackle, and touchdown.
You watch, cheering alongside the squad, feeling the energy build with each movement, each action on the field. The game moves fast and the players push themselves harder, sweat glistening on their brows under the floodlights, determined to secure every inch of ground.
The score is 14 - 21, with the Pacific Crest Panthers being down by 7 as the halftime buzzer blares through the field. The cheerleaders spring into action, ready to reinvigorate not only the fans but the team as well. The stands buzz with a mix of excitement and anticipation as fans sip drinks, eat snacks, chat, and wave school colors.
You position yourself at the edge of the group, blending into the rhythm as the routine begins. You start with a series of powerful jumps and your body moves through them effortlessly. The squad's chants rise in tempo, building with each beat, and the energy from the crowd feeds into your own.
You follow the lead of Jessica, her voice ringing clear as she guides the squad through each set. The group moves through flowing moves, stunts, and a pyramid. As the routine comes to a close, the crowd erupts into cheers, the sound echoing through the stadium. The Panthers are trailing, sure, but you all managed to fire the squad up again.
As the final notes of the band fade away, the cheerleaders break apart, each member dispersing, heading back to the sidelines. You feel a sense of accomplishment—knowing you’ve played a part in rallying the school spirit. The halftime routine truly cemented your place as a part of the team.
<<button "Watch the rest of the game" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 10">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-gymd.png">
The final bell rings at 3:00 PM, its echo cutting through the usual hum of students shuffling out of classrooms. You pack your things and head toward the gym, your bag slung over your shoulder. The cheer squad is meeting early to prepare for the game, and the thought of stepping onto the field for the first time sends a mix of nerves and excitement through your chest.
The gym is quieter than usual when you arrive, though the faint sounds of sneakers squeaking and muffled laughter drift from the back room. You push open the door to find the squad already buzzing with energy. Jessica is at the center of it all, organizing uniforms. Mia and Ashley sort through a small box of makeup supplies.
@@.jessica;"$name!"@@ Jessica calls, spotting you immediately. She waves you over with a bright smile. @@.jessica;"You're just in time. We're getting everyone game-day ready—uniforms, hair, makeup, the whole deal. You excited?"@@
@@.player;"I guess, yeah,"@@ you reply, setting your backpack down. @@.player;"A little nervous, though."@@
@@.girl;"Don't be,"@@ Mia says, looking up from the makeup box with a playful grin. @@.girl;"You’re going to kill it out there. And we’ve got just the thing to help—makeup!"@@
You blink, caught off guard. @@.player;"Makeup?"@@
@@.jessica;"Yep,"@@ Jessica says matter-of-factly. @@.jessica;"It's not just for looks. The lights on the field are super bright, and makeup helps keep you from looking washed out in photos and videos. Plus it'll make you look cuter and harder to recognize. Win-win."@@
Mia claps her hands together, her excitement palpable. @@.girl;"Exactly! It's nothing crazy—just some foundation, a little eyeliner, maybe some gloss. It’ll totally pull your look together."@@
You glance at the box of makeup, feeling a mix of curiosity and hesitation. The cheerleaders are all looking at you expectantly, their energy infectious.
@@.jessica;"It's up to you, though,"@@ Jessica adds, her tone reassuring. @@.jessica;"No pressure, of course. If you don't want it, it's totally fine. But if you're willing to try, I think you'll be surprised by how good it'll look. Not to mention, if you're feeling bold, we could even go full glam. I mean, why not, right?"@@
<<button "Decide on no makeup" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 1">>\<<set $d12makeup to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide on basic makeup" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 1">>\<<set $d12makeup to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide on full makeup" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 1">>\<<set $d12makeup to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d12snack is 0>>\
You glance at the menu one last time before deciding. @@.player;"I'll take the popcorn."@@
Samantha nods. @@.samantha;"A little basic, but I'll allow it because it's a classic."@@
You get a large paper bag filled with freshly popped kernels, the buttery scent overwhelming. You take a bite and it's warm, salty, and crunchy. Perfect.
@@.samantha;"Okay, real talk,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Did you ever wonder how they get popcorn to taste //so much better// in movie theaters and stadiums than at home?"@@
@@.player;"They probably just put a ton of butter,"@@ you say.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, but scientifically and culinarily, I think there's more to it. Like I've made popcorn at home, and it never hits quite the same way. i think there's some kind of secret ingredient they're not telling us about."@@
You snort. @@.player;"You think there's a conspiracy behind popcorn?"@@
@@.samantha;"Listen,"@@ she says, lowering her voice dramatically. @@.samantha;"I'm just saying that I wouldn't put it past Big Popcorn to be hiding the truth from us."@@
<<elseif $d12snack is 1>>\
You glance at the menu and make your decision. @@.player;"A hot dog for me, please."@@
Samantha lets out a gasp, clutching her chest like you just insulted her. @@.samantha;"$name. A glizzy? Out of all the things on the menu?"@@
You shrug, unbothered. @@.player;"It's a classic, what do you mean?"@@
She shakes her head. @@.samantha;"I don't know, man. Feels kinda basic to me."@@
@@.player;"Basic?"@@ you scoff. @@.player;"You're getting a pretzel. How is that any less basic?"@@
@@.samantha;"Hey, a stadium pretzel is an experience,"@@ she argues. @@.samantha;"It's warm, salty, and comes with cheese sauce too. Meanwhile, your hot dog is, like, one step above gas station food. Do you even know what part of a pig it comes from? No, you don't. Because the sausage is a meat obelisk from like a hundred pigs."@@
<<elseif $d12snack is 2>>\
You glance over the menu one last time before making your decision. @@.player;"I'll go with the nachos."@@
Samantha grins like you've just earned her respect. @@.samantha;"Excellent choice, young grasshopper. Messy, cheesy, and completely impractical for a football game. I approve."@@
The girl at the stand nods and turns to scoop up a generous amount of tortilla chips into a red-and-white paper tray before drowning them in cheese. You're about to tell her that's enough, but she adds an extra ladle just for good measure. Then, with an unnecessary flourish, she sprinkles on some jalapeños.
Samantha snickers at your face. @@.samantha;"Hope you're ready for the experience of a lifetime because those jalapeños don't mess around."@@
@@.player;"We'll see,"@@ you say, grabbing a couple of napkins.
With your nachos secured, Samantha picks up her order You pick up a chip and take a bite and it's an... experience. The jalapeño is spicy as all hell, and you find yourself coughing.
Samantha lets out a loud laugh. @@.samantha;"Oh no, I told you they were spicy."@@
You swallow and clear your throat, determined not to give her the satisfaction of seeing you suffer. @@.player;"I'm fine,"@@ you say, voice only slightly strained.
@@.samantha;"Uh-huh,"@@ Samantha says, clearly enjoying this way too much. @@.samantha;"I won't make fun of you if you start crying. I swear. You can let those tears out."@@
<<elseif $d12snack is 3>>\
You glance over the options before your eyes land on something that immediately calls to you—the warm, cinnamon-dusted perfection of a churro.
@@.player;"I'll take a churro,"@@ you say to the girl working at the stand.
Samantha turns to you slowly. @@.samantha;"A churro?"@@ she repeats, approval clear in her voice. @@.samantha;"$name. //$name//. I didn't think I could respect you more, but here we are."@@
You roll your eyes as the girl hands you the churro, still warm from the fryer. The sugary scent fills your nose, and when you take your first bite, the crispy outer layer gives way to the doughy center. The cinnamon and sugar coat your tongue, leading to an explosion in flavor.
@@.samantha;"Yeah?"@@ Samantha asks as she watches your reaction.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you reply, swallowing.
@@.samantha;"What a relief,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"I would've disowned you as a friend if you went for something basic."@@
@@.player;"You literally just got a pretzel,"@@ you observe.
@@.samantha;"Excuse me, it's a //giant// pretzel,"@@ she corrects. @@.samantha;"It's about the vibe. And right now, let me tell you, your vibe is immaculate."@@
The two of you make your way out of the concession line and toward the bleachers. The crowd has grown even bigger in the short time you've been here and many students are filling the stands.
Samantha nudges you, nodding toward a group of your peers waving someone over. @@.samantha;"Looks like the hype section's already filling up. Where are we sitting?"@@
<<button "Sit near the front" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 2">>\<<set $d12sit to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Hang near the back" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 2">>\<<set $d12sit to false>>\<</button>><<if $d12bench is true>>\
<<set $lukeRelo to Math.clamp($lukeRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You make your way over to Luke's bench and sit down beside him. He doesn't react at first, just staring up at the sky like he's searching for an answer in the stars. His usual easy smile is gone, replaced by something heavier.
For a moment, neither of you say anything. The wind rustles through the trees, carrying the distant sound of cars on the main road and the occasional murmur of Samantha talking to herself on the other bench.
Then, finally, Luke exhales and drops his head forward, resting his elbows on his knees. @@.luke;"Fuck,"@@ he mutters. @@.luke;"That sucked."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say, nodding.
He runs a hand through his hair, letting out a humorless chuckle. @@.luke;"I thought we had it, you know? I really did. That last play—I saw the ball, I knew I could get it, and then... It was gone. Just like that."@@
@@.player;"You were so close though, it was barely tipped."@@
Luke huffs. @@.luke;"Barely, yeah, but we still lost."@@ He looks down, picking at the tape still wrapped around his fingers. @@.luke;"I just wanted this win. For the team. For the school. For everyone who showed up to watch. I didn't want to let anyone down."@@
There it is.
You don't need to say anything to know how much that thought is eating at him. Luke's always been the kind of guy who carries everyone else—on the field, in the hallways, and in life. He makes people laugh when they need it. He hypes up his teammates, even when he's struggling himself. He's good. You know that. A genuinely good guy in a world that doesn’t have enough of them.
And right now, he feels like he failed.
Another breeze drifts through the park. Luke leans back, looking up at the sky again, his expression unreadable. @@.luke;"I know it's just one game,"@@ he says. @@.luke;"And I know we've got the rest of the season ahead of us. But still. I just hate this feeling."@@
His voice is quiet. Defeated in a way you don't usually hear from him.
You could try to reassure him and tell him he didn't let anyone down. That no one blames him. Or maybe now isn't the time for words—maybe he just needs someone to sit here with him and remind him he's not alone.
<<button "Reassure him" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 11">>\<<set $d12reassureluke to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay silent" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 11">>\<<set $d12reassureluke to false>>\<</button>>
<<set $samanthaRelo to Math.clamp($samanthaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You walk over to Samantha's bench and drop down beside her. She doesn't look at you at first, but after a few seconds, she lets out a long sigh.
@@.samantha;"$name, do you ever think about how weird benches are?"@@
You blink. @@.player;"Benches?"@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah,"@@ she gestures vaguely. @@.samantha;"Like, they're just there. Everywhere. Parks, schools, outside of grocery stores. But no one really thinks about them. They're just there. They're just... benches."@@
You snort. @@.player;"Is that really what you're thinking about right now?"@@
@@.samantha;"Why? Would you rather I give a soul-crushing monologue about the human condition and the fragility of existence?"@@
You chuckle and shake your head, then lean against the bench. A moment passes in silence, the two of you just existing in the same space. But eventually, you turn your head slightly. @@.player;"You know, I've known you for years, but sometimes I feel like I know almost nothing about you."@@
Samantha doesn't move. Doesn't flinch. But something in the air shifts, just barely.
@@.samantha;"Wow,"@@ she says, dragging out the word. @@.samantha;"That's not dramatic or anything."@@
@@.player;"I mean it."@@ You sit up a little, glancing at her. @@.player;"I know you're sarcastic. I know you like to mess with people. I know you drink too much soda and think that there's a big difference between doing things ironically and unironically. But I don't know anything real. Like where'd you grow up? Do you have any siblings? What's your favorite memory? Why do you never let anyone get too close?"@@
The last one slips out before you can stop yourself.
Samantha is quiet for a little too long. Then, finally, she snorts and leans back again, throwing her arms over the back of the bench. @@.samantha;"Look, some people are open books. Others are mystery novels with missing pages."@@
@@.player;"That's not an answer."@@
She sighs, her gaze locked on the sky. @@.samantha;"$name, let me ask you something."@@
@@.samantha;"What if you did know everything? What if you knew every little thing about me—where I grew up, what makes me tick, all the messy stuff?"@@ She tilts her head slightly, but she doesn't look at you. @@.samantha;"What if you did, and you didn't like what you found?"@@
Something about the way she says it doesn’t sit right with you.
She's not dodging the question. It's more like she's already thought about the answer and decided it's better left unsaid.
You open your mouth, about to say something, but she beats you to it. @@.samantha;"Anyway,"@@ she says, her usual teasing tone creeping back in. @@.samantha;"It's cute that you're curious, but I promise you, my backstory isn't that exciting. No secret twin, no long-lost fortune, no ancient prophecy."@@
She flashes you a grin, but it's not as sharp as usual.
<<button "Push her to open up" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 11">>\<<set $d12pushsamnantha to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Let it go for now" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 11">>\<<set $d12pushsamnantha to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12bench is true>>\
<<if $d12reassureluke is true>>\
<<set $lukeRomance to Math.clamp($lukeRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You lean forward, resting your arms on your knees, and glance at Luke. He's still staring up at the sky, lost in his own head. You're not sure if he'll even listen, but you speak anyway.
@@.player;"You didn't let anyone down, you know."@@
Luke doesn't react at first, just exhaling slowly. His fingers pull at the tape around his knuckles absentmindedly. @@.luke;"Tell that to the scoreboard."@@
@@.player;"The scoreboard doesn't tell the whole story though,"@@ you counter. @@.player;"It doesn't show how many times you fought for extra yards. How many times did you get open, and how many times did you help push the team down the field? It doesn't show how much effort you put into this."@@
Luke lets out a dry chuckle. @@.luke;"Yeah, well... effort doesn't win games either."@@
@@.player;"Maybe not, but it does matter,"@@ you say. @@.player;"And no one out there blames you for this. No one thinks you failed them."@@
He tilts his head, shooting you a skeptical look. @@.luke;"You sure about that?"@@
@@.player;"I guarantee it,"@@ you say firmly. @@.player;"Do you really think anyone in that crowd is walking home going, 'Wow, I can't believe Luke lost us that game'?"@@
Luke lets out a quiet laugh and shakes his head.
@@.player;"Exactly,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Because we all saw that you played your ass off and gave it everything. Sure, the catch didn't happen, but it was so close. That's just how football is sometimes, right?"@@
Luke rubs his hands over his face, letting out another breath. Some of the tension in his shoulders eases, even if its just a little. @@.luke;"I just wanted to give everyone something to celebrate."@@
@@.player;"Well, you did,"@@ you insist. @@.player;"People are still talking about the game. They're talking about the plays you did make, not just the one that didn't go our way. The school's still proud of the team. They're still proud of you."@@
<<if $lukeRomance > 9>>\
Luke doesn't answer right away, but you can tell he's letting your words sink in. He stares out at the empty playground, fingers drumming against his knee, the weight in his expression not completely gone but definitely lighter.
Then, instead of looking out at the night, he looks at you.
And he holds your gaze a little longer than he normally would.
It's not like before when he was just listening. His gaze lingers, searching, like he's seeing something he hadn't noticed before. The usual easy, joking Luke you've gotten so used to isn't here—there's something more raw in his eyes.
@@.luke;"You always this good at pep talks, $name?"@@ he asks.
You smirk. @@.player;"Only for those who deserve them."@@
His smile lingers and he looks down for a second before looking back up at you. There's something in his eyes you swear wasn't there before.
@@.luke;"Sometimes, I don't know what I'd do with you,"@@ he admits quietly.
It's a simple sentence, but it lands, and it lands hard. A slow warmth spreads through your chest, and for a moment, the night doesn't feel so cold.
Your shoulders brush against each other, barely noticeable, but neither of you pulls away.
Luke swallows, hesitating for a second longer, then looks at the stars once again. he doesn't say anything else, but he doesn't have to. The air between you is different now—something unspoken settling there, something neither of you are quite ready to name.
But it's there.
And that's enough.
Luke doesn't answer right away, but you can tell he's letting your words sink in. He stares out at the empty playground for a few seconds before exhaling.
@@.luke;"You always this good at pep talks, $name?"@@ he asks.
You smirk. @@.player;"Only for those who deserve them."@@
Luke snorts. @@.luke;"Hey, I guess I'll take it."@@
You nudge him lightly with your elbow. @@.player;"Good. Now stop beating yourself up over this and enjoy the night. We don't get many like this."@@
He looks at you. Really looks at you. And after a moment, he nods. @@.luke;"Yeah,"@@ he murmurs. @@.luke;"You're right."@@
The loss still stings, and it will sting for a while. You can see it in the way his jaw tightens. But the sadness isn't as heavy anymore. He'll be okay. Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.
And that's enough.
You don't say anything.
You think about saying something, but something about the way he's sitting, shoulders slumped and hands loosely clasped between his knees, tells you that words won't really help right now.
So instead, you just stay.
Luke doesn't look at you, but he doesn't move away either. He just keeps staring at the sky, his chest rising and falling in slow, measured breaths. The weight of the game is still there, hanging like a dark cloud in the air between you. But somehow, it doesn't feel as bad as it did a minute ago.
Luke exhales, running a hand over his face before letting it drop to his lap. His fingers drum idly against his knee like he's working through thoughts he can't quite put into words. But he doesn't look nearly as tense anymore.
Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, he speaks.
@@.luke;"Thanks for sitting with me."@@
It's simple, but there's something raw in his voice that tells you he needed this. Not a pep talk or forced positivity. Just someone beside him that understands.
You nod, letting your own shoulders relax. @@.player;"Anytime."@@
Neither of you move for a while. You just sit there, letting the night pass, letting the loss settle, letting it become something that won't sting so badly in the morning. And the feeling Luke has, the feeling that he let everyone down, won't go away immediately—but at least he doesn’t have to carry it alone.
<<if $d12pushsamnantha is true>>\
<<set $samanthaRomance to Math.clamp($samanthaRomance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You don't let her brush it off. Not this time.
Instead of laughing or rolling with her deflection like you usually would, you sit up and lean forward. @@.player;"Samantha."@@
She hesitates for half a second before sighing dramatically. @@.samantha;"What are you going to say, $name?"@@
@@.player;"I mean what I said. I want to know you—the real you. Not just the sarcasm and deflections. You don't have to tell me everything, but I need you to know that... whatever it is, I'm not going anywhere."@@
She exhales through her nose, staring at the ground. She's quiet for a long moment, maybe the longest she's ever been quiet around you. Her foot taps against the wood chips and her fingers drum against the back of the bench. They're tiny, restless movements like she's trying to shake something off.
@@.samantha;"It's not that simple,"@@ she mutters, barely above a whisper.
@@.player;"Why not?"@@
Samantha bites the inside of her cheek like she's debating something internally. For a second, you think she might say something real, something honest.
@@.samantha;"Because, $name,"@@ she says, forcing a smirk. @@.samantha;"I'm an enigma. A mystery. A beautiful, unknowable force of nature. If I just start revealing things, what am I even bringing to the friendship?"@@
You don't laugh. @@.player;"Samantha."@@
She shifts uncomfortably. @@.samantha;"Look, what if you knew me, and I wasn't what you thought?"@@
@@.player;"That's not going to happen."@@
@@.samantha;"You say that //now//—"@@
@@.player;"No, I mean it,"@@ you say, turning toward her fully now. Finally, finally, she meets your eyes. @@.player;"You're my best friend, Samantha. You always have been. And nothing's gonna change that. I promise."@@
Her expression falters as she searches your face, looking for some kind of life or catch. But you just hold her gaze, steady and sure.
Samantha swallows, letting out a tired laugh. @@.samantha;"Damn it, $name,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"I hate it when you do that."@@
@@.player;"Do what?"@@ you ask, blinking.
@@.samantha;"That thing where you say something and you actually mean them.'@@
Your lips twitch. @@.player;"It's called being honest. I'm a genuine person."@@
@@.samantha;"Well, it's annoying."@@ She throws her hands up in surrender before speaking. @@.samantha;"Fine. You want something real? Something deep and personal?"@@
You nod.
@@.samantha;"Okay, here it is,"@@ she says, leaning in slightly. @@.samantha;"I hate mint chocolate chip ice cream"@@
@@.player;"What?"@@ you ask, your eyebrows knitting.
@@.samantha;"It tastes like toothpaste!"@@ she shudders. @@.samantha;"Actual, literal toothpaste."@@
You stare at her, unimpressed. @@.player;"Seriously?"@@
@@.samantha;"Hey, you said you wanted to know me,"@@ she says, an actual grin lighting up her face.
You groan, rubbing your hands down your face. @@.player;"Ugh, I hate you."@@
@@.samantha;"No, you don't."@@
You know there's still so much underneath the surface, but you're glad she let you get closer tonight, even if it was just a little.
You watch Samantha for a moment, and there's something about the way she keeps her gaze fixed upward, avoiding your eyes. The smirk is still there, the teasing tone still in her voice, but now that you've noticed that wall, you can't unsee it.
She's daring you to push. Waiting for you to ask a question. Maybe even expecting you to.
But you don't.
You let out a small breath and lean back, looking up at the sky with her. @@.player;"Alright,"@@ you say, keeping your voice light. @@.player;"I'll drop it."@@
Samantha blinks. @@.samantha;"Wow. That easy, huh?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah."@@ You shrug. @@.player;"When you're ready, you'll tell me. Or you won't. Either way, I'm still here."@@
She doesn't responded right away. She just tilts her head slightly, studying you out of the corner of her eye. Her smirk is gone now, but for once, she doesn't try to cover the silence with a quip. She just sits with you, and maybe that's enough.
Samantha exhales, then swings her legs back and forth to shake off the stillness. @@.samantha;"Anyway,"@@ she says, voice back to normal. @@.samantha;"I think we can both agree that sitting on benches in empty parks at night makes us look like weirdos."@@
@@.player;"A little bit, yeah,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.samantha;"Should we start making profound statements about life?"@@ she asks. She clears her throat dramatically. @@.samantha;"Time is a river, $name. Ever flowing. Ever changing."@@
You shake your head and laugh. @@.player;"That was terrible."@@
@@.samantha;"Well, then how about you take a shot at it?"@@
You roll your eyes but play along. @@.player;"Even the smallest moments can be the ones we remember the most."@@
@@.samantha;"Alright, that was pretty good. But also, nerd alert."@@
You nudge her lightly with your elbow. @@.player;"You literally started it."@@
@@.samantha;"And yet, I will suffer no consequences."@@
She leans back, letting the conversation drift into something lighter and easier. You don't push or pry. But maybe she'll remember this and know that you're waiting for her whenever she's ready.
<<button "Finish up after a long day" "Day 12 - 3">><</button>><<if $d12sit is true>>\
<<set $auroraRelo to Math.clamp($auroraRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You scan the bleachers, searching for a good spot. The section is packed, especially toward the front, where the loudest fans have already claimed their territory. The whole place is buzzing—painted faces, homemade signs, and students hyping each other up like this is the Super Bowl.
@@.samantha;"Okay, so slight problem,"@@ Samantha mutters beside you, shielding her eyes as she looks over the crowd. @@.samantha;"All the good seats are taken."@@
You frown, searching for an opening. She's right—every front-row spot is crammed with students draped in Pacific Crest's school colors, already chanting.
Except for one spot.
Your eyes land on a nearly empty stretch of bench, right near the fifty-yard line. Prime viewing real estate. But there's a reason no one is sitting there.
She's perched near the edge of the section, her legs crossed, completely unbothered by the chaos around her. Dressed in her usual dark clothes, she looks like she wandered out of a different world and accidentally ended up at a high school football game. Her long, black-painted nails tap lazily against the aluminum bench as she watches the field with an unreadable expression.
Nobody dares sit near her.
There are rumors about Aurora. That she practices witchcraft. That she can see your future just by looking at you. That she once made a guy puke just by whispering something in her ear. Most people keep their distance, which is why the seats next to her are completely empty.
Samantha follows your gaze and lets out a low whistle. @@.samantha;"Oof. Well. There's always standing room, right?"@@
You glance back at the packed stand, where the only other option is squeezing between a group of sweaty guys yelling about how many yards Jordan can throw. You look back at the perfectly open seats next to Aurora.
@@.player;"...It's just a seat,"@@ you say, already making your way down the bleachers.
Samantha sputters. @@.samantha;"Wait, you're actually—$name!"@@ She groans but follows after you.
You reach the empty bench and hesitate for a second before sitting down. Samantha plops down beside you, her posture stiff, like she's waiting for a ghost to appear.
Aurora doesn't react at first. She simply blinks, slowly turning her head toward you. You meet her gaze, staring at her dark purple eyes.
@@.aurora;"Brave,"@@ she murmurs, tilting her head slightly.
You raise an eyebrow. @@.player;"For sitting?"@@
A slow, knowing smile spreads across her face. @@.aurora;"For sitting //here//."@@
Samantha clears her throat awkwardly. @@.samantha;"Um. We can move if—"@@
Aurora lifts a finger, silencing her with a small, amused shake of her head. @@.aurora;"There's no need, Samantha,"@@ she says. @@.aurora;"You've made your choice."@@
There's something eerie about the way she says it, but before you can figure out what she means, Samantha leans in and whispers. @@.samantha;"Okay, if I get turned into a rat or something, I just want you to know this is your fault."@@
You smirk but don't answer, eyes flicking toward Aurora again. There's something about her that makes you curious. Something you can't quite put your finger on.
For some reason though, you get the feeling that she knew you'd sit here before you even did.
<<button "Make small talk with Aurora" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 3">>\<<set $d12talkaurora to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just ignore Aurora" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 3">>\<<set $d12talkaurora to false>>\<</button>>
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You scan the packed bleachers, trying to find an open spot. The front rows are a lost cause—completely filled with screaming fans. You nod toward the higher rows. @@.player;"Let's head to the back. There's more space up there."@@
Samantha wrinkles her nose. @@.samantha;"Ugh, you mean the section where people pretend to watch the game while they're actually on their phones?"@@
@@.player;"Hey, it's either that or standing the entire time."@@
She sighs but follows as you weave your way up the steps toward the top of the bleachers. The atmosphere shifts the higher you go—less frantic energy, more casual conversation. The students up here aren't decked out in the school colors or yelling. Instead, they're relaxing, chatting, or vaguely paying attention.
And that's when you spot him.
He's sitting a few rows from the very top, his posture a little stiff, but he looks around with wide, eager eyes, taking in the entire field like he's observing an alien planet. His hoodie is slightly oversized, the sleeves bunched around his hands as he fidgets with the strap of his backpack. A small notebook is balanced on his knee and a pencil is tucked behind his ear.
The moment he spots you, his face lights up. @@.vincent;"$name!"@@ he waves enthusiastically, then gestures to the open seats beside him. @@.vincent;"Hey! Over here!"@@
Samantha raises an eyebrow. @@.samantha;"Vincent? //Vincent// is at a football game? What, did the chess club get lost on the way to a tournament?"@@
You shake your head, grinning, and make your way over. @@.player;"Hey, Vinny. Didn't expect to see you here."@@
He beams, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. @@.vincent;"I know, right? This isn't my usual scene. But I figured, you know, new school year, new experiences. Maybe if I actually understood football, I could make more friends."@@
Samantha plops down beside you, eyeing Vincent's notebook. @@.samantha;"Please don't tell me you're taking notes on the game."@@
Vincent huffs. @@.vincent;"It helps me remember things! I was watching some highlight reels earlier, and I think I have the basics down now. But there are still some things I don't get. Like—why is it called a 'safety' if it gives the //other// team points? I don't know about you, but to me, that seems incredibly misleading."@@
You can't help but laugh, finding his antics endearing. @@.player;"Yeah, football rules are kinda weird."@@
@@.vincent;"Right? And don't even get me started on the terminology,"@@ Vincent continues. @@.vincent;"I was looking up plays earlier, and apparently, there's something called a 'hook and ladder'? That's not a play, that's a firefighting apparatus!"@@
Samantha snorts, taking a sip of her soda. @@.samantha;"You know what, I'm officially glad we sat here."@@
Vincent grins. @@.vincent;"See? My plan is already working. I'm learning and I'm making friends!"@@
As the game gets ready to start, the three of you settle into your seats. Vincent flips open his notebook, pencil at the ready. @@.vincent;"Alright, $name, be my guide. Teach me the ways of football."@@
Samantha leans back, an amused smirk on her face. @@.samantha;"Oh, this is gonna be good."@@
<<button "Give half-serious, half-joking answers" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 3">>\<<set $d12trollvincent to true>>\<</button>>
<<if $athleticism < 60>>\
<<button "Ask Samantha to explain the rules" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 3">>\<<set $d12trollvincent to false>>\<</button>>
<<button "Patiently explain the rules" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 3">>\<<set $d12trollvincent to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12sit is true>>\
<<if $d12talkaurora is true>>\
You shift slightly in your seat, sneaking another glance at Aurora. She's watching the field, but there's something off about the way she does it—like she's studying it instead of just watching. Her dark eyes flick across the field, taking in every detail, but there's no emotion on her face. No excitement. No tension. Just observation.
You clear your throat. @@.player;"Didn't think you were the football type."@@
Aurora doesn't turn her head, but her lips curl into the faintest smirk. @@.aurora;"I'm not."@@
You wait a few beats for her to elaborate, but she doesn't.
@@.player;"So, you just love sitting in cold metal bleachers for fun?"@@ you try again, hoping to get more than just a cryptic response.
At that, she does turn to look at you. Her gaze is calm but heavy, like she's seeing past you, not just at you. @@.aurora;"There are worse places to be."@@
You frown. @@.player;"That doesn't really answer my question, does it?"@@
Aurora tilts her head slightly, her smirk deepening. It's almost as if she's enjoying this. @@.aurora;"Maybe your question wasn't the right one."@@
You blink. @@.player;"Okay, what would be the right question?"@@
She considers your words, tapping her black-painted nails against the bench. @@.aurora;"Maybe something like... 'Why am I really here?'"@@
You hesitate. Something about the way she says those words sends a chill down your spine. @@.player;"Alright. Why are you really here?"@@
Aurora exhales slowly, turning her gaze back to the field. @@.aurora;"Because this place is interesting."@@
@@.player;"Interesting how?"@@
She doesn't answer right away. Then, she softly murmurs, @@.aurora;"Something isn't quite right at Pacific Crest."@@
Your stomach tightens. @@.player;"What does that mean?"@@
She finally looks back at you again, but her gaze is much sharper. Then she smiles—not a warm smile, but something knowing, something almost amused.
@@.aurora;"I think you already know, $name."@@
The way she says your name sends a shiver down your spine. When you glance back at her though, Aurora is already watching the field again, like the conversation never happened.
Samantha shifts beside you, arms crossed tightly over her chest. @@.samantha;"Okay,"@@ she mutters under her breath. @@.samantha;"I have one question."@@
You glance at her. @@.player;"Yeah?"@@
She turns her head slowly, eyes narrowed. @@.samantha;"Why in the hell did we sit here?"@@
@@.player;"Because the rest of the front was full?"@@
Samantha gestures—not subtly—toward Aurora, who sits beside you. She's completely unbothered by the noise of the game, sitting as still as a statue. @@.samantha;"Yes, but we could've sat anywhere else. Anywhere would've been better than the one open spot next to the omen of doom over there."@@
Aurora doesn't react. She just watches the game, fingers tapping idly against the metal bench.
Samantha leans in. @@.samantha;"Seriously, $name,"@@ she whispers. @@.samantha;"Do you //want// to get hexed?"@@
You roll your eyes. @@.player;"She's not gonna hex us."@@
@@.samantha;"Uh-huh,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Tell that to Jeremy. He sat next to her last year, and you know what happened? He broke his legs two days later. Coincidence? I think not."@@
@@.player;"Well, I think he just tripped over his own feet."@@
Samantha scoffs. @@.samantha;"Maybe that's what she wants you to think."@@
You sigh, turning back to the game, trying to ignore her dramatics. But out of the corner of your eye, you catch Aurora's lips curve into the faintest smirk.
She definitely heard everything.
And she's definitely enjoying it.
<<if $d12trollvincent is true>>\
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo - 10, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at Vincent, who's staring at the field with an intense focus, his pencil hovering over his notebook. You exchange a quick look with Samantha, and without a word, you both silently agree that this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.
@@.player;"Alright, look here, Vincent,"@@ you say, keeping your tone serious. @@.player;"The first thing you need to know is that football is //way// more complicated than it seems. And it seems complicated enough. It's not just about scoring points—it's about outsmarting the enemy."@@
Vincent nods eagerly, scribbling in his notebook. @@.vincent;"Right. Outsmarting. Got it."@@
@@.player;"You already know about touchdowns, but what you don't know is that teams actually get bonus points for the best touchdown celebration."@@
Vincent pauses. @@.vincent;"Wait, what?"@@
You nod solemnly. @@.player;"Yeah, that's why players do all those dance moves after they score. The flashier the celebration, the more points they get. But there are rules—if two players sync their dances, that's an automatic extra point. And if the whole team joins in? Hell, that's a secret double-touchdown bonus."@@
Vincent's eyes widen as he furiously writes down the information you're feeding him. @@.vincent;"So—that means if someone scores, and then everyone starts dancing, they can, theoretically speaking, double their score."@@
@@.player;"Exactly, you got it,"@@ you say, keeping a straight face. @@.player;"It's called the 'Rhythm Rule.'"@@
Samantha snorts into her drink but covers it up with a cough.
@@.vincent;"That makes a lot of sense,"@@ Vincent mumbles, nodding as he jots it down. @@.vincent;"What else?"@@
You tap your chin, pretending to think deeply. @@.player;"Alright, here's an important one. You know how there's offense and defense? Well, there's actually a secret third unit."@@
Vincent blinks. @@.vincent;"...Secret unit?"@@
You nod. @@.player;"Yeah. It's called the Stealth Team. They wear identical uniforms to blend in, but their actual job is to mess with the other team. They untie shoelaces, whisper fake play calls, and hide the football in their jerseys."@@
@@.vincent;"Come on, that can't be real,"@@ Vincent says, skepticism lacing his voice.
You sigh and shake your head. @@.player;"That's what they //want// you to think, Vinny. If they were obvious, it wouldn't be a stealth team, would it?"@@
Samantha is shaking with silent laughter.
@@.player;"There's one last thing,"@@ you say, deciding to go all in. @@.player;"See that referee down there? He's not actually officiating. He's a decoy ref, planted by the NFL to secretly scout for high school players with elite potential. If a player impresses him, they automatically get a draft offer."@@
Vincent gasps. @@.vincent;"WHAT?"@@
@@.player;"Yep, but they don't announce it right away. The chosen players just finds a golden ticket in their locker after the game. Kind of like //Charlie and the Chocolate Factory//."@@
@@.vincent;"That's insane,"@@ Vincent stares at the field, looking genuinely stunned. @@.vincent;"I didn't know high school football was this deep."@@
You and Samantha are barely holding it together, and Vincent's eyes dart from his notebook to the football players.
@@.vincent;"Wait,"@@ he mutters, flipping through his notes. Panic starts creeping into his expression. @@.vincent;"They're not... they're not warming up with dances... And—where's the Stealth Team? Shouldn't they be blending in by now?"@@
Samantha can't hold it in anymore. She bursts out laughing, nearly dropping her soda.
Vincent slowly turns to you, realization dawning. @@.vincent;"You lied to me."@@
You crack a grin. @@.player;"I may have exaggerated just a little."@@
Vincent's jaw drops. He looks down at his notebook, where he has ''Rhythm Rule'', ''Stealth Team'', and ''Golden Ticket Referee'' written in meticulous cursive. His shoulders slump and when he finally looks up at you, his expression isn't playful or annoyed. It's just... hurt.
@@.vincent;"You //lied// to me,"@@ he repeats, quieter this time. His voice is just soft. Disappointed.
The laughter that had been bubbling in your chest dies instantly. Samantha, who had been wiping away a tear of amusement, notices the shift too. She glances between you and Vincent, her smirk fading.
Vincent looks down at his notebook. @@.vincent;"I really thought I was learning something,"@@ he murmurs. @@.vincent;"I thought... I don't know. Maybe if I actually understood the game, people wouldn't just see me as the nerd who's always out of place."@@
A hollow feeling settles in your stomach.
@@.vincent;"I thought if I tried hard enough, I could actually fit in for once,"@@ Vincent continues. @@.vincent;"I trusted you to help me, $name."@@
You open your mouth, but no words come out. The worst part is that he's not yelling. He's not calling you out or making a big deal out of it. He just sounds exhausted. Like this isn't the first time someone's treated him like a joke.
The background noise of the game, the cheering, the announcer's voice—it all fades for a second. All you can focus on is Vincent, sitting there with his notebook full of fake rules, realizing that he'd just been made a fool of.
@@.vincent;"I guess I should've known,"@@ he says, voice barely above a whisper. @@.vincent;"It was kind of stupid to think I could be a part of this, wasn't it?"@@
He starts flipping to a blank page as if erasing everything will make it hurt less.
And suddenly, you feel awful for making Vincent feel like an outsider all over again.
<<if $athleticism < 60>>\
You hesitate, realizing that you don't actually know much about football yourself. You kind of get the general idea—score points, run fast, don't get tackled—but the finer details elude you.
Vincent watches you expectantly, his pencil poised over his notebook like he's ready to absorb your knowledge.
@@.player;"So... uh..."@@ You rub the back of your neck, glancing at the field as if answers might magically appear. @@.player;"Basically, they try to get the ball to the other side, and, um... there's a lot of running?"@@
Vincent blinks. @@.vincent;"Okay. And...?"@@
Samantha snorts beside you. @@.samantha;"Oh my //God//, $name, that was pathetic."@@
You sigh. @@.player;"Yeah, sorry, I got nothing."@@
Samantha cracks her knuckles. @@.samantha;"Alright, step aside, amateur. I will be your football guru tonight."@@
Vincent perks up immediately. @@.vincent;"Yes! Teach me, Sensei."@@
Samantha launches into an explanation—far more detailed, animated, and occasionally laced with sarcasm. She gestures wildly as she talks, using her massive pretzel as a stand-in for the ball at one point, and even reenacts a quarterback pass (which nearly knocks over Vincent's notebook).
Vincent hangs onto every word, occasionally gasping in awe. @@.vincent;"Wait, that's what a down is? That actually makes so much sense."@@
@@.samantha;"It's all just controlled chaos,"@@ Samantha says, clearly pleased with herself.
Vincent looks at her like she just told him the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. @@.vincent;"Samantha, you are a //treasure// to this world."@@
She winks. @@.samantha;"I know."@@
You shake your head, amused. You may not have been able to help, but watching Samantha dramatically educate Vincent on football was amazing to see.
<<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You take a deep breath and start explaining the basics of football to Vincent—positions, downs, scoring, all the stuff that makes the game make sense. He listens with all the intensity of someone studying for a final exam, nodding along, his pencil furiously scratching across his notebook.
Every so often, he murmurs little responses like, @@.vincent;"Ohh, okay, so //that's// how they do that,"@@ or @@.vincent;"Wait, that actually makes so much sense now!"@@ His eyes light up with every new piece of information, and he looks genuinely thrilled to finally be understanding the sport.
At one point, he pauses, staring down at his notes with a soft gasp. @@.vincent;"$name,"@@ he says, voice filled with wonder, @@.vincent;"I think... I think I //get// it."@@
You chuckle. @@.player;"Yeah?"@@
He nods excitedly. @@.vincent;"It's like... a strategy game, but with a ball! And tackling!"@@ He looks at the field, his gaze full of new appreciation. @@.vincent;"This is so much cooler now that I understand what's happening."@@
Samantha watches him, shaking her head with a smirk. @@.samantha;"I swear, you're like a little scientist who just discovered fire."@@
Vincent is unable to hide his grin as he adjusts his glasses. @@.vincent;"Football is way more interesting than I thought it'd be. Thanks, $name. You're, like, the best teacher ever."@@
His enthusiasm is so genuine, so utterly //Vincent//, that you can't help but smile.
<<button "Watch the cheerleaders" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 4">><</button>><<if $d11practiceAttend is true>>\
As the football players finish their warm-ups and retreat to the sidelines, the stadium lights beam down on the field, illuminating the cheer squad as they step into position at the center. The crowd hums with anticipation, students leaning forward in their seats, waiting for the pre-game show to begin.
You watch from the bleachers and even from your seat, you can tell Jessica is all business. The rest of the squad mirrors her energy, feeding off her determination. You recognize parts of the routine, the same ones you had given advice on after school. You're not an expert, not even close, but you'd helped them adjust some transitions, given suggestions on where they could hit cleaner angles, and pointed out a few awkward moments that even you could tell weren't working.
Now, as they move into their first sequence, you can see the effect of those adjustments. The timing is sharper and the formations are cleaner. When they hit their first major stunt, the crowd lets out a collective cheer. The flyer lands perfectly, the bases catching her with solid grips before she bounces back into formation.
Jessica claps her hands together in rhythm, leading the team into the next section. The movements are crisp and the choreography flows well. You catch a few moments where the spacing is slightly off, but to most of the audience, it probably looks seamless.
But you know Jessica. And you can tell by the way her jaw tightens for just a moment that she notices every tiny mistake.
The cheerleaders transition into the final sequence, a mix of tumbling and jumps designed to get the crowd hyped. A few of them land their tumbling passes perfectly, but one girl stumbles slightly.
Jessica doesn't falter—her smile stays fixed and her energy stays unwavering—but you see it. The way she pushes harder, the way her movements become even sharper. It's as if she's trying to will the team to perfection through the sheer force of her determination.
They finish strong, hitting their final pose with precision as the crowd erupts in cheers. From the outside, it looks like a success. The students around you are clapping, but when you glance back at Jessica, you can see the frustration simmering beneath the surface.
The stadium is buzzing with excitement as the pre-game show kicks off. The announcer's voice cackles over the speakers, hyping up the crowd as the cheer squad rushes onto the field, their pom-poms shaking in unison. But even from the stands, something feels... off.
Jessica leads the squad, her usual confidence still there, but it's dimmer, strained. You can see it in the way she moves—her smile a little too tight, her motions just a little too rushed. It's as if she's desperately trying to keep everything together.
The routine starts, and almost immediately, things go wrong.
Their timing is off. The formations don't line up properly, with some girls stepping too soon and others scrambling to catch up. A few of the jumps look messy, landing with stumbles. It's not //terrible//, but it's far from the polished performance the crowd expected from Jessica.
Then comes the stunts.
Jessica positions herself at the front of a formation, setting up a pyramid. But as the flyers go up, one of them wobbles—a misstep in the base's grip. There's a sharp intake of breath from just about everyone, and while the girl doesn't fall completely, her landing is sloppy.
Jessica's jaw tightens. She claps her hands, trying to rally the team back into rhythm, but you can tell she's struggling to hold it all together. She throws herself into the final moves, trying to make up for the earlier mistakes, but her usual spark just isn't quite there.
By the time the routine ends, there's an awkward pause before the crowd starts clapping. It's polite, almost out of pity. Certainly not the roaring applause the cheerleaders are probably used to.
Jessica turns back to her squad, clapping and offering forced smiles, but the effort is paper-thin. Up close, the stadium lights catch the tension in her face—the way her jaw tightens, the way her eyes dart from one teammate to the next, searching for reassurance and finding none.
No one is meeting her gaze. The other girls look exhausted, disappointed, and frustrated. A few of them mutter to each other as they pick up their pom-poms, their expressions unreadable but unmistakeably distant. One girl sighs heavily, rubbing her forehead. Another shrugs, shaking her head before jogging off the field without a word.
Jessica's hands tremble just slightly as she lowers them to her sides. Her breathing is shallow, and even from where you are, you can see the way her chest rises and falls too quickly—like someone barely holding it together.
The polite applause from the crowd has already died down. People are talking, distracted, already moving on like the performance was nothing more than a forgettable pre-show warm-up.
Her eyes flick toward where the students are sitting. Some people are whispering. A few look unimpressed. Some of the football players aren't even trying to be subtle. They're chuckling about something, and one of them even mimics a wobbly stunt with his hand before laughing.
No one cares that she just poured everything she had into that routine, that she tried to ''fucking'' hard to make it work.
Jessica swallows, blinking rapidly as she brushes a stray hair from her face. But the movement is too quick, too stiff—like she's trying to distract herself.
She turns toward the sideline, biting her lip so hard it turns white. And then, just for a second—so quick you almost miss it— her expression cracks.
Her shoulders hunch ever so slightly. Her fingers curl into the fabric of her skirt as she grips it tight. Her lower lip quivers before she presses her mouth into a thin line, forcing herself to swallow whatever's threatening to escape.
She's this close to crying in front of the entire school.
But she doesn't.
Instead, she straightens, rolls her shoulders back, and wipes at her face under the guise of adjusting her ponytail. Then, she turns sharply and jogs off the field. Her movements are stiff, it's as if she knows that she might break down completely if she lets herself slow down.
And just like that, she's gone, swallowed up by the crowd of cheerleaders moving toward the sidelines.
<<button "Watch the game" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 5">><</button>><<if $d12sit is true>>\
The stadium is ''alive''.
The crowd roars as the game kicks off, a wave of excitement surging through the stands. People are on their feet, screaming, waving signs, and throwing their hands up. The school band blasts a triumphant tune as the players explode into action.
You're right in the middle of it, sitting in the front row. Right next to the Aurora Rowan.
And she hasn't moved an inch.
While the rest of the students are shouting and reacting, Aurora just watches, her gaze locked onto the field like she's studying something the rest of you can't see. Her posture is eerily still and you're not even sure if she's blinking.
Samantha, on the other hand, is not relaxed.
@@.samantha;"$name,"@@ she hisses. @@.samantha;"I don't like this."@@
@@.player;"You don't like football?"@@ you ask, knowing that's not what she means.
@@.samantha;"I don't like sitting next to her."@@ She cuts her eyes toward Aurora, who doesn't acknowledge either of you. @@.samantha;"She's just... sitting there! Not cheering, not reacting, just staring."@@
You shrug. @@.player;"Maybe she just likes watching the game, Samantha."@@
Samantha scoffs. @@.samantha;"She's not watching the game. She's analyzing it like it's some kind of ancient prophecy."@@
You glance at Aurora again. She's still perfectly composed, her eyes flicking over the field as she tracks every movement. She doesn't flinch when players slam into each other or react when the crowd explodes. It's like she already knows what's going to happen before it does.
Samantha leans in close. @@.samantha;"You owe me for this,"@@ she mutters. @@.samantha;"Just so you know, if anything happens to me, I'm haunting your fucking house."@@
Aurora finally moves. She tilts her head in Samantha's direction, lips curving into the faintest of smirks.
She definitely heard that.
Samantha immediately stiffens. @@.samantha;"Come on,"@@ she mutters.
You fight back a choice, turning back to the game as the next play begins. You don't know how the night's going to go, but one thing is for sure—sitting here was not the boring choice.
The game kicks off with a roar from the crowd, but up in the back rows of the bleachers, the energy is a little different. In stark contrast to the front-row students chanting and waving signs, the back section is more relaxed—people chatting, scrolling, or half-watching while munching on snacks.
Vincent, however, is fully locked in.
He leans forward in his seat, his eyes flicking between the field and his notebook, where he's already scribbling down observations. @@.vincent;"Okay, I //think// I understand formations,"@@ he mutters. @@.vincent;"I am so ready for this."@@
You smirk. @@.player;"You say that like you're about to step onto the field."@@
@@.vincent;"I am stepping onto the field—intellectually."@@ He taps his temple. @@.vincent;"I have trained. I have studied. And now, I will witness the great and noble sport of football... in action."@@
Samantha, sprawled out on the bleachers, snorts. @@.samantha;"You're such a dork, Vincent."@@
@@.vincent;"Thank you."@@
The game starts, and for a few minutes, Vincent is completely absorbed, eyes darting between players. He hums under his breath, nodding ot himself every so often.
@@.vincent;"Oh my God,"@@ Vincent suddenly blurts out, sitting up straight. @@.vincent;"They're chasing him!"@@
You blink.
@@.player;"Yeah, that's kind of the point of this sport."@@
@@.vincent;"No, but look! The guy with the ball—he's fleeing for his life!"@@ Vincent grips your arm, eyes wide. @@.vincent;"It's like... the Battle of Agincourt! The English longbowmen break the French charge, and now he's the lone knight retreating, trying to reach his own lines before the enemy cuts him down!"@@
Samantha raise an eyebrow. @@.samantha;"Vincent. That's just a breakaway run."@@
@@.vincent;"A breakaway run of destiny,"@@ he corrects.
You shake your head. @@.player;"Vincent, I like this too, but you make this sound way more dramatic than it is."@@
@@.vincent;"Because it is dramatic!"@@ he says, gesturing wildly to the field. @@.vincent;"These warriors are putting their bodies, and brains, on the line for honor, victory, and school spirit!"@@
Samantha leans toward you, whispering. @@.samantha;"He's seriously a few minutes away from starting a soliloquy."@@
You snicker.
The game continues, and Vincent's reactions only get better. He cheers at random moments, completely ignoring whether the rest of the crowd is reacting. At one point, when a player from the opposing team fumbles, Vincent gasps so loudly that people stare.
@@.vincent;"This is great,"@@ he whispers. @@.vincent;"The unpredictability. The stakes. The raw, primal energy of the crowd—"@@
@@.samantha;"Dude,"@@ Samantha interrupts. @@.samantha;"You have no idea what's going on, do you?"@@
Vincent's expression goes blank for a second before he coughs awkwardly. @@.vincent;"Not a clue."@@
You burst out laughing, and even Samantha grins.
@@.vincent;"Okay, but I //am// getting some of it!"@@ Vincent insists, jabbing his pencil at his notebook. @@.vincent;"For example, I understand what a down is now. And the quarterback is basically the field general, don't you think? Strategizing, adjusting formations, reading the defense—kind of like Napoleon at Austerlitz, except with less cavalry."@@
By halftime, he slams the notebook shut and lets out a satisfied sigh. @@.vincent;"Alright. I'm officially a football guy now."@@
Samantha raises an eyebrow. @@.samantha;"You literally just said you had no idea what was happening."@@
@@.vincent;"That doesn't matter."@@ He waves a hand dismissively. @@.vincent;"It's about the spirit."@@
You shake your head and laugh, but honestly? Sitting back here with Vincent and Samantha, the game playing out below—it's the most fun you've had at a football game in a long time.
<<button "The game winds down" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 6">><</button>><<if $d12sit is true>>\
The scoreboard flashes ''Pacific Crest 27, Riverview 30''—just three points down. the Panthers have one last show. You're all buzzing with anticipation, every single person either on their feet or gripping their seat like their life depends on it.
Samantha is leaning forward, elbows on her knees. @@.samantha;"This is it,"@@ she mutters. @@.samantha;"The final play. Everything is on the line."@@
In stark contrast to her, Aurora is completely still. Her hands are folded neatly in her lap and she's watching with her usual unreadable expression. She hasn't cheered once this entire game—not at a touchdown, not at a big hit, not at anything. It's like she's studying something deeper.
Right now, though, you don't have time to dwell on it. The final play is happening.
Luke, sprinting down the sideline, shakes his defender and gets open. The quarterback, Jordan, sees him. The ball is launched into the air, spiraling perfectly against the bright stadium lights. The entire crowd holds its breath.
You hear Samantha whisper. @@.samantha;"Come on, come on, come on—"@@
The ball drops.
Luke stretches out his hands—
And a Riverview defender leaps, knocking it away at the last second.
The collective gasp from the crowd is deafening.
The clock hits zero.
Game over.
For a second, there's silence. Then, the Riverview players all erupt onto the field to celebrate. Pacific Crest's sideline stays still—some players have their hands on their helmets while some just stare at the scoreboard with a blank expression.
Samantha lets out a strangled noise of frustration. @@.samantha;"Are you kidding me?!"@@ She slumps back against the bleachers, covering her face with both hands. @@.samantha;"Damn it, that was right there! I can't believe we lost like that."@@
You exhale and run a hand through your hair. It hurts—being so close, only for it to slip away at the last second.
Aurora, as par for the course, doesn't react like a normal person. She simply hums, tilting her head slightly.
Samantha sits up sharply and points at her. @@.samantha;"Okay, don't you dare sit there and hum like you knew that was going to happen."@@
Aurora's lips curve slightly. @@.aurora;"The outcome was inevitable."@@
Samantha throws her hands in the air. @@.samantha;"Oh, that's comforting, thanks."@@
Samantha groans and pulls you up by the arm. @@.samantha;"Come on. We should at least go find Luke and tell him he doesn't totally suck."@@
You nod, but as you walk away, you steal one last glance at Aurora.
She doesn't move.
She just watches.
The fourth quarter winds down, and the tension in the stadium has reached it's peak. The scoreboard flashes its cruel numbers under the stadium lights: ''Pacific Crest 27, Riverview 30''—just three points down. There's barely any time left, but the Panthers have the ball, and the entire crowd is on edge.
Vincent is gripping his notebook so tightly it's starting to crumple. @@.vincent;"This is it,"@@ he mutters. @@.vincent;"The final charge. The Battle of Hastings. The Alamo. The—"@@
@@.samantha;"Vincent,"@@ Samantha interrupts. @@.samantha;"Not now."@@
The ball snaps. Jordan, the quarterback, drops back, scanning the field. Luke, sprinting down the sideline, burns past his defender. He's open.
The ball launches into the air, spiraling against the night sky. The entire stadium seems to hold its breath.
Vincent actually grabs your arm. @@.vincent;"If he catches this, we can win!"@@
The ball comes down, Luke stretches out his hands, but at the last second, a Riverview defender knocks it away.
The collective gasp from the crowd is deafening.
Vincent practically collapses, wailing and clutching his head like he just watched the Library of Alexandria burn down.
Samantha curses under her breath. @@.samantha;"God damn it."@@
The clock hits zero. It's over.
Riverview players storm the field, celebrating their win. On the other side, the Pacific Crest team stands still, staring at the scoreboard like they can't believe it's real.
Luke rips off his helmet, shaking his head. Even from the back, you can see how frustrated he is.
Vincent lets out an exhausted sigh. @@.vincent;'That was tragic."@@
Samantha groans and leans back against the bleachers. @@.samantha;"I seriously cannot believe we lost like that."@@
@@.vincent;"Honestly, I think that was worse than if we had just gotten crushed,"@@ Vincent says, still in shock.
You nod slowly. Losing this close—right at the finish lines—somehow stings far more than if it had never been in reach at all.
The stadium noise starts to fade as the students begin shuffling out, their excitement drained. Some people stay back to talk, but most head toward the parking lot. The entire school looks deflated.
The game didn't go how you wanted it to. Not at all.
<<button "Go find Luke" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 7">><</button>>The energy in the stadium has completely shifted. There's just a dull murmur of voices as people start filing out, none of the deafening cheers and pounding drums there were moments earlier. The opposing team is still celebrating, their players hugging, jumping, and throwing their helmets in the air. Meanwhile, the Pacific Crest Panthers walk off in silence, their exhaustion and disappointment weighing down every step.
You and Samantha make your way down toward the locker rooms, weaving through the dispersing crowd. The buzz of post-game chatter surrounds you but for you and Samantha, there's only one thing that matters.
Samantha lets out a heavy sigh, stuffing her hands into her hoodie pocket. @@.samantha;"Ugh, I hate this part. The whole awkward conversation where we have to reassure the guy."@@
You glance at her. @@.player;"We don't have to talk to him if you don't want to."@@
She snorts. @@.samantha;"Yeah, like we're going to let him mope alone. Come on, $name. You know Luke would do the same for us."@@
You can't argue with her sound logic.
By the time you reach the locker room entrance, the players have already gone inside, venting their frustration to each other.
Luke is leaning against the wall just outside the entrance, still in his uniform, his helmet resting on the floor. He hasn't even taken his gloves off yet. He stares at the ground, jaw clenched, expression hard to read.
Samantha steps forward first. @@.samantha;"Alright, before you say anything, I want you to know that that was not your fault."@@
Luke lets out a humorless chuckle, finally looking up. @@.luke;"I didn't say it was."@@
@@.samantha;"Luke, I know you're thinking it,"@@ she says, crossing her arms. @@.samantha;"And I'm shutting it down."@@
Luke exhales sharply. @@.luke;"I should've made that. We should've won."@@
@@.player;"You almost did,"@@ you correct.
Luke presses his lips into a thin line. @@.luke;"Almost doesn't win games."@@
Samantha groans. @@.samantha;"Luke, shut up. Do you want me to start listing all the insane catches you did make tonight? Because I will. Each and every one. Do keep in mind I will be obnoxious about it."@@
Luke snorts, shaking his head. @@.luke;"Please don't."@@
@@.samantha;"Oh, thank God, you're still capable of human emotions."@@
That finally gets a real laugh out of him, even if it's small. Luke sighs, finally pulling off his gloves. @@.luke;"Thanks, guys. Really."@@
You nod. @@.player;"That's what we're here for."@@
Luke leans back against the wall, tilting his head up toward the stadium lights still shining overhead. @@.luke;"Fuck, I just wanted to //win// this one,"@@ he mutters. @@.luke;"First game of the season, home crowd, everyone watching... it sucks to come up short."@@
You and Samantha exchange a glance, both knowing this loss stings a hell of a lot more than he's letting on.
@@.samantha;"Yeah, it sucks,"@@ Samantha admits. @@.samantha;"But it's one game. Not to mention you did your best. The season's not over."@@
Luke nods slowly, letting the words sink in.
Samantha nudges Luke's arm. @@.samantha;"So, are you gonna sit here brooding all night, or are we gonna do something stupid to get our minds off this?"@@
Luke raises an eyebrow. @@.luke;"Define 'stupid.'"@@
Samantha grins. @@.samantha;"Hmm, I don't know. Something fun. Something reckless."@@
@@.player;"I feel like your definition of reckless is very different from mine,"@@ you say, sighing.
Samantha completely ignores you, snapping her fingers suddenly. @@.samantha;"I've got it,"@@ she says, spinning to face both of you. @@.samantha;"You know the Sycamore Park? You know how they have a giant jungle gym?"@@
Luke squints at her. @@.luke;"What's your point, Samantha?"@@
She throws up her hands. @@.samantha;"We climb it."@@
You stare at her. @@.player;"That's your idea of reckless?"@@
@@.samantha;"$name, $name, $name. We are technically too old to be climbing playground equipment. Which makes it forbidden. Pretty reckless if you ask me."@@
@@.player;"This conversation is stupid, and we have a lot of stupid conversations."@@
Luke shrugs, smirking now. @@.luke;"I don't know, man. Climbing sounds kinda fun."@@
You blink. @@.player;"You're agreeing to this?"@@
@@.luke;"I need to move and sitting here thinking about the game isn't going to help at all."@@ He looks at Samantha. @@.luke;"Race you there?"@@
Samantha's eyes light up. @@.samantha;"Oh, fuck yes."@@
And just like that, they take off, sprinting like two kids on a sugar rush.
You groan and begin reluctantly jogging after them. @@.player;"Why do I know one of us is gonna break something."@@
Samantha cackles over her shoulder. @@.samantha;"That's what makes it fun!"@@
You can't help but laugh as the three of you run, the loss already starting to feel a little less heavy.
<<button "Run!" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 8">><</button>>The playground looks smaller than you remember.
It's funny—when you were kids, this place felt huge. The jungle gym was a towering fortress, the swings sent you flying higher than you ever thought possible, and the metal slide felt like it went on forever. Now, under the flow of the streetlights, it's just an empty playground in a quiet park. The wood chips are scattered unevenly and the paint on the monkey bars is slightly faded.
But none of that really matters.
Not to you.
Not to Luke.
Not to Samantha.
Luke and Samantha don't slow down as they reach the jungle gym. Samantha jumps onto the first platform without hesitation, gripping the bars like she's a kid again. @@.samantha;"Alright, losers,"@@ she calls over her shoulder. @@.samantha;"First one to the top wins. Last one there is a rotten egg."@@
Luke doesn't hesitate before climbing up after her. @@.luke;"You didn't say go."@@
@@.samantha;"When did I say I play fair?"@@ Samantha replies, already scrambling up another level.
You shake your head, but a grin tugs at your lips as you follow. The bars are cool under your hands and the structure creaks slightly under your weight, but there's something oddly familiar about the movement. Something that feels easy.
Luke is already near the top, moving with the kind of effortless coordination you'd expect from an athlete. On the other hand, Samantha is struggling to pull herself onto the highest platform, legs kicking as she struggles to get enough momentum to swing herself up.
Luke watches her for a second before leaning over and extending a hand. @@.luke;"Need some help?"@@
@@.samantha;"I got it, don't worry,"@@ Samantha insists, twisting awkwardly as she tries to hoist herself up. She finally manages to flop onto the top platform, landing flat on her back. She stares up at the sky, panting. @@.samantha;"I totally meant to do that."@@
You make it up last, pulling yourself onto the top level and settling into a sitting position, legs dangling over the edge. Luke stretches his arms over his head, looking out at the empty park. @@.luke;"Man. When's the last time we even came here?"@@
Samantha sits up. @@.samantha;"Middle school?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, middle school,"@@ you repeat. @@.player;"Back when we thought staying out past sunset made us cool."@@
Luke laughs. @@.luke;"Hey, that did make us cool."@@
Samantha nudges him. @@.samantha;"Yeah, until we got yelled at for it."@@
There's a comfortable pause.
The kind that settles deep in your bones, stretching across the years like a bridge back to simpler times. The three of you sit there, side by side, looking out over the quiet streets. The distant hum of cars, the occasional flicker of a porch light, the warm glow of the streetlamps—it's all so familiar, yet just far enough to feel like another lifetime.
A cold breeze drifts through the playground, rustling the trees and stirring up the scene of wood chips. You breathe it in, and for a second, it feels like nothing's really changed at all. Like you're all kids again, back when nights like this stretched on forever, back when time didn't feel like it was slipping through your fingers.
Luke resists his arms on his knees, starting out at the park with a small, wistful smile. @@.luke;"Remember when we used to play freeze tag here?"@@
Samantha snorts. @@.samantha;"No wonder that's the game you remember, you //always// won."@@
Luke shrugs. @@.luke;"I was fast."@@
@@.player;"You weren't just fast, you were insanely fast,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I remember you sprinting across the entire playground in, like, two seconds."@@
Samantha points at him. @@.samantha;"You do realize it was a playground game, right? Not the Olympics."@@
Luke chuckles. @@.luke;"You're just mad I never let you win."@@
Samantha scoffs. @@.samantha;"One of these days, I'm tripping you."@@
You all go quiet again, listening to the wind and the distant sounds of the world. You remember how this place used to be ''everything''—how a jungle gym could be a castle, how the swings could make you feel like you were flying, how the sandbox was a battleground for the most intense imaginary wars. You remember staying out until the streetlights flickered on, pretending not to hear your parents calling you home just so you could have one more second of freedom.
Samantha sighs, stretching out and staring up at the night sky. @@.samantha;"Man. Why did growing up ruin this?"@@
@@.luke;"What do you mean?"@@ Luke asks, leaning back on his hands.
@@.samantha;"This,"@@ Samantha says, gesturing vaguely at the playground. @@.samantha;"Just... being here. It used to be the best thing in the world. We'd come here after school, after practice, after whatever, and just run around like idiots for hours. Now we don't really get that before we start thinking about all the stuff we have to do."@@
You let her words settle and realize she's right. There was a time when everything you have to deal with now didn't matter. When nights like this were endless and when the biggest problem in the world was deciding who got to seek in hide-and-seek.
Luke exhales, staring up at the stars. @@.luke;"Hell, maybe we just forgot how to enjoy it."@@
Samantha hums thoughtfully. @@.samantha;"Yeah, maybe."@@
You close your eyes and let yourself feel it—the wind on your face, the scent of the night air, and the metal bars cool against your skin. You let yourself believe, just for a moment, that you're still ten years old, that tomorrow isn't waiting with responsibilities and expectations. That the only thing that matters is this—the three of you, together, on an old jungle gym under the stars.
You open your eyes.
The world hasn't changed. But somehow, you feel just a little bit lighter.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 9">><</button>>Eventually, the silence is broken by the creak of shifting metal as Luke lets out a deep breath. @@.luke;"Alright,"@@ he says. @@.luke;"As fun as it was to reflect on our childhoods, I think my legs are starting to go numb."@@
@@.samantha;"Ugh,"@@ Samantha groans dramatically. @@.samantha;"Moving? Sounds fake."@@
Luke smirks. @@.luke;"You can stay up here if you want. But if you get stuck, I'm not going to help you down."@@
@@.samantha;"Coward,"@@ Samantha says, clicking her tongue.
Still, she's the first to move, swinging her legs over the edge and carefully maneuvering her way down the jungle gym's bars. Luke follows soon after, his descent effortless.
You take a second longer before climbing down, letting your fingers trail along the cool metal, committing the feeling to memory. It's stupid, sure, but a part of you wants to hang onto this moment just a little longer.
By the time you reach the ground, Luke has already dropped onto one of the wooden benches near the swings, stretching his legs out in front of him with a sigh. Samantha flops onto a different bench a few feet away, dramatically sprawling out with her arms thrown over her head.
@@.samantha;"I'm going to live on this playground now,"@@ she announces. @@.samantha;"Tell my family I love them."@@
Luke snorts. @@.luke;"How about you tell them yourself, drama queen?"@@
@@.samantha;"I can't, Puke. This is who I am now."@@
You shake your head and smile. You glance at Luke, who's tilting his head back and watching the sky. He looks lost in thought, his usual easygoing demeanor has dulled a little, like he's still working through the game in his head. Samantha, on the other hand, looks completely at ease, arms crossed behind her head, eyes half-lidded like she might fall asleep right there.
Now, standing between them, you have a choice.
<<button "Sit with Luke" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 10">>\<<set $d12bench to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Sit with Samantha" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 10">>\<<set $d12bench to false>>\<</button>>The air is thick with excitement—tonight is the first football game of the season, and as expected, Pacific Crest High School is buzzing with anticipation.
You weave through the crowd, making your way to the usual meeting spot near the side entrance of the school. You spot Luke first, still in his casual clothes. Samantha is next to him, and she slides up beside you with her usual smirk the second she spots you. She's got a cold soda in one hand, her backpack slung lazily over one shoulder.
@@.samantha;"There he is,"@@ Samantha says, nudging you lightly. @@.samantha;"Are you ready for the most thrilling night of your life? We're going to be watching sweaty dudes chase a ball for two hours. Truly, this is the peak of human ingenuity."@@
@@.luke;"You say that, but you'll be screaming your head off when we score,"@@ Luke says, rolling his eyes.
@@.samantha;"I only scream //ironically//,"@@ Samantha says, sipping her drink. @@.samantha;"It's to make fun of the people who are screaming unironically."@@
@@.luke;"You literally lost your voice after last year's playoffs."@@
@@.samantha;"That was different."@@
Luke just shakes his head, knowing there's nothing he can say to change Samantha's mind. @@.luke;"Anyway, I can't stay long—I've got warm-ups soon. I just wanted to see if you guys were coming."@@
@@.player;"Wouldn't miss it for the world,"@@ you say, and it's true. Even if you're not on the field, the first game of the season is always something special.
@@.samantha;"You nervous, Puke?"@@ Samantha asks, tilting her head.
Luke shrugs, but there's an edge of honesty in his voice. @@.luke;"To be completely honest? I am a little nervous, yeah. First game always feels weird. But we've got a solid team this year. Just gotta focus."@@
@@.samantha;"Right, //focus//,"@@ Samantha says. @@.samantha;"Hey, if all else fails, you could always plow through people like a human wrecking ball."@@
@@.luke;"That's the plan,"@@ Luke laughs. @@.luke;"Alright, I gotta head to the locker room. Catch you guys after?"@@
Samantha gives him a lazy salute. @@.samantha;"Go forth and conquer."@@
Luke grins before jogging off, disappearing into the throng of students heading toward the football field.
Samantha watches him go before turning to you. @@.samantha;"Well, there goes our local football hero,"@@ she says. @@.samantha;"Think we should be good friends and support him, or should we just show up at the end and pretend we were watching the whole time?"@@
@@.player;"Look, all I'm saying is if we're gonna sit through the entire game, we might as well get some snacks."@@
Samantha's face lights up. @@.samantha;"//Finally//, a good idea. Let's go before the concession stand gets raided."@@
The two of you head toward the stadium and you nice that the sun is dipping lower in the sky. Everything is cast in a warm golden light, and the air is thick with the unmistakable buzz of game night energy.
The concession stand is already drawing a line, the smell of buttery popcorn and sizzling nachos wafting through the cool air. A few cheerleaders are nearby, chatting as they wait for their orders, while a couple of band kids argue over who has to carry the extra water bottles. The atmosphere is chaotic but familiar—encapsulating what Friday night football is all about.
@@.samantha;"Alright, what's the move here?"@@ Samantha asks, scanning the menu. @@.samantha;"Are we going full junk food mode, or are you going to disappoint me and get something boring like, I don't know, a granola bar?"@@
You can't help but roll your eyes. @@.player;"Do they even //sell// granola bars?"@@
@@.samantha;"If they did, I'd riot,"@@ she mutters. @@.samantha;"Anyway, I'm thinking popcorn and—oh, hell yeah, they have th ose giant pretzels. I'm getting one."@@
You glance over the options, debating as the line shuffles forward.
@@.samantha;"C'mon $name, this an absolutely critical decision,"@@ Samantha says dramatically. @@.samantha;"Your choice of stadium snack says everything about you as a person."@@
@@.player;"Pretty sure it just says what I'm craving."@@
@@.samantha;"Same thing."@@
You shake your head, but before you can say anything else, it's your turn to order.
<<button "Popcorn" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 1">>\<<set $d12snack to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "A hot dog" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 1">>\<<set $d12snack to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Nachos" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 1">>\<<set $d12snack to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "A churro" "Day 12 - Game Spectator 1">>\<<set $d12snack to 3>>\<</button>><<if $d12hangoutnum < 2>>\
You think about what activity you want to do.
<<if $d12hangoutactivity0 is false>>\
<<button "Play truth or dare" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD">>\<<set $d12hangoutactivity0 to true>><<set $d12hangoutnum += 1>>\<</button>>
<<if $d12hangoutactivity1 is false>>\
<<button "Get into some gossip" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip">>\<<set $d12hangoutactivity1 to true>><<set $d12hangoutnum += 1>>\<</button>>
<<if $d12hangoutactivity2 is false>>\
<<button "Play spin the bottle" "Day 12 - Hangout STB">>\<<set $d12hangoutactivity2 to false>><<set $d12hangoutnum += 1>>\<</button>>
You decide to finish up for the night.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 2">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $top to $d12top>>\
<<set $pants to $d12pants>>\
<<set $shoes to 0>>
<<set $outfit to 69>>\
As the night winds down, the energy shifts to a relaxed buzz. The remnants of snacks are scattered across the coffee table—empty soda cans, crumpled chip bags, and an empty bowl of popcorn. The group sprawls lazily across the sectional couch, completely at ease.
Jessica stretches her arms over her head, letting out a small yawn. @@.jessica;"Alright, team, I hate to say it, but I think we've officially partied ourselves out,"@@ she says with a laugh.
@@.girl;"Speak for yourself, Jess,"@@ Mia replies. She tries to sound energetic but she's lying flat on her back, head resting against the couch arm. @@.girl;"I could do this all night."@@
@@.girl;"Sure, you're the one who started nodding off first,"@@ Ashley teases.
@@.girl;"Look, Ash, I was just resting my eyes."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, let's start cleaning up,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"My parents will kill me if they come home to this mess, even if I tell them it was for the sake of team bonding."@@
Everyone groans and gets up, starting to gather up the empty bowls and trash. One girl gathers the cans and throws them away while others wipe down the coffee table. Jessica grabs the throw blanket draped over the couch and folds it before throwing it back into its spot.
@@.jessica;"You good, $name?"@@ Jessica asks, giving you a smile as you collect the last of the popcorn.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm alright,"@@ you reply, feeling oddly at peace. For all the chaos you went through today, it's hard to believe the night has ended on such a comfortable note.
@@.jessica;"Thanks for coming, by the way,"@@ Jessica adds. @@.jessica;"It really wouldn't have been the same without you. I think the team's better with you on it."@@
You blink, surprised by her sincerity. @@.player;"Thanks. It means a lot to hear that from you."@@
Once the squad finishes cleaning up, everyone gathers near the door, exchanging hugs and goodbyes. The night air feels cool as you step outside, the world quiet now.
@@.girl;"Carpool's heading out!"@@ Tori says, jingling her keys. @@.girl;"Hop on, I'll give you a ride."@@
You nod, grateful for the offer, and soon find yourself riding in the back of Tori's car as she drives through the streets with a few other girls. By the time you're dropped off, the house is dark, save for a single porch light. You sigh, placing your head on the doorknob and pushing it open.
<<button "Finish up after a long day" "Day 12 - 3">><</button>><<if $d12gossip is 0>>\
You pop a chip into your mouth, leaning back with a grin. @@.player;"Alright, what about Luke?"@@ you say, glancing around the room to gauge their reaction.
@@.girl;"Luke?"@@ Mia repeats, tilting her head. @@.girl;"You mean, like, the wide receiver Luke? Tall, goofy, always smiling?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, that's my best friend alright,"@@ you reply. @@.player;"The really chill one."@@
Jessica lets out a laugh, shaking her head. @@.jessica;"Luke's the human equivalent of a golden retriever. What's there to gossip about? He's just... Luke."@@
@@.player;"Exactly!"@@ you say, sitting up. @@.player;"That's ''exactly'' why we should talk about him. He's so happy all the time, I feel like there's got to be something interesting beneath it all that he's not telling me. There's no way someone's //that// perfect, right?"@@
Ashley snorts. @@.girl;"Oh, $name. Sweet, naïve, $name. There's nothing beneath Luke's golden retriever energy because that's literally all there is. I mean, don't get me wrong, the guy's great—but he's about as deep as a kiddie pool."@@
@@.girl;"Hey, don't be mean,"@@ Tori chimes in. @@.girl;"He's a sweetheart."@@
Mia grins, nudging you. @@.girl;"You know he talks about you constantly, right? He likes you. The guy probably thinks you walk on water or something."@@
@@.player;"I don't know about that,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. @@.player;"Luke probably likes //everyone// that isn't horrible."@@
Jessica taps her chin thoughtfully. @@.jessica;"I feel like we're missing an opportunity here. Maybe, just maybe, Luke's got a dramatic backstory. Like, what if he's pretending to be all cheerful because... his dad was not a good guy. And he's trying to make everyone happy."@@
Ashley raises an eyebrow, smirking. @@.girl;"What, like he's going around saving people because he couldn't save himself as a kid? That's way too deep for Luke. The only secret he's hiding is probably how many burgers he can eat in one sitting. He's not exactly layered, you know?"@@
The group falls into giggles, the conversation spiraling into increasingly crazy theories. At one point, Mia suggests he's a Russian spy, while Tori insists he's a secret billionaire.
Jessica shakes her head. @@.jessica;"You know, I think Luke's simplicity is part of his charm. he's not some complex character or a walking enigma. He's just... happy. And honestly? That's kind of refreshing."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say with a laugh, realizing the conversation has went from gossiping about Luke to roasting his one-dimensionality. @@.player;"Sometimes a golden retriever is just a golden retriever."@@
You lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees as a sly smile creeps onto your face. @@.player;"Alright,"@@ you say, glancing around the room. @@.player;"What about Samantha?"@@
The room goes silent before breaking into a mix of laughter and surprised exclamations.
@@.jessica;"Samantha?"@@ Jessica says, her eyebrows shooting up. @@.jessica;"$name, you've got guts to gossip about your own best friend. Also, she's the most un-gossipable person ever. What's the tea?"@@
@@.girl;"No one ever talks about Samantha because she's so... she's such a... Samantha,"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"She's got that sarcastic, too-cool-for-drama vibes."@@
@@.girl;"That just makes her more interesting,"@@ a girl adds. @@.girl;"$name, why don't you spill. You know her better than any of us do—what's she been up to?"@@
@@.player;"I mean, we're friends, but she's not exactly forthcoming about her life, you know?"@@ you say. @@.player;"She acts like nothing ever gets to her, but there's got to be something going on beneath the surface. I've known her for ages now but I still don't feel like I truly know her."@@
@@.jessica;"Totally,"@@ Jessica nods thoughtfully. @@.jessica;"I've always wondered what her deal is. She's really closed off."@@
@@.girl;"She's probably too busy coming up with snarky one-liners,"@@ Tori says with a laugh, popping a chip into her mouth. @@.girl;"Seriously though, how the hell does she do it? It's like she has a database of insults ready to go at all times."@@
@@.player;"Right?"@@ you laugh. @@.player;"She's too quick sometimes."@@
Mia rests her chin in her hand. @@.girl;"Do you think she's hiding something big? Like a secret crush or a double life?"@@
Ashley gasps dramatically, clapping her hands together. @@.girl;"Oh my God, I knew it! She's like Hannah Montana or something. Or maybe she's secretly in love with someone, and that's why she's so prickly. Who do you think it could be?"@@
@@.jessica;"Okay, let's not turn this into some soap opera,"@@ Jessica says, rolling her eyes. @@.jessica;"But still... she's always so quick to call other people out. I wonder if she's afraid of letting people call //her// out for once."@@
You think back to all the times Samantha has deflected attention away from herself with a well-timed joke or sarcastic remark. @@.player;"She's definitely got walls up,"@@ you say. @@.player;"But I don't think it's about being mean or catty. She's just... careful."@@
@@.girl;"I mean, you're her best friend, $name,"@@ Tori says. @@.girl;"Don't you know anything about her home life?"@@
@@.player;"I'm not... sure?"@@ you say, realizing you know a lot less about Samantha than you thought you did.
As the laughter dies down and the conversation wraps up, Jessica stretches out on the couch.
@@.jessica;"That was fun but we're not done yet,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"Come on, $name, you're on a roll tonight. Who's next on the Pacific Crest gossip chopping block?"@@
The rest of the squad leans in eagerly, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. You glance around, feeling the squad's excitement radiating toward you. There's a pause as you think about who to bring up next.
<<button "Jordan" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip 2">>\<<set $d12gossipagain to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Vincent" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip 2">>\<<set $d12gossipagain to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Aurora" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip 2">>\<<set $d12gossipagain to 2>>\<</button>><<if $d12gossipagain is 0>>\
@@.player;"Okay,"@@ you say with a grin. @@.player;"What about Jordan?"@@
That gets a reaction. Jessica raises an eyebrow, while Mia lets out a small laugh.
@@.girl;"Jordan?"@@ Mia asks. @@.girl;"Jordan the quarterback? //Mr. Stoic himself?// Oh, this should be good."@@
A girl crosses her arms. @@.girl;"Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen him talk to anyone unless it's about football or telling someone to move out of the way."@@
@@.player;"Exactly,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Doesn't that make him more interesting to talk about? He's the best player on the team, but does anyone actually know anything about him? Like, what's his deal?"@@
@@.girl;"Didn't you talk to him once?"@@ Mia asks as she nudges Jessica with her elbow. @@.girl;"During that team dinner thing?"@@
@@.jessica;"I tried,"@@ Jessica says, rolling her eyes. @@.jessica;"He just kept giving me one-word answers. Not exactly a bonding moment."@@
@@.girl;"Maybe he has a tragic backstory,"@@ Tori says, shrugging. @@.girl;"I mean, have you //seen// the guy? He always looks like he's thinking about the meaning of life or something."@@
You laugh softly. @@.player;"Yeah, he's definitely carrying something. He's usually not rude, but there's this... distance, you know? Like he doesn't want anyone getting too close."@@
@@.jessica;"I've heard rumors that his parents are //super// intense,"@@ Jessica says, a flicker of understanding crossing her face. @@.jessica;"Like, former athlete intense. If they're the kind of people who think losing is unacceptable..."@@
@@.girl;"That would explain a lot of his behavior,"@@ a girl adds. @@.girl;"It's like he doesn't let himself enjoy anything because he's too busy trying not to screw up."@@
@@.jessica;"I guess that's the downside of expectations,"@@ Jessica says, letting out a small sigh. @@.jessica;"Everyone wants something from you, and no one stops to ask what //you// want."@@
The room falls quiet for a moment as the lighthearted energy gets replaced by a more reflective mood. You feel a strange sense of curiosity about Jordan, wondering just how much he's not revealing about himself.
Tori breaks the silence with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. @@.girl;"Well, if anyone could crack him it'd probably be you, $name. You've got this way of getting people to talk without them realizing it."@@
You chuckle, though part of you wonders if she's right. Maybe there's more to him than anyone realizes.
<<elseif $d12gossipagain is 1>>\
You tap your fingers on your knee as you think until a name pops into your head.
@@.player;"What about Vincent?"@@
The reaction isn't as loud or excited as before. Instead, there's a pause as the squad processes the name.
@@.girl;"Vincent?"@@ Mia repeats, furrowing her brow. @@.girl;"The kid with glasses? Quiet guy? Barely talks to anyone?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, that's him,"@@ you say, nodding.
Jessica raises an eyebrow, intrigued. @@.jessica;"Huh. That's... different. Not gonna lie, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say his name during a gossip session."@@
@@.girl;"Exactly!"@@ a girl says. @@.girl;"Like who even //is// Vincent? I don't think I've ever seen him hang out with anyone. He's just kinda... there."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ Tori chimes in. @@.girl;"I mean, I see him in the hallways sometimes, but he's like a ghost. Doesn't talk, doesn't make eye contact, doesn't //exist// outside of class."@@
@@.player;"I didn't even know about him until a couple of weeks ago,"@@ you shrug. @@.player;"He's in my gym class."@@
@@.girl;"Wait, you actually talked to him?"@@ a girl asks, her eyes wide. @@.girl;"What's he like?"@@
@@.player;"He's a good guy. A little shy, but solid."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, intrigued. @@.jessica;"Gym class is an odd place to start a friendship with someone like him. He doesn't really scream 'team sports'."@@
@@.player;"He doesn't,"@@ you agree, a small smile tugging at your lips as you recall how that first interaction went. @@.player;"We played pickleball against these assholes who were being rude to Paige."@@
@@.girl;"Who would be rude to Paige?"@@ Tori asks, annoyance in her voice. @@.girl;"What happened?"@@
<<if $d3pickleball is 2>>\
@@.player;"We won, obviously,"@@ you say, a smile on your face. @@.player;"We shut them up."@@
@@.player;"I messed up and we lost,"@@ you say, sighing as you recall that moment.
@@.jessica;"It sounds like Vincent warmed up to you pretty fast though, don't you think?"@@
@@.player;"Pretty much,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"I think he's just... looking for someone to talk to. Someone who doesn't make fun of him or blow him off. He started treating me like we were friends after, like, two conversations. It caught me off guard at first, I'll admit, but..."@@
@@.girl;"But it's kinda sweet, isn't it?"@@ Mia finishes for you.
@@.player;"I guess, yeah,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"I think he doesn't really have many people he can trust, so when he finds someone who's nice to him, he clings to it. He has been a really good friend so far though."@@
@@.jessica;"Well, I'm glad he's found you,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"You're probably exactly the type of friend he needs right now."@@
As the conversation shifts and the squad begins chatting about something else, Vincent lingers in the back of your mind. Whatever his story is, you know he deserves at least one person in his corner. For now, maybe you can be that person.
You lean back into the couch, smirking as the name comes to you. @@.player;"Alright,"@@ you say, lowering your voice to match the mood you're about to create. @@.player;"What about Aurora?"@@
The room falls silent almost instantly as if the name itself has power over everyone present.
@@.girl;"Oh, now you're just being bold,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"Like, Aurora? //The// Aurora? The girl no one ever talks to unless they absolutely have to?"@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. @@.jessica;"That's an interesting choice, $name. To be honest, I've been curious about her too. She's... I don't know, kind of fascinating in her own way."@@
@@.girl;"Fascinating? More like terrifying,"@@ Mia interjects. @@.girl;"That girl gives me chills. She's so quiet and serious all the time, and she's always reading those weird ass ancient books. Like, what even //are// those? Grimoires?"@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, $name, you brought her up—spill,"@@ Jessica says, a knowing smile on her face. @@.jessica;"What do //you// know about Aurora? You don't just pick someone like her at random."@@
You hesitate for a moment, wondering how much to say. You know Aurora isn't just some mysterious girl—she's someone who knows about your curse.
@@.player;"She's... different,"@@ you say carefully, trying to find the right words. @@.player;"I feel like she knows things—things other people don't."@@
Ashley snorts. @@.girl;"Yeah, like how to freak people the fuck out by just standing there."@@
@@.girl;"You don't think she's actually into magic, do you?"@@
Jessica tilts her head, considering it. @@.jessica;"All I'm saying is that it wouldn't surprise me. She has that kind of presence like she's always one step ahead of everyone else. She's said some freaky stuff too."@@
@@.girl;"She's intimating too, but not in an obvious way,"@@ a girl says. @@.girl;"You just know not to cross her. You just feel like she's got something up her sleeve."@@
You nod slowly, remembering the way Aurora had looked at you once. Her piercing purple eyes seemed to see straight through you, like she was looking into you rather than at you.
@@.player;"I don't know, I've talked to her a couple of times, she's not what you'd expect,@@ you say. @@.player;"She's not mean or anything. Just... different."@@
@@.girl;"Different how?"@@ a girl asks. @@.girl;"Like, does she actually do magic?"@@
@@.girl;"Oh my God, she's a witch,"@@ Mia says, her eyes practically bugging out of her head. @@.girl;"She's an actual witch. $name, what's going on? Did you get hexed?"@@
@@.jessica;"Calm down,"@@ Jessica says, snickering. @@.jessica;"You guys are going way too far."@@
For now, you laugh along with the squad. You are a little disappointed that they don't know more though. Aurora will remain an enigma—for now.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 1">><</button>>You settle into the couch, grabbing a handful of popcorn as the others dig into the snacks. You glance around the room and decide the vibe is just right. @@.player;"Okay, hear me out,"@@ you say, drawing their attention. @@.player;"What if we just... talk? You know, catch up on the latest gossip?"@@
Mia perks up immediately, launching forward. @@.girl;"Yes! Finally, someone who gets it. Gossip is the //best// part of nights like this."@@
@@.jessica;"$name's throwing us straight into the deep end, huh?"@@ Jessica says, raising an eyebrow in amusement. @@.jessica;"But we need to set some ground rules if we're doing this. No spreading anything mean or serious, alright? Only fun stuff."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, obviously,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"We're not just your run-of-the-mill teenage gossips. We're ''classy'' gossips."@@
@@.girl;"Classy?"@@ a girl laughs, nearly choking on her drink. @@.girl;"Aren't you the one who tried to spread the rumor that the new girl was actually an alien last year?"@@
@@.girl;"You can't blame me, she did give off alien vibes,"@@ Ashley responds, completely unbothered. @@.girl;"Anyway, we've got to focus—who are we dishing about first?"@@
Everyone turns to you, waiting for you to pick the target of the night's playful interrogation.
@@.jessica;"It's your call, $name,"@@ Jessica says, reclining back into the couch. @@.jessica;"You started this, so you've got to pick who we're talking about."@@
You decide you want to gossip about one of your best friends first.
<<button "Luke" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip 1">>\<<set $d12gossip to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Samantha" "Day 12 - Hangout Gossip 1">>\<<set $d12gossip to 1>>\<</button>><<notify>>Random number generated! $d12rng!<</notify>>\
<<if $d12rng is 0>>\
<<if $jessicaRomance > 9>>\
<<set $jessicaRomance to Math.clamp($jessicaRomance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The bottle slows to a stop, its neck pointing directly at Jessica.
@@.jessica;"Well, well,"@@ Jessica says as the room erupts. Her voice carries an almost theatrical air of amusement, but there's a faint flush in her cheeks that she's not able to hide fast enough. Her eyes flick to you, narrowing as if she's trying to size you up.
@@.jessica;"Guess it's your lucky day, $name,"@@ she teases, her smile curving just enough to seem playful, though her gaze lingers on you a little too long.
The others start egging her on, cheering and clapping as she leans just the slightest bit forward. You're not sure if it's the lighting or your own nerves, but you think that her expression softens as she gets closer.
You're aware of how close she is, her blue eyes locking onto yours for a moment that feels far longer than it actually is. Her gaze bores into you, almost as if she's searching for something. Maybe she's looking to see if you're nervous too. Or maybe she's just as unsure as you are.
Then, before either of you can hesitate any longer, she closes the distance.
Her lips brush against yours, soft and warm, lingering just a moment longer than they should. The room erupts into cheers and laughter around you, but it all fades into the background. For that fleeting moment, it's just you and her. Jessica and $name.
When she pulls back, her cheeks are definitely flushed, but there's a shy smile on her face that's completely unlike her usual confident smirks. She looks away for a second, running a hand through her ponytail before locking eyes with you again.
@@.jessica;"Well,"@@ she says, her voice quiet. @@.jessica;"You're not bad at this, huh?"@@
The others are still joking and teasing but Jessica seems to tune them out, her gaze lingering on you for just a beat longer. There's something unreadable in her expression before she laughs quickly and leans back. @@.jessica;"Alright, who's next?"@@ she asks, reclaiming her usual composure. Her tone is light and playful but her fingers fidget briefly with the hem of her skirt as the bottle spins again.
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 59 or $d12makeup > 0>>\
As the bottle slows, your heart thuds in your chest. It finally slows to a stop pointing directly at Jessica.
@@.girl;"Well, well, well,"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"Our fearless leader is up first. This should be good."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, her expression caught somewhere between amused and resigned. She flicks her ponytail over her shoulder and sighs dramatically. @@.jessica;"Alright, rules are rules,"@@ she says, a teasing lilt in her voice. @@.jessica;"But don't get any ideas, $name. This doesn't make us a couple or anything."@@
The group laughs at the jab but you catch the faintest flicker of something else in her eyes. It's subtle, gone in a flash, but you can't help but notice it as she shifts her weight and turns toward you.
@@.jessica;"C'mon, $name,"@@ she says, her tone a little too practiced. @@.jessica;"Let's just get this over with."@@
You nod as you lean in, trying not to overthink it. Your cheeks burn, but Jessica looks perfectly composed. Almost as if she's treating this like a performance. The kiss is quick—a simple peck on the lips, nothing more—but the squad cheers like you pulled off a championship-winning stunt.
@@.girl;"Whoo! Look at you two go!"@@ Tori exclaims, clapping loudly. @@.girl;"First game and first kiss—$name's having a night!"@@
Jessica pulls back, a distant smile firmly in place. She wipes an imaginary smudge off her lips with the back of her hand and laughs. @@.jessica;"Okay, that's enough excitement for one spin. Who's next?"@@
The game continues but Jessica doesn't immediately rejoin the banter. She leans back on her hands, watching the bottle spin again with a calm but detached expression. It's subtle but you notice how she keeps glancing at the others instead of looking at you. She doesn't seem uncomfortable just... unaffected by it all.
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo - 5, 0, 100)>>\
As the bottle slows, the group leans forward in anticipation. Your heart skips a beat when it stops, pointing directly at Jessica. Her confident grin falters for just a moment, replaced by a look of surprise. She recovers quickly, but something about the moment feels off.
Jessica leans back on her hands, a flicker of tension in her eyes as she glances at you. @@.jessica;"Well, looks like it's me,"@@ she says, noticeably being careful with her words. @@.jessica;"Let's get this over with."@@
Mia gasps dramatically, clapping her hands. @@.girl;"Oh my God, the captain and the rookie! This is so iconic!"@@
@@.girl;"You better make it good, $name,"@@ a girl says, winking at you. @@.girl;"Jessica has high standards."@@
Jessica laughs at that, although it sounds forced. @@.jessica;"Yeah, don't let me down, superstar."@@
You swallow hard, suddenly feeling the weight of the attention on you. You lean in, your face inches from Jessica's, but you can feel how still she becomes when you go for the kiss. Her body tenses ever so slightly, and while she doesn't pull away outright, you can tell she's not entirely comfortable.
The kiss itself is brief—just a quick peck on the lips that's over in a second—but it feels awkward, like something mechanical. Jessica pulls back immediately, giving you a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.
@@.jessica;"There,"@@ she says, brushing her hair over her shoulder as though nothing happened. @@.jessica;"Satisfied?"@@
The squad cheers and laughs, oblivious to the subtle undercurrent. Jessica, ever the leader, plays it off perfectly. @@.girl;"Your turn, Mia. Let's keep this moving."@@
As the group's attention shifts, you glance at Jessica in hopes of a sign that everything's fine. But she avoids your gaze, focusing instead on the bottle as Mia spins it. Her posture is relaxed, but there's something guarded in the way she carries herself now.
The rest of the game continues but you can't shake the feeling that something's changed. Jessica has no problem laughing and joking with the rest of the squad but doesn't address you directly.
<<elseif $d12rng is 1>>\
As the bottle slows to a halt, it lands squarely on Mia. Her bright green eyes widen slightly before curving into a playful grin. @@.girl;"Oh, looks like it's my lucky night,"@@ she teases.
The squad erupts into laughter and cheers, the energy in the room buzzing with excitement. @@.jessica;"Go on, $name!"@@ Jessica urges. @@.jessica;"Rules are rules."@@
You glance at Mia, your heart racing in your chest. There's no pressure in her gaze as she leans forward slightly, resting her chin on her hand. @@.girl;"Well? Don't keep me waiting,"@@ she says.
You muster a grin, your cheeks warm, and lean forward across the circle. The distance between you feels like it stretches forever, and for a moment, the noise of the room fades into the background. Mia meets you halfway, her expression softening as she closes the gap.
The kiss is quick and light—just a playful brush of lips, but that's enough to make your pulse race. When you pull back, Mia's grin returns in full force as she flops back against the couch. @@.girl;"Oh, $name, I think I'm swooning,"@@ she jokes, fanning herself with one hand.
The squad bursts into laughter again. @@.girl;"Mia, you're //such// a drama queen,"@@ a girl says, tossing a pillow at her.
@@.girl;"Look, I'm just living in the moment,"@@ Mia retorts, tossing the pillow back. @@.girl;"$name's a pretty good kisser. I've got to admit that."@@
You feel your cheeks heat up again but Jessica takes control of the moment before you can respond. @@.jessica;"Alright, alright, enough flirting. Whose turn is next?"@@
<<elseif $d12rng is 2>>\
The bottle spins and spins, wobbling slightly on the rug as all eyes are fixed on it. Your heart pounds in your chest as it slows down, inching closer to Ashley. When it finally stops, the room falls silent for a second before erupting into laughter and gasps.
Ashley leans back on her hands, a smirk spreading across her face. @@.girl;"Well, well, well,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"Looks like someone's aiming high tonight."@@
The others burst out laughing.
@@.girl;"Oh my God, $name, bold move!"@@ Mia exclaims.
@@.jessica;"This is about to get //really// interesting,"@@ Jessica adds, shooting you a sly grin.
You feel your face heat up, but barely manage to keep your cool. Ashley watches you with a sharp gaze, clearly enjoying how flustered you are. But beneath her teasing, there's a flicker of genuine amusement in her eyes.
@@.girl;"Well?"@@ she asks, sitting up straighter. @@.girl;"You're not backing out, are you?"@@
There's a playful challenge in her voice like she's testing you to see if you'll rise to the occasion.
You take a deep breath, doing your best to ignore the others' whispers and giggles. @@.player;"Backing out? No way,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"Good answer."@@
The room falls quiet again as everyone holds their breath. You close the small distance between you and Ashley, inching toward her. The moment feels oddly surreal, the air charged with a mix of excitement and nerves. When your lips finally meet hers, it's brief but not rushed—a light, fleeting touch.
The second it's over, the room erupts into cheers and whistles.
@@.girl;"Woohoo!"@@ Tori says, clapping her hands.
Mia fans herself dramatically. @@.girl;"Ten out of ten."@@
@@.jessica;"Not bad for a rookie,"@@ Jessica says with a laugh. @@.jessica;"Ashley, what's the verdict?"@@
Ashley leans back, crossing her arms with a mock-thoughtful expression. @@.girl;"Hmm... I'd say he passed,"@@ she says.
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, a mix of relief and exhilaration washing over you. Ashley's teasing smile softens and she gives you a small nod.
@@.jessica;"Alright, who's next?"@@ Jessica says, grabbing the bottle and spinning it herself, sending the group into another round of excited chatter.
The bottle slows, spinning lazily as everyone leans in closer. Your heart skips a beat as it finally comes to a stop, the neck pointing directly at Tori.
Her eyes widen for a split second before she breaks out into a soft, easy smile. @@.girl;"Well, looks like it's me,"@@ she says, her voice calm but with a tinge of amusement. The rest of the squad erupts into playful hoots and teasing remarks.
@@.girl;"Ooh, Tori and $name!"@@ Mia exclaims.
Jessica smirks, nudging Tori with her elbow. @@.jessica;"Guess we're about to see how your chemistry on the field translates to romance."@@
Tori rolls her eyes at the teasing but doesn't seem fazed. She shifts her weight, turning to face you fully, her hair falling over her shoulder as she tucks it back with a quick motion. @@.girl;"You good with this?"@@ she asks like she's giving you an easy out if you want it.
Your nerves are buzzing, but the way she looks at you makes it easier to relax. You nod, managing a smile. @@.player;"Yeah, I'm good."@@
Tori leans forward slightly, her movements unhurried. The room goes silent except for the faint sound of a girl suppressing a giggle in the background. You meet her halfway, and while the kiss is quick and soft, it leaves your cheeks warm all the same.
When you pull back, Tori's smile grows. @@.girl;"Not bad,"@@ she says.
Before the teasing can go any further, Tori reaches for the bottle and spins it, smoothly redirecting the attention away from the moment. You appreciate her good-natured vibe and the way she made you feel comfortable though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 1">><</button>>You glance around the room, noticing how comfortable everyone seems right now. The vibe is perfect—light, fun, and just a little chaotic. @@.player;"What if we play spin the bottle?"@@
The room goes quiet for a second, and then Jessica raises an eyebrow. @@.jessica;"Oh, so //that's// what you want to do, $name?"@@
@@.girl;"$name, I didn't know you had it in you!"@@ Mia says dramatically, clutching her chest. \
<<if $transgender < 10>>\
@@.girl;"Choosing the game where you get to kiss a bunch of girls. Smooth move, rookie."@@
@@.girl;"You just finished up your first game as a cheerleader and now you're trying to charm half the squad."@@
@@.girl;"You know what?"@@ one girl says, nudging another. @@.girl;"I'm in. Let's do it."@@
@@.girl;"Why not, right?"@@ Ashley shrugs, a small smirk tugging at her lips. @@.girl;"It'll certainly make things interesting."@@
@@.jessica;"Alright, Pacific Crest High Cheer Team!"@@ Jessica says, clapping her hands together. @@.jessica;"Rules are simple—you have to kiss whoever the bottle lands on. And no chickening out. Are you sure you're ready for this, $name?"@@
@@.player;"I suppose we'll find out,"@@ you say, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.
The group shuffles into a loose circle on Jessica's living room floor, clearing space on the rug. The bottle is placed in the center, and everyone watches as it wobbles slightly.
@@.jessica;"Alright, $name,"@@ Jessica says, gesturing toward the bottle with a flourish. @@.jessica;"Since this was your idea, you go first."@@
You reach for the bottle, your palms slightly clammy. The whole squad watches you intently, their expressions ranging from intrigued to mischievous. With a quick flick of your wrist, you spin it, watching as it slows down gradually before coming to a stop.
<div class="note">
<img src="img/author/authorsnote.png">\
This is RNG!
<<button "Who does it land on?" "Day 12 - Hangout STB 1">>\<<set $d12rng to random(0, 3)>>\<</button>><<if $d12dare is true>>\
You glance around the circle, heart pounding as their grins grow wider. @@.player;"Dare,"@@ you say, trying to sound braver than you feel.
The room erupts into cheers and cackles of delight. @@.jessica;"Oh, this is going to be //amazing//,"@@ Jessica says, her face lighting up.
@@.girl;"Alright,"@@ Mia begins, standing up and looking around the room like she's about to announce the winner of the Oscars. @@.girl;"I dare $name to put on a dress. But not just any dress—a //cute// dress. Like, the cutest thing Jessica owns."@@
The room erupts in laughter, cheers, and gasps of delight. Jessica claps her hands together, her face lighting up in excitement.
@@.jessica;"Oh my God, yes, I have the perfect one!"@@ she exclaims, practically leaping off the couch and running toward her room.
You blink, trying to process what's happening.
@@.girl;"This is going to be iconic,"@@ Tori says.
@@.girl;"Yeah, you're gonna look //adorable//,"@@ Ashley adds.
@@.player;"I hate all of you,"@@ you mutter, \
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
though your face feels warm as the idea sinks in.
genuinely feeling annoyed that they're making you do this.
Jessica comes running back a moment later. She holds the dress up with a flourish, and the room collectively gasps. It's a soft, dreamy piece, made of delicate pink fabric with a floral pattern. The puffed sleeves and small bows at the neckline give it a princess-like charm. The sheer layers of the skirt cascade in a flowing design and tiny pearl-like buttons trail down the bodice.
@@.jessica;"This is ''perfection'',"@@ Jessica says, spinning it slightly so the skirt flutters. @@.jessica;"$name, you're going to look //amazing// in it."@@
You feel your cheeks heat up as you take in how girly the dress is. It's like something someone would wear to a fancy garden party or a whimsical photoshoot. Still, everyone is looking at you expectantly.
<<button "Protest, but secretly want to put it on" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12darereaction to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Protest and really not want to wear it" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12darereaction to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Accept it immediately" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12darereaction to 2>>\<</button>>
You hesitate for a second before deciding, your nerves buzzing. @@.player;"Truth,"@@ you say finally, bracing yourself for whatever question they're about to throw at you.
Jessica's eyes light up, and the rest of the squad exchanges grins.
Fuck, you just messed up.
@@.jessica;"Oh, I've got a good one,"@@ Jessica says, leaning forward. @@.jessica;"$name, do you have a crush on anyone right now?"@@
The room goes completely silent as everyone leans in, their eyes glued to you.
Ashley gasps dramatically, clutching a pillow to her chest. @@.girl;"Oh my god, he totally does! Look at his face."@@
Tori giggles, nudging you with her elbow. @@.girl;"come on, spill. You picked truth—rules are rules."@@
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks as all four of them stare at you, clearly enjoying your discomfort way too much. You consider playing it off as a joke for a moment, but their excitement is too much.
@@.player;"Well..."@@ you begin, your voice trailing off as you glance around the room. You can practically feel their anticipation building as you consider what to say.
<<button "Admit you're crushing on a boy" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12truthanswer to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Admit you're crushing on a girl" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12truthanswer to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Admit you're not crushing on anyone" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 2">>\<<set $d12truthanswer to 2>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12dare is true>>\
<<if $d12darereaction is 0>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You cross your arms and glare at Jessica, though the heat creeping up your neck and face probably ruins the effect. @@.player;"No way. I'm not wearing that,"@@ you declare, shaking your head. @@.player;"It's way too... frilly."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. @@.jessica;"Oh, come on, $name. Don't be a baby. It's just a dress—it's not going to kill you."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, what's the big deal?"@@ Mia adds. @@.girl;"You'll look //adorable//."@@
@@.player;"I don't want to look adorable!"@@ you sputter, your voice cracking slightly. The room bursts into laughter, and you feel your protests are only making your situation worse.
@@.girl;"You're so bad at this, $name,"@@ another girl says, smirking from the couch. @@.girl;"The more you fight it, the more obvious it is that you're curious. Just admit it—part of you wants to try it on."@@
@@.player;"What? No! I don't!"@@ you insist, taking a step back as Jessica moves closer with the dress.
@@.jessica;"Oh, really?"@@ Jessica teases. @@.jessica;"Then why are you blushing so much? Not to mention you're stumbling and tripping all over your own words. Look, you've got two options: put it in yourself, or we'll //help// you. Your choice!"@@
Tori cackles. @@.girl;"You know we're not bluffing."@@
You hold up your hands defensively, but the squad is already closing in. @@.player;"Okay, okay!"@@ you shout, your voice cracking again. @@.player;"I'll... I'll do it. Just stop looking at me like that."@@
Jessica smirks triumphantly and tosses you the dress. @@.jessica;"Good choice. Now, the bathroom's right down the hall. Go on. We'll wait."@@
You glance down at the dress in your hands, the soft fabric fluttering slightly as if taunting you. For a split second, you consider booking it for the door—but the squad would probably tackle you before you made it anywhere close.
@@.girl;"Take your time!"@@ a girl calls after you. @@.girl;"We'll be here, imagining how //cute// you're going to look."@@
As you close the door behind you, you can hear the giggles echoing through the hallway. You glance at yourself in the mirror, then back at the dress. Despite your protests, you can't help but feel curious. You've never worn anything like this before, and you're not sure if you're more embarrassed by the idea of it... or the fact that part of you actually //wants// to see how it looks on you.
@@.player;"Here goes nothing,"@@ you mutter to yourself.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 3">><</button>>
<<elseif $d12darereaction is 1>>\
<<set $squadbond to Math.clamp($squadbond - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You take a step back, holding up your hands as if to physically shield yourself from the dress. @@.player;"Nope. No way. Absolutely not,"@@ you say, your voice firm and unwavering. @@.player;"You can't make me wear that. I don't care how cute it is."@@
The cheerleaders all freeze for a moment, Jessica still holding the dress in mid-air. The room, which had been buzzing with excitement just seconds ago, suddenly feels a lot heavier.
Jessica's grin falters, her arms slowly lowering the dress as she glances between you and the rest of the squad. @@.jessica;"Oh,"@@ she says, a hint of awkwardness creeping in. @@.jessica;"I mean... it was just for fun."@@
Mia looks at you, her expression dimming. @@.girl;"Hey, no big deal,"@@ she says, trying to shrug it off. @@.girl;"We get it. If you're not comfortable, it's totally fine."@@
Jessica quickly folds the dress, trying to smooth things over. @@.jessica;"We'll just do something else,"@@ she says. @@.jessica;"It's not a big deal, really."@@
You can tell the group is trying to move past it, but the energy in the room has definitely shifted. The teasing and laughter that filled the air just a minute earlier have been replaced by a slight tension like everyone's trying to figure out how to reset the mood without making you feel worse.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 1">><</button>>
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You glance at the dress a moment longer, feeling your face heat up as everyone waits for your answer. Then, before you can even stop yourself, you blurt out, @@.player;"Alright, fine. Let's do this."@@
Jessica raises an eyebrow, her grin widening. @@.jessica;"Wow, no hesitation, huh?"@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, no need to twist his arm,"@@ Mia says, laughing as she nudges the cheerleader next to her.
@@.player;"I mean, if it's for the dare, right?"@@ you stammer, trying to sound nonchalant but failing. @@.player;"rules are rules."@@
Jesisca's eyes narrow playfully as she hands over the dress. @@.jessica;"You're surprisingly eager, $name,"@@ she teases.
@@.player;"Don't read too much into it,"@@ you mutter, though the truth is you're struggling to hide your curiosity. There's a strange flutter in your chest as your fingers brush the soft fabric.
@@.girl;"Uh-huh,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"Just admit it—you’re kinda into it."@@
You shake your head. @@.player;"I just don't want to lose the game, alright?"@@
There's a hum of excitement in the air, the squad exchanging knowing looks as you grip the dress a little tighter than you mean to. For a moment, it feels like they're all in on some joke you haven't caught up to yet. For some reason though, you can't help feeling a bit... excited yourself.
@@.jessica;"The bathroom's down the hall, good luck!"@@ Jessica exclaims.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 3">><</button>>
<<if $d12truthanswer is 0>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
You glance around the circle, feeling the weight of their expectant stares, and you decide to be honest. You take a breath and nod slightly. @@.player;"Yeah, I do,"@@ you say, keeping your voice steady. @@.player;"And... it's a guy."@@
There's a pause for a moment as if the whole squad is processing what you just said. But then Jessica grins, clapping her hands together.
@@.jessica;"Yesss, I knew it!"@@ she exclaims. @@.jessica;"I mean, come on—look at $name. He's got taste!"@@
Another girl squeals, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees. @@.girl;"Okay, this just made the game so much better. You're not getting out of this without giving us some hints."@@
@@.girl;"Alright, spill,"@@ one says. @@.girl;"We don't need a name but what's he like? Is he on the football team? Is he cute? Is he tall? Give us something, $name!"@@
You laugh, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks at their relentless enthusiasm. @@.player;"Look, I'm not giving you //any// details,"@@ you say firmly. @@.player;"I'm already regretting picking truth."@@
@@.girl;"Come on, you're killing us here,"@@ Mia adds. @@.girl;"Just one tiny hint? Like, does he at least know you exist?"@@
@@.jessica;"Or is this a secret crush situation?"@@ Jessica presses.
@@.player;"You all are relentless, you know that?"@@ you say, shaking your head. @@.player;"No, I'm not giving you anything else."@@
@@.girl;"Ugh, you're no fun!"@@ a girl yells out.
@@.jessica;"But $name, if you ever need someone to hype you up or help you make a move, we're here,"@@ Jessica says, nudging you with a grin on her face. @@.girl;"You've got the whole cheer squad on your side. You're basically unstoppable!"@@
@@.girl;"Yeah, you've got a team of wingwomen now,"@@ Tori adds with a wink. @@.girl;"Not to brag, but we're //very// good at matchmaking."@@
You can't help but laugh, their acceptance making you feel lighter than you expected.
@@.player;"Thanks,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I'll keep that in mind... maybe."@@
@@.jessica;"Maybe?!"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"More like definitely. There's no 'maybe' about it."@@
The squad continues tossing out ridiculous guesses and half-baked theories about your mystery crush, but it's all in good fun. Even as the game moves on, you can feel their support lingering in the air, making the night feel even more special.
<<elseif $d12truthanswer is 1>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You hesitate, your heart thudding in your chest as all eyes stay locked on you. Finally, you nod slightly, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you admit, your voice soft but steady. @@.player;"It's a girl."@@
The reaction is instant.
@@.girl;"Oh my god, I //knew// it!"@@ one girl shouts.
@@.girl;"Who is she?!"@@ Mia blurts out.
Another girl practically squeals. @@.girl;"This is huge! Okay, you don't have to tell us her name, but we need some details."@@
Jessica tilts her head slightly, her lips curling into a teasing smile. @@.jessica;"So, what's she like? Cute? Smart? Both?"@@
You laugh nervously as the whole squad starts firing off questions like it's an interrogation. @@.player;"Alright, alright, calm down,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I'm not giving you anything more than that."@@
@@.girl;"Nooo, come on!"@@ Ashley groans. @@.girl;"You can't just drop a bomb like that and leave us hanging."@@
@@.girl;"You're lucky we don't force you to tell us,"@@ Tori says. @@.girl;"But seriously, give us //something//. Like, does she at least go to Pacific Crest?"@@
<<if $jessicaRomance > 9>>\
Jessica leans back against the couch, her smile softening as she watches you. @@.jessica;"Leave him alone, guys,"@@ she says, her tone light. @@.jessica;"If he wants to keep it private, that's his choice. Right, $name?"@@
You glance at her, surprised but grateful for the rescue. @@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say. @@.player;"thanks."@@
There's a flicker of something in her expression—just for a moment, so brief you might’ve imagined it. A little spark in her eyes, a slight shift in her smile. But before you can dwell on it, she shrugs, tossing a handful of popcorn into her mouth. @@.jessica;"Don't get too comfortable, by the way. I'm still going to figure it out eventually."@@
Jessica, who's been quieter than usual, leans back against the couch. @@.jessica;"Fine, we'll back off—for now,"@@ she says, holding up her hands to call a truce. @@.jessica;"But don't think you're off the hook forever, $name. I //will// figure it out eventually."@@
The rest of the group groans but takes Jessica's lead. Jessica winks playfully before popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth, clearly satisfied with her declaration.
You shrug, feeling the weight of everyone's expectant stares. @@.player;"Honestly?"@@ you begin. @@.player;"I'm not crushing on anyone right now."@@
@@.girl;"What?! No crush? Not even a //tiny// one?"@@ Mia groans, flopping dramatically onto the couch as if she's just heard the most tragic news of her life. She grabs a pillow and throws it at you, although it ends up landing harmlessly at your feet.
@@.girl;"That's so boring,"@@ Ashley agrees, shaking her head with mock disappointment. @@.girl;"You're telling me there's not //one// person at school who's caught your eye? Like, no one?"@@
You laugh nervously, holding up your hands defensively. @@.player;"What can I say? I'm too focused on cheerleading."@@
Tori giggles, reaching for a handful of popcorn. @@.girl;"Alright, that's fair. But there's got to be someone you think is cute. Even if it's just a random celebrity or something."@@
Jessica waves them all off, rolling her eyes but smiling. @@.jessica;"Hey, leave $name alone! Not everyone has to be crushing on someone 24/7. Maybe $name's just too mature for us and has other things to worry about."@@
@@.girl;"Or,"@@ a girl interjects, @@.girl;"he's secretly crushing on someone and is just too scared to admit it."@@
@@.player;"You guys are relentless,"@@ you say, shaking your head as the room bursts into laughter.
@@.jessica;"Of course we are,"@@ Jessica replies, grinning as she tosses a piece of popcorn at you. @@.jessica;"You should've known this would happen when you joined the squad. Welcome to the chaos."@@
@@.girl;"Ugh, fine,"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"Hey, he gets the pass—for now. But we will revisit this."@@
Jessica leans forward, spinning the bottle again to move the game along. @@.jessica;"Okay, next victim!"@@ she says with a wicked grin.
<<button "Keep playing" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 3">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12dare is true>>\
<<set $top to 69>>\
<<set $pants to 69>>\
<<set $outfit to 0>>\
Standing in front of the mirror, you hold the dress up. For a moment, you hesitate, staring at your reflection. The pink fabric looks almost out of place compared to what you usually wear, but there's something about it that pulls you in.
You sigh, your face already burning with embarrassment. @@.player;"They're never going to let me live this down,"@@ you mutter, pulling the cheerleading top off.
The dress feels impossibly soft as you pull it over your head, the cool fabric brushing against your skin. You fumble with the straps a little, adjusting them so they fit properly on your shoulders. The bodice hugs your torso in a way that feels foreign but not uncomfortable. You smooth the skirt down, the layers of fabric settling around you like a gentle cloud.
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
Stepping back, you glance at yourself in the mirror, and your breath catches.
You look different.
The floral pattern, the puffed sleeves, the delicate bows—its just all so far removed from anything you'd normally wear. The dress transforms your reflection into something more whimsical, almost like you've stepped out of a fairytale.
Your hands nervously smooth the skirt again, feeling the lightweight layers sway with even the slightest movement. It's... cute. You hate to admit it, especially to yourself, but it's //really// cute.
You turn slightly, examining yourself from the side. The way the skirt flares out when you move makes you feel oddly graceful, like you're floating. For a moment, you forget about the squad waiting outside and the teasing that's bound to follow. All you can think about is how strange—and fun—it feels to see yourself like this.
You glance at yourself in the mirror, and your breath hitches for all the wrong reasons.
The floral pattern, the puffed sleeves, the delicate bows—it all feels so alien, so out of place on you. It's like staring at someone else entirely, someone you don't recognize and definitely aren't sure you want to meet. The dress doesn't just feel wrong—it makes //you// feel wrong.
You shift uncomfortably, tugging at the straps and fidgeting with the skirt. The lightweight fabric sways with every movement, reminding you of just how out of your element you are.
For a brief moment, you consider taking it off, storming out of the bathroom, and declaring the dare a bust. But it's just a dare, right? It doesn't mean anything.
@@.player;"It's fine,"@@ you mutter to yourself, forcing your hands to stop fidgeting. @@.player;"It's just a stupid dress. It doesn't matter."@@
A sharp knock on the door makes you jump.
@@.girl;"$name, you alive in there?"@@ Tori calls out.
@@.player;"I'm fine!"@@ you shout back.
@@.jessica;"Better hurry!"@@ Jessica teases.
<<button "Step out" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 4">><</button>>
The bottle spins again, and this time, it lands squarely on Jessica. The room goes wild with cheers and laughter as everyone leans in, eager to see what'll happen.
@@.jessica;"Alright, bring it on,"@@ Jessica says, grinning confidently. @@.jessica;"Truth."@@
The squad looks at each other, murmuring ideas, but you clear your throat first.
@@.player;"Hold up,"@@ you say, feeling a grin of your own creeping onto your face. @@.player;"I'm asking this one."@@
The room erupts in "ooohs" as all eyes turn to you. Jessica arches an eyebrow, her smirk unwavering. @@.jessica;"Alright, $name,"@@ she says, resting her chin in her hand. @@.jessica;"Let's see what you've got for me."@@
You pause for dramatic effect before offering up the question.
<<button "If you had to date someone on the football team, who would it be?" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 4">>\<<set $d12truthjess to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Did you ever crush on a cartoon character as a kid?" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 4">>\<<set $d12truthjess to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Have you ever had a crush on anyone on the cheer squad?" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 4">>\<<set $d12truthjess to 2>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d12dare is true>>\
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
The moment you step out of the bathroom, the room explodes.
@@.jessica;"Oh. My. God,"@@ Jessica says, her hands flying to her face in astonishment. Her wide grin shows she's absolutely thrilled with the result. @@.jessica;"$name, you look... //adorable//. Like, ridiculously cute."@@
Mia claps her hands together, bouncing in place. @@.girl;"I knew it! I called it! I //knew// you'd look amazing in that dress. Like, look at you—it's like you were made to wear this."@@
You groan, trying to play it cool as you awkwardly tug at the hem of the dress. @@.player;"Alright, alright, you've had your fun. Can I take it off now?"@@
@@.jessica;"''Absolutely not''"@@ Jessica says firmly, stepping forward and gently swatting your hands away from the skirt. @@.jessica;"You're not taking it off yet. It looks way too good on you."@@
Another girl crosses her arms, her expression amused. @@.girl;"It's unfair how cute you look right now. I don't know if even Jessica can wear it after this."@@
Your face burns as you throw your hands up in frustration. @@.player;"Okay, enough with all the 'cute' stuff, alright? This is just for the dare."@@
@@.girl;"Oh yeah, of course,"@@ Mia says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. @@.girl;"It's just for the dare, right? Nothing to do with how amazing you look or how much you're secretly enjoying it. Right?"@@
You shoot her a glare, but before you can say anything, Jessica steps in. @@.jessica;"Come on, $name, you've got to admit it—you look amazing,"@@ she says. She takes a second, studying you with an approving smile. @@.jessica;"Actually, you know what? You should keep wearing it. It suits you."@@
@@.player;"What?"@@ you say, blinking at her in disbelief. @@.player;"You seriously want me to just... stay in this?"@@
@@.girl;"Why not?"@@ Ashley asks, shrugging. @@.girl;"You've already got it on. Might as well own it."@@
Another girl giggles, wanting to join in the teasing. @@.girl;"You know, you could totally pass for a princess in that dress. $name, the royal cheerleader!"@@
@@.player;"Stop!"@@ you groan, burying your face in your hands as the squad erupts into laughter. Despite the relentless teasing though, there's no malice in their voices—just a playful warmth.
Jessica pats your shoulder, her tone gentler now. @@.jessica;"Relax, $name. You're rocking it, I swear. No one here's going to make you feel bad about keeping it on."@@
Her words calm you slightly, and you exhale, letting your hands drop. @@.player;"Fine,"@@ you say, rolling your eyes. @@.player;"I'll keep it on. But only because you're all //forcing// me to."@@
@@.girl;"Sure, sure,"@@ Tori says. @@.girl;"Whatever helps you sleep better."@@
You settle back into the group, still acutely aware of how the dress swishes with every movement, but the atmosphere is so welcoming that you let yourself relax a little. For now, you'll let them have their fun—and, if you're being honest with yourself, you might even be having a little fun too.
As soon as you step out of the bathroom, the squad bursts into laughter and cheers.
@@.jessica;"$name, oh my God,"@@ Jessica says, doubling over as she claps her hands. @@.jessica;"You look so //cute//!"@@
You groan, tugging at the hem of the dress awkwardly. @@.player;"Alright, you've had your fun. Can I take this off now?"@@
@@.girl;"No way,"@@ Mia says. @@.girl;"You have to at least keep it on for a bit. Rules are rules. And honestly? You're rocking it."@@
@@.player;"I hate this,"@@ you mutter, crossing your arms.
@@.jessica;"Oh come on, it'll be fine,"@@ Jessica says, patting your shoulder.
You huff, feeling heat crawl up your face as the squad laughs and teases you. Despite their energy, you're counting the seconds until this dare is over.
<<if $d12truthjess is 0>>\
@@.player;"If you had to date someone on the football team, who would it be?"@@ you ask.
Jessica's grin falters for the briefest of moments when you ask the question. Her confident posture shifts slightly as she bites her lip. The rest of the squad erupts into laughter and squeals of anticipation, clearly thinking you've just thrown her the curveball of the night.
@@.girl;"Oh my God, $name,"@@ a girl gasps, clutching her stomach as she laughs. @@.girl;"That's brutal."@@
Ashley fans herself dramatically. @@.girl;"This is about to be //good//. Spill, Jess."@@
Jessica forces a light laugh. @@.jessica;"Wow, you really went for it, huh?"@@ she says.
@@.girl;"Come on, Jess, you //have// to answer,"@@ Tori says, leaning forward eagerly. @@.girl;"it's the rules!"@@
Jessica hesitates, her eyes darting around the room. Finally, she leans back, crossing her arms in mock exasperation. @@.jessica;"Alright, fine. If I absolutely //had// to date someone on the football team..."@@ She pauses dramatically.
@@.jessica;"Probably Luke,"@@ she blurts out finally, sounding forced.
The room explodes with laughter and cheers.
@@.girl;"Luke?!"@@ a girl shrieks. @@.girl;"Oh my God, you'd destroy him! He's, like, the goofiest guy on the team."@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, but he's, like, sweet,"@@ Jessica says quickly. @@.jessica;"And funny. I think."@@
Mia giggles. @@.girl;"Okay, but can you imagine Luke trying to have a deep, meaningful conversation? So, uh, do you like... football?"@@
The room dissolves into another round of laughter, and the entire squad teases Jessica. Jessica takes it for a while, but eventually leans over to grab a handful of popcorn, clearly trying to signal the end of her turn. @@.jessica;"Alright, can we move on now? Or are we going to keep psychoanalyzing my nonexistent football romance?"@@
@@.girl;"Fine, we'll move on,"@@ Mia says, rolling her eyes.
<<elseif $d12truthjess is 1>>
You grin mischievously, the perfect question forming in your mind. Jessica narrows her eyes at you, sensing trouble.
@@.player;"Alright,"@@ you say, trying to sound as casual as possible. @@.player;"Did you, Jessica Sanders, ever have a crush on a cartoon character as a kid?"@@
The room bursts into laughter and excited reactions.
@@.girl;"Good one, $name!"@@ a girl exclaims.
Jessica freezes for a moment, caught off guard, before leaning back and putting on an air of confidence. @@.jessica;"Oh please. Like I'm going to get embarrassed by that question. Everyone crushed on a cartoon character as a kid."@@
@@.girl;"Well, then spill!"@@ Mia urges. @@.girl;"Come on, Jess. Who was it?"@@
Jessica rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. @@.jessica;"Okay, fine, but don't laugh,"@@ she starts. @@.jessica;"When I was, like, seven, I might've had a tiny crush on... Starfire. From //Teen Titans//."@@
The room goes quiet for a moment and then erupts into playful chaos.
@@.girl;"Starfire?!"@@ a girl laughs. @@.girl;"Oh my God, I can totally see that."@@
@@.girl;"Well, she is pretty cute, though,"@@ Ashley says, nodding thoughtfully. @@.girl;"I mean, she's got the whole sweet, bubbly thing going on. i get it."@@
Jessica's rambling starts before she realizes what she's doing. @@.jessica;"Right? Like, she was so nice and kind of innocent but also //badass// when she needed to be. Plus, her hair was amazing, and she had that cute way of talking with, like, the weird phrases and—"@@
She stops mid-sentence, her eyes going wide as she realizes how much she's just said. The room falls into a brief, stunned silence, and you can see the faintest flicker of panic on her face.
@@.jessica;"Uh, I mean... who didn't have a crush on Starfire, right?"@@ she blurts out, her voice suddenly louder and overly casual. @@.jessica;"She's, like, objectively cool, and, um, it's not weird or anything. Everyone thought she was cute, no?"@@
Jessica fumbles with a piece of popcorn, popping it into her mouth as if that will somehow erase the last 30 seconds.
Ashley raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. @@.girl;"Jessica, you just talked about Starfire like she was your soulmate."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ Mia chimes in, her grin mischievous. @@.girl;"Is there something you wanna share with the class, Ms. Sanders?"@@
Jessica laughs—too loudly—and waves them off. @@.jessica;"No, no, no. You guys are just reading into things way too much. It was just a dumb childhood thing."@@
She looks around, her smile strained, but nobody presses her further. The teasing simmers down, though you notice her glancing around nervously. For a moment, you think about saying something, but the game spins on, and the attention shifts to the next person.
You try your best to keep your expression neutral, though you're grinning on the inside. @@.player;"Alright, Jessica,"@@ you say, locking eyes with her. @@.player;"Have you ever had a crush on anyone on the cheer squad?"@@
<<if $jessicaRomance > 9>>\
Jessica's grin falters ever so slightly, and she doesn't look quite as confident as she usually does. The room erupts in gasps and laughter at your question, with Mia practically falling off the couch.
The queen bee laughs nervously, brushing a stray strand of blonde hair from her face as she straightens up on the couch. @@.jessica;"Wow, $name,"@@ she says, keeping her tone light. @@.jessica;"Way to hit me with the big guns, huh?"@@
You shrug, trying to maintain an innocent facade. @@.player;"You said to bring something juicy."@@
The group is fully focused on her now, their anticipation thick in the air. Jessica shifts slightly, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve.
@@.jessica;"But no, I don't have a crush on anyone here,"@@ Jessica says, her voice having the slightest tremble.
@@.girl;"Lame,"@@ Mia complains.
@@.jessica;"Hate to break it to you, but I'm enjoying the single life,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Hey, blame $name for asking a bad question. He should've known I'm immune to this."@@
The room explodes immediately as the squad whoops in excitement.
Jessica, to her credit, keeps her cool. @@.jessica;"First of all, //no//,"@@ she says, holding up a hand like she's silencing a courtroom. @@.jessica;"I've never had a crush on anyone on the squad."@@
The room groans in exaggerated disappointment.
@@.girl;"Lame,"@@ Mia complains.
@@.jessica;"What do you guys think this is, some kind of soap opera?"@@ Jessica snorts. @@.jessica;"Like I'm secretly pining over one of you? Please. As if. Like, the squad is family. Do you have a crush on your cousins? No? Exactly."@@
@@.girl;"You're letting us down, Jessica,"@@ Tori jokes, shaking her head in disappointment.
Jessica shrugs, grinning as she grabs a handful of popcorn. @@.jessica;"Hey, blame $name for asking a bad question. He should've known I'm immune to this."@@
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 1">><</button>>You suggest playing Truth or Dare, and the room immediately lights up.
@@.girl;"Yes!"@@ Mia exclaims, almost knocking over a bowl of popcorn as she sits up straight. @@.girl;"It's been //forever// since we played that."@@
@@.girl;"Forever as in, what, a week?"@@ Tori teases, grinning as she grabs a soda.
@@.jessica;"Oh it's on!"@@ Jessica exclaims. @@.jessica;"Get ready, $name. We don't play nice in this house."@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ Mia adds with a wicked grin. @@.girl;"No wimpy truths or lame dares. We're going all in. No mercy."@@
Jessica grabs a soda bottle from the table, plopping it in the center of the group. @@.jessica;"Let the madness begin!"@@ she declares, spinning it with a flourish.
The bottle lands on a girl you don't know first.
@@.jessica;"Truth or dare?"@@ Jessica asks, a scary grin on her face.
The girl smirks. @@.girl;"Dare, obviously."@@
Jessica's eyes light up. @@.jessica;"Alright. I dare you to go out in your uniform, run outside, and do a cartwheel in front of the neighbor's house while doing the school chant at the top of your lungs."@@
The room explodes with laughter, and the girl groans, throwing her head back. @@.girl;"You're evil. You know that, right?"@@
Jessica just shrugs. @@.jessica;"Rules are rules, girl."@@
The girl mutters a string of curses under her breath as she marches off. A few moments later, she's outside, spinning and chanting at full volume while you all peek out the window, nearly crying from laughing so hard.
@@.girl;"Let's fight, Panthers! Blue and white, we own the night!"@@
When she comes back, red-faced and panting, she collapses dramatically onto the couch. @@.girl;"You all are the //worst//,"@@ she says.
The bottle spins again and lands on Mia.
@@.girl;"Truth or dare?"@@ a girl asks.
Mia doesn't even hesitate. @@.girl;"Dare. Bring it the hell on."@@
@@.girl;"I dare you to call Jordan and tell him you think he should try out for the cheer squad because he'd //totally// rock a skirt."@@
@@.girl;"Fine,"@@ Mia says, grabbing her phone. @@.girl;"But if he thinks I've lost my mind, I'm blaming you.@@
You all fall silent as she dials Jordan's number, putting the call on speaker. When he picks up, his voice is as cold and serious as ever.
@@.jordan;"What is it?"@@
@@.girl;"Hey, Jordan!"@@ Mia says, her tone overly chipper. @@.girl;"So, we were all talking, and I just know you'd kill it as a cheerleader. Like the skirt? That would totally fit your vibe."@@
There's a long pause on the other end, and then Jordan hangs out without a word. The room explodes into hysterics.
The bottle spins again and lands on Ashley.
@@.jessica;"Truth or dare?"@@ Jessica asks.
Ashley smirks. @@.girl;"Dare."@@
Jessica taps her chin, clearly plotting something outrageous. @@.jessica;"Okay, I dare you to text your ex and ask if you want to get back together. Right now."@@
Ashley's jaw drops. @@.girl;"Jessica, are you kidding me?! No way!"@@
@@.girl;"You said dare!"@@ another girl chimes in. @@.girl;"Rules are rules."@@
With a dramatic groan, Ashley picks up her phone and starts typing, her face twisted in horror. When she presses send, she gasps.
@@.girl;"He read it, he read it!"@@ Ashley says. @@.girl;"He's replying right now!"@@
@@.jessica;"What is he saying?"@@ Jessica asks, as all of you lean in. Ashley's phone buzzes, a response coming in. Jessica reads it out loud. @@.jessica;"'Ashley, what the fuck?'"@@
@@.girl;"I HATE YOU ALL!"@@ Ashley yells as the room dissolves into chaos.
Finally, the bottle spins and lands squarely on you.
All eyes turn to you, their collective grins pure mischief. Jessica rubs her hands together like a cartoon villain.
@@.jessica;"Truth or dare, $name?"@@ she asks, her voice dripping with anticipation.
You hesitate, knowing you're about to walk into the lion's den either way.
<<button "Dare" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 1">>\<<set $d12dare to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Truth" "Day 12 - Hangout TOD 1">>\<<set $d12dare to false>>\<</button>><<set $squadbond to Math.clamp($squadbond + 5, 0, 100)>>\
The drive to Jessica's house is filled with chatter and laughter, the kind of energy that only really comes from a team riding the high of a big win. When you finally arrive, Jessica pulls into the driveway of a large, modern house that practically screams comfort and style. The front yard is meticulously kept, with soft outdoor lights illuminating the stone pathway leading to the door.
@@.jessica;"Alright, everyone, welcome to my humble abode,"@@ Jessica says, stepping out of the car. She unlocks the front door and pushes it open, revealing an inviting interior with high ceilings, plush furniture, and warm lighting.
@@.player;"Wow,"@@ you murmur, stepping inside.
@@.jessica;"Make yourselves at home,"@@ Jessica says, tossing her keys onto a nearby table. @@.jessica;"Living room's straight ahead. I'll grab the snack."@@
As you step into the spacious living room, you notice a massive couch in front of a huge flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. A soft throw blanket is draped over the back of the couch.
@@.girl;"This place is as insane as I remember it being,"@@ Mia says, plopping down onto the couch and stretching out. @@.girl;"Jess, I'm officially moving out."@@
@@.girl;"You'll have to fight me for it,"@@ Ashley jokes, settling onto the other end of the couch.
Jessica reappears a few minutes later, her arms laden with snacks: bowls of chips, cookies, candy, and a few cans of soda. @@.jessica;"Here we go!"@@ she announces, setting everything down on the coffee table.
Tori grabs a can of soda and cracks it open. @@.girl;"Alright, so, what's the game plan for tonight? Are we doing movies, games, gossiping? I'm down for all of the above."@@
@@.jessica;"Hmm, $name,"@@ Jessica says, turning to you with a teasing smile, @@.jessica;"Since this is your first official team hangout, you get to pick what we do first."@@
<<set $d12hangoutnum to 0>>\
<<set $d12hangoutactivity0 to false>>\
<<set $d12hangoutactivity1 to false>>\
<<set $d12hangoutactivity2 to false>>\
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Hangout 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/restroom.png">
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts3">>\
You realize your boobs just grew even more. You have medium-sized breasts now, and they are very noticeable. You've already decided to \
<<if $eventBind is true>>\
bind them so that nobody will notice you've grown boobs. It'll be uncomfortable, but something you have to deal with.
just leave them be regardless of if people notice you've grown boobs. You sigh and wonder what you'll tell your parents.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Continue" "Day 12 - Game Cheerleader 2">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $day to 8>>\
You walk out of your house, backpack slung over one shoulder, and spot Luke waiting for you at the corner. He glances at you and \
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
<<if ($feminineLooks > 39) or (($breastsProg > 1) and ($bind is false))>>\
his eyes widen.
@@.luke;"$name, how are you going to hide what you look like at school?"@@ Luke asks, his mouth agape.
@@.player;"Guess I can't anymore,"@@ you murmur, sighing as you look at yourself. @@.player;"Guess we'll see how people react at school. I expect a lot of rumors to fly around."@@
@@.luke;"Well, that's to be expected,"@@ Luke says. @@.luke;"You look really androgynous now."@@
@@.player;"I suppose the rumor mill at school will have a field day with me,"@@ you chuckle, trying to mask your nervousness.
gives you a nod.
@@.luke;"Glad to see the curse didn't mess with you too much over the weekend."@@
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you murmur, unsure why you feel a little disappointed that you haven't changed much.
@@.player;"Thank God,"@@ you let out a sigh of relief and smile. You're glad you haven't changed too much.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - Luke">><</button>>
<<if ($feminineLooks > 39) or (($breastsProg > 1) and ($bind is false))>>\
<<set $friendsKnow to true>>
his eyes widen.
@@.luke;"$name, why the hell do you look like that?"@@ Luke asks, his mouth agape. @@.luke;"You look so feminine."@@
You haven't told your friends about the \
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
spell \
curse \
but you've changed significantly enough for Luke to notice. You realize that at this point, there's no point in hiding it anymore. There's no good excuse you could make anyway.
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
@@.player;"It's this spell that's been put on me,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Let me tell you the whole story."@@
@@.player;"It's this stupid fucking curse,"@@ you complain, your voice venomous. @@.player;"Let me tell you the whole story."@@
You quickly explain about Madame Serena and everything that's happened the past week. Luke seems conflicted, not believing in magic but also finding it impossible to deny the changes he sees with his very own eyes.
@@.luke;"That's insane man, shit,"@@ Luke says, shaking his head as he tries to process what you just said.
@@.player;"Tell me about it,"@@ you respond, chuckling.
@@.luke;"So you're slowly turning into a girl,"@@ Luke repeats what you told him. @@.luke;"I'm sorry that's happening to you, man."@@
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
@@.player;"It's okay, there's nothing I can do about it anyway,"@@ you say.
@@.player;"Thanks, I can't help but wish there was a way to reverse it,"@@ you say.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - Luke">><</button>>
gives you a nod.
@@.luke;"Good to see you as always, man."@@
You haven't told your friends about the
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
spell \
curse \
and you haven't changed significantly enough for Luke to notice.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 2">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<set $top to 0>>\
<<set $pants to 0>>\
You make your way into your room, collapsing onto your bed. You have no idea how you made it through the last class of the day after gym. After spending some time relaxing, you make your way to your desk. The soft hum of your computer fills the room as you settle into your chair. You think of studying but shake your head. You weren't in the mood to study
<<if $study > 79>>\
at the moment.
as always.
The glow of the monitor illuminates your face as you scroll through the library of games you have. On one hand, you can play //Critter Crossing//, a lighthearted life-simulation game. In it, you can build a cute little village, decorate homes, and chat with quirky townspeople. On the other hand, you can play //Need of Arms//, which promises an adrenaline rush. It's a gritty, first-person shooter where the stakes are high.
You hesitate, letting your fingers tap rhythmically on the surface of your desk. What kind of distraction do you want today?
<<button "Play Critter Crossing" "Day 8 - 11">>\<<set $d8game to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Play Need of Arms" "Day 8 - 11">>\<<set $d8game to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomd.png">
<<if $d8game is true>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to play //Critter Crossing//, clicking on the icon on your desktop. You watch as the cheerful, pastel-colored loading screen pops up. The game's familiar theme music plays, and you realize it's been a very long time since you've played.
A moment later, your avatar appears on the screen. The town is just as you left it: a collection of cozy homes, blooming flowerbeds, and a well-decorated town square. Weeds are growing though, and your poor villagers all have a frown on their face. You can't help but feel a little bad that you neglected them for so long. @@.player;"Ah, sorry,"@@ you mutter to yourself, half-laughing as you guide your character toward some weeds.
One of the villagers, a snooty flamingo named Ruby, waddles up to you with a pout. You click on her to chat and her dialogue bubble pops up.
@@.girl;"$name! I thought you disappeared forever!"@@ the poor flamingo says. @@.girl;"I was about to declare your house haunted. You owe me a snack for making me worry so much!"@@
You chuckle and gift Ruby a peach to make amends.
Over the next hour, you find yourself entirely immersed in your own little world. You dig up fossils, fish in the river, and rearrange furniture. There's something soothing about organizing this tiny, perfect world when your real life is so chaotic.
<<if $femininity > 14>>\
As you work, you notice your own preferences subtly influencing the game. You choose softer colors for furniture and plant bright flowers around the town square. It's a far cry from the dark aesthetic you used to favor.
As you work, you notice your preferences are the same as always. The dark, rugged aesthetic you always go for still looks nice, and you find yourself matching it the best you can.
Before you can think too deeply about it, another villager interrupts your musings. This time, it's a smug cat named Maurice walking up to you with a thought bubble above his head. You click on him to see what he has to say.
<<if $femininity > 14>>\
@@.boy;"You look different these days, kid,"@@ he says. @@.boy;"A little softer around the edges. I guess I like it, though. Makes the place feel brighter."@@
You freeze for a moment. The words hit a little too close to home. You brush it off with a chuckle, although you can't stop thinking about it. \
@@.boy;"You're doing the same as always, kid,"@@ he says. @@.boy;"It's good to have you back. Don't leave us again, if you can."@@
You smile, feeling bad that you left these little critters alone for so long. You gift him an apple, and Maurice is very pleased. \
By the time you log off, the town is looking happy again. You're glad you spent this time playing //Critter Crossing//.
As you shut off your computer and stand back up, you feel a familiar tingling coursing through your entire body.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 8 - Critter Crossing">>
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>>
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 3, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to play //Need of Arms//, clicking on the icon on your desktop. The screen flashes with the game's gritty title sequence: an army of soldiers charging through a desolate battlefield. The heavy soundtrack kicks in, and you feel a familiar rush of adrenaline. This is what you need—something intense to drown out your thoughts.
The game loads, and you see your avatar; an armored operative decked out in the most advanced tactical gear the military had to offer. You take a moment to tweak your loadout, adding a few new mods to your rifle and looking at the newly added weapons. Everything feels precise and controlled.
You join a match, and within seconds, you're dropped into the Chaos of //Urban Descent//, one of the game's infamous maps. The game is fast-paced and brutal, and you kill player after player. The intensity pulls you into the moment, leaving no room for any worries. Thoughts about your appearance and the $referto has no place in your mind.
<<if $femininity > 14>>\
Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.
As the match drags on, you start to notice something gnawing at the back of your mind. You feel different playing the familiar game, for whatever reason. You shake your head and try to focus on the game. A shot comes out of nowhere and you die, ruining your kill streak. You try and tell yourself that this is ''your'' game. You finish the game in third place though, and let out a loud sigh. Maybe, as much as you hate to admit it, you're starting to change in ways that even //Need of Arms// can't shield you from.
You continue dominating, racking up kills and increasing your kill streak. As the game ends, you finish in first place. You pump your fist excitedly. It seems that //Need of Arms// was always there for you, no matter what.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 12">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
As you pull the blankets up to your chin, you feel a warm and tingly feeling throughout your body. Your eyes widen, were you going to transform? But soon you realize it's a different feeling, not transformation, but arousal. It's been a while since you've masturbated, not really having had time to think about your sexual needs. School, your social life, and most importantly, the $referto, have left you no time to really touch yourself.
<<button "Masturbate" "Day 8 - Masturbation">>\<<set $d8masturbate to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Tough it Out" "Day 8 - 13">>\<<set $d8masturbate to false>>\<</button>>
You pull the blankets up to your chin, exhausted after the long day you had.
<div class="note">This passage is meant for the adult scene. The text is so short because you have your preference for adult content set to none.</div>\
<<button "Go to sleep" "Day 8 - 13">>\<<set $d8masturbate to false>>\<</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $top to 0>>\
<<set $pants to 0>>\
<<set $shoes to 0>>\
<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<if $d8masturbate is true>>\
You get yourself cleaned up in the shower, paying special attention to your private parts. After making sure everything's as clean as can be, you head back to your room and lie in bed.
Your eyelids grow heavier as the day winds down. You can barely keep them open as you shift into a comfortable position. The pillow is cool but the blankets are warm, a perfect night. You close your eyes and let your thoughts fade into nothing.
<<button "Continue" "Day 9 - 1">><</button>>@@.luke;"I can't believe it's finally here,"@@ Luke says, a wide smile on his face as he changes the conversation topic.
@@.player;"What do you mean?"@@ you ask, confused.
@@.luke;"Seriously?"@@ Luke asks, shooting you a look of mock offense. @@.luke;"Football season! The first game's this Friday."@@
@@.player;"Oh, right,"@@ you say with a small laugh. @@.player;"How could I forget?"@@
@@.luke;"Anyway, Friday's going to be insane, I swear,"@@ Luke enthuses. @@.luke;"You're coming to the game, right? It's home turf, so everyone's going to be there."@@
@@.player;"I'll see,"@@ you say, not committing to anything yet.
@@.luke;"Come on, you have to come,"@@ Luke smiles. @@.luke;"School spirit, remember? Go Pacific Crest Panthers!"@@
@@.player;"I'll think about it,"@@ you respond. \
<<if $athleticism < 60>>\
You didn't even know the rules of football, due to your lack of athleticism. You wonder if you should go, you hope it'll be fun even if you don't know much.
You do know the rules of football and how it's played, but you're unsure if you should go.
<<button "Go to homeroom" "Day 8 - 3">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<set $jessicaKnow to false>>\
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
<<set $d8rumors to true>>\
You walk into homeroom, and everyone's eyes trace you as you make your way to your seat.
@@.jessica;"Hey, $name,"@@ Jessica says, seeming concerned. She pulls over a chair and sits in front of your desk. @@.jessica;"The rumor mill has been going crazy about you, what's going on?"@@
@@.player;"Huh, what do you mean?"@@ you ask, heart beating in your chest.
@@.jessica;"What do I mean? Look at you! You @@\
<<if $breastsProg > 1 and $bind is false>>\
@@.jessica;have boobs. Like boobs! On your body! You're a guy, $name. How the hell do you have boobs?"@@
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 39>>\
@@.jessica;look androgynous! You do not look like how you looked a week ago."@@
@@.jessica;look much more feminine! You do not look like how you looked a week ago.@@
@@.player;"Oh, about that,"@@ you chuckle, awkwardly trying to make up an excuse. You expected this to happen but didn't expect gossip to spread as quickly as it did. @@.player;"Would you believe me if I said I just woke up like this one morning?"@@
@@.jessica;"Oh my God, I'm not stupid,"@@ Jessica rubs her temple as she tries to calm herself. @@.jessica;"That is ''not'' something that happens naturally. Your facial features are completely different."@@
@@.player;"Erm,"@@ you try your best to stall for time, your mind racing for an excuse.
@@.jessica;"Look, $name, I'll be honest with you,"@@ Jessica's face morphs into a mask of seriousness. @@.jessica;"You can either tell me what's going on and have me help you calm down the rumors or have the gossip go rampant. I'm your ally here, not your enemy. Come on, we're homeroom partners, aren't we?"@@
<<button "Get Jessica's help" "Day 8 - Jessica Help">>\<<set $d8jessicaHelp to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't get Jessica's help" "Day 8 - 4">>\<<set $d8jessicaHelp to false>>\<</button>>
<<set $d8rumors to false>>\
You walk into homeroom, and nobody looks up from their phones and computers. You make your way to your desk and sit down, ready for another ordinary day of school.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 4">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $d8jessicaHelp is true>>\
You walk back into homeroom and to your seat, sitting down. You take out your phone and browse your socials until Ms. Carter walks in.
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.player;"Sorry, I think I want to handle this on my own,"@@ you say to Jessica.
@@.jessica;"Well, that's fair,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"Just don't come back to me if the rumors spiral out of control."@@
You take out your phone and browse your socials until Ms. Carter walks in.
You take out your phone and browse your socials until Ms. Carter walks in.
@@.girl;"Hello, my beautiful homeroom students,"@@ Ms. Carter greets, a wide smile on her face. @@.girl;"I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. The back-to-school party was great too, raise your arm if you attended."@@
Everyone raises their arm into the air, \
<<if $d5party is true>>\
including you.
except for you.
@@.girl;"Okay, hands back down,"@@ Ms. Carter says, as everyone's hand shoots back down. @@.girl;"So, there's nothing too exciting for today. Your clubs are on Wednesday, we'll be adding to the personal reflection journey on Thursday, and Friday will be the start of the football season here at Pacific Bay High. For Monday and Tuesday though, we really don't have anything to do."@@
Everyone seems to perk up as the chances of this homeroom just being free time increases.
@@.girl;"That is why for today, we will be creating a themed bulletin board for the classroom."@@
Everyone's shoulders slump.
@@.girl;"The theme is //What Inspires Us//,"@@ Ms. Carter says, ignoring how devastated the class looks. She gestures to some bins with colorful paper, scissors, markers, tape, and more art supplies. @@.girl;"Go with your homeroom partner and get working!"@@
@@.jessica;"Okay, so we're focusing on something that inspires us,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"What inspires you, $name?"@@
<<button "My family" "Day 8 - 5">>\<<set $d8bulletin to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "My friends" "Day 8 - 5">>\<<set $d8bulletin to false>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $d8bulletin is true>>\
@@.player;"My family,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"They're not perfect, and we have issues like every family does, but at the end of the day we're family."@@
@@.jessica;"That's nice,"@@ Jessica says, her face falling a little. She quickly recovers her cheery attitude though. @@.jessica;"That's a good thing to write about for the bulletin board."@@
@@.player;"My friends,"@@ you say, nodding. @@.player;"Luke and Samantha are always there for me, you know? I know they'll always have my back."@@
@@.jessica;"Sounds like a solid crew,"@@ Jessica says, a smirk on her face. @@.jessica;"That's a good thing to write about for the bulletin board."@@
You make a simple but heartfelt contribution. You create a hand-drawn picture with a short message to your \
<<if $d8bulletin is true>>\
family. "Through every high and low, my family has been my anchor. They remind me who I am and who I want to be."
friends. "My friends are my strength. With them, I can face anything life throws at me."
@@.jessica;"I like it,"@@ Jessica says as she glances at your work. @@.jessica;"What do you think about mine?"@@
Jessica has a motivational quote along with a Polaroid of her and the cheer squad.
@@.player;"Yours is pretty awesome too,"@@ you chuckle.
By the end of homeroom, the bulletin board was filled with colorful and inspiring contributions. Ms. Carter stands back and admires all your work. @@.girl;"This looks amazing, everyone,"@@ Ms. Carter says. @@.girl;"You've all done a great job expressing yourselves."@@
You find yourself looking at your own contribution, feeling a quiet sense of pride. You're glad that at the end of the day, you still have people who stick by you.
<<if ($feminineLooks > 39) or (($breastsProg > 1) and ($bind is false))>>\
<<button "Go to class" "Day 8 - Carter">><</button>>
<<button "Go to class" "Day 8 - 6">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/school-cafeteria.png">
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
<<set $referto to "spell">>
<<set $referto to "curse">>
After the first two classes of the day, you sit down at your usual table with Luke and Samantha. \
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
At this point, your friends know about what happened to you.
At this point, your friends still don't know about what happened to you.
<<if $d8rumors is true>>\
<<if $d8jessicaPlan is true>>\
There are some whispers and people glancing at you, but you're able to brush it off. You look around the cafeteria and see Jessica. She did help more than you expected, the rumors would probably be worse if she didn't help.
<<set $popularity to Math.clamp($popularity - 10, 0, 100)>>\
The sounds of gossip and the glances everyone takes at you are overwhelming. You look around the cafeteria and see Jessica. Rejecting her help has made the rumors grow and mutate.
@@.luke;"So, I'm expecting everyone to come to the football game this Friday,"@@ Luke says, a confident smirk on his face.
@@.samantha;"Ew, wipe that creepy smile off your face,"@@ Samantha says, scrunching her nose in disgust. @@.samantha;"Everyone would go to the football game for Jordan, not you."@@
@@.luke;"What?"@@ Luke feigns offense. @@.luke;"I'm better than him."@@
@@.samantha;"In your dreams,"@@ Samantha can't help but giggle and rolls her eyes.
Your two best friends continue bantering but their voices slowly fade into the background. All you can hear is the sound of your own thoughts bouncing around your head. You can't help but think about the $referto and what Madame Serena yesterday.
You snap back to reality.
@@.luke;"Are you alright, $name?"@@ Luke asks, concern etched on his face. @@.luke;"Samantha and I've been calling out to you for a while."@@
<<if $friendsKnow is true>>\
@@.player;"Yeah, I was just thinking about the $referto."@@ you murmur.
<<if $d8rumors is true>>\
@@.samantha;"The $referto?"@@ Samantha asks. @@.samantha;"Like the rumors or the $referto itself?"@@
<<if $acceptance > 14>>\
@@.player;"The rumors,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It bothers me that people are gossiping about me."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, Pacific Crest is like that,"@@ Samantha gives you a sympathetic look. @@.samantha;"The rumor mill works fast though, by next week they'll be talking about drama or something."@@
@@.luke;"Know we've got your back, $name,"@@ Luke leans forward. @@.luke;"If anyone gives you trouble, just tell me."@@
@@.player;"The $referto,"@@ you say. @@.player;"It bothers me that I'm becoming more feminine."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, I'd be horrified if I were in your shoes,"@@ Samantha gives you a sympathetic look. @@.samantha;"I hope you figure something out."@@
@@.luke;"Know we've got your back, $name,"@@ Luke leans forward. @@.luke;"If you need any help, just tell me."@@
@@.samantha;"Yeah, that sounds tough,"@@ Samantha says, sighing. @@.samantha;"I'm sorry that happened."@@
<<if $acceptance > 14>>\
@@.player;"It's not too bad,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I just can't help but think about it a lot."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, I don't like what's happening to me,"@@ you say.
@@.luke;"Know we've got your back, $name,"@@ Luke leans forward. @@.luke;"If you need any help, just tell me."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, guys,"@@ you chuckle despite yourself.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine,"@@ you say, quickly recovering your composure. @@.player;"I was just thinking about something."@@
@@.samantha;"Something?"@@ Samantha asks, raising her eyebrows.
@@.player;"It's nothing important,"@@ you chuckle, trying to change the topic.
@@.samantha;"Anyway, this food is ass,"@@ Samantha almost retches as she picks at the pasta that's dryer than the Sahara.
You return to your usual conversation, bantering until the lunch bell rings.
<<button "Go to gym class" "Day 8 - 7">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
You walk into the crowded locker room, immediately being hit with the scent of old swear and disinfectant. The hum of conversation and clatter of lockers fill the air as your peers mill around, changing into their gym kits and chatting. You make your way over to your locker, and see Vincent rummaging around the locker next to you. He glances up at you as you approach, a small grin spreading across his face.
<<if $d8rumors is true>>\
@@.vincent;"Hey, $name,"@@ Vincent says. @@.vincent;"Are you alright? Even I've heard a lot of rumors about you, and I'm usually out of the loop."@@
<<if $d8jessicaPlan is true>>\
@@.player;"Well, I've done all I could to calm the rumors,"@@ you respond, shrugging.
@@.player;"Well, nothing I can do about it now,"@@ you respond, shrugging.
@@.vincent;"Oh,"@@ Vincent says, trying to think of what to say. @@.vincent;"Well, we're friends, so let me know if you need to talk."@@
@@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you can't help but smile, glad to have people supporting you. @@.player;"I appreciate it."@@
<<if $breastsProg > 1 and $bind is false>>\
@@.vincent;"But, uhh, I'm doing my best to ignore the rumors, but,"@@ Vincent glances at your chest awkwardly. @@.vincent;"How do you have... those?"@@
@@.player;"It's complicated,"@@ you murmur. You knew that this would happen since you didn't bind, but it was still a pain.
@@.vincent;"Oh, I won't probe then,"@@ Vincent says, although it's clear he's very curious.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
As you shift your body, your shirt brushes against your nipples in an awkward way. You have to hold back a moan as your new erogenous zones explode in pleasure.
@@.vincent;"What was that, $name?"@@ Vincent asks, concern etched on his face.
@@.player;"Oh, nothing,"@@ you say, your face burning bright red. You can't believe your nipples were this sensitive.
<<elseif $bind is true>>\
You wince, the fabric binding your chest hurts you as it digs into your ribs. The dull ache in your chest was growing sharper, radiating with every breath. You shift uncomfortably, putting a hand under your armpit as you try and adjust the towel around your chest.
@@.vincent;"Are you alright, $name?"@@ Vincent's voice cuts through the ambient chatter of the locker room.
@@.player;"I'm fine,"@@ you lie quickly.
@@.vincent;"You look tense, I'm just worried,"@@ Vincent frowns, a look of concern on his face.
<<elseif $breastsProg is 1>>\
Your breasts aren't noticeable enough that they affect you, but they are growing and make your chest sensitive. \
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
You shift your body, and your shirt twists in an awkward way. You have to hold back a moan as your shirt brushes against your nipples.
@@.vincent;"What was that, $name?"@@ Vincent asks, concern etched on his face.
@@.player;"Oh, nothing,"@@ you say, turning bright red. It would embarrass you to no end to admit that you moaned a little.
@@.vincent;"Oh, alright,"@@ Vincent murmurs. @@.vincent;"Just heard a weird sound from you."@@
You shake your head and try to ignore it.
You don't have any breasts yet, so it's not a concern in the slightest. You look down at your chest and \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
feel a little disappointed by the lack of weight there.
feel fine with the lack of weight there.
@@.vincent;"Are you alright, $name?"@@ Vincent asks.
@@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"@@ you respond quickly, looking back up.
@@.vincent;"Oh, you were just looking down for a while,"@@ Vincent murmurs.
You pull out your gym kit from your backpack and freeze. You hold up the top and athletic shorts and realize that you're going to have to change. You quickly glance at the restroom, where there are a few stalls where you could change in privacy. You could also stay and change in the locker room, although that could be awkward.
@@.vincent;"Hey, $name,"@@ Vincent says. @@.vincent;"How are you doing today?"@@
@@.player;"I'm fine,"@@ you respond, shrugging. @@.player;"Just doing the same as always."@@
@@.vincent;"Good to hear,"@@ Vincent smiles widely.
You pull out your gym kit from your backpack and get ready to change. Although you haven't transformed much from the $referto, you could go to the restroom and change in a stall for privacy.
<<button "Change in a restroom stall" "Day 8 - Change (Restroom)">>\<<set $d8changehide to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Change in the locker room" "Day 8 - Change (Locker)">>\<<set $d8changehide to false>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/school-gymd.png">
@@.girl;"Welcome to another day of P.E.,"@@ Coach Blake says. @@.girl;"How is everyone doing?"@@
There are a few grunts.
@@.girl;"Well, that's why we have gym!"@@ Coach Blake enthuses, trying to get the class excited. @@.girl;"To get everybody energetic and those dopamines flowing!"@@
Nobody seems particularly excited.
@@.vincent;"I don't see why we have to take physical education for four years,"@@ Vincent whispers. @@.vincent;"That time could be better spent on another AP class."@@
<<if $study > 79>>\
@@.player;"I know right?"@@ you say. @@.player;"Studying is much more important."@@
@@.vincent;"Exactly!"@@ Vincent smiles.
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Not everyone is a brainiac like you, Vincent."@@
@@.vincent;"I-I'm not a brainiac!"@@ Vincent says, blushing bright red.
@@.girl;"First, we'll be starting with ten laps around the basketball court,"@@ Coach Blake announces, interrupting your conversation. @@.girl;"Let's go, everyone!"@@
Coach Blake turns on some horrible upbeat music that she thinks will motivate you, and forces everyone to start running. You begin running, and everything is smooth sailing\
<<if $breastsProg > 1>>\
<<if $bind is true>>\
until you realize just how uncomfortable the binding is. Walking around with the towel pressing down on your chest was bad enough, but running around the field had you on the verge of passing out. You're grabbing onto your ribs and your breaths come in short, shallow bursts. Each step sends a sharp twinge of pain radiating across your chest.
@@.girl;"$name, over here,"@@ Coach Blake's voice cut through the haze of discomfort. @@.girl;"Now!"@@
You wince but make your way to her, your legs heavy and chest heaving.
@@.player;"Yes, coach?"@@ you murmur.
@@.girl;"What's going on?"@@ your coach asks, clearly concerned.
@@.player;"Nothing, I'm just out of breath,"@@ you say, avoiding her gaze.
Coach Blake raises her eyebrows, unconvinced by your terrible lie. She motions for you to follow her to the side of the gym, away from the other students.
@@.girl;"Don't lie to me, Yoon,"@@ Coach Blake says firmly. @@.girl;"I've been a teacher long enough to know when someone's pushing through something they shouldn't be. What's going on with your chest?"@@
You freeze, your heart racing for another reason now. You hesitate, tugging the hem of your shirt as you try to think of a way to deflect.
@@.girl;"Look, I'm not here to judge,"@@ she says, softening her tone. @@.girl;"But I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth, $name."@@
@@.player;"I've got something wrapped around my chest,"@@ you whisper. @@.player;"To flatten it."@@
@@.girl;"Binding?"@@ your coach asks, a mix of concern and understanding crossing her face.
You nod, unable to meet her eyes.
Coach Blake sighs, resting her hands on her hips. @@.girl;"I understand why you might feel like you need to do that, but running laps when bound? It's dangerous. You could seriously hurt yourself."@@
@@.player;"I don't know what else to do,"@@ you mumble, your face burning with shame.
@@.girl;"First, we need to get you out of this,"@@ she begins. @@.girl;"Go to the locker room, loosen whatever you have around your chest, and take a breather. Second, if this is something you're going to keep doing, you need the right gear. Wrapping yourself up with fabric is dangerous. I'll help you figure out how to get something safer. There are options."@@
You look up at her, surprised. @@.player;"You'd help me?"@@
@@.girl;"Of course,"@@ the coach gives you a small, reassuring smile. @@.girl;"My job is to help you succeed, and that means making sure you're healthy."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Coach Blake,"@@ you say, feeling relieved.
@@.girl;"Go on now,"@@ she says, waving you off. @@.girl;"Take care of yourself."@@
You jog off to the locker room, still aching but grateful that Coach Blake was so accepting.
<<button "Catch your breath" "Day 8 - Blake">><</button>>
until you realize just how uncomfortable your breasts are. The sensation of your chest moving uncomfortably with every step is impossible to ignore. Without any kind of support, your breasts feel awkward and heavy. You tug your shirt, trying to make it sit better against your body, but the fabric clung to you from the sweat.
@@.girl;"$name, over here,"@@ Coach Blake's voice cut through the haze of discomfort. @@.girl;"Now!"@@
You hesitate, but know there's no avoiding it. You jog over to her, your face burning with embarrassment.
@@.girl;"What's going on?"@@ your coach asks, clearly concerned.
@@.player;"Nothing, I'm just out of breath,"@@ you say, avoiding her gaze.
Coach Blake raises her eyebrows, unconvinced by your terrible lie. She motions for you to follow her to the side of the gym, away from the other students.
@@.girl;"Don't lie to me, Yoon,"@@ Coach Blake says firmly. @@.girl;"I've been a teacher long enough to know when someone's uncomfortable. You're stiff, out of rhythm, and you're holding your chest like you're in pain. Are you alright?"@@
@@.player;"They're just sore,"@@ you whisper, your hands fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. @@.player;"When I run, I mean."@@
Coach Blake blinks, processing your words. Her expression softens immediately as she nods. @@.girl;"Got it,"@@ she says, her voice calm and understanding. @@.girl;"You need some support."@@
@@.player;"Support?"@@ you ask, your head snapping up.
@@.girl;"Yes, support,"@@ she says, gesturing vaguely to her own chest. @@.girl;"It's nothing to be ashamed of. It happens to plenty of athletes, especially if things are new for you. A good sports bra makes a world of difference. You'd feel way more comfortable running."@@
Your face turns bright red as you realize what she just said. @@.player;"A bra?"@@ you repeat.
@@.girl;"It's just about practicality,"@@ Coach Blake says with a small smile. @@.girl;"I know it's not something you're used to, but trust me, it's better than being miserable out here."@@
@@.player;"I wouldn't even know where to start,"@@ you admit.
@@.girl;"Well, I can help,"@@ your coach says, her tone becoming reassuring. @@.girl;"We can figure out something that works for you. Something simple, no frills whatsoever. Just what you need to move comfortably. Don't worry, it doesn't need to be a big deal."@@
@@.player;"You'd really help me with this?"@@ you ask, glancing at her. You're unsure about the bra, but you're grateful for her lack of judgment.
@@.girl;"Of course,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"My job is to make sure you can train safely and confidently. That's what I'm here for. Alright, no more laps for now. Go to the locker room and take a breather, I'll be there soon."@@
@@.player;"Thanks, Coach Blake,"@@ you say, feeling relieved.
@@.girl;"Go on now,"@@ she says, waving you off. @@.girl;"Take care of yourself."@@
You jog off to the locker room, grateful that Coach Blake was so accepting.
<<button "Catch your breath" "Day 8 - Blake">><</button>>
<<elseif $hairProg > 1 and $hairStyle is 0>>\
until the school's air-conditioning keeps blowing strands of hair into your face. You huff in frustration, brushing it aside, but it's no use. Every few steps, it's there again—sticking to your forehead, whipping against your cheeks, and even getting caught in your mouth once or twice.
@@.girl;"$name, over here,"@@ Coach Blake's voice cut through the air. @@.girl;"Now!"@@
You make your way over to her, relieved that your hair isn't getting in your face.
@@.girl;"You know, $name,"@@ Coach Blake calls out. @@.girl;"You've been fighting your hair more than the laps."@@
You glance at her sheepishly, wiping some sweat from your brow. @@.player;"It's just long. I haven't figured out what to do with it yet."@@
@@.girl;"I can see that,"@@ she says with a small smile. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a simple hair tie, holding it out to you. @@.girl;"Here. Tie it back."@@
<<if $d7hairsister is undefined>>\
@@.player;"I've never really done that before,"@@ you say, hesitating as you stare at the hair tie in her hand.
@@.girl;"Never?"@@ she asks, raising an eyebrow. @@.girl;"Alright, no problem. Come here—I’ll show you how."@@
@@.player;"I'm a little unsure, I've only done it a few times,"@@ you say, hesitating as you stare at the hair tie in her hand.
@@.girl;"You really should practice,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"I'll do it for you today, but if you long hair, tying it back should be like instinct."@@
She gestures for you to turn around, and you oblige.
@@.girl;"All you have to do is pull your hair back like this,"@@ she explains, sweeping it into a loose bundle at the back of your head. @@.girl;"Then you twist the hair tie around it, like so. It doesn't need to be perfect, just enough to keep it out of your face."@@
When she's done, you reach back and feel the neat ponytail she made. It's strange, but you have to admit, it's much better than the alternative of hair sticking to your skin.
@@.player;"This is better,"@@ you say, glancing at her gratefully.
@@.girl;"Good,"@@ Coach Blake says, a smile on her face. @@.girl;"You can keep the hair tie—it’s a spare. But if you need help again, please don't be afraid to ask."@@
You nod, feeling a little more confident. Sure, it's just a hair tie, but somehow it feels like a step toward making things more manageable.
<<set $hairStyle to 1>>\
<<set $hairtie to 1>>\
<<button "Continue with P.E." "Day 8 - 9">><</button>>
. You manage to make it through the entire ten laps without much of a problem.
<div class="note">There is an extended passage here if you have had at least 2 chest transformations or if you have long hair but haven't tied it.</div>\
<<button "Continue with P.E." "Day 8 - 9">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/school-gymd.png">
As P.E. continues, you feel yourself becoming \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
significantly more tired than usual. You try to keep up with the \
<<if $transgender < 15>>\
other \
boys, but every step feels a lot heavier than usual. Your muscles ache, sweat drips down your face, and your breathing is quicker than normal. Your entire body feels different lately. \
<<elseif $feminineLooks > 19>>\
a little more tired than usual. You try to keep up with the \
<<if $transgender < 15>>\
other \
boys, but every step feels a little heavier than usual. Your muscles ache, a few beads of sweat drip down your face, and your breathing is quicker than normal. Your entire body feels different lately. \
tired, but no more than usual. \
Coach Blake calls a cool-down session with some stretches and light yoga, much to your relief.
@@.vincent;"You alright, $name?"@@ Vincent asks as you plop down on a gym mat. @@.vincent;"You're looking tired."@@
@@.player;"Yeah, just tired,"@@ you chuckle. @@.player;"It's not a big deal."@@
<<if $feminineLooks > 19>>\
@@.vincent;"But you were faster a week ago,"@@ Vincent says, furrowing his eyebrows. @@.vincent;"Are you sick or something?"@@
You shake your head, trying to mask how drained you feel, but Vincent doesn't let up.
@@.vincent;"Come on, $name, something's up,"@@ he says. @@.vincent;"I mean, feminizing hormones are known to decrease muscle mass—"@@
@@.player;"What?"@@ you say a little too loudly, taken aback.
@@.vincent;"O-Oh I shouldn't have said that out loud,"@@ Vincent says, cheeks turning a little red. @@.vincent;"Sorry, I just kind of assumed... I guess I shouldn't assume..."@@
<<button "Tell Vincent the truth" "Day 8 - Tell Vincent">>\<<set $d8vincentTruth to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Don't tell Vincent the truth" "Day 8 - 10">>\<<set $d8vincentTruth to false>>\<</button>>
@@.vincent;"Yeah, fair,"@@ Vincent says, a small smile on his face. @@.vincent;"I'm really tired too. I wasn't really built for this kind of thing."@@
<<button "Finish up school" "Day 8 - 10">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
You take deep breaths in the locker room, calming down your heart. You take a swig out of your water bottle and let yourself relax. You hadn't considered the effects that your chest would have in gym class, which was a pretty stupid thing to overlook now that you thought about it. While deep in your thoughts, you heart Coach Blake's voice from the doorway.
@@.girl;"$name,"@@ she says. \
<<if $bind is true>>\
<<set $binder to true>>\
She holds a small, neatly folded black garment in her hand. @@.girl;"I did a little digging after our talk and I found this. It's a binder—specifically made for chest compression. Safe compression."@@
Your eyes widen as you stare at the binder. @@.player;"You found this for me?"@@
@@.girl;"Yeah,"@@ she says, an understanding smile on her face. @@.girl;"I'm not an expert, but I know enough to see what you're doing right now isn't safe. Wrapping fabric around yourself like that can mess with your breathing, hurt your ribs, and cause a whole host of other problems."@@
Your throat tightens and you want to shift your gaze.
@@.girl;"Look, I'm not here to pry into your personal life,"@@ Coach Blake says, sensing your discomfort. @@.girl;"I don't need to know why, $name. I just want to make sure you're safe. Okay?"@@
You nod slowly, your fingers brushing the edge of the binder. It felt very sturdy and wasn't bulky at all. @@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you murmur, the weight of her kindness almost overwhelming.
@@.girl;"Don't mention it,"@@ she says, standing back up. @@.girl;"Just promise me you'll take care of yourself. No more improvised wrapping. Let me know if you have any questions, alright? We'll figure it out."@@
@@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you whisper again. @@.player;"I appreciate it."@@
As Coach Blake leaves the locker room, you unfold the binder in your hands. Simple and practical. It was exactly what you needed. You slip into a private part of the locker room and put it on, adjusting the binder until it sat snugly but not painfully. It feels strange, but after you move your arms and take a deep breath, you realize just how much better it was than what you were using.
<<set $bra to true>>\
She holds a small, black garment in her hand that you instantly recognize as a bra. @@.girl;"I did a little digging after our talk and I found this sports bra. It's brand new, don't worry. I'm sure you know what it does."@@
You freeze, your face burning as you look at the bra. You're thankful, but you can't stop yourself from feeling a little \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
@@.girl;"I know this is uncomfortable for you to talk about,"@@ she says, an understanding smile on her face. @@.girl;"But I noticed just how uncomfortable you were in laps. This is going to help, trust me."@@
@@.player;"Coach, I—"@@ you start speaking, but your voice catches.
Coach Blake sits on the bench beside you, resting the sports bra between the two of you. She just lets it sit there, as if its presence speaks for itself.
@@.girl;"Look,"@@ she says, her voice softening. @@.girl;"I'm not here to judge you, $name. I don't know what's going on, and I don't need to know unless you want to tell me. But what I //do// know is that you can't keep running like this."@@
<<if $transgender < 15>>\
@@.girl;"You don't have to do this for anyone else,"@@ she continues. @@.girl;"But you should do it for yourself. Running, jumping, even walking—it’s all easier with the right support. Trust me, this doesn't have to mean anything other thanm keeping you comfortable."@@
@@.player;"Okay,"@@ you say, reaching out hesitantly. You let your fingers brush the soft fabric of the sports bra. @@.player;"How do I...?"@@
@@.girl;"Just slip it on over your head like a shirt, then adjust it so it fits snugly. Here, I'll wait outside while you try it on. Let me know if you need any help."@@
@@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you say.
@@.girl;"Don't mention it,"@@ Coach Blake says, standing up. @@.girl;"Just take care of yourself."@@
She gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder before walking out of the locker room.
You sit there for a moment, the sports bra heavy in your hands, before finally slipping into a private part of the locker room to change. It takes a bit of fumbling, but once it's on, you notice the difference immediately. It feels weird, sure, but also relieving.
As you step out of the locker room, Coach Blake is waiting by the door. Her eyes sweep over you briefly, and she nods in approval.
@@.girl;"How does that feel?"@@ she ask.
@@.player;"Better,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"A lot better."@@
@@.girl;"Good,"@@ she says. @@.girl;"See how it feels today. If it works, let me know—I’ll help you find more. And if it doesn’t, we’ll figure something else out. Deal?"@@
@@.player;"Deal,"@@ you say. @@.player;"Thank you so much Coach Blake..."@@
@@.girl;"Of course,"@@ your coach replies.
The thought of facing the rest of the school day doesn't feel so daunting anymore.
<<button "Continue with P.E." "Day 8 - 9">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
As everyone floods out of the room, you're left alone with Ms. Carter. You're about to exit the room too, your handle on the doorknob, when your teacher calls out to you.
@@.girl;"$name, could I have a word?"@@ Ms. Carter waves you over.
You freeze, slowly peeling your hand off the doorknob and turning around. You shove your hands in your pocket and stiffly make your way over to her desk.
@@.player;"Yes?"@@ you ask, wondering if you were in trouble.
@@.girl;"Now, I'm not here to pry, but I've heard a few things going around"@@ Ms. Carter begins, her tone soft. @@.girl;"I wanted to check in with you directly. Are you okay?"@@
You feel your face heat up. Rumors were spreading, and it was clear by how people looked at you this morning. The changes were becoming increasingly difficult to hide. Still, you hadn't expected anyone, let alone a teacher, to adress it so directly.
@@.player;"I'm fine,"@@ you say, your voice wavering slightly.
@@.girl;"I know we haven't known each other for long, $name, but I am your homeroom teacher. I do want to help where I can, I believe that's my obligation as en educator. If you need to discuss this with anyone, know I'm here."@@
@@.player;"T-Thanks,"@@ you stutter out.
@@.girl;"Okay, I won't keep you for any longer then,"@@ Ms. Carter nods. @@.girl;"Thank you for humoring me."@@
<<button "Actually go to class" "Day 8 - 6">><</button>><img src="img/bg/school-locker.png">
<<set $top to 2>>\
<<set $pants to 2>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $breastsProg > 1 and $bind is false>>\
@@.player;"Hey, Vincent,"@@ you say, getting his attention. You do have breasts, and you don't want everyone to see them. @@.player;"Can you make sure nobody comes to this part of the locker room? I have to change."@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, yeah, sure,"@@ Vincent responds. He pokes his head out and clears the section the two of you are currently in. @@.vincent;"You're clear."@@
You turn around and change as quickly as possible. You can't help but be embarrassed, hoping nobody will be looking at you. \
<<if $transgender > 14>>\
After all, girls wouldn't change in the boy's locker room.
@@.player;"All clear,"@@ you say, relieved. @@.player;"Thanks, Vincent."@@
@@.vincent;"Yeah, of course,"@@ he says, a bright smile on his face. @@.vincent;"Anything for a friend."@@
<<elseif $bind is true>>\
@@.player;"Hey, Vincent,"@@ you say, getting his attention. You do have breasts, even if you are binding them, and you don't want the entire locker room seeing them. @@.player;"Can you make sure nobody comes to this part of the locker room? I have to change."@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, yeah, sure,"@@ Vincent responds. He pokes his head out and clears the section the two of you are currently in. @@.vincent;"You're clear."@@
You turn around and take off your top. You loosen the towel around your boobs and breathe in several times. Instant relief floods your system, the pain around your ribs disappearing. You look down at your chest and realize that you are going to have to buy an actual binder if you are going to keep this up.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
Without thinking, you start massaging your chest to try and relieve the pain. You have to hold back a moan as you realize just how sensitive your chest, especially your nipples, has become. Just touching them sends electric shocks through your entire body, and you almost bite your tongue off trying to stop yourself from making more noise. You move your hands off your chest, realizing this is something you may have to experiment with later.
@@.boy;"Yo, what the fuck was that noise?"@@ you hear a guy's voice echo.
@@.player;"Fuck,"@@ you mutter under your breath.
You quickly wrap the towel tightly around your chest and put on your gym kit. You do the same with your pants, taking off your usual shorts and shoving them in the locker.
@@.vincent;"All done?"@@ Vincent asks.
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say.
<<elseif $breastsProg is 1>>\
@@.player;"Hey, Vincent,"@@ you say, getting his attention. You feel a little awkward about showing off your chest, even if you don't really have boobs yet. @@.player;"Can you make sure nobody comes to this part of the locker room? I have to change."@@
@@.vincent;"Oh, yeah, sure,"@@ Vincent responds. He pokes his head out and clears the section the two of you are currently in. @@.vincent;"You're clear."@@
You turn around and change as quickly as possible. You make sure to be careful when sliding the gym shirt over your chest.
@@.player;"All clear,"@@ you say, relieved. @@.player;"Thanks, Vincent."@@
@@.vincent;"Yeah, of course,"@@ he says, a bright smile on his face. @@.vincent;"Anything for a friend."@@
Since your body hasn't changed much, you don't see any issue with changing in the locker room. You change into your gym kit and make your way into the gym.
<<button "Hurry to the gym" "Day 8 - 8">><</button>><img src="img/bg/restroom.png">
<<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Hurry to the gym" "Day 8 - 8">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 8 - 8">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Event - Breasts">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts3">>\
You realize your boobs just grew even more. You have medium-sized breasts now, and they are very noticeable. You've already decided to \
<<if $eventBind is true>>\
bind them so that nobody will notice you've grown boobs. It'll be uncomfortable, but something you have to deal with.
just leave them be regardless of if people notice you've grown boobs. You sigh and wonder what you'll tell your parents.
<<button "Hurry to the gym" "Day 8 - 8">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Hurry to the gym" "Day 8 - 8">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/restroom.png">
<<set $top to 2>>\
<<set $pants to 2>>\
<<set $masculinity to Math.clamp($masculinity - 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femininity to Math.clamp($femininity + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You excuse yourself and make your way to the restroom with your gym kit. You lock yourself in a stall, double and triple checking to make sure nobody can enter, and take off your shirt.
<<if $breastsProg > 1 and $bind is false>>\
You look down at your boobs and sigh. They were definitely noticeable, and there were likely more than a few rumors about them.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
You get the temptation to play with your boobs more, remembering just how good it felt in the locker room. You hold up a finger and poke at one of your nipples. It's electric, and shocks erupt through your entire body. You're a little louder than you expected to be, and instantly realize what you're doing. You're playing with your boobs in the school restroom when you're meant to be changing.
You change into your gym kit and make your way to the gym.
<<elseif $bind is true>>\
You take off the towel binding your chest and instantly feel relief. You take a few deep breaths, enjoying the freedom that comes with not having something squeezing down on your boobs. You look down at your chest and realize that you are going to have to buy an actual binder if you are going to keep this up.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
Without thinking, you start massaging your chest to try and relieve the pain. You have to hold back a moan as you realize just how sensitive your chest, especially your nipples, has become. Just touching them sends electric shocks through your entire body, and you almost bite your tongue off trying to stop yourself from making noise. You move your hands off your chest, realizing this is something you may have to experiment with later.
You put on your gym kit\
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
, cheeks burning bright red, \
and make your way to the gym.
<<elseif $breastsProg is 1>>\
You look down at your breast buds and puffy nipples and sigh. They weren't noticeable, not yet anyway, but they were definitely much more sensitive than before.
<<if $adultPref > 0>>\
You get the temptation to play with your chest more, remembering just how good it felt in the locker room. You hold up a finger and poke at one of your nipples. It's electric, and shocks erupt through your entire body. You're a little louder than you expected to be, and instantly realize what you're doing. You're playing with your boobs in the school restroom when you're meant to be changing.
You shake your head to clear your mind and change into your gym kit. You make sure to be careful with your shirt and head to the gym.
You don't have anything in the way of boobs yet, so that isn't a concern for you. You quickly change into your gym kit like usual and head to the gym.
As you put your hand on the gym's door, you feel a familiar warmth crawling up your back. You can't help but gasp.
<<set $nextScene to "Day 8 - Change (Restroom) 1">>
<<button "Transform" "Transformation">><</button>><<if $recentTransformation is "breasts1">>\
You look down, having just grown boobs. Boobs. On your body. You can't help but feel \
<<if $transgender > 9>>\
happy for some reason. You don't know why, but you do feel a little happy.
You think they're small enough that nobody will notice them for now, but you don't know what you'll do if they grow further. You decide to leave that for later though.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 12">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts2">>\
<<set $afterEvent to "Day 8 - 12">>\
You look down, realizing your boobs just grew. You gasp, realizing you can't hide them anymore. This is something you have to address.
<<button "Address the issue" "Event - Breasts">><</button>>
<<elseif $recentTransformation is "breasts3">>\
You realize your boobs just grew even more. You have medium sized breasts now, and they are very noticeable. You've already decided to \
<<if $eventBind is true>>\
bind them so that nobody will notice you've grown boobs. It'll be uncomfortable, but something you have to deal with.
just leave them be regardless of if people notice you've grown boobs. You sigh and wonder what you'll tell your parents.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 12">><</button>>
You realize you just changed again, but luckily it's a part you can hide. You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 12">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $d8jessicaPlan is true>>\
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Fuck it, right?"@@ you say, chuckling. @@.player;"What other choice do I have?"@@
@@.jessica;"None, to be honest,"@@ Jessica says. @@.jessica;"This plan is a little crazy, I know, but we can't have the rumors spiral out of control."@@
@@.player;"So, what do I have to do?"@@ you ask.
@@.jessica;"Nothing, I'll take care of everything,"@@ Jessica nods, a polite smile on her face. @@.jessica;"Thanks for trusting me. I'll make sure the rumors don't go crazy."@@
@@.player;"I'm sorry, that's a little too much for me,"@@ you say, rejecting Jessica's help. @@.player;"I can't have people think I'm taking estrogen."@@
@@.jessica;"It's fine, I was just trying to help,"@@ Jessica responds with a shrug. @@.jessica;"Just don't come back to me if the rumors spiral out of control."@@
@@.player;"I'll try not to,"@@ you say, a hint of worry in your voice.
<<button "Return to homeroom" "Day 8 - 4">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-hallway.png">
<<set $jessicaRelo to Math.clamp($jessicaRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Okay, fine,"@@ you say, exhaling as you think about what to tell Jessica. You look around to see everyone is only pretending like they're on their phones. They're all listening in, taking sneaky glances at the two of you. @@.player;"Can we go somewhere private?"@@
@@.jessica;"Yeah, we should go somewhere else,"@@ Jessica says, nodding. @@.jessica;"Come out to the hallway."@@
The two of you make your way to a remote part of the school, where nobody is around.
@@.player;"Okay, where do I start?"@@ you ask, knowing exactly where you need to start.
@@.jessica;"I don't know, maybe why you look so girly?"@@
@@.player;"Okay, so you're not going to believe me. At all. I wouldn't believe myself if I were in your shoes—"@@
@@.jessica;"Bestie, get on with it,"@@ Jessica sighs.
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
@@.player;"I've been put under a spell."@@
@@.player;"I've been cursed."@@
@@.player;"See, I told you you wouldn't believe me,"@@ you say, throwing your arms up.
@@.jessica;"Just continue, I've heard people say weirder,"@@ Jessica encourages.
You give a quick summary of what happened since the Autumn Festival last week. From the moment you got cursed, to discovering your first change, all the way to Madame Serena's evaluation. Jessica listens carefully, reacting to everything you say.
@@.jessica;"Okay, thank you for trusting me,"@@ Jessica says, her voice lacking its usual conviction. @@.jessica;"What are we going to tell the school though?"@@
@@.player;"What do you mean?"@@ you ask, furrowing your eyebrows. @@.player;"You believe me?"@@
@@.jessica;"Well, I don't see any other reasonable explanation for what's happened to you,"@@ Jessica shrugs. @@.jessica;"You either had plastic surgery and recovered in a day, which is impossible. Trust me, I've done my research. Plus, I've heard a lot of gossip about Aurora, and she was always able to do impossible magic stuff. We should tell the school something else though, because nobody will believe you were cursed by a sorceress."@@
@@.player;"Seer,"@@ you correct.
@@.jessica;"Yeah, yeah,"@@ Jessica says. She takes some time to think, rubbing her temples before looking back up at you. @@.jessica;"How do you feel about me telling the school that you're on estrogen due to an embarrassing health condition but want to keep it secret?"@@
@@.player;"What?"@@ you \
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
@@.jessica;"I know it's not optimal, but I can't think of anything better, $name,"@@ Jessica responds. @@.jessica;"It's either this or let the rumor mill go crazy."@@
<<button "Go with Jessica's plan" "Day 8 - Jessica Help 1">>\<<set $d8jessicaPlan to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Reject Jessica's plan" "Day 8 - Jessica Help 1">>\<<set $d8jessicaPlan to false>>\<</button>>@@.luke;"So, how do you feel about the curse?"@@ Luke asks, his eyes wide with concern.
<<if $d7dreamOffer is true>>\
<<if $acceptance > 14>>\
<<if $confident > $shy>>\
@@.player;"I like the changes, believe it or not,"@@ you say confidently, standing up straight.
@@.player;"I don't know, maybe it's not so bad,"@@ you say shyly, twiddling your thumbs.
@@.luke;"Do you not want to return to being a guy then?"@@ Luke asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"I'm conflicted about the changes."@@
@@.luke;"How are you going to return to being a guy then?"@@ Luke furrows his eyebrows.
<<if $acceptance > 14>>
@@.player;"I don't know,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"I'm conflicted about the changes."@@
@@.luke;"How are you going to return to being a guy then?"@@ Luke furrows his eyebrows.
@@.player;"I'm not a fan of the curse, it keeps on changing me,"@@ you sigh and shake your head.
@@.luke;"Damn man, you're going to have to return to being a guy,"@@ Luke says.
@@.player;"Madame Serena, the seer, told me I have to break the spell by the end of the school year,"@@ you say.
@@.luke;"What happens if you don't?"@@ Luke asks.
@@.player;"Well, I'm stuck like this then,"@@ you respond.
@@.luke;"Fuck, that sounds rough man,"@@ Luke pats you on the back. @@.luke;"I'm sorry. Just know Samantha and I are here for you, okay?"@@
@@.player;"Thank you,"@@ you say as a smile breaks out on your face.
<<button "Continue" "Day 8 - 2">><</button>><<if $d8phase is 3>>\
<div class="cgorgasm">\
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg1.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/body/baseBody.png">
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs1.png">
<<if $penis is 0>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis0.png">
<<elseif $penis is 1>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis1.png">
<<elseif $penis is 2>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis2.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<if $hairProg is 0 or $hairProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair0.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair1.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair2.png">
<<if $larm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm0.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm1.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm2.png">
<<if $rarm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm0.png">
<<elseif $rarm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm1.png">
<<if $blush is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/blush.png">
<<if $mouth is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth0.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth1.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth2.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth3.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes0.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes1.png">
<<if $eyebrow is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow0.png">
<<elseif $eyebrow is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow1.png">
<<if $cum is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/cum0.png">
<<if $sweat is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/sweat.png">
<<if $d8phase is 3>>\
<img src="img/additional/white.png" class="fadeout">
<div class="cg">\
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg1.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/body/baseBody.png">
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs1.png">
<<if $penis is 0>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis0.png">
<<elseif $penis is 1>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis1.png">
<<elseif $penis is 2>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis2.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<if $hairProg is 0 or $hairProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair0.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair1.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair2.png">
<<if $larm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm0.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm1.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm2.png">
<<if $rarm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm0.png">
<<elseif $rarm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm1.png">
<<if $blush is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/blush.png">
<<if $mouth is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth0.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth1.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth2.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth3.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes0.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes1.png">
<<if $eyebrow is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow0.png">
<<elseif $eyebrow is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow1.png">
<<if $cum is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/cum0.png">
<<if $sweat is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/sweat.png">
<<if $d8phase is 3>>\
<img src="img/additional/white.png" class="fadeout">
<<if $d8phase is 0>>\
<<set $d8phase to 1>>\
<<if $d8masturbateThoughts is 0>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction - 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction + 10, 0, 100)>>\
Your face flushes and your penis begins to stiffen as you think of an attractive girl. You imagine long hair, a pretty face, and most importantly, nice boobs. You think of a hot girl wrapping you in her soft arms, her boobs pressing against you. The warmth of her body as she whispers into your ear, her voice sultry. You find yourself writhing a little as you get turned on.
<<elseif $d8masturbateThoughts is 1>>\
<<set $maleattraction to Math.clamp($maleattraction + 10, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $femaleattraction to Math.clamp($femaleattraction - 10, 0, 100)>>\
Your face flushes and becomes a bright shade of red as you can't help but think of a hot guy. You imagine a toned chest, nice abs, and most importantly, a handsome face. You think of yourself being wrapped in strong, muscular arms, a deep voice speaking directly into your ear. You imagine that he pushes you down, easily overpowering you, pinning your arms above your head. He takes out his dick and puts it against your—
@@.player;"No, no, no, no,"@@ you whisper to yourself as you try and think of something else. Your penis begins to stiffen immediately even as you desperately try and think of the most disgusting things you can. @@.player;"Ugh,"@@ you groan, completely giving up as your penis refuses to go down.
<<set $agp to $agp + 1>>\
You think of yourself as a girl, imagining yourself fully transformed into a woman. You're not sure why, but your penis begins to get hard. You immerse yourself in these thoughts, letting your mind become a whirlwind of femininity and desire. You can't help but think of you being as a woman, dressed in lacy lingerie that hugs your curves. You imagine the softness and vulnerability of your newfound form. The thought of the transformation, and the fact that you're actually going through this, turns you on. The thought of being seen and desired as a woman drives your arousal higher.
You find yourself increasingly aware of your own body as your heartbeat quickens, becoming a subtle rhythm. The entire world around you seems to blur as your senses zero in on the growing sensation near your groin. You poke your penis and let out an involuntary gasp, feeling the sensitivity. \
<<if $breastsProg > 0>>\
You put a hand to your chest as well, letting your fingers graze against your nipples. A moan escapes your lips, and you immediately take your fingers off of it. That felt way too good. You wonder how you should proceed from here.
<<button "Play with your penis" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateMethod to 0>>\<<set $larm to 0>>\<<set $legs to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Play with your nipples" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateMethod to 1>>\<<set $larm to 2>>\<<set $rarm to 1>>\<<set $legs to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "Play with both" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateMethod to 2>>\<<set $larm to 0>>\<<set $rarm to 1>>\<<set $legs to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 2>>\<</button>>
You wonder how you should proceed from here.
<<button "Play with your penis" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateMethod to 0>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $d8phase is 1>>\
<<set $d8phase to 2>>\
<<if $d8masturbateMethod is 0>>\
Lying on your bed, you allow your hand to drift downward. Your finger traces a path across your flat tummy and you allow your hand to brush against the base of your penis. This was something you were very familiar with, having masturbated in this way many times over the years. Your breaths come in soft pants as you begin to tease yourself, gently grabbing your erect member. You wrap your hand around it and start stroking. You begin slowly, savoring how it feels. Closing your eyes, you let yourself fully immerse in your fantasy.
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 1>>\
On your back, you allow your hand to drift upward. Your nipples, already hard, peak further at the slightest contact. A whimper escapes your lips as you savor the euphoric sensation that comes from them. Your nipples react to your every touch, and their delicate sensitivity makes up for any inexperience. A delicious shiver races down your spine and pools in your core. Your breathing becomes shallower and more erratic as your nipples swell. You close your eyes, letting yourself immerse in your fantasy.
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 2>>\
On your bed, surrounded by darkness, you allow your left hand to drift downward. Your hand traces a path down your flat tummy and you wrap it around your penis. You let your thumb trace lazy circles around the head while your other fingers tease the rest of it. Your other hand moves upward, toward your breasts. You let your fingers dance over your nipples and let out a whimper. The dual sensations make your body arch. You close your eyes and immerse yourself in your fantasy, falling into your thoughts.
<<if $d8masturbateThoughts is 0>>\
Your mind wanders to the thought of women as you pleasure yourself. You imagine that next to you is a woman—beautiful, confident, and utterly captivating. Her nimble fingers trace patterns on your arms and stomach, igniting sparks of pleasure that dance across your skin. Your breath catches in your throat as she leans closer. \
<<if $d8masturbateMethod is 0>>\
She opens her mouth and takes your penis in her mouth. You mirror the bobs of her head with your hand. \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 1>>\
She captures your nipple between her lips, teasing it with her tongue. You mirror her movements with your hand. \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 2>>\
She captures your nipple between her lips and moves her hand toward your penis. You mirror her movements the best you can, stroking your penis and teasing your nipples. \
She locks her eyes with yours, urging you closer to the edge.
<<elseif $d8masturbateThoughts is 1>>\
Your mind wanders to the thought of men as you pleasure yourself. You imagine a man in front of you, a smirk on his face. He's strong, handsome, and completely infatuated with you. His gaze devours your form, appreciating every part of your body. His hands, large and capable, \
<<if $d8masturbateMethod is 0>>\
grab onto your penis. He gently strokes your penis \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 1>>\
cup your breasts. His thumb flicks your nipples \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 2>>\
grab onto both your penis and your left breast. He gently strokes your penis and teases your nipples \
as he leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. You moan, your hands desperately moving to mirror his touch. You imagine him taking control, urging you closer to the edge.
Your mind wanders to yourself as an irresistible woman, wearing a \
<<if $d4samanthaOutfit is 0>>\
red dress. \
<<elseif $d4samanthaOutfit is 1>>\
floral dress. \
black dress. \
Your hair falls in soft waves down your back, brushing against your boobs. You imagine yourself admiring your reflection in the mirror, fully feminine and alluring. You take off the dress, letting it pool around your ankles, and smile as you see yourself in the lingerie. Your fantasies fuel your self-pleasure, the thoughts of having these feminine features all to yourself turning you on. You urge yourself closer to the edge.
<<button "Keep going" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $blush to true>>\<<set $sweat to true>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $d8phase is 2>>\
<<set $d8phase to 3>>\
<<if $d8masturbateMethod is 0>>\
Your hips slowly begin to rock in rhythm as you stroke your penis more. With each stroke, arousal builds, pressure mounts, and your body demands release. Your free hand reaches down and traces a path up your inner thighs. It pauses to tease your balls, lightly tickling them. You bite your bottom lip, fighting back a moan as you increase the pace. \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 1>>\
You pinch and twist your nipples gently, eliciting a soft moan even though you try to hold it back. Your nipples are all you can focus on as you guide your fingers. Your fingers pinch and twist harder, and you have to bite your lip to avoid gasps of pleasure. Your movements become more urgent, your breasts rising and falling in time with your breaths. \
<<elseif $d8masturbateMethod is 2>>\
Your hips begin to rock gently, matching the rhythm of your hand. You stroke at your length as your nipples are subjected to increasingly firm pinches and tugs. Your breath comes in ragged gasps. Your hand moves faster on your cock, slick with pre-cum, but your nipples remain the focal point of your pleasure. \
You're left writhing on your bed, your mind consumed by the sensations of your body.
<<button "You're at your limit" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $blush to true>>\<<set $mouth to 3>>\<<set $cum to true>>\<</button>>
<<elseif $d8phase is 3>>\
You let your hand move faster as you near an orgasm. Your entire body tenses and the room seems to fade away, as you can only focus on your pleasure. You can feel it building, coiling deep within you. Your toes curl, your hips buck, and your tongue lolls out of your mouth. A cry escapes your lips as you orgasm. Every cell in your being sings as you begin to reach the peak, a perfect storm of pleasure ripping through your body. You're left momentarily blinded, white flashes erupting across your vision. Three more quick flashes of pleasure appear before you finally reach the very peak of the mountain you've been climbing.
Your entire body trembles, every muscle taut and quivering. Your hand moves even faster as you desperately try and keep the orgasm going for as long as you can. You can feel the familiar warm liquid erupt from your penis. Even as the last burst of pleasure subsides, you continue to tremble. You draw out the last vestiges of pleasure before finally collapsing on the bed, a boneless heap of goo.
<<button "Finish" "Day 8 - Masturbation 2">><</button>>
<</if>>\<div class="cg">\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/body/baseBody.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs0.png">
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis0.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm1.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth1.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes0.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes1.png">
<<if $hairProg is 0 or $hairProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair0.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair1.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair2.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/sweat.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/cum1.png">
Your orgasms had never been bad, not at all, but this was another level of pleasure you hadn't experienced before. Your previous orgasms were gentle summer rains—pleasant but not particularly memorable. They were like a soft peak followed by a swift descent. In contrast, what you just experienced now was different. Like a thunderstorm of ecstasy. It crashed over you in a torrent of pleasure so intense it stole your breath away.
After your mind returns to normal, you realize something while sprawled on your bed. Fuck, you just had the best orgasm of your life while \
<<if $d8masturbateThoughts is 0>>\
imagining a woman jerking you off. It wasn't strange, or at least it shouldn't be, considering it was expected for a boy your age to masturbate to women. Still, though, it felt a little weird that you imagined that. \
<<elseif $d8masturbateThoughts is 1>>\
imagining a man jerking you off. Fantasizing about men felt different, but amazing. The thought of your partner being stronger and manlier than you felt you with a warm feeling. But what did this mean? \
imagining yourself as a woman. This was different from your usual fantasies. It was more intense, more personal. A mixture of confusion and fascination swirls within you as you contemplate what this means. You've always identified as male, and yet this fantasy awoke something within you that was difficult to ignore. \
You shake your head and try and think of something else.
You look down at the thick layers of semen on your thighs and realize you're going to have to clean this all up. You get up, your legs wobbling, and grab some tissues from your desk. You wipe at the cum until it's all gone and head to the shower to get yourself cleaned up.
<<button "Clean yourself up" "Day 8 - 13">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
<<set $top to 69>>\
<<set $pants to 69>>\
<<set $shoes to 69>>\
@@.player;"Fuck it,"@@ you mutter as you decide that you have to masturbate. You get up and quietly lock your door, double checking to make sure it can't be opened. \
<<if $plushie is true>>\
You rotate your Panda plushie, $plushieName, so that he's facing the wall. You don't want him to see anything weird. \
You take off your clothes and awkwardly crawl into bed, lying flat on your back. As you settle into a comfortable position, you look down at your flaccid penis and realize you forgot to bring your phone. An annoyed groan escapes your lips as you decide to just do things using your imagination.
<<set $legs to 0>>\
<<set $penis to 0>>\
<<set $larm to 1>>\
<<set $rarm to 0>>\
<<set $mouth to 0>>\
<<set $eyebrow to 0>>\
<<set $cum to false>>\
<<set $sweat to false>>\
<<set $blush to false>>\
<<set $d8phase to 0>>\
<<set $agp to 0>>\
<div class="cg">\
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/bg/bg1.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/body/baseBody.png">
<<if $legs is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs0.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/legs/legs1.png">
<<if $penis is 0>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis0.png">
<<elseif $penis is 1>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis1.png">
<<elseif $penis is 2>>\
<<if $d7shave is false>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/pubic.png">
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/penis/penis2.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<if $hairProg is 0 or $hairProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair0.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair1.png">
<<elseif $hairProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/hair/hair2.png">
<<if $larm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm0.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm1.png">
<<if $breastsProg is 0 or $breastsProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest0.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 2>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest1.png">
<<elseif $breastsProg is 3>>
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/chest/chest2.png">
<<elseif $larm is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/larm/larm2.png">
<<if $rarm is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm0.png">
<<elseif $rarm is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/rarm/rarm1.png">
<<if $blush is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/blush.png">
<<if $mouth is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth0.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth1.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 2>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth2.png">
<<elseif $mouth is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/mouth/mouth3.png">
<<if $eyesProg is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes0.png">
<<elseif $eyesProg is 2 or $eyesProg is 3>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyes/eyes1.png">
<<if $eyebrow is 0>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow0.png">
<<elseif $eyebrow is 1>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/eyebrow/eyebrow1.png">
<<if $cum is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/cum0.png">
<<if $sweat is true>>\
<img src="img/CGs/firstMasturbation/additional/sweat.png">
<<if $d8phase is 3>>\
<img src="img/additional/white.png" class="fadeout">
You try and think about what to masturbate to, and a few thoughts pop into your head.
<<button "Think of a hot girl" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateThoughts to 0>>\<<set $penis to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Think of a hot guy" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateThoughts to 1>>\<<set $penis to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Think of yourself as a hot girl" "Day 8 - Masturbation 1">>\<<set $d8masturbateThoughts to 2>>\<<set $penis to 1>>\<<set $mouth to 1>>\<</button>><<set $vincentRelo to Math.clamp($vincentRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Okay, Vincent, you're not going to believe me,"@@ you begin, whispering to make sure nobody can hear. @@.player;"I've been put under a $referto."@@
@@.vincent;"What?"@@ Vincent laughs a little, shaking his head. @@.vincent;"Come on, $name. That's crazy."@@
@@.player;"I'm not joking,"@@ you insist, your voice firm. @@.player;"You've noticed the changes, right? My face looks a lot different and I'm getting tired faster. Do you think I'd make something like this up?"@@
Vincent scratches the back of his head and frowns. @@.vincent;"Okay, yeah, I've noticed stuff. But a $referto? I mean, those aren't real. That sounds like something out of a movie."@@
@@.player;"It //feels// like something out of a movie, but it's not,"@@ you shoot back. @@.player;"It's happening. I met this seer, Madame Serena—and now every time I do something even remotely feminine, my body changes more."@@
For a moment, Vincent doesn't say anything. He just stares at you, his eyes flicking over your face, searching for any sign that you're joking.
@@.vincent;"Okay,"@@ he says finally, crossing his arms. @@.vincent;"Let's say, for a second, that I believe you. What's the endgame here?"@@
@@.player;"I don't know, she did tell me I have to undo it by the end of the school year or it'll be permanent. But I'm still figuring most of this out."@@
Vincent exhales sharply, his skepticism softening into something more like concern. @@.vincent;"Damn, that's a lot,"@@ he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck. @@.vincent;"I always thought everything could be explained with science and logic, but your changes just make no sense. I'm not sure I believe you, this is a lot to take in, but... But if you're serious, then I've got your back. We're friends, $name."@@
@@.player;"Thank you, Vincent,"@@ you say, a smile on your face. @@.player;"I appreciate it, friend."@@
<<button "Finish up school" "Day 8 - 10">><</button>><<set $day to 9>>\
Tuesday begins like any other school day until you step outside. Instead of being greeted with an empty street, you see Aurora leaning against a tree.
@@.player;"Huh?"@@ you say as Aurora pushes off the tree. She greets you with a small, knowing smile as if she's been waiting for you.
@@.aurora;"Good morning, $name,"@@ Aurora says, her voice carries the faintest echo, like wind chimes in a gentle breeze.
@@.player;"What are you doing here?"@@ you ask, blinking in surprise.
@@.aurora;"Well, I figured we should talk,"@@ she said. @@.aurora;"Madame Serena told you something two days ago, didn't she? I figured you could use a little perspective."@@
@@.player;"How do you even know about that?"@@ you ask.
@@.aurora;"I have my ways,"@@ she says mysteriously. @@.aurora;"Madame Serena isn't exactly subtle, to say the least."@@
@@.player;"I suppose so,"@@ you chuckle.
@@.aurora;"Well, Madame Serena's evaluation was about reflecting on how you'd react to what you've become,"@@ Aurora begins. @@.aurora;"You're still figuring a lot out. I could be your greatest ally, you know."@@
@@.player;"My greatest ally?"@@ you murmur.
<<if $d6auroraTalk is true>>\
@@.aurora;"Well, I explained things to you, didn't I?"@@ she laughs. @@.aurora;"You sought out answers and I gave them to you."@@
@@.aurora;"Maybe you would know more if you sought out some answers,"@@ Aurora lets out a sigh and shakes her head.
@@.player;"But, like, how could you help me?"@@
@@.aurora;"Well, magic is a very secretive, not many people know about it."@@ Aurora says. \
<<if $d8jessicaHelp is true and $d8vincentTruth is true>>\
@@.aurora;"Although you do seem to be going around telling everyone."@@
@@.player;"Not everyone,"@@ you interject. @@.player;"Just Vincent and Jessica."@@
<<elseif $d8jessicaHelp is true or $d8vincentTruth is true>>\
@@.aurora;"Although you seem to be telling a few people."@@
@@.player;"Just my friends,"@@ you mutter under your breath.
@@.aurora;"You are doing a good job of keeping things a secret."@@
@@.player;"Can't go around blabbing about magic, can I?"@@ you ask rhetorically, chuckling.
@@.aurora;"Anyway,"@@ she continues. @@.aurora;"I not only know that magic is real, I'm well-versed in it. You're not going to meet many people like me, $name."@@
@@.player;"I suppose so,"@@ you respond.
@@.aurora;"I've said my piece,"@@ Aurora pats your shoulder lightly. @@.aurora;"Think about what I said."@@
With that, she turns and walks away. You're left standing there, the morning sun warming your back as her words replay in your mind.
@@.player;"Hey, wait!"@@ you yell out, suddenly realizing something. @@.player;"You're walking in the opposite direction of the school."@@
@@.aurora;"Oh, I know,"@@ Aurora says, not bothering to even look back. @@.aurora;"I'll get there earlier than you, don't worry."@@
<<button "Head to school" "Day 9 - 2">><</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $d8rumors is true>>\
<<if $d8jessicaPlan is true>>\
The gossip about you seems to have died down considerably from yesterday, and you only get a few awkward looks here and there. \
Although the sounds of people gossiping about you are a little distracting, you do your best to brush it off. \
You make it through the first few classes of the day and lunch without much of an issue. After scraping your trash into the bin, you make your way to the second floor for art.
You step into art class, looking forward to the lesson. It's a welcome distraction from everything happening around you, and it does give you a chance to explore your creativity. The familiar smell of paint, clay, and turpentine floats around in the air. At the front of the room is your teacher, Ms. Delgado. She has an apron on over a flowy blouse, and she greets each student as they enter the room.
@@.girl;"Good morning, $name,"@@ she says with a smile. @@.girl;"Are you ready to show off your creative side today?"@@
@@.player;"Morning Ms. Delgado,"@@ you respond, nodding.
@@.girl;"Please, call me Sophia,"@@ Ms. Delgado says.
You take your usual seat in the \
<<if $confident > $shy>>\
front \
back \
of the room and soon the school bell rings.
@@.girl;"Okay, class,"@@ Ms. Delgado begins, clapping her hands together to get everyone's attention. @@.girl;"We have a very special guest with us today. She is the mentor over at Creative Corner, an art studio I'm sure some of you have visited. Please welcome Ms. Harper."@@
<<if $metHarper is true>>\
Your eyes widen. Isn't this who you spoke to on Saturday? Could it just be someone with the same name?
A woman walks into the room, waving with both hands. Her blue hair and piercings give her a distinct look that's hard to mistake. \
<<if $metHarper is true>>\
Yup, this was definitely the Ms. Harper you met a few days ago.
You'd never seen this woman before, but you admire the pure confidence she seems to exude.
@@.girl;"Alright, everyone!"@@ Ms. Delgado claps her hands to grab everyone's attention. @@.girl;"Today we’re going to focus on self-expression. The goal is to create something that reflects who you are, through any method you want. Just trust your instincts and let the paint flow."@@
People begin to get their canvases while others rush to get the good paints. You rub your chin as you think about how you should express yourself.
<<button "Create a dual self-portrait" "Day 9 - 3">>\<<set $temp to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Make an abstract self-portrait" "Day 9 - 3">>\<<set $temp to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Just do some random stuff" "Day 9 - 3">>\<<set $temp to 2>>\<</button>><img src = "img/bg/school-homeroom.png">
<<if $temp is 0>>\
<<set $acceptance to Math.clamp($acceptance + 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $resistance to Math.clamp($resistance - 3, 0, 100)>>\
<<set $art to Math.clamp($art + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $femininity > 25>>\
<<set $d9portrait to 0>>\
The canvas feels daunting at first, its blank surface mirroring the duality you're trying to capture. You close your eyes and think about the two parts of yourself—the person you were and the person you’re becoming—and let the brush guide you.
On one side of the canvas, you paint a figure shrouded in deep blues and grays. His posture is tense, shoulders drawn inward. His face is angular and shadowed, blending into the muted background. Around him, you draw sharp geometric shapes that jut out like armor.
The other side of the canvas explodes with vibrant colors. You use pinks, yellows, and soft greens to draw another figure. She's radiant, standing tall with open arms and a serene expression. Her form has rounded edges and flowing lines, and she seems to almost glow.
The two figures face each other, their gazes locked. At first glance, it feels like a confrontation. But as you add details, you notice it changing. You paint a delicate thread of gold connecting the two, stretching from one chest to the other. It's fragile and thin but unbroken.
When you finish and step back, you realize the painting is about harmony. Both figures exist together, neither erasing the other. It feels like a step toward understanding yourself.
<<set $d9portrait to 1>>\
The blank canvas stares back at you, and you're determined to make sense of the fractured pieces of yourself. You start with bold strokes of dark red and navy, forming the outline of a figure on the left side of the canvas.
He's rigid and strong, standing with arms crossed and an unyielding expression. Around him, you paint jagged shapes—triangles and rectangles in dark tones.
On the right side, you paint a second figure. This figure is unfinished, incomplete. Her form is softer and blurred at the edges. You use muted purples and silvers to color her, making her eyes wide with curiosity. She reaches out, her hand extending toward him, but they're hesitant.
Between the two figures, you paint a swirling vortex of colors: greens, yellows, and oranges clashing and blending together. It's chaotic, representing the uncertainty and discomfort of trying to reconcile these two versions of yourself.
When you finish and step back, you realize the painting doesn't offer any answers. The two figures stand apart, their differences starker than ever.
<<elseif $temp is 1>>\
<<set $art to Math.clamp($art + 5, 0, 100)>>\
<<if $femininity > 25>>\
<<set $d9portrait to 2>>\
You stare at the blank canvas, your hand trembling as you pick up the brush. The world around you fades as you focus inward, channeling the whirlwind of emotions that have been building inside you for days now.
The first stroke is a bold, sweeping curve. The deep crimson archest across the canvas like a ribbon, representing energy and vibrancy. From there, you add swirling patterns of lavender—a color you've found yourself gravitating toward lately. The softer tones twist and blend with the crimson, creating a sense of harmony adidst the chaos.
At the center of the piece, you paint a glowing orb in soft pink and white, radiating light outward. It's a symbol of the transformation taking hold of you, something bright and undeniable. You create streaks of dark blue and black at the edges of the orb like shadows threatening to pull the light away.
As you step back to admire your work, you notice the painting feels balanced yet dynamic. It's a reflection of your mixed thoughts on the $referto.
<<set $d9portrait to 3>>\
The canvas stares back at you, empty and vast. You grip your brush tightly though, determined to fill it.
Your first stroke is a jagged slash of dark blue, cutting across the canvas like a wound. Around it, you add streaks of gray and muted green, layering them. The colors are earthy and grounded, reflecting the stability you're trying to hold onto.
At the core of the painting, you create a dense cube built from intersecting lines. It feels solid and unyielding, a symbol of the identity you've always known. But cracks start to appear in the shape as you work, with threads of violet seeping through the fractures.
On the outer edges of the canvas, you paint long, sweeping lines in a metallic silver. It's almost like a shield, meant to be gaurding you. Yet, those lines blur into the background, mixing with the sharper colors.
When you step back, the painting feels heavy and intense. As if it carries the weight of everything you've been struggling with. It's not comfortable to look at, to say the least, but it feels honest.
<<set $d9portrait to 4>>\
You feel your motivation drain like air from a popped balloon. Expressing yourself sounds too difficult. Art is supposed to be fun, isn't it?
You start with a blob of paint—a literal blob. You grab a large brush, dunk it in into the first color you see (a bright orange), and smack it onto the canvas. The thick splatter creates a satisfying sound.
Fueled by impulse, you grab another brush and swipe blue streaks across the big blob, crossing it in random directions. You add green polka dots for no reason whatsoever and decide the whole thing could use some glitter. You dump half a jar of it onto the wet paint.
You continue your haphazard masterpiece, adding squiggles, random fingerprints, and even some water. By the time you're done, your canvas is a colorful, messy explosion. You feel oddly proud of it. It's nonsense, yes, but it's your nonsense.
@@.girl;"Care to explain this?"@@ Ms. Harper says as she gestures to the canvas. \
<<if $metHarper is true>>\
@@.girl;"I saw what you did on Saturday. You can do better than this."@@
@@.girl;"I'm not sure how skilled you are at art, but I'm sure you can do better than this."@@
@@.player;"It's about... life,"@@ you begin improvising. @@.player;"The orange represents, uh, the chaos of youth. The blue streaks are the boundaries of society, which we're all just trying to break free from. The glitter is like the unexpected beauty in the mess of it all."@@
@@.girl;"Well, I'll give you points for creativity,"@@ Ms. Harper says, her expression caught between skepticism and amusement. @@.girl;"Although you used much more glitter than you should have."@@
@@.player;"Well, it was necessary for my artistic vision,"@@ you waffle.
Everything begins to wrap up, as the period is about to end. Ms. Delgado claps her hands to get everyone's attention.
@@.girl;"Alright, everyone, it's time to wrap up,"@@ she begins. @@.girl;"Please bring your canvases to the drying racks carefully—//carefully//. Once your work is drying, clean your brushes and palettes, and don't forget to wipe down your desks before you leave."@@
You glance at your creation one last time, feeling a mix of pride, curiosity, or maybe even embarrassment. Picking up the canvas gingerly, you make your way to the drying racks. Once you make it there, you search the drying rack and slide your canvas into an empty slot. Around you, the shelves are quickly filling with an eclectic mix of styles: portraits, abstract pieces, and even a painting that looks like a dragon spitting fire at a UFO.
@@.girl;"Alright,"@@ Ms. Delgado calls out from the front of the room. @@.girl;"Make sure everything is cleaned up before you leave! Treat these pieces with care—they’re the foundation of your next masterpiece."@@
You head back to your desk, grabbing your brushes and palette to clean. The sink area is crowded, so you wait your turn. You idly watch as the other students chatter about their paintings. As you rinse your brushes under the running water, you can't help but think about the $referto. A moment of self-expression felt fulfilling, for some weird reason.
Once everything is clean and packed away, the bell rings, announcing the end of class. You wipe down your desk and grab your bag. You leave the classroom, thinking as you head toward the rest of your day.
<<button "Finish up school" "Day 9 - 4">><</button>>After school, you end up heading to the football field for some reason. You just need some space, everything's been feeling a little overwhelming lately. The open-air and the quiet of the field are a welcome relief, a place to clear your mind.
The afternoon sun casts long shadows across the grass, and the empty bleachers are the perfect spot to sit and gather your thoughts. You make your way over, feeling the crunch of the grass beneath your shoes. You’re not planning to stay here long—just long enough to sit in the silence and forget about everything for a few minutes.
There's something soothing about the emptiness, the stillness of the field. You take a deep breath and settle down on the bleachers, letting your thoughts drift away for a while.
Then you spot him—Jordan.
He's alone on the field, running drills with single-minded intensity. He breathes hard and fast, but he doesn't stop. His footwork is sharp, his movements calculated. He zigzags between cones and sprints around the field. Jordan's expression is focused and grim, as if every step he takes is a bottle.
You wonder whether to interrupt. You think he's just doing some extra conditioning before the start of the football season. There's a tension in his posture and a slight grimace on his face though. It seems to keep him moving even when they're aching. You watch silently but even as the minutes tick by, Jordan doesn't slow down.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he takes a breather. He stands there, bent at the waist, breathing heavily. Sweat drips down from his hair to his forehead, and his chest rises and falls as he tries to catch his breath. He looks up at the sky for a second, and then he's back to stretching.
You sit there, unsure of what to do. Jordan hasn't noticed you yet, but it's only a matter of time before he does.
<<button "Clap and cheer quietly" "Day 9 - Jordan">>\<<set $d9jordan to 0>>\<</button>>
<<button "Stay silent and watch" "Day 9 - Jordan">>\<<set $d9jordan to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "Leave before he notices you" "Day 9 - 5">>\<<set $d9jordan to 2>>\<</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
You sit down on the living room couch when you hear the front door creak open. Your heart skips a beat—Dad isn’t usually home this early. You'd been avoiding him a little, worried that he'd notice your transformations. You consider making a beeline back to your room, but before you can, his familiar voice calls out from the entryway.
@@.boy;"$name?"@@ he says. @@.boy;"Is that you?"@@
@@.player;"Yeah, Dad,"@@ you respond, your heart pounding. @@.player;"I'm home."@@
Your dad walks into the living room, dressed in his usual business-casual attire. His usual briefcase is in hand, his tie slightly loosened, and there's a weariness to his movements. He looks at you and his eyes \
<<if $feminineLooks > 39>>\
widen. He continues to scan you, and you realize you've been caught.
@@.boy;"$name..."@@ he says, his voice softer than usual. @@.boy;"Hey, are you alright?"@@
You sit up straighter, a little thrown off by the way he's looking at you. @@.player;"Yeah, I'm fine, Dad,"@@ you say, forcing a small smile.
Your dad sets down his briefcase and moves closer. He takes you in more closely, noticing the softness of your face.
@@.boy;"$name,"@@ he begins again, his tone more serious. @@.boy;"What's going on with you? You've changed a lot, and I don't mean the hair or the clothes."@@
@@.player;"Dad, I—"@@ you start, your words catching in your throat.
@@.boy;"Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but I'm worried,"@@ he says. @@.boy;"I don't know much about this kind of stuff. But you're my son, and I need to know what's going on."@@
<<button "Tell your dad a little" "Day 9 - Dad">>\<<set $d9telldad to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Snap at him" "Day 9 - Dad">>\<<set $d9telldad to false>>\<</button>>
light up.
@@.boy;"Hey, kiddo,"@@ he says. @@.boy;"I figured you'd be in your room."@@
You're relieved that he doesn't seem to notice your transformations yet. Dad had never been super observant. You force a small smile, feeling a twine of guilt. You’ve been avoiding him more lately—not intentionally, but because every interaction feels like it might reveal more about the changes you’ve been going through. @@.player;"I got home a little late today.@@
He sets his briefcase and stretches, letting out a contented sigh. @@.boy;"Lucky me, huh?"@@ he grins, letting out a contented sigh as he takes a seat across from you. @@.boy;"I get some rare $name time. So, what's new? How's school going?"@@
@@.player;"It's the same old stuff, I guess,"@@ you shrug, trying to hide the inner turmoil you've been going through. @@.player;"Classes are okay, friends are okay. There really isn't anything exciting."@@
@@.boy;"Hmm,"@@ your dad leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he studies you. @@.boy;"You've been a little quiet lately. I was just concerned."@@
@@.player;"Yeah,"@@ you say quickly, trying to sound casual. @@.player;"I’ve just been a little tired. School’s been busy."@@
@@.boy;"Just know you can talk to me about anything, alright?"@@ he reasures.
@@.player;"Thanks, Dad,"@@ you respond.
@@.boy;"Anytime,"@@ he replies, leaning back in the armchair. @@.boy;"Now, what's on the TV? Hopefully there's something good. I don't want to watch reality cooking shows, I've seen far too many of those."@@
You let him ramble on. The tension eases as the conversation shifts to lighter topics, but the weight of his earlier question lingers. For now, though, you let it slide, just glad he didn't question your transformations.
<<button "Continue" "Day 9 - 6">><</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/bg/player-bedroomn.png">
The day winds down quietly. You find yourself back in your room, a soft glow from the moonlight spilling through the window. It's been a strange day, not particularly eventful, but there's a lingering sense of anticipation in the air.
Your room feels comforting as you settle in. The familiar clutter of your desk, the faint hum of your computer, and the soft rustle of the breeze outside are quite grounding.
You go through your usual routine, and when you crawl into bed, the quiet of the night wraps around you. For a moment, you can let the day slip away. As your eyelids grow heavy and sleep begins to take hold, you wonder what tomorrow will bring.
<<button "Finish up the day" "Day 10 - 1">><</button>><img src="img/bg/player-livingroom.png">
<<if $d9telldad is true>>\
<<set $dadRelo to Math.clamp($dadRelo + 3, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"I'm still me,"@@ you finally say, trying to sound convincing. @@.player;"It's all just very complicated, but I'm going through some stuff."@@
@@.boy;"Complicated?"@@ your dad repeats, his brow furrowing. @@.boy;"This isn't complicated, I can see it. You look different. You act different. I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. If you're going through something, I just want to let you know I'm here. I don't care if you need to talk or not, but I just want you to be okay."@@
You can tell your dad is genuinely trying. You feel a mix of relief and guilt—relief because he’s offering you support and guilt because you’re not sure how to explain any of this to him.
@@.boy;"You're still my son,"@@ he says quietly, although you're unsure who he's trying to reassure. @@.boy;"I want to understand, but I just don't know how. This is a lot, $name. I want to be there for you, but you have to help me understand what's happening."@@
You swallow hard, uncertainty filling your thoughts. The weight of it all is suffocating. @@.player;"I don't know how to explain it yet, Dad,"@@ you say. @@.player;"But I'll figure it out and tell you. Can you just give me some time?"@@
@@.boy;"Alright,"@@ your dad says, nodding slowly. @@.boy;"I can give you some time. Just tell me when you're ready."@@
The conversation trails off as your dad moves to grab a snack from the kitchen, but the unease still lingers in the air. You're not sure where this will go, but for now, all you can do is keep taking it one day at a time.
<<set $dadRelo to Math.clamp($dadRelo - 10, 0, 100)>>\
You feel your jaw tighten. Of course, now your dad notices. After all this time, after everything, //now// he's paying attention. Something in you snaps. You can feel the frustration bubbling to the surface, and you don't bother to hold it back.
@@.player;"Oh, now you're worried?"@@ you say, your voice sharper than any knife. @@.player;"You've been gone half the time on business trips, barely around the house, and now you suddenly care about what's going on with me?"@@
Your dad blinks, taken aback. @@.boy;"$name, that’s not fair—"@@
@@.player;"''No,''"@@ you interrupt. @@.player;"What's not fair is you acting like you've been here for me this whole time. You don't get to act like the concerned dad when you've barely been around for years of my life."@@
@@.boy;"$name, I'm working hard to provide for this family."@@
@@.player;"Sure, because every dad that provides for the family does this,"@@ you say, your voice venomous. @@.player;"While you've been on business trips, I've been dealing with all of this—alone! You don't even know what's going on with me, Dad."@@
There’s a heavy silence between you. Your dad looks at you, his face a mix of hurt and frustration. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it like he’s unsure how to respond.
@@.boy;"I didn't know you felt like this,"@@ he says, his voice quieter.
@@.player;"Well, now you do,"@@ you say. @@.player;"I'm not just some //thing// for you to return to now that you want to make amends and be a better father."@@
@@.boy;"I'll back off for now, $name,"@@ your father says. @@.boy;"I'm here if you need to talk."@@
Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks toward the kitchen, leaving you alone in the living room. You sit back down, your chest tight. You’re not sure if you feel better or worse after that, but you know things aren't going to be the same anymore.
<<button "Continue" "Day 9 - 6">><</button>><<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
@@.player;"Hey, uh, Jordan!"@@ you call out, your voice just loud enough to carry across the field.
Jordan pauses and glances at you. He pushes himself up and sits back, wiping his face with his shirt. @@.jordan;"What?"@@
@@.player;"I just wanted to say... you're really dedicated,"@@ you begin. @@.player;"The way you're out here practicing all alone. It's impressive."@@
Jordan blinks, caught off guard. For a moment, he just stares. Your eyes meet across the lonely football field before he shakes his head and speaks up. @@.jordan;"It's not a big deal."@@
@@.player;"How is it not?"@@ you counter, feeling a little braver. @@.player;"Most people wouldn't push themselves this hard."@@
@@.jordan;"Yeah, well, it's not like I have a choice,"@@ he mutters, letting out a short laugh. @@.jordan;"You don't even know me, what's with all the praise?"@@
@@.player;"Maybe I don't know you,"@@ you admit. @@.player;"But I can see when someone's putting in the work."@@
For a moment, Jordan just stands there. He stares at the ground, tapping his foot as he thinks. Then he looks up at you, eyes narrowing slightly. @@.jordan;"You're a weird one."@@
@@.player;"I get that a lot,"@@ you reply with a small grin.
Jordan doesn't respond, but when he turns back to the field and resumes his drills, there's a faint shift in his demeanor. Some tension seems to have eased. You watch for a while, and when you finally decide to go home, Jordan is still powering through a workout. You frown, not understanding him much, but you're glad you got a little more insight today.
<<button "Go home" "Day 9 - 5">><</button>><<if $d9jordan is 0>>\
<<set $jordanRelo to Math.clamp($jordanRelo + 5, 0, 100)>>\
You decide to quietly clap from the bleachers, a small gesture of support. It's not too loud, just a soft encouragement. At first, it seems like he doesn't notice, but his eyes flicker up in your direction as he stops to catch his breath. There's a flicker of surprise in his expression as if he didn't expect anyone to be watching. He doesn't acknowledge you immediately, keeping his distance. But after a long beat, he gives a curt nod.
@@.jordan;"Thanks,"@@ he says, his voice a little strained but low. He doesn't elaborate or try to make conversation at all, and after a few seconds, he's back to stretching. There's a subtle shift in his posture—his shoulders are a little less tense, his movements less rigid.
<<elseif $d9jordan is 1>>\
You decide to stay where you are, settling into the cool metal of the bleachers. From your vantage point, you can observe Jordan without interrupting him. You watch him sprint, feet pounding against the turf, and can't help but wonder what drives him so hard.
As Jordan passes by the bleachers, his eyes briefly flick to you. He seems to hesitate for a fraction of a second like he's considering saying something, but then he looks away. He returns to sprinting back and forth across the lonely football field.
You watch Jordan for a little longer, debating whether to say anything. His arms tremble from exhaustion as he moves into a series of push-ups.
<<button "Say something to Jordan" "Day 9 - Jordan 1">>\<<set $d9jordanChat to true>>\<</button>>
<<button "Decide not to" "Day 9 - 5">>\<<set $d9jordanChat to false>>\<</button>>Hello, this is a quick choice regarding how much adult content you want in this game. I thought about this for a while, considering my own thoughts on having adult content and the survey results. Approximately half of you wanted adult content in A Mirror's Curse, and I felt that figure was way too high to ignore. However, the other half was ambivalent to the thought of adult content. I decided the best compromise would be to ask how much adult content the player wants.
For week 2, there will not be too much adult content. This choice will mostly just affect how $name reacts to their boobs if you decide to get them. There may be a masturbation scene, but there won't be any sex until later on. I believe this is the best way to respect what everyone wants for this game. A moderate amount of adult content involves sex scenes, masturbation, and general adult scenes. A small amount of adult content will entail masturbation and general adult scenes but no sex. No adult content, as promised, will involve no adult content whatsoever.
<<button "I want a moderate amount of adult content" "Day 8 - 1">>\<<set $adultPref to 2>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want a small amount of adult content" "Day 8 - 1">>\<<set $adultPref to 1>>\<</button>>
<<button "I want no amount of adult content" "Day 8 - 1">>\<<set $adultPref to 0>>\<</button>>